New and interesting species of Chrysobalanaceae

1978, Acta Amazonica

Four new species of Licania and two of Hirtella are described and additional notes are glven on three other llttle known species of Chrysobalanaceae. Ali the new species have been collected recently since 1972 when the author monographed the neotropical Chrysobalana• ceae. Three of the new species are From Amazonia, two From Panama, and one from Pactfic coastal Colom• bla confirmlng that these three-areas still have many undescribed species and are In need of further explorr.tlon.

New and interesting spec1es of Chrysobalanaceae Ghillean T. Prance (" ) Abstract Four new species of Licania and two of Hirtella are described and additional notes are glven on three other llttle known species of Chrysobalanaceae. Ali the new species have been collected recently since 1972 when the author monographed the neotropical Chrysobalana· ceae. Three of the new species are From Amazonia, two From Panama, and one from Pactfic coastal Colom· bla confirmlng that these three -areas still have many undescribed species and are In need of further explorr.tlon. !NTRODUCTION Since my monograph ot the Chrysobalanaceae, in 1972 (Prance, 1972) many new species of Chrysobalanaceae have been discovered. Twenty new species have been described in Lundell (1974) and Prance (1973, 1974a, 1974b, 1976, 1977, 1978 in press) . The quantity o f ncw msterial still being discovered from many parts of the neotropics indicates that there is still much exploration to be clone. The present paper presents another six new species ali based on material collected between 1972 and 1976 that have been sent to me for i denti· fific:~tion. Table 1 gives a summary of ali additions to the neotropical Chrysobalanaceae since the 1972 monvgraph. Licania Aublet 1. licania cuatrecasasii Prance, sp. nov. (Fig. 1) Licania ab subgenero Moquilea sectio Leptobalanus pertinens. Ab L. apetala (E. Mey.) Fritsch et L. sparsipilis Blake foli is d e n s e brunneo-lanato-pubescentibus, venis subtus profunde reticulatis, apicibus cuspidatis, petiolis longivribus usque ad 11 mm longis eglandulosis; inflorescentibus brunneotomentosis; r eceptaculis late campanulatis diffett. (•) - Tree to 30 m tall, the young branches puberulous soon becoming glabrous. Leaves with laminas elliptic, coriaeeous, 8-12.5 em long, 3-5.8 em broad, cuspidate at apex, the aeumen 10-15 mm long, slightly eurved, subeuneate at base, glabrous above, with a compact brown lanate pubescenee beneath; primary veins 10-12 pairs, prominent beneath, prominulous above; midrib prominent on both surfaees; petioles 8-11 mm long, tomentellous when young, terete or slightly eanalieulate, eglandular, transversely rugulose. Stipules eaducous (no seen). lnflorescences of raeemose panicles usually once branehed with oeeasionally seeondary branches to 10 em long, the rachis and branches brow tomentellous. Flowers + 2. 5 mm long, sessile on primary and secondary branches of inflorescence. Braets and braeteoles ovate, ca i mm long, perslstent, tomentellous on exterior, entire, eglandular. Receptacle broadly eampanulate. tomentose on exterior, pilose within. Calyx lobes aeute, tomentellous on exterior, puberulous within. Petals absent. Stamens 10-12, inserted in a complete circle; filaments far exceeding ealyx lobes, free to base. glabrous. Ovary inserted at base of receptaele villous around base, but glabrous above. Style glabrous, equ::~lling filaments in length. Fruit not seen (25-30 mm according to field notes) . TYPE: Colombia. Valle, Alto Yunda, Rio Anchicaya, 1000 m alt., fi Oet 1972, S. Hifty 0·1 (H.>Iotype, US; lsotype, NY). The field notes observe that it flowers in Octaber and the fruits mature in Mareh-June. lt is an uncommon tree In the type loeality. Licania cuatrecasasii belongs to subgenus Moquilea, section Leptobalanus. This species from the highlands of Valle comes from an area in need of further exploration. lt is most closely rrlated to L. apetafa and L. sparsipilis Blake, but differs from both speeies in the dense lanate-brawn pubescence of the Jeaf The New York Botanlcal Garden, Bronx, New York 1Oil58, U. S. A . ACTA AMAZONICA 8(4) : 577-589 1978 -577 I Fig . 1. 578 Licania cuatrecasasii Prance (Hilty 0· 1) : A, habit; B. flower; C, flower section . PTance TABLE 1. New Species of Neotropical Chrysobala;u.;ceae described since monograph (Prance, 1972) a. species prior to the present publication Locality Cou~>pia d.:>lichopoda Prance (1974b) C . edulls (Prance) Prance (1974a, 1975) C . marlenei Prance ( 1974a) Hirtella <!renosa Prance (1976) H . conduplicata Prance (1976) Licania aracaensis Prance (1976) L. cabrerae Prance (1976) L. cecidiophora Prance (1978) L . chiriquensis Prance (1977) L. furfuracea Prance (1076) L. guatemalensis Lundell (1974) L. jefensis Prance (1976) L. jimenezii Prance (1973) L. marlenei Prance (1976) L. mexicana Lundell (1974) L. montana Prance (1976) L. morii Prance (1976) L. pakaraimensis Prance (1976) L. stewardii Prance (1976) l . sp. nov . (in press) b. undersurfaee which is set in a deeply retieulate second3ry and tertiary venation. Also In the long cuspidate leaf aeumen, the larger petioles without the 2 glands of L. sparsipilis, the brown tomentose pubescenee of the in· florescence. and the very small broadly cam· panulate receptacle. This species is named in honor of Dr. José Cuatrecasas, who sent the type specimen to me and whose pioneer explorations in Valle still form the basis for most of our knowledge about the plants of that reg íon. Licania fasciculata Prance, sp. nov. (Fig. 2) Licania ab subgenero Moquilea seetio Moquilea pertinens. Ab ali is speciebus infloreseentibus faseiculatis differt. Ab L. cabrerae, L. mtmtana, L. durifo/ia, L. veneralensis foliis parvioribus, n e r v i s primariis impressis, staminis pluribus differt. New and intereslíng .. 1972 1971 1972 1968 1973 1975 1957 1974 1975 1975 1971 1969 1971 1972 1943 1975 1975 1973 1974 1969 species In the present publication Hirtella magnifolia Prance Hirtella revillae Prance licania cuatrecasasii Prance L. fasciculata Prance L. Joseramosii Prance L kallunkl Prance 2. Peru : Loreto Brazil : Amazonas Brazil: Amazonas Brazil : Amazonas Brazil : Amazonas Brazil : Amazonas Colombia : Antioquia Peru : Amazonas Panama : Chiriquí Venezuela : Bollvar Guatemala Panama Suriname Brazll : Amazonas Mexico : Sinaloa Venezuela : Lara Panama Venezuela : Bollvar Brazll : Amazonas Ecuador : Napo Date of Type collection Brazil : Amazonas Peru : Loreto Colombia : Valle Panama Brazil: Amazonas Panama 1976 1975 1972 1972 1976 1975 Tree 12 m tall, the young branehes to· mcntellous, beeoming glabrous and proml· nently lentieellate with age. Leaves with laminas oblong to oblong Janceolate, thiekly cvri3eeous, 9-13.5 em long, 2.8-4 em broad, aeuminate at apex. the acumen 4-7 mm long, <1brupt, euneate at base, glabrous above, wlth a compact appressed gray-lanate pubeseenee beneath; midrib prominulous and tomentellous above, prominent beneath; primary veins 15·19 pairs, prominent bencath, slightly impressed above; petioles 5-10 mm long, tomentellous, terete. Stipules 3 mm long, persistent, membraneous, puberulous, axillary. tnflorescences of short fasciculate raeemes 1·2. 5 em long with flowers densely clustered comptetety obscuring the rachis. Bracts and oracteoles ovate, tomentellous, subpersistent. Flowers 6·7 mm long . Receptacle cupuliform. tomentose on exterior, tomentose within. Calyx lobes acute, tomentellous on both surfaces. Petals 5, white, puberulous on exterior. - 579 5cm. A I Fig. 2. 580 - Licania fasciculata Prance (Correa & Dressler 1815): 1. habit; B. f lower; C, flowar section; D, petal. Prance St3mens ca 60, inserted in complete circle; filaments far exceeding the calyx lobes, glabrous united at base, the basal fused pvrtion bent inwards, villous. Ovary inserted at base of receptacle, pilose. Style villous for twothirds of length. Fruit not seen. TYPE. Panama: Zona de Santa Rita, fi. 31 Aug. 1972. M. D. Correa A. & R. L. Dressler 1815 :(Hclotype, MO). Licania fasciculata belongs to subgenus Moquilea, section Moquilea. lt differs from ali other species in the section by the fasciculate dense-flowered racemose inflorescence. lt is most closely related to the species group of L. marítima, L. cabrerae, L. durlfo/ia, L. monta· n3, L. macrocarpa and L. veneralensis, having the same pubescence and venation pattern of the undersurface. lt dlffers in the inflorescence and in the smaller leaves wlth fewer primary veins which are impressed on the upper surface. L. fasolcu/ata also has a greater number of stames th3n the other specles llsted above. lt is a most distlnct species which is not easily confused wlth any others in the genus. Note: another collection by the same collectors probably belongs to Licania fascicuJata. Correa et ai 1852 from Panama, Camino de Llano a Cartí entre los 14 a 18 kms, de la Carretera a Chepo, 400 m alt, 20 Feb 1973 (MO) . This speclmen has young fruit only. The leaves are broader, more oblong wlth less acute bases than in the type . Further material will be needed to determine the varlatlon in this species and NQ 1852 is only referred to this species with some hesltancy. The leaf venation, stipules and stem are ali very similar to the type of L. fasclculats. 3. Licania joseramosii Prance, sp. nov. (Fig . 3) Ucania ab subgenero Moquifea sectio Leptobalanus pertinens. Ab L. emargfnata et L. ca/vescens fvliis maioribus 13-20 em longis, glc;bris; ramis inflorescentiarum parvis, 1-3 floribus ferentibus; florlbus 5 mm longis; staminibus 19 dlffert. Small tree 5m tall, the young branches glabrous. Leaves with laminas oblong to oblong-lancevlate, coriaceous, 13-20 em long, New and intel'e~ ... 4-6 . .5 em broad, finely acuminate at apex, the acumen 15-20 mm long, cuneate at base, glabrous on both surfaces; primary veins 9-14 pairs, prominulous on both surfaces; midrib prominent on both surfaces; petioles 4-5 mm long, rugulose tomentellous when young, terete, with 2 glands near junction with lamina. Stipules linear, ca 6 mm long, hispidulous, caducous. lnflorescences of panicles with long thlck central rachis and short, thin, lateral branches bearing 1-3 flowers, the rachis and branches tomentellous. Flowers ± 5 mm long. Bracts and bracteoles lanceolate, subpersistent, tomentellous on exterior, glabrvus within, entire, with long thin acumen, eglandular. Receptacle campanulate, gray tomentose on exterior, tomentose within. Calyx lobes acute tomentose on exterior . Petals absent. Stamens ca 19 lnserted around complete circle; filaments slightly exceeding calyx lobes, free to base, glabrous except for pilose annular ring . Ovary inserted at base of receptacle, lanate. Style glabrous, equalling filamonts in length. Fruit not seen . TYPE. Brazil. Amazonas, Manaus-Caracarai road, Km 130, fi 6 Jan 1976 Monteiro & Ramos 29. (Holotype, INPA 54340; lsotype, NY). Licania joseramosii belongs to subgenus Moqui/ea, section Leptobalanus. lt ls a most distinct species that cannot be easily confused with any other in the genus. lt is related to L. emarginata and L. calvescens but differs in a large number of characters such as the much longer leaves, the larger flowers, the distinctive inflorescence etc. lt differs from L. emarginata in the greater number of stamens, and from L. calvescens in the flowers borne in small groups on secondary lnflorescence branches and in the glabrvus leaves. Superficially L. joseramosii also resemble L. longipedicel/ata in subgenus Moquilea section Moquilea but it differs in the smaller thicker leaves, the much less branched inflorescence, the smaller flowers, and the absence of petals. This is a second new species of Licania described from material collected In the vicinity of Igarapé Lajes on the Manaus-Caracarai highway where there was a most interesting campina vegetation over a sandstone rock outcrop. The other specles Licania ste-581 Sem. 8 Fig. 3. 582- Licania j oseramosii Prance (Monteiro & Ramos 29): A . habit; B, flower; C, flower sectlon. Prance w3rdii was described in Prance ( 1976) . This habitat w hich was totally destroyed by colonization in severa! plant fami lies. lt is a pleasure to dedicate this species in thanks to José F. Ramos who has worked with me as field assistant since 1965 and is one of the collectors of the type specimen. 4. Licania kallunkii Prance, sp. nov. (Fig. 4) Licania ab subgenero Moquilea sectio Moquilea pertinens. Ab L. minutif/ora (Sagot) Fritsch inflorescentibus paniculatis floribus in cymulis pluribus 2 vel 3 floribus breviter pedunculatis contractis; foliis parvioribus, apicibus laminarum cuspidatis; stamina 11-12 differt. Tree 14 m tall, the young branches very sparsely puberulous soon becoming glabrous, not conspicuously lenticellate. Leaves oblong, the Iam i nas coriaceous 5. 5-1 O. 5 em long, 2. 2-4 . O em broad , cuspi date at apex, the acumen 6-10 mm long, subcuneate at base; glabrous on both surfaces; midrib plane above, prominent beneath, glabrous, primary vei ns 9-12 pairs almost plane and inconspicuous on bcth surfaces, glabrous; petioles 6-7 mm long, glabrous, canaliculate, eglandular. Stipules small, l::mceolate, puberulous, caducous. lnflorescences terminal and axillary panicles 5-11 em long, 3 branched, the rachis and branches sparsely gray puberulous. Flowers 2. 5-3 mm long, borne in few-flowered (2-3) cymules attached to primary branches by short secondary branches or peduncles . Bracts and bracteoles very early caducous ( not seen) . Receptacle campanulate, gray puberulous on exterior, tomentose withi n; pedicels ca 1 mm long, gray puberulous. Calyx lobes acute gray puberulous on both surfaces. Petals 5, white . Stamens 11-12, inserted in a complete circle ; filaments exceeding calyx-lobes, free to base. Ovary inserted at base of receptacle, almost glabrous with only a few hairs. Style lanate on lower portion, equalli ng filaments in length. F;uit not seen . TYPE: Panama: Colon, Santa Rita Road, 17 l<m from Boyd-Roosevelt Highway, 450 m alt., fi. 14 Mar 1975. S. Mori & J. Kal/unkí 5052 (Holotype, NY; lsotype, MO) . New and interesling... HABITAT: Wet forest. Licanía kallunkii belongs to subgenus Moquilea section Moqui/ea. lt is most closely related to L. minutiflora (Sagot) Fritsch a species of the Guianas and Northern Amazonia, but it differs in the inflorescence where the flowers are borne in small groups on short tertiary inflorescence branches, in the smaller leaves, with a more cuspidate acumen , and in the fewer stamens. Since L. kallunkii has only 12 stamens it has fewer than any other species of the section, but its exserted stamens and presence of petals as well as its similarity to L. minutiflora ali place it in section Moqui/ea. lt differs from another related and recently described species from Panama in the same section, L. chiriquiensís Prance (1977), in many characters including the smaller flowers with a gray puberulous not yellow tomentellous indumentum and the spreading much longer inflorescences, the thinner chartaceous leaves with a more cuspidate attenuate apex etc. This species is named for one of the collectors Ms. Jackie Kallunki wh0~e collections with S. Mori in Panama have discovered many novelties. 5. Licania guat emalensis Lundeel Wrightia 5(2) : 39. 1974. Tree ca 30 m, the young branches glabrous. Leaves with laminas broadly elliptic, 10-21 em long, 5. S-9. 5 em broad, apex with short acumen 4-7 mm long, base rounded to subcuneate, glabrous on both surfaces ; primary vei ns 8-10 pairs, prominulous on both surfaces, secondary venation prominulous and conspicuously reticulate on both surfaces; midrib prominulous and flattened on both surfaces, glabrous; petioles 3-5 mm long, slightly canaliculate, glabrous. Stipules small, triangular, axillary. lnflorescences termi nal panicles to 13 em long, the flcwers borne in small groups on short secondary branches, the rachis puberulous soon glabrescent, the branches gray tomentellous. Flowers ca 2. 5 mm long. Bracts and bracteoles small , ovate, persistent, tomentellous. Receptacle campanulate, tomentellous on exterior, tomentose within. Calyx lobes small, to 1 mm Jong, triangular, tomentellous on exterior, puberulous within . Petals 5, white, t omentellous on exterior, -583 Fig. 4. 584- Licania kallunkii Prance (Mori & Kallunkl 5052) : A. habit; section; E, petal. B, inflorescence; C, flcwer; D, tlower Prance sticking together and dehiscing in a calyptra1.2 mm long. Stamens 13-15, inserted in a complete circle, filaments far exce€ding calyx-lobes, free to base, glabrous. Ovary inserted at base of receptacle, tomentose on exterior. Style glabrous. Fruit not seen. like mass, TYPE. Contreras 10742, Guatemala, Dep~ lzabel, between Seja and Fronteras on PetenGuatemala ro:~d, fi (Holotype, LL; lsotype, US). Known only from the type gathering from high forest. Flowering in May. Stamens 1+15, inBerted around complete circle; exserted beyond calyx lobes; the filaments glabrous, united at base 1.5 mm . Ovary glabrous, inserted at base of receptacle. Style glabrous. TYPE. C .L. Lundel/13023, Mexico, Sinaloa, between Rancho Del Pino and Chefe, fi 11 May, 1943 (Holotype, LL; lsotype, MICH). DISTRIBUTION. DrsTRIBUTION. Licania guatemalensis belongs to subgenus Moquilea section Moqui/ea and is quite distinct and not easily confused with any other species in the section. The Jeaves appear quite different in their venation and flattened midribs w ith short, thick petioles . lt is probably closest to L. kallunki Prance from Panama, but differs in the much longer leaves with abrupt acu men, the shorter, thicker petioles, the smaller petals, the glabrous style etc. 6. Ucéinia mexicana was described from poor m:~terial with only old flowers present, and is thus difficult to relate to other species . lt belongs to subgenus Moquí/ea either to section Moquilea or section Leptobalanus, depending on the presence or absence of petals which cannot be observed in the old flowers . lt probably belongs \o section Leptobalanus and seems to be most closely related to the Central American species L. sparsipi/is Blake. lt differs in the inflorescence, the less acuminate leaves with shorter petivles and the greater number of stamens . Licania mexicana Lundell, Wrightia 5(2) : 40. 1974. Tree 10 m tall, the young branches lanate to puberulous and soon glabrous. Leaves with laminas narrowly oblong to lanceolate, co· riaceous, 6.5-13 em long, 2.5-4 em broad, gradually attenuate to acute apex, c.:meate at bcse, glabrous above, with a soon caducous lanate pubescence beneath when young only; midrib prominulous above, prominent bene:~th; primary veeins 6-8 pairs, prominulous on both surfaces, secondary venation prominulous and conspicuously reticulate on both surfaces; petioles 1.5-3.5 mm long, rugose, terete, lanate when very young soon becoming glabrous. Stipules triangular, perslstent, 2 mm long, axillary, lanate when young . lnflorescence of terminal panicles 2-3.5 em long, with short primary branches (2 old inflorescences only seen) gray-brown the rachis and branches to· mentellous. Bracts and bracteoles small, ca 1 mm long, persistent, tomentellous, ovate-triangular. Receptacle campanulate, tomentellous on exterior, pilose within . Calyx lobes triangul:~r, 1 mm long, acute, reflexed, tomentellous. Petals? (not seen in old flowers present). New and interesling .. This specles is known only from the type. Hirtella Linnaeus 1. Hirt.ella magnifolia Prance, sp . nov. (Fig. 5) Ab. H. elongata Mart. & Zucc. folils maioribus, 18-40 em longis, 8-16 em latis; nervis primariis 14-18 jugis, petiolis longioribus 5-9 mm longis, latioribus 3. 5-6 mm latis; basibus l2minarum eum glandibus duobus munitis; infloreseentibus rufo-tomentellis dlffert. Tree to 10 m tall, the young branehes shortly tomentellous becomlng glabrous and conspieuously lentieellate with age. Leaves oblong-elliptie, ehartaeeous, 18-40 em long, 8-16 em broad , abruptly aeumlnate at apex, the 2cumen 7-13 mm long, eurved, the base rounded; glabrous above, with a few stiff appressed hairs beneath on venation; with 2 glands at junction of upper surfaee of lamina and the petioles; primary veins 14·18 pairs prominent beneath, prominulous above; midrib prominent beneath, prominulous above, tomentellous on both surfaees; petioles 5-9 mm long, 3.5·6 mm thick, tomentellous, eglandular, te.rete. Stipules early caducous (not seen). -585 Fig . 5. 586 -- Hirtella magnifolia Prance (Lieras et ai . P1 72161815).: A, habit B, flower: C. flower section: D, petat. Prance lnflvrescences terminal panicles with a long central rachis 12-18 em long and many short few-flowered lateral primary branches, the rachis and branehes rufous tomentellous. Bracts and braeteoles ovate, persistent, graybrown tomentellous on both surfaces, eglandular. Flowers 5-6 mm long. Reeeptacle campanulate, tomentellous on exterior, glabrous within except for sparsely pilose area around throat. Calyx Jobes aeute, gray tomentellous on both surfaees. Petals, 5 wh ite , glabrous . Stamens 5-7, unilateral with toothed portion of ring opposite to them, filaments far exceeding calyx lobes, glabrous. Style glabrous. Ovary inserted at mouth of reeeptacle, pilose . Fruit not seen. TYPE: Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Javarl , Estirão dv Equador. flowering 21 Oet, 1976, G.T. Prance, R. J. Hi/1, T. D. Pennington & J . Ramos 23974 (Holotype INPA; lsotypes, FHO, MO, NY, MG. US). .ADDITIONAL MATERIAL: Brazll, Amazonas, Rio Javari, Estirão do Equador, flowering 2 Aug , 1973. E. Ueras et a/ P17216 (INPA, NY). HABITAT: Upland forest on terra firme, understory in opon clearings . Hirtella magnifolia has the largest Jeaves of any described speeies of the genus, often attalning 40 em in Jength on the fertile branches. lt is most closely related to H. e/ongata Mart. & Zucc., and H. eriandra Benth. lt differs from both speeies in the Jarger leaves with a greater number of primary velns. lt also differs from H. elongata in the rufous tomentellous pubeseenee of the inflorescence, the 2 glands at the junction of the upper surfaee of the leaf lamina and petioles; the rounded not subeordate leaf bases; the longer infloreseence branehes. lt differs from H. eriandra in the inflorescenee branehing and the Iam i na glands. The flowers of the type tree of this speeies were mueh visited by butterflles at the time of coHection, and like some other speeies of Hirtel/a, H. magnifolia ls probably butterfly pollinated. New and mteresUog .. . 2. Hirtella revillae Prance, sp. nov. (Fig. 6) Hirte/Ja ab sectio Myrmecophila pertinens abaliis speeiebus pedieellis longioribus 8-15 mm longis, hirsutis, floribus dense brunneohirsutis differt. Trees 8 m ta li; the young branches hispid. Leaves with laminas ehartaeeous-membra_naeeous, oblong, 19-22 em long, 8-10 em broad, abruptly acuminate at apex, the aeumen 7-10 mm long, rounded at base and bearlng 2 swollen ant cavities, hirsute on venation beneath with sparse appressed halrs on upper surface; mid~ib prominent beneath prominulous• above, hirsute on both surfaces; primary veins 13-17 pairs prominent beneath, prominulous above. Stipules linear, perslstent, hispid. lnfloreseences of axillary racemes 5-6 em long, the rachis light brown hlspld, the lower pedicels longer than the upper ones giving a slightly corymbose appearance. Bracts and bracteoles linear, perslstent, hlspld. Flowers 8·10 mm long (excludlng pedicels) . Receptacle campanulate, light brown hispid on exterior, glabrous within even at throat except around base of ·ovary; pedicels 8-15 mm long. Calyx lobes lanceolate, hispid on exterior. Petals 5, white, glabrous . Stamens 6, the fllaments far exceeding calyx lobes. Style hirsute on Joy,er portion -only. Ovary inserted at mouth of recepta ele, glabrous except around base. Frult not seen. TYPE: Peru: Loreto, Maynas, Rio Nanat 4 km from Miehana, 150 m alt., fi 10 Jan 1975, A. Gentry, F. Aya/a & J. Revi/la 15807 (Holotype, NY; lsotype, MO). Upland forest on white sand, poorly drained, swampy. HABITAT: Hirtel/a revillae belongs to the section Myrmecophila which previously contained 6 species. lt has the swollen ant cavities at the base of the leaves, and the hispld pubescence characteristic of ali members of this seetlon. lt differs in the very long pedicels and In the distinctive dense hirsute pubescence of the pedicels and flowers, and the glabrous ovary and mouth of the receptacle, anC: is most closely related tu H. physophora Mart. & Zucc. -587 Flg. 6. Hirtella revillae (Gentry et ai. 15807) : A, nabitat; B, flower; C. flower section; ------··-------------------------------------------------588 - D. petaI. --------------------------Prance The inflorescence is of rather intermediate length in comparison to other species of section Myrmecophi/a which either have much more compact fasciculate inflorescences or elongate racemes or pan icles. Only H. duckei has racemose inflorescences as short as H. revillae but H. duckei differs in many other ways. This species is named for one of the collectors Juan Revilla of the Flora of Peru Project, one of the prom1smg young collectors of Amazonian Peru. Resumo Quatro novas espécies do gênero Licania e duas de Hírtella (Chrysobalanaceae) são descntas. Todas as espécies são baseadas em material coletado após a publicação da monografia da família Chrysobalanaceae em 1972 . Três delas são da Amazônia, duas de Panamá e uma da região Pacífica da Colômbia . Este fato vem confirmar que estas áreas :>inda são pouco estudadas e necessitam de mais pesquisas . Notas sobre três espécies pouco conhecidas são também apresentadas . LITERATURE CITED LUNDELL, C. L. 1974 - 3. Hirtella tubiflora Cuatr. PRANCE, This species was known only from the type collection from the coastal lowlands of Valle in Colombia at 30-50 m altitude, in the Rio Cal ima region. Recently two new collection have ben made from the wet forests of Panama at about 800 m altitude. Panama . Panama Prov. Cerro Jefe, J. T. & F. Witherspoon 8543 fl (MO, NY) . Veraguas, 3-4 km W of Santa Fe, 2500 ft alt, M. Nee 11288 fi (MO, NV). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Field work in Amazonia was suppJrted by National Science Foundation grant INT ..... . 75-19282. I am grateful to the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia for collaboratiun and especially to Drs. João Murça Pires and William A. Rodrigues. New and interesllilg . Studies of American plants . VI : Rosaceae. Wrightia, 5(2) : 39-40 . G . T. Monograph of Chrysobalarraceae . Flora Neotropica, 9 : 1-406 . 1973 - New and lnteresting Chrysobalanaceae from Amazonia. Acta Amazonica, 2(1) : 7-16 . 1974a- Supplementary studies of Amerlcan Chrysobalanaceae 3 . Acta Amazonlca, 4(1) · 17·23. 1974b- A new Peruvian specíes of chiropterophllous C o u e p i a (Chrysobalanaceae) Brittonia, 26 302-304 26 : 302-304 1976 - Addltions to Neotropical Chrysobalanaceae. Brlttonia, 28 : 209·230 . 1977 - Two new specles for the Flora of Panama. Brittonia, 29 : 154-158 . 1978 - In : Berlin, B & Prance, G . T. - lnsect Galls and human Ornamentation : The Ethnobotanlcal significance of a New Species of Licania from Amazonas , Peru . Blotropi· ca, 10 . 1972 - o o o (Aceito para publicação em 27/06/ 78) -589