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Taylor, J.T., Waltham, C., Price, T. et al. (7 more authors) (2016) A new silicon tracker for
proton imaging and dosimetry. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research,
Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 831. pp.
362-366. ISSN 0168-9002
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Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 831 (2016) 362–366
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A new silicon tracker for proton imaging and dosimetry
J.T. Taylor a,n, C. Waltham b, T. Price c, N.M. Allinson b, P.P. Allport c, G.L. Casse a, A. Kacperek d,
S. Manger e, N.A. Smith a, I. Tsurin a
Department of Physics, University of Liverpool, Oxford Street, Liverpool L69 7ZE, UK
Laboratory of Vision Engineering, School of Computer Science, University of Lincoln, Lincoln LN6 7TS, UK
School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B25 2TT, UK
Douglas Cyclotron, The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust, Clatterbridge Road, Bebington, Wirral CH63 4JY, UK
Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK
art ic l e i nf o
a b s t r a c t
Available online 16 February 2016
For many years, silicon micro-strip detectors have been successfully used as tracking detectors for particle and nuclear physics experiments. A new application of this technology is to the field of particle
therapy where radiotherapy is carried out by use of charged particles such as protons or carbon ions.
Such a treatment has been shown to have advantages over standard x-ray radiotherapy and as a result of
this, many new centres offering particle therapy are currently under construction around the world
today. The Proton Radiotherapy, Verification and Dosimetry Applications (PRaVDA) consortium are
developing instrumentation for particle therapy based upon technology from high-energy physics.
The characteristics of a new silicon micro-strip tracker for particle therapy will be presented. The
array uses specifically designed, large area sensors with technology choices that follow closely those
taken for the ATLAS experiment at the HL-LHC. These detectors will be arranged into four units each with
three layers in an x–u–v configuration to be suitable for fast proton tracking with minimal ambiguities.
The sensors will form a tracker capable of tracing the path of 200 MeV protons entering and exiting
a patient allowing a new mode of imaging known as proton computed tomography (pCT). This will aid
the accurate delivery of treatment doses and in addition, the tracker will also be used to monitor the
beam profile and total dose delivered during the high fluences used for treatment.
We present here details of the design, construction and assembly of one of the four units that will
make up the complete tracker along with its characterisation using radiation tests carried out using a 90Sr
source in the laboratory and a 60 MeV proton beam at the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre.
& 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
Silicon tracking detectors
Proton therapy
Proton computed tomography
1. Introduction
Particle therapy: alongside surgery and chemotherapy, radiotherapy remains one of the three major tools used by clinicians to
combat cancer today. Typically, the standard approach for radiotherapy involves the use of x-ray beams, a technique that was first
developed for medicine by physicists. Radiotherapy today, still
remains a field that continues to go hand in hand with developments in physics and engineering [1]. For cancers deep inside the
body or close to critical structures, particle therapy has been
shown to have a distinct advantage over standard x-ray radiotherapy. This is a result of the underlying physics that describes how radiation interacts with matter. For charged particles,
such as protons, energy loss is described by the well established
Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (J.T. Taylor).
Bethe–Bloch formula [2] and results in a characteristic ‘Bragg
Peak’. This is where the majority of the particles stop and where
their dE/dx or Linear Energy Transfer (LET) is maximal, resulting in
a concentration of the dose in this region. Taking advantage of this
dose distribution for radiotherapy was first envisaged by Wilson
[3]. For x-rays, energy is lost in an exponential fashion and thus
much of the dose is given to healthy tissue before and after the
tumour. This can be avoided by using a beam of charged particles
such as protons. This sparing of healthy tissue also makes particle
therapy the best choice for some childhood cancers, since growing
tissues and bones are more radiosensitive than in adults and
critical organs are located much closer together. In this case, the
excess dose to healthy tissue can cause irreparable damage to
developing cells that can cause other cancers later on in life [4].
For this reason, many of the patients that the National Health
Service (NHS) in the UK currently sends abroad each year for
proton therapy treatment are children [5]. Because of these
advantages, approximately 50 centres offering particle therapy
0168-9002/& 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
J.T. Taylor et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 831 (2016) 362–366
have been built around the world, with many new centres under
construction worldwide including two new NHS proton facilities
in the UK.
Proton imaging: instrumental to the planning of any program of
radiotherapy is a good imaging modality that can deliver accurate
information on the patient's anatomy, and in particular the accurate location of the target volume. For proton therapy, this is carried out by an x-ray CT scan from which the proton stopping
power of the tissue can be derived and the necessary range of the
treatment beam calculated. During this conversion from x-ray
imaging to proton stopping power, an uncertainty in the proton
range is introduced, of order 1–3 mm [6]. This arises from variations in density along the proton path [7] and inaccuracies in the
excitation energy or electron density value assumed for the tissue
[8], as well as from the stopping power conversion method itself
[9]. Uncertainties in the proton range increase the amount of dose
delivered to the healthy tissue surrounding the cancer and can
therefore prevent the treatment of cancers close to critical structures. If this uncertainty could be reduced, several of the limitations with proton therapy could be overcome. These uncertainties
could potentially be reduced if the stopping power of the beam
could be measured directly i.e. by using protons for imaging as
well as for treatment [10]. In order to carry out this technique
(referred to as proton computed tomography, or simply pCT), a
device that can accurately measure the trajectory and energy loss
of protons as they pass through an object for many different
angular projections is needed [11–14]. The PRaVDA Consortium
[15] aims to construct a prototype of the first fully solid state pCT
scanner using silicon detectors for both the tracking and range
(energy) measurements of protons (see Fig. 1) [16–19]. We have
designed and begun construction of the silicon strip tracker, using
large area ( 10 10 cm) micro-strip detectors adapted from
designs made for the ATLAS experiment at the high-luminosity
LHC allowing the sensors to be very radiation hard [20,21]. The
sensitive area of the detectors was constrained by the available
space on a standard 6-in. silicon wafer and when arranged in the
proposed x–u–v configuration provides an imaging area of 9 cm.
Future designs for imaging larger, more clinically relevant areas
could be done by using these detectors ganged together (with
some dead regions), or by moving the imaging system itself. The
current design of the tracker will demonstrate that a completely
solid state system offering high-precision directional information
on the path of protons can be used in conjunction with an energyrange measurement to perform a pCT scan [22].
2. Assembly and readout of the tracking units
Silicon micro-strip sensor: each silicon micro-strip detector has a
nominal thickness of 150 μm and is made from n-in-p silicon. The
detector contains 2048 strips in total, 1024 read out on each side of
the detector by eight ASICs (see Fig. 2). Each strip has a pitch of
90.8 μm and a length of 4.8 cm and its metal layer is capacitively
coupled to its implant with a measured coupling capacitance of
122 pF. Further details of the layout and electrical characteristics of
the sensor can be found here [22].
Fig. 1. The PRaVDA pCT system concept. The tracker is comprised of the first four
units shown here as the two which are placed in front of the object to be imaged
and the two after. A range telescope (calorimeter) is placed immediately after the
tracker to measure the residual energy of each proton after it has been tracked
through the object to be imaged.
Fig. 2. Alignment of detector to hybrid PCB and aluminium stiffener plate using
precision ground tooling consisting of dowels and perspex jigs.
Detectors are aligned to the hybrid PCB and a 12 mm thick
aluminium stiffener plate that holds the detector and its associated readout electronics within the tracker unit housing (see
Fig. 4). Both the PCB and the aluminium plate contain a square
10 10 cm aperture beneath the sensitive area of the detector to
keep the perturbation of the proton path to a minimum. Initial
mechanical alignment of the sensors is made using precision
ground dowels and a custom built alignment jig with precision
ground edges (see Fig. 2) and carried out as part of the gluing and
assembly process for each detector used. The alignment achieved
with this tooling was found to be within the strip pitch of the
detector (90.8 μm) and the rotational alignment to be a few mrad.
This was measured using a Smartscope metrology machine which
makes optical measurements using a camera in order to estimate
the height and flatness and lateral position of the silicon above the
PCB surface since the detector could not be probed mechanically
due to its fragile nature. Further precision in alignment will be
achievable using particle tracks when multiple tracking units are
The tracker is comprised of 12 detectors separated into four
units each containing three detectors each. Two units are placed
either side of the object to be imaged as shown in Fig. 1. Each
tracking unit has its detectors held at an angle of 60° with respect
to one another in an x–u–v co-ordinate system in order to measure
precise x–y locations for particles at high fluence with minimal
ambiguities. The angle is achieved by suspending the aluminium
plates containing the micro-strip detectors and their associated
readout electronics on six precision ground dowels (see Fig. 4).
Readout electronics: the detector is read out by means of an
ASIC designed specifically for this application by ISDI Ltd. [23] and
known as RHEA (Rapid, High-speed Extended ASIC). RHEA is a
binary chip with 128 channels and a bonding pitch of 60 μm
fabricated in 0.18 μm CMOS (see Fig. 3). Each channel has two
tunable thresholds (DAC1: 2000–10,000 e , and DAC2: 20,000 –
160,000 e ) to allow for high occupancy, and the chip operates at
a frequency of 104 MHz and its front-end amplifier with a shaping
time of 30 ns. This corresponds to four times the average cyclotron
frequency for the energy range of interest (60–200 MeV) at the
facilities that will be used. There are two modes that can be used
to acquire data: treatment mode and patient imaging or pCT mode.
In treatment mode all strips are read out at 100 μs intervals to
allow sampling of the beam distribution for quality assurance (QA)
purposes and dosimetry during the high fluences used during
patient treatment. In pCT mode, it is possible to read up to four
channels per ASIC with signal over threshold for the expected
J.T. Taylor et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 831 (2016) 362–366
Std Dev
Std Dev
strip no.
Std Dev
Std Dev
Fig. 3. A RHEA ASIC measuring 8.2 5.2 0.85 mm with back end bonding to
hybrid PCB. The staggered front-end bond pads that are empty are ready for wirebonding to a micro-strip detector after gluing and assembly of the detector on to
the hybrid PCB.
strip no.
Std Dev
Std Dev
strip no.
Fig. 5. Distribution of MIPs from a 90Sr source measured in each of the three layers
of the tracking unit. The upper histogram in each frame (blue data) is for the first
threshold and the lower histogram in each frame (red data) for the second
threshold. The top layer closest to the source is labelled as ‘U’ and is orientated at
þ60°. The middle layer labelled ‘X’ is orientated at 0°, and the bottom layer labelled
‘V’ is orientated at
60°. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this
figure caption, the reader is referred to the web version of this paper.)
Fig. 4. Setup of the three layer tracking unit assembled in the housing with a
multiplexer board, HV unit and associated cables. The three layers that make up the
tracking unit are secured using six dowels that provide registration and alignment
at the required angle.
nominal beam spill repetition rate of 26 MHz. This allows for
accurate tracking of multiple protons through the system at any
one time. The hybrid PCB which can be seen in Fig. 2 is used to
mount the detector and RHEA chips. It is responsible for delivering
power, calibration and serial interface data to the ASICs as well as
routing the data output from the ASICs to the FPGA's that are
mounted on a data acquisition (DAQ) board which surrounds the
hybrid (see Fig. 4). The DAQ boards and associated software were
designed by aSpect Systems GmbH [24].
3. Experimental work and results
Tests with minimum ionising particles: preliminary tests with
the assembled tracking unit were carried out in the lab using
minimum ionising particles (MIPs) from a 90Sr source with a
activity of 37 MBq. Although the tracker was never designed to
track such particles, it served as a useful diagnostic during
assembly to see, for each layer, if the signals were visible above the
noise and could be read out with the DAQ. This test was repeated
after construction of the tracking unit in order to verify that
signals could be seen separately in each of the three layers (and six
strip halves) in order to optimise the spacing of the layers and
prevent crosstalk. Such tests provided valuable information for
adjustments of the electronics and improvement of the DAQ
software, as well as allowing sensor/ASIC characteristics to be
extracted during times when tests at an accelerator were not
possible. Using these methods, the number of dead or noisy strips
turned off by the DAQ was found on average to be o0:5% per
layer. The most probable value for the expected signal size of MIPs
in the 150 μm thick detectors used is: 12,000 e . This signal is
less than half of what will be expected in the final application
when beams of protons with energies ranging from 60 to 200 MeV
are used and thus, optimisation of the system for detection of MIPs
allowed the system to be prepared for tests in a proton beam. In
Fig. 5, the 1D hit maps for data from the 90Sr source is shown in
the three layers of a tracking unit formed from the data of six strip
halves. This data was collected for several thousand frames in the
treatment mode readout (which reads out all available channels)
and allowed the testing of all channels in both the first and second
threshold. This can be seen in the blue and red histograms
respectively, set at their default values of 84 and 200 mV. which
correspond to the end of the first threshold ( 10,000 e and the
middle of the second threshold ( 90,000 e ).
Tests with a proton beam: tests were carried out using a 60 MeV
beam of protons from the Douglas Cyclotron at the Clatterbridge
Cancer Centre. This is currently the only clinical proton beam in
the UK and has been used for research as well as for the treatment
of eye cancers for many years [25]. Fig. 6 shows the setup on the
Clatterbridge beam line with the single tracking unit positioned at
the end of the treatment nozzle. A ‘field lamp’ (shown in the inset
of Fig. 6) was used to check for reasonable alignment of the active
area of the sensor with the beam emerging from the nozzle.
During the experiment, a beam of protons with a width of
30 mm was used and its fluence monitored by means of an
J.T. Taylor et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 831 (2016) 362–366
Mean x
Mean y
y [mm]
− 10
− 20
− 30
− 40
− 50
−50 − 40 − 30 −20 −10
x [mm]
Fig. 8. The 2D reconstructed hit map of a 30 mm, 60 MeV proton beam at the
Clatterbridge Cancer Centre. The distribution was reconstructed into 800 μm bins
using two planes of the tracker unit orientated at 60° to one another.
Fig. 6. Experimental setup at the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre. The inset figure
shows alignment of the tracking unit's sensitive area with the beam using the
field lamp.
Std Dev
5 and 10 pA was used for all measurements which ensured that
each successive frame would contain on average only one proton
in order to be sure of characterising the system without any pileup or saturation present. The reconstructed (x,y) locations of the
protons for the 30 mm beam at a beam current of 7 pA can be seen
for data in the first threshold in Fig. 7. The effect of the scattering
foil placed upstream of the detectors is evidenced by the flat top of
the distributions. Data was collected for 1 s using the CT mode
where each successive event receives a timestamp depending on
the time it occurs relative to the internal clock supplied to the ASIC
by the FPGA on the DAQ readout board. This allowed the proton
hits in the unit to be tracked across subsequent layers and
reconstructed (x,y) locations calculated. A two-dimensional hit
map of the beam using these locations can be seen in Fig. 8
reconstructed using two layers in the tracking unit. The addition of
more layers and tracking units read out in this mode will be used
in order to carry out a pCT scan.
− 40
4. Conclusion
x [mm]
Std Dev
− 40
y [mm]
Fig. 7. The 1D reconstructed hit maps in x and y of a 30 mm, 60 MeV proton beam
at the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre. The distributions were reconstructed into
800 μm bins using two planes of the tracker unit orientated at 60° to one another.
ionisation chamber. The chamber (connected to an electrometer)
was situated a few cm after the nozzle in front of the detector (not
shown in Fig. 6) and the background current observed when the
beam was off was found to be o 1 pA. A typical current of between
We have presented here the assembly and first results of a
three layer tracking unit that will be deployed along with three
other units for particle therapy applications. The results presented
here show that both modes of data acquisition and both thresholds are operational and that tracking between the layers is possible. The complete tracker will be capable of fast particle tracking
with minimal ambiguities and can therefore give useful measurements for dosimetry and beam QA, as well as providing the
necessary directional information on the path of individual protons during a pCT scan for proton imaging. Future papers will
concentrate on the reconstruction of 2D images from all layers
across multiple tracking units, as well as the tracking of protons
between units, in order to measure the scattering angles for a
particular beam configuration. Furthermore, the ability of the
tracker to track through a thick target ( 75 mm phantom) in
conjunction with an energy-range measurement of the protons
will also be assessed. This is necessary in order to know whether it
will be possible to demonstrate that a pCT scan is possible with a
fully solid state system of this kind.
J.T. Taylor et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 831 (2016) 362–366
We would like to thank the members of the PRaVDA consortium, aSpect Systems GmbH, and ISDI Ltd. for their contributions and discussion of the results presented in this paper. We
would also like to thank the operators and physicists at the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre for producing and maintaining the proton
beams that were used to make the measurements presented here.
This work was supported by a Wellcome Trust Translation Award
(Grant no. 098285).
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