International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)
George Ashiagbor1, Eric K Forkuo1, Prosper Laari2, Raymond Aabeyir2
1. Department of Geomatic Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology, Kumasi, Ghana.
2. Department of Environment and Resource Studies, University for Development Studies, Wa Campus, Wa, Ghana.
*Corresponding author email:
[email protected] or
[email protected]
Soil erosion involves detachment and transport of soil particles from top soil layers, degrading soil quality and reducing
the productivity of affected lands. Soil eroded from the upland catchment causes depletion of fertile agricultural land
and the resulting sediment deposited at the river networks
creates river morphological change and reservoir sedimentation problems. However, land managers and policy makers
are more interested in the spatial distribution of soil erosion
risk than in absolute values of soil erosion loss. The aims of
this paper is to model the spatial distribution of soil erosion
in Densu River Basin of Ghana using RUSLE and GIS tools
and to use the model to explore the relationship between
erosion susceptibility, slope and Land use and Land Cover
(LULC) in the Basin. The rainfall map, digital elevation
model, soil type map, and land cover map, were input data in
the soil erosion model developed. This model was then categorized into four different erosion risk classes. The developed soil erosion map was then overlaid with the slope and
LULC maps of the of the study area to explore their effects
on erosion susceptibility of the soil in the Densu River Basin. The Model, predicted 88% of the basin as low erosion
risk and 6% as moderate erosion risk3% as high erosion risk
and 3% as severe risk. The high and severe erosion areas
were distributed mainly within the areas of high slope gradient and also sections of the moderate forest LULC class.
Also, the areas within the moderate forest LULC class found
to have high erosion risk had an intersecting high erodibility
soil group.
causes depletion of fertile agricultural land and the resulting
sediment delivered to the river networks creates river morphological change and reservoir sedimentation problems [4].
In Africa it is estimated that the decrease in productivity due
to soil erosion is 2-40% with an average of 8.2% for the
whole continent and also, an average of 19% of reservoir
storage volumes are silted [5]. In addition, excessive sedimentation clogs stream channels and increases costs for
maintaining water conveyances. Soil erosion is one of the
major non-point pollution sources in many watersheds [6].
Soil erosion, sedimentation, and the subsequent conveyance
of fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides play a significant
role in impairing water resources within sub watersheds and
watersheds [7].
The need to quantify the amount of erosion in a spatially
distributed form has become essential at the watershed scale
and in the implementation of conservation efforts [1]. In
many situations, land managers and policy makers are more
interested in the spatial distribution of soil erosion risk than
in absolute values of soil erosion loss [8]. The aims of this
paper is to model the spatial distribution of soil erosion at
Densu River Basin of Ghana using RUSLE( Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation) and GIS (Geographic Information
Systems) tools and explore the relationship between erosion
susceptibility, slope and Land use /land cover (LULC).
The identification of the spatially distributed erosion sources
will make possible the implementation of special conservation efforts on these source areas. By effectively predicting
soil erosion, it is possible to: develop sound land-use practices as they relate to earth disturbing activities, estimate the
efficiency of best management practices required to prevent
excess sediment loading, and identify target areas for conservation funds or research [9].
Soil erosion involves detachment and transport of soil particles from top soil layers, degrading soil quality and reducing
the productivity of affected lands [1]. Problems associated
with land soil erosion, movement and deposition of sediment
in rivers, lakes and estuaries persist through the geologic
ages around the world [2]. Erosion in basin areas creates
superficial crust of soil to be eradicated and the arable lands
to be reduced [3]. Soil eroded from the upland catchment
The Densu River Basin (DRB) serves as a source of water
for the Weija Reservoir .This catchment is influenced by the
man’s development activities, the soil erosion and sediment
transport to the lake which decrease its capacity and quality.
The Weija Water Works draws its water from the Weija Reservoir which was constructed in 1952 by damming the Densu River at Weija. The water is treated and supplied to west
Accra and some other areas of the city. The DRB covers an
Keywords: Soil Erosion, RUSLE, GIS Modelling, Remote
Sensing, Densu River Basin
ISSN No: 2319-3484
Volume 2, Issue 4, July 2013
International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)
area of about 2564 km2 and forms part of the coastal river
basins of Ghana lying between latitudes 5o 30’ N and 6o 20’
N and longitudes 0o 10’ W and 0o 35’ W (as can be seen
Figure 1).
In addition, the elevation of DRB ranges between 50 to 2750
feet above mean sea level. Effects of rapid urbanization and
increasing agricultural and industrial activities in the DRB
and around the reservoir have impacted the quality of water
in the river and reservoir [10]. The DRB is of great economic importance to Ghana but not much research works have
been undertaken on the basin in relation to soil erosion modeling. Runoff estimates into the Weija reservoir and their
implication for water supply was modeled by Kuma and
Ashley [10]. In their research they examined the
hydrological data available on the Weija Reservoir from
1980 to 2007 in an attempt to estimate runoff into the
reservoir with the view of determining whether water is
available in the basin to meet the present and future demands
of reservoir.
Bambury and Elgy [11] developed a conceptual sediment
yield model for Ghana using sediment transport data based
on the CALSITE model to run in the GRASS GIS package
for use in Ghana. The model was tested on a 14 km2 basin
southwest of the Volta Lake, where streamflow, rainfall, soil
moisture and sediment transport data were. GIS facilitates
efficient manipulation and display of a large amount of georeferenced data. More importantly, it allows easy definition
of spatial subunits of relatively uniform properties. The use
of remote sensing and (GIS) techniques makes soil erosion
estimation and its spatial distribution feasible with
reasonable costs and better accuracy in larger areas [8].
Mapping soil erosion using GIS can easily identify areas that
are at potential risk of extensive soil erosion and provide
information on the estimated value of soil loss at various
locations [7]. Hence, with the aid of GIS, erosion and
sediment yield modeling can be performed on the individual
subunits. The combined use of GIS and erosion models has
been shown to be an effective approach to estimating the
magnitude and spatial distribution of erosion [1, 12, 13, 14,
and 15].
RUSLE Parameter Estimation for
Soil Erosion Modelling
This Section describes the basic concepts of Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) Model and methodology
to estimate five parameters rainfall-runoff erosivity factor,
soil erodibility, slope length factor, slope steepness factor,
and land cover management factor. In addition, modelling
the potential erosion susceptible areas are described.
ISSN No: 2319-3484
RUSLE Parameter Estimation
Several erosion models are available to predict the soil loss
and to assess the soil erosion risk [29]. The Universal Soil
Loss Equation (RUSLE), an empirical model is the most
widely used soil loss estimation method [16, 17, 29, 30, 31,
and 32]. The equation is the update of the original Universal
Soil Loss Equation [17]. In RUSLE, the rainfall runoff factor
of the original USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) was
replaced by the rainfall erosivity factor while K (soil erodibility factor), LS (slope length and steepness factor), C (land
cover management factor) and P (support practice factor) are
the same parameters as in the original USLE factors [4]. The
RUSLE computes the average annual erosion expected on
field slopes and is shown in equation 1.
Where: A is annual soil loss from sheet and rill erosion expressed in tons per hectare per year (t/ha/yr), R is rainfall
erosivity factor, K is soil erodibility factor, LS is slope length
and steepness factor, C is cover management factor, and P is
support practice factor.
The Rainfall Erosivity(R)
Rainfall and runoff play an important role in the process of
soil erosion and are together usually expressed as the R factor. The greater the intensity and duration of the rain storm,
the higher the erosion potential [18]. The RUSLE rainfallrunoff erosivity factor (R) for any given period is obtained
by summing for each rainstorm the product of total storm
energy (E) and the maximum 30-minute intensity (I30). Unfortunately, the values of these factors are rarely available at
standard meteorological stations. Fortunately, long-term
average R-values are often correlated with more readily
available rainfall values like annual rainfall or the modified
Fournier’s index [19]. For the computation of R factor, data
from seven meteorological stations within the catchment was
used and Schreiber’s method [20] (as expressed in Equation
2) was then applied for determining the precipitation change
according to the elevation.
Where Ph is the average annual precipitation (mm) and Po
represents the amount of average annual rainfall (mm) at
chosen meteorological station and h (measured in mega
Joule per hector per year) is elevation of the place which the
precipitation is be calculated. From the results of this calculation (as shown in Figure 2), a rainfall factor layer was then
generated with ESRI ArcGIS over the whole study area by
using an inverse distance weighting interpolation algorithm
Volume 2, Issue 4, July 2013
International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)
on a 30m resolution. The resultant Digital Elevation Model
(DEM) is shown in Figure 2a whiles the rainfall (Rfactor).distribution is shown in Figure 2b.
The Slope Length and Steepness Factors
The Slope Length and Steepness Factors (LS) factor
represents erodibility due to combinations of slope length
and steepness relative to a standard unit plot. It expresses the
effect of topography, specifically hill slope length and steepness, on soil erosion. An increase in hill slope length and
steepness results in an increase in the LS factor [21]. The
slope length factor (L) is defined as the distance from the
source of runoff to the point where either deposition begins
or runoff enters a well-defined channel that may be part of a
drainage network.
On the other hand, the steepness factor(S) reflects the influence of slope steepness on erosion [17]. As already pointed
out, the longer the slope length, the greater the amount of
cumulative runoff, and the steeper the slope of the land the
higher the velocities of the runoff which contribute to erosion. For estimation of the LS factor, theoretical relationship
based on unit stream power theory has been adopted as this
relation is best suited for integration with the GIS [15]. The
relation is given in equation 3.
Where As is the specific area (A/b), defined as the upslope
contributing area for overland grid (A) per unit width normal
to flow direction (b), β the slope gradient in degrees n= 0.4
and m= 1.3. However, with the incorporation of DEM into
GIS, the slope gradient (S) and slope length (L) may be determined accurately and combined to form a single factor
known as the topographic factor LS. The precision with
which it can be estimated depends on the resolution of the
DEM [22].
Using the Spatial Analyst Extension (as implemented in
ArcGIS), the slope of the catchment area was derived from
DEM. Sinks in the DEM were identified and filled. The
filled DEM was used as input to determine the Flow Direction which was used as an input grid to derive the Flow Accumulation. The LS factor was then computed using Raster
Calculator in ArcGIS to build an expression for estimating
LS, based on flow accumulation and slope steepness [23].
The expression is:
where Pow (which then means power) is a function in the
ArcGIS spatial Analyst.
The Land Cover Management Factor (C)
The Land Cover Management Factor (C) is used to express
the effect of plants and soil cover [21]. Plants can reduce the
runoff velocity and protect surface pores. The C-factor
measures the combined effect of all interrelated cover and
management variables, and it is the factor that is most readily changed by human activities [21].
It is mainly related to the vegetation’s cover percentage and
it is defined as the ratio of soil loss from specific crops to the
equivalent loss from tilled, bare test-plots [24]. The value of
C depends on vegetation type, stage of growth and cover
The vegetation cover has a big impact in the erosion by intercepting the rainfall thus increase the infiltration and reducing the rainfall energy [2]. C-factor is measured as the
ratio of soil loss from land cropped under specific conditions
to the corresponding loss from tilled land under continuous
fallow conditions [25]. By definition, C equals 1 under standard fallow conditions. As surface cover is added to the soil,
the C factor value approaches zero. A C-factor of 0.15
means that 15% of the amount of erosion will occur compared to continuous fallow conditions [26]. Since the satellite image data provide up to date information on land cover,
the use of satellite images in the preparation of land cover
maps is widely applied in natural resource surveys [21].
Traditionally, C-values are assigned to land cover classes
from USLE/RUSLE guide tables or field observation. Since
the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) values
have correlation with C factor many researchers used regression analysis to estimate C-factor values for land cover
classes in erosion assessment [21]. These methods employ
regression model to make correlation analysis between C
factor values measured in field or obtained from guide tables
and NDVI values derived from remotely sensed images. The
unknown C- factor values of land cover classes can be estimated using equation obtained from linear regression analyses.
In this research, a LandSat ETM, August 2004 with resolution 30 m was used in C-factor calculation. The image was
processed with a supervised classification to prepare the
ISSN No: 2319-3484
Volume 2, Issue 4, July 2013
International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)
LULC map of the study area. This image of the study area
was taken through three stages to generate land cover classes
of the study area and these include [28]: (1) feature extraction; (2) selection of training data (signatures); and (3) selection of suitable classification approaches. Detailed information on LULC classification, supervised classification techniques, and classification accuracy assessment using error
matrix can be found in [28].
In this study, an overall accuracy result of 82% was obtained
from maximum likelihood classifier. Using this classifier,
the DRB was classified into five LULC classes namely
Dense Forest, Moderate Forest, Agricultural Land, build up
and water bodies. Figure 4a shows the classified image map
with six classes.
To Estimate the C-Values NDVI was calculated from the
satellite Image. 50 Forest and 30 bare ground NDVI points
were sampled randomly with the assumption that there exists
a linear correlation between NDVI and C factor using forest
and bare ground as reference points with forest as 1 and bare
ground as 0 in the regression analysis. The regression equation was found as;
Using the raster calculator in ArcGIS, a C-Factor map (as in
Figure 4c) was developed for the catchment using the correlation equation on the NDVI image map (as can be seen in
Figure 4b.
Soil Erodibility (K-factor)
The Soil Erodibility (K) factor represents both susceptibility
of soil to erosion and the amount and rate of runoff. Soil
texture, organic matter, structure and permeability determine
the erodibility of a particular soil [20]. The K factor reflects
the ease with which the soil is detached by splash during
rainfall and/or by surface flow, and therefore shows the
change in the soil per unit of applied external force of energy
[25]. It is related to the integrated effects of rainfall, runoff,
and infiltration on soil loss, accounting for the influences of
soil properties on soil loss during storm events on upland
areas [8].
A simpler method to predict K was presented by Wischmeier
and Smith17which includes the particle size of the soil, organic matter content, soil structure and profile permeability.
The soil erodibility factor K can be approximated from a
monograph if this information is known. The USLE monograph estimates erodibility as:
ISSN No: 2319-3484
where: M is (% Silt + % Very Fine Sand) (100- %Clay), MO
is the percent organic matter content, b is soil structure code,
and c is the soil permeability rating. For computing the Kfactor, the available soil map (as can be seen in Figure 5a)
for the catchment was used. There are 8 different soils on the
area (Table 1.) based on the FAO-UNESCO soil map data
classification [27]. Not all soils have information about
structure and permeability. The percentages of clay, silt,
sand and organic matters were determinate for each major
soil type using Harmonized World Soil Database (HWSD).
To obtain the K-factor for soil the ERFAC (Proposed Alternative Soil Erodibilty Factor) equation 4 was used.
With these results, the spatial distribution of the k-factor was
computed under a GIS (ArcGIS) at 30 meters resolution and
the results are shown in Figure 5b.
Table 1: Accuracy of ASTER DEMs
Soil Type
Soil Conservation Practice Factor (P)
The soil conservation practice factor describes the supporting effects of practices like contouring, strip cropping, and
terraces. Most often this variable is assigned a value 1 indicating that there are no support practices in place within the
study area. Since this study focuses on the evaluation of soil
erosion risk, instead of estimation of actual soil erosion loss,
the P-factor value of 1 was used. So the soil erosion risk was
developed based on R, K, LS, and C factors in a simplified
Modeling Potential Erosion Susceptible
Areas Using GIS
Volume 2, Issue 4, July 2013
International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)
Figure 6 summarizes the step by step methodology of the
erosion modeling process. Raster maps of the R, K, LS, and
C grid layers were integrated within the ArcGIS environment using RUSLE equation 1. To generate composite maps
of estimated erosion loss within the basin. The resultant soil
loss map is shown in Figure 7 and the results are discussed
in the subsequent Section.
The potential erosion map produce was overlaid on the slope
and LULC map in the GIS environment to examine the relationship between slope and LULC on erosion in the catchment. Through the overlaying, the areas with high susceptibility in relation to slope and LULC have been identified and
represented in Figures 8a and 8b respectively.
Results and Discusion
The combined use of GIS and erosion models has been integrated to estimate the magnitude and spatial distribution of
erosion of the study area. Five different erosion risk factors
including rainfall erosivity, slope length and steepness, land
cover management, soil erodibility, and soil conservation
were determined. The results of modelling these factors are
shown in Figures 2, 3, 4, and 5.
In modelling the rainfall erosivity, it can be seen that (as in
Figure 2) the greater the intensity and duration of the rain
storm, the higher the erosion potential. Figure 3 presents the
results of modelling the slope length and steepness. It is
noted that the longer the slope length, the greater the amount
of cumulative runoff. The soil erosion susceptibility with
slope categories shows that the steeper the slope of the land
the higher the velocities of runoff which contribute to erosion (Figure 8) as observed by Wischmeier and Smith [17].
Similarly, the land cover management factor was modelled
and the results are shown in Figure 4. The results indicate
that the vegetation cover has an impact in the erosion by
intercepting the rainfall thus reducing the rainfall energy and
increasing the infiltration.
In Figure 5, soil erodibility factor which represents both susceptibility of soil to erosion and the amount and rate of runoff is shown. The results reflect the ease with which the soil
is detached by splash during rainfall and or by surface flow,
and therefore shows the change in the soil per unit of applied
external force of energy.
The final soil loss model (Figure 7) predicts that approximately in 87% of the basin has low erosion risk (i.e., erosion
with very gentle runoff speed.) and 6% moderate (i.e., shallow to deep hills mainly found around agricultural lands and
moderate forest class). But the erosion risk is high (i.e., very
deep hills and some gullies) on 3% and severe on 3% of the
catchment area.
ISSN No: 2319-3484
In addition to modelling the five risk factors, erosion susceptibility with respect to LULC and slope categories were
modelled and are graphed in Figures 8a and 8b. What is the
most evident in the results (as can be seen in Figure 8b) is
that about 92% area of the watershed has a gradient less than
7°, while the remaining 8% of the area has a gradient greater
than 7°. This accounts to the general low susceptibility of the
basin to erosion. It is also noted that the steep slopes have
much higher rate of erosion compared with flat areas. Generally, it can be seen that the average rate of soil loss and the
contribution to the total soil loss from steeper slope is tremendously higher compared with that of gentle slope.
The results indicate that (as in Figure 8a) erosion risk was
generally low across all the LULC classes. However, traces
of severe erosion are available in the moderate forest class.
From visual interpretation of the various factors, this was
found to be due to the high erodibility of the soil group (leptosols) that intersects the sections of the moderate forest
LULC Class. Also the moderate forest class falls within the
high rainfall zones of the study area which may contribute to
high erosion within the moderate forest cover class.
Conclusions and Recommendations
In this paper, a soil erosion model at Densu River Basin with
the integration of RUSLE and GIS tools has been developed
to estimate the annual soil loss. Different components of
RUSLE were modelled using various mathematical formulae
to explore the relationship between erosion susceptibility,
slope and LULC maps. The erosion map produced was then
categorized into five different erosion risk classes. According to this model, approximately in 88% of the basin has low
erosion risk and 6% moderate erosion risk. But erosion risk
is high on 3% and severe on 3% of the basin.
The high and severe erosion were found to be distributed
mainly within the areas of high slope gradient and also sections of the moderate forest LULC class. The results indicated that areas within the moderate forest LULC class have
a high erosion risk and this was due to the presence of an
intersecting high erodibility soil group. However, since the
vegetative cover is a major factor of soil erosion, in future
research, an NDVI should be derived from up to date and
higher resolution satellite imagery. This will improve the
accuracy of the LULC maps and DEMs generated for land
slopes calculations. Also, an additional study is needed to
determine the appropriate P-factor values within the study
area to realistically estimate the potential soil erosion. In
general, it is clear from the results of this study that the developed model is beneficial for the rapid assessment of soil
Volume 2, Issue 4, July 2013
International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)
// Date
Accessed: July 14, 2011.
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Volume 2, Issue 4, July 2013
International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)
Figure 1: Map of DRB Showing Major Rivers in the Catchment
Figure 2: DEM of Study Area (a) and R-factor Distribution Map (b)
ISSN No: 2319-3484
Volume 2, Issue 4, July 2013
International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)
Figure 3: Slope map of basin (a) and LS-Factor distribution (b)
Figure 4: Classified LULC thematic map of basin (a), NDVI (b), and C-Factor map (c)
ISSN No: 2319-3484
Volume 2, Issue 4, July 2013
International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)
Figure 5: Soil Type map (a) and K-Factor map (b)
Figure 6: Flow Chart for Potential Soil Erosion Model Design
ISSN No: 2319-3484
Volume 2, Issue 4, July 2013
International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)
Figure 7: Erosion Risk Map
Figure 8: Erosion Susceptibility with Respect to LULC (A) and Slope Categories (B)
ISSN No: 2319-3484
Volume 2, Issue 4, July 2013