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Pada era modern ini, banyak sekali perubahan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan, contohnya dalam bidang teknologi informasi. Dengan semakin tumbuh dan berkembangnya teknologi informasi, kebutuhan akan komunikasi informasi menjadi sangat krusial fungsinya bagi kehidupan manusia. Di era modern ini, manusia dituntut untuk dapat selalu up-date
Jurnal Ranah Komunikasi (JRK), 2019
ABSTRAK Kemajuan teknologi dan informasi yang begitu cepat, menjadi tantangan perkembangan perpustakaan saat ini. UNESCO dalam penelitiannya menyebutkan bahwa indeks minat baca Masyarakat Indonesia memprihatinkan hanya 0,001%, ini artinya bahwa dari seribu masyarakat Indonesia, yang memiliki minat baca hanya satu orang (, 2017). Agar perpustakaan diminati masyarakat di era teknologi saat ini, perlu melakukan berbagai inovasi yang salah satunya dalam kegiatan promosi sehingga masyarakat mengetahui dan mengenal layanan yang ada di perpustakaan dan pada akhirnya memanfaatkannya. Pemanfaatan media sosial sebagai sarana promosi perpusda Kabupaten Belitung Timur menjadi sangat penting, karena masyarakat saat ini kesehariannya tidak terlepas dengan pemanfaatan internet sebagai sarana informasi dan komunikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan media sosial sebagai sarana promosi perpusda di Perpustakaan Umum Daerah Kabupaten Belitung Timur. Metode penelitian...
Dafriandi Satriaa_FITKES UNJANI, 2023
Edukasi IPS
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada/tidak adanya perbedaan ketergantungan pengunaan media sosial Generasi Y dan Generasi Z juga untuk melihat bagaimana perbedaan aplikasi media sosial yang dipilih. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif komparatif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, dimana sifat desain penelitian ini tidak memberikan perlakuan atau manipulasi. Teknik sampling yang digunakan yaitu purposive sampling. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah Generasi Y dan Generasi Z di lokasi penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil uji yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan Mann Whitney U Test hasilnya tidak terdapat perbedaan yang siginifikan antara Generasi Y dan Generasi Z dalam penggunaan media sosial dengan nilai Sig (2-tailed) sebesar 0.326. Pada generasi Y dan Z memperlihatkan keadaan dimana tidak ada pemisah diri mereka antara di dunia nyata dan dunia maya. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu tidak ada perbedaan ketergantungan penggunaan media sosial generasi Y dan Generasi Z. Jika dil...
Abstrak Social media users came from every part of society. The presence and acceptance of social media, of course, not only have an impact on the lives of individual users directly, but it is also have an impact on the lives of the state concerned. It should be understood, that the mass media has the ability to build the image and opinions in the minds of users. Currently there are 6 types of social media are present in the community. the negative impact of social media in fact also present along with the increasing positive impact. The number of negative cases that accompany the presence of social media, making social media seems to be something scary. Therefore, should be wise in using social media. Kata Kunci : Media Sosial, Opini publik, cicak vs buaya PENDAHULUAN
Muhammad Muktasimbillah, 2024
This research explores the role of social media in disseminating Islamic teachings and the Islamic phenomena emerging in the digital era. Islam, originating from the Arabic word "salima" meaning peace and prosperity, teaches obedience to Allah and provides guidance derived from the Quran and Sunnah. Social media, as a platform facilitating interaction and content sharing, has become an effective tool for dakwah (Islamic outreach). Applications like YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook enable Islamic messages to be spread widely and rapidly.Phenomena such as the One Day One Juz (ODOJ) community and the hijrah movement among young Muslims demonstrate how social media can form strong virtual communities. ODOJ, initially small in scale, now has a global reach thanks to social media. The hijrah movement, which encourages youth to delve deeper into their faith, has also seen rapid growth through digital platforms. Dakwah through social media not only spreads Islamic teachings but also demonstrates Islam's adaptability to modern times. However, the use of social media also raises issues of the commodification of religion, where religious symbols are used for commercial purposes. Nevertheless, social media remains an important tool for disseminating Islamic values and facilitating more inclusive interactions among Muslims. This research provides insights into the potential and challenges of dakwah in the digital era.
This study aims to reveal the philosophical values of Islamic law in the three ethical codes of NetizMu Muhammadiyah. This research is a literature review. The type of Islamic legal research in this study is a philosophical normative Islamic law research with an Islamic legal philosophy approach. The primary data source of this research, namely the NetizMU Muhammadiyah code of ethics), and secondary data using various relevant scientific researches. The theory used is a systems philosophy approach in Islamic law initiated by Jasser Auda.. This study concludes that there are values of Islamic law philosophy in the three NetizMU codes of ethics. First, the value of religious protection (hifz al-din) in the context of making the prophetic social values of religion the main basis for the code of ethics for the use of social media. Second, the value of public benefit (al-maslahat al-ammah) in the code of ethics for the use of social media as a medium for humanization (amar makruf) an...
The usage of social media as a way for campaign is a normal thing now.By looking to this phenomena,our group would try to analyze the advantages of internet for the candidates in Pemilukada Jakarta 2012. The advantages are the candidates could use internet for promotion with tight budget and the information they made would spreads quickly as internet's basic is an open and wide source.
Each person has right to creates and organizes their personal space. Personal space sets how person communicates to many categories of people. Advances in technology becomes the basis of the development of social media as a means of communication that is effective and efficient in the process of delivering the created and shared information. The dependence on communication, including how to communicate that facilitated by social media turned out to change people's lifestyles. However, whether or not the lifestyle changed by social media depends on people personality. For individuals who extrovert and ambivert, social media turned out to be a means to increase the breadth of the association, while for individuals who introvert actually replace the existing relationships. Activities in social media become the compensation of taciturnity of the individual who introvert. This resulted in diversion the space requirements of the physical space (architecture and interior) into 'space' in social media. Personal space radius increasingly narrow because it diverted by focus on social media, so the sensitivity of the intruder becomes decreasing. Thus, social media can be a bit much considers to determines the architecture and interior design decisions related to the presence or absence of internet facility in the concept of the building or the space.
Communication is a very important element in marketing, because marketing is essentially the communication between producers and consumers. The more advanced development of technology and information, it encourages the changes of conventional communications to modern communication which is digital life style. To support the realization of such communication, the internet became an important element in the creation of modern marketing communications. Until finally, comes the online social media that offers ease of marketing communications with the online system. Because of their low cost and ease of access, it is not uncommon these media are conducted by the company in marketing their products. This article will explore the importance of social media for small and medium enterprises as an effort to improve the company's competitive.
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Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos, 2024
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Revista Virtual Universidad Católica del Norte, 2012
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