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Konflik antara serikat pekerja dalam suatu perusahaan merupakan fenomena yang cukup kompleks dan berpotensi memengaruhi stabilitas hubungan industrial, kesejahteraan karyawan, dan produktivitas perusahaan. Konflik antar serikat pekerja sering dipicu oleh persaingan dalam representasi anggota, perbedaan pandangan terhadap kebijakan perusahaan, dan kurangnya komunikasi yang efektif antara serikat pekerja dan manajemen. Konflik ini berpengaruh negatif pada iklim kerja, menciptakan ketidakpuasan, serta berpotensi menurunkan loyalitas dan produktivitas karyawan. Penyelesaian melalui mediasi dan negosiasi dengan melibatkan pihak ketiga dapat mengurangi ketegangan dan menghasilkan kesepakatan yang saling menguntungkan. Hal ini disarankan perusahaan untuk mengembangkan mekanisme komunikasi yang transparan dan inklusif agar dapat meminimalisir potensi konflik di masa depan. Dengan demikian, pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang konflik serikat pekerja ini dapat membantu perusahaan dalam membangun hubungan kerja yang lebih harmonis dan kondusif bagi perkembangan organisasi.
PURWOKERTO 2012 PENDAHULUAN 1. Latar Belakang Indonesia adalah sebuah Negara yang kaya akan keberagaman. Keberagaman tersebar di hampir seluruh wilayah di Indonesia. Sumber daya alam Indonesia tersebar dari Sabang di provinsi Daerah Istimewa Aceh sampai Merauke di provinsi Papua. Tidak hanya sumber daya alam yang melimpah, Indonesia juga kaya akan budaya yang berbeda-beda, yang masing-masing daerah memiliki kekhasan masing-masing.
1) Mahasiswa Program Studi Manajemen pada Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Bongaya Makassar 2, 3) Dosen Program Studi Manajemen pada Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Bongaya Makassar ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh konflik peran ganda terhadap kinerja melalui stres kerja karyawan pada PT. Bank Mega Tbk. Makassar. Pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh dari kuesioner dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling atau judgemental sampling. Populasinya adalah karyawan PT. Bank Mega Tbk. Makassar yang berjumlah 87 karyawan, kriteria penarikan sampel adalah hanya karyawan yang telah menikah dan memiliki anak yang dapat digunakan sebagai sampel sehingga diperoleh jumlah sampel sebesar 49 orang karyawan. Analisis yang digunakan dalam pengujian hipotesis adalah Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) WarpPLS versi, 5.0. Hasil penelitian ini secara parsial konflik peran ganda berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap stres kerja, stres kerja berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan, konflik peran ganda berpengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan, konflik peran ganda berpengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap kinerja melalui stres kerja karyawan Kata kunci : Konflik peran ganda, stres kerja, kinerja ABSTRACT This study is to determine the influence of Work Family Conflict on Job Performance as a mediating role of Job Stress at PT. Bank Mega, Tbk. The population of this study was all of the employees at PT. Bank Mega, Tbk. It was 87 employees. The sample of this study was consisted of 49 respondents which was taken by using purposive sampling or judgemental sampling. The analysis in testing hypothesis used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with WarpPLS Assistance 5.0. The result of this study showed that work family conflict had the positive and significant on job stress, job stress had the negative and significant on job performance, work family conflict had the negative and insignificant on job performance and work family conflict had the negative and insignificant on job performance as a mediating role of job stress with the value-0,158 and insignificant level 0,052 > 0,05.
Jurnal Global & Policy, 2018
One of the most vulnerable issues to be the trigger for conflict is the issue of identity. The sense of identity can quickly turn into a response to threats. The response to these threats will often end up in conflict. Ethnicity is one of the dimension of identity. Ethnic conflicts often show that ethnicity is the cause of the outbreak of conflict but the root causes of ethnic conflict can not be seen from a single factor because ethnic conflict is a fairly complex conflict. Sampit conflict is one of the conflicts involving ethnicity occurring in Indonesia but this conflict certainly can not be viewed solely as a conflict between ethnic Dayaks and Madurese, using the approach of Theory of Deprivation by Robert Ted Gurr, the various allegations of the outbreak of ethnic conflict in Sampit actually led at one conclusion that there has been a deprivation within society that causes the community to feel frustrated and ultimately to act aggression. To find out and analyze the deprivation condition that occurred in Sampit first we must know and understand about the situation and conditions in Sampit before the conflict broke out in 2001. The exposure will be focused on the social, political, economic and cultural conditions of the people of Central Kalimantan, especially between the two conflicting ethnic groups that are ethnic Dayaks and Madurese.
Sebelum melangkah lebih jauh ada baiknya kita mengetahui terlebih dahulu latar belakang dan sebab-musabab dari konflik ini. Aceh memiliki sejarah militansi untuk memerangi orang-ornga Portugis pada tahun 1520-an dan menantang penjajah Belanda dari tahun 1873-1913, dan melancarkan perlawanan Islam kepada Republik Indonesia pada tahun 1953. perlawanan itu disebut "DARUL ISLAM". Dimana perlawanan ini bertujuan untuk mendirikan sebuah Republik Islam atas seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Hal ini juga menjadi tujuan kelompok-kelompok Islam militan di Jawa Barat dan Sulawesi Selatan. Pemberontakan ini berakhir tahun 1962, ketika pemerintahan
Construction sector in Indonesia, especially for road construction projects are progressing very rapidly in recent years. Indonesia is intensively implementing the road construction project, from new road construction, road maintenance and repairs. Road construction sector in Indonesia is mostly using the conventional contract system, with a lump sum or unit price. In this conventional contract service user must fully bear the risks associated with the quality of work that is to be maintained. It required an innovative method in order to contract the service user and the service provider can be better off, for example with the system performance based contracting (PBC). This study will analyze the differences between the PBC system and conventional system by comparing the life cycle project, project coordination line, the construction, the maintenance period, and the budget plan contract. The research method used was a descriptive analytical methods and data collection through direct field observations and interviews with project case studies Construction Project Semarang-Bawen Road with PBC and Construction Project Semarang-Solo Highway. From the results, the fact that the PBC has a single stage system that is not present in the conventional contract there is system maintenance services. At the PBC system imposed fines ranging from construction period while the conventional system of fines awarded the contract if the contract or is unable to complete the construction work by the duration of time that has been given. At the PBC system there is not planning consultant contracts while the conventional system, there are consultants planning consultant. At the PBC system maintenance is faster than the conventional contract system maintenance. The budget plan contract at the PBC system is higher than the conventional contract system's budget plan contract.
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