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AI-generated Abstract
Awareness of Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) implementation in Indonesia is low, as evidenced by high occupational accident rates. Only a small percentage of large-scale enterprises have adopted OSH Management Systems, primarily due to the perception that OSH costs are additional burdens. There are various legislative frameworks governing OSH in Indonesia, yet significant challenges remain, particularly in vulnerable sectors like construction, where risky behaviors may be exacerbated by socio-economic conditions.
International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics : JOSE, 2017
The construction industry plays a significant role in contributing to economy and development globally. During the process of construction, various hazards coupled with the unique nature of the industry contribute to high fatality rates. This review was carried out by referring to previous published studies and related Malaysian legislation documents. Four main elements consisting of human, worksite, management and external elements which cause occupational accidents and illnesses were identified. External and management elements are the underlying causes contributing to occupational safety and health (OSH), while human and worksite elements are more apparent causes of occupational accidents and illnesses. An effective OSH management approach is required to contain all the hazards at construction sites. An approach to OSH management constructed by elements of policy, process, personnel and incentive developed in previous work is explored. Changes on the sub-elements according to pre...
Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021), 2021
The construction sector is a significant contributor to Indonesia's economy. However, this sector is a high-risk industry for Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), especially for young workers. This study aimed to analyze the OSH issues facing young workers in construction, including social & welfare issues, the knowledge and perceptions regarding OSH legal requirements, and the implementation. The sample size is 440 young workers aged 15-24 using Slovin's formula (95% CI). These data were collected from 4 large-scale public and private construction companies; power plants, transportation, residential, and office building projects using a questionnaire by interview, focus group discussion, and field visits to construction industry sites. The majority of respondents were male (86%), 21-24 years old (73,4%), and 1.8% were aged 15-17. 93% worked for >5 days per week. 71.6% worked overtime for <14 h per week. Another result showed that 83.6% had a single marital status (unmarried), and 54.5% are active smokers with about 11 cigarettes per day. The average smoking history is >5 years (35.8%). 9.8% consume alcoholic beverages, 74.3% sleep for <8 h per day, and 65.5% regularly exercise. The worker' perception found that 95.2% stated their company had provided OSH information properly. 83% said their company implements OSH's supporting factors (reward, information, rules, and engagement). Also, 74% revealed their company is good in compliance with OSH regulation, adherence in OSH implementation, and budgeting on OSH. There is a need for an occupational health program for young workers, mainly promoting health.
International research journal of engineering, IT & scientific research, 2022
Building construction projects have a high level of risk of work accidents, especially for workers in the field. Therefore, at the time of implementation of construction work, it is necessary to evaluate the implementation of occupational safety and health management system (SMK3) to provide a sense of security to workers in the field of this research aimed at evaluating SMK3. This research uses qualitative and quantitative methods to know the implementation of SMK3, by taking data by conducting structured interviews conducted on the building construction project Ayana Nort Wing Bali. Analysis conducted a descriptive analysis based on Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No.50, 2012 advanced with 12 criteria containing 166 criteria elements. The result of this study is the application of PP No. 50 of 2012 for the advanced level of 92.89% categorized as satisfactory. In addition, there are 14 that have not been implemented. This the company that the evaluation level of ...
E3S Web of Conferences, 2014
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems is part of the overall management system that facilitates the management of the OS&H risks associated with the business of the organization. This includes the organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the organization's OS&H policy. The purpose of this research is to determine the level of awareness of contractors on OSH management systems. A total of 34 numbers of class A contractors in Kelantan registered with Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (PKK) were randomly selected. Data was collected using self-administered questionnaire. The findings indicate that most of the Class A Contractor in Kelantan aware that the occupational safety and health management system are important and should be practiced to achieve zero accident and death on site. 3 0101 4 4 0101 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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Revista M. Estudos sobre a morte, os mortos e o morrer, 2019
É com muita satisfação que a Revista M. chega ao seu quinto número, trazendo aos leitores e às leitoras o Dossiê Temático "Morte, regimes políticos e violência",
Programma XVIII Scuola Estiva internazionale in Studi danteschi (Ravenna-Verona, 23-29 agosto 2024)
Este documento ha sido descargado de 4 Capítulo I 1. Hasta los 26 años de su edad fue hombre dado a las vanidades del mundo y principalmente se deleitaba en ejercicio de armas con un grande y vano deseo de ganar honra. Y así, estando en una fortaleza que los franceses combatían, y siendo todos de parecer que se diesen, salvas las vidas, por ver claramente que no se podían defender, él dió tantas razones al alcaide, que todavía lo persuadió a defenderse, aunque contra parecer de todos los caballeros, los cuales se conhortaban con su ánimo y esfuerzo. Y venido el día que se esperaba la batería, él se confesó con uno de aquellos sus compañeros en las armas; y después de durar un buen rato la batería, le acertó a él una bombarda en una pierna, quebrándosela toda; y porque la pelota pasó por entrambas las piernas, también la otra fue mal herida.
Topoi (Rio de Janeiro)
RESUMO Este artigo, redigido no campo da história conceitual, examina a relação entre a escravidão negra e os três conceitos políticos fundamentais do liberalismo na Era das Revoluções: representação, cidadania e soberania. Seu propósito é avaliar o peso do escravismo na organização constitucional do poder público no Brasil depois da Independência de 1822. Embora diversos estudos tenham avaliado a importância da escravidão para as fundações políticas do Brasil, com foco ora na construção da unidade nacional, ora na opção pela monarquia, as relações conceituais entre escravidão e ordem constitucional ainda permanecem pouco exploradas na historiografia. Como a história constitucional de um país é sempre parte de uma história global do constitucionalismo, este artigo explora o problema procedendo a uma história conceitual comparada das experiências constituintes escravistas atlânticas em cinco espaços políticos: Estados Unidos (1787), França (1789-1791), Espanha (1810-1812), Portugal (...
FME Transactions, 2019
Revista Finanzas Y Politica Economica, 2009
Anais do XXIX Seminário Internacional de Formação de Professores para a América Latina, 2021
MATEC Web of Conferences, 2019
Nova Scientia, 2017
Revista de Psicología Universidad de Antioquia
arXiv (Cornell University), 2020
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2018
Antibiotics, 2023
Fundamento, 2018
International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics, 2019