Original Article
The Role of Steroid in Post Myelography Headache
Afsoun Seddighi1, Amir Saied Seddighi1, Hesam Rahimi Baghdashti1, Alireza Sheikhi1, Shoeib Naimian2
Functional Neurosurgery Research Center, Shohada Tajrish Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran
Myelography is a diagnostic procedure to indicate spinal defects. After the inception of new means
of spinal cord imaging, use of myelography has been limited. Since there are contraindications for
other modalities in some patients, we have to use myelography. The most common complication
of myelography is post myelography headache (PMH). Many methods have been proposed to
alleviate the pain. In this clinical trial study we assess the role of steroid in PMH.
Keywords: Myelography; Headache; Lumbar puncture; Steroid
ICNSJ 2016; 3 (2) :108-112
Correspondence to: Afsoun Seddighi, MD, Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, Functional Neurosurgery Research
Center, Shohada Tajrish Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran Mobile: +98(912)1852917;
[email protected]
Received: May 16, 2016
Accepted: May 30, 2016
Myelography is a diagnostic method for detecting
the pathologies of the spinal cord. This procedure is
performed through injection of contrast medium into
the subarachnoid space, followed by X-ray studies 1. In
the modern era with the advent of new technology in
the medical field specially different modalities such as
computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) the role of myelography in diagnosis has
been limited. Nevertheless there are still conditions such
as claustrophobia which make myelography inevitable
for diagnosis. Patients with medical or biostimulation
implants (e.g, pacemakers, implantable cardioverterdefibrillators, insulin pumps, cochlear implants) are
generally not considered for MR scanning 2,3.
Aside from patients in whom MR imaging is not
possible for safety reasons, other reasons for myelography
include severe image quality degradation due to metallic
artifacts (e.g, shrapnel injuries), financial limitations or
in cases that kyphoscoliosis makes image acquisition
and interpretation extremely difficult. However, there
are still indications for myelography as an independent
diagnostic tool like cases suspected of far lateral lumbar
disk herniation, thoracic and cervical canal stenosis or
spinal cysts. In these situations CT-myelography has more
diagnostic validity compared to MRI 4.
Myelography is generally safe. Reviewing of the
literature shows a vast spectrum of complications. The
most common complication of myelography is spinal
headache, which is reported to occur in 4-60% of
procedures 5,6. It also has a low risk of seizure, allergic
reactions, and other subtle complications 7. These
complications may be attributed to the contrast agent
which may be oil-based or water soluble 8.
Generally, water soluble contrast agents such as
Omnipaque or Metrizamide have less neurotoxic sideeffects than the oil-soluble contrast media 9. However,
even new water-soluble agents may induce adverse
reactions in nearly half of the patients. In these cases,
headaches are reported in 43% 10.
Postmyelographic complications may be due to either
CSF leakage or CNS irritation due to contrast material 11.
Management of these complications is extremely different
(supine or sitting position, respectively). The proposed
treatments for post-myelo headache consist of rehydration
or use of acetaminophen or other NSAIDs, opioids,
antiemetics 12, DDVAP 13,14, ACTH 15, Caffeine 16. In
resistant cases, epidural blood patch 17 or epidural saline 18-20
or dextran 21,22 injection are used as well as epidural,
intratecal and parenteral opioids 23,24,25. However, these
International Clinical Neuroscience Journal • Vol 3, No 2, Spring 2016
Steroid in post myelography headache—Seddighi et al
measures do not provide complete relief 26. The last resort
is surgery 27. Very few studies have assessed the role of
steroid in post myelography headache 28-32.
In this study we evaluated the therapeutic effects of
steroid in alleviation of post myelography headaches.
One of the most paramount features in our study is the
classification of the degree of headache in to five stages. It
is of great importance that the indication of myelography
was lumbar radiculopathy in all of the cases.
Sixty-five patients from February 2010 till February
2013 were considered for myelography in our clinic. All
patients had low back pain with radicular pain in one
leg or intermittent claudication. All the patients failed
conservative treatment: at least two weeks bed rest with
anti-inflammatory and palliative medications. Before the
procedure, the patients were informed of the purpose of
the study.
This procedure was performed with patient in the
lateral decubitus position. At first we took 5–10 ml CSF
for laboratory studies. Then, we injected Omnipaque
(Iohexol) with a standard dosage of 10 milliliters and a
concentration of 240 milligrams of iodine per milliliter.
The rate of injection was slow. It lasted for 1-2 minutes.
After myelography the patients were placed in a semirecumbent position for six hours and confined to bed for
24 hours. The patients were divided into two groups. In
this study start of the headache was not an indication for
us to inject dexamethasone. The first group consisted of
37 patients in whom intravenous steroid (dexamethasone),
8 mg twice a day was prescribed. For the other 28 patients
(second group) distilled water as placebo was used. We
prescribed dexamethasone and distilled water before the
headaches started. These patients were randomized into
these groups using colored cards. Each patient picked
up a card from a sack. The randomization process
was double-blinded. We performed myelography with
26 gauge needle. The exclusion criteria in this study
were as follows: congestive heart failure, coagulopathy,
psychogenic problems like panic disorder, severe anxiety,
and patient’s unwillingness to collaborate.
Patients were asked to describe their headaches. We
graded the headaches from 0 to 4 as described in table
1. The frequency and severity of adverse reactions in the
two groups were then compared. For analgesia we used
diclofenac tablets. The number of required diclofenac
tablets was also recorded and compared.
Demographic and pain score data were analyzed using
Microsoft Excel software performed by a statistics’
expert. Assessment of the intervening factors was done
using student’s t-test and χ2 test. Based on the patients
headache score they were divided into two groups
(greater or equal grade 3 and lesser than grade 2) and
was compared using χ2 test.
Our series consist of 65 patients that were referred to us
due to spinal complaints from February 2010 till February
2013. We performed myelography because of different
reasons such as economic problems, claustrophobia,
metallic foreign bodies, etc.
We randomized all our patients in to two groups. The
first group received 8mg dexamethasone IV just before
the performance of myelography. This group included
37 patients of whom 23 were male and 14 were female,
M/F ratio was 1.64. The average age of this group was
41.45 years, ranging from 28 to 78 years with standard
deviation of 11.91 years. Median age was 38 years and
the mode was 32 years. The second group did not receive
dexamethasone. They were 28 patients of whom 16 were
male and 12 were female, M/F 1.33. The average age
of this group was 39.5 years, ranging from 24 to 79
years with standard deviation of 17.14 years. In most
of the cases the age was 30 and the median was 30.5.
The symptoms of the patients according to the degree
of headache, was summarized in table 1.
In the first group the major cause of myelography was
economic problems, 18 patients (48.6%). The second most
common cause was claustrophobia, 9 patients (24.3%). Six
patients (16.2%) underwent myelography due to metallic
foreign bodies. Two patients (5.4%) had morbid obesity
and in 2 patients (5.4%) myelography was performed
because lumbosacral MRI was inconclusive. Economic
problems were also the major cause of myelography in
the second group consisting of 15 patients (54%). The
other cause was claustrophobia in 8 patients (29%).
Four patients (14%) had metallic foreign bodies, and
one patient (3%) had morbid obesity. Table 2 shows the
statistical analysis of matching between our two groups.
The most common clinical complaint in the first
Table 1. Symptoms of the patients according to headache grading.
Grade of headache
International Clinical Neuroscience Journal • Vol 3, No 2, Spring 2016
No headaches
Mild headache, no interference with daily
Moderate headache, some interference with
daily activities
Severe headache, bedridden
Severe headache, requires hospitalization
Steroid in post myelography headache—Seddighi et al
Table 2. Age, sex and economical cause of myelography in each group.
Age (median)
Sex (M/F ratio)
Economical cause of mylography
Steroid +
group was persistent radicular pain (30 patients, 81.1%)
followed by intermittent claudication (5 patients, 13.5%),
and refractory axial back pain in 2 patients (5.4%). The
most common clinical complaint in the second group was
also persistent radicular pain, 19 patients (68%), followed
by intermittent claudication in 9 patients (28%). In the
first group 28 patients (75.7%) had sensory impairment
and 25 patients (67.6%) had motor impairment. In the
second group 19 patients (68%) had sensory impairment
and 13 patients (46%) had motor impairment.
After performance of myelography we assessed the
total amount of analgesic consumption. In the first group
the average number of diclofenac tablet prescription was
3.45 ranging from 1 to 8 with standard deviation of 2.71.
The median number was 2 tablets and in the most of the
cases only 1 tablet was used. In the second group the
average number of diclofenac tablet consumption was
5.85 ranging from 1 to 8 with standard deviation of 2.51.
The mode was 7 tablets and the median was 7 tablets too.
In the first group the average degree of headache was
2, which ranged from 0 to 4. The standard deviation was
1.19. In most of the cases the degree of post myelography
was 1 and the median was 1. In the second group the
average degree of headache was 3, ranging from 0 to 4
and the standard deviation was 1.32. The median and
mode were 3. Generally in our patients significant (grade
>=3) PMH occurred in 50.1% of the patients.
We also assessed the duration of headache after
myelography. In the first group, the average duration
was 1.37 days, ranging from 0-4 with standard deviation
of 1.5 days. The median duration was 1 and the mode
was 0. In the second group the average duration was 4.9
days, ranging from 0-7 with standard deviation of 2.29
days. In most of the cases, duration of headache was 4
days and the median was 3 days.
Post dural puncture headache (PDPH) occurs after
dural puncture for myelography, lumbar puncture, or
spinal (subarachnoid) anesthesia 30-33. The headache is
positional; it is relieved by lying supine and exacerbated
by sitting or standing 30-32. It may be associated with
nausea, vomiting, impairment of vision, tinnitus, or loss
of hearing 30,31.
Steroid 39.5
CNS irritation is the major cause of symptoms that
were reported after myelography with Metrizamide as a
contrast agent and there is no difference in side effects
between ambulatory patients and bed-rest patients 11,34,35.
The complications that have been reported with Iohexol
(Omnipaque) are less than Metrizamide 36-39. The almost
fast disappearance of intrathecally injected Iohexol 40
considering the duration of the symptoms and the effect
of position on the severity of the headache, it seems that
CSF leakage is more effective than the irritative effect
of contrast agents on post-myelography symptoms 41.
Water-soluble agents have less side-effects compared
to conventional contrast agents. However, they are not
without any morbidity. The risk involved in the process
is considered acceptable in patients who suffer from
radicular symptoms and objective signs who had not
received conservative treatment.
We asked all the patients to remain on 30° head
elevated supine position after myelography. According
to Ilkka and Hans’s study 41 it does not appear that
the patient’s position after myelography significantly
affects the rate of adverse post-myelography symptoms.
PDPH treatment is determined based on the severity of
symptoms. If the headache is mild, the treatment will be
supportive. The patients were administrated to remain
supine; acetaminophen, nonsteroidal analgesics and
opioids are used to alleviate the pain.
The administration of Methylxanthine agents for
patients who suffered from severe PDPH has been
suggested 30-32. It produces vasoconstriction especially
in cerebral vessels 30. Methylxanthine alleviates PDPH
in 75%-85% of the patients 31. Patients with mild to
moderate PDPH might get prescribed Methylxanthine
orally. However patients with severe PDPH may be
given intravenous Methylxanthine 30-32. This supportive
treatment is continued until the dural defect heals itself.
If PDPH continues after at least 24 hours of supportive
therapy, then treatment with an epidural blood patch is
suggested 30-32. The injection of autologous blood into
the epidural space will immediately relieve the headache
by means of closing the dural defect. Applying the first
epidural blood patch is successful in 85%-90% of patients.
Also less than 2% of patients have residual PDPH after
a second epidural blood patch 31.
International Clinical Neuroscience Journal • Vol 3, No 2, Spring 2016
Steroid in post myelography headache—Seddighi et al
In our review of the literature we didn’t find any article
which was based on a grading scale for assessment of
headache, except the study performed by Hess JH 32.
Based on their grading scale the authors reported that
after myelography severe headache occurred in 15% of
their patients. However, in our study severe headache
occurred in 50.1% of patients. This difference may be
due to the pain threshold of patients and/or needle gauge.
One of the paramount advantages in our study was
the similarity between our two groups which matched
according to proofs summarized in (Table 2). Statistical
analysis did not show any significant difference of the
age and sex between the two groups (Table 2). Generally
in our patients, significant (grade >=3) PMH occurred in
50.1% of patients. In the patients who received steroid
severe PMH occurred in 37.8% where as in the other
group it occurred in 75%. Statistical analysis showed that
this difference was significant (p=0.026). In this study
49% of patients had 0-1 degree of headache, 35% were
grade 2 and just 15% of patients had severe (more than
grade 3) headache. In our study, the average of headache
duration was 1.37 days in treated patients in contrast to
4.9 days in the other group and the difference between
the two groups was statistically significant (p=0.0092).
Vandam and Dripps reported that 72% of PDPH
resolved within 7 days, and 87% had resolved in 6 months
. Hess JH in his series reported that PDPH in 90% of
the cases began within 3 days of the procedure and the
duration of PDPH was usually 3-5 days 32. Reynolds F. in
his study confirmed these results 43. In Leibold RA study,
66% of PDPH started within the first 48 h 31. In few cases
the headache began in 5 to 14 days after dural puncture,
however, rarely it may present itself immediately after
dural puncture 44. Our study showed that the total amount
of analgesic consumption was statistically lower in cases
with steroid injection (p=0.0094).
According to our study, it seems that using steroid
after myelography is effective on the improvement of
headache severity, duration, and need for analgesics.
The authors appreciate deeply Mr. Esmail Seddighi and
Mrs. Banooashraf Saberi for their great role in editing
the text and data analysis.
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International Clinical Neuroscience Journal • Vol 3, No 2, Spring 2016