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2005, Sensors
10 pages
1 file
Atomic force and high resolution scanning tunneling analyses were carried out on nanostructured WO 3 films. It turned out that the band gap measured by scanning tunneling spectroscopy at surface is lower than the band gap reported in the literature. This effect is attributed to the high density of surface states in this material, which allows tunneling into these states. Such a high density of surface states pins the Fermi level resulting in modest surface activity at room temperature. Photo activation of WO 3 results in unpinning of the Fermi level and thereby in higher chemical activity at surface.
Surface Science, 2001
The electronic structure of polycrystalline monoclinic WO 3 has been investigated by means of scanning tunneling spectroscopy in ultrahigh vacuum. Current image tunneling spectroscopy maps show a clear and systematic increase of the conductance of the surface at the WO 3 crystallite boundaries, with a corresponding decrease of the bandwidth. This eect is assigned to the occurrence of r bonded electronic states lying deep in the bulk band gap, and due to pairing of reduced W ions at intersection planes between adjacent crystallites. Signi®cant presence of p bonding states at the Fermi level has been also detected at these crystallites boundaries.
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, 2000
In this work the surface electronic and structural properties of about 150 nm thick WO 3 films, deposited in high vacuum by thermal evaporation onto Si substrates, have been studied in ultrahigh vacuum ͑UHV͒ by means of x-ray photoemission spectroscopy ͑XPS͒ and scanning tunneling microscopy ͑STM͒/spectroscopy. After deposition these films have been annealed in atmospheric oven for 24 h at different temperatures ͑300 and 500°C͒ to stabilize the film morphology. XPS measurements to follow W 4 f , O 1s peaks and the valence band, have been performed on these samples both as prepared and after a re-annealing in UHV at temperatures ranging from 50 to 350°C. The UHV re-annealing procedure strongly modifies the W 4 f peak of both the as deposited and the 300°C/24 h treated samples, and produces an increase of metallic states at the Fermi edge. Instead, the 500°C/24 h sample, after heating in UHV shows substantial stability of the nearly stoichiometric WO 3 phase. Using STM in UHV we have investigated the morphology of the samples at room temperature and after the annealing at elevated temperatures up to 350°C. In particular, we have taken I-V curves on typical grains of the polycrystalline sample. Our findings on the electronic structure of samples close to the Fermi level are in agreement and allow a clearer understanding of the findings from the parallel XPS study.
Journal of Vacuum …, 2000
In this work the surface electronic and structural properties of about 150 nm thick WO 3 films, deposited in high vacuum by thermal evaporation onto Si substrates, have been studied in ultrahigh vacuum ͑UHV͒ by means of x-ray photoemission spectroscopy ͑XPS͒ and scanning tunneling microscopy ͑STM͒/spectroscopy. After deposition these films have been annealed in atmospheric oven for 24 h at different temperatures ͑300 and 500°C͒ to stabilize the film morphology. XPS measurements to follow W 4 f , O 1s peaks and the valence band, have been performed on these samples both as prepared and after a re-annealing in UHV at temperatures ranging from 50 to 350°C. The UHV re-annealing procedure strongly modifies the W 4 f peak of both the as deposited and the 300°C/24 h treated samples, and produces an increase of metallic states at the Fermi edge. Instead, the 500°C/24 h sample, after heating in UHV shows substantial stability of the nearly stoichiometric WO 3 phase. Using STM in UHV we have investigated the morphology of the samples at room temperature and after the annealing at elevated temperatures up to 350°C. In particular, we have taken I-V curves on typical grains of the polycrystalline sample. Our findings on the electronic structure of samples close to the Fermi level are in agreement and allow a clearer understanding of the findings from the parallel XPS study.
Thin Solid Films, 2003
In this work, the electronic properties of the surface of WO films with thickness of 150 nm, thermally evaporated in high 3 vacuum onto Si(100) substrates and pre-treated in air by a 24-h-long annealing at 300 8C and 500 8C (obtaining polycrystalline monoclinic samples) have been studied by surface and bulk sensitive core level (W 4f) and angle integrated valence band photoemission using synchrotron radiation (ELETTRA Synchrotron). The photon energy ranged from 50 eV to 200 eV. The line shape analysis of W 4f core level spectra has shown that the surface presents a sub-stoichiometric WO component assigned to 3 oxygen vacancies ultimately responsible for the gas sensitivity of this material. Correspondingly, valence band spectra show welldefined metallic states W 5d in the gap and near the Fermi level. The variations of surface chemical composition caused by Ultra High Vacuum annealing, and prolonged exposure to UV beam has been monitored by changes in spectral line shape. A general consequence of annealing in vacuum is the segregation of oxygen from the bulk toward the surface as confirmed by independent scanning tunnelling spectroscopy measurements.
An approximately 125 nm thick pulsed laser deposited blue, nonstoichiometric WO 3Àδ film grows on TiO 2 (110) in the [220] direction. Oxidative treatment at 400°C turns the film color from blue to yellow and improves the film quality considerably, as shown by improvement of the Kiessig oscillations in the X-ray reflectometry curves. Detailed analysis of resonant valence band photoemission spectra of the as-deposited nonstoichiometric blue film and oxidized yellow film suggests that a transition near the Fermi energy originates from the nonstoichiometry, i.e., oxygen deficiency, and insofar poses electronic defect states that partially can be eliminated by heat treatment in oxygen. The defects of the as-deposited blue film seem to be located throughout the film, except for the top surface due to exposure to oxygen in ambient air. Thermal after-treatment under oxygen heals the defects in the bulk, whereas residual defect states appear to remain near the filmÀsubstrate interface. Potential strain at the substrateÀfilm interface due to lattice mismatch may be one origin for the remanence of the defect states in the bulk.
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2011
Spectroelectrochemical studies have been undertaken to explain changes in the capacitance of mesoporous semiconducting WO 3 films, deposited on FTO conductive glass substrates, and immersed in aqueous acidic solutions. The capacitance of the mesoporous WO 3 films, determined in EIS measurements, decreased over three orders of magnitude with an exponential decay while the electrode potential was increased from +0.3 to 1 V vs. RHE. The results show that within this potential range the capacitance is related to the specific properties of the mesoporous semiconductor|solution interphase. The process of the accumulation layer formation is accompanied by hydrogen intercalation at lower potentials. The comparison of Raman and SERS experiments, both performed under the potential control, points out that the hydrogen insertion takes place first only in the outermost sphere and then in the nanoparticle core and that these processes are clearly separated on the potential scale. From the practical point of view, these results suggest that the capacitance (or dc current) may be used for the real (active) surface determination.
Journal of materials chemistry. A, Materials for energy and sustainability, 2016
The photoanodic response of two different types of nanocrystalline WO 3 electrodes prepared by following either the sol gel approach or the accelerated anodization route was explored in sulfate containing electrolytes with the aim of exploring the mechanism of charge separation at WO 3 /electrolyte interfaces. Combined evidences by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and Transient Absorption Spectroscopy indicate that the hole transfer occurs through the valence band and that, under applied bias, the voltage drop involves predominantly the space charge layer of the semiconductor, controlling the photocurrent via potential-induced variations of hole density at the surface of WO 3. OH radicals were found among the primary water oxidation intermediates, and are partly responsible for mediated back recombination. The generation of hydroxyl radicals suggests, however, that WO 3 based materials can find promising applications for environmental photoremediation under visible light, promoting •OH mediated oxidation of impervious contaminants. In principle, the removal of •OH by organic scavengers will also optimize the photocurrent generation in photoelectrochemical cells where the generation of hydrogen can be coupled to environmental decontamination.
Academia Biology, 2023
This study aims to investigate the effect of in-feed clinoptilolite treatment on biomarkers such as serum amyloid A (SAA), haptoglobin, apolipoprotein A-I (APO A-I), and paraoxonase-1 (PON1) activity, triglycerides (TRIG) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol in dairy cows with subclinical mastitis. A total of 69 Holstein dairy cows, aged 2–7 years, kept on a farm in North-Western Croatia, were included. Cows were randomly assigned into three groups: (1) Clinoptilolite (CPL) group with subclinical mastitis (n = 20), treated in-feed 50 g natural powdered clinoptilolite twice daily from 270th day of pregnancy to the end of study; (2) nontreated cows (n = 19) with subclinical mastitis (SCM); and (3) the control group (CON) of healthy cows (n = 30). Blood samples were taken: on the day of calving and on days 5, 12, 19, 26, 33, 40, and 60 after parturition. The concentration of SAA was highest in the SCM group (p < 0.001). PON1 activity was statistically significantly lower (p < 0.001) in cows from the SCM group than in the CPL and CON groups. Decreased PON1 activity and increased APO A-I were observed in the case of SCM. The positive effect of the addition of vibroactivated clinoptilolite in the feed of treated cows resulted in reduced values of APO A-I, SAA, and haptoglobin, and higher activity of PON1 during the two-month period of lactation after calving, on the basis of which we can assume that they may be less sensitive to infection in SCM.
fobre tudo, Juiz dos vivos e dos mortos, Rey dos reys, Senhor dos fenhores. Item, as propriedades divinas, como faó, Infinidade, Eternidade, Todafabedoria, Todapoderia. As Divinas obras, que faó a criaçaõ, e a confervaçaõ de todas as criaturas, a eleiçaõ para vida eterna, a ordenaçaõ do mi niterio Ecclefiaftico, e dos Sacramentos, o dar do Efpirito Sanéto, a regeneraçaó, a li Vraçaõ do poder do diabo, a refufcitaçaõ dos mortos, o juizo do mundo, e affentarte á maõ direita de Deus; para o que tambem ferve, a defcripçaõ dos muitos milagres que obrou com feu proprio poder, e finalmente, a honra e o ferviço Divino, a faber", que devemos crér nelle, lhe adorar, e em feu nome fer bautiza dos. Sua humana natureza fe defcreve, quando fe declara, que foi concebido do Efpirito San &o, da geraçaõ de David, que foi nacido da Virgem Maria, que tem huá alma humana, e hum verdadeiro corpo humano, com todas Propriedades naturaes de ambos, a faber, que * 5 pade padeceu fome e fede, comeu,dormiu, que fe cançou, felatimou, fintiu dores, fe entrifte ceu, e fe agatou. Seu Oficio a o qual foi man dado do Pae no mundo, de tres maneiras fe defcreve, conforme a feu fobrenome, CHR Is To, que he, ungido, a faber, feu Prophetico, feu Sacerdotal, e Real Oficio: feu Prºphetico Oficio, adminiftrou afi por fime{mo, como por feus difcipulos, principalmente doze, quem-• 2COI1• } acontecéraó, ou do mefmo JESU CHR + sºro, Gontidas nos quatro Euangelhos, Matheo, Marca, Lucas, foam, ou as que faó feitas pelos fanctos Apotolos, comprendidas de Lucas nos Attos dos Apofiolos. As coufas que ainda aviaô de fuce der, faó efcritas de 7oám no feu Apocabpfe, no qual he predito o eftado da Igreja de Chrifto, defpois de fua fubida a o ceo, até o fim do mun do. Os livros que trataó as doutrinas, faó: as Cartas dos fantos Apofioios, afi do Apoftolo Paulo, como de alguns ºutros. O Apotolo Paulo por diferentes ocafioens efcreve quatorze Cartas, alguás ás particulares. Igrejas, a fa ber, a os Romanos, a os Corinthios duas, a os Galatas, Ephefios, Philippenfes, Colofenfes, a os The/alonicenfes duas. Alguás ás pefoas particu lares, com tudo, que o argumento pertence á toda Igreja. A o Timotheo duas, a o Tito e Phi leman, e tambem a os Hebreos, da qual Carta, fora de razaó, alguns duvidaó fe do Apoftolo
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