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Int Rev Neurobiol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 February 27.
Published in final edited form as:
Int Rev Neurobiol. 2015 ; 123: 279–313. doi:10.1016/bs.irn.2015.05.016.
Behavioral and Genetic Evidence for GIRK Channels in the CNS:
Role in Physiology, Pathophysiology, and Drug Addiction
Jody Mayfield1, Yuri A. Blednov, and R. Adron Harris
Waggoner Center for Alcohol and Addiction Research, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin,
Texas, USA
Author Manuscript
G protein-coupled inwardly rectifying potassium (GIRK) channels are widely expressed
throughout the brain and mediate the inhibitory effects of many neurotransmitters. As a result,
these channels are important for normal CNS function and have also been implicated in Down
syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, psychiatric disorders, epilepsy, and drug addiction. Knockout
mouse models have provided extensive insight into the significance of GIRK channels under these
conditions. This review examines the behavioral and genetic evidence from animal models and
genetic association studies in humans linking GIRK channels with CNS disorders. We further
explore the possibility that subunit-selective modulators and other advanced research tools will be
instrumental in establishing the role of individual GIRK subunits in drug addiction and other
relevant CNS diseases and in potentially advancing treatment options for these disorders.
Author Manuscript
G protein-coupled inwardly rectifying K+ (GIRK) channels are a family of ion channels that
are activated via ligand-stimulated G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Following ligand
stimulation, activated G protein subunits are released that directly interact with and open
GIRK channels so that they become permeable to K+ ions. The outward K+ current
hyperpolarizes neuronal membranes and decreases neuronal excitability. GIRK channels are
activated by a large family of GPCRs (reviewed in chapters “Unifying Mechanism of
Controlling Kir3 Channel Activity by G Proteins and Phosphoinositides” by Logothetis et al.
and “The Roles of Gβγ and Gα in Gating and Regulation of GIRK Channels” by Dascal and
Kahanovitch), including dopamine 2 (D2), serotonin 1A (5-HT1A), μ-, κ-, and δ-opioid,
cannabinoid 1 (CB1), and γ-aminobutyric acid type B (GABAB) receptors.
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There are four mammalian subunits (GIRK1–4) with overlapping but distinct expression
patterns throughout the CNS that form heterotetrameric channels (Karschin, Dissmann,
Stuhmer, & Karschin, 1996; Koyrakh et al., 2005). GIRK2 and GIRK4 subunits can also
form functional homotetrameric channels (Koyrakh et al., 2005; Krapivinsky et al., 1995).
GIRK1–3 are considered the predominant subunits in brain, while GIRK4 expression is
more restricted (Perry et al., 2008; Wickman, Karschin, Karschin, Picciotto, & Clapham,
2000). GIRK2 appears to be an integral subunit of most neuronal GIRK channels (Cruz et
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al., 2004; Luscher, Jan, Stoffel, Malenka, & Nicoll, 1997; Slesinger, Stoffel, Jan, & Jan,
1997). The expression patterns of GIRK subunits vary in individual brain regions and even
among subcellular compartments within individual neurons, ensuring discrete regional and
cellular signaling (reviewed in chapter “Localization and Targeting of GIRK Channels in
Mammalian Central Neurons” by Luján and Aguado). It is interesting that the unique
subunit composition of GIRK channels in different neuronal populations may confer distinct
functional properties (Jelacic, Kennedy, Wickman, & Clapham, 2000; Jelacic, Sims, &
Clapham, 1999; Schoots et al., 1999) and drug sensitivities that mediate the rewarding
effects of certain addictive drugs, such as γ-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) (Cruz et al., 2004;
Labouebe et al., 2007).
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GIRK channels have been implicated in both normal CNS functions and pathological states
(Luscher & Slesinger, 2010). They control key neurological processes, such as neuronal
plasticity and learning/memory, and are sensitive to different drugs of abuse (see chapters
“GIRK Channel Plasticity and Implications for Drug Addiction” by de Velasco et al. and
“GIRK Channels: A Potential Link Between Learning and Addiction” by Tipps and Buck),
making them relevant targets to examine in behavioral studies of cognition and drug
addiction. In this chapter, we examine behavioral evidence from mouse knockout models as
well as genetic studies from animal models and humans that support a role for GIRK
channels in different CNS processes. This review includes normal responses such as pain
perception, motor control, and memory formation, as well as GIRK contributions to the
pathophysiology of Parkinson’s disease, Down syndrome, psychiatric diseases, and epilepsy.
We also review the evidence for alcohol- and other drug-dependent behaviors that are
mediated by GIRK-dependent signaling. Finally, we explore how recent progress in GIRK
channel structural modeling (see chapter “Structural Insights into GIRK Channel Function”
by Glaaser and Slesinger) and the development of subunit-selective channel modulators
(Kaufmann et al., 2013; Ramos-Hunter et al., 2013; Wen et al., 2013) may advance
understanding of channel function and, consequently, improve treatment options for many
CNS diseases. These and other new research approaches may contribute to the design of
better therapeutics for the CNS disorders that are associated with GIRK-dependent
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Gene knockout mouse models have provided valuable insight into the role of GIRK
channels in normal and pathological processes (Luscher & Slesinger, 2010). A primary
concern of knockout lines is whether compensatory changes in the expression of other genes
occur as a result of global deletion of individual genes. For example, GIRK1 protein levels
are also decreased in mice lacking the Girk2 gene (Signorini, Liao, Duncan, Jan, & Stoffel,
1997), and the lack of either GIRK1 or GIRK2 is correlated with lower expression of the
other, suggesting a specific assembly between these subunits (Koyrakh et al., 2005; Marker,
Stoffel, & Wickman, 2004). Although off-target effects of genetic deletion may be a
confounding factor in knockout animals, these models have nevertheless been instrumental
in generating information about the physiological relevance of GIRK channels. In sections 2
and 3, we outline the behavioral and genetic evidence in mice (Tables 1 and 2) and humans
(Table 3), highlighting roles for GIRK channels in a variety of CNS disorders.
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2.1 Cognitive Deficits
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Several lines of evidence indicate that GIRK channels play a crucial role in cognitive
function. GIRK channels are expressed in brain regions associated with learning and
memory, including the hippocampus, amygdala, and pre-frontal cortex (Ehrengruber et al.,
1997; Hearing et al., 2013; Luscher et al., 1997) and modulate the development of synaptic
plasticity (Chung et al., 2009). Furthermore, changes in GIRK signaling are associated with
learning impairments in behavioral studies of mutant mice (Table 1). For example, weaver
mice, which contain a single amino acid mutation in the pore of the GIRK2 subunit (Patil et
al., 1995), exhibited long-term learning deficits in models of instrumental learning (Derenne
et al., 2007). Girk4−/− mice showed impaired performance in the Morris water-maze test but
did not differ from wild-type mice in the passive avoidance test, indicating some impairment
in spatial learning and memory but not aversive learning (Wickman et al., 2000).
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Modulators of GIRK channel function may also be important in synaptic plasticity and
learning and memory. Regulators of G-protein signaling (RGS) proteins accelerate GTPase
activity of the Gα subunit, thereby negatively modulating GPCR–GIRK activation
(reviewed in chapter “RGS Redundancy and Implications in GPCR–GIRK Signaling” by
Doupnik). The R7 family of RGS proteins has prominent roles in motor control,
nociception, and reward-related behavior in mammals, similar to some of the known roles
for GIRK channels (Anderson, Posokhova, & Martemyanov, 2009). RGS7 and its binding
protein R7BP control GABAB receptor (GABABR)–GIRK signaling in hippocampal
pyramidal neurons (Ostrovskaya et al., 2014). Deletion of the Rgs7 gene or its binding
protein in mice increased the sensitivity to baclofen activation and slowed GIRK current
deactivation in these neurons. The enhanced GABABR–GIRK coupling sensitivity and
slower deactivation kinetics decreased neuronal excitability and disrupted inhibitory forms
of synaptic plasticity, likely contributing to the learning and memory deficits observed in
Rgs7−/− mice (Ostrovskaya et al., 2014). These knockout mice showed deficits in context
recognition after fear conditioning and impairments in different aspects of the Morris watermaze test. Both of these tests rely on hippocampal processing for memory formation,
providing corroborating behavioral evidence that RGS proteins control GABABR–GIRK
signaling and mediate hippocampal synaptic plasticity.
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Gene duplication and overexpression of GIRK subunits can also cause cognitive
impairments. GIRK channels are implicated in the pathology of Down syndrome, a
congenital disorder caused by an extra maternal copy (trisomy) of human chromosome 21
that is characterized by learning disabilities, craniofacial abnormalities, and hypotonia,
although the extent of these phenotypes varies among individuals (Wiseman, Alford,
Tybulewicz, & Fisher, 2009). The Down syndrome critical region (DSCR) of chromosome
21 contains several genes, including KCNJ6, which encodes the GIRK2 subunit (Toyoda et
al., 2002). Transpolygenic mice carrying extra copies of chromosome 21 fragments covering
the DSCR showed cognitive disabilities in most tests of the Morris water-maze and in the
altered context stage in fear-conditioning tests (Chabert et al., 2004). The presence of
KCNJ6 in this region and the overexpression of GIRK2 and enhanced GABABR-dependent
signaling may contribute to some of the mental disabilities in Down syndrome, as reviewed
in Cramer, Best, Stoffel, Siarey, and Galdzicki (2010).
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Different mouse models of Down syndrome have been generated that carry either a partial
or full segment duplication of the analogous mouse chromosome 16, and these trisomy mice
exhibit cognitive deficits (Liu et al., 2011). A partial trisomy 16 mouse model (Ts1Cje)
containing the DSCR showed impaired performance levels in several tests in the Morris
water-maze (Sago et al., 1998). Another partial trisomy model containing a larger region of
chromosome 16 (Ts65Dn) showed greater learning impairment in Morris water-maze tests
compared to Ts1Cje mice (Reeves et al., 1995). Ts65Dn mice were also more active in
open-field tests and less responsive to environmental cues compared to controls (CoussonsRead & Crnic, 1996) and demonstrated deficits in a fear-conditioning test of associative
learning (Costa, Scott-McKean, & Stasko, 2008). Ts1Rhr mice, which are trisomic for a
small subset of the genes in Ts65Dn, and Ts1Cje mice showed cognitive deficits in novel
object recognition and T-maze tests (Belichenko et al., 2009). Although all of these mice
carry an extra copy of Girk2, other overexpressed genes on chromosome 16 may also
contribute to the cognitive deficits observed in these models (Roubertoux & Carlier, 2010).
The development of a mouse model with trisomy for Girk2 alone provided more direct
evidence for this gene in Down syndrome. These mice exhibited impaired hippocampaldependent contextual-fear recall, altered responses to rewards, decreased excitatory synaptic
plasticity, and increased long-term synaptic depression (Cooper et al., 2012). Recent
evidence suggests that Keppen–Lubinsky syndrome, a rare disease characterized by physical
abnormalities, lipodystrophy, developmental delays, intellectual disabilities, and
microcephaly, is caused by mutations in KCNJ6 (Masotti et al., 2015). Together, these
studies highlight the importance of GIRK channels in cognition, in particular a role of
GIRK2 (Tables 1 and 3).
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2.2 Pain
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Analgesics can target different types of GPCRs (e.g., opioid, cannabinoid, and GABAB
receptors), and GIRK channels are a common effector of many analgesic medications (Pan
et al., 2008). GIRK channels were first associated with pain perception based on the reduced
analgesia observed in weaver mice after opioid or ethanol administration (Ikeda et al., 2000;
Kobayashi et al., 1999). However, the weaver mutant is not an ideal model because the
mutation causes neuronal degeneration rather than a selective loss of GIRK2 function (Patil
et al., 1995). Viable mice lacking the Girk2 gene were generated that lacked postsynaptic
responses to neurotransmitters known to act through Gi/o-linked GPCRs, but retained normal
presynaptic signaling (Luscher et al., 1997; Signorini et al., 1997; Slesinger et al., 1997).
These knockout mice provided an improved model for studying the specific role of GIRK2containing channels in neurophysiology and behavior.
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In male Girk2−/− mice, there was a marked reduction or elimination of the antinociceptive
effects of several compounds, including baclofen, ethanol, and a cannabinoid receptor
agonist in the hot plate response test; however, analgesia induced by the NMDA receptor
antagonist, ketamine, was not affected (Blednov et al., 2003). Although some of the drugs
used in this study do not directly couple to GIRK channels, the loss of GIRK2 subunits may
indirectly decrease neuronal sensitivity to these analgesics. Deletion of Girk2 also blocked
the endogenous opioid-dependent component of stress-induced analgesia, whereas
nonopioid stress-induced analgesia was not altered. Other behavioral work corroborated
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these findings, showing that morphine- and clonidine-induced antinociception were reduced
in male Girk2−/− mice (Mitrovic et al., 2003). Both studies provided evidence that GIRK2
contributes to sex differences in nociception and indicated that activation of GIRK2containing channels underlies the analgesic effects of a diverse array of drugs (ethanol,
opioids, nicotine, cannabinoids, as well as alpha adrenergic, muscarinic cholinergic, and
GABAB receptor agonists), suggesting a common mechanism for analgesic action.
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Girk2−/− and Girk3−/− (but not Girk4−/−) mice showed increased sensitivity to pain and
blunted analgesic responses to morphine, with Girk2−/− mice being the least sensitive to
morphine analgesia (Marker et al., 2002). Girk2/3−/− mice demonstrated greater
hyperalgesia compared to the single mutants and were similar to Girk2−/− mice in blunted
responses to morphine analgesia (Marker et al., 2002). Hyperalgesia and decreased analgesic
responses following spinal administration of high doses of morphine were observed in
Girk1−/− or Girk2−/− mice (Marker et al., 2004). Similar results were observed after
administration of the GIRK channel blocker tertiapin in wild-type mice (Marker et al.,
2004). GIRK1 and GIRK2 subunits are enriched in the superficial dorsal horn of the spinal
cord (Marker et al., 2004), a key relay station for nociceptive processing, providing further
evidence that spinal GIRK channels composed of GIRK1/2 subunits modulate thermal
nociception and analgesia induced by high doses of morphine. In agreement with this,
Girk1−/− or Girk2−/− mice showed blunted responses to μ- and δ- but not κ-opioid receptor
agonists, and tertiapin reduced the ability of the μ- and δ-receptor agonists to increase the
latency for tail withdrawal in the immersion tail-flick test (Marker et al., 2005).
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Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping also identified Girk3 as a candidate gene
contributing to mouse strain-dependent differences in the analgesic effects of multiple drug
classes, and Girk3−/− mice showed decreased analgesic responses to morphine and a
cannabinoid receptor agonist (Smith et al., 2008). In humans, single nucleotide
polymorphisms (SNPs) in KCNJ6 (GIRK2) were associated with an increased requirement
for opioid analgesics following abdominal surgery (Nishizawa et al., 2014, 2009). An SNP
in KCNJ6 was also associated with increased opioid requirement for analgesia and increased
substitution therapy with methadone in former heroin addicts (Lotsch et al., 2010). A
comparison of genetic variation in KCNJ3 and KCNJ6 identified SNPs in KCNJ6 that were
associated with a pain-related phenotype in patients following total knee arthroplasty with
postoperative opioid analgesics (Bruehl et al., 2013). These studies suggest that genetic
variation in GIRK-dependent signaling affects pain outcome in mice and humans (Tables 1
and 3). A review of GIRK signaling and therapeutic strategies in opioid-dependent analgesia
is found in a recent review (Nagi & Pineyro, 2014).
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2.3 Motor Control
Motor control is a dopamine-dependent behavior involving the nigrostriatal pathway. The
dopamine neurons of the substantia nigra (SN), a key component of this pathway, express
high levels of GIRK2-containing channels (Koyrakh et al., 2005; Reyes et al., 2012),
suggesting that GIRK-mediated inhibition may contribute to motor activity. Increased motor
activity was observed in both weaver (Schmidt et al., 1982) and Girk2−/− mice (Blednov et
al., 2001a), supporting a role for GIRK2-containing channels in motor control (Table 1).
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Girk2−/− mice showed transient hyperactivity and slower habituation in an open-field test
and increased spontaneous locomotor activity during the dark phase in their home cages
(Blednov et al., 2002). Motor activity increased after habituation and was inhibited by the
dopamine D1 receptor antagonist SCH 23390 and increased by the D1 partial agonist SKF
38393. SCH 23390 also inhibited basal activity levels in knockout and wild-type mice.
These results suggested that D1 receptor signaling is enhanced in Girk2−/− mice in a stressful
environment, resulting in transient hyperactive behavior.
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Other work showed that both Girk1−/− and Girk2−/− mice displayed increased motor
activity, delayed habituation to an open field, and resistance to baclofen-induced ataxia in
the rotarod test (Pravetoni & Wickman, 2008), but Girk3−/− and Girk4−/− mice did not differ
from wild-type in locomotor activity (Pravetoni & Wickman, 2008; Wickman et al., 2000).
In contrast, ML297 (a potent small molecule agonist of GIRK1-containing channels)
suppressed motor activity in wild-type C57BL/6J mice in an open-field test at the highest
dose tested (Wydeven et al., 2014).
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Further evidence for a role of GIRK2 in motor control comes from weaver mice, which have
been used as a model of Parkinson’s disease (Table 1). Parkinson’s disease produces
progressive degeneration of dopamine neurons in the SN pars compacta, resulting in loss of
motor coordination and some cognitive impairment (Rodriguez-Oroz et al., 2009). The
GIRK2 mutation in weaver mice makes the channels nonselective for cations and less
sensitive to Gβγ (Kofuji et al., 1996; Navarro et al., 1996; Slesinger et al., 1996), producing
constitutively active GIRK2 channels that may be responsible for the neuronal degeneration
in dopaminergic neurons in the SN pars compacta and cerebellar granular neurons that are
observed in these mice (Harkins & Fox, 2002; Schmidt et al., 1982; Smeyne & Goldowitz,
1989). The progressive dopaminergic degeneration causes gait instability, poor limb
coordination, and tremors, similar to the phenotypes observed in Parkinson’s disease and
chronic drug addiction (Ebadi et al., 2005). However, the neurological changes in weaver
mice do not completely mimic those of Parkinson’s disease. Activation of GIRK2 channels
and the resulting efflux of K+ have also been linked to nerve growth factor-programmed cell
death in dorsal root ganglion neurons, which is important in normal development of the
nervous system (Coulson et al., 2008), indicating that GIRK2 subunits control both normal
and pathological mechanisms of neuronal degeneration.
2.4 Psychiatric Disorders
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2.4.1 Depression—Depression is the most common psychiatric disorder and a leading
cause of disability worldwide (Saltiel & Silvershein, 2015). First-line treatment options for
depression include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin–norepinephrine
reuptake inhibitors, and norepinephrine–dopamine reuptake inhibitors (Saltiel & Silvershein,
2015). Although monoaminergic pathways are the primary targets of antidepressants, altered
GIRK signaling may also be involved in their therapeutic action, considering that GIRK
channels are the main inhibitory effectors of 5-HT1A receptors. Deletion of GIRK2 subunits
in mice was associated with depression-resistant behaviors combined with a reduced
behavioral response to the antidepressant citalopram (an SSRI) and reduced
electrophysiological responses to 5-HT1A receptor agonists, suggesting that GIRK channels
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may be targets for treating depression by decreasing sensitivity of dorsal raphe neurons to
serotonergic transmission (Llamosas et al., 2015) (Table 1). Furthermore, chronic
administration of fluoxetine, an SSRI, restored anticipatory behavior in socially stressed rats
in a rodent model of depression, and this response was partly mediated by the suppression of
GABABR–GIRK signaling (Cornelisse et al., 2007). The effect of fluoxetine on GIRK
currents was also present in control animals and was independent of the animal’s depressed
state. High concentrations of fluoxetine inhibited GIRK channels expressed in oocytes,
whereas other SSRI antidepressants had little or no effect (Kobayashi, Washiyama, & Ikeda,
2004). The GIRK channel inhibitor tipepidine also acts as a novel antidepressive agent in the
forced swimming test in rats, perhaps by enhancing dopaminergic or noradrenergic
transmission (Kawaura et al., 2012). In humans, an epistatic interaction between KCNJ6
(GIRK2) and CREB1 (cyclic adenosine 5′-phosphate (adenosine monophosphate)-response
element binding protein) may influence rumination, a symptom of depression (Lazary et al.,
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A recent study showed that the rapid antidepressant effects of NMDA receptor antagonists
cause GABABR–GIRK decoupling by increasing the stability of the adapter protein,
14-3-3η (Workman et al., 2015). Interestingly, 14-3-3η is implicated in other neurological
diseases that are associated with GIRK channel function, including Parkinson’s disease and
schizophrenia (Foote & Zhou, 2012). Levels of GABABRs and 14-3-3η decreased in the
hippocampi of socially defeated rats in a model of depression (Workman et al., 2015).
However, mice injected with NMDA antagonists (rapid antidepressants) showed increased
GABABR and adaptor protein levels and decreased GIRK2 levels in hippocampal
synaptoneurosomes. The elimination of GABABR–GIRK signaling via 14-3-3η was
required for the rapid antidepressant efficacy of ketamine, suggesting that inhibition of
GIRK signaling is a potential mechanism for treating depression, a condition associated with
other psychiatric disorders and addictive behaviors.
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2.4.2 Anxiety—There are many different types of anxiety disorders, and these disorders
may increase the risk for comorbid mood and substance use disorders (Kessler, Ruscio,
Shear, & Wittchen, 2010). Studies using knockout mice provide evidence for GIRK subunits
in anxiety-related behaviors. For example, Girk2−/− mice demonstrated reduced anxiety with
signs of hyperactivity in the elevated plus-maze, light/dark box, and “canopy” anxiety tests
(Blednov et al., 2001a). In the elevated plus-maze, Girk2−/− mice spent a higher percentage
of time in the open arms and had a greater number of total entries. A short period of social
isolation decreased anxiety and increased total activity as shown by an increased number of
open arm entries, whereas behavior in wild-type mice was not substantially altered by social
isolation. In the light/dark box test, Girk2−/− mice demonstrated increased locomotion and a
greater number of vertical explorations (rearings) in the light area. In the “canopy” test,
increased locomotion in the exposed area and a trend to decrease the number of stretch
attend postures in the most secure canopy area was observed in these mutants. Subsequent
work showed decreased anxiety in the elevated plus-maze test in Girk2−/−, and to a lesser
extent in Girk1−/−, but not Girk3−/− mice (Pravetoni & Wickman, 2008) (Table 1). As
previously mentioned, deletion of GIRK2 subunits in mice resulted in decreased depressive-
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like behaviors (Llamosas et al., 2015), suggesting that GIRK2-containing channels may be
relevant targets for treating both anxiety and depression.
Direct activation of GIRK1-containing channels by ML297 also reduced anxiety-related
behavior in mice, without producing addictive or sedative effects (Wydeven et al., 2014).
The anxiolytic effect of ML297 in the elevated plus-maze test was lost in Girk1−/− mice.
Observing the same behavioral phenotype using null mutants or a GIRK agonist
administered to wild-type mice could indicate that either too little or too much GIRK
activity is anxiogenic. Studies of ML297, or other derivatives, may uncover a useful class of
anxiolytic compounds with fewer side effects.
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GIRK channels may also be involved in obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), an anxiety
disorder characterized by obsessions or compulsions that cause distress or interfere with
daily function (Decloedt & Stein, 2010). Although SSRIs are the first choice for treatment of
OCD, approximately half of the patients with resistant OCD fail to respond to these drugs
(Decloedt & Stein, 2010). In a mouse model of OCD that examined marble-burying
behavior, tipepidine potently and dose-dependently reduced marble-burying behavior and
was effective at doses that did not affect locomotor activity (Honda, Kawaura, Soeda,
Shirasaki, & Takahama, 2011). Thus, inhibition of GIRK signaling, either using
pharmacological channel inhibitors or genetic deletion, is associated with reduced anxietyrelated behaviors and may represent a novel mechanism for the treatment of these disorders.
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2.4.3 Schizophrenia—Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that can manifest as
disorganized thoughts, hallucinations, or delusions, although symptoms vary dramatically
between patients and even change over time in individual patients (Buckley, Miller, Lehrer,
& Castle, 2009). The comorbidity of schizophrenia with other psychiatric disorders (e.g.,
anxiety, depression, and substance abuse) is well documented (Buckley et al., 2009). A
genomewide association study (GWAS) of schizophrenia in a Japanese population identified
an SNP in KCNJ3 (GIRK1) (Yamada et al., 2011), and a subsequent GWAS of KCNJ3 in a
Chinese population identified nine SNPs that were associated with schizophrenia (Yamada
et al., 2012). The initial SNP marker in the Japanese population also showed significant
association in the Chinese population. Furthermore, analysis of transcript levels in the
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex from postmortem brains of patients with schizophrenia or
bipolar disorder revealed lower expression of KCNJ3 compared to control subjects (Yamada
et al., 2012). Thus, KCNJ3 may represent a susceptibility gene for schizophrenia in Asian
populations (Table 3).
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2.4.4 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder—Attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD) is a prevalent neurodevelopmental psychiatric disorder characterized by
impulsivity, inattention, and/or hyperactivity (Wilens & Spencer, 2010). ADHD affects
cognitive development and can have long-lasting effects on academic success and social
relationships. The neurobiological causes of its symptoms are unclear, but there is evidence
for overlap between ADHD and schizophrenia, mood disorders, and substance abuse
(Hamshere et al., 2013; Larsson et al., 2013; Wilens & Spencer, 2010), all of which appear
to involve GIRK signaling. Tipepidine, which inhibits GIRK channel activity, is used
clinically as a nonnarcotic antitussive and was recently evaluated for its ability to improve
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ADHD symptoms in pediatric patients. A preliminary pilot study indicated that tipepidine
was well tolerated and improved ADHD rating scale scores (Sasaki et al., 2014). This
suggests that inhibition of GIRK-dependent signaling might offer treatment options for
ADHD that are safer than the current use of psychostimulants, which have undesirable side
effects. Collectively, studies using tipepidine provide preliminary evidence for its role in
different psychiatric disorders, including depression, anxiety, and ADHD.
2.5 Epilepsy
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Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by recurring epileptic seizures of varying
duration and severity, which have no immediate underlying cause (Chang & Lowenstein,
2003). Mouse models have provided behavioral evidence that GIRK channels may be
relevant targets for the treatment of seizure disorders (Table 1). The mutant GIRK2 channels
in weaver mice are not selective for K+ and upon activation, depolarize rather than hyperpolarize neurons, thus increasing neuronal excitability, likely contributing to the
development of sporadic seizures observed in these mice (Eisenberg & Messer, 1989).
Girk2−/− mice also developed spontaneous seizures and showed increased sensitivity to
pentylenetetrazole-induced convulsions (Signorini et al., 1997). Girk3−/− mice did not
develop seizures, but Girk2/3−/− mice experienced spontaneous and lethal seizures
(Torrecilla et al., 2002). Seizures in these knockout mice may be explained by the overall
loss of GIRK function and the decreased neuronal inhibition, which in turn, increases
neuronal excitability. In addition, spinal administration of tertiapin, which blocks GIRK
channels, had proconvulsant effects (Mazarati et al., 2006). Conversely, ML297, a selective
activator of GIRK1-containing channels, had antiseizure efficacy in rat models of epilepsy
(Kaufmann et al., 2013). Specifically, ML297 delayed seizure onset in an electroshock
model and prevented convulsions and death in a chemical model of epilepsy (Kaufmann et
al., 2013).
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The brain circuitry underlying addiction and the rewarding properties of drugs of abuse
involves the mesocorticolimbic dopamine system, which consists of the ventral tegmental
area (VTA), medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), and nucleus accumbens (NAc) (van Huijstee
& Mansvelder, 2014). GIRK channels are expressed in these regions, and GIRK signaling is
altered by exposure to different types of addictive drugs, indicating that these channels are a
common effector of drugs of abuse and likely mediate the neuroadaptations believed to be
important in the development and progression of addiction. The location, cellular specificity,
and long-lasting GIRK-mediated neuroadaptations triggered by different drugs of abuse
suggest that GIRK channels contribute to expression of drug-addictive behaviors, such as
drug seeking, craving, and relapse. In the following sections, we review the behavioral and
genetic evidence from mouse models (Table 2) and genetic studies in humans (Table 3) that
link GIRK channels with different drugs of abuse.
3.1 Ethanol
Alcohol initially produces intoxication, anxiolysis, and a sense of reward, presumably
through direct action on specific targets such as ion channels or signaling cascades (Howard,
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Trudell, & Harris, 2014; Trudell, Messing, Mayfield, & Harris, 2014). After prolonged and
repeated exposure, alcohol-induced changes in gene expression and synaptic function are
thought to contribute to the development of altered behaviors such as tolerance,
sensitization, and compulsive consumption, the hallmark of addiction (Gilpin & Koob,
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GIRK channels are implicated in ethanol action as discussed in a recent review
(Bodhinathan & Slesinger, 2014). GABABR–GIRK transmission in dopamine neurons of
the VTA (Federici, Nistico, Giustizieri, Bernardi, & Mercuri, 2009) and GABABR–GIRK
currents in cultured cerebellar granule cells were enhanced by ethanol (Lewohl et al., 1999).
Ethanol also directly activated exogenously expressed GIRK channels at concentrations that
are intoxicating in humans (Aryal, Dvir, Choe, & Slesinger, 2009; Kobayashi et al., 1999;
Lewohl et al., 1999). GIRK2 is a prominent GIRK subunit in brain (and the VTA), and
GIRK2-containing channels expressed in oocytes were more sensitive to ethanol than
GIRK1/4 or GIRK4 channels (Lewohl et al., 1999).
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The direct alcohol sensitivity of GIRK channels and their location in brain regions that are
implicated in drug and natural reward circuitry indicate that they are relevant targets for
alcohol action in vivo, and mouse models have been fundamental for deciphering their role
in ethanol responses (Table 2). The first behavioral studies examining the role of GIRK
channels in ethanol responses used weaver mice, which lacked acute ethanol-induced
analgesia, but not the sedative, hypothermic, and locomotor-activating effects of ethanol
(Kobayashi et al., 1999). Reduced ethanol analgesia was also observed in Girk2−/− mice
(Blednov et al., 2003), and Girk2−/− mice displayed greater ethanol-stimulated activity in an
open-field test (Blednov et al., 2001b). Although the withdrawal severity after acute
administration of ethanol was reduced in these mice, there was no difference in withdrawal
severity following a chronic ethanol diet when the amount of ethanol given to knockout
mice was matched with the amount consumed by wild-type. There were also no genotype
differences in ethanol-induced sleep time or acute functional tolerance.
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The role of GIRK channels in ethanol reward has been investigated using two common
models of addictive behavior: ethanol consumption and conditioned place preference.
Animal models of voluntary ethanol administration are valuable for profiling behavioral and
genetic determinants in human alcoholics, who exhibit excessive consumption as a hallmark
of the disease (Hyman, Malenka, & Nestler, 2006). Animal models of conditioned place
preference and conditioned taste aversion provide insight into the rewarding and aversive
effects of ethanol, while models of withdrawal profile dependence and the symptoms that
contribute to susceptibility for continued drug abuse (Chester & Cunningham, 2002; Green
& Grahame, 2008; Metten et al., 1998). Ethanol consumption and preference did not differ
in wild-type and Girk2−/− mice in the standard two-bottle choice test where the bottle
positions were alternated daily to control for position preferences. However, when the
ethanol bottles were always available in the preferred location, Girk2−/− mice consumed
more ethanol compared to wild-type (Blednov et al., 2001b). In addition, Girk2−/− mice
showed reduced conditioned taste aversion for 2.0 and 2.5 g/kg ethanol (Hill et al., 2003).
Unlike wild-type mice, Girk2−/− mice failed to develop a conditioned place preference for
ethanol (Hill et al., 2003). Preliminary evidence reported by Tipps and Buck in chapter
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“GIRK Channels: A Potential Link Between Learning and Addiction” indicates that
Girk3−/− mice have increased preference for the ethanol-paired side compared to wild-type
littermates. Thus, loss of GIRK2 or GIRK3 may produce opposite effects on ethanolinduced conditioned place preference, suggesting that the sensitivity to ethanol may depend
upon the subunit composition of GIRK channels. Further evidence for subunit selectivity
and ethanol sensitivity can be found in a recent study showing that deletion of GIRK3
increased limited access but not continuous access voluntary drinking and decreased acute
withdrawal severity, but did not affect the metabolic, sedative, hypothermic, or ataxic effects
of ethanol (Herman et al., 2015). Overexpression of GIRK3 in the VTA reversed the bingedrinking phenotype and reduced drinking in wild-type mice. Deletion of GIRK3 also
decreased ethanol-induced excitation of VTA dopamine neurons and dopamine release in
the NAc, providing additional evidence that GIRK3 is required for activation of the
mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway by ethanol (Herman et al., 2015). These results point to a
role for GIRK3 in the rewarding properties of ethanol and as a potential target for regulating
binge-like drinking.
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GIRK3 may also be required for other ethanol responses. For example, QTL mapping
identified the Girk3 gene in a region of mouse chromosome 1 that was associated with
withdrawal from ethanol and other sedative– hypnotics (Kozell et al., 2009). DBA/2J and
chromosome 1 congenic mice have a small QTL interval containing Girk3 from the DBA/2J
strain in a genetic C57BL/6J background and exhibit more severe withdrawal from ethanol
and other drugs of abuse than C57BL/6J mice. Girk3 expression in the brain is greater in
these mice compared with C57BL/6J mice (Kozell et al., 2009). Furthermore, Girk3−/− mice
demonstrate less severe withdrawal from ethanol than their wild-type littermates (Herman et
al., 2015; Kozell et al., 2009). Interestingly, the region of chromosome 1 containing Girk3
also contains QTLs for ethanol drinking (Tarantino, McClearn, Rodriguez, & Plomin, 1998),
ethanol-conditioned aversion (Risinger & Cunningham, 1998), and acute sensitivity to
ethanol (Crabbe, Belknap, Mitchell, & Crawshaw, 1994; Demarest, McCaughran, Mahjubi,
Cipp, & Hitzemann, 1999), suggesting that this and other nearby genes may be involved in
several ethanol-related behaviors.
A multivariate analysis of alcohol phenotypes in 37 different mouse mutant lines and their
wild-type controls revealed that Girk2 is part of a gene cluster associated with taste, and this
cluster is driven by decreased ethanol and saccharin consumption (Blednov, Mayfield,
Belknap, & Harris, 2012). The Girk2 mutation was tested on two different backgrounds
(B6×129, B6N6), which resulted in its placement in different gene clusters, suggesting that
the genetic background also plays an important role in the function of this gene in alcoholrelated phenotypes.
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Human genetic studies have provided additional support for GIRK channels in alcoholdependent phenotypes (Table 3). The Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism
(COGA) examined event-related oscillations (EROs) in electroencephalogram recordings,
which signify cognitive processes during normal and pathological brain function (Basar,
Basar-Eroglu, Karakas, & Schurmann, 2001). These brain oscillations are stable, highly
heritable (van Beijsterveldt, Molenaar, de Geus, & Boomsma, 1996) and are shared between
alcohol dependence and related disorders (Porjesz et al., 2005). A COGA family-based
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GWAS was performed for a specific ERO phenotype using SNPs genotyped in families
affected by alcohol use disorder. The GWAS identified several SNPs in KCNJ6 (GIRK2)
that may account for the ERO phenotype (Kang et al., 2012). SNPs in the promoter region of
KCNJ6 were also associated with alcohol dependence in adults and hazardous drinking
behavior in adolescents who were exposed to early life stress (Clarke et al., 2011). Overall,
genetic variations, subunit composition, and cell specificity can all be critical determinants
of ethanol action on GIRK channel function and behavioral responses.
3.2 Sedative/Hypnotics
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Sedative–hypnotic drugs depress CNS function and are used to reduce anxiety or induce
sleep. Although alcohol, opioids, and GHB fall into this general category, barbiturates and
benzodiazepines are considered the two major classes of sedative–hypnotics. A QTL
associated with pentobarbital withdrawal was mapped to a region containing 15 genes of
mouse chromosome 1, and Girk3 was identified as a particularly promising candidate
(Kozell et al., 2009). Less severe pentobarbital withdrawal was associated with lower Girk3
mRNA expression, suggesting that a Girk3 null mutation would decrease pentobarbital
withdrawal compared to that of wild-type mice. As observed for ethanol, Girk3−/− mice
experienced less severe withdrawal from pentobarbital and zolpidem (Table 2), providing
evidence for GIRK3-containing channels in acute withdrawal from barbiturates and
benzodiazepines (Kozell et al., 2009). Girk3−/− and wild-type mice did not differ in
pentobarbital-induced sedation and hypothermia, suggesting that Girk3 mediates a subset of
sedative–hypnotic effects.
3.3 Psychostimulants
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Psychostimulants, such as cocaine and amphetamine, can produce a continuum of behavioral
and cognitive effects, with low doses producing beneficial cognitive effects and high doses
producing addiction and psychosis (Wood, Sage, Shuman, & Anagnostaras, 2014).
Behavioral studies in mice indicate that GIRK signaling may be involved in the early stages
of addiction to cocaine (Table 2). Girk2−/− mice demonstrated enhanced locomotor
responses to cocaine (Arora et al., 2010). In addition, mice given lentiviral RNAi infusions
to suppress GIRK1 and GIRK2 expression in the mPFC showed elevated motor activity in
response to an initial injection of cocaine (Hearing et al., 2013), suggesting that persistent
suppression of GIRK signaling can presensitize mice to the motor-stimulatory effect of
cocaine. Effects on drug seeking for psychostimulants were also observed in Girk2−/− and
Girk3−/− mice. These mice exhibited reduced intravenous self-administration of cocaine
compared to wild-type counterparts (Morgan et al., 2003). Interestingly, Girk2/3−/− mice
self-administered more cocaine than Girk2−/− or Girk3−/− mice, perhaps due to differing
compensatory mechanisms in the single versus double subunit knockouts.
Sorting Nexin 27 (SNX27) regulates GIRK channel trafficking and its expression is
upregulated by cocaine and methamphetamine (Kajii et al., 2003). Mice lacking SNX27
showed a specific reduction in GABABR–GIRK currents in VTA dopamine neurons and
were hypersensitive to the locomotor-stimulating effects of cocaine (Munoz & Slesinger,
2014). These effects were reversed by expression of GIRK2a, an SNX27-insensitive splice
variant. Inhibition of GABABR–GIRK signaling, and the resulting increased dopamine
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neuron excitability in the VTA, may be a cellular mechanism promoting addiction to
3.4 Opioids
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GIRK channels are coupled to μ-, κ-, and δ-opioid receptors (Nagi & Pineyro, 2014), and as
discussed earlier, animal and human studies provide corroborating evidence that GIRK
channels mediate opioid analgesia (Tables 2 and 3). In addition, GIRK signaling is
important for the motor-stimulating effects of morphine. GIRK2/3 channels in VTA
dopamine neurons were required for the motor-stimulatory effect of systemic morphine,
whereas GIRK1/2 channels in VTA GABA neurons were not involved (Kotecki et al.,
2015). Thus, GIRK channels appear to regulate opioid-induced motor activity in a cell- and
subunit-dependent manner. This work illustrates the utility of selective ablation of GIRK
subunits in individual neurons to decipher cellular- and subunit-specific GIRK signaling.
GIRK2/3 channels in VTA dopamine neurons are also important in mediating the motorstimulatory effects of cocaine (Munoz & Slesinger, 2014) and may be a common target for
other drugs of abuse (Cruz et al., 2004; Herman et al., 2015; Labouebe et al., 2007).
GIRK channels are also implicated in dependence after chronic exposure to morphine
(Tables 2 and 3). For example, morphine withdrawal symptoms were greatly reduced in
mice lacking Girk2/3−/− (Cruz et al., 2008). Electrophysiological responses in brain slices
from these mice lacked the increased spontaneous firing that is associated with morphine
withdrawal, and postsynaptic GIRK currents were abolished. In humans, an SNP in KCNJ6
(GIRK2) was associated with increased opioid requirements for analgesia and a lack of
opioid withdrawal symptoms (Lotsch et al., 2010).
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Interestingly, tolerance to repeated morphine administration may be associated with
increased potency and sensitization of opioid receptors. Opioids have a biphasic effect on
GIRK currents from periaqueductal gray neurons (which contribute to opioid
antinociception and tolerance) in morphine-tolerant rats (Ingram, Macey, Fossum, &
Morgan, 2008). GIRK currents were initially potentiated by met-enkephalin and inhibited by
a μ-opioid antagonist in brain slices from morphine-pretreated rats, suggesting that repeated
morphine exposure in vivo enhances agonist stimulation of μ-opioid receptors; however,
peak GIRK currents in slices from morphine-tolerant rats exhibited greater desensitization.
The altered μ-opioid–GIRK signaling may contribute to the development of opioid
3.5 Nicotine
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The first candidate gene study examining genetic risk variants of nicotine dependence
identified a marker in KCNJ6 (GIRK2) as one of the top signals (Saccone et al., 2007). We
previously discussed the association between polymorphisms in KCNJ6 and individual
postoperative sensitivity to opioid analgesia in humans. One unique SNP (rs2835859) was
also associated with susceptibility to nicotine dependence in a Japanese population
(Nishizawa et al., 2014). Carriers of the C allele of this SNP were less sensitive to pain,
required less opioid analgesics postoperatively, had higher susceptibility to nicotine
dependence, and required a greater number of trials in order to stop smoking (Table 3).
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Although there is no known connection between the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
activated by nicotine and GIRK channels, it is possible that these studies reflect a general
shift in reward sensitivity mediated by differences in GIRK-dependent signaling.
3.6 GIRK Modulators and Other Drugs of Abuse
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GIRK channels are implicated in ethanol and opiate withdrawal and cocaine seeking. It is
interesting that RGS proteins are also associated with mediating effects of alcohol (Stewart
et al., 2015), cocaine (Rahman et al., 2003), and morphine (Zachariou et al., 2003), although
it is unknown whether these effects are related specifically to the modulatory influence of
RGS proteins on GIRK-dependent signaling. In addition, GIRK channels may mediate some
of the rewarding effects of tetrahydrocannabiol (the main component in marijuana), given
that they are activated by endocannabinoids (Guo & Ikeda, 2004) and are implicated in
cannabinoid-induced nociception and analgesia in knockout mice as previously discussed.
GHB may prove to be another example in the list of addictive drugs that activate GIRK
signaling. The different subunit composition of GIRK channels and GABABR–GIRK
coupling efficiency in different types of VTA neurons may account for the cellular and
behavioral effects of the GABABR agonists, GHB (abused drug) and baclofen (anticraving
drug) (Cruz et al., 2004; Labouebe et al., 2007). Unique neuronal populations and functional
sensitivities may thus confer distinct regional and cellular control of GIRK channel function
in brain. Based on their overall sensitivity (cellular, behavioral, genetic) to different types of
drugs of abuse, GIRK channels likely constitute a common target in the addictive process
with the potential to affect treatment outcome.
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The suggested roles for GIRK channels in CNS diseases are heavily based on studies using
mouse knockout models. Although animal models have greatly advanced understanding of
GIRK channel function in normal and disease states, extending studies of the genotypes and
related phenotypes to humans are a necessary bridge. Behavioral evaluation of drug targets
in animals, combined with analysis of genetic variants in humans, may provide an effective
strategy for advancing therapeutics for drug dependence and other polygenic diseases. For
example, a human genetic link between certain peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors
(PPARs) and alcohol-related phenotypes corroborated studies in mice showing that specific
PPAR agonists reduced ethanol consumption (Blednov et al., 2015). Combining both animal
and human data to systematically evaluate and nominate specific GIRK subunits may be a
beneficial approach for determining the significance of these channels in disease and their
potential to affect treatment outcome.
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Currently, effective pharmacotherapies for drug addiction disorders are lacking. Disulfiram,
naltrexone (opioid antagonist), and acamprosate are FDA-approved for treating alcohol
addiction, but have limited efficacy and are not routinely prescribed as therapeutics (Zindel
& Kranzler, 2014). As discussed in this chapter, the GABABR–GIRK signaling pathway is
involved in alcohol, cocaine, and GHB responses in animal studies. Interestingly, the
GABAB agonist baclofen has been approved to treat alcohol addiction in France and is
under clinical trials in the United States (Addolorato et al., 2011). A review of potential
therapeutics for drug use disorders highlights the beneficial uses of baclofen and other
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GABABR modulators (Addolorato, Leggio, Hopf, Diana, & Bonci, 2012). Baclofen shows
promise in managing alcohol-withdrawal symptoms, reducing alcohol craving, and
promoting alcohol abstinence in preclinical animal models and human alcoholics. GABABR
agonists and positive allosteric modulators may also be effective for combating addiction to
other drugs of abuse, including cocaine, methamphetamine, nicotine, and opioids (Phillips &
Reed, 2014). In humans, baclofen reduced subliminal cue-induced mesolimbic activation in
cocaine-dependent individuals, suggesting that it may be promising in preventing relapse
(Young et al., 2014). Baclofen was also noted in a single case report as a potential treatment
for GHB withdrawal (LeTourneau, Hagg, & Smith, 2008).
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In addition to a role in mediating the effects of drugs of abuse, we discussed how
GABABR–GIRK signaling is involved in mood, memory, and nociception. This suggests
that there are other therapeutic applications for novel GABABR modulators, as well as
modulators of other GPCRs with GIRK channel effectors. For example, the development of
novel opioid analgesics has the potential to improve chronic pain management while
reducing side effects. An ideal opioid ligand might be one with selectivity for δ-opioid
receptors that mediates its analgesic effects primarily via GIRK channels without inducing
cellular tolerance or other unwanted effects involving other pathways (Nagi & Pineyro,
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Preliminary results indicate that the GIRK channel inhibitor tipepidine may be effective in
treating ADHD in children (Sasaki, Hashimoto, Tachibana, Kurata, Okawada, et al., 2014),
and preclinical and preliminary clinical studies suggest that it may have uses in other
psychiatric disorders, such as anxiety and depression (Honda et al., 2011; Kawaura et al.,
2012; Sasaki et al., 2014). In addition, new classes of potent, subunit-selective GIRK
channel compounds have been identified that could enable pharmacological targeting of
particular brain regions and behaviors. For example, ML297 activates recombinant neuronal
GIRK channels containing the GIRK1 subunit and decreases anxiety-related behavior
without sedative or overt addictive (rewarding) effects (Wydeven et al., 2014). ML297, or
another subunit-selective derivative, may provide better therapeutics for seizure and/or
anxiety disorders and also help decipher the contribution of GIRK channels in other
diseases. Ideally, new classes of potent compounds designed for therapeutic applications in
CNS disease will offer both subtype selectivity and an enhanced ability to penetrate the
blood brain barrier. These criteria would advance the possibility of finding specific
modulators that can alter access to alcohol and other drug sites on GIRK subunits in brain.
Inhibiting access to binding pockets in channel proteins that are targeted by drugs of abuse,
without altering channel gating, offers a selective mechanism for treating drug abuse with
decreased side effects. Identification of small selective molecules, along with advances in Xray crystallography of channel structure (discussed below), are promising tools for drug
design and manipulation of discrete sites of channel action. Targeted molecules, acting on
GIRK or other channels that are modulated by drugs of abuse, make the goal of therapeutics
with decreased side effects an exciting prospect for addiction research.
Furthermore, other technologies (knock-in animal models, conditional and cell-specific
knockouts, light activation of GPCRs, and chemogenetic applications for GPCRs, such as
Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs or DREADDs) (Urban &
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Roth, 2015) provide discriminating tools for the future and allow more targeted approaches
compared to studies of global null mutants. Human genetic association studies are also
needed to determine candidate genes and more accurately assess the role of GIRK channels
in CNS disorders. X-ray crystal structures have shown ethanol bound to ion channels and
provide evidence for alcohol-binding cavities in GIRK (Aryal et al., 2009) and other channel
proteins (Howard et al., 2014). The rapid progress being made in crystal structures will be
key for modeling the interactions of drugs with GIRK subunits and diagramming the rules of
engagement (see chapter “Structural Insights into GIRK Channel Function” by Glaaser and
Slesinger). The physical, chemical, and modulatory properties of drug-binding pockets may
reveal mechanisms or smart molecules that can displace and inhibit drug action on GIRK
channels (Bodhinathan & Slesinger, 2014). Applying structural data with the
aforementioned approaches can help connect molecular models to function and behavior and
enhance translational research. However, these goals and ideals are tempered by the fact that
full activation or inhibition of GIRK function, even in discrete areas, could profoundly alter
the balance of excitatory/inhibitory signaling and produce unwanted consequences.
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Mouse knockout models have been invaluable for determining the roles of GIRK channels
in many different CNS processes, but continued progress likely requires more combinatorial
approaches to bridge animal and human studies, as well as the implementation of new tools.
Collectively, the resources and approaches described above (i.e., subunit-selective channel
modulators, conditional knockouts, crystallography, etc.) will be crucial for deciphering the
role of GIRK channels in disease and in drug design for individual pathological conditions.
Advances in these different areas of research will be quite significant in determining if
GIRK channels are indeed potential targets for treating CNS disorders. Although GIRK
channel function is altered in many CNS diseases, other protein targets and signaling
mechanisms are also affected, and the specific role of GIRK channels and their modulators
must be convincing before they can be considered for therapeutic benefit.
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Biological systems, including the pathological processes operating in CNS disorders,
function within a framework of inter-connected pathways. Ultimately, successful treatment
of complex-trait disorders will depend on a systems-level approach to disease. While the
study of individual genes is informative, using network-centric and systems biology
approaches to identify inter-related gene networks and pathways that are more likely
representative of the array of processes operating in CNS diseases are also warranted. Rapid
advances in genomic and proteomic techniques can transform our ability to analyze complex
disease processes and decode large data sets into more meaningful biological processes
(Gorini, Harris, & Mayfield, 2014). Because drug addiction and other CNS diseases
represent multifactorial processes with genetic and environmental determinants and
neuroadaptations related to disease progression (Renthal & Nestler, 2008), moving beyond
the significance of individual candidate genes to include the relevant gene and protein
networks may better ascertain the role of GIRK channels and their associated biological
systems in different stages of disease.
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The authors thank Dr. Megan Tipps for helpful comments and suggestions. The authors acknowledge funding from
NIAAA Grants AA006399, AA013520, and AA012404.
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Table 1
Author Manuscript
Mouse Girk Genes Implicated in CNS Disorders
Author Manuscript
Behavioral Phenotypes
GIRK Genotypes
Learning/memory deficits
Girk2 (weaver)
Derenne, Arsenault, Austin, and Weatherly (2007)
Girk4 (−/−)
Wickman et al. (2000)
Rgs7 (−/−)a
Ostrovskaya et al. (2014)
Down syndrome model
Girk2 (triploid)
Cooper et al. (2012)
Reduced analgesia
Girk1 (−/−)
Marker et al. (2004); Marker, Lujan, Loh, and Wickman (2005)
Girk2 (weaver
Ikeda, Kobayashi, Kumanishi, Niki, and Yano (2000); Kobayashi et al. (1999)
Girk2 (−/−)
Blednov, Stoffel, Alva, and Harris (2003); Cruz et al. (2008); Marker, Cintora,
Roman, Stoffel, and Wickman (2002); Marker et al. (2004, 2005); Mitrovic et
al. (2003)
Girk3 (−/−)
Marker et al. (2002); Smith et al. (2008)
Girk2/3 (−/−)
Cruz et al. (2008); Marker et al. (2002)
Girk1 (−/−)
Pravetoni and Wickman (2008)
Girk2 (weaver)
Schmidt et al. (1982); Harkins and Fox (2002)
Girk2 (−/−)
Blednov, Stoffel, Chang, and Harris (2001a); Blednov et al. (2002)
Parkinson’s symptoms
Girk2 (weaver)
Caviness and Rakic (1978); Coscia and Fentress (1993); Derenne et al. (2007);
Schmidt et al. (1982)
Increased seizures
Girk2 (weaver)
Eisenberg and Messer (1989)
Girk2 (−/−)
Signorini et al. (1997)
Girk2/3 (−/−)
Torrecilla et al. (2002)
Girk1 (−/−)
Pravetoni and Wickman (2008)
Girk2 (−/−)
Blednov et al. (2001a); Pravetoni and Wickman (2008)
Girk2 (−/−)
Llamosas, Bruzos-Cidón, Rodríguez, Ugedo, and Torrecilla (2015)
Increased motor activity
Reduced anxiety-like behaviors
Author Manuscript
Increased depressive-resistant behaviors
Girk genes and associated phenotypes from weaver, knockout (−/−), and triploid mouse models are shown.
Rgs7 (regulator of G-protein signaling) is not a GIRK gene, but accelerates G-protein inactivation and negatively modulates GIRK responses
(Lujan, Marron Fernandez de Velasco, Aguado, & Wickman, 2014). Parkinson’s disease-like behavioral phenotypes include cognitive
impairments, hyper-reactivity, ataxia, poor limb coordination, and tremors.
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Table 2
Author Manuscript
Role of Mouse Girk Genes in Mediating the Behavioral Effects of Drugs of Abuse
Drugs of Abuse
Pentobarbital Zolpidem
Author Manuscript
GIRK Genotypes
Behavioral Phenotypes
Girk2 (weaver), Girk2 (−/−)
↓ Analgesia
Kobayashi et al. (1999); Blednov et al. (2003)
Girk2 (−/−)
Hill, Alva, Blednov, and Cunningham (2003)
Girk2 (−/−), Girk3 (−/−)
↓ Acute withdrawal severity
Blednov, Stoffel, Chang, and Harris (2001b);
Kozell, Walter, Milner, Wickman, and Buck
(2009); Herman et al. (2015)
Girk2 (−/−)
↑ Intakea
Blednov et al. (2001b)
Girk3 (−/−)
↑ Binge-like drinking
Herman et al. (2015)
Girk3 (−/−)
↓ Withdrawal
Kozell et al. (2009)
Girk2 (−/−)
↑ Motor activity
Arora et al. (2010)
Girk2 (−/−), Girk3 (−/−)
↓ Self-administration
Morgan, Carroll, Loth, Stoffel, and Wickman
Girk2 (weaver)
↓ Morphine analgesia
Ikeda et al. (2000)
Girk1 (−/−), Girk2 (−/−)
↓ Opioid analgesia
Blednov et al. (2003); Marker et al.
(2004,2005); Mitrovic et al. (2003)
Girk2/3 (−/−), Girk3 (−/−)
↓ Opioid analgesia
Cruz et al. (2008); Marker et al. (2002); Smith
et al. (2008)
Girk2 (−/−)
↑ Morphine-induced motor
Kotecki et al. (2015)
Girk3 (−/−)
↓ Morphine-induced motor
Kotecki et al. (2015)
Girk2/3 (−/−)
↓ Morphine withdrawal
Cruz et al. (2008)
The behavioral effects of drugs of abuse and the related Girk genes from weaver and knockout (−/−) mice are shown.
CTA, conditioned taste aversion; CPP, conditioned place preference.
Author Manuscript
Ethanol intake only increased when the ethanol bottles were available in the preferred location, but not when the positions were alternated daily to
control for side preferences. Kotecki et al. (2015) also showed that selective ablation of Girk2 in VTA dopamine neurons increased morphineinduced motor activity, and the diminished activity in Girk3 (−/−) mice was rescued by restoring GIRK3 expression in the VTA.
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Table 3
Author Manuscript
Human KCNJ Genes Implicated in CNS Disorders
Behavioral Phenotypes
Down syndrome
Toyoda et al. (2002)
Keppen–Lubinsky syndrome
Masotti et al. (2015)
Yamada et al. (2011, 2012)
Increased opioids required for analgesia
Bruehl et al. (2013); Lotsch, Pruss, Veh, and Doehring (2010);
Nishizawa et al. (2009, 2014)
Reduced opioid withdrawal
Lotsch et al. (2010)
Nicotine dependence
Nishizawa et al. (2014); Saccone et al. (2007)
Alcohol dependence (adults) Hazardous drinking
Clarke et al. (2011)
EROs in alcohol dependence
Kang et al. (2012)
Author Manuscript
The human KCNJ genes associated with CNS disorders and drugs of abuse are shown. KCNJ3 and KCNJ6 correspond to the mouse Girk1 and
Girk2 genes, which encode the GIRK1 and GIRK2 subunits, respectively.
EROs, event-related oscillations; SNPs, single nucleotide polymorphisms.
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Int Rev Neurobiol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 February 27.