Reflection on Science, Nature, Art, Human Action and Society
Series Editor
Diederik Aerts, Center Leo Apostel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel,
Volume 1
Einstein Meets Magritte: An Interdisciplinary Reflection
The White Book of 'Einstein Meets Magritte'
Edited by DiederikAerts, Jan Broekaert and Ernest Mathijs
Volume 2
Science and Art
The Red Book of 'Einstein Meets Magritte'
Edited by Diederik Aerts, Ernest Mathijs and Bert Mosselmans
Volume 3
Science. Technology. and Social Change
The Orange Book of 'Einstein Meets Magritte'
Edited by DiederikAerts, Serge Gutwirth, Sonja Smets and
Luk Van Langenhove
Volume 4
World Views and the Problem of Synthesis
The Yellow Book of 'Einstein Meets Magritte'
Edited by Diederik Aerts, Hubert Van Belle and Jan Van der Veken
Volume 5
A World in Transition; Humankind and Nature
The Green Book of 'Einstein Meets Magritte'
Edited by DiederikAerts, Jan Broekaert and Willy Weyns
Volume 6
Metadebates on Science
The Blue Book of 'Einstein Meets Magritte'
Edited by Gustaaf C. Cornelis, Sonja Smets, Jean Paul Van Bendegem
Volume 7
Quantum Structures and the Nature of Reality
The Indigo Book of 'Einstein Meets Magritte'
Edited by Diederik Aerts and Jarosl'aw Pykacz
Volume 8
The Evolution of Complexity
The Violet Book of 'Einstein Meets Magritte'
Edited by Francis Heylighen, J ohan Bollen and Alexander Riegler
Quantum Structures and
the Nature of Reality
The Indigo Book of
"Einstein Meets Magritte"
Edited by
DiederikAerts and Jaroslaw Pykacz
Brussels Free University,
University of Gdansk
Library of congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
ISBN 978-90-481-5243-8
DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-2834-8
ISBN 978-94-017-2834-8 (eBook)
Sold and distributed in Belgium
by VUB University Press,
Waversteenweg 1077, B-l160 Brussels, Belgium
Printed an acid-free paper
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© 1999 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht
Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1999
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Table of contents
General Introduction
Diederik Aerts
Editorial Introduction: Quantum Structures and the Nature of
Diederik Aerts and J aroslaw Pykacz
1. A Half-Century of Quantum Logic. What Have We Learned?
D.J. Foulis
2. Quantum Mechanical Measurements
S. Gudder
3. From Logic to Physics: The Logico-Algebraic Foundations
of Quantum Theory
G. Cattaneo and F. Laudisa
4. Non-Classical Logics, Non-Classical Sets, and Non-Classical
J. Pykacz
5. Against "Paradoxes": A New Quantum Philosophy for
Quantum Mechanics
C. Garola
6. Quantum Mechanics: Structures, Axioms and Paradoxes
D. Aerts
7. Orthogonality Relations: From Classical to Quantum
T. Durt
8. Quantum Logical Semantics, Historical Truths and
Interpretations in Art
M.L. Dalla Chiara and R. Giuntini
The series of books 'Einstein meets Magritte' presented here originates
from an international interdisciplinary conference with the same title,
which took place in Brussels in spring 1995. On the eve of the third
millennium, we assembled scientists and artists to reflect together on
the deep nature of reality and the knowledge and skill humankind has
gathered in this field. We had decided to call this meeting 'Einstein meets
Magritte' because we believed that meaningful keys could be found at
the place where the two meet. It is the way of the world that has made
Einstein and Magritte into icons of our culture. The purpose of the
conference was to reflect and debate without fear on the most profound
and timeless questions.
On one of those evenings, when the talks and discussions were long and
exhausting and the press were doing all they could to get Albert Einstein and Rene Magritte in front of the microphones and cameras, a few
of my most loyal aides and myself succeeded in getting them safely and
quietly to a taxi, which then carried us off into the Brussels night. We
got out at Manneken Pis, since that was on Einstein's list, and we concealed ourselves among the many tourists who were coming and going,
expressing their wonder in every language under the sun at the famous
little statue. And one of us was taking pictures: Einstein and Magritte
leaning against the railings, with us beside them, and one more, arm in
arm, and then another in case the first was no good, when suddenly I
felt a heavy slap on my shoulder:
"How you doing, mate?"
It was Jacky and his inseparable girlfriends Nicole and Sylvie, and
everyone embraced everyone else. I introduced Albert and Rene, and interest was immediately shown, and I had my heart in my mouth, because
Jacky was a painter, poet and urban philosopher. We walked together
through the alleys of Brussels in dismal Belgian rain, over cobblestones
that glistened in the street lamps.
When we had provided for the inner man with 'Rabbit in Beer' and
'Mussels with Fries', and finally a 'Dame Blanche' topped with warm
chocolate sauce as apotheosis, Jacky enticed us to his house in the Rue
Haute where we threw ourselves into deep, soft armchairs. Albert and
Rene were offered the best places and as always Jacky told the story
© 1999
Kluwer Academic Publishers.
of his life and discussed his rightness, as he did repeatedly, with a confidence and suppleness that distinguished him so sharply from modern
science. Albert listened enthralled and Rene was fascinated, and once
more my heart was in my mouth, but Nicole winked reassuringly, and
Sylvie brought us snacks on cushions of Brussels lace and sweet white
wine in tall, old-fashioned crystal glasses.
The topic of discussion for the evening turned out to be 'the doubts
of modern science'. In science there is not a single hypothesis for which
one cannot find two groups of hard-working scientists, one of which can
'prove' the hypothesis while the other can 'prove' its negation. And the
more fundamental and important the question is, the more clearly the
situation turns out like this.
"It's crazy," maintained Jacky, "In fact science states that one doesn't
know anything anymore."
"That's right," said Albert, "Truth is not a simple concept, and I
believe that the history of science makes it clear how often erroneous
hypotheses have been believed over the centuries."
"A good thing too," replied Rene, "Things can only happen as a result
of the movement brought about by that constant doubt."
Meanwhile Sylvie came to join us and handed round pictures of the
exhibitions of Jacky's paintings and poems. Jacky suddenly got very excited, as if something had inspired him, and he leapt up and vanished
into his studio. A few minutes later he returned with his palette and
brush poised. Before I could stop him he had started painting violently
right at the spot where Albert and Rene were sitting. A large, gossamerthin piece of Brussels lace gradually took shape and Albert and Rene
vanished. Fortunately, my young assistants, Jacky's girlfriends and myself got away with just a few vicious daubs of paint in the face.
The series of eight volumes introduced here are not just the results of
the conference, as would be the case with a record of the proceedings.
The authors were invited to write with the events at the conference in
the back of their mind, so that the books would form a second phase in
the process of thought set in motion at the conference. A second ph,ase/
more clearly crystallised than the self-organising forum that arose during
the conference, but one which focuses on the same timeless questions and
The whole ensemble was already streamlined at the conference into
a number of main topics named after the colours of the rainbow - red,
orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, as well as white, the synthesis of all colours. This order was maintained and led to eight separate
books in the series.
Volume 1: Einstein meets Magritte: an Interdisciplinary Reflection
The White Book of Einstein meets Magritte
The white book contains more fully developed versions of the contributions made by the keynote speakers at the conference. So this white book
covers various scientific topics. In his article, 'Basically, it's purely academic', John Ziman asks himself what 'basic research' really is in today's
world. In his contribution, 'The manifest image and the scientific image',
Bas Van Fraassen analyses the considerable differences between the theoretical scientific description of the world and the way it appears to us.
He argues that most formulations of this problem may themselves be
tendentious metaphysics, full of false contrasts, and that insistence on a
radical separation between science and what we have apart from science,
and on the impossibility of accommodating science without surrender,
may be a way of either idolising or demonising science rather than understanding it. In the 'Microdynamics of incommensurability: philosophy of
science meets science studies', Barbara Herrnstein-Smith examines the
bemusing but instructive logical, rhetorical and cognitive dynamics of
contemporary theoretical controversy about science. In his contribution
'Subjects, objects, data and values', Robert Pirsig proposes a radical
integration of science and value that does no harm to either. It is argued
that values can exist as a part of scientific data, but outside any subject
or object. This argument opens a door to a 'metaphysics of value' that
provides a fundamentally different but not unscientific way of understanding the world. Ilya Prigogine discusses in 'Einstein and Magritte:
a study of creativity', the global transformation of a classical science
which was based on certainties into a new science that takes possibilities
as its basic concepts. Constantin Piron demonstrates in his contribution 'Quanta and relativity: two failed revolutions' that none of the two
great revolutions in physics, quantum mechanics and relativity theory,
have actually been digested by the physics community. He claims that
the vast majority of physicists still cling to the idea of a non-existent void
full of little particles, in the spirit of Leibniz or Descartes. Rom Harre
reflects on the significance of the theory of relativity. In his article 'The
redundancy of spacetime: relativity from Cusa to Einstein', he defends
the hypothesis that relativity theory is best interpreted as a grammar
for coordinating narratives told by different observers. In his contribution 'The stuff the world is made of: physics and reality', Diederik Aerts
analyses the consequences of the recent advances in quantum mechanics,
theoretically as well as experimentally, for the nature of reality. He analyses the deep conceptual paradoxes in the light of these recent data and
tries to picture a coherent model of the world. In his contribution 'Da-
sein's brain: phenomenology meets cognitive science', Francisco Varela
puts forward the hypothesis that the relation between brain processes
and living human experience is the really hard problem of consciousness.
He argues that science needs to be complemented by a deep scientific
investigation of experience itself to move this major question beyond
the sterile oppositions of dualism and reductionism. In his contribution
'What creativity in art and science tell us about how the brain must
work' William Calvin defends the prospects for a mental Darwinism
that operates on the milliseconds to minutes time scale, forming novel
ideas and sentences never previously expressed. Adolf Griinbaum in his
article 'The hermeneutic versus the scientific conception of psychoanalysis: an unsuccessful effort to chart a via media for the human sciences'
argues that the so called 'hermeneutic' reconstruction of psychoanalytic
theory and therapy proposed by Karl Jaspers, Paul Ricoeur and Jiirgen
Habermas fails both as a channel and as alleged prototype for the study
of human nature. In his article 'Immortality, biology and computers',
Zygmunt Bauman analyses the shift that post modern society has provoked regarding the concept of immortality. He points out that strategies
of collective and individual immortality have shifted from the modern
deconstruction of death to a postmodern deconstruction of immortality,
and points out that the possible consequences of this process need to be
taken into consideration. Brian Arthur, in his article 'The end of certainty in economics', points out that our economy is very non-classical,
meaning that it is based on essentially self-referential systems of beliefs
about future economic conditions. He argues that our economy is inherently complex, subjective, ever-changing, and to an unavoidable degree
Volume 2: Science and Art
The Red Book of Einstein meets M agritte
And then Magritte comes in. Many obvious differences exist between
science and art. But the Science and Art volume of this series addresses
not only these differences but also the possibilities of crossing several of
the gaps between science and art. Several contributions deal with sociological and philosophical elaborations of the similarities and differences
between science and art, while others approach science from an artistic
point of view and art from a scientific point of view. The volume also
considers several approaches that attempt to go beyond the classical
dichotomy between the two activities. In a special section, attention is
paid to the particular role played by perception in both science and art
as a regulator of human understanding. Together, these contributions
strive for an intensive interaction between science and art, and to a con-
sideration of them as converging rather than diverging. It is to be hoped
that both science and art will benefit from this attempt.
Volume 3: Science, Technology and Social Change
The Orange Book of Einstein meets Magritte
The major subject of the orange book is that society as a whole is changing, due to changes in technology, economy and the changing strategies
and discourses of social scientists. The collected articles in the orange
stream discuss a range of specific societal problems related to the subject of social change, the topics of the articles range from the scale of
for instance sociology of health and psychohistory to more specific social
problems like for instance anorexia nervosa, art academies and the information superhighway. Although the authors approach different subject
matters from dissimilar perspectives and work with various methods, all
the papers are related to the theme of science, technology and social
change. In the orange book the reader will find a lot of arguments and
hints pertaining to questions like: To what exactly will this social change
lead in the 21st century? What kind of society lies ahead? She/he will
be confronted to a plethora of enriching conceptions of the relationships
between social sciences and social changes.
Volume 4: World Views and the Problem of Synthesis
The Yellow Book of Einstein meets M agritte
A rapidly evolving world is seen to entail ideological, social, political,
cultural and scientific fragmentation. Many cultures, subcultures and
cultural fragments state their views assertively, while science progresses
in increasingly narrowly defined areas of inquiry, widening not only the
chasm between specialists and the layman, but also preventing specialists from having an overall view of their discipline. What are the motive
forces behind this process of fragmentation, what are its effects? Are
they truly inhospitable to the idea of synthesis, or do they call out,
more urgently than ever before, for new forms of synthesis? What conditions would have to be met by contemporary synthesis? These and
related questions will be addressed in the yellow book of Einstein meets
Volume 5: A World in Transition; Humankind and Nature
The Green Book of Einstein meets Magritte
IA World in Transition. Humankind and Nature' is appropriately entitled after its aim for an intrinsic property of reality: change. Of major
concern, in this era of transformation, is the extensive and profound interaction of humankind with nature. The global scaled, social and technological project of humankind definitely involves a myriad of changes of
the ecosphere. This book develops, from the call for an interdisciplinary
synthesis and respect for plurality, acknowledging the evolving scientific
truth, the need for an integrated but inevitably provisional world view.
Contributors from different parts of the world focus on four modes of
change: i) Social change and the individual condition, ii) Complex evolution and fundamental emergent transformations, iii) Ecological transformation and responsibility inquiries, iv) The economic-ecological and
socio-technical equilibria. Primarily reflecting on the deep transformations of humankind and on the relationship between humans and nature
it addresses major points of contemporary concern.
Volume 6: Metadebates
The Blue Book of Einstein meets Magritte
This book provides a meta-disciplinary reflection on science, nature, human action and society. It pertains to a dialogue between scientists,
sociologists of science, historians and philosophers of science. It covers
several topics: (1) the relation between science and philosophy, (2) new
approaches to cognitive science, (3) reflections on classical thinking and
contemporary science, (4) empirical epistemology, (5) epistemology of
quantum mechanics. Indeed, quantum mechanics is a discipline which
deserves and receives special attention here, for it still is a fascinating
and intriguing discipline from a historiographical and philosophical point
of view. This book does not only contain articles on a general level, it
also provides new insights and bold, even provocative theories on the
meta-level. That way, the reader gets acquainted with 'science in the
making', sitting in the front row.
Volume 7: Quantum Structures and the Nature of Reality
The Indigo Book of Einstein meets M agritte
This book refers to the satellite symposium that was organised by the
International Quantum Structure Association (IQSA) at Einstein meets
Magritte. The IQSA is a society for the advancement and dissemination
of theories about structures based on quantum mechanics in their physical, mathematical, philosophical, applied and interdisciplinary aspects.
The book contains several contributions presenting different fields of research in quantum structures. A great effort has been made to present
some of the more technical aspects of quantum structures for a wide
audience. Some parts of the articles are explanatory, sketching the historical development of research into quantum structures, while other
parts make an effort to analyse the way the study of quantum structures
has contributed to an understanding of the nature of our reality.
Volume 8: The Evolution of Complexity
The Indigo Book of Einstein meets Magritte
The violet book collects the contributions that consider theories of evolution and self-organisation, on the one hand, and systems theory and
cybernetics, on the other hand. Both can add to the development of an
integrated world view. The basic idea is that evolution leads to the spontaneous emergence of systems of higher and higher complexity or "intelligence": from elementary particles, via atoms, molecules, living cells,
multicellular organisms, plants, and animals to human beings, culture
and society. This perspective makes it possible to unify knowledge from
presently separate disciplines: physics, chemistry, biology, psychology,
sociology, etc. The volume thus wishes to revive the transdisciplinary
tradition of general systems theory by integrating the recently developed insights of the "complex adaptive systems" approach, pioneered
among others by the Santa Fe Institute.
Even these books only signify a single phase in the ever-recurring process
of thought and creation regarding the basic questions on the reality that
surrounds us and our place in it.
July 17, 1998.
This book grew out of the Satellite Symposium "Quantum Structures
and the Nature of Reality" organised by the International Quantum
Structures Association (IQSA) during the conference "Einstein Meets
Magritte: an Interdisciplinary Reflection on Science, Nature, Art, Human
Action, and Society" which was organised in Brussels at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel from May 29 to June 3, 1995. The purpose of the Symposium (and of the present book) was to acquaint the possibly widest audience consisting of people interested in foundations of quantum physics
but not necessarily physically or even mathematically experienced with
the variety of subjects considered within the IQSA, aims, problems, and
methods used to solve them.
The International Quantum Structures Association was established in
1991 and it gathers researchers interested in studying various aspects of
logico-algebraic structures encountered in the very foundations of quantum physics. Quantum structures (formerly called quantum logics) are
situated on the Map of Science in that place where quantum physics
(the foundations of quantum mechanics), mathematics (mathematical
logic, abstract algebra, theory of ordered structures, measure theory,
probability theory, and fuzzy set theory), logic (many-valued, modal,
intuitionistic, and paraconsistent), and philosophy (esp. philosophy of
science) meet. Therefore, activities of the members of the IQSA are really interdisciplinary, which was one more reason for including the IQSA
Satellite Symposium within the scope of the Interdisciplinary Conference
"Einstein meets Magritte" .
Although the present book consists of papers written independently by
various authors which unavoidably leads to some repetitions, we tried to
organise it in such a way that it could serve as a possibly self-contained
introduction to the theory of quantum structures oriented towards an
inexperienced reader. Therefore, the book begins with the review paper
by D. Faulis (University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA) A HalfCentury of Quantum Logics- What Have We Learned, which in its first
part contains a brief exposition of the historical development of quantum structures from their prehistory traced back to Leibniz and Boole
till the most recent papers concerning effect algebras, with the exclusion,
however, of the "parallel stream" within the theory of quantum strucxv
1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
tures connected with many-valued logics and fuzzy setsl. In the main
part of his paper Foulis illustrates practically all fundamental notions
encountered within the theory of quantum structures, and relations between them on the very elementary example of a firefly in the box with
windows using only the simplest mathematical tools, i.e., sets and functions.
Almost an equally elementary example is used in the next paper Quantum Mechanical Measurements by S. Gudder (University of Denver,
USA) to illustrate the notion of an effect algebra. Studying effect algebras became nowadays popular within the IQSA since these structures
are more general, therefore, also more "flexible" than traditional "quantum logics", i.e., orthomodular partially ordered sets or lattices. Their
introduction allowed a lot of "fresh air" to come into the theory of quantum structures2 , which, after the period of a rapid development in the
sixties and the seventies, in the eighties was seen by many as a "decaying" theory without much future.
The paper Fmm Logic to Physics: The Logico-Algebmic Foundations
of Quantum Theory by G. Cattaneo and F. Laudisa (Universita di
Milano and Universita di Firenze, Italy) also contains a brief description
of the historical development of quantum logic ideas. In particular, the
reader will find here a more detailed outline of the seminal Birkhoff
and von Neumann's paper The Logic of Quantum Mechanics generally
regarded as a cornerstone of this branch of Science. The Cattaneo and
Laudisa paper is finished with the notion of an effect introduced (already
encountered in the paper by S. Gudder), however, with the aid of Zadeh's
idea of a fuzzy set, i.e., a set that admits gradual rather than abrupt
transition from membership to non-membership.
Fuzzy set theory is as closely related to Lukasiewicz infinite-valued
logic as traditional set theory is related to the classical, two-valued logic.
These relations are exposed in the paper Non-Classical Logics, NonClassical Sets, and Non-Classical Physics by J. Pykacz (Uniwersytet
Gdanski, Gdansk, Poland) in which it is also shown how these two "nonclassical" branches of mathematics can be utilised in the "non-classical"
branch of physics, i.e., in quantum mechanics. Also this paper contains a
brief survey of the historical development of all "non-classical" theories
that it deals with.
The brief history of this "stream" is contained in the paper by Pykacz.
and also was one of the reasons of changing the name of this branch of Science
from "theory of quantum logics" to the more general "theory of quantum structures" .
The paper by C. Garola (Universita di Lecce, Italy) Against "Paradoxes": A New Quantum Philosophy for Quantum Mechanics, shows
that changing the basic philosophical premises (in this case abandoning
the verificationist theory of truth in favour of the classical (Tarskian)
theory of truth and introducing a new conception of physical laws) implies changes in the interpretation of quantum theory and provides new
solutions to some old "paradoxes" encountered in the very foundations
of quantum physics.
The paper by D. Aerts (Brussels Free University, Belgium) Quantum
Mechanics: Structures, Axioms and Paradoxes, gives an overview of some
of the results in quantum structures research that have been obtained
in the Brussels group. Working within a realist approach to quantum
mechanics-following the inspiration that was outlined in the Geneva
approach-the Brussels group tries to elaborate a generalised quantum
mechanics, where some of the basic axioms of standard quantum mechanics are abandoned (e.g., the superposition principle). The reason
for this generalisation is standard quantum mechanics' impossibility to
describe the situation of two separated quantum entities, a shortcoming
directly linked to the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox. Aerts shows the
different steps of this generalised axiomatic quantum mechanics and the
related problems to be solved tentatively by means of a simple macroscopic model entailing a quantum mechanical structure. Together with
this alternative quantum mechanics an explanation for the probabilities
of quantum mechanics-their origin residing in a lack of knowledge about
the interaction between the measuring apparatus and the system-is exposed by means of the simple example.
The paper Orthogonality Relations and the f.-Model by T. Durt (Vrije
Universiteit Brussel, Belgium) is also written in the spirit of the Brussels approach and devoted to various orthogonality relations that are
quantum-logical generalisations of the classical negation. These relations
are studied within the f.-model of quantum spin-measurements developed
recently in Brussels, where a continuous transition from quantum to classical mechanics can be modelled. This description also needs the more
general framework, developed in Brussels and presented in the paper of
Aerts, where some of the standard quantum mechanical axioms are not
The final paper of the book Quantum Logical Semantics, Historical Truths, and Interpretations in Arts by M.L. Dalla Chiara and
R. Giuntini (Universita di Firenze, Italy) shows that notions and constructions typical to the theory of quantum structures, and non-classical
logics implied by them can find application even in such remote fields
as History and Art. This shows that the methods elaborated within the
theory of quantum structures do not apply exclusively to microworld
and quantum physics and justifies once more the idea of including the
IQSA Symposium within the very broad scope of the Interdisciplinary
Conference "Einstein Meets Magritte" .
Diederik Aerts
J aroslaw Pykacz
This expository paper comprises my personal response to the question in
the title. Before giving my answers to this question, I discuss the utility
of quantum logic in Section 2, offer a succinct review of the history of
quantum logic in Section 3, and present in Section 4 two simple thought
experiments involving a firefly in a box. The two thought experiments
are pursued in Sections 5 through 9, where they give rise to natural and
(I hope) compelling illustrations of the basic ideas of quantum logic. In
Section 10, I replace the firefly by a "quantum firefly," and in Section
11, I summarize the lessons that we have (or should have) learned.
This paper is written for so-called laypersons (although some of the
ideas presented here have yet to be fully appreciated even by some expert
quantum logicians). Thus, in using the firefly box to motivate and exemplify the fundamental notions of quantum logic, I need only the simplest
mathematical tools, i.e., sets and functions. This does not necessarily
imply that a casual reading of the narrative will guarantee an adequate
understanding of the basic principles-a certain amount of attentiveness
to detail is still required.
Before proceeding, I should address a question germane to any meaningful discussion of what we have learned, namely the related question
what good is quantum logic? Until now, quantum logic has had little or
no impact on mainstream physics; indeed some physicists go out of their
way to express a contempt for the subject l , Whether or not the insights
achieved by quantum logicians contribute directly to an achievement of
Witness the following ill-natured remark, arrogantly inserted in the review (Mathematical Reviews of the American Mathematical Society, Nov.-Dec., 1991, 91k 81010)
of a paper written by a well-known Polish physicist who (in the opinion of the reviewer, a "mainline physicist" of some repute) had the temerity to concern himself
with matters pertaining to the foundations of physics: " ... a small but persistent core
of diehards who find fault with quantum mechanics is still active today. The journal
Foundations of Physics serves to give them somewhere to publish."
1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
whatever the Holy Grail of contemporary or future physicists happens
to be 2 , quantum logic has already made significant contributions to the
philosophy of science and to both mathematical and philosophical logic.
Prior to Galileo's celebrated declaration that the Great Book of Nature is written in mathematical symbols, what we now call physical science was commonly referred to as natural philosophy. Quantum logic
offers the possibility of reestablishing some of the close bonds between
physics and philosophy that existed before the exploitation of powerful
techniques of mathematical analysis changed not only the methods of
physical scientists, but their collective mindset as well. The hope is that
quantum logic will enable the mathematics of Descartes, Newton, Leibniz, Euler, Laplace, Lagrange, Gauss, Riemann, Hamilton, Levi-Civita,
Hilbert, Banach, Borel, and Cartan, augmented by the mathematical
logic of Boole, Tarski, Church, Post, Heyting, and Lukasiewicz to achieve
a new and fertile physics/philosophy connection.
The mathematics of quantum mechanics involves operators on infinite
dimensional vector spaces. Quantum logic enables the construction of finite, small, easily comprehended mathematical systems that reflect many
of the features of the infinite dimensional structures, thus considerably
enhancing our understanding of the latter. For instance, a finite system
of propositions relating to spin-one particles constructed by Kochen and
Specker [50] settled once and for all an aspect of a long standing problem relating to the existence of so-called hidden variables [5J. Another
example is afforded by the work of M. KHiy in which a finite model casts
considerable light on the celebrated paradox of Einstein, Podolski, and
Rosen [47J.
One facet of quantum logic, yet to be exploited, is its potential as an
instrument of pedagogy. In introductory quantum physics classes (especially in the United states), students are informed ex cathedra that the
state of a physical system is represented by a complex-valued wavefunction 7/J, that observables correspond to self-adjoint operators, that the
temporal evolution of the system is governed by a Schrodinger equation,
and so on. Students are expected to accept all this uncritically, as their
professors probably did before them. Any question of why is dismissed
with an appeal to authority and an injunction to wait and see how well
it all works. Those students whose curiosity precludes blind compliance
with the gospel according to Dirac and von Neumann are told that they
have no feeling for physics and that they would be better off studying
Just now, the desired consummation of theoretical physics seems to be a so called
"theory of everything," i.e., a master theory encompassing both quantum mechanics
and the general theory of relativity
mathematics or philosophy. A happy alternative to teaching by dogma is
provided by basic quantum logic, which furnishes a sound and intellectually satisfying background for the introduction of the standard notions
of elementary quantum mechanics.
Quantum logic is a recognized, autonomous, and rapidly developing
field of mathematics3 and it has engendered related research in a number of fields such as measure theory [11, 17, 18, 20, 23, 26, 34, 36, 45,
70,71,74, 76] and functional analysis [4, 11, 19, 22, 23, 25, 35, 72]. The
recently discovered connection between quantum logic and the theory
of partially ordered abelian groups [29, 33] promises a rich cross fertilization between the two fields. Also, quantum logic is an indispensable
constituent of current research on quantum computation and quantum
information theory [24].
In 1666, G.W. Leibniz envisaged a universal scientific language, the characteristica universalis, together with a symbolic calculus, the calculus
ratiocinator, for formal logical deduction within this language. Leibniz
soon turned his attention to other matters, including the creation of the
calculus of infinitesimals, and only partially developed his logical calculus. Nearly two centuries later, in Mathematical Analysis of Logic (1847)
and Laws of Thought (1854), G. Boole took the first decisive steps toward
the realization of Leibniz's projected calculus of scientific reasoning4.
From 1847 to the 1930's, Boolean algebra, which may be considered as
a classical precursor of quantum logic, underwent further development
in the hands of De Morgan, Jevons, Peirce, Schroder, et al, and received
its modern axiomatic form thanks to the work of Huntington, Birkhoff,
Stone, et al. Nowadays, Boolean algebras are studied either as special
kinds of lattices [9], or equivalently as special kinds of rings 5 . In 1933,
Kolmogorov, building upon an original idea of Frechet, established the
modern theory of probability using Boolean sigma-algebras of sets as a
foundation [51].
Papers on quantum logic are reviewed in Sections 03G and 81P of the American
Mathematical Society's Mathematical Reviews.
One of Boole's primary motivations was to construct a mathematical foundation
for a theory of probability. Indeed, the full title of his 1854 masterpiece is An Investigation Into the Laws of Thought, On Which are Founded the Mathematical Theories
of Logic and Probabilities.
A Boolean algebra can be defined either as a complemented distributive lattice
or as a ring with unit in which every element is idempotent.
The genesis of quantum logic is Section 5, Chapter 3 of J. von Neumann's 1932 book on the mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics [59]. Here von Neumann argued that certain linear operators,
the projections defined on a Hilbert space6 , could be regarded as representing experimental propositions affiliated with the properties of a
quantum mechanical system. He wrote,
" ... the relation between the properties of a physical system on the
one hand, and the projections on the other, makes possible a sort of
logical calculus with these."
In 1936, von Neumann, now in collaboration with G. Birkhoff, published a definitive article on the logic of quantum mechanics [10]. Birkhoff
and von Neumann proposed that the specific quantum logic of projection operators on a Hilbert space should be replaced by a general class of
quantum logics governed by a set of axioms, much in the same way that
Boolean algebras had already been characterized axiomatically. They observed that, for propositions P, Q, R pertaining to a classical mechanical
system, the distributive law
P & (Q or R)
(P & Q) or (P & R)
holds, they gave an example to show that this law can fail for propositions affiliated with a quantum mechanical system, and they concluded
" ... whereas logicians have usually assumed that properties of negation were the ones least able to withstand a critical analysis, the study
of mechanics points to the distributive identities as the weakest link
in the algebra of logic."
Birkhoff and von Neumann went on to argue that a quantum logic
ought to satisfy only a weakened version of the distributive law called
the modular law7 ; however, they pointed out that projection operators
on a Hilbert space can fail to satisfy even this attenuated version of
distributivity. Much of von Neumann's subsequent work on continuous
geometries [60J and rings of operators [61 J was motivated by his desire to
construct logical calculi satisfying the modular law. In 1937, K. Husimi
[41J discovered that projection operators on a Hilbert space satisfy a
A Hilbert space is a vector space (over the reals, the complexes, or the quaternions) equipped with an inner product, and complete with respect to the metric
arising from the inner product.
A lattice L satisfies the modular law iff, for p, q, r E L, p S r implies that p V (q 1\
weakened version of the modular law, now called the orlhomodular identit" .
From 1937 until 1955, all research on quantum logic ceased as scientists turned their attention to military applications of physics. In 1955,
L. Loomis [53] and S. Maeda [57] independently rediscovered Husimi's
orthomodular identity in connection with their efforts to extend von Neumann's dimension theory for rings of operators to more general structures. The structures studied by Husimi, Loomis, and Maeda are now
called orthomodular lattices9 .
In 1957, G. Mackey wrote an expository article on quantum mechanics
[55] based on lectures he was giving at Harvard. In 1963, he published
an expanded version of these lectures in the form of an influential monograph [56] in which he referred to propositions affiliated with a physical
system as questions. Under fairly reasonable hypotheses, it is easy to
show that Mackey's questions form an orthomodular lattice.
The simplicity and elegance of Mackey's formulation and the natural
and compelling way in which it gave rise to a system of experimental
propositions inspired a renewed interest in the study of quantum logic,
now identified with the study of orthomodular lattices. Could it be that
these lattices provide a basis for Leibniz's long awaited calculus ratiocinator? Thus motivated, a small but devoted group of researchersCatlin, Finch, Foulis, Greechie, Gudder, Holland, Janowitz, Jauch, Kotas, MacLaren, Maeda, Piron, Pool, Ramsay, Randall, Schreiner, Suppes,
Varadarajan, et al-began in the early 1960's the task of working out
a general mathematical theory of orthomodular lattices. A comprehensive account of the resulting theory and an extensive bibliography up to
about 1983 can be found in [44].
In 1964, C. Piron introduced an alternative to Mackey's approach in
which questions again band together to form an orthomodular lattice,
but this time possessing more of the special features of the lattice of
projection operators on a Hilbert space [62]. In fact, Piron was able
to show that his questions could be represented as actual projection
operators on a so-called generalized Hilbert space. Piron's work raised
the issue of how to characterize the standard Hilbert spaces among the
class of generalized Hilbert spaces.
A list of more or less "natural conditions" on generalized Hilbert spaces
was soon proposed in the hopes of singling out the "true" Hilbert spaces.
A lattice L with an orthocomplementation p >--+ p' satisfies the orthomodular
identity iff, for p, q E L, p ~ q implies that q = p V (q 1\ p').
The terminology "orthomodular lattice" was suggested by 1. Kaplansky because,
in such a lattice, orthogonal pairs are modular pairs.
In 1980, H. Keller dashed these hopes by constructing an example of a
generalized Hilbert space satisfying all of the proposed natural conditions, but that is not a standard Hilbert space [46]. In 1995 M. Soler
showed that Keller's counterexample could be bypassed by adding just
one more natural condition to the previous list [72]. Thanks to Soler's
work, we are now in possession of a satisfactory axiomatic approach to
Hilbert-space based quantum mechanics [40].
As early as 1962 [27], it was noticed by some of the aforementioned
researchers that, even without the imposition of additional hypotheses,
Mackey's questions form an intriguing structure called an orthomodular poset. For this reason, orthomodular posets were also considered as
possible candidates for quantum logics and were studied in parallel with
orthomodular lattices, especially by S. Gudder [34, 35] and his students.
A comprehensive account of orthomodular lattices and posets as models
for quantum logics can be found in [65].
In orthodox quantum mechanics, when systems are combined or coupled to form composite systems [3, 28, 43], the combined system is represented mathematically by a so-called tensor product of Hilbert spaces.
Even in the early 1960's, researchers realized that the entire quantum
logic program would falter unless a suitable version of tensor product
could be found for the more general logical structures then under consideration.
After many unsuccessful attempts to formulate a suitable tensor product for orthomodular lattices and posets, it was discovered in 1979 that
all such attempts were doomed to failure owing to the fact that the category of orthomodular posets is too small to admit a tensor product [67].
C. Randall and D. Foulis showed that, to accommodate the construction
of tensor products, a larger category of mathematical structures called
orthoalgebras has to be employed [8,31,49,66,68]. For a while, it seemed
that orthoalgebras were the true quantum logics [8, 20, 26, 30, 36, 71].
Composite physical systems were studied from the perspective of quantum logic in an important and influential sequence of papers by D. Aerts
[1, 2, 3]. In these studies, Aerts introduced the crucial notion of an entity which, roughly speaking, consists of a quantum logic of questions
or propositions affiliated with a physical system together with a related
system of properties, or attributes, of the system. Among other things,
Aerts showed convincingly that a proper representation of a composite
system requires consideration of the way in which properties of a total
system depend on the properties of its constituents. In parallel with the
development of quantum logic, and starting as early as 1970 [19, 38,
39], Davies, Lewis, Holevo, Ludwig, Prugovecki, Ali, Busch, Lahti, Mittelstaedt, Schroeck, Bujagski, Beltrametti, et al worked out a theory of
quantum statistics and quantum measurement based on so-called effect
operatorslO on a Hilbert space [54]. Every projection operator is an effect
operator, but not conversely, and the effect operatorsdo not even form
a lattice, let alone an orthomodular lattice, or even an orthoalgebra.
In 1989, R. Guintini and H. Greuling introduced axioms for a generalized orthoalgebra and argued that effect operators on a Hilbert space
form such a structure [32]. The generalized orthoalgebras of Guintini and
Greuling, which turned out to be mathematically equivalent to the Dposets of Kopka and Chovanec [52], have come to be called effect algebras
[29]. It can be argued that fuzzy or unsharp propositions are properly
represented as elements of an effect algebra [13, 14, 15, 16, 52]. In 1994,
Bennett and Foulis [29] discovered a connection between effect algebras
and partially ordered abelian groups. In subsequent papers, they went
on to show that virtually every structure previously proposed for a quantum logic, and indeed every Boolean algebra, can be represented as an
interval in a such a group. An interval in a partially ordered abelian
group, organized in a natural way into an effect algebra, is called an
interval effect algebra. As a mathematical theory, quantum logic is thus
subsumed by the theory of partially ordered abelian groups.
Because there was no serious work on quantum logic per se during the
years 1938-1957, I consider that quantum logic has been under development for roughly half a century. The history of quantum logic has been
a story of more and more general mathematical structures-Boolean algebras, orthomodular lattices, orthomodular posets, orthoalgebras, and
effect algebras-being proposed as basic models for the logics affiliated
with physical systems. Whether effect algebras are the end of the line
remains to be seen.
Those wishing to read more about quantum logic and its connections
with quantum physics are encouraged to consult the following standard
references [6, 12, 21, 35, 42, 43, 54, 55, 56, 59, 62, 65].
Now I invite you to contemplate with me some "thought experiments"
involving a firefly in a box (Figure 1). The box is to have two translucent
(but not transparent) windows, one on the front and one on the side.
The remaining four sides of the box are opaque. At any given moment,
the firefly might or might not have its light on. If the light is on, it can
be seen as a blip by looking at either of the two windows.
An effect operator is a self-adjoint operator A such that 0 :::; A :::; 1
Figure 1. The Firefly Box
Looking directly at the front window of the box when the light is on,
one can tell by the position of the blip whether the firefly is in the left (1)
or right (r) half of the box. Likewise, looking directly at the side window
when the light is on, one can tell whether the firefly is in the front (f)
or back (b) half of the box. Because the windows are not transparent,
one cannot rely on depth perception to determine from the front window
whether the firefly is in the front or back half of the box, nor from the
side window, whether the firefly is in the left or right half of the box.
Now consider two experimental procedures F and S. Procedure F is
conducted by looking directly at the front window and recording I, r, or
nF according to whether the blip is on the left, on the right, or there is
no blip, respectively. Procedure S is conducted by looking directly at the
side window and recording f, b, or ns according to whether the blip is in
the front, the back, or there is no blip, respectively. One cannot conduct
both procedures F and S at the same time because of the necessity of
looking directly at one window or the other. Indeed, if one stands in a
position to see both windows, parallax could spoil the accuracy of the
observationl l .
The situation is quite analogous to the fact that attempts to make simultaneous
measurements of noncommuting quantum-mechanical observables lead to interference
effects that spoil the accuracy of the measurements. This does not mean that such
simultaneous measurements cannot or should not be made. It simply means that, when
they are made, one has to deal with a certain amount of fuzzyness or unsharpness.
Imagine that we plan to conduct an experimental study of the firefly's
habits using the only means available to us, namely the two experimental
procedures F and S. Our work will be guided by an emerging "firefly
box theory" (FBT) that may have to be amended as we collect more
and more experimental data or change our mind about what is going on
inside the box.
To begin with, let us provisionally incorporate into our FBT the simplifying assumption that there are no baffles within the box behind which
the firefly might hide from either window. If this is so, then a blip would
be seen on the front window if and only if it would be seen on the side
window. (Note the use of the subjunctive here-we can not meaningfully
perform both F and S simultaneously!) This assumption is implemented
simply by identifying outcome nF of F with outcome ns of S. Thus, we
set n := nF = ns. (The notation := means equals by definition.)
Let EF := {l, r, n} and Es := {f, b, n} be the mutually exclusive and
exhaustive outcome sets for the experimental procedures F and S, respectively. Execution of F will yield one and only one outcome l, r, or
n; execution of S will yield one and only one outcome f, b, or n.
By an event for F we will mean a subset A of EF. Including the empty
set and EF itself, there are 8 such events, namely 0, {l}, {r}, {n}, {l,r},
{l, n}, {r, n}, {l, r, n}. If F is executed and the resulting outcome is
e E EF, say that an event A ~ EF occurs if e E A and that it nonoccurs
if e tt. A. Likewise, an event for S is understood to be one of the 8 subsets
0, {J}, {b}, {n}, {J,b}, {J,n}, {b,n}, {J,b,n} of Es. If S is executed,
then an event A for S occurs or nonoccurs according to whether the
outcome belongs or does not belong to A, respectively.
An event A can only occur or nonoccur when tested by the execution
of either F (if A ~ EF) or S (if A ~ Es). The null event 0, the event
{n}, and only these two events, are tested by both F and S. Let
{n}, {J}, {b}, {J, b}, {J, n}, {b, n}, {J, b, n}}
be the collection of all events and let
E:= EF uEs = {l,r,n,f,b}
be the set of all outcomes of the available experimental procedures. There
are 32 subsets of E, but only 14 events in E. For example, {r, f} is a
subset of E, but it is not an event since there is no conclusive way to
test it. For instance, if S is executed and b is the outcome, we would
hardly say that {r, J} failed to occur since F was not executed and it is
meaningless to ask whether or not the outcome r was secured.
The set £ of all events can be organized into a rudimentary logical
structure as follows: Let A, B, C E £. Say that A and B are compatible
iff they are simultaneously testable in the sense that A, B ~ EF or
A, B ~ Es. (We abbreviate if and only if as iff.) Call A and B orthogonal
iff they are compatible and disjoint. (Two sets are disjoint iff they have
no elements in common.) Say that A and C are local complements iff
they are orthogonal and their union is either EF or Es. If A and B
share a common local complement C, say that A and B are perspective
with axis C.
For instance, the events {l, r} and {r, n} are compatible, since they
are both tested by F, but they are not orthogonal since they have a
common outcome r. If two events are orthogonal, they can be tested
simultaneously and, when so tested, at most one of them can occur. The
events {l, r} and {n} are local complements, since they are disjoint and
their union is E F. When tested by F, one and only one of them will
occur. The events {I, b} and {n} are also local complements, and both
are tested by S. Therefore, {l, r} and {j, b} are perspective with {n} as
an axis.
If A E £, then A has at least one local complement C in £. Indeed,
if A ~ EF, then the complement C := EF\A of A in EF is a local
complement of A. Likewise, if A ~ Es, then D = Es\A is a local
complement of A. Therefore, every event A is perspective to itself (with
any local complement of A as an axis). Note that the two events EF and
Es are perspective, with 0 as an axis.
There is an obvious sense in which perspective events are "logically
equivalent." For instance {l, r} occurs iff the firefly's light is on, and
likewise for {j, b}. Also, EF = {l, r, n} always occurs (when tested, of
course), and so does Es = {j,b,n}.
The collection £ is partially ordered by set containment ~. If A and B
are events and A ~ B, there is an obvious sense in which A "implies" B.
For instance, {n} ~ {r, n} and, if {n} occurs, the firefly's light is out, and
presumably {r, n} would have occurred too, had it been tested. (Again,
note the use of the subjunctive. Indeed, if S is executed and {n} occurs,
then {r, n} was not tested, so it neither occurred nor nonoccurred.)
Figure 2 shows a diagram (called a Hasse diagram) of the event logic
for the firefly box. The 14 events in £ are shown as nodes in this diagram,
and event A is a subset of an event B iff either A = B or it is possible
to go upward from A to B along a sequence of connecting line segments.
The perspective events {l, r} and {j, b}, as well as {l, r, n} and {j, b, n}
are enclosed in shaded ellipses on the diagram.
{f, b, n} ")
{l, r, n}
{r, n}
{I }
{f, n}
Figure 2. Logic of events
As we have seen, in the event logic £ of the firefly box, two perspective
events are, in some sense, logically equivalent. The temptation to identify
logically equivalent events is irresistible, and we do so now by collapsing
the diagram in Figure 2 as indicated by the shaded ellipses. Call the
elements of the collapsed diagram experimental propositions, denote the
experimental proposition corresponding to an event A E £ by 7r(A) , and
let II be the set of all7r(A) as A runs through £. For simplicity, if A = {e}
is an event with only one outcome, we write 7r( e) rather than 7r( {e} ).
Denote the proposition 7r(0) by 0 := 7r(0) E II. Define the proposition
1 E II by 1 := 7r({l,r,n}) = 7r({J,b,n}). The proposition 7r({l,r}) =
7r( {J, b}), which can be regarded as asserting that the firefly's light is on,
is denoted by 7r(n'). Likewise, the proposition 7r( {l, n}) can be regarded
as asserting, "it is false that the firefly is in the right half of the box with
its light on," so we denote it by 7r(r'), etc ... The resulting Hasse diagram
for the logic II of experimental propositions is shown in Figure 3.
1t (I ')
1t (r')
n (r)
n (n)
n (b)
Figure 3. Logic of experimental propositions
The partial order on II, depicted in Figure 3, is denoted by ::; and called
implication, or entailment. Note that, if A,B E £, then 7r(A) ::; 7r(B)
iff there is an event BI such that A ~ BI and BI is perspective to B.
Evidently, 0::; 7r(A) ::; 1 for all 7r(A) ElI.
To test an experimental proposition 7r(A) E II, we select any event
Al (including A itself) such that 7r(A) = 7r(A I ), we choose a test for
AI, and we carry out the test. If Al occurs, we say that the proposition
7r(A) is confirmed, otherwise, we say that it is refuted. Thus, confirmation
and refutation of experimental propositions is linked to occurrence and
nonoccurrence of events. For instance, to test whether 7r( n') is confirmed
(i.e., whether the light is on), we can execute either F or S and conclude
that the light is on iff the outcome n is not secured. In reporting that
a proposition 7r(A) is confirmed or refuted it is not necessary to specify
which test was executed.
There is a natural notion of "logical negation" for the experimental
propositions in the logic II. Indeed, if A E £, define 7r(A)' := 7r(C), where
C E £ is any local complement of A. The proposition 7r(A)', which is
easily seen to be well defined, is regarded as a logical negation, or denial,
of 7f(A). Evidently, 0' = 1 and l' = O. In Figure 3, the logical negations
of each proposition in the first row above 0 are located directly above
that proposition in the first row below 1. For instance, 7f( l)' = 7f( l').
The partially ordered set II depicted in Figure 3 is actually a lattice;
that is, any pair of propositions 7f(A) and 7f(B) have a least upper bound,
or join, 7r(A)V7r(B) and a greatest lower bound, or meet, 7r(A)I\7f(B) with
respect to the implication relation ::;. For instance, 7r(l) V7r(r) = 7r(n')
and 7f(r) 1\ 7f(J) = O.
The mapping 7f(A) f--+ 7f(A)' is an orthocomplementation on the lattice
II in that it has the following properties for all experimental propositions
p, q E II:
(i) p I\p' =
(ii) p V p'
(iv) p::; q => q' ::; p'.
As a consequence, II satisfies the De Morgan Laws:
(v) (p /\ q)' = p' V q'
(vi) (p
q)' = p' /\ q'.
Furthermore, the following orthomodular identity holds in II:
(vii) p::; q => q = p
V (q /\p').
Therefore, II forms a so-called orthomodular lattice [27, 44].
Say that propositions 7f(A) and 7f(B) in II are compatible iff there are
compatible events Al and BI with 7f(A) = 7f(A I ) and 7f(B) = 7f(BI)'
Note that a common test for the events Al and BI is then a common
test for the propositions 7f(A) and 7f(B). For instance, 7f(l) and 7f(n)
are compatible, 7f(n) and 7f(b) are compatible, but 7f(l) and 7f(b) are
Say that propositions 7f(A) and 7f(0) in II are orthogonal iff there are
orthogonal events Al and BI with 7f(A) = 7f(A I ) and 7f(B) = 7f(BI)'
Note that orthogonal propositions are necessarily compatible and that
7f(A) is orthogonal to 7f(C) iff 7f(A) ::; 7f(C)'.
If 7f(A) ::; 7f(B) and if 7f(A) is confirmed, it is understood that 7f(B)
is also confirmed and that every proposition 7f( 0) that is orthogonal
to 7f(A) is refuted. Note that 7f(A) is confirmed iff 7f(A)' is refuted.
Evidently, 1 is always confirmed, and is always refuted.
In classical (Boolean) logic, the meet p/\ q of two propositions p and q
is effective as their logical conjunction p&q. This is certainly not the case
in the logic II; for instance, 7f( l) /\ 7f(J) = 0, whereas 7f( l) & 7f(J) would
be the proposition asserting that the firefly is in the left front quadrant
of the box with its light on. What is happening here is perfectly clearthe conjunction 7f( l) & 7f(f) is not in the logic II because there is no
way to test it!
How does one account for the nonclassical nature of the firefly box
logic II, given that its source, a box with windows and a firefly, is utterly
classical? The answer, as we shall see in Section 10 below, is that there
are pairs of nonclassical quantum-mechanical experiments that yield the
same event logic [;, and therefore the same experimental logic II, as the
firefly box. The event logic [; does not "know" the difference between
the firefly box and the quantum-mechanical system, so it produces an
experimental logic II compatible with both.
Usually there are certain properties, or attributes, associated with a physical system S, such as "S is green," or "S carries an electric charge of
1.60217733 x 10- 19 coulomb," or "S has a spin component +~
in the
z direction." An attribute can be either actual or potential. Those attributes that are always actual, such as the color of a raven or the charge
of an electron, are said to be intrinsic. Attributes that can be either actual or potential, such as the color of a chameleon or the spin component
of an electron, are called accidental.
An actual attribute ex of a physical system S can manifest itself experimentally only in terms of outcomes of experimental procedures. In
fact, ex induces a division of the set E of all outcomes of experimental
procedures into two disjoint parts: P = those outcomes that are possible
when ex is actual, and E\P = those outcomes that are impossible when
ex is actual.
What are the attributes associated with our firefly box? Attributes
such as "the temperature in the box is 18° C" or "the box weighs 15
kg" do not concern us here since they are unrelated to the only experimental procedures at our disposal, namely F and S. However, consider
the attribute ex = "either the firefly's light is off, or else it is on and the
firefly is in the left front quadrant of the box." If ex is actual, outcomes
rand b are impossible and the set of possible outcomes is P = {l, j, n}.
Conversely, given that the possible outcomes when ex is actual are l, j,
and n, one can easily identify the original attribute ex.
More generally, those attributes ex of the firefly box that can manifest
themselves by way of the experimental procedures F and S can always be
recaptured as soon as we know the subset P of E consisting of outcomes
that are possible when the attribute is actual. Therefore, the set P S;;; E
provides a perspicuous mathematical representation of the attribute a,
and in what follows, we shall simply identify a with P.
Suppose that P ~ E is an attribute of our firefly box and let A E [;
be an event. If An P = 0, then A consists entirely of outcomes that are
impossible when P is actual. Thus, if An P = 0 and P is actual, then A
is impossible in the sense that it must nonoccur when tested. Recall that
the two events {l, r} and {f, b} are logically equivalent; hence if {l, r} is
impossible, so is {J, b} and vice versa. Consequently,
P n {l, r}
0 {=:} P n {f, b} = 0.
Of the 32 subsets of E = {l, r, n, f, b}, only 20 satisfy condition (1), and
each of these can be interpreted as a meaningful attribute of the firefly
box. Even the empty set 0 can be interpreted as an attribute, albeit
one that is never actual. On the other hand, the set E of all outcomes
satisfies (1) and represents an attribute that is always actual12 . Let us
denote by A the collection of all attributes P ~ E, so that PEA iff
P ~ E and P satisfies (1).
The set A is partially ordered by the relation ~ of set containment.
Furthermore, if P, Q E A, then P ~ Q iff Q is actual whenever P is
actual. Therefore, ~ can be regarded as a kind of implication relation
on A and, in this sense, A becomes a logical system called the attribute
logic of the firefly box. It is easy to see that, if P, Q ~ E and both P
and Q satisfy condition (1), then so does P U Q. Therefore, A is closed
under the formation of unions. Thus, if P, Q E A, then P and Q have a
join P V Q = P U Q in A. Also, if P, Q E A, then P and Q have a meet
P A Q in A; in fact P A Q is the union of all attributes in A that are
contained in both P and Q.
Although A is closed under unions, it is not closed under intersections.
For instance, P := {l, f, n} E A and Q := {l, b, n} E A, but P n Q =
{l,n} r:J. A. In fact, P A Q = {n} -=f. P n Q. In general, if P, Q E A, then
the attribute P A Q is a subset of the set P n Q, but P A Q -=f. P n Q
unless it happens that P n Q E A.
Suppose PEA and P is actual. If the experimental procedure F is
executed, one of the outcomes l, r, or n in EF must be secured and,
since the outcomes in EF \P are impossible, it follows that one of the
outcomes in P n EF must be secured. In other words, the event P n EF
necessarily occurs when P is actual. Likewise, if P is actual, the event
pnEs necessarily occurs when tested. Furthermore, if P is actual, A E t:,
and one of the conditions P n EF ~ A or P n Es ~ A holds, then A
necessarily occurs when tested. Let us say that P guarantees A iff one
All of the intrinsic attributes are thus identified with E.
of the conditions P n Ep ~ A or P n Es ~ A holds. The fact that the
empty attribute 0 guarantees every event is harmless since the empty
attribute is never actual.
If A E E, let [A] denote the union of all attributes PEA that guarantee A. In other words, [A] is the largest attribute that, when actual,
necessitates the occurrence of A when tested. It is easy to check that, if
A,B E E, then
1I"(A) ::; 1I"(B)
so we can and do define [1I"(A)] := [A] for all events A E E. For simplicity,
if e E E, we write [e] rather than [{ e}] and we write [e'] rather than
[11" (e )'].
An attribute of the form [A] is called a principal attribute. In view
of (2), the mapping 1I"(A) I---> [A] embeds the experimental logic II in
the attribute logic A, whence 12 of the 20 attributes in A are principal,
and 8 are nonprincipal. Although the embedding 1I"(A) I---> [A] preserves
joins, it fails to preserve meets. For instance, 11"( l) /\ 11"(1) = 0 in II, but
[l] = {l,J, b}, [f] = {l, r, J} and [l] /\ [f] = {l, J} i- 0 in A.
Each of the 8 non principal attributes in A can be written as a meet
of principal attributes; for instance {l, j, n} is a nonprincipal attribute
in A and {l,J, n} = [r'] /\ [b']. For simplicity, we write [r'b'] rather than
[r'] /\ [b']. Similarly, we write [l f] rather than [l] /\ [f]' and so on. With this
notation, the Hasse diagram for the attribute logic is shown in Figure 4.
Nearly every scientific theory utilizes, explicitly or implicitly, the notion
of the state of a physical system. The usual understanding is that, at any
given moment, the system is in a particular state 'l/;. All information
about outcomes of experimental procedures executed on the system in
state'l/; are supposed to be encoded into 'l/;. The state of the system can
change in time under a deterministic or stochastic dynamical law , it can
change because an experimental procedure is executed, or it can change
Until now, our firefly box theory (FBT) has recognized only one explicit principle, namely n = np = ns. (However, one could argue that
much of the discussion in Section 6 regarding the attributes of the firefly box constitutes a further evolution of the FBT). Now we have to
face the issue of incorporating into our FBT a suitable mathematical
representation for the set \)i of all possible states of the firefly box.
[l ]
[r' b']
[l f]
[f] [r' f]
[l b]
[l ' b'] [b] [l' f]
[r f]
[r b]
Figure 4. Logic of attributes
We cannot see inside the box, but we are formulating our FBT under
the supposition that the blips of light on the windows are caused by
a firefly. The firefly could be located in anyone of the four quadrants
of the box, and its light could be on or off, so there seem to be eight
different possible states of the firefly box. However, when the light is off
our available experimental procedures F and S provide no information
about the location of the firefly. In view of this experimental limitation,
it seems more reasonable to restrict our state space W to five possible
states, namely (in Dirac's "ket" notation)
= {Il!), Ilb), Ir!), Irb), In)}.
The first four states correspond to the location of the firefly in the leftfront, left-back, right-front, and right-back quadrant with its light on. In
the fifth state In), the light is off.
Notice in Figure 4 that there are exactly five minimal nonempty attributes in A, namely [If]' [lb], [r f], [rb], and [n]. These are the attributes
that are irreducible in the sense that they cannot be decomposed into
more elementary attributes, and they are in obvious one-to-one correspondence with the five states in \]I. Two new principles suggest themselves, and we now incorporate them into our FBT:
Principle of Irreducible Attributes To each state 'lj; E \]I there corresponds a uniquely determined irreducible attribute P,p E A. The attribute P,p is actual iff the system is in state 'lj;.
Principle of Actuality for Attributes An attribute PEA is actual
iff the system is in a state 'lj; for which P,p ~ P.
Thanks to the principle of irreducible attributes, one and only one of
the irreducible attributes is actual at any given moment. As a consequence of both principles, this unique irreducible attribute is the meet
of all the attributes that are actual at that moment.
Suppose P, Q E A. In spite of the fact that P /\ Q is not necessarily
P n Q, it turns out (and is not difficult to verify) that P /\ Q is actual
iff both P and Q are actual. Thus, P /\ Q is effective as a true logical
conjunction of P and Q in the attribute logic A. That the join P V Q =
P U Q of two attributes is not necessarily a logical disjunction of P and
Q is a profound observation first made by D. Aerts [1]. For instance, a
glance at Figure 4 shows that [If] V [rb] = [n'l; yet the attribute [n'] can
be actual (i.e., the light is on) in a state (e.g., Irf)) for which neither
[If] nor [rb] is actual.
The fact that a join of attributes need not be a logical disjunction
of the attributes can and should be regarded as the true basis for the
notion of "superposition of states." Say that a state 'lj; E \]I is a proper
superposition of states ct, {3 E \]I iff P,p ~ Pa V P{3 but 'lj; =I- ct, (3. For
instance, Ir f) is a proper superposition of Ilf) and Irb).
Since the publication in 1930 of Dirac's seminal monograph on the
mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics [21], it has been an
article of faith among physicists that a fundamental distinction-if not
the fundamental distinction-between quantum and classical mechanics
is that there are proper superpositions of states in the former, but not
in the latter. If this is so (and I am not entirely convinced that it is [7]),
then our firefly box is already exhibiting quantal behavior!
The system of real numbers is denoted by the symbollR, and the closed
interval of real numbers between 0 and 1 is written as [0, 1]. By a probability model for the firefly box, we mean a function w : E ----t [0, 1] ~ JR
mapping each outcome e E E into a real number w(e) between 0 and 1
in such a way that
w(l) + w(r) + w(n) = 1 and w(j) + w(b) + w(n) = 1.
If e E E, then w(e) is to be interpreted as the probability, according to
the model w, that the outcome e will be secured when an experimental
procedure (F or S) is conducted for which e is a possible outcome. Denote
by n the set of all probability models w for the firefly box.
If A E £ is an element of the event logic and wEn is a probability
model, we define
w(A) :=
and interpret w(A) as the probability, according to the model w, that
the event A will occur if tested. In this way, probability models wEn
can be "lifted" to the logic £ of events. If A, B E £ with A ~ B, it is
clear that w(A) :S w(B). If A, C E £ and A is orthogonal to C, then
w(A U C) = w(A) + w(C). Therefore, (6) implies that w(A) + w(C) = 1
for local complements A, C E £.
If wEn and A and B are perspective events with axis C, then w(A) +
w(C) = 1 = w(B) + w(C), and it follows that w(A) = w(B). Hence, for
an experimental proposition 7r(A) we can and do define w(7r(A)) :=
w(A). In this way, probability models wEn can be lifted to the logic
II of experimental propositions. Naturally, w(7r(A)) is interpreted as the
probability, according to the model w, that 7r(A) will be confirmed if
If wEn, then, regarded as a function w : II ----t [0, 1] ~ JR, w is
a probability measure in the sense that w(l) = 1 and, for orthogonal
propositions 7r(A) and 7r(C), w(7r(A) V 7r(C)) = w(7r(A)) + w(7r(C)). For
the firefly box, n provides a so-called full, or order determining, set of
probability measures in the sense that, if w(7r(A)) :S w(7r(B)) for all
wEn, then 7r(A) :S 7r(B).
If WI, W2, ... , wn E nand tl, t2, ... tn are positive real numbers such that
tl + t2 + ... + tn = 1, the function w : E ----t JR defined for all e E E by
is called a convex combination, or mixture, of WI,W2, ... ,Wn with mixing
coefficients tl, t2, ... , tn. It is not difficult to see that such a mixture takes
on values between 0 and 1 and satisfies 0, so it is again a probability
model wEn. In other words, n is a convex set, i.e., it is closed under
the formation of convex combinations.
Each wEn is completely determined by the three real numbers
x := w(l), y := w(f), and z := w(n).
Indeed, as a consequence of (6),
w (r)
= 1- x - z
and w (b)
= 1-
y - z.
Of course, the numbers x, y, z are subject to the conditions
o ::; x, y, z ::; 1, x + z ::; 1,
and y
::; 1.
The set of all points (x, y, z) in coordinate 3-space IR3 that satisfy
(11) is a pyramid with a square base (Figure 5). A point (x, y, z) in the
pyramid may be identified with the corresponding state w by (9) and
(10), so the pyramid provides a geometric representation of the space n of
probability models for the firefly box. The five vertices WII!) := (1,1,0),
Wllb) := (1, 0, 0), Wlrf) := (0, 1, 0), Wlrb) := (0, 0, 0), and win) := (0, 0,
1) of the pyramid correspond in an obvious way to the five states in W.
For instance, x = Wllf)(l) = 1, y = WII!) (f) = 1, and z = WII!)(n) = 0 for
the probability model Wllf).
In the geometric representation of n as a pyramid (Figure 5), the five
vertices correspond to extreme points of the convex set n, that is, points
W that cannot be written in the form (3) unless WI = W2 = ... = w. For
a polytope, such as n, there are only finitely many extreme points, and
every point is a convex combination of extreme points.
If wEn, we define the support of w, in symbols supp(w) by
supp(W) := {e E EIO < w(e)},
noting that supp(w) is the set of all outcomes e E E that are possible according to the model w. In view of our discussion in Section 7,
it should come as no surprise (and it is easy to check) that supp(w) E
A. Furthermore, the supports of extreme points produce irreducible attributes corresponding to states, just as one would expect. For instance,
supp( WI If) ) = {l, J} = [l fJ which corresponds to the state Ilf) . Note that
the support of a convex combination (8) is the union of the supports of
WI, W2, ... , Wn E n from which it is formed.
The five vertices, eight edges, four triangular faces, and the square
base of the pyramid in Figure 5 are called faces of n. In addition it is
Figure 5. Geometric representation of n
convenient to include the empty set 0 and fl itself as (improper) faces,
making a total of twenty faces in all. The four triangular faces and the
square base-that is, the maximal proper faces-are called facets. The five
vertices are the minimal proper faces. The intersection of two faces is
again a face, and, given any two faces there is a unique smallest face
containing both. Therefore, partially ordered by inclusion ~, the faces
form a lattice, called the face lattice of fl, and denoted by F.
The fact that both the attribute logic A and the face lattice F have
twenty elements is no accident. In fact there is a natural one-to-one correspondence P f---t <I> between attributes PEA and faces <I> E F given
by <I> := {w E fl\supp(w) ~ P} and P := UWEi[>SUpp(w). Furthermore,
the correspondence P f-----t <P is a lattice isomorphism in that it preserves
meets and joins. Thus, the face lattice :F of [2 provides an alternative
representation for the attributes of the firefly box.
For the firefly box we now have three related logical structures, namely
£, II, and A, as well as the state space W, the convex set [2 of probability
models, and the face lattice :F of fl, which is isomorphic to A. For A E £
we have three truth values: occur, nonoccur, and not tested. For 7r(A) E II
we again have three truth values: confirmed, refuted, and not tested. By
their very definitions, these truth values can be determined by executing
an appropriate experimental procedure, either F or S.
For an attribute PEA we have two truth values: actual and potential. Unlike the truth values for events and experimental propositions, it
might not be possible to determine the truth value of an attribute P by
conducting a single experiment. If P = [7r(A)] is a principal attribute,
we can test P by testing 7r(A). If 7r(A) is refuted, then P cannot have
been actual since its actuality guarantees 7r(A). If 7r(A) is confirmed,
we have evidence that P might have been actual, but it may not be
conclusive. If PEA is not principal, it can be written as a conjunction
of principal attributes, one of which can be selected and tested, again
supplying (usually inconclusive) evidence that P was either actual or
only potential [63].
Apparently, inferences about which properties of a physical system
are actual and which are only potential will have to depend on evidence
gathered from repeated testing, either under circumstances in which one
has reason to believe that the state of the system remains unchanged,
or on a sequence of replicas of the underlying system all of which are
presumed to be in the same state. As of now, however, there seems to
have been no serious attempt to develop a mathematical theory of formal
scientific inference regarding the attributes of a physical system.
For each state 't/J E W, we have two truth values, in and not in. To
test the state 't/J, we can test the corresponding irreducible attribute P'Ij;
as indicated above. But then state testing will be as inconclusive as
attribute testing and it will be hindered by the same lack of a theory of
inference. For certain physical systems (if not for our firefly) it is possible
to prepare a preassigned state 't/J, that is, to bring the system into the
state 't/J by carrying out suitable procedures. When state preparation is
possible, it may render moot the question of how to test states (and
perhaps attributes as well).
Testing probability models is quite another matter-indeed this is
what statistical inference is all about! The usual idea is that there exists a "true probability model" w* E n representing the habits of the
firefly. Although we might not know which probability model is w*, we
might be able to make some (perhaps tentative) conclusions about w* by
repeatedly executing our procedures F and S and processing the experimental data thus obtained. It is often assumed that the repeated trials
of F and S are "independent" in the sense that the firefly's habits are
unaffected by our experiments. It is easy to challenge this assumption,
but not so easy to design reliable strategies of statistical inference to
take into account observation-induced changes in the firefly's behavior
Two useful mathematical tools conventionally employed in statistical
investigations are statistical hypotheses and parameters. By a statistical hypothesis is meant a subset A of n, usually subject to a condition
that it be measurable in some appropriate sense (e.g., Borel or Lebesgue
measurable). Let I denote the set of all statistical hypotheses. By a statistical parameter is meant a real valued function), : n ---+ JR satisfying
the condition that, for every interval I ~ JR, the set
),-1(1) := {w E
n I ),(w) E I}
is a statistical hypothesis in I. A statistical hypothesis of the form)' -1 (I)
is called a parametric hypothesis.
A statistical hypothesis A E I is understood to represent the proposition w* E A asserting that the true probability model belongs to A.
Partially ordered by ~, I forms a logical system called the inductive
logic, and in I the meet A 1\ r = A n r and join A V r = A u rare
effective as the conjunction and disjunction, respectively, of statistical
propositions A, rEI. Under these operations, I forms a Boolean algebra. The branch of statistics known as hypothesis testing is concerned
with the problem of deciding whether to (tentatively) accept or reject
a statistical hypothesis in the face of experimental data, or to hold it
in abeyance. Thus, statistical hypotheses acquire three truth values: accepted, rejected, and held in abeyance.
The "true value" of a statistical parameter)' is of course ),* := ),(w*)
and parameter estimation is the branch of statistics devoted to the
problem of estimating ), * on the basis of experimental data. A point
estimation of ),* produces a real number Xthat one has reason to believe
is a good approximation to ), *. An interval estimation of ), * yields a
confidence interval I ~ JR with the understanding that the statistical
hypothesis), -1 (1) is to be accepted. For our firefly box, the components
x, y, z of the geometric point (x, y, z) representing the probability model
wEn as in Figure 5 form a complete set of statistical parameters in the
sense that knowledge of x*, y*, and z* would determine w*.
Suppose the experimental procedure F is executed TF times and that
the outcomes l, r, and n are secured N(l), N(r), and NF(n) times,
respectively, during these trials. Likewise, suppose S is executed Ts times
and that the outcomes f, b, and n are secured N(f), N(b), and Ns(n)
times, respectively, during these trials. Thus,
= N(l) + N(r) + NF(n)
+ N(b) + Ns(n)
:= TF + Ts trials. If we
Ts = N(f)
for a total of T
assume that the habits of the
firefly are unaffected by our observations, then the sequential order in
which F and S are executed is presumably irrelevant. We could carry out
the TF trials of F first, then perform the Ts trials of S-or vice versa.
We could alternate trials of F and S. We could even flip a coin after each
trial to see whether to perform F or S on the next trial. In any case, all
pertinent information derived from the T = TF + Ts trials is encoded in
the observed frequency vector
rJ := (N(l), N(r), NF(n), Ns(n), N(f), N(b)).
If ,\ is a statistical parameter, an estimator for ,\ is a function X (rJ)
that provides a numerical estimate ,\* ~ ,\1rJ) of ,\* based on the experimentally observed frequencies. Statisticians have developed several
techniques and conditions to assess and compare various proposed estimators. For instance, an estimator X is said to be unbiased iff, whenever
the observed frequency vector rJ conforms exactly to a probability model
w in the sense that N(l) = w(l)TF, N(r) = w(r)TF, NF(n) = w(n)TF,
Ns(n) = w(n)Ts, N(f) = w(f)Ts, and N(b) = w(b)Ts, then ,\1rJ) =
'\(w). A weaker, and perhaps more realistic condition is that the estimator be asymptotically unbiased in the sense that '\1w) approaches '\(w)
as a limit when TF and Ts become larger and larger.
9.1 Example Let N(l, r) := N(l) + N(r), N(f, b) := N(f) + N(b),
N n := NF(n)+Ns(n), and T:= TF+TN. Then the maximum likelihood
estimators [48] for the statistical parameters x, y, z are given by
[1 _N(n)]
[1 _N(n)]
As is easily checked, the estimators in Example 9.1 are unbiased.
Associated with a quantum-mechanical system S is a vector-like quantity called spin. However, it turns out that measurements of the spin
component in a fixed direction can produce only finitely many different
numerical outcomes rather than the continuum of possible components
that would be expected for an ordinary vector quantity. In other words,
the spin components of S in a given direction are "quantized."
The behavior of S in regard to its spin is characterized by a number j
which can be 0, a positive integer, or half of a positive integer. The spin
component of a spin-j system S, measured in a fixed spatial direction
d, can take on only 2j + 1 different values: -j, -j + 1, ... ,j -1, or j. For
instance, the spin component of a spin-! system, measured in a given
direction d, can only be -! or !. For a spin-! system, the outcomes -!
and ! are called spin down and spin up in the direction d. An electron,
for example, is a spin-! particle.
Suppose S is a spin-! system and we have a spin detecting apparatus
that will measure the spin component of S in the direction of a unit
vector d = (d 1 , d2, d3), di + d§ + d§ = 1. It turns out that the possible
states of the system S are represented by vectors 'l/J = ('l/Jl, 'l/J2, 'l/J3) with
'l/Jr + 'l/J~ + 'l/J~ ~ 1. Therefore, the state space \[1 of S can be visualized as
a solid sphere of radius 1. According to the rules of quantum mechanics,
the probability of spin-up in direction d when S is in state 'l/J E \[1 is
given by
Probv,,(spin-up in dir. d) =
For the special case in which 'l/Jr + 'l/J~
the unit vectors d and \[1,
+ 'l/Jldl + 'l/J2d2 + 'l/J3d3)'
+ 'l/J§ = 1 and 'Y is the angle between
Probv,,(spin-up in dir. d) = cos2(~).
experimental apparatus is rarely 100 percent efficient, and the probabilities given by (20) and (21) have to be regarded as conditional probabilities, given that the detector actually produces a response.
Imagine now that our firefly is really a spin-! system, that a spin
detector is inside the box, and that it signals spin-up or spin-down by
producing a blip of light on the front or side window. For the front
window, with the same symbols used in Section 4, suppose the detector
is set so that spin-up in direction dp produces outcome l, spin-down in
direction dp produces outcome r, and outcome np (no blip on the front
window) simply means that the detector failed to respond. Likewise,
for the side window, spin-up in direction ds produces outcome j, spindown in direction ds produces outcome b, and outcome ns means that
the detector failed to respond. As before, we must look directly at one
window or the other 13 .
Suppose the spin detector has the same detection efficiency, say 100E%,
o :::; E :::; 1, in anyone direction dp as in any other direction ds. Then
we are (almost literally) "in the dark" about the spin of S when we look
at the front window about as often as when we look at the side window.
In this case, there seems to be no harm in setting n := np = ns as we
did in Section 4. Then, for either window, the probability of outcome n
is 1 - E.
Let us choose our coordinate system so that dp = (1, 0, 0) and ds
= (cos a, sin a, 0) with 0 < a :::; 7r /2. The state vector 'ljJ can then be
written in terms of spherical coordinates 0 :::; p :::; 1, 0 :::; 0 :::; 27r, and
0:::; <1>:::;7r as
'ljJ = (p cos 0 sin <1>, psin sin <1>, pcos <1».
Then, with the same notation as in Section 8,
= Prob?fJ(l) = ~E(l
y = Prob?fJ(r) =
+ pcosOsin<1»,
+ pcos(a -
0) sin <1»,
= 1- E.
For the quantum firefly box, not every probability model w in the pyramid n of Section 8 corresponds to a possible state 'ljJ E \Ii. For instance,
the four vertices on the bottom square are unattainable from (23), (24)
and (25), even if E = 1. In fact, for E = 1 and 0 < a :::; 7r /2, the set r a of
all points in n that correspond to possible states 'ljJ of the quantum firefly
box is a convex region in the square base of n bounded by an ellipse with
Although there is no Heisenberg principle of uncertainty for spin measurements
in different directions, the Hilbert-space operators for such measurements fail to commute.
center (~,
major axis along the line y = x, and having semi-major
and semi-minor axes of lengths 2-2 cos(a/2) and 2-2 sin(a/2), respectively. If a = 7r /2, then r a is a circular disk tangent to the boundary of
the square base of n at the four midpoints (~,
0), (1, ~), (~,
1), and (0,
~ ). For our original firefly box, r a is a statistical hypothesis asserting
that the firefly is behaving like a quantum firefly.
Our thought experiments with the firefly box have provided illustrations of some of the more important ideas and tools employed in the
scientific study of physical systems: outcomes, events, experimentally
testable propositions, states, attributes, probability models, tests, statistical hypotheses, and statistical parameters. Of course, this list is far
from complete-what about observables, dynamics, symmetries, invariants, conservation laws, amplitudes, coupled systems, relativistic physics,
causality, and so on? Although most of these ideas can also be illustrated
and studied in the context of the firefly box (or firefly boxes), it is already
possible to discuss what I consider to be the main lessons of quantum
logic, and I propose to do that now.
Here then are my personal candidates for the answers to the question
posed in the title of this article:
Logical Connectives. In dealing with propositions associated with a
physical system, one must question the meaning and even the existence
of the basic connectives of classical logic-and, or, denial, and implication.
In our firefly example:
(1) The event logic £ is not even a lattice, a fact which warns us not to
try forming the logical disjunction-let alone the join-of event propositions such as {l} and {j} that cannot be tested simultaneously. There
is no meaningful denial connective on the event logic £. For instance,
what would be the denial of the event {n}? Is it {l, r}? Or is it {j, b}?
(2) The logic II of experimental propositions is a lattice, but the meet
(respectively, join) of experimental propositions is not their logical conjunction (respectively, disjunction) unless the propositions are simultaneously testable For instance 7r( l) 1\ 7r(J) = 0, which in no way corresponds to a logical conjunction 7r(l) & 7r(J) of 7r(l) and 7r(J). However,
the logic II does carry a rather perspicuous logical negation p 1--7 pi
(which in fact is an orthocomplementation).
(3) The logic A of attributes is again a lattice, and the meet P 1\ Q
of attributes P and Q is effective as their logical conjunction. But, if
there are irreducible attributes contained in P and Q that admit proper
superpositions, then the join P V Q cannot be construed as a logical
disjunction of P and Q. Also, the logic A, does not admit any reasonable
denial connective. In particular, there is no orthocomplementation on A.
(4) The implication connective (p, q) f---7 P :J q is even more conspicuously absent in quantum logic than the conjunction and disjunction
connectives. The material implication connective p :J q := p' V q of classical (Boolean) logic has been the subject of considerable philosophical
criticism and debate; in quantum logics modelled by orthomodular lattices, one has to forfeit even this suspect connective and make do, if at
all, with severely attenuated versions thereof [37]. Note, however, that
all of the logical systems £, II, A, and I admit perspicuous implication
relations, namely their respective partial order relations <;::;, :s;, <;::;, and
(5) It is only when one reaches the level of the inductive logic I of
statistical hypotheses (a Boolean algebra) that one encounters a logical system with a secure and well-understood meaning of conjunction,
disjunction, and denial as well as a (material) implication connective.
(6) Even at the level of the inductive logic, a conditional hypothesis qA
(i.e., r given A) cannot be construed as a material implication A :J r, and
the logic I has to be enlarged to a Heyting algebra I I I to accommodate
this important alternative notion of implication [73]. Conditional events,
conditional propositions, and conditional hypotheses are currently under
intense study by electronic engineers and computer scientists because of
the necessity of codifying conditional information in expert systems.
A Hierarchy of Logical Systems. There is a hierarchy of related but
distinct logical structures affiliated with a physical system. These include,
but are not limited to, the event logic £, the logic II of experimental
propositions, the attribute logic A, the face lattice F, the inductive
logicI, and the logic I I I of conditional hypotheses. Propositions in the
various logics are different in kind, are tested in different ways, and have
their own distinct modalities.
I have a coin. (i) I can toss the coin, observe the outcome and determine
whether or not the event "heads" occurred. (ii) I can make a prediction
that the coin will fall "heads" on the very next toss. (iii) I can assert
that the coin is fair and that I am willing to bet at odds of 1:1 on either
"heads" or "tails" on the next toss. (iv) I can claim that, in a sufficiently
long sequence of independent tosses, the proportion of "heads" will be
very close to 0.5. It is patently obvious that the observation (i), the
prediction (ii), the assignment (iii) of betting odds, and the claim (iv)
regarding long run frequency are four propositions of completely different
characters. The folly of attempting to formulate a single "unified logic"
comprising all propositions affiliated with a physical system is manifest.
Perhaps the source of all such unfortunate attempts is the use of the
definite article the in the title of the seminal paper of Birkhoff and von
Neumann [10].
Events vs. Experimental Propositions. One cannot necessarily formulate quantum logic purely on the basis of the logic II of experimental
propositions and higher-level logics built upon II. Indeed, some of the
information implicit in the observation that a certain outcome was obtained (or that a certain event occurred) may be lost in the passage from
events to experimental propositions.
For the firefly box, the loss of information in the passage from E to
IT is of little concern. Neither is it particularly serious in Hilbert-space
based quantum mechanics, provided that one is dealing with a single
isolated observation, e.g., a measurement of a spin-component with a
Stern-Gerlach apparatus. In such a case, one can safely use elements
of the standard quantum logic of Hilbert-space projection operators to
carry the pertinent experimental information.
However, if one has to deal with sequential or compound observations,
e.g., iterated Stern-Gerlach measurements [75], the phase and amplitude
information encoded in the complex wavefunction becomes critical. In
the passage from an orthonormal set ('lj;i) of Hilbert-space state vectors to
the corresponding projection operator P onto the closed linear subspace
spanned by these vectors, all phase and amplitude information is wiped
Experimental Propositions vs. Attributes. experimentally testable
propositions about a physical system are one thing; attributes or properties of that system are quite another.
By universal agreement, the genesis of what is now called quantum
logic is von Neumann's Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik [59]. Nowhere
in the Grundlagen does von Neumann refer to propositions about a physical system; he refers only to properties (i.e., what we have been calling
attributes) of that system. However, four years after the publication of
the Grundlagen, von Neumann (in collaboration with Birkhoff), writes
only of experimental propositions and propositional calculi-there is no
further mention of properties. I do not know how to account for von
Neumann's abrupt transition from a logic of properties to a logic of experimental propositions. I do know that, since then, many (but not all
[1, 2, 3, 58, 62, 63, 69]!) quantum logicians have routinely identified experimental propositions about a physical system and attributes of that
system. This is a mistake, and a serious one!
For our firefly box, we have seen that the logic II of experimental
propositions and the logic A of attributes are separate, distinct, and
nonisomorphic logical systems, albeit linked by the mapping 7r(A) 1-+
[AJ. I know of no more compelling illustration of the error of confusing
experimental propositions and attributes.
States and Probability Models. Whereas it may be useful to assume,
as is often done, that there is a probability model w'IjJ E n corresponding
to each physical state 't/J E \]i, there is no a priori reason that the mapping
't/J 1-+ w'IjJ has to be either injective or surjective.
In the literature of pure mathematics, certain linear functionals, measures, or homomorphisms are referred to as states because they or their
analogues do in fact represent physical states in some conventional theory of mathematical physics. Quantum logicians need to be more careful!
Even in conventional Hilbert-spaced based quantum theory, where
(pure) states are represented by vectors 't/J in the unit sphere, there is
a distinction between a state 'ljJ and the corresponding probability measure w'IjJ on the logic II of projection operators. Indeed, the probability
measure w'IjJ, defined for P E II by w'IjJ(P) = (P't/J, 't/J), determines 't/J only
up to a phase factor, and the identification of 't/J with w'IjJ would wipe
out all phase information incorporated in the state vector. Thus, in conventional quantum mechanics, the mapping 't/J 1-+ w'IjJ is surjective (by a
celebrated theorem of Gleason [23]), but not injective.
For our quantum firefly in Section 10, the mapping 't/J 1-+ w'IjJ from state
vectors 't/J to probability models wEn is injective, but not surjective. For
the quantum firefly, the lack of surjectivity of't/J 1-+ w'IjJ can be ascribed to
the fact that we can only measure the spin component in two different
directions. If we append spin component measurements in additional
directions to our list of available experimental procedures, we find that
n gets smaller and smaller until, finally, the mapping 't/J 1-+ w'IjJ becomes
An assumption that the mapping 't/J 1-+ w'IjJ from the state space 't/J of
a physical system to the convex set n of all probability models for the
system is injective, surjective, or both constitutes a significant physical
assumption about the system and the available experimental procedures
for its study.
Hidden Variables. Quantum logic enables the construction of simple
finite models that can help us understand the so-called problem of hidden
variables. The question of whether apparent quantal behavior can be explained by classical experimental procedures that are currently unknown
or unavailable is called the problem of hidden variables. For instance, our
(non quantal) firefly box certainly admits hidden variables in the sense
that a third window on top of the box would remove all apparent quantal
A mathematical proof showing that the quantal behavior of a particular physical system cannot be accounted for by hidden variables is
called a no go proof. The first convincing no go proof was given by von
Neumann himself in the Grundlagen [59]. An excellent survey of no go
proofs up until about 1973 can be found in [5].
Complementarity. Quantum logic also enables the construction of simple models that can help us appreciate the so-called principle of complementarity. In the writings of a number of philosophers and scientists, not
the least of whom was Bohr himself, Bohr's principle of complementarity
has often been burdened with confusing metaphysical embellishments.
Stripped of these encumbrances, the principle seems to affirm that there
may be different experimental procedures, each of which can reveal aspects of a physical system necessary for a complete determination of
its state, but whose conditions of execution are mutually exclusive. Our
firefly box with the two experimental procedures F and S provides a perfect example of this situation, and also exposes the strong connection
between complementarity and the problem of hidden variables.
At roughly the same time that scientists were confronted by a breakdown in the Newtonian mechanical view of the physical world, artists
were discovering a "principle of complementarity" in their own world. I
doubt that many artists had any direct understanding of the physical
principle of complementarity in quantum mechanics. Nevertheless, there
was a sympathetic resonance between the two worlds, which I leave it to
the reader to contemplate after perusing the following words of the art
critic Marco Valsecchi [64].
"The idea was to arrange the forms in a plane so that an object
or figure could be recognized not through perspective illusion, but
through an analysis of its form, and also so that it could be seen
from several points of view. These multiple analyses of total vision
were put into a single image, thus giving an immediate unity to what
has been seen, deduced and imagined. . .. to bring together all the
multiple aspects of an object and to reduce them to the plane of the
painting, like a summation all at the same time of all the different
instances of poetic and rational perception."
David J. Foulis
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003, USA
[email protected]. edu
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One of the main purposes of physics is to gain an understanding of the
natural universe. Such an understanding cannot be achieved all at once
so the physicist concentrates on a limited physical system S (sayan
electron). The experimentalist performs experiments or measurements
on S in an attempt to discover various properties. The theoretician uses
these properties to try to find regularities and patterns in the behavior
of S under prescribed conditions. In this way, a theory may be developed that predicts the behavior of S and this predicted behavior may be
checked by the experimentalist in the laboratory. If the predictions are
experimentally verified, the theory stands for the time being and if they
are refuted the theory must be altered or abandoned. Since the main
enterprise of physics (and practically all the basic natural sciences) is
performing and predicting the results of measurements, it is important
to understand the structure of a set of measurements. For example, can
measurements be decomposed into simpler ones? Conversely, how can
measurements be combined to form new measurements and what are
the properties of these combinations? Investigators who have studied
measurement theory have developed mathematical models for the description of measurements. In this article, we shall discuss one of these
models in very simple terms. Although we shall primarily be concerned
with quantum mechanical measurements, what we say can be applied to
practically any natural science. Moreover, there is the intriguing possibility that similar models may be employed in the arts, humanities and
social sciences. Although it has evolved from more restrictive models
over a period of many years, the model that we shall present has been
developed only recently. Quantum measurement theory is not a closed
subject but is still intensively studied and discussed.
One can usually reduce the study of measurements or experiments to
a consideration of simple two-valued measurements. Such simple experiments are frequently called yes-no measurements. For example, suppose
M is a real-valued measurement such as the determination of the energy
of a particle and A is a subset of the real numbers R If M is executed
under certain prescribed experimental conditions, we can ask whether
M results in a value in A. If this experiment gives a value for M in A,
1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
then the answer to our question is yes, if not, the answer is no. In this
way, M can be replaced by a set of simpler yes-no measurements, each
of which corresponds to a subset of JR.. Following G. Ludwig, we shall
call a yes-no measurement an effect [8]. An effect can be thought of as
corresponding to a physical phenomenon that either occurs or does not
There are two main types of effects, those that are sharp and those
that are unsharp (fuzzy). A sharp effect corresponds to a perfectly accurate measurement. These are impossible to attain in practice, although
experimentalists attempt to improve their techniques and equipment to
approach such ideal measurements as closely as possible. Sharp effects
are theoretical idealizations that have a simpler mathematical structure
than unsharp effects and orthodox quantum mechanics usually only considers such effects. However, since unsharp effects give more realistic
models for experimental practice, they have recently drawn considerable
attention. Moreover, their more general nature has important mathematical consequences [1, 2, 6, 7, 8].
An important example of an effect is a measurement utilizing a particle detector such as a Geiger or photon counter. Let us denote such a
detector by d. Now d will have a certain domain of sensitivity given by
a subset D of three-dimension space JR.3. If a particle (sayan electron)
enters the domain D, then the particle triggers a response in d. We shall
then say that d clicks. For each run of an experiment involving such a
particle, either d clicks or it does not, so d is an effect. What we have just
described is a sharp detector, but in practice, no detector is perfectly
accurate. For example, the particle may enter D and on rare occasions
d may not click, or d may click on rare occasions when the particle does
not enter D. Moreover, D will never have a perfectly sharp boundary
and d may not be as sensitive to a particle near the edge of D. In order to describe the behavior of d, we need a method for measuring its
sensitivity at points in three-dimensional space.
One technique for measuring the accuracy of d is given by a confidence function k We use the standard notation fd: JR.3 --+ [0, 1] which
means that fd is a function that takes points in JR.3 to a number between
and 1. Assuming that d is at a fixed location, D will encompass a fixed
set within JR.3. Then for any point x in ]R3, fd(X) gives the confidence, on
a scale between and 1, of an experimenter that d will click when the
particle is located at x. The function fd is an intrinsic property of the
" . " ·-,....---0"""""·,, " "
Figure 1.
particle detector d and can be determined by independent, preliminary
calibration experiments. In general, different detectors will have different confidence functions. Presumably, fd(X) is close to 1 when x is in D
and x is not very close to the boundary aD of D. This indicates that
in this case the confidence is high that d will click. However, for x in
D and close to aD, fd(x) may not be close to 1 and the confidence of a
click is lower. Similarly, for x outside of D but close to aD, fd(x) may be
positive so there is a nonzero confidence of a click. The characteristic
function of a set D is the function ID: IR3 - 7 [0,1] that has the value 1
on D and the value 0 on the complement DC of D. Of course, DC is the
set of all points in IR3 that are not in D. If d is sharp, there is complete
confidence that d will click when the particle is in D and that d will not
click otherwise. Hence, for a sharp detector d, fd will coincide with ID
and the closer fd is to ID, the more accurate d will be.
To illustrate this discussion in a simple way, let us pretend that the
detector experiment is carried out on an interval [0, r] of the real line
R Suppose the experiment consists of a particle producing apparatus
that is located at the origin O. The apparatus injects a particle to the
right at time 0 and we attempt to detect the particle's location at time
1. We imagine that a is a one-dimensional detector which is placed so
that its sensitivity domain is the interval [u, v] ~ [0, r]. If a is sharp,
then fa = I[u,vl as shown in Figure 1. However, in practice, a will be
unsharp and fa takes a form as illustrated in Figure 2. In this case, there
is high confidence that a will click if the particle is near the center of
[u, v] but low confidence if it is near the boundary u or v. We think
of [u, v] as the physical shape of detector a and this is the domain in
which a would faithfully respond to the presence of a particle if it were
perfectly accurate.
N ow we can assume the existence of an imaginary detector denoted
by 1 whose confidence function is f1 = I[O,rl. We do not have to actually
construct this detector, we just record a click no matter what happens.
Similarly, we can assume there is a detector 0 whose confidence function
fo has the constant value o. Again, we need not construct this detector,
Figure 2.
Figure 3.
we just record a nonclick no matter what happens. Moreover, for any
detector d, we can imagine another "detector" d' whose confidence function is fd = fl - fd, That is, for any x in [0, r], we have fd(x) = 1 - fd(X).
Notice that we can also write this as fd + fd = kNow d' may not be
an actual detector but its equivalent is provided by d itself. Once d is
in place, we just register a click if d does not click and a nonclick if d
clicks. We call d' the orthosupplement of d. The confidence functions
for the orthosupplements of Figure 1 and Figure 2 are shown in Figures
3 and 4.
As far as this discussion is concerned, an actual detector d is determined by its confidence function fd. This function describes the accuracy
of d and its domain of sensitivity and thus where d is placed. Moreover, fd determines the orthosupplement d' whose confidence function is
fd =!1-fd,
We now discuss various ways that detectors can be combined to form
new detectors or new effects. Since for our purposes, a detector is com-
Figure 4.
Figure 5.
pletely described by its confidence function, we can accomplish this by
discussing ways in which confidence functions can be combined to form
new confidence functions. In our one-dimensional situation a confidence
function will be any function f: [0, r] --+ [0,1]. Let a and b be detectors
with corresponding confidence functions fa, fb respectively. It is clear
that fa + fb is still a confidence function if and only if fa + fb ::; iI (that
is, fa(x) + fb(X) ::; 1 for all x E [0, rD. If fa + fb ::; iI, we say that a EEl b
exists and consider c = a EEl b to be an effect with confidence function
fe = fa + fb. In this case, we also write fe = fa EEl!b- Roughly speaking,
we may think of c as the effect (two-valued measurement) that clicks
if a or b (or both) click and does not click otherwise. Now c may not
correspond to an actual detector that can be constructed in practice.
For example, if the sensitivity domains for a and b overlap, then such
a detector c might be difficult or impossible to construct. However, we
can still think of c as an idealized combination of a and b that has the
confidence function fe = fa EEl !bIt is possible that a EEl b may not exist. For example, there may be a
point Xo E [0, r] at which fa(xo) + fb(XO) > 1. In this case, fa + fb would
not be a confidence function. On the other hand, if fa and fb are not
simultaneously positive, then a EEl b does exist and c = a EEl b corresponds
to a constructible detector. We merely place a and b in their designated
positions and consider c = a EEl b to be the single detector obtained by
combining the two detectors a and b. For example, let a be the detector
illustrated in Figure 2 and let b be a similar detector that is placed so that
its sensitivity domain is the interval [w, x] (Figure 5). Then c = aEElb can
be considered to be a detector with confidence function fe as illustrated
in Figure 5.
However, if a and b are right next to each other (that is, v = w),
then we have the situation shown in Figure 6. This combination of a
and b may not give a EEl b because a particle located at v may very well
not result in a click in either a or b which contradicts the fact that
fa(v) + fb(V) = 1. But it is quite possible that a detector c = aEElb can be
constructed. It would have a configuration similar to that of a and b but
with a larger sensitivity domain. In this case fe appears as in Figure 7.
Figure 6.
Figure 7.
Notice that for any detector d, the "detector" d' always exists (if only
in our imagination) and dEB d' = 1. Also, note that if 1 EB d exists, then
d = O. Indeed, we would then have !I + fd ::; !I so that fd = fo·
In certain situations, we can even combine overlapping detectors. As
long as fa + fb ::; !I, the effect c = a EB b exists and corresponds to
the confidence function fe = fa EB fh. Carrying this to the extreme, we
might be able to combine detector a with itself. If fa(x) ::; 1/2 for all
x E [0, rJ, then the effect 2a = a EB a exists with confidence function
ha = fa EB fa = 2fa. If 2a exists, then a is called an isotropic detector.
This method of combining detectors can be continued to three or more
detectors. For example, if a, band c are detectors (or more generally,
effects) whose confidence functions satisfy fa +fb+ fe ::; !I, then d = aEBbEB
c exists and is an effect whose confidence function satisfies fd = fa + fb +fc.
To be more precise, if a EB band (a EB b) EB c exist, then b EB c and a EB (b EB c)
exist and a EB (b EB c) = (a EB b) EB c. This last equation is called the
associative law and is interpreted as meaning that the two sides of the
equation are effects with the same confidence function. We conclude that
parentheses are not needed when we consider EB combinations of three
or more effects. Another important property of EB is that if a EB b exists,
then bEBa exists and bEBa = aEBb. We thus say that EB is commutative.
We call EB a partial binary operation on the set of effects (or confidence
function). This is because EB is only defined for certain pairs of effects,
namely those that satisfy fa + fb ::; !I. This is in contrast to a total binary
operation such as the ordinary addition + for numbers or functions which
is defined for all pairs of elements. In the type of mathematical model
that we are considering here, E9 is taken as the basic partial operation and
all properties of the system are derived from the properties of EEl. To make
a systematic study of the properties of EEl in our one-dimensional detector
example, let C be a collection of functions from [0, r] into [0,1]. We say
that C is a confidence algebra if C satisfies the following conditions.
E C.
I' = h - IE C.
(3) If I, 9 E C and I + 9 ~ iI, then I + 9 E C.
(2) If IE C,
f, 9 E C and f + 9 ::;
EEl 9 is defined or that
iI, we define f EEl 9 = f + 9 and say that
f EEl 9 exists. Thus, a confidence algebra is
contains fo, iI, is closed under I and is closed
a set of functions that
under EEl whenever f EEl 9 is defined. Naturally, we call the elements of C
confidence functions. Confidence algebras exist because the set of all
functions from [0, rJ into [0,1 J is a confidence algebra. A simpler example
is the confidence algebra consisting of only fo and k It is easy to check
that the intersection of any collection of confidence algebras is again a
confidence algebra.
Now let D be a set of detectors on [0, rJ which we identify with
their corresponding confidence functions. As we have noted previously,
if fa,fb E D with fa + fb ~ iI, then fa EEl fb need not be in D so D may
not be a confidence algebra. However, the intersection C(D) of all the
confidence algebras containing D is a confidence algebra and C(D) is the
smallest confidence algebra containing D. We call C(D) the confidence
algebra generated by D. It can be shown that any element of C(D) can
be obtained from elements of D in a finite number of steps by performing EEl combinations and orthosupplements '. Thus, the elements of D
correspond to detectors and the other elements of C(D) correspond to
effects that can be derived from basic combinations of detectors. When
we speak of effects in the remainder of this section and in Section 3, we
are referring to elements of C(D).
We can employ the partial operation EEl to define a natural order for
effects. For effects f and g, we write f ~ 9 if there exists an effect h
such that fEEl h = g. In particular, if a and b are detectors, we write
a ~ b if fa ~ fb. It is interesting that this order f ::; 9 is the same as
the usual order for functions given by f(x) ::; g(x) for all x E [0, rJ.
However, we shall not use this fact here because we are adhering to the
philosophy that the properties of effects should be given in terms of the
basic partial operation EEl. Moreover, there are more general examples of
effects that cannot be represented as functions so the function order is
not applicable there.
What are the properties of the order S:.? Since f EB fo = f, we have
f S:. f for any effect f. This is called reflexivity of S:.. Suppose that
f S:. 9 and 9 S:. f· Then there exist effects hand i such that f EEl h = 9
and gEEli = f. Hence, fEElhEEli = f and it follows that hEEli = fo. Since h
and i have nonnegative values, we conclude that h = i = fo. Therefore,
f = g. In particular, a S:. band b S:. a imply that a = b. This is called the
antisymmetry property of S:.. Finally, suppose that f S:. hand h S:. g.
Then there exist effects i, j such that fEEl i = hand hEEl j = g. We then
fEEl (i EEl j) = (J EEl i) EEl j = hEEl j = 9
so that f S:. g. In particular, if a S:. band b S:. c, then a S:. c. This property
is called the transitivity of S:.. These three properties show that S:. is a
partial order relation for the set of effects. The relation S:. has many of
the properties of the usual order for numbers. However, the dichotomy
property of numbers does not hold for effects. Dichotomy states that for
any a and b, either a S:. b or b S:. a. A partial order relation that satisfies
dichotomy is called a total order relation.
The orthosupplementation operation ' is order inverting which
means that f S:. 9 implies that g' S:. f'. To show this, suppose that f S:. g.
Then there exists an effect h such that fEElh = g. Hence, 11- fEElh = l1-g
and we have
Thus g' EEl h = f' and g' S:. f'· Also, since 11 - (11 - J) = f, we conclude
that f" = f for any effect f. We then say that ' is an involution.
Moreover, we can show that f EEl 9 exists if and only if f S:. g'. Indeed, if
f S:. g', then there exists an effect h such that f EEl h = g'. But then
f + 9 = 11 - h
= h'
Hence, f EEl 9 exists and f EEl 9 = h'. Conversely, suppose that h
exists. Then h' = fl - f - 9 so that
f + h'
It follows that fEEl h' = g' so that
11 -
f EEl 9
9 = g'
f S:. g'.
In the previous section we began with a set of detectors V and formed
the confidence algebra C(V) generated by V. The elements of C(V) were
interpreted as effects that can be derived from detectors in V using
Figure 8.
"------11-------11··· .
Figure 9.
the "plus" partial operation EB and the orthosupplement operation '.
By employing this EB partial operation, we can also define a "minus"
partial operation. For f, 9 E C(V), if f :S g, then there exists an effect
h such that f EB h = 9 and we write h = 9 e f. In this way, we have
fEB(geJ) = g. Of course, h(x) = g(x)- f(x) for all x E [0, r] so gef is the
usual difference of functions. However, e is a partial operation because
it is only defined when f :S g. Just as EB has some of the properties
of the usual plus + for numbers, e has some of the properties of the
usual minus - for numbers. We shall pursue these properties in the next
section, but now we consider other ways of combining effects.
For effects f, 9 E C(V), we define the function h = max(J, g) by h(x) =
max(J(x),g(x)) for every x E [O,r]. In other words, h(x) is the larger of
f(x) and g(x) for every x E [0, r]. (If f(x) = g(x), then either one will
do.) Although h: [0, r] ~ [0,1]' h need not be an effect even when fEB 9
exists. If f :S g, then max(J, g) = 9 which, of course, is an effect. For the
detectors in Figure 5, max(fa,fb) = fa EB fb is an effect. However, these
are very special cases. For the detectors in Figure 6, max(fa,fb) has the
form illustrated in Figure 8. In general, this would not correspond to a
detector or even an effect. In a similar way, we define i = min(J, g) by
i(x) = min(J(x) , g(x)) for every x E [0, r]. Again, min(J, g) need not be
an effect even when fEB 9 exists. For the detectors in Figure 6, min(fa,fb)
has the form illustrated in Figure 9. Since C(V) need not be closed under
max and min, these give partial binary operation on C(V).
For effects f, 9 E C(V), the least upper bound f V 9 of f and 9
is the smallest effect that is greater than or equal to f and 9 in terms
of the order :S. In general, f V 9 need not exist so again V is a partial
binary operation on C(V). In symbols, if h = f V 9 exists, then f :S h,
9 :S h and if i E C(V) satisfies f :S i, 9 :S i, then h :S i. There is a
relationship between f V 9 and max(f, g). In fact, it is easy to check that
if max(f, g) E C(V), then max(f, g) = fV g. However, if fV 9 exists, then
f V 9 need not equal max(f, g). In a similar way, we define the greatest
lower bound f !\ 9 of f and 9 as the largest effect that is less than or
equal to f and 9 relative to the order :S. Again, f !\ 9 need not exist and
!\ is a partial binary operation on C(V). As before, if min(f, g) E C(V),
then min(f, g) = f !\ 9 but if f !\ 9 exists, then f !\ 9 need not equal
min(f, g).
A simple argument shows that if f V 9 exists, then f' !\ g' exists and
f' !\ g' = (f V g)'. Moreover, if f !\ 9 exists, then f' V g' exists and
f' V g' = (f !\ g)'. These equations are called De Morgan's laws. De
Morgan's laws also hold for max(f, g) and min(f,g).
Recall that a detector d is sharp if fd is the characteristic function of a
set or equivalently if fd has only the values 0 or 1. In a similar way, we say
that an effect f is sharp if f has only the values 0 or 1. It is clear that f
is sharp if and only if f = f2. (This means that f(x) = (f(x))2 for every
x E [0, rJ.) However, for our later work, a more useful characterization
of sharpness is given in the following theorem.
Theorem. For an effect f, the following statements are equivalent.
(i) f is sharp. (ii) min(f, f') = fa. (iii) max(f, f') = fI.
Proof. Suppose that f is sharp. Then f(x) = 0 or 1 for all x E [0, rJ.
Moreover, f(x) = 1 if and only if f'(x) = 1 - f(x) = o. It follows that
min(f, f') = fa. Conversely, suppose that min(f, f') = fa. If f(x) =f. 0,
then 1 - f(x) = f'(x) = 0 so that f(x) = 1. Hence, f(x) = 0 or 1 for all
x E [0, rJ so f is sharp. This shows that (i) and (ii) are equivalent. The
equivalence of (iii) follows from De Morgan's laws. 0
In Section 2, we discussed a method for combining two detectors in terms
of a partial binary operation EB. In order to obtain a mathematical model
with well behaved properties, we were forced to extend the definition of
EB to effects that were derived from combinations of detectors. We also
noticed that EB possesses various properties that the usual + operation
of numbers possess. Now a detector corresponds to a position measurement for a particle, but there are many other measurements that an
experimentalist may want to perform. For example, there could be measurements of energy, momentum, angular momentum, spin, charge, etc.
Moreover, the experimentalist may want to perform more complicated
measurements involving the scattering or decay of many particles. For
this reason, investigators have studied general sets of measurements and
ways of combining them. We now present a mathematical framework or
model for such studies [3, 4, 5].
An effect algebra is a system (P, 0,1, EB), where P is a set of elements
called effects, 0 and 1 are distinct elements of P, and EB is a partial
binary operation on P that has the following properties.
(1) If a EB b is defined, then b EB a is defined and b EB a = a EB b. (Commutativity)
(2) If a EB b and (a EB b) EB c are defined, then b EB c and a EB (b EB c) are
defined and a EB (b EB c) = (a EB b) EB c. (Associativity)
(3) For every a in P there exists a unique a' in P such that a EB a' is
defined and a EB a' = 1. (Orthosupplementation)
(4) If 1 EB a is defined, then a = O. (0 - 1 Law)
For brevity, we frequently denote an effect algebra by the single letter
P. We have seen in Section 2 that a confidence algebra is an effect
algebra. For a and b in P, we write a ~ b if there exists a c in P
such that b = a EB c. If a ~ b', we write a 1- b and say that a and b
are orthogonal. We denote the least upper bound and greatest lower
bound of a and b, if they exist, by a V b and a 1\ b, respectively. The next
theorem summarizes some of the basic properties of effect algebras and
its proof may be found in [4].
Theorem. Let P be an effect algebra. (i) ~ is a partial order relation
on P such that 0 ~ a ~ 1 for all a in P. (ii) 0' = 1, l' = 0 and aEBO = a
for all a in P. (iii) a EB b is defined if and only if a 1- b. (iv) a" = a
for all a in P and a ~ b implies that b' ~ a'. (v) If a V b exists, then
a' 1\ b' exists and a' 1\ b' = (a Vb)'. If a 1\ b exists, then a' V b' exists and
a' V b' = (a 1\ b)'.
When we discussed detectors, it was clear how sharp detectors should
be defined. However, in the context of a general effect algebra P, such
a definition is not at all obvious. We cannot say that a E P is sharp
if a is a characteristic function because the elements of P may not be
real-valued functions. For the same reason, the partial operations max
and min do not make sense for a general effect algebra so the characterization given in the theorem in Section 3 cannot be used to define
sharpness. In fact, there is a considerable controversy among researchers
concerning the best definition of sharpness in an effect algebra. We shall
consider one of the several definitions that have been proposed. One way
of motivating this definition is to consider the theorem in Section 3 and
replace max by V and min by /\. This is legitimate because V and /\
make sense in an arbitrary effect algebra. To differentiate this definition
from our previous definition of sharpness, we shall use the term crisp
instead of sharp. Unfortunately, crispness and sharpness are not equivalent for confidence algebras. Indeed, our discussion in Section 3 shows
that if an element f of a confidence algebra is sharp, then it is crisp,
but f may be crisp without being sharp. In the most important mathematical model for quantum mechanics, namely the Hilbert space model
mentioned in Section 5, crispness is strong enough to describe perfectly
accurate measurements.
An element a in P is crisp if a V a' exists and equals 1. This is equivalent to a /\ a' exists and equals o. Does an effect algebra have a stronger
structure if all of its elements are crisp? To answer this question we introduce a definition and prove a theorem. An orthoalgebra is a system
(P, 0,1, EEl) that satisfies conditions (1), (2), (3) and (4') if aEEla is defined,
then a = O. Condition (4') states that 0 is the only isotropic element of
Theorem (i) An orthoalgebra is an effect algebra. (ii) An effect algebra is an orthoalgebra if and only if all of its elements are crisp.
Proof (i) Suppose P is an orthoalgebra. To show that property (4)
holds, assume that 1 EEl a is defined. Since a' EEl a = 1, (a' EEl a) EEl a is
defined. By property (2) a EEl a is defined so by (4'), a = O. (ii) Suppose
P is an orthoalgebra and a is in P. Assume that b 2: a, a'. Then
b' ::; a' ::; b = b"
Hence, b' -1 b' so b' EEl b' is defined. Therefore, b' = 0 and b = 1. Thus,
a V a' = 1 and a is crisp. Conversely, suppose P is an effect algebra in
which every element is crisp. To show that P is an orthoalgebra, suppose
that a EEl a is defined. Then a ::; a' so 1 = a V a' = a'. Hence, a = 0 so P
is an orthoalgebra. 0
We can also define a "minus" operation on an effect algebra. If a ::; b,
then there exists a c such that a EEl c = b. We then write c = be a. It is
not hard to show that e satisfies the following three conditions for all
a,b,c in P.
(5) bea::; b
(7) a ::; b ::; c implies c e b ::; c e a and (c e a) e (c e b) = be a
A partially ordered set P with a greatest element 1 and a partial binary
operation e such that a e b is defined if and only if a ::; b and that
satisfies (5), (6) and (7) is called a difference poset [3]. It can be shown
that an effect algebra and a difference poset are equivalent mathematical
structures. In this way, we can use either EB or e to define a mathematical
model for measurements.
An effect algebra P is said to be a lattice if a V b and a 1\ b exist for all
a, bin P. We call P distributive if P is a lattice and the distributive
al\(bVc) = (al\b)V(al\c)
holds for all a, band c in P. We first present some examples of distributive effect algebras.
Example 1. Let P be the unit interval [0,1] in R. For a, b in [0,1]' aEBb
is defined if a + b :::; 1 and in this case a EB b = a + b. Then ([0,1]' 0,1, EB)
is a distributive effect algebra with a' = 1 - a. In this example, :::; is the
usual order of numbers so :::; is a total order relation. Notice that a is
crisp if and only if a = or 1. Hence, the crisp elements of [0,1] form a
suborthoalgebra of [0,1]. That is, if a and b are crisp and a EB b exists,
then a EB b is crisp. 0
Example 2. Let X be a nonempty set and let P be the collection of
all subsets of X. Let be the empty set, 1 = X, and for a, b in P, a EB b
is defined if their intersection a n b =
and in this case a EB b is their
union aU b. Then (P, 0,1, EB) is a distributive effect algebra with a' equal
to the complement a C • In this example, :::; is the same as set-theoretic
inclusion <;;:;. Every element a in P is crisp because a V a' = a U a' = 1.
Hence, P is an orthoalgebra (in fact, P is a Boolean algebra). 0
Example 3. Let X be a nonempty set and let P be the set of all
functions f: X ---t [0,1] <;;:; R. Let o(x) = 0, l(x) = 1 be the constant
and 1 functions, respectively, and for f, 9 in P, f EB 9 is defined if
f(x) + g(x) :::; 1 for all x in X and in this case fEB 9 = f + g. Then
(P, 0,1, EB) is a distributive effect algebra with l' = I-f. In this example,
:::; is the usual order f :::; 9 if and only if f(x) :::; g(x) for all x in X. It
follows that f V 9 = max(f, g) and f 1\ 9 = min(f, g). Hence, f is crisp
if and only if f is the characteristic function of a subset of X. Thus, the
crisp elements form a suborthoalgebra (even a sub-Boolean algebra) of
P. The crisp elements may be identified with the collection of all subsets
of X which reduces to Example 2. The structure of P corresponds to a
fuzzy set theory or fuzzy logic and is closely related to our discussion
of detectors in Sections 2 and 3. Moreover, P may be thought of as a
confidence algebra on the set X and in this case crispness and sharpness
are equivalent. 0
In these last three examples, the crisp elements of an effect algebra
formed a suborthoalgebra. This also applies to the Hilbert space effect
algebras that we shall mention later. Is this always true? That is, in an
effect algebra, if a and b are crisp and a EEl b is defined, is a EEl b necessarily
crisp? The answer is no and the following counterexample is due to D.
Foulis and R. Greechie. This is also an example of a nondistributive
effect algebra.
Example 4. Let P be the effect algebra with elements
0,1, a, b, c, a', b', c' and the following EEl table. In this table we do not include the trivial elements 0, 1 and dash indicates that the corresponding
EEl is not defined.
Then a and c are crisp and a EEl c = b'. However, b' is not crisp because
b' V b = b' =1= 1. Note that P is not a lattice and hence is not distributive.
This is because a V band c V b do not exist. For example, c' and b' are
minimal upper bounds for a and b. 0
The most important example of a nondistributive effect algebra is
called a Hilbert space effect algebra. Hilbert space effect algebras are
frequently employed as mathematical models for quantum mechanics.
However, their definition involves some rather sophisticated mathematics
and we shall not pursue them here. The interested reader can consult
any of the following references.
The author would like to thank J. Pykacz for a very careful reading of
the preliminary version of this paper and for some useful suggestions for
improving it. These suggestions were incorporated in the final version.
Stanley Gudder
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Denver U.S.A.
[email protected]
[1] Busch, P., Lahti, P. and Mittelstaedt, P., The Quantum Theory
of measurements, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1991.
[2] Davies, E.B., Quantum Theory of Open Systems, Academic Press,
London, 1976.
[3J Dvurecenskij, A. and Pulmannova, S., "Difference posets, effects and quantum measurements", Intern. J. Theor. Phys., 33, 1994,
pp. 819-850.
[4] Foulis, D. and Bennett, M.K., "Effect algebras and unsharp quantum logics", Found. Phys., 24, 1994, pp. 1331-1352.
[5] Greechie, R. and D. Foulis, D. "The transition to effect algebras" ,
Intern. 1. Theor. Phys., 34, 1995, pp. 1-14.
[6] Holevo, A.S., Probabilistic and Statistical Aspects of Quantum Theory, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1982.
[7] Kraus, K., States, Effects, and Operations, Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
[8] Ludwig, G., Foundations of quantum mechanics Vol. I and II, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1983 and 1985.
The relevance of the axiomatic method to the science and philosophy
of our century need not be emphasized. The introduction and the development ofaxiomatization did not prove immensely useful only in the
field of foundations of mathematics at the turn of the century, but also
in the general analysis of the foundations of sciences. With particular
reference to physics, axiomatic formulations of physical theories provide
a framework in which all assumptions--especially the physical ones-are
explicitly stated, a framework which enables one to clearly assess different approaches to particular problems of the theories and-by a specification of a mathematical model-to avoid mathematical inconsistencies:
most important by a philosophical viewpoint, the common "universe of
discourse" provided by the axiomatic framework enables one to analyse
the conceptual foundations of a physical theory. This task appears to be
especially important in the case of quantum mechanics, a physical theory full of interpretational difficulties in spite of its spectacular success
by the experimental viewpoint.
In this paper we will survey the quantum-logical approach to quantum
mechanics, both in its historical and conceptual motivations and in some
of its more recent formal developments and generalizations. In Section
2, the historical origins of the subject are reviewed, whereas in Section 3
the idea of sharp quantum logic and its formal structure are introduced.
Finally, in Section 4, we will outline the main elements of the generalization of sharp quantum logic into the unsharp or fuzzy quantum logic,
based on the possibility of defining degrees of membership of a value to
a set (typically, a number interval).
The investigations on the logical nature of quantum-mechanical statements historically arise from the attempt to apply the three-valued logic,
1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
introduced by Lukasiewicz [23] in 1920, to the domain of quantum phenomena. The suggestion of employing this new logic in the analysis of
the formal structure of quantum theory derived essentially from the assumption that a logic satisfying the general principle of bivalence could
not ground a physical theory such as quantum mechanics, that embodies
Heisenberg uncertainty relations and therefore indeterminism. Although
the first step was taken in 1931 by the Polish logician Zawirski, (cf. [16,
p. 344]) the most systematic attempt to construct a suitable three-valued
logic of quantum mechanics was to be developed in Reichenbach's book
Philosophic Foundations of quantum mechanics [33]1.
Relevant it might have been by a historical viewpoint, however, the
rejection of a principle of bivalence was not the conceptual source of a
possible logic of quantum theory. The successful development of a quantum logic lies in the rejection of the distributivity law, a condition that
qualifies the algebraic structure of classical logic. This step, that gives
rise officially to the logical (or logico-algebraic) approach to quantum
mechanics can be said to develop from the same source as the standard mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics, namely from von
Neumann's Die Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik [25].
In this book, von Neumann proposes to take into account, in addition
to the class of physical quantities relevant to a given physical system
S, mathematically represented by self-adjoint operators on the Hilbert
space H associated with S, the class of the properties of the states of the
To each property t: we can assign a quantity which we define as follows: each
measurement which distinguished between the presence or absence of t: is considered as a measurement of this quantity, such that its value is 1 if t: is verified,
and zero in the opposite case [25, p. 249].
Since each property of this kind is shown to be represented by a projection operator on H,
the relation between the properties of a physical system on the one hand, and
the projections on the other, makes possible a sort of logical calculus with
these. However, in contrast to the concepts of ordinary logic, this system is
extended by the concept of "simultaneous decidability" which is characteristic
for quantum mechanics. 2
Again the Heisenberg uncertainty relations force upon the theory a limitation, but this time the lack of overall "simultaneous decidability" will
As Max Jammer describes [16, pp. 364-370]' this book was subject to heavy
criticisms, notably by Carl Hempel and Ernest Nagel. A defense of Reichenbach in
[29] was likewise criticized by Feyerabend [8].
von Neumann [25, p. 253], our emphasis.
yield not the rejection of bivalence but that of distributivity. Opening
their seminal paper "The logic of quantum mechanics" [3]' Birkhoff and
von Neumann explicitly state:
One of the aspects of quantum theory which has attracted the most general
attention is the novelty of the logical notions which it presupposes. It asserts
that even a complete mathematical description of a physical system S does not
in general enable one to predict with certainty the result of an experiment on
S, and that in particular one can never predict with certainty both the position
and the momentum of S (Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle). It further asserts
that most pairs of observations are incompatible, and cannot be made on S
simultaneously (Principle of Non-commutativity of Observations).
The object of the present paper is to discover what logical structure one may
hope to find in physical theories which, like quantum mechanics, do not conform to classical logic. Our main conclusion, based on admittedly heuristic
arguments, is that one can reasonably expect to find a calculus of propositions which is formally indistinguishable from the calculus of linear subspaces
with respect to set products, linear sums, and orthogonal complements--and
resembles the usual calculus of propositions with respect to and, or and not".
Let us briefly outline then the essential lines of the Birkhoff-von Neumann approach. First of all we must stress that in the above quoted
paper the authors take into account both the classical situation and the
quantum one. They realize that these two cases are characterized by a
propositional language based on the set 0 of all possible observations
one can measure on a physical system.
The concept of a physically observable "physical system" is present in all branches of physics, and we shall assume it. It is clear that an observation of a
physical system 6 can be described generally as a writing down of the readings
from various compatible measurements. Thus if the measurements are denoted
by the symbols a1, ... , an, then an observation of 6 amounts to specifying
numbers Xl, ... ,Xn corresponding to the different ak. It follows that the most
general form of prediction concerning 6 is that
the point (Xl' ... ' xn) determined by actually measuring (a1, ... , an) will
lie in a subset t:. of (Xl' ... ' xn)-space.
Hence, if we call the (Xl' ... ' xn)-spaces associated with 6, its "observationspaces, " we may call the subsets of the observation-spaces associated with any
physical system 6, the "experimental propositions" concerning 6.
In a footnote, Birkhoff and von Neumann point out that:
One may regard a set of compatible measurements [(a1, ... , an)) as a single composite measurement [(which we denote by A))-and also admit
non-numerical readings-without interfering with subsequent arguments.
[3, p. 1] of the reprinted version in [15]
Among conspicuous observables in quantum theory are position, momentum, energy, and (non-numerical) symmetry.
Therefore, in Birkhoff-von Neumann point of view the most general
statement, or experimental proposition, which one can formulate about
a physical system is that the value ofa physical magnitude (shortlyobservable) A which can be observed on it lies in a subset ~ of the set of
possible values (shortly observation space) associated with A. A statement of this kind is represented by a pair (A,~)
and corresponds to the
elementary statement:
val(A) E ~ = "the value of the observable (physical magnitude) A lies
in the subset ~ of the observation space of A."
This agrees with the following quotation of Varadarajan [34J: "The center of the stage of the present discussion is occupied by a physical system
and the experimental propositions that are associated with it. ( ... ) if A
is an observable, to each Borel set ~ of the real line lR is associated the
proposition the value of A lies in ~."
In the literature the "experimental
proposition" of Birkhoff and von Neumann [3] and Varadarajan [34] is
also called the "physical statement", "question", "theoretical sentence" ,
"elementary statement". experimental propositions (A, ~l)'
(B, ~2)"
which can be stated for a physical system are for instance "the particle
has passed through the slit 1 of the screen", "the spin of the particle along
the z direction is up", "the position of the particle is between 100Km
and 250Km from a reference point of its trajectory", "the energy of the
photon is between lOMe V and lOOMe V" and so on. Making use of the
connectives "and" (&), "or" (Q), "not" ("""), it is possible to construct
on the basis of elementary sentences r = (A, ~l)'
s = (B, ~2),
... the
complex sentences "r & s" , "rQs" , ".....,r" of the sentential language of
the involved physical theory. For instance the sentence "the particle has
passed through the slit 1 or through the slit 2", is a complex sentence
of the form "( Q, 1) Q (Q, 2)"; or the sentence "the particle has position
in the interval [Xl, X2] and velocity in the interval [VI, V2J" , is a complex
sentence of the form "(Q, [XI,X2]) & (P, [VI.V2])". As another example
involving a system consisting of two separated particle (1 + 2), the statement "the spin of particle 1 along the z direction is "up" in region ~1
the spin of particle 2 along the x direction is "down" in region ~2",
described by a complex sentence of the form "(8}1), ~r)
& (812 ), ~)".
In the case of a classical physical system (J"c with n degrees of freedom
it is possible to associate a set 8 (called the phase space of (J"c): this set
is representable as the Cartesian product M x lRn (~
lR 2n ), where M
lRn) is the set of all the possible configurations of the system and lRn
is the set of momentum vectors. The points in 8 are in one-to-one cor-
respondence with the mechanical states of (jc, since this is characterized
in each state by a particular configuration and a particular momentum
vector. Let us now denote by £(S) a (j-algebra of subsets of S, whose elements are interpreted as classical events. The set-theoretical operations
of intersection, union, and complementation on the Boolean (j-algebra
£(S) resembles the usual calculus of proposition with respect to and, Of,
and not. The physical quantities A are mathematically represented, first
of all, by real valued functions fA on S associating with any classical
state XES the real number fA (x) E JR.; this real number represents the
value possessed by A in the classical state x. For instance, the energy of
a classical system is a function associating with any state of the system
a real number: the energy of the particle in this state. But, in order to be
a representation of an observable A, for any Borel set f::. of the real line
the collection f"Al(f::.) of all states xES in which the observable A takes
values fA (x) in ~ must be a collection of classical events: formally for
any ~, the collection of classical states fA I (~)
= {x E S : fA (x) E ~}
must be an event from £ (S); for example, the set of all classical states in
which a particle possesses an energy between 10 and 25 Joule must be
an event from £(S); similarly, both the set of all classical states in which
it possesses a position in the interval [Xl, X2] and in which it possesses a
velocity in the interval [VI, V2] must be events. In this way the map fAI
associating with any subset of possible values ~ E 8(JR) the collection
E £(S) is an event-valued measure, realizing the obof states fAI(~)
servable A. Since the physical quantity A is represented by a real-valued
function fA on Sand fAI is an event-valued measure, it is possible to
set up a correspondence between certain physically relevant statements
about (jc, e.g., (A, ~),
and certain subsets of the phase space S, e.g.,
(classical events) fAI(~).
In this way the propositional language ofpossible statements about (j c (closed with respect the connectives "and",
"or", "not") is realized by the logic of (j c, namely, the set of possible
properties (events) of the system (closed with respect to set theoretic
operations of "intersection", "union", "complement").
When a quantum system (jq is taken into account, the "quantum phase
space" is a complex Hilbert space H, whose non-zero vectors represent
states of (jq. The relevant physical quantities are represented by selfadjoint operators on H, whereas the quantum events are represented
by orthogonal projectors on H. The role of the algebra of subsets of
the phase space-as structure of the possible properties of a quantum
system-is played by a more general structure than a Boolean algebra,
i.e., an orthomodular complemented lattice. The key point is that this
structure is more general exactly in that it fails to satisfy the distribu-
tivity law. 4 The Birkhoff and von Neumann paper was reviewed in 1937
by Alonzo Church, who described the authors' position as founded on
the assumption that "the advance of an experimental science may some
day require revision of the system of logic on which the mathematical
theory of the science is based". However, such paper remained virtually
ignored for twenty-five years, until the physicists of the "Geneva group"
(J.M. Jauch, G. Emch, C. Piron and others) and, on the other side of the
ocean, G.W. Mackey re-discovered it, giving rise to the area of research
properly known today as quantum logic. 5
The possible philosophical import of the quantum-logical ideas was
emphasized in some Finkelstein's papers of the sixties and early seventies, according to which the inquiry on the laws governing the physical
world can be pursued at three levels of increasing abstraction and generality: the mechanical, the geometrical and finally the logical level.
Physics has many layers, and one of the deeper layers, that of world geometry,
has undergone a profound upheaval in our times. As a result of this revolution,
certain geometric ideas of Riemann have been generally accepted, and it is
entirely in order for a physicist to contribute his present conception of the world
geometry. [... ] We are presently in the midst of an analogous development of the
logic of physical systems, a stratum that conceptually underlies even that of
physical geometry. I think that besides mathematical logic there is now also a
physical or world logic, different in principle and describing at a very deep and
general level the way inanimate physical systems interact. To the extent that
there are physical systems, let them be men or machines, that behave the way
symbolic systems are supposed to behave, much of mathematical logic recurs as
a special or limiting case of physical logic, but more general physical systems
may in principle and do in fact obey more general laws. [... ] It is therefore
appropriate to indicate how it is at all possible. let alone necessary, to discover
laws of physical logic from experience [10, pp. 48-49] (See also [9]).
The analogy with non-Euclidean geometry actually was the starting
point of the widely discussed Putnam's paper "Is Logic Empirical?" [30]
where, with reference to the quantum-logical approach to quantum mechanics, he argued that some "necessary truths" of logic might turn out
to be false for empirical reasons: empirical data or results might force
us to deny some logical laws and reinforce the idea that logic too is an
empirical science. 6
[3], pp. 9-10 of the reprinted version in [15].
Twenty-five years of silence explain also why Popper [28] could argue as late
as 1968 for no less than the logical inconsistency of the Birkhoff and von Neumann
paper. For a recent, thorough analysis of Popper's misinterpretation of Birkhoff and
von Neumann paper, cf. [6].
For a review of the debate engendered by this Putnam's claim, see [32].
After more than two decades of silence about the quantum-logical approach to the foundations of quantum mechanics, G.W. Mackey gave
a twist to the field in the early sixties. In his Mathematical Foundations of quantum mechanics [24], Mackey assumed the notions of state
and observable for a given physical system (J' as primitive, and defined
a probability measure expressing the probability distribution of a given
observable in a given state: if 0 is the set of the observables of (J', S
the set of the states of (J' and B(lR) is the set of all Borel subsets of the
real line, a (probability) function P : S x 0 x B(lR) f---t [0,1] is defined
such that the quantity between 0 and 1, for 0: E S and A E 0 fixed,
P(o:, A, ~),
is the probability that a measurement of the observable A in
the state 0: yield a value lying in ~, for any ~ E B(lR). The two sets of
states and observables and the function P had to satisfy six preliminary
axioms according to which:
- for 0: E S and A E 0 fixed, P is a probability measure on the Borel
subsets of the real line;
- a pair of observables, in order to be distinguishable, have to have a
different probability distribution in at least one state (principle of
indistinguishability for observables);
- a pair of states, in order to be distinguishable, have to ascribe different probability distributions to at least one observable (principle
of indistinguishability for states);
- any (Borel) function of an observable is still an observable (corresponding to the same measuring apparatus with a change of its
reading scale according to the Borel function);
- the set of states is convex, namely any convex combination of different states is still a state (corresponding to the possibility of a
statistical mixing of states);
- for any sequence of orthogonal questions there always exists their
Let us remark that if A is an observable with set of possible real values
KA ad f : lR f---t IR. is any Borel real function, then f(A) is the observable
whose set of possible real values is {J(k) : k E KA}, as a result of the
change of the reading scale of the instrument which measure both A and
f(A). For example, we can observe the "deflection angle" (in radians) of
a beam of electrons under the influence of a uniform magnetic field; with
a change of the reading scale of the instrument we can read the same
experimental observation as "charge over mass" (in coulombs/gram).
The last axiom of the list refers to the notion of a question, precisely a
particular kind of observable introduced by Mackey, whose set of values
includes only 0 and 1. The set [; of these particular observables was
singled out from the whole set of the observables of (]" via the application
of characteristic functions Xl> : JR f-+ [0, 1] of Borel subsets .6. of JR, whose
only values can be 1 (when the point x from JR belongs to.6.) and 0 (when
the point x does not belong to .6.). To be precise, if A is any observable
with set of possible values KA and Xl> is the characteristic function of
a Borel set .6., then the question Xl>(A) is an observable whose set of
possible values {Xdk) : k E KA} consists only of 0 or 1.
From the above axioms it turns out that for any state a E S,
P(a, A,.6.) = P(a, Xl>(A), {I}),
namely, for any ~ E B(lR) the probability that a measurement of the
observable A in the state a yields a value lying in ~ is just the probability
that a measurement of the question Xl>(A) in the state a yield the
value 1.
The set of the questions obtained in this way can be ordered with
respect to a suitable order relation based on the probability measures on
the questions (intuitively, a question el is "less or equal" to a question e2
if and only if the probability that a measurement of el in any state a yield
1 is less or equal to the probability that a measurement of e2 in the same
state a yield 1; formally, for any state a, P(a, el, {I}) :::; P(a, e2, {I} )).
The resulting structure is that of a partially ordered set, which can be
endowed with several important mathematical properties provided one
makes some further assumptions, though very natural by a mathematical
The physical idea underlying the notion of a question is simple. An
experimental apparatus can be associated with the pair composed by
the physical quantity A and the numerical interval .6. such that the
reading scale of A is covered leaving open only the particular portion of
the scale corresponding to .6.. Given that the physical system is prepared
in a state a, in the event of a measurement of A in the state a, the value
of Xl> (A) will be 1 if the pointer is found in the portion of the scale left
open by the cover, and 0 otherwise [2, Ch. 13]. With a terminology that
will be useful later, a macroscopic device of sharp localization can be
said to correspond to the characteristic function introduced above. This
device can be represented as a test of the membership of a value to the
fixed numerical interval ~.
It is now worth pointing out a simple mathematical fact. When we have
defined the characteristic function, we have stated that the only possible
values were 0 and 1, whereas the proper range was the interval [0,1]. The
generalization toward an unsharp (or fuzzy) generalized formulation of
quantum logic can be summarized in the idea of "taking seriously" all
the numbers in the interval as possible values: the notion of membership
would then admit degrees, associated with all the numbers between 0
and 1.
The unsharp quantum logic originates then with the application of
some suggestions coming from fuzzy logic and fuzzy set theory to the
logico-algebraic foundations of quantum mechanics. Fuzzy logic and fuzzy set theory was originally developed in the sixties by Lotfi Zadeh,
in order to deal with approximate reasoning by a logical and cognitive
viewpoint: according to him "[ ... ] the notion of a fuzzy [device] is a convenient point of departure for the construction of a conceptual framework
[... ] which provides a natural way of dealing with problems in which the
source of imprecision is the absence of sharply defined criteria of class
membership" [36]. As emphasized in a later paper,
Traditionally logical systems have aimed at the construction of exact models of
exact reasoning-models in which there is no place for imprecision, vagueness
or ambiguity. In a sharp break with this deeply entrenched tradition, the model
of reasoning embodied in fuzzy logic aims, instead, at an accommodation with
the pervasive imprecision of human thinking and cognition. [... ] To provide
an appropriate conceptual framework for approximate reasoning, fuzzy logic
is based on the premise that human perceptions involve, for the most part,
fuzzy sets, that is, classes of objects in which the transition from membership
to non-membership is gradual rather than abrupt." [1, p. 105]
Let us return then to the set of questions and let us briefly investigate
the consequences of its "fuzzification". To this aim, we generalize the
notion of macroscopic device of sharp localization into the notion of
concrete macroscopic device of localization, i.e., when a ~ E 8(JR) is
fixed, any mapping W,6. : JR 1---+ [0,1] whose range consists not only of the
two numbers and 1, but of the set of all real numbers in the real unit
interval [0,1]. For any point x the real number w,6.(x), between and 1,
represents the degree of membership of x in ~
The application of the sharp localization mappings X,6. gives rise to the
(partially ordered) set of questions, so that the question naturally arises
of what is the set of objects generated by the application of the unsharp
localization mappings W,6.. Such objects turn out to be the so-called effects [19] [20] [21] [22], that may be intuitively seen as the mathematical
representatives of approximate properties instantiated by the physical
system in the framework of a concretely realizable experiment. In analogy with the Zadeh's quotations concerning logical systems, the spectrum of the properties of physical systems that we can investigate can
be much wider if we allow approximation into our commonly idealized
descriptions of physical systems.
As far as quantum mechanics itself is concerned, the unsharp or fuzzy
approach (sometimes called also operationa0 was originally developed
in different areas of fundamental quantum physics such as, respectively,
the quantum field theory [14J and the quantum theory of open systems
[7J. In a more abstract and axiomatic vein, however, an unsharp generalization of the main elements of the standard Hilbert space formulation
of orthodox quantum mechanics has been elaborated in more recent
times, usually in the context of a realistic and individual interpretation
of quantum theory (see, e.g., [4]). If we agree to consider the notions of
state and observable as the fundamental ones, the unsharp approach to
Hilbert space quantum mechanics has generalized the notion of observable as represented by a PV (projection-valued) measure into the notion
of POV (positive operator-valued) measure, since the already available
generalization of notion of the state vector into the notion of density matrix has been shown to be the most general mathematical representation
of a quantum state.
As recalled above, a sharp property of a quantum system is represented in a Hilbert space framework by a projection operator, i.e., an
idempotent self-adjoint bounded operator whose spectrum includes only
the values 0 and 1. The set of these operators has a lattice structure
and this lattice can be considered as the totality of the sharp properties
of the system. However, if approximation has to be taken into account,
the notion of sharp property of a quantum system has to be relaxed, in
order to envisage a class of generalized events that instantiate properties testable on the system in an unsharp and approximate way. Each
element of this class of approximate properties is mathematically represented by an effect operator, namely a (non-idempotent) self-adjoint
bounded operator whose spectrum includes all values between 0 and 1.
The effects represent the events of particular measurement outcomes,
and the expectation values of the effects represent the probabilities of
these events. Unlike the case with sharp properties, one is no more entitled to state that, after a certain measurement on a quantum system,
a property either holds or it does not hold, but rather that such property holds approximately, with the degree of approximation given by the
probability of occurrence of the effect that is tested in the experiment.
Gianpiero Cattaneo
Dipartimento di Scienze dell' InJormazione
Universita di Milano
Frederico Laudisa
Dipartimento di Filosofia
Universita di Firenze
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[2] Beltrametti, E., Cassinelli, G., The Logic oj quantum mechanics,
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[3] Birkhoff, G., von Neumann, J., "The logic of quantum mechanics", Annals oj Mathematics, 37, 1936, pp. 823-843 (reprinted in [15])).
[4] Busch, P., Grabowski, M., Lahti, P., Operational quantum mechanics, Berlin, Springer, 1996.
[5] Cattaneo, G., Laudisa, F., "Axiomatic unsharp quantum theory",
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[7] Davies, E.B., Quantum Theory oj Open Systems, London, Academic
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[8] Feyerabend, P.K., "Reichenbach's interpretation of quantum mechanics", Philosophical Studies, 9, 1958, pp. 49-59.
[9] Finkelstein, D., "Matter, space and logic", Boston Studies Philosophy oj Science, vol. 5, 1969.
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[13] Gudder, S.P., Quantum Probability, Academic Press, NY, 1988.
[14] Haag, R., Kastler, D., "An algebraic approach to quantum field
theory", Journal of Mathematical Physics, 5, 1964, pp. 846-86l.
[15] Hooker, C.A. (ed.), The Logico Algebraic Approach to quantum
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[16] Jammer, M., The Philosophy of quantum mechanics, New York,
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[17] Jauch, J .M., Foundations of quantum mechanics, Addison-Wesley,
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[18] Jauch, J.M., and Piron, C., "On the structure of quantal proposition systems", Helvetica Physica Acta, 42, 1969, p. 842.
[19] Ludwig, G., "The measuring process and an axiomatic foundation of quantum mechanics", in: d'Espagnat, B. (ed.), Foundations of
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[20] Ludwig, G., "Measuring and preparing processes", in: Hartkamper, A., Neumann, H. (eds.), Foundations of quantum mechanics and
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[21] Ludwig, G., "A theoretical description of single microsystem", in:
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[22] Ludwig, G., Foundations of quantum mechanics, New York, Springer, 1983.
[23] Lukasiewicz, J., "0 logice trojwartosciowej" (On three-valued
logic), Ruch FilozoJiczny, 5, 1920, pp. 169-171 (reprinted in: Selected
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[24] Mackey, G.W., The Mathematical Foundations of quantum mechanics, New York, Benjamin, 1963.
[25] Neumann, von J., Die Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik, Berlin, Springer, 1932. (English translation The Mathematical Foundations of quantum mechanics, Princeton, Princeton University
Press, 1955).
[26] Piron, C., "Axiomatique quantique", Helvetica Physica Acta, 37,
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[27] Piron, C., Foundations of Quantum Physics, Benjamin, Reading,
Mass., 1976.
[28] Popper, K.R., "Birkhoff and von Neumann's interpretation of
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[29] Putnam, H., "Three-valued logic", Philosophical Studies, 8, 1957,
pp. 73-80.
[30] Putnam, H., "Is logic empirical?", Boston Studies Philosophy of
Science, vol. 5, 1969, pp. 216-24l.
[31] Redhead, M.L.G., Incompleteness, Nonlocality and Realism, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1987.
[32] Redhead, M.L.G., "Logic, quanta and the two-slit experiment",
in: Hale, R., Clark, P. (eds.), Reading Putnam, Oxford, Blackwell,
[33] Reichenbach, H., Philosophic Foundations of quantum mechanics,
Berkeley-Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1944.
[34] Varadarajan, V.S., "Probability in physics and a theorem on simultaneous observability", Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 15, 1962, p. 189.
[35] Varadarajan, V.S., Geometry of Quantum Theory, Vol. I, Van
Nostrand, Princeton, 1968.
[36] Zadeh, L.A., "Fuzzy Sets", Information and Control, 8, 1965,
pp. 338-353.
Quantum physics and many-valued logics were born nearly simultaneously in the third decade of the XX Century. However, the early attempts at identifying logic able to describe quantum systems with some
versions of a three-valued logic failed and the opinion that "quantum
logic", although non-classical, is a two-valued logic prevailed. The recently observed revival of interest in applying many-valued logics to the
description of quantum physical systems is closely connected with a new
and rapidly developing branch of mathematics: the fuzzy set theory.
Fuzzy sets, which remain in the same relation to the infinite-valued logic
as traditional sets to the classical two-valued logic, form a bridge by
which one can pass from the "orthodox" quantum logic in the Birkhoffvon Neumann sense to the infinitely-valued Lukasiewicz logic.
The paper is organized as follows: A brief introduction to many-valued
logics is given in Section 2 while Section 3 gives rudiments of the fuzzy
set theory and Section 4 shows its links with infinite-valued Lukasiewicz
logic. The aim of Section 5 is to amuse and surprise the reader by some
mysteries of the microworld based on the most standard example of
Young double-slit experiment and finishes with some indications that
many-valued logic could be better-suited for the description of this experiment. Sections 6 and 7 contain short historical survey of already made
attempts at applying non-classical logics to the description of quantum
phenomena out of which only Birkhoff-von Neumann proposal of using
two-valued but non-distributive logic gained wide popularity and is still
in use nowadays. The paper is concluded by Section 8 in which further indications for using many-valued logics in quantum physics are
given and it is shown that it is possible to represent Birkhoff-von Neumann experimental propositions as propositional functions that belong
to the domain of Lukasiewicz infinite-valued logic. After such "translation" Birkhoff-von Neuman quantum logic becomes a (partial) infinitevalued Lukasiewicz logic which solves the long-lasting problem of finding
the proper models for disjunction and conjunction, and unifies two competing approaches: many-valued, and two-valued but non-distributive,
existing in the quantum logic theory since its very beginning.
1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
The classical, two-valued logic deals exclusively with statements which
can be unambiguously classified as being either true or false. Other statements simply do not belong to the domain of classical logic. In particular
this refers to the statements concerning future events and this problem
was noticed already by Aristotle who considered since then numerously
quoted statement: "There will be a sea battle tomorrow". It should be
mentioned that despite the tradition of naming the classical two-valued
logic "Aristotelian logic" there are indications [1] that Aristotle himself classified "future contingents", i.e., statements about future events
which are not yet decided, as neither true nor false!.
In the Middle Ages the problem of future contingents was also discussed and it seems that such thinkers as Duns Scotus and William of
Ockham in the thirteenth and the fourteenth centuries and Peter de Rivo
in the fifteenth century considered such statements as indeterminate.
Modern attempts at establishing non-classical logical systems, mostly
three-valued ones, begun in the end of the nineteenth century. In 1897
Hugh MacColl investigated so called "three-dimensional logic" and in
1909 Charles Peirce considered "triadic logic" as a possible basis for
"trichotomic mathematics". In 1919 Nicolai Vasil'ev in Kazan, Russia, built a system of three-valued "imaginary (non-Aristotelian) logic"
whose name obviously referred to "imaginary (non-Euclidean) geometry" presented for the first time at the same university 84 years earlier
by Nicolai Lobachevskij.
Jan Lukasiewicz is generally recognized as a founding father of the
modern theory of many-valued logics and his numerous papers on this
subject published since 1920 until his death in 1956 are well-known.
Contrary to these papers, his booklet "Die logischen Grundlagen der
Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung" [3] published in 1913 although evaluated
as "one of Lukasiewicz's most valuable works" in the foreword to Lukasiewicz's "Selected Works" [2], is relatively less-known. In this booklet he
considered statements containing a variable, e.g., "x is an Englishman"
and he attributed to them truth-value equal to the ratio of the number of
values of a variable for which this statement is true to the total number
Lukasiewicz in many of his papers [2] claimed that the law of bivalence is actually
due to the Stoics, especially Chrisippus who " ... appears to have been the first logician
to consciously set up and stubbornly defend the theorem that every proposition is
either true or false" (quotation from [1]). Therefore, Lukasiewicz proposed to call his
many-valued logic "non-Chrisippean" rather than "non-Aristotelian".
of values of this variable. Since he assumed the total number of values of
a variable to be finite, the logic thus obtained is n-valued with n being
a natural number depending on the particular situation described by a
sentence. Lukasiewicz's principal aim in his 1913 paper [3] was to give the
logical background to the notion of probability which at that time was
much more alien to the rest of mathematics than it is now. An n-valued
non-classical logic, which nowadays can be classified as a probability logic
was only a kind of a by-product of these efforts and never gained such
popularity as his later versions of many-valued logics investigated since
The year 1920 is generally recognized as the year of the birth of the
modern theory of many-valued logics. Actually, in this year two seminal
papers on this theory were published independently by Jan Lukasiewicz
in Poland [4] and by Emil Post in the USA [5]. Lukasiewicz arrived at his
construction of a three-valued logic after the long period of philosophical
investigations concerning the problem of determinism (cf. his numerous
papers collected in [2], especially [6]), and of modal propositions, i.e.,
propositions of the form it is possible (impossible, contingent, necessary)
that... [1]. He openly declared himself as devoted adherent of indeterdeclared a spiritual war
minism who, according to his own words [7],
upon all coercion that restricts man's free creative activity". Chrisippean
law of bivalence which states that every proposition is necessarily either
true or false occurred in this war to be a fortress which had to be blown
up since it blocked the way towards indeterminism: Lukasiewicz argued
that determinism follows necessarily from the law of bivalence, not from
the law of excluded middle which only states that the disjunction of any
proposition and its negation, e.g., "there will be a sea battle tomorrow
OR there will not be a sea battle tomorrow" is always a true proposition. According to Lukasiewicz, who also claimed that this had been the
original position taken by Aristotle, such disjunction remains true even
though both its constituents can be neither true nor false.
Lukasiewicz usually interpreted the third truth value as "indeterminacy,,2 and in the majority of his papers on three-valued logic he denoted
this additional truth-value by the number 1/2. It is possible that in the
beginning he did it just because 1/2 lays between 0 and 1- the generally
accepted symbols of falsehood and truth, but later on this choice occurred
to be very fortunate since it made the generalization of his three-valued
logic to an n-valued or infinite-valued logic almost straightforward.
In the beginning [4] he interpreted it as "possibility" but later on he abandoned
this idea probably in order not to confuse this name with the name of the possibility
functor of modal logic.
Lukasiewicz basic idea was to supplement two-valued logic with a third
truth value in such a way that the obtained three-valued logic should
deviate least from the ordinary logic. He did it by adopting the following
truth table for implication:
Table 1. Truth values of implication p -+ q (p implies q or if p then q)
in Lukasiewicz three-valued logic.
and by assuming that the following formulas which are in fact tautologies
in two-valued logic define, respectively, negation, disjunction, conjunction, and equivalence3 :
-,p = p
(not p means the same as p implies falsehood)
pVq de!
= (p-+q ) -+q
(p or q means the same as (p implies q) implies q)
p 1\ q
= -,( -,p V -,q)
(p and q means the same as not (not p or not q))
== q de!
q) 1\ (q
(p and q are equivalent means the same as p implies q and q implies p)
It can be easily checked that these definitions together with Table 1
yield the following truth tables for negation, disjunction, conjunction,
and equivalence in Lukasiewicz three-valued logic:
Lukasiewicz did not consider three-valued equivalence in [4]. For the first time he
did it in the realm of many-valued logics in 1922 [8] but the formula (4) is a standard
one in two-valued logic and it was often used in many of Lukasiewicz papers published
both before and after 1920.
Table 2. Truth values of negation....,p
(not p).
Table 3. Truth values of disjunction p V q (p or q).
Table 4. Truth values of conjunction p A q (p and q).
== q (p is equivalent to q or p if
and only if q).
Table 5. Truth values of equivalence p
When the first break-through was made, further generalization to nvalued logics and infinite-valued logics was not so difficult and Lukasiewicz actually did it soon afterwards [8, 9]. Of course except for the
case of n-valued logics with n being relatively small number, truth values of logical functors cannot be presented in the form of tables. Fortunately, Lukasiewicz found algebraic expressions, the same for all systems
of many-valued logics (both finite and infinite-valued), which yield truth
values of compound propositions as functions of their constituents, i.e.,
all Lukasiewicz many-valued logics are truth-functional. The basic logical functor for Lukasiewicz was implication and the following expression
allows to calculate truth value of implication t(p -7 q) when the truth
values t(p) and t(q) of the antecedent p and the consequent q are known
= min[1- t(p) + t(q), 1].
It can be easily checked that this formula applied to definitions (1)-(4)
yields the following formulas for truth values of the remaining logical
1 - t(p)
t(p V q) = max[t(p) , t(q)]
t(p 1\ q) = min [t(p) , t(q)]
== q)
= 1-lt(p) - t(q)l.
Lukasiewicz assumed that the set of truth values of an n-valued logic
with 0 ~ k ~ n - 1. It is
consists of all fractions of the form n~l
straightforward to check that the formulas (5)-(9) yield Tables 1-5 for
Lukasiewicz was not so much concerned with the interpretation of his
subsequently developed n-valued (for n > 3) or infinite-valued logics
as with the interpretation of the third truth value of his original threevalued logic, but he mentioned in [8] that "... 0 is interpreted as falsehood,
1 as truth, and the other numbers in the interval 0-1 as the degrees of
probability corresponding to various possibilities ... ". Therefore, it is clear
that at least in the year 1922 he still maintained his idea, expressed for
the first time in the year 1913 [3], of interpreting non-classical truth
values as degrees of probability.
Contrary to Jan Lukasiewicz, the second founding father of the modern
theory of many-valued logics: Emil Leon Post does not seem to be very
much concerned with interpretation of non-classical truth values. His
investigations were not so much founded on philosophical considerations
but were rather of formal algebraic nature. Loosely speaking we can say
that he studied algebraic aspects of n-valued logics without bothering
to express them linguistically and in this respect his papers [5, 10] are
more close in their style to modern treatises on many-valued logics (see,
e.g., [11]) than contemporary papers by Lukasiewicz.
Post based his n-valued propositional calculi on the linearly ordered
set of truth values {tl' t2, ... t n } where the extreme elements express ''full
truth" and ''full falsehood" and he followed Whitehead and Russell's
Principia Mathematica [12] in choosing negation and disjunction as basic
connectives. However, although his disjunction was the same as that of
Lukasiewicz, Le., its truth value was the bigger of truth values of its
constituents, Post's basic negation, which could be called cyclical was
quite different 4 :
Table 6. Truth values of Post's "cyclical" negation.
Because of so defined negation if other connectives (conjunction, implication, and equivalence) are defined with the aid of tautologies known
from two-valued logic, then they exhibit rather unexpected and counterintuitive features. In spite of this fact in modern times Post logics
find their application in studying electronic networks and in Computer
Science [13, 14]. It should be also mentioned that due to this particular negation n-valued propositional calculi of Post, contrary to these of
Lukasiewicz, are functionally complete: any conceivable connective can
be defined by basic connectives of negation and disjunction. Of course no
intuitive interpretation can be given to the vast majority of connectives
obtained in such a way.
After the first break-through made by Lukasiewicz and Post many
other systems of three-valued and n-valued propositional calculi were
proposed. I can mention here three-valued calculi of Kleene [15]' [16]'
Bochvar [17], and Finn [18] motivated by epistemological considerations
concerning lack of meaning of some statements, a similarly motivated
group of papers dealing with so-called nonsense-logics [19, 20, 21, 22],
attempts at describing intuitionistic propositional calculus in terms of
many-valued logics [23, 24], or papers motivated by considerations concerning peculiarities of quantum physis [25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32J.
Mathematically experienced reader can find a recent survey of most of
the above-mentioned three-valued logics and some n-valued logics [33,
Besides of this "cyclical" negation Post considered also the other negation, identical with that of Lukasiewicz. However, it seems that he treated "cyclical" negation
as more important.
34] in Chapters 3 and 4 of a recent book [11] by Bole and Borowik. Some
examples of many-valued logics motivated by physical considerations are
described in the Chapter 8 of Jammer's book [35].
It should be mentioned that many-valued Lukasiewicz logic endowed
with negation (1), (6), disjunction (2), (7), and conjunction (3), (8) was
criticized by Gonseth [36] in 1938 since it satisfies neither the law of
excluded middle
t(p V --,p) = 1
(it is true that p or not p)
nor the law of contradiction
t(p A --,p) = 0
(it is false that p and not p).
Actually, neither of these formulas is satisfied for t(p) =I- 0,1, for example
they both assume truth value! for t(p) = !. Most probably Gonseth did
not know Polish so he could not have read the paper [37] published by
Zawirski already in 19345 in which Zawirski noticed that if we replace
the right-hand side of the formula (2) by which Lukasiewicz defined
disjunction in [4] by the other (in two-valued logic equivalent) expression:
--'p --7 q, then the disjunction obtained in this way:
t(p U q)
--,p --7 q
+ t(q), 1]
and the conjunction adjoint to it by De Morgan's Law (3):
t(p n q)
--,( --,p U --,q)
max[t(p) + t(q) - 1,0]
satisfy both the law of excluded middle:
t(p U --,p) = min[t(p) + 1 - t(p), 1] = 1
and the law of contradiction:
t(p n --,p) = max[t(p) + 1 - t(p) - 1,0] = O.
The same idea was published in English by Orrin Frink Jr. in 1938 in [38].
Therefore, Gonseth's critique cannot be applied to Lukasiewicz manyvalued logic endowed with his original implication (5), negation (1), (6),
and Zawirski disjunction (12) and conjunction (13). As we shall see in
the sequel this set of connectives seems also to be better suited for the
description of behaviour of quantum physical systems than the set of
connectives originally defined and studied by Lukasiewicz.
The classical, two-valued logic is a basis of traditional mathematics and,
in particular, of the traditional set theory. Although there exist wellelaborated systems of axioms for the classical set theory for all practical
purposes it is enough to distinguish a set that we are interested in by a
predicate which, according to two-valued logic, allows to divide unambiguously all considered objects into two disjoint classes: objects that
belong to a set and objects that do not belong to a set and form its
complement. For example, let U be a set consisting of speakers at the
"Einstein meets Magritte" Conference. This predicate is precise enough
to define this set as soon as the Conference is finished (otherwise we
could fall into the Aristotelian trap of future contingents). All propositions of the form: x belongs to the set U where x denotes a name of an
individual person are, as soon as the Conference is finished, either true
or false, i.e., they belong to the domain of classical two-valued logic.
Although every traditional set is defined by a "sharp" predicate, not
every predicate is good enough to define a traditional set in an unambiguous way. Let us try to distinguish a subset A of the above-mentioned set
of speakers U consisting of speakers whose talks were interesting. Even
if we choose only one umpire in order not to deal with various opinions
we are likely to get, besides "sharp" judgements of the form: "the talk
of Prof. X was not interesting", "the talk of Dr. Y was interesting" also
a lot of statements of the form: "the talk of ... was ... a little bit/only
pariially/not so much/quite/in most of its paris/nearly almost ... interesting". Therefore, we see that besides the speakers who, like Prof. X
surely do not belong to the set A and like Dr. Y surely belong to it,
both membership and non-membership of other speakers to the set A
is doubtful. It also would not be good to group all these other speakers
into one category since from various judgements of our umpire we infer
that different talks were intersting to him to different extent. The best
solution would be to evaluate numerically degrees to which talks of various speakers were interesting and to say that "degrees of membership"
of various speakers to the set A are proportional to these numbers.
This is exactly the idea of a fuzzy set: If a is a fuzzy subset of the
universe of discourse U (in our case the set U consists of all speakers),
then some elements of U surely belong to A, some surely do not belong to
it, but also all intermediate cases of "partial membership" are allowed.
Moreover, membership is "graded": according to the original idea of
Lotfi A. Zadeh [41], who is generally recognized as a founding father
of the fuzzy set theory6, membership of an element x to a fuzzy set A,
denoted /-LA(X) or simply A(x) can vary from 0 (full nonmembership) to
1 (full membership), i.e., it can assume all values in the interval [0,1].
Therefore, a membership function /-LA : x I--t /-LA(X) E [0,1] completely
characterizes the fuzzy set A and it is an obvious generalization of a
characteristic function XA(X) of a traditional set:
0 for x tf. A
XA (x) = { 1 for x E A
Fuzzy subsets of a plane can be easily visualized as areas which, contrary to traditional sets (usually called crisp sets in the fuzzy set theory)
have no sharp boundaries and vanish gradually (Figs. 1 and 2). They
are smeared, blurred or simply fuzzy.
Our everyday language provides us with numerous examples of "nonsharp" predicates which can define only non-crisp sets, e.g., young (man),
ripe (apple), old (painting), fast (car), famous (artist), etc. In all these
cases we can easily distinguish elements which surely belong to a set
of objects defined by a given predicate, elements which surely do not
belong to it, and elements whose membership is more or less doubtful.
Actually, I dare say that in everyday communication "sharp" predicates
which defne crisp sets are rather an exception than a rule. Of course in
some cases it is possible to draw a borderline in a more or less arbitrary
way to recover sharp discrimination between members and non-members
of a set. For example we could state that a car Xl which can go faster
than 150 km/h belongs to the set of fast cars which, according to twovalued logic, implies that a car X2 which can go at most 149, 999 km/h
is, by the very definition, not fast so it does not belong to the set of
fast cars. However, we feel that the car X2 "almost belongs" to the set
of fast cars and should not be treated in the same way as a car X3 which
can go at most 50 km/h. It is more natural to state that the grade of
membership of the car X2 to the set of fast cars is very close to 1 while
the grade of membership of the car X3 to this set is close to o. Thus, the
It seems that C. C. Chang [39] and D. Klaua [40] elaborated similar ideas independently of [41] and published them even slightly before [41]. It is a problem for
historians of science to explain why their papers, contrary to [41] are almost neglected.
'--_ _ _-'---_----' ____ 1 ___ -'-_ _ _-'- ______ _
Figure 1. Crisp set and its characteristic function along the axis X. Point Xl belongs
to A, therefore XA(XI) = 1; point X2 does not belong to A, therefore XA(X2) = o.
Each point either entirely belongs or does not belong to A .
I··.· .:1
1 - _____ l_---
_ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..J _ _ _ _ _
Figure 2. Fuzzy set and its membership function along axis X. Point Xl belongs to
A in 100%, therefore JLA(Xt) = 1; point X2 belongs to A in 0% (does not belong to
A in 100%), therefore JLA(X2) = O. Other points belong to A to the extent expressed
by respective values of the membership function JLA, e.g., points X3, X4, X5 and Xa
half-belong to A, therefore, JLA(x3-a) = ~.
idea of representing the collection of fast cars in a form of a fuzzy set is
very appealing, although it should be mentioned that in general it is not
at all obvious what a membership function of a specific fuzzy set should
precisely look like7 .
As soon as membership functions of fuzzy sets are established, these
sets are characterized to the full extent and we can define on them all
relations and operations known from the traditional set theory8. This
is much expected since classical sets are actually special cases of fuzzy
sets: they are fuzzy sets whose membership functions assume only two
values: 0 and 1, i.e., these membership functions are in fact characteristic
functions (16), and because all set-theoretic relations and operations on
classical sets can be expressed in terms of these characteristic functions.
The basic relations and operations on fuzzy sets were defined already
by Zadeh in his historic paper [41] and they are till now the most frequently used in all contributions to and applications of the fuzzy set
theory. We shall see in the sequel that Zadeh's intuitive choice was so natural because these operations follow from the connectives of Lukasiewicz
many-valued logic exactly in the same way as operations on classical sets
follow from the connectives of classical logic.
Zadeh basic relations and operations are defined with the aid of membership functions as follows (we assume, as it is usually done in the fuzzy
set theory, that all considered fuzzy sets are in fact fuzzy subsets of a
fixed universe of discourse U; we shall represent fuzzy sets on pictures
by their membership functions as it was done on the lower part of Figure
Equality of fuzzy sets (Fig. 3): A = B iff for all elements x in the
universe U
Inclusion of fuzzy sets (Fig. 4): A
universe U
B iff for all elements x in the
Complement (negation) of a fuzzy set (Fig. 5): A' is a complement of
A iff for all elements x in the universe U
This observation gave rise to the notion of probabilistic fuzzy sets introduced by
Hirota [42] whose membership functions are themselves "fuzzy". Of course this procedure can be continued, but objects obtained in this way are less and less convenient
to deal with.
There are also operations which can be defined on fuzzy sets but not on crisp
sets, e.g., an operation of "sharpening" of a set which makes it "less fuzzy".
1 ---------/
Figure 3. Equality and non-equality of fuzzy sets.
J.l.B (x) ;;2 J.l.A (x)
Figure 4. Inclusion of fuzzy sets.
Union (sum) of fuzzy sets (Fig. 6): Au B is a union of A and B iff for
all elements x in the universe U
1 ---------,
A' \\
_ - - / J.l.A' (x) = 1 - J.l.A (x)
J.l.A (x)
Figure 5. Complement (negation) of fuzzy sets.
Figure 6. Union (sum) of fuzzy sets.
Figure 7. Intersection (product) of fuzzy sets.
Intersection (product) of fuzzy sets (Fig. 7): A n B is an intersection
of A and B iff for all elements x of the universe U
The fuzzy set theory is by no means only a mathematical game. Although in the beginning it was treated with a kind of reservation by traditionally oriented "crisp" mathematicians it finds numerous practical
applications which vary from earthquake forecasting, computer medical
diagnoses, decision making and pattern recognition to the production of
control systems for the underground and more efficient vacuum cleaners
[43]. Moreover, it seems to be a very natural tool for all "soft" sciences
which deal with vagueness or imprecision caused either, like in meteorology, by the excess of data or, like in economics, sociology, psychology,
etc., by the human factor. Actually, the "applicational" aspect of fuzzy
sets is maybe even better known than their theoretical aspects which
still seem to be undervalued by the society of "crisp" mathematicians.
In order to explain why obvious links between fuzzy sets and manyvalued Lukasiewicz logics were not studied9 during the whole first decade
of vivid development of the fuzzy set theory one should take into account
two possible reasons: On the one hand Lotfi Zadeh and his followers
seemed to be interested mostly in applications of the newly established
theory and were not so much occupied with clarification of its foundations. On the other hand "pure" mathematicians of that time did
not bother a lot about a theory which probably was seen by them as
too simple in comparison with sophisticated problems emerging on very
frontiers of contemporary "crisp" mathematics. Actually, the relation
of classical logic to classical set theory, in particular definitions of settheoretic operations in terms of connectives of classical logic are taught
in the beginning of the secondary school lO • They remain the same when
classical logic is replaced by infinite-valued Lukasiewicz logic and classical sets are replaced by fuzzy sets, but this observation was published
by Robin Giles [44]10 years after l l the successful launching of the idea
of fuzzy sets by Zadeh in 1965.
Let us remind relations between propositions and sets known from
school and see how they work when classical logic and classical sets are
replaced by Lukasiewicz infinite-valued logic and fuzzy sets.
The notion of a set is adopted at school as a primitive notion and it
is tacitly assumed that we know a set when we know all its elements.
Therefore, any set A can be described as a collection of objects whose
names turn a propositional function "x belongs to A" ("x E A") into a
true proposition. Symbolically:
= {x : t("x
E A")
= 1}
Because of the equality in the bracket the set A defined by the formula
(22) is unavoidably crisp even if we replace classical two-valued logic
by infinite-valued logic, However, if we rewrite this formula into the
following (in two-valued logic equivalent) form:
= {x : t("x
E A")
i= O}
then, since in infinite-valued logic a truth value of a non-false proposition
can assume, besides 1, any value between 0 and 1, the set A occurs to
except in almost neglected papers [39] and [40] mentioned in footnote 6
at least in Poland
but cf. footnotes 9 and 6
be a fuzzy set with membership function defined by truth values of
propositions of the form "x belongs to A":
= t("x
E A")
(the degree of membership of an object x to the fuzzy set A is equal to
the truth value of the proposition "x belongs to A").
This equality allows to use well-known school definitions of a complement, union, and intersection of classical sets together with Lukasiewicz
formulas for truth values of negation(6), disjunction (7), and conjunction (8) to justify Zadeh's intuitive choice of basic operations on fuzzy
sets (19), (20), and (21):
Membership function of a complement (negation) of a fuzzy set:
t("x E A''')
= t("x rf. A") = t(-,"x E A")
1- t("x E A")
= 1 -/-tA(X).
Membership function of a union (sum) of fuzzy sets:
t("x E A" V "x E B")
max[t("x E A"), t("x E B")J
max[f.LA(x), f.LB)X )J.
Membership function of an intersection (product) of fuzzy sets:
t("x E A" /\ "x E B")
min[t("x E A"), t("x E B")J
min[f.LA(x) , f.LB)X)J.
However, as it was mentioned at the end of Section 1, the original
Lukasiewicz disjunction and conjunction are not the only conceivable
connectives of this type. Therefore, Zawirski disjunction (12) and conjunction (13) placed inside (26) and (27) yield other union and intersection of fuzzy sets, usually called bold operations after Giles [44J (other
names : Giles, truncated, bounded, arithmetic, Prink, Lukasiewicz operations) 12:
t( "x
E A"
u "x
min[t("x E A")
E B")
+ t("x E B"), 1J
+ f.LB(X), 1J
It is sure that Giles [44] was not aware of Zawirski 1934 paper [37] where these
operations appeared for the first time (in the domain of many-valued logics), and
most probably he was also not aware of Frink 1938 paper [38]. It seems also that
these operations were rediscovered many times by various authors which explains
multiplicity of their names.
t("X E A" n "x E B")
max[t{"x E A") + t{"x E B") - 1,0]
max[ILA(x) + ILB(X) - 1,0]
It is obvious that other disjunction-like and conjunction-like connectives of infinite-valued logic13 define in the same way other operations of
fuzzy set union and intersection and vice versa: All operations on fuzzy
sets interpretable as fuzzy set union and intersection 14 yield disjunctionlike and conjunction-like connectives of infinite-valued Lukasiewicz logic.
Richard Feynman, the Nobel Prize winner in physics, undoubtedly one
of those who knew quantum mechanics best said [47]: "I think I can
safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics". Actually, the
behaviour of microobjects is sometimes so peculiar that, although it can
be very well described and predicted with the aid of well-elaborated
mathematical formalism, it cannot be comprehended to the full extent
by our brain experienced by macroscopic world and, I dare say, twovalued logic.
Let us consider a standard example of a double-slit experiment (Figs. 8
and 9) which illustrates famous wave-particle duality of quantum objects
and which, again according to Richard Feynman [48] u... has in it the
heart of quantum mechanics. In reality, it contains the only mystery".
The double-slit experiment is an old experiment designed by Thomas
Young in the beginning of the 19th century in order to show interference
of light. Waves emitted by a source S pass through two narrow slits A
and B made in a non-transparent barrier and interfere in the area behind
this barrier where they overlap (Fig. 8). The interference is visible either
directly (in the case of water waves) or after placing a screen or a system
of detectors in the area of interference, as it is usually done in the case
of light or acoustic waves.
There are 2(2 ) = 16 conceivable two-argument connectives in 2-valued logic,
3(3 2 ) = 19.683 two-argument connectives in 3-valued logic, n(n 2 ) two-argument connectives in n-valued logic and obviously infinity of two-argument connectives in
infinite-valued logic. Of course not all of them could be in a reasonable way interpreted as disjunction or conjunction. Some of them could be interpreted as implication or equivalence, but the overwhelming majority of them have no counterparts in
two-valued logic.
Even the whole families of such operations, parametrized by real numbers, have
been already studied (see, e.g., [45, 46, 43])
Figure 8. Double-slit experiment in the configuration W ("waves"). Wave-like aspects
of light are shown.
It should be noticed that interference is a typical wave phenomenon:
When two waves of the same amplitude meet their "movements" sum up
so the amplitude of the emerging wave is doubled in areas where both
constituing waves have the same phase (totally constructive interference), disappears in areas where constituing waves have opposite phase
(totally destructive interference) and is intermediate in other places.
Specially the case of totally destructive interference shows the crucial
difference between waves and particles of any kind: We cannot expect
that in a place where two streams of particles (e.g., bullets from two machine guns) meet they could annihilate leaving no trace of their existence
at all, like destructively interfering waves do.
Interference experiments, relatively easy to be performed with light,
convinced for some time the majority of physicists that light is a typical
wave. However, the study of photoelectric effect by Albert Einstein led
him to the conclusion that energy of light spreads in indivisible packets
("quanta", which gave name to quantum physics). A slight modification
of a double-slit experiment (Fig. 9) shows that light quanta, usually
called photons, are well-localized: It is enough to place a detector behind
each slit and use very weak source of light, in which case photons "leak"
one by one, to state that: (i) each of the detectors either registers the
"whole" photon or nothing at all, nothing like a "fragment of a photon"
is ever registered, (ii) detectors never register a photon simultaneously
which implies that each photon passes through one slit only, i.e., photons
very weak
no coincidence!
Figure 9. Double-slit experiment in the configuration P ("particles"). Particle-like
aspects of light are shown.
behave in this situation like well-defined particles 15 .
The double-slit experiment and its modifications reveal to us, macroscopic creatures, a lot of surprising mysteries of the microworld:
MYSTERY 1. Interference pattern in the configuration W is built after
enough long time even when the source of light is so weak that photons
"leak one by one" 16. This shows that interference is not caused by collective motion or mutual influence of many photons but happens even
for a single photon which "interferes with itself' .
MYSTERY 2. Interference experiments can be performed not only with
light but also with "solid" objects the particle-like character of which
seems to be beyond any question. This hypothesis was formulated by
Louis de Broglie in his famous doctoral dissertation [51] in 1923 and
confirmed experimentally for electrons in 1927 by Davisson and Germer
[52]. Nowadays wave-like aspects of electrons or even quite heavy atoms
are utilized for practical purposes in every hospital or laboratory where
electron or ion microscope is used.
MYSTERY 3. If someone, in spite of the results of a double-slit experiment
performed in the configuration P maintains that photons, electrons, etc.,
are "extended particles" which travel simultaneously through both slits,
he should take into account that in some already performed versions
of this experiment the two allowed paths were separated by several me15
The described experiment is a "gedanken" one but similar experiments were actually performed (see, e.g., [49]) and the results were just as described above.
Such experiments were done already in 1909 by G. I. Taylor [50).
possible paths of a photon
gra vitational lens
made by remote galaxy
Figure 10. Cosmic-scale double-slit experiment.
ters. Moreover, the ingenious proposal of "cosmic-scale double-slit experiment" (Fig. 10) made by Wheeler [53J would require micro(!)-objects to
extend over a distance of millions of light-years.
MYSTERY 4. It seems that the very nature of microobjects is so mischievous that they never show us both their faces: wave-like and particlelike at the same time. Actually, any attempt to establish through which
slit a photon passes inevitably leads either to catching it in a detector or to such disturbance of its movement (e.g., if it bounces against
another microobject which in turn is registered in a detector) that the
interference pattern is destroyed anyway. This is the essence of the famous Complementarity Principle: Microobjects always reveal to us only
one of their complementary faces, in particular, we can never experience
both their wave-like (e.g., interference) and particle-like (e.g., defined
trajectory) features in the same experiment.
However, the last statement belongs to the original Copenhagen paradigm which nowadays has to be slightly modified. In 1979 Wooters and
Zurek [54J demonstrated that mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics allows to obtain in a double-slit experiment both non-perfect
knowledge about a path of a quantum object together with non-perfect
interference pattern. These predictions were experimentally confirmed
in an experiment performed by Mittelstaedt, Prieur, and Schieder [55J
in 1987 and actually in the course of this experiment partial interference
pattern was obtained together with partial knowledge of a trajectory of a
photon which allowed the authors to conclude that: "A photon possesses
simultaneously particle properties and wave properties".
In this way we encounter for the first time the situation in which
many-valued logic seems to be better-suited for the description of quantum phenomena than classical two-valued logic: According to the orthodox Copenhagen formulation of the Complementarity Principle wave-like
and particle-like properties of microobjects are mutually exclusive in the
"absolute" sense. Therefore, propositions like PA,W (PA,P) = "an experiment A reveals wave-like (resp. particle-like) properties of photons" are
supposed to be either entirely false or entirely true, i.e., it is believed
that for any conceivable experiment they belong to the domain of classical two-valued logic. However, Mittelstaedt, Prieur, and Schieder (MPS)
found in the course of their experiment that: "Even for a very high value
of the particle property, there is still a nonvanishing amount of the wave
property" and they for example wrote about "... a photon with 98,2%
particle property and ... 1,8% wave property", i.e., they were not only
able to state simultaneous "partial" or "non-perfect" existence of these
properties, but also to express numerically the "degree" to which they
hold. These percentages, after dividing by 100%, can be in a straightforward way identified with truth values t(PA,W), t(PA,P) of propositions
PA,W andpA,p and in the course of the MPS-type experiment these truth
values are usually different from 0 or 1.
Of course it is still possible to avoid using non-classical truth values
t(PA,W), t(PA,P) i- 0,1 and describe MPS-type experiments entirely in
terms of classical two-valued logic using instead of propositions like PA,W
or PA,r> propositions of the form "the amount of wave-like properties of
photons in an experiment is x%" whose truth-values (at least in the
idealized case when we do not allow any imperfections) are again either
o or 117. However, there are also other indications for using non-classical
logics in the description of quantum systems. We shall study them in a
more detailed way in the section that follows.
In the years 1925-1926 the development of quantum physics experienced
itself a "quantum jump": Under the influential works by Heisenberg,
Schrodinger, Born, Jordan and Dirac [56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61] physicists
abandoned so called "older quantum theory" which was merely an amalgamate of ideas and models taken from classical physics with ad hoc
added "quantum conditions" and developed quantum mechanics as internally consistent, although mathematically highly sophisticated theory
which, at least in its nonrelativistic part, persists without drastic changes
till today. However, some implications of the new theory were so bizarre
that there were scientists who claimed that quantum theory cannot be
comprehended on the ground of classical two-valued logic.
This is a standard procedure allowed by the fact that classical two-valued logic
is a metalogic for many-valued logics.
The first one who expressed such claims was a Polish logician Zygmunt Zawirski who was looking for the possible fields of application of
Lukasiewicz many-valued logic. In the papers published in 1931 [25] and
in 1932 [26] Zawirski argued that the equivalence of "complementary
theories", e.g., wave and particle pictures in the description of microobjects is possible only on the ground of (at least) three-valued logic since
in two-valued logic a statement like "light is a wave AND light consists
of particles" is a statement which is a conjunction of two propositions
which cannot be simultaneously true. Therefore, according to the laws of
classical two-valued logic such conjunction is necessarily a false proposition.
According to Zawirski complementarity, typical to quantum mechanics, can be comprehended only on the ground of (at least) three-valued
logic when we ascribe to two mutually exclusive theories a third truth
value interpreted as "possibility" or "equal probability". Indeed, if a
truth value of two propositions p and q equals ~, then according to
formula (8)
t(p 1\ q)
= min[!, ~J =
so the conjunction of two "possible" statements is again "possible".
Zawirski's papers: [25J published in Polish in a local journal, [26J published in French but in a journal not popular among physicists, as well
as [37J published again in Polish, passed relatively unnoticed 18. More
fortunate in spreading out his ideas was Fritz Zwicky [62J but the bestknown attempts at basing quantum mechanics on three-valued logics
were elaborated in the fourties and early fifties by Paulette DestouchesFevrier [27, 28J and Hans Reichenbach [29, 30, 31, 32J. Specially the
Reichenbach's book [29J in which he consequently tried to explain quantum mysteries on the ground of three-valued logic was, for some time,
widely discussed. Reichenbach's ideas were pursued after his death by
Hilary Putnam [63J but all attempts at using three-valued logics in order to describe quantum phenomena never gained such popularity as
attempts based on quite other type of non-classical logic introduced in
1936 by Birkhoff and von Neumann which are described in the next
even in Poland: When in 1991 in the Polish National Library in Warsaw I got to
my hands a copy of Zawirski's paper [37] it occured that the pages of a booklet were
still not cut apart, i.e., most probably no one had read this copy during the whole
60 years! The homage should be paid to Max Jammer who mentions Zawirski papers
in his famous book [35] on philosophy of quantum mechanics. The interested reader
will find in Chapter 8 of this book more detailed historical survey of applications of
many-valued logics in foundations of quantum mechanics up to the early seventies.
In the author's opinion the attempts at founding quantum mechanics
on any version of three-valued logics were bound to fail also because
three-valued logics are not enough "rich in truth values" and, therefore,
are not enough "flexible": One should not hope to be able to describe
within them the whole variety of quantum phenomena, specially when
truth values are supposed to be connected with numerical results of
experiments, if there is only one truth value (besides the classical 0 and
1) at hand.
Garrett Birkhoff and John von Neumann published in 1936 a seminal
paper [64] whose title "The logic of quantum mechanics" gave name
to the vast and vivid field of activity that stemmed from this paper
and which was later on called the theory of quantum logics 19 . At that
time quantum mechanics already achieved its mature form 2o whose basic
ingredients were linear operators acting on some abstract vector space
called Hilbert space after great mathematician David Hilbert who was the
first to study such spaces in the beginning of the century. Some of these
operators (so called projection operators) were regarded by Birkhoff and
von Neumann as representing dichotomic experimental propositions, i.e.,
such propositions, that can be unambiguously classified as either true
or false when a suitable experiment is completed. Please note that this
resembles very much Aristotle's statement "There will be a sea battle
tomorrow" which, when the experiment consisting in placing two navies
in close vicinity is completed is also bound to be either true or false,
but before it is completed it can be regarded as belonging to the domain
of many-valued logic. However, the possibility of interpreting Birkhoffvon Neumann experimental propositions as many-valued propositions
was for the long time overlooked and the opinion prevailed that these
propositions are two-valued (cf., p. 346 of Jammer's book [35]).
The non-classical character of Birkhoff-von Neumann experimental
propositions was supposed to lay not in the number of their truth values but in the algebraic structure of the set they form. This structure
is obviously the same as the structure of the set of projection opera19
The most recent trend is to speak about quantum structures rather than about
quantum logics (vide: International quantum structures Association) since in the last
years the mathematical structures studied within this field considerably transgressed
the boundaries encircled by Birkhoff and von Neumann's paper (64).
von Neumann's own contribution to this form was one of the most influential.
tors acting on an underlying Hilbert space and it is nowadays called
an orthomodular lattice. Orthomodular lattices are slightly more general
structures than Boolean algebras 21 which in turn are algebraic models
(so called Lindenbaum algebras) of families of propositions which obey
laws of classical two-valued logic. The law valid in Boolean algebras that
is not secured in orthomodular lattices is the distributivity law which,
written in logical notation, looks as follows:
(pl\q) V (pl\r)
(pVq) 1\ (pVr).
Therefore, the hypothetical quantum logic, i.e., a system of experimentally verifiable propositions that can be legitimately used in the description of properties and behaviour of quantum objects was judged to be
non-distributive although two-valued. We shall argue in the next section
that it should be rather judged as non-distributive and many-valued.
As it was already mentioned, a Birkhoff-von Neumann experimental
proposition p assumes one of two classical truth values 0 or 1 when
suitable experiment is completed. However, before this is done, the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics allows only to calculate probability that a proposition will be true or false. It is worth stressing that
in the case of quantum physical systems, contrary to classical ones, this
probability is "ontological", not "epistemological", i.e., it does not result from a lack of knowledge about actual values of some parameters
that could have characterized a studied system and which, had they been
known, would have allowed to predict the results of experiments without
any uncertainty22.
The most typical example of a Boolean algebra is a family of (crisp) subsets of
a fixed set which is closed with respect to the standard set-theoretic operations of
union, intersection, and complement. Actually, due to the famous Stone Theorem [65]
any Boolean algebra is isomorphic to a Boolean algebra of this kind.
The idea of supplementing quantum theory by such parameters, usually called
hidden variables, was considered by various physicists since the very birth of quantum theory. However, some recent experiments [66] indicate that this idea can be
maintained only if hidden variables act on quantum objects in a non-local way and,
therefore, is rejected by the majority of contemporary physicists.
In general the same physical system can be in different states (which
"operationally" manifests itself by using different procedures to prepare
it for an experiment) and probabilities that an experimental proposition
p will turn out to be true are, in general, different for different states
of a physical system23 • Therefore, we see that with any experimental
proposition p and any state a of a physical system the mathematical
formalism of quantum mechanics associates in an unambiguous way a
number a(p) E [0, 1] interpreted as a probability of stating experimentally that the proposition p is true. In the mathematical parlance it is
said that states of a physical system are represented by probability measures defined on a logic of a system, i.e., on a family of experimentally
verifiable propositions pertaining to the studied physical system. This is
in a full agreement with mathematical description of quantum systems
in Hilbert spaces where actually, due to the famous Gleason Theorem
[67], states of physical systems generate probability measures on families
of projection operators.
However, there is also the other possibility in which a number a(p) E
[0,1] can be interpreted. It agrees with an old idea launched by Lukasiewicz already in 1913 [3] and elaborated further by Zawirski [37], according to which numerical value of a probability of a random event c
coincides with a truth value of a (many-valued) proposition: "The event
c will happen,,24. This possibility was pursued by the present author
in a series of papers [68, 69, 70] and consists in assuming that a number a(p) E [0,1] is a truth value of an experimental proposition p(a)
which can be linguistically expressed, e.g., in the form: "If we perform
a dichotomic (yes-no) experiment designed to check an experimentally
verifiable proposition p on a physical system that is in a state a, then p
will turn out to be true", or simply: "If a system is in a state a, then p
will be true", i.e., that
a(p) = t(p(a)).
Let us stress once more that the Future Tense used in these linguistic
statements clearly shows that at least in the case of quantum physical
If they are not, there is no reason to claim that these states of a system are
actually different.
Actually, neither of these Authors paid much attention to distinguish this statement expressed in the Future Tense from the statement: "The event & happened" . In
my opinion such distinction helps to maintain clarity: The first statement belongs to
the domain of many-valued logic while the second one to the classical two-valued logic
(provided that we exclude "ill-defined" events and "ill-performed" experiments which,
after an experiment is completed, leave doubts whether an event actually happened
or not).
systems these statements do not, in general, belong to the domain of
the classical two-valued logic which only rarely admits statements about
future events.
Since we cannot attach any truth value to palone (which means that
it is not a logical proposition) but only to p(a), where a represents a
state of a system, a statement p regarded after Birkhoff and von Neumann as a two-valued proposition actually turns out to be a many-valued
propositional function defined on a set of states of a physical system. Of
course there can exist also constant propositional functions of this form,
i.e., statements which assume the same truth value on each state of a
system. Two of them play particular role and obviously can be added to
any family of propositional functions that describes any physical system:
The always-false propositional function F and the always-true propositional function T which assume, respectively, truth values 0 and 1 on
any state a of a physical system25 . It was proved by the author [68]
that a set of propositional functions that possesses an algebraic structure of an orthomodular lattice (e.g., that is generated by a set of projection operators acting on a Hilbert space) is "minimal" in the sense
that it does not contain any constant propositional function except F
and T. However, many-valued models of recently studied more general
quantum structures (orthoalgebras, effect algebras) do admit constant
propositional functions other than F and T.
Let us now consider what logical operations can be performed on a
set of many-valued propositional functions associated to a given quantum system. The most obvious of them (and also causing least troubles) is negation. According to the original ideas of Birkhoff and von
Neumann it is always possible to negate an experimental proposition
p by interchanging meanings attached to the two possible outcomes of
a dichotomic experiment designed to check p. The same procedure can
be maintained to obtain negation -,p(.) of a propositional function p(.)
also in our approach. It follows from our reinterpretation of Birkhoff-von
Neumann probability a(p) as a truth value of a many-valued proposition
p(a) that
t(-,p(·)) = 1- t(p(·)).
Actually, whatever is a state a of a physical system, probability a( -,p)
of getting the outcome "no" in any dichotomic experiment with random
outcomes obviously equals 1 - a(p) where a(p) is the probability of
F can be linguistically expressed, for example, as: "If a system is in a state ex,
then it does not exist" and T as: "If a system is in a state ex, then it exists", but there
are also other linguistic expressions for F and T possible.
getting the outcome "yes". Therefore, according to (33) we get for any
state a of a physical system
t(...,p(a)) = a(...,p) = 1- a(p) = 1- t(p(a))
from which the general formula (34), which is in full accordance with
the original Lukasiewicz formula (6), follows.
The problem with a proper expressions for conjunctions and disjunctions of our propositional functions is much less trivial. The first difficulty consists in the abundance of possibilities mentioned at the end of
Section 3. Secondly, the proposals made originally by Birkhoff and von
Neumann [64] according to which conjunctions and disjunctions should
be modelled, respectively, by order-theoretic operations of the greatest
lower bound (g.l.b.) and the least upper bound (l.u.b.) with respect to the
partial order relation introduced in the set of experimentally verifiable
propositions, are so far from being satisfactory that they cannot guide
us as they did in the case of negation.
Actually, one of the features by which quantum systems differ from
classical systems the most is the phenomenon expressed in famous Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle which says that there exist physical quantities that cannot be simultaneously measured with arbitrary accuracy.
The standard example of such quantities is position x and momentum p
of a microobject for which uncertainty relation takes form
- 471"
where ~x
and ~p
denote, respectively, unavoidable uncertainties in finding the values of x and p in any conceivable experiment. It follows from
(36) that if we manage to measure position of a microobject with great
close to zero), then we do not know practically anything
accuracy (~x
about simultaneously measured value of momentum (~p
very big) and
vice versa. Therefore, although truth values of two experimentally verifiable propositions
= "the value of position is
Xo ±
b = "the value of momentum is Po ±
can be established in two independently performed experiments whatever
and ~p,
the conjunction "a AND b" is
are the assumed uncertainties ~x
not an experimentally verifiable proposition if ~xp
< 4~ since there is
no experimental possibility to measure simultaneously the position and
the momentum of a microobject with arbitrary accuracy.
Birkhoff and von Neumann were well aware that this fact makes the
interpretation of g.l.b. and l.u.b. of two experimentally verifiable propositions as conjunction and disjunction questionable for a very simple
reason: The family of all projection operators on a Hilbert space, which
is an archetype of all "quantum logics" is a lattice, i.e., in this family
g.l.b. and l.u.b. of any two elements exist, which should not be the case
in view of just studied example. In other words, a "good" quantum logic
should be a partial logic in a sense that it should be possible to form
conjunctions and disjunctions only within some classes of propositions
which are usually called compatible or simultaneously measurable.
The other difficulty in attempts at treating g.l.b. and l.u.b. of two
Birkhoff-von Neumann propositions as their conjunction and disjunction follows from the fact that, according to the logical parlance, these
operations are not truth functional, which means that the knowledge of
truth values of two propositions a and b is not sufficient to establish the
truth values of their g.l.b. and l.u.b. This is not a very serious obstacle
but, anyway, it would be better if we could calculate truth values of
the conjunction "a AND b" and the disjunction "a OR b" from the truth
values of a and b alone.
Thus, we are left with the infinity of possible candidates for manyvalued conjunctions and disjunctions to be used for our propositional
functions that describe probabilities of getting various results of future experiments performed on quantum systems. The task of choosing
among them the right ones seems to be almost impossible.
Of course, we can proceed a little bit by elimination: For example, the
original Lukasiewicz disjunction (7) and conjunction (8) do not seem
to be the proper ones since, as it was already mentioned in Section
1, they do not satisfy the law of excluded middle (10) and the law of
contradiction (11), while algebraic counterparts of these laws hold true
in Hilbert-space-based Birkhoff-von Neumann quantum logic.
Happily, it occurs that Zawirski disjunction (12) and conjunction (13)
do not only satisfy these laws, but it can be also shown [71, 72] that
after suitable translation of Birkhoff-von Neumann logic, via families
of fuzzy sets, into the language of infinite-valued Lukasiewicz logic [68,
69] these operations satisfy all the previously listed requirements best:
They are only partially defined on families of propositional functions
associated with a studied quantum system which, in view of previously
listed arguments, is rather a virtue than a drawback. Moreover, it can
be shown [72] that if they are defined on a given pair of propositional
functions p(.), q(.), then Birkhoff-von Neumann counterparts of these
propositional functions are compatible (i.e., simultaneously measurable)
propositions (as they should be, of course) and that in this case Zawirski operations coincide with order-theoretic operations of g.l.b. and
1. u. b. that can be independently introduced on a given family of propositional functions. This finally explains why order-theoretic operations
of g.1.b. and 1.u.b. were for such a long time regarded as proper models
of quantum-logical conjunction and disjunction in spite of well-known
interpretational difficulties encountered when they are applied to noncompatible propositions which already annoyed the founding fathers of
the quantum logic theory.
To sum up, according to the author, the present state-of-the-art is the
following: It is a misunderstanding to speak about any "global" quantum
logic, understood as a new kind of propositional calculus or a new way of
reasoning, that could replace the old, good, two-valued Aristotelian logic
in its role of being the base of scientific method of comprehending physical phenomena. However, there do exist "local" quantum logics consisting of propositional functions that predict results of not-yet-performed
experiments. The "locality" of these logics follows from the fact that
each of them consists of propositional functions that pertain to a specific physical system. These propositional functions are defined on a set
of states of a studied physical system (which once more stresses the fact
that the logic is "local": it consists only of statements about this physical
system), and become propositions when a free variable in a propositional
function is replaced by a definite state of a system. Since propositions obtained in this way speak about future events (results of experiments that
will be performed on a physical system but, in the considered moment of
time are not yet performed), these "local logics" are unavoidably manyvalued logics, otherwise all future events would be strictly determined.
The meaning of truth values of these many-valued propositions is probabilistic, for example, t(p(a)) = 0,8 means that the probability that any
experiment designed to check a proposition p when a physical system is
in a state a will show that p is true equals 0,8. The mathematical results
obtained in the course of "translating" Birkhoff-von Neumann quantum
logics into the language of Lukasiewicz infinite-valued logic show that a
family C consisting of all propositional functions of the form p( .) associated with any physical system has to fulfill the following conditions [69,
(i) The always-false propositional function F and the always-true propositional function T belong to C.
(ii) If a propositional function pO belongs to C, then also its negation
.p(.) belongs to C, and for any state a, t(.p(a)) = 1- t(p(a)).
(iii) For any (finite or countable) sequence of propositional functions
{Pi (. )} that are pairwisely exclusive in the Zawirski sense26 there exists
in ,c a propositional function that is a Zawirski disjunction (12) of all
(iv) The always-false propositional function F is the only one propositional function in ,c that is exclusive27 with itself.
It was proved by the author [69] that every quantum logic in the
Birkhoff-von Neumann sense with so called ordering family of probability measures (which, in the case of logics associated with physical systems
represent states of these systems) can be uniquely expressed in the form
of such a family of propositional functions defined on its set of probability measures, and vice versa: Any family of many-valued propositional
functions that satisfies conditions (i)-(iv) possess an algebraic structure that characterizes Birkhoff-von Neumann quantum logics. Therefore, Birkhoff-von Neumann quantum logic can be seen as being both
non-distributive (which follows from its algebraic structure "inherited"
from a Hilbert space) and many-valued logic, which finally unifies these
two lines of thought existing in the quantum logic theory since its very
Writing of this paper was financially supported by the joint PolishFlemish Project No. 007 (Poland) / VLW 12 (Flanders) and by the
University of Gdansk Research Grant BW/5100-5-0276-7. The Author
is very grateful to the whole staff of the Center "Leo Apostel" (Brussels)
where the main part of this paper was written for the technical assistance
and warm hospitality extended to him during his frequent stayings at
CLEA, and to Mr. Wojciech Mostowski for producing computer drawings that illustrate the paper.
This means that Zawirski conjunctions (13) of all possible pairs of propositions
Pi(a), pj(a) obtained from Pi(-) and pj(-) for i =1= j and for all possible states a of a
physical system are false propositions, i.e., Vi#-/Vat(pi(a) npj(a» = 0, which can be
equivalently denoted as Pi(') n pj(-) = F for all i =1= j.
In the Zawirski sense explained in the previous footnote.
Jaroslaw Pykacz
Instytut Matematyki
Uniwersytet Gdanski
80-952 Gdansk, Poland
pykacz@ksinet. univ. gda. pl
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It is a commonplace that XXth century physics has produced powerful new theories, such as Relativity and quantum mechanics, that upset
the world view provided by XIXth century physics. But every physicist
knows how difficult it may be to explain the basic aspects of these theories to people having a non-physical professional training. The main
reason of this is that both Relativity and quantum mechanics are based
on fundamental ideas that are not hard to grasp in themselves, but
deeply contrast the primary categories on which our everyday thinking
it; based, so that it is impossible to place relativistic and quantum results within the framework suggested by ordinary intuition and common
sense. Yet, despite this similarity, there are some relevant differences between the difficulties arising in Relativity and in quantum mechanics.
In order to understand this point better, let us focus our attention on
Special Relativity first (analogous arguments can be forwarded by considering General Relativity). Here, the strange links between space and
time following from the even more strange assumption that the velocity
of light is independent of the motion of the observer conflict with the very
simple conception of space and time implicit in our daily practice (and
explicitly stated in classical Physics, think of Newton's "absolute space"
and "absolute time"): but this conflict regards geometrical space-time
models, not the very roots of our language, hence our thought. Then, let
us consider quantum mechanics. Here it is a basic notion that properties
of physical systems are nonobjective, in the sense that a property cannot
be thought of as existing if a measurement of it is not performed. As
Mermin [30] writes,
"it is a fundamental quantum doctrine that a measurement does not,
in general, reveal a preexisting value of the measured property" .
This doctrine is expressed, commented on and elaborated in a huge
number of books and papers, and it has been adopted more or less
explicitly for seventy years in most arguments in quantum mechanics.
Yet, one can easily realize that it challenges the basic procedures of our
reasoning within a natural language. Indeed, a primary function of any
language is attributing properties to things and deducing, via general
© 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
laws, further properties. If the above quantum doctrine is accepted, this
function must be completely reconsidered.
The stronger impact of quantum mechanics on the deep structures of
our reasoning is clearly witnessed by the fact that no physicist nowadays
seriously challenges Special Relativity, while the debate on the interpretation and on the "paradoxes" of quantum mechanics is still lively. It is
apparent that even experienced physicists may be in trouble when facing
all consequences of the orthodox quantum philosophy.
One could wonder whether it is worth maintaining the aforesaid quantum doctrine if it produces problems and paradoxes. But it is well known
that [1] and the Bell-Kochen-Specker theorem [26], [30] that seem to
prove some strange features of quantum systems from which this doctrine directly follows: thus, it appears to be imposed by technical results
inside quantum mechanics itself rather than being an a priori philosophical choice, which implies that one cannot renounce it without rejecting
all the heritage of knowledge provided by quantum physics. Therefore,
most scholars concerned with the foundations of quantum mechanics accept the above doctrine, even when propounding an alternative to the
orthodox interpretation or a modification of the theory, and some of them
try to develop a consistent world view that embodies and "explains" the
strange features of quantum systems mentioned above (these are mainly
two: nonlocality, which means that a measurement on a particle 1 may
instantaneously influence the properties of a particle 2, even if 1 and 2
are far away, if 1 and 2 have interacted in the past; contextuality, which
means that a property of a given physical system in a given state may be
asserted, or denied, or be meaningless, depending on the measurement
context). But up to now no proposal has achieved the general consent
of the scientific community, so that the situation is still unsatisfactory
from several viewpoints.
However, there are still scarcely explored ways of coping with quantum
paradoxes. In particular, the belief that nonlocality and contextuality are
technical results that cannot be avoided without messing up quantum
mechanics can be criticized. This point is crucial, and in order to make
it clear a somewhat detailed discussion is needed.
Consider first any physical theory. According to a largely accepted
epistemological conception (received viewpoint, e.g., Braithwaite, [6], or
Hempel, [25]) this theory can be schematically described by saying that
it consists of:
(i) a mathematical (more generally, formal) apparatus;
(ii) a domain of facts (the observative domain);
(iii) a partial interpretation, which makes some (not generally all)
terms of the mathematical apparatus correspond to observed, or ob-
servable, facts and relations among facts in the observative domain;
(iv) a space-time model, which is very important in order to grasp
intuitively the content of the theory and to conceive new developments of
it (the existence of a model is not retained however a necessary requisite
of any physical theory).
Among these constitutive elements, the interpretation, in particular,
strongly depends on the (implicit or explicit) epistemological choices
underlying the theory (for instance, if one retains, with Galileo, that
"nature is written in mathematical terms", he will be inclined to interpret all terms of the mathematical apparatus as describing some actually
existing, even if sometimes elusive, physical entity, to consider the mathematical relations in the theory as expressions of objective laws of nature
and, finally, to retain that the space-time model is a faithful, though
possibly approximate, representation of the actual world). Hence, the
way in which a mathematical result is interpreted may change when the
epistemological premises are changed. If this conclusion is applied to the
special case of quantum mechanics, one realizes that the deduction of
nonlocality and contextuality, hence of the fundamental quantum doctrine reported above, from the Bell and Bell-Kochen-Specker theorems,
is based on an interpretation that follows from the standard philosophy
of quantum mechanics. But this philosophy contains, in particular, the
fundamental quantum doctrine itself, so that the claim that this follows
from the Bell and Bell-Kochen-Specker theorems creates a conceptual
loop. Therefore, one can still imagine that some changes in the standard
philosophy might lead one to conceive a new interpretation of quantum mechanics which does not imply, on one side, a modification of its
formal apparatus, thus saving the core of the quantum description of
the world, and which, on the other side, allows one to read the Bell and
Bell-Kochen-Specker results in a non standard way, thus avoiding "paradoxes" as nonlocality and contextuality and reconciling quantum physics
with the basic procedures of everyday physicist's and mathematician's
reasoning (it must be stressed that this does not mean to propound again
classical models for physical reality, since even a classically structured
language can be used in order to describe an infinity of non-classical
However, the idea of introducing philosophical changes in order to
solve some problems in quantum mechanics would probably be regarded
with annoyance by many pragmatically oriented physicists, who consider philosophical reasoning "practically irrelevant", or even harmful,
for physicists, and tolerate it only if devoted to elucidate and legitimate
the autonomous progress of science. The arguments offered above should
already convince the reader of the naIvety of this position. In addition,
one can remind that the birth of quantum mechanics was accompanied
by a lively epistemological debate on the aims of physics, the basic requirements that a physical theory must fulfil, the kind of sentences that
can be accepted as meaningful in its language, and so on. The famous
paper written by Einstein, Podolski and Rosen in 1935 [9] (see also
Bohm, [3]), in which the authors intended to show that quantum mechanics was not a complete physical theory, and Bohr's answer to it [5],
defending the opposite thesis, can be taken as typical examples of this
debate. Therefore, it is apparent that the founders of quantum mechanics were well aware of the relevance of the epistemological background
on which physical theories are constructed, even from a strictly technical viewpoint (indeed, the way in which physicists collect, select and
organize physical data is largely affected by their underlying convictions
about physics, methodology and knowledge, which also guide the choice
of mathematical tools and theoretical entities). On the other hand their
convictions have not to be taken as definitive and eternal truths, even
because the links between the epistemological premises and the body of
a physical theory are not one-to-one, which makes every theory (hence,
in particular, quantum mechanics) liable to different interpretations, or
modifiable so as to fit in with different conceptual frameworks. The bias
against the philosophical reflection on the roots of quantum mechanics,
on the contrary, leads, on the one hand, to underestimation of the relevance of the epistemological premises in this theory, and, on the other
hand, to implicit acceptance (sometimes with incongruity and misunderstanding) of the viewpoint inherited from the tradition, making it
The above remarks being taken into consideration, the rest of this paper will deal with a recent attempt at developing the idea of coping with
the paradoxes of quantum mechanics by analyzing, criticizing and then
changing the epistemological premises more than the formal apparatus
of this theory. If looked at without prejudices, a solution of this kind
should be rather appealing for physicists, since it could lead to avoiding paradoxes without renouncing all the patrimony of acknowledged
achievements of quantum mechanics; furthermore, it will be seen that
the change of the basic paradigma of this theory provides some interesting suggestions on possible ways of going beyond it that have never been
explored before, even by the authors who tried to produce alternative
theories or interpretations (see, e.g., Garola, [15], [16], [17]; Garola and
Solombrino, [22], [23]).
To follow the program described at the end of the Introduction, it is
convenient to begin with some general considerations that will constitute
a standpoint for a critical analysis of the standard quantum philosophy.
Whenever one starts reasoning (which is one of the basic functions of
the language), one adopts, consciously or not, some general procedures,
which can be summarily described as follows. Firstly, he explicitly asserts or implicitly accepts some preliminary statements (or premises),
part of which are factual statements ("Socrates is a man" , in a famous
syllogism of Aristotelian logic), part are general statements ("all men
are mortal"). Then, he deduces some consequences from these premises
("Socrates is mortal"). This deduction cannot be arbitrary (a reasoning
that deduces from the above premises that "Socrates is Chinese" would
not be accepted), hence it follows some rules (deduction rules) that can
be analyzed and made explicit. In order to understand the deep nature
of these rules, note that when asserting or accepting some preliminary
statements we mean that these statements are true; furthermore, our
conclusions are also retained to be true if the deduction procedure is
correct. Thus, one can maintain that the deduction rules, whatever they
may be, are used in order to recognize that some new statements are
true, being based on the knowledge that some initial statements (the
premises) are true. The explicit form of the deduction rules has been
studied for a long time, and this research has generated a huge body of
knowledge and theories, classical Logic included. In the context of logical studies, the classical concept of truth supported by classical Logic
plays a crucial role, and it is well known that it has been elucidated and
formalized by the Tarski theory of truth (see, e.g., Tarski, [37], [38]). It is
then important to point out some fundamental features of this classical
concept that are relevant to our aims in this paper.
(i) The definition of a truth value (true/false) for the statements of
a language is given by means of a set theoretical model. Whenever the
language is such that this model applies, any statement in it has a truth
value, independently of any assumption on the actual existence of the
entities mentioned in the statement itself ("a unicorn is a feline" is false
in the context of a story, even if the actual existence of unicorns can
be seriously questioned). But the fact that a truth value is defined does
not mean that it is known, or that it can be obtained by means of some
(empirical or logical) procedures: truth and access to truth are different
concepts. This is a crucial point that must be carefully pondered, since
it frequently occurs in the everyday life that we sometimes separate and
sometimes identify these concepts. In order to grasp it better, one can
resort to a mathematical analogy: one can well prove that the solution
of a given differential equation exists, but he can have no means for
actually producing that solution. Furthermore, think of the statement
"this match is wooden and completely combustible". If one decides to
verify first whether the second statement is true, he will not be able
to verify, after burning the match, whether the first statement is true:
nevertheless, he is however sure that the first statement has a truth
value, that he could easily check if he decided to consider it first.
It follows from the above remarks that one can plainly talk in classical Logic of the truth value of a statement without implying that he
possesses a procedure for getting to know that value.
(ii) Intuitively, the set theoretical model provided by Tarski for defining the concept of truth can be summarily described as follows. The
statements of a language can be divided into elementary (or atomic)
statements and complex statements. Elementary statements state a property of an individual object (or a relation among some individual objects, but this more general case will not be considered here for the sake
of simplicity), e.g., "sun is bright". Complex statements are obtained by
using elementary statements and connectives as "not", "and", "or", "implies" , or quantifiers as "for every", "exists". Then, in the set of all individual objects considered in the language, or universe of the language, a
property is represented by a subset, and an elementary statement which
attributes a property to a given object is true if the object belongs to
the subset representing the property, false otherwise. Furthermore, the
negation of the same statement, obtained by using the connective "not",
is true if the object belongs to the complement in the universe of the
set representing the property, false otherwise; the conjunction of two
statements, obtained by using the connective "and", each attributing
a property to the same individual object, is true if the object belongs
to the intersection of the two sets representing the two properties, false
otherwise; the disjunction of the same two statements, obtained by using
the connective "or", is true if the object belongs to the union of the two
sets representing the two properties, false otherwise; a complex statement which states that all individual objects having a given property
P also have another property Q is true if the subset representing P is
contained in the subset representing Q, false otherwise; and so on.
By means of the above definitions one can obtain rules for attributing
truth values to complex statements whenever the truth values of all
elementary statements that appear in them are known (a simple example
of rules of this kind is provided by the famous truth tables of the part of
classical Logic called Propositional Logic).
(iii) By combining the rules considered at the end of (ii), one can
obtain deduction rules. These can be considered procedures for attaining
knowledge of the truth of some given statements, whose truth values
are defined but unknown, on the basis of the knowledge of the truth
of some other statements (the premises), consistently. with our initial
remarks on the deduction process in natural languages. Furthermore,
one can introduce a logical order (actually, a pre-order) on the set of all
statements, defined as follows: a given statement is smaller than another
given statement if, whenever the former is true, then the latter is true.
(iv) As it has already been stressed, the premises on which one applies
a deduction procedure usually are not homogeneous: for, some describe
factual situations, some state general laws. These laws usually are part
of a theory, and it is apparent that this theory can be complete, i.e.,
such that its laws, together with suitable sets of factual premises, are
sufficient for determining the unknown truth value of any statement of
the language, or incomplete if this does not occur.
The above features of classical Logic provide an intuitive insight of the
way in which this discipline explains and systematizes the inference procedures of natural languages. However, these procedures are so complex
and sometimes seemingly contradictory that the theoretical settlement
supplied by classical Logic is not uncontroversial. It is well known, for
instance, that the verificationist conceptions of truth deny the possibility itself of defining truth independently of the procedures that lead one
to determine the truth values of the statements of a language: in other
words, a truth value is defined for a given statement only if a procedure
exists which allows one to determine effectively whether the statement
itself is true or false. A relevant example of a formal logic that adopts
a verificationist concept of truth is provided by Intuitionistic Logic, the
position of which will be called logical verificationism in the following,
since it collapses the concept of truth into the concept of logical verification (at least in the case of complex statements: elementary statements
must have empirical proofs, see, e.g., Dalla Pozza and Garola, [8]). It
is then important to note that logical verificationism does not simply
reduce the set of statements that can be thought of as having a truth
value, but implies deep changes in the logical rules themselves that enter
the deductive process.
By imitating this illustrious example, the standard interpretation of
quantum mechanics adopts a similar attitude requiring an empirical
proof in every case. Indeed, the standard philosophy of quantum mechanics regards as "metaphysical" every attempt of introducing physical properties or entities which, in principle, cannot be observed, and
deprives of meaning all statements in a theory whose truth or falsity
cannot be checked by means of suitable measurements. To be precise,
it maintains that no statement which cannot be verified by means of a
suitable measurement procedure has a truth value and can be accepted as
meaningful in the language of physics.
The above quantum philosophy, that will be called empirical verificationism in the following since it collapses the concept of truth into the
concept of empirical verification, both for elementary and for complex
statements, may seem at first glance to express only a natural physicist's refusal of statements that cannot be justified on an experimental
ground. But a deeper insight shows that it has a number of traumatic
consequences that make it far more problematical than the logical verificationism of Intuitionistic Logic. Thus, we dedicate the next section
to a brief discussion of some of these consequences that are relevant for
our purposes.
As we have anticipated at the end of Section 2, empirical verificationism
has a number of consequences that are epistemologically problematical.
Let us discuss some of them.
(i) The fact that a statement has or not a truth value depends, according to empirical verificationism, on its verifiableness (or testability),
hence it depends on the measurement theory that is adopted, which is
a physical theory. But eliminating all statements that are meaningless
since they are not verifiable entails radical changes in the structure of
our language, hence, in particular, it modifies the deduction rules, which
thus turn out to depend on the physical theory that one wants to express
by means of the language itself. This entails that one cannot state any a
priori rationality criterion which is independent of the theory. One can
summarily say that the collapse of truth and empirical access to truth
produces the collapse oflogic into physics (see, e.g., Putnam, [33]; Finkelstein, [10], [11]; we insist again on the fact that this goes well beyond the
position of Intuitionistic Logic, where the distinction between the logic
of a theory and the theory itself can be preserved: this is witnessed by
the fact that the "logic of quantum mechanics" , or Quantum Logic, has
a mathematical structure which is different from that of Intuitionistic
Logic). This collapse can be seen as a primary source of quantum paradoxes: for, many of these follow from the attempt at applying physical
rules to logical arguments.
(ii) The specific theory that is being considered, i.e., quantum mechanics, produces a disconcerting situation whenever the above verificationist
criterion of meaning is applied to elementary statements that attribute
properties (equivalently, measurement values) to individual samples of
physical systems. Indeed, these statements cannot be neatly divided once
and for all into meaningful and meaningless. On the contrary, there are
physical contexts (that can be chosen by the observer himself) in which
some statements are meaningful, other meaningless, and different physical contexts in which the former statements are meaningless, the latter
meaningful. This can be easily understood if one reminds the famous
Heisenberg uncertainty principle: indeed, loosely speaking, it follows
from this principle that, if the position of a given particle is completely
known, then it is meaningless to say that it also has a (even unknown)
velocity (to be precise, a momentum), and, conversely, if the velocity
of the same particle is completely known, then it is meaningless to say
that it also has a (even unknown) position. But in this way subjectivity
enters into physics, at least in the sense that, by choosing the physical verification context, one chooses which properties are meaningful
and which are meaningless for the inquired object. From this viewpoint,
such strange features of quantum mechanics as nonlocality and contextuality (see Section 1) can be guessed even without the aid of the deep
theorems of Bell and Bell-Kochen-Specker.
(iii) Consider a molecular complex statement, i.e., a statement which
is obtained by connecting elementary statements attributing properties
to a given individual sample of a physical system by means of connectives as "and", "or", etc .. The general principle of empirical verificationism establishes that this statement is meaningful if and only if it
can be verified, that is, if and only if there exists an apparatus (possibly compounded of many sub-apparatuses, suitably linked by means of
electronic or mechanical connections) which yields one of the outcomes
true andfalse whenever applied to the sample that is being inquired.
But, if this occurs, the measuring apparatus can be looked at as testing
a physical property: hence, the complex statement that we are considering is logically equivalent to an elementary statement that attributes
this property to the given sample. This implies that the complex statement itself is meaningful if and only if it is equivalent to an elementary
statement, which constitutes a particular but relevant aspect of the collapse of the logical structure induced by empirical verificationism and
discussed in (i).
The above consequences of the basic philosophy of quantum mechanics
have deeply influenced the epistemological thought of our century, and
many speculations can be classified as attempts of coexisting with them.
But one can also legitimately wonder whether empirical verificationism
is epistemologically sound and, more important, if it is actually essential
in physics; in particular, one can wonder whether it is so inherent to
quantum mechanics that it could not be renounced without losing all
physical knowledge provided by this theory. Now, the answer to all these
questions is negative in our opinion. Let us discuss this decisive point in
some details.
Firstly, consider the problem of philosophical soundness. It is well
known that a number of logicians and epistemologists (see, e.g., Russell, [34]; Popper, [32]) have argued against the verificationist concept of
truth, observing that the concept of verification itself presupposes that
something is verified, which is just the truth of the statement that is
being considered: thus, verification and truth cannot be identified. This
rather abstract objection (which however is culturally relevant, since
collapsing concepts that have been disentangled after centuries of philosophical efforts can hardly be considered a progress) applies to every
form of verificationism (in particular, to logical and empirical verificationism). But in the case of empirical verification ism one can add some
further criticism: for instance, one can observe that the standard justification for adopting this position, that is, freeing physics from old metaphysical hindrances, actually reveals the incapability of distinguishing
between the semantic concept of truth (which can be defined by means
of a set-theoretical model, as in classical Logic) and the ontological concept, according to which asserting that a statement is true means to
postulate the actual existence of the objects that are mentioned in it.
Secondly, consider the possibility of avoiding a verificationist position
in quantum mechanics. This appears to be precluded if one accepts the
fundamental quantum doctrine of nonobjectivity of physical properties
reported in the Introduction, which seems unavoidable since it is supported by some technical results (the Bell and Bell-Kochen-Specker theorems) that are internal to quantum mechanics itself. But it has already
been observed that the support to the fundamental quantum doctrine
provided by these results depends on an interpretation that contains
the quantum doctrine itself. If this loop is broken, a number of possible
alternatives can be conceived to the adoption of empirical verificationism as the basic philosophy of quantum mechanics, one of which will be
discussed in detail in the next Sections.
The difficulties inherent in the orthodox interpretation of quantum mechanics and in all interpretations that basically accept empirical verificationism are largely discussed in scientific literature. But, usually, they
are not explicitly ascribed to the adoption of empirical verificationism
itself. Furthermore, the alternative interpretations that could occur if
this doctrine is abandoned are not seriously taken into account, since
the identification between the semantic and the ontological concept of
truth mentioned at the end of Section 2 leads most scholars to retain that
they are necessarily "metaphysical" or ingenuously realistic. These attitudes are maintained even in very sophisticated and advanced studies in
quantum mechanics. As an instance, let us consider the recent book on
the quantum theory of measurement by Busch, Lahti and Mittelstaedt
[7]. In the first Chapter the Authors discuss the difficulties encountered
by every interpretation of quantum mechanics which is based on the
following assumptions:
(i) quantum mechanics deals with properties of individual systems and
not only with measurement outcomes;
(ii) quantum mechanics is a complete theory (see Section 2, (iv); the
notion of completeness can be extended beyond the framework of classical Logic, and intuitively means that quantum mechanics says all what
is meaningful to say about the physical systems that it describes);
(iii) the properties of physical systems are non-objective in the sense
specified by the fundamental quantum doctrine illustrated in the Introduction.
The authors point out that these assumptions entail, in particular, that
one has to face the objectification problem, that is "the question of how
definite measurement outcomes are obtained", since the properties are
non-objective. Then, they observe that some interpretations of quantum
mechanics, as the many-worlds, witnessing and modal interpretations, as
well as those stressing the decisive status of the observer, "can be read
as various attempts to live with the insolubility of the objectification
problem" , and that it may finally turn out that only a kind of unsharp
objectification is possible if the above assumptions are maintained: but
they do not recognize explicitly that the objectification problem follows
from adopting empirical verificationism, which implies a number of consequences that go beyond the objectification problem itself. In addition,
Busch, Lahti and Mittelstaedt take into account the possible alternatives that keep the above-mentioned fundamental assumption (i), while
abandoning (ii) and (iii), that is, the objectivity/incompleteness interpretations that renounce the requisite of completeness of quantum mechanics but repropose its "objectivity": yet, the different possible meanings
of the latter term are ncit analyzed, and this may lead the reader to
interpret it in the ontological sense, hence to reject immediately these
interpretations as "metaphysical".
It must be also noted that a further bias against objectivity/incompleteness interpretations arises because these interpretations are often
identified with hidden variables theories (i.e., theories that attempt to
explain quantum mechanics in terms of underlying variables that have a
classical behaviour but are impossible to observe), which have been for
a long time a taboo for every well-bred physicist.
Owing to the above-mentioned reasons most scholars conclude that
no proper alternative exists for accepting assumptions (ii) and (iii), even
if they lead to still unsolved problems. However, this conclusion can be
rejected if the arguments on which it is based are confuted. Let us discuss
this confutation in detail.
First, in the objectivity/incompleteness interpretations the term "objectivity" may have different meanings. To be precise, it can be intended
in an ontological sense, as seen above, which means in particular that
the theoretical entities of quantum mechanics represent actually existing
entities. But it can also be interpreted in a semantic sense, which means
that one is allowed to state meaningful complex statements about the
properties of physical systems in quantum mechanics independently of
any direct measurement process, and even independently of any ontological assumption. This alternative follows from the possibility of defining the truth value of a given complex statement by means of a settheoretical model or by means of logical procedures, as we have seen in
Section 2, but in any case independently of the existence of an empirical
procedure that allows one to determine the value itself by means of a
Second, the objectivity/incompleteness interpretations cannot be identified with hidden variables theories. Indeed, Kochen and Specker [26]
have proved that a hidden variables model exists even in the case of
orthodox quantum mechanics if the conditions imposed on hidden variables for retaining them physically acceptable are sufficiently weak. More
generally, one can conceive contextual and/or nonlocal hidden variables
theories (see, e.g., Mermin, [30]) whose "objectivity" is problematical
(the measuring apparatus testing a physical object which has interacted
with other objects in the past may instantaneously modify the properties of these objects, even if they are far away). On the other hand,
we shall see that objectivity/incompleteness interpretations exist that
have no hidden variables models which satisfy the more restrictive conditions required by Kochen and Specker "for the successful introduction
of hidden variables" in the paper quoted above.
Our confutation opens the way in which the objectivity /incompleteness interpretations that escape the standard criticism can be introduced. The desirability of an approach of this sort to quantum me-
chanics clearly follows from the paradoxical consequences of empirical
verificationism pointed out in Section 3, (i), (ii), (iii), and from the epistemological and logical arguments that can be offered against it (see
again Section 3). Therefore, we purpose to present in the next Sections
the general lines of a recent approach to physical theories, called Semantic Realism, in which empirical verificationism is given up and the
term "objectivity" is intended in a purely semantic and non-ontological
sense. We shall see that, within this approach, quantum mechanics turns
out to be incomplete, so that the interpretation suggested by Semantic
Realism actually belongs to the class of objectivity/incompleteness interpretations.
The main aim of Semantic Realism is to provide a general .logical and
linguistic framework suitable for expressing a wide set of physical theories (classical and quantum mechanics in particular). Its basic choice is
the rejection of empirical verificationism. But, of course, this choice is
not sufficient for characterizing the philosophy of Semantic Realism completely, since, in particular, it does not specify the logic that one has to
adopt when constructing a language for physics. However, the criticism
at the end of Section 3, which applies to every form of verificationism,
suggests that one should avoid all logics based on a verificationist concept of truth (hence, in particular, to avoid Intuitionistic Logic). On
the other hand, the convenience of making quantum reasoning closer
to everyday physicist's and mathematician's reasoning (see Section 1)
strongly recommends the adoption of a classical theory of truth, hence
of classical Logic. Thus, this adoption is explicitly done by Semantic
The natural subsequent step consists in constructing a language for
expressing physical theories that has a classical logical structure (this
language must prove to be able, in particular, to provide a new interpretation and to express properly quantum mechanics in order to get over
the incorrect but unavoidable objection that adopting classical Logic
constitutes a step backward, which reintroduces classical models and/or
ingenuous realism). This could be done informally, as usual in physics, by
choosing a suitable part (or fragment) of a natural language and introducing into it new technical terms, whose meaning is defined in a precise
and accurate way: the mathematical apparatus of a specific physical theory would then be formulated and formalized by means of this enriched
part of the natural language, and the interpretation of the old and new
terms of the language would provide the core of the partial interpretation
of the theory into the observative domain (see the schematic description
of physical theories supplied in the Introduction). However, this informal procedure would not prevent all semantic ambiguities inherent in the
use of a natural language, which might be decisive when dealing with
paradoxes that can be avoided only by introducing subtle distinctions
requiring semantic exactness. Thus, one could think it convenient to provide a complete formalization of the language of physics (not only of its
mathematical apparatus): but this would be exceedingly complicated,
and produce a cumbersome formal structure that would hinder intuitive
reasoning. Therefore, Semantic Realism adopts a compromise, accepting
the standard language of physics as its general language and formalizing
mainly that part of it which is interpreted on the observative domain
(the observative language: to be precise, Semantic Realism aims to construct a classical formal language in which the observative languages of a
class of physical theories that contains classical and quantum mechanics
can be regimented).
Let us try to give an intuitive insight into the basic ideas inspiring
this formalization and its use for coping with old and new quantum
paradoxes. In order to do this, let us begin with some primitive notions
that refer to the observative domain on which the formalized language
must be interpreted.
(i) First, one introduces the notion of laboratory. This simply is a
space-time domain in the actual world, i.e., a portion of space (e.g.,
a given room) associated with an interval of time (e.g., one day). The
convenience of introducing this notion is made apparent by some obvious
remarks. Indeed, all physical experiments are performed in a certain
place at a given time, and they are are often repeated (in the same place,
at different times) in order to control their results again and again. They
must be intersubjective (i.e., different experimenters in different places
and at different times must be able to reproduce them). Therefore, one
is naturally led to concentrate his attention on those portions of space
and time in which physical experiments are performed, introducing the
above notion of laboratory (but it must be noted that this is somewhat
different from the non-technical notion used in natural languages, which
usually does not make explicit reference to a time interval).
(ii) Second, one introduces the notions of preparation and dichotomic
registering device. In order to understand them, think of the simplest
experiment (yes-no experiment) that can be conceived. Intuitively, this
consists of a device (the preparation) that prepares an individual sample
of a given physical system (which can be macroscopic, as a tennis ball,
or microscopic, as a photon or an electron), and of a second device
(the dichotomic registering device) that performs a test on the sample,
yielding one of two possible outcomes (yes/no, true/false, 1/0). Thus,
the notions of preparation and dichotomic registering device come out
in a natural way and their introduction is justified.
The above scheme for a yes-no experiment (which is inspired by Ludwig's analysis of physical experiments [28]) needs however some further
comments. Therefore, let us note that actual experiments, which usually are far more complicate, can be often thought of as composed of a
number of elementary yes-no experiments that are performed at a given
time, and then repeated at different times. It follows that the elementary experiment described above does not represent a particular case,
but plays a central role in the conceptual construction of a theory. Furthermore, let us stress that the reference to an individual sample of a
given physical system can be eliminated if one wants to avoid the slanderous accusation of introducing metaphysics into physics by assuming
the actual existence of some microscopic objects. Indeed, it suffices to
correlate directly the act of preparing with the outcome provided by the
dichotomic registering device, avoiding the reference to an intermediate physical system. This choice would however be very expensive, both
with concern to language and to conceptual economy. Therefore, Semantic Realism avoids it, and introduces the specific term physical object in
place of the more cumbersome expression "individual sample of a given
physical system": the reader may freely decide whether this new term is
only a shortcut or actually denotes some existing entity.
(iii) By using the basic notions discussed in (i) and (ii), one can introduce a number of derived notions that make the formalization process
carried out by Semantic Realism intuitively clear. In order to do this,
let us note first that in every physical theory there are preparations that
are considered physically equivalent. Thus, preparations can be grouped
into equivalence classes, and these classes are called states. Analogously,
there are dichotomic registering devices that are considered physically
equivalent. Thus, dichotomic registering devices can be grouped into
equivalence classes, and these classes are called effects.
The derived notions of states and effects are basic in Semantic Realism. Therefore, we note explicitly that they depend, through the concept
of physical equivalence, on the theory whose observative language is being formalized, and that, in spite of this, the abstract structure of the
language itself will not depend on the theory. Moreover, a general definition of physical equivalence for preparations and dichotomic registering
devices will be provided in Section 6, (iii).
(iv) Let us look at a given laboratory i and consider all physical objects
that are prepared in it by repeating the same preparation at different
times or by activating different preparations. The (finite) set of all these
objects is then called the domain Di of i. Inside this domain, one can
select all objects that have been prepared by preparations belonging to
a given state S: the subset of all these objects is called the extension of S
in i, and if x is a physical object belonging to this extension, one briefly
says that "x is in the state S (in i)". Analogously, one can select every
object that would give answer yes if a test should be performed on it by
means of a dichotomic registering device belonging to a given effect F:
the subset of all these objects is called the extension of F in i, and if x
is a physical object belonging to this extension, one briefly says that "x
would induce answer yes (or true, or 1) in the effect F (in i)".
It is important to observe that a physicist adhering to the standard
quantum philosophy would object that the above definition of the extension of an effect F is not acceptable. Indeed, one can decide whether a
given physical object x belongs to the extension ofF by performing a test
on it by means of a dichotomic registering device that belongs to F. But
it is well known that there are in quantum mechanics non-compatible
(i.e., mutually exclusive) dichotomic registering devices: hence, if one has
performed the above test, he can never know whether x belongs to the
extension of another effect G made up by dichotomic registering devices
that are non-compatible with those in F. It follows that the extension
of G is not defined, for it has no meaning to refer to what "would have
happened" if one had performed a test by means of a dichotomic registering device belonging to G. Since, of course, the argument holds even
while interchanging F and G, the orthodox quantum physicist concludes
that one cannot associate a definite extension to every effect.
The above conclusion, however, clearly follows from the fundamental quantum doctrine illustrated in the Introduction, which ensues from
adopting empirical verificationism. The contrary assumption that the
extensions of effects are defined subtends the rejection of this philosophy, and is based on the fact that the extension of any effect F can be
actually exhibited in a laboratory i by performing a test by means of
a dichotomic registering device belonging to F on all physical objects
in the domain D i . This is considered sufficient, according to Semantic
Realism, for maintaining that the extensions of all effects are defined
even if they cannot be exhibited conjointly.
(v) From the viewpoint of logic, the definitions in (iv) allow one to
construct a formal language L that has the set of states and the sets
of effects as sets of predicates, standard connectives, quantifiers and
formation rules, and which furthermore is endowed with a built in classical logical structure. Indeed, in the laboratory i the domain Di is the
"universe" for this language in the sense specified in Section 2, (ii). Fur-
thermore, states and effects are represented by their extensions, that
are subsets of the domain Di, just as the "properties" in Section 2, (ii),
are represented by subsets of the universe. Thus, one assumes that an
elementary statement of the form:
S(x): the physical object x is in the state S,
F(x): the physical object x would induce answer yes in the effect F,
is true if and only if the object x belongs to the extension in i of S,
or F, respectively. The truth of complex statements obtained by using
elementary statements, connectives and quantifiers, is then defined by
means of standard conventions in classical Logic (see again Section 2,
(ii); it is important to remind that these conventions define the truth of
complex statements independently of the existence of empirical or logical
procedures that allow one to determine effectively the truth values of the
statements themselves).
The above remarks conclude the illustration of the basic ideas that
inspire the attempt, carried out by Semantic Realism, at providing a
classical formal language in which the observative languages of classical
and quantum mechanics, in particular, can be regimented. However, one
must go farther if he wants to use the language L for treating problems
in these theories. More specifically, there are properties of states and
effects, and relations among them, that hold both in classical and in
quantum mechanics and that must be explicitly analyzed and possibly
expressed by means of L. We intend to provide in the next Section an
intuitive outline of these properties and relations.
In order to realize the program presented at the end of Section 5, let us
discuss some fundamental features of states and effects within Semantic
Realism, also introducing a number of derived definitions that are useful
in the following. We note that some items in this section are rather technical, especially (vii), (viii) and (ix), even if we try to discuss them in
a non-technical way. We apologize for bothering the reader with a number of details: but, unfortunately, they are important, since the roots
of some paradoxes in quantum mechanics can be found in some subtle
consequences of the standard quantum philosophy criticized in Sections
2 and 3. However, we have tried to make the rest of this paper understandable even if some of the technical points discussed in this section
are not completely clear to the reader.
(i) It follows from the definition of extension of a state S that the
extensions of different states in a laboratory i have empty intersection.
Indeed, no actual physical object in the domain Di of a laboratory i can
be prepared by more than one preparation, hence no physical object can
belong to more than one extension of state. Moreover, the union of all
extensions of states in Di coincides with Di (mathematicians would say
that the set of all extensions is a partition of D i ; it must be noted that
this is a typical feature of Semantic Realism, which does not occur in
other axiomatic approaches, as, for instance, Ludwig's). On the contrary,
the extensions of two (or more) different effects may have non-empty
intersections. Indeed, it may occur that a given physical object would
induce answer yes in any dichotomic registering device belonging to one
of the effects, and also in any dichotomic registering device belonging to
the other.
Taking into consideration the above remark, the extensions of effects
can be used for introducing an order relation on the set of all effects.
Indeed, one says that an effect F is smaller than an effect G if and only if
the extension of F is contained in the extension of G in every laboratory.
This order is partial, which intuitively means that not every pair of
effects is such that one of its members is smaller than the other; thus,
one obtains the partially ordered set (briefly poset) of all effects, which is
(because of its interpretation and structure) an effect algebra in a sense
made familiar to scholars through the literature on the foundations of
quantum mechanics.
It must be stressed that the order defined on the set of all effects is
empirical, in the sense that it depends on the physical relations that
occur among different effects. However, whenever F is smaller than G,
in every laboratory a physical object that belongs to F also belongs to
G: thus, if the statement F(x) is true, then also G(x) is true. A logician
would say that F(x) is smaller than G(x) according to the standard definition of logical order in a formalized language (see Section 2, (iii)). This
point should be carefully pondered. Indeed, the same logician would also
say that the statement F(x) is smaller than F(x) or G(x), since, again,
if F(x) is true, then F(x) or G(x) is true. But, now, this conclusion is
independent of any empirical relation between F and G, since it depends
only on the conventional definition of the connective or. Thus, one must
be well aware that the standard "logical order" contains both an empirical and a strictly logical part, which is a relevant distinction in the
(ii) The yes/no outcomes in every dichotomic registering device can
be exchanged, thus obtaining a new dichotomic registering device that is
obviously inequivalent to the original one. If the exchange of outcomes is
done in all devices belonging to a given effect F, one obtains a new effect,
say FC, that can be called the complement of F. In every laboratory i,
the extension of FC obviously is the complement in Di of the extension
of F. Moreover, a statement of the form
FC(x): the physical object x would induce answer yes in FC
is true if and only if the statement
F(x): the physical object x would induce answer yes in F
is false. This implies that the elementary statement FC(x) is logically
equivalent to the complex statement not F(x) (or, symbolically, -,F(x)),
which constitutes an important instance of logical equivalence between
elementary and complex statements.
(iii) It is convenient to select only preparations and dichotomic registering devices that yield definite frequencies when carrying out yes-no
experiments. More precisely, let a given preparation be repeated a great
number of times in a given laboratory, so as to produce an ensemble of
identically prepared physical objects (hence, of physical objects that are
in the same state), and let a dichotomic registering device be used in
order to perform a test successively on all physical objects in the ensemble. The ratio between the number of yes answer that one has obtained
and the number of elements in the ensemble provides the frequency of
the yes answer. One can then repeat the whole experiment in another
laboratory, obtaining a new frequency. There is no a priori reason for
expecting that the two frequencies coincide. But one convenes now that
preparations and dichotomic registering devices are chosen in such a way
that this actually occurs whenever the ensembles contain "a great number" of physical objects; in other words, we convene that one can define
a probability of the yes outcome as the limit (in the statistical sense)
to which frequencies approach whenever the number of elements in any
considered ensemble becomes larger and larger.
The above convention allows one to introduce some assumptions that
are physically quite natural. More specifically, let us consider two preparations that produce the same frequencies for every dichotomic registering device whenever an experiment of the kind described above is done:
then, we assume that the two preparations are physically equivalent.
Analogously, two dichotomic registering devices that produce the same
frequencies for every preparation are assumed to be physically equivalent. Thus, one gets two explicit definitions of physical equivalence which
allow one to decide whether some preparations or some dichotomic registering devices are physically equivalent.
(iv) It may happen that the extension of a state S in a laboratory i is
contained in the extension of an effect F. This means that all physical
objects in the state S would induce, in i, answer yes in the effect F.
More generally, one can consider the set of all effects whose extensions
contain the extension of a given state S in every laboratory. This set is
called the certainly true domain of S: every effect in the certainly true
domain of S is characterized by the fact that it yields answer yes in every
laboratory when it is used in order to perform a test on a physical object
in the state S (one briefly says that "the state S produces answer yes
with certainty if tested by an effect which belongs to the certainly true
domain of S itself").
In every laboratory i one can consider the intersection of the extensions
of all effects that belong to the certainly true domain of a given state S.
This intersection contains all physical objects that would induce answer
yes in all effects that belong to the certainly yes domain of S, and has
a crucial role in Semantic Realism. Therefore, we introduce the further
symbol Pi(S) in order to denote it and briefly mention some of its more
relevant uses.
First, Pi(S) can be used in order to distinguish pure from mixed states,
which is theoretically important from several viewpoints, in particular
because the basic notions of many physical theories can be discussed by
making reference to pure states only. According to Semantic Realism,
a state S is said to be pure if and only if, in every laboratory i, its
extension is the only extension of state which is completely included in
the intersection Pi(S): intuitively, this means that S is pure if and only
if it is the only state which produces answer yes with certainty if tested
by an effect which belongs to the certainly true domain of S itself (it can
then be proved that this definition coincides in particular theories, as
classical and quantum mechanics, with the standard definitions of pure
states provided by these theories).
Second, Pi(S) can be used in order to introduce a binary preclusivity (nonreflexive and symmetric) relation on the set of pure states (for
physicists: in quantum mechanics two pure states are in the preclusivity
relation if and only if the two vectors representing them are orthogonal).
Indeed, a pure state S can be said to be in this relation with another
pure state S' whenever, in every laboratory i, the set Pi(S) has empty
intersection with the extension of S'. Intuitively, this means that there
is no physical object in the state S' which would activate answer yes on
all effects in the certainly true domain of S.
(v) The preclusivity relation introduced in (iv) can be used in order to
pick out a special subset of the set of all effects: the set of all exact effects.
We cannot enter here the technical procedures that allow one to make
this selection (they mainly are based on introducing a suitable notion
of closure for every subset of states, via the preclusivity relation). But
it is important to grasp without ambiguity the intuitive interpretation
of exact effects. An exact effect F is an effect which is associated with
a physical property (as "being white", "being in the point P", "having
velocity v"), and every dichotomic registering device in F can be used
for testing whether this physical property holds for a physical object x.
The set of all physical properties associated with exact effects is called
the set of all testable properties (following a terminology known in the literature one could also say that exact effects correspond to sharp testable
properties while non-exact effects correspond to unsharptestable properties). Since different exact effects obviously correspond to different
testable properties, the correspondence between the set of exact effects
and the set of testable properties is one-to-one, so that the two sets can
be identified. Because of this identification, the statement F(x), with
F an exact effect, is briefly interpreted as "the physical object x has
the (testable) property F" , or "the (testable) property F is true for the
physical object x", and every dichotomic registering device in F is said
to test the property F on x.
Let us analyze more carefully the concept of testable property. It is
apparent from the definition of this concept that its introduction requires
an idealization, since only ideal dichotomic registering devices (that can
at most be "approached" by actual devices) can be used in order to test
exactly whether a given property holds or not for a given physical object.
More important, the concept of testable property must not be confused
with the ambiguous concept of "physical property that can be tested
in some way" that is rather usual in the language of physics. Indeed, a
testable property can only be attributed to a physical object (i.e., to an
individual sample of a physical system) and tested on it by means of a
single act of testing: in logical terms, one would say that it is a first order
property. On the other hand, there are in physics properties that refer to
ensembles of physical objects (as the frequencies considered in (iii)), or
even to ensembles of ensembles (for instance when one says that a given
frequency is minimal in a given state): in logical terms, these are second
or third order properties, respectively. Even these higher order properties
can be tested: but their test actually consists of a (usually great) number
of elementary tests of testable properties and of a successive comparison
of the sets of results that have been obtained.
It must be stressed that confusing physical properties of different logical orders may be a primary source of physical paradoxes.
(vi) By making reference to testable properties, one can introduce two
binary relations of compatibility (see [21], [22]) that have an intuitive
interpretation, as follows.
Semantic compatibility: the testable properties F l , F2 are semantically
compatible iff they can be simultaneously true for a physical object x.
Pragmatic compatibility (or conjoint testability): the testable properties F}, F2 are pragmatically compatible (conjointly testable) if and only
if they can be conjointly measured on a physical object x.
The relation of semantic compatibility formalizes the intuitive idea
that there are properties that can be simultaneously true for a given
physical object (for instance, "being white" and "being round" in the
case of a "white and round ball"). The relation of pragmatic compatibility formalizes the intuitive idea that there are properties that can be
tested conjointly (for instance, "having x coordinate in the interval .6.x"
and "having y coordinate in the interval .6.y" in quantum mechanics),
and properties that cannot (for instance, "having x coordinate in the
interval .6.x" and "having momentum along the x axis in the interval
.6.px" if the product of the widths of the two intervals is less than 2~'
again in quantum mechanics). These relations are obviously different
(for instance, "having x coordinate in the interval .0.x" and "having x
coordinate outside the interval .6.x" are not semantically compatible,
since they can never be simultaneously true, but they are pragmatically
compatible, since a test of the former also is a test of the latter, which is
obviously true if and only if the former is false). Furthermore, pragmatic
compatibility can be identified with the standard relation of compatibility in orthodox quantum mechanics. But if empirical verificationism is
accepted, two testable properties can be semantically compatible (or not)
only if they are pragmatically compatible, for it has no meaning to say
that properties that cannot be measured conjointly can (or cannot) be
"simultaneously true": thus, the relation of semantic compatibility is not
defined on the set of all testable properties. On the contrary, according
to Semantic Realism, the two compatibility relations are disentangled
and both defined on the set of all testable properties: intuitively, this
follows from the fact that the extensions of two testable properties are
defined in every laboratory independently of the conjoint testability of
the properties themselves. In particular, it may occur that two properties
can be semantically compatible without being pragmatically compatible
(e.g., "having spin along the x axis" and "having spin along the y axis"
in quantum mechanics), which is an important novelty introduced by
Semantic Realism.
(vii) Let S be a pure state, i a laboratory, and let us come back to
the intersection PieS) introduced in (iv). It is apparent that there is no a
priori reason for maintaining that an effect exists which, whatever i may
be, has just Pi (S) as extension. Whenever this occurs, we call testable
support of the state S this effect, and denote it by F s. It is then easy
to see that, if a testable support of S exists, it is the smallest element
in the certainly true domain of S, according to the order defined in (i)
(indeed, its extension in any laboratory is contained in the extensions of
all effects that belong to the certainly true domain of S).
The existence of a testable support F s for every pure state Scan
be easily deduced both in classical and in quantum mechanics if one
refers to the standard interpretation of these theories (for physicists:
if I tp > is the vector representing the state S in quantum mechanics,
Fs is the testable property represented by the projection I tp >< tp I);
furthermore, Fs is an exact effect, i.e., a testable property). Therefore,
pure states are often identified with the testable properties that are
their testable supports in classical and in quantum mechanics (see, e.g.,
[31]). However, this identification is misleading in the latter theory, and
originates some old quantum paradoxes (as Furry's, see [12], [13]' and
[23]). Indeed, in classical Mechanics the extension ofF s in any laboratory
i coincides with the extension of S, since there is in this theory at least
one (possibly ideal) dichotomic registering device that yields answer yes
if and only if a physical object is in the state S. But, on the contrary,
the extension of F s in quantum mechanics is usually greater than the
extension of S, since there are states in this theory that are different
from S and induce answer yes in the effect F s with a nonzero frequency
in every laboratory (for physicists: these are states that are represented
by vectors which are not orthogonal to the vector representing S). This
difference between the two theories outlines the probabilistic character of
quantum mechanics and shows that, even if the correspondence between
pure states and their testable supports is one-to one, it is not possible
in this theory to identify pure states with their testable supports with
regard to their extensions. Synthetically, one can say that states must
not be confused with testable properties in quantum mechanics.
(viii) In addition to the remarks in (vii), the assumption itself that a
testable support exists for every pure state can be seriously questioned in
quantum mechanics whenever compound physical systems are considered
(a compound physical system can be intuitively defined as a system
formed by various subsystems, which can obviously interact). Indeed,
the states of such a system can be divided into two classes, the first type
states and the second type (or entangled) states (this partition is based
on technical reasons that will not be discussed here). If'S is a second
type state, it can be proved that S may be such that one cannot find
in quantum mechanics a class of ideal dichotomic registering devices·,
i.e., an exact effect, which satisfies the condition of being minimal in the
certainly true domain of S. Should this be the case, no exact effect, i.e.,
(first order) testable property, can be considered as the support of S.
Basing on the above criticism, Semantic Realism adopts a new and
rather radical position: indeed, it defines a first type state S as a state
which has a testable support F s, and assumes that F s then is an exact
effect. The second type states (which may exist or not in a given theory:
indeed, they do not exist in classical Mechanics) are then defined as
those states which have no testable support.
It is interesting to note that many quantum physicists would disagree
with the above definitions and assumptions, since they would object that
some experiments have been contrived in quantum mechanics which test
"whether a physical object is in the state S" whenever S is a second
type state. Yet, this disagreement is based, in our opinion, on the lack
of awareness of the fact that all these experiments actually test only
second order properties (see (v)), since they consist in testing some first
order properties of the different subsystems that form the compound
system, repeating the test a great number of times on different samples of
the system and then correlating statistically the obtained results. These
second order properties (that can be called correlation properties) cannot
therefore be confused with testable supports of states of the second type.
The characterization of the first and the second type states provided
by Semantic Realism is theoretically relevant. For, the implicit assumption that a testable support exists for every state is the basis on which
some arguments stand which aim to prove that compound quantum systems cannot be separated (nonseparability intuitively means that the
properties of two or more physical systems that have interacted in the
past remain interconnected in such a way that testing a property on
one of the systems influences the properties of the other system). If one
drops out this assumption, this strange conclusion is avoided. It is then
apparent that the aforesaid characterization constitutes a new branching point in which the interpretation of quantum mechanics provided
by Semantic Realism differentiates from the standard interpretation (for
physicists: note that dropping the assumption that a testable support
exists for every state implies renouncing the assumption that every Hermitean operator represents a physical apparatus, at least in the case of
compound physical systems).
(ix) The breakdown of the one-to-one correspondence between pure
states and their testable supports implies in particular that the partially
ordered set (or poset) of all exact effects (this set is indeed ordered, since
it is embedded in the bigger poset of all effects, see (i)) is not endowed,
in general, with the mathematical structure of a lattice. However, one
can resort to well known mathematical tools (completionprocedures, see,
e.g., [14]) that allow one to enlarge the poset of all exact effects by adjoining to it further elements that transform it into a lattice. These new
elements, of course, have not an operational interpretation: but they
can be considered as theoretical (first order) properties, which are upper
(or lower) bounds of sets of testable (first order) properties. Thus, one
obtains an enlarged set of physical properties which is partitioned into
a set of testable properties and a set of theoretical properties. In this
new enlarged context, a one-to-one correspondence between pure states
and minimal properties can be recovered. Indeed, one can associate to
every pure state S a support, which is a property that is minimal in the
certainly true domain of S (which now contains also theoretical properties): this property is testable (testable support) if S is a first kind state,
theoretical ( theoretical support) if S is a second kind state.
(x) The completion of the poset of exact effects and the ensuing distinction between testable and theoretical properties is a typical feature
of Semantic Realism, which has long ranging consequences. Indeed, on
the one hand, it allows one to recover a structure of (complete, orthacomplemented) lattice, which can be identified, in the case of quantum
mechanics, with the lattices that appear in a number of axiomatic approaches to this theory (see, e.g., [29], [27], [31]), often collected under
the name quantum logic approach to quantum mechanics (see, e.g., [7]).
Thus "Quantum Logic" is recovered by Semantic Realism as an empirical structure, since the order on it is empirical in the sense specified in
(i). But, on the other hand, this Quantum Logic obtained by completion
does not contain, in the case of complex systems, only observative elements (testable properties), but even elements that are non-observative
(theoretical properties), at least in the sense that they do not correspond
to first order properties that can be directly tested on a physical object.
This presence of non-observative elements in the lattice associated to a
compound physical system is a further important ingredient for avoiding
quantum paradoxes, as we intend to show in the following.
The topics discussed in Section 6 may have annoyed the reader who is
not interested in a detailed exposition of the concepts and methods of
Semantic Realism. But they allow us now to introduce some new general
epistemological perspectives that are typical of Semantic Realism and
have a deep physical meaning.
(i) Basing on the completion procedures introduced in Section 6, (ix) ,
one can construct a new language, the language of properties Le , which
has the set of all states and the set of all testable and theoretical properties as set of predicates, and is endowed with the same (classical) logical
structure of L. This language is actually different from L: indeed, the set
of its predicates does not contain non-exact effects, while it may contain
a set of new predicates that are interpreted as theoretical properties.
Furthermore, it contains, as L, elementary and complex statements, and
its statements are ordered by the standard logical order (see Section 2,
(ii) The poset of all elementary statements of Le of the form E(x), with
E a property, endowed with the logical order, is obviously isomorphic
to the poset of all testable and theoretical properties (this means that
a one-to-one mapping exists which maps the former set onto the latter,
preserving the order): therefore, it can also be considered a Quantum
Logic. It is then interesting to observe that this name is now intuitively
appropriate, since the elements of our new poset are statements and its
order is logical. However, this order still depends on the interpretation
of the predicates, consistently with the remark that logical order also
contains an empirical part (see Section 6, (i)), so that even this Quantum
Logic must be considered an empirical structure, not a strictly logical
(iii) The statements of Land Le (all of which have a truth value) can
be divided into testable and nontestable statements: intuitively, a statement is testable if its truth value can be tested by means of a suitable
measurement procedure, nontestable if it cannot. Let us consider 1. All
elementary statements of this language are obviously testable (which is
a reasonable operational feature, since L aims to formalize observative
languages, see Section 5). On the contrary, there may be complex statements in L that are nontestable: indeed it may occur that there is no
way of testing the truth value of a complex statement which contains
testable properties that are pragmatically non-compatible. Let us consider Le. This language may contain also elementary statements that are
non-testable (indeed, every elementary statement E(x) of L e , where E is
a theoretical property, is non-testable). Thus if the set of all theoretical
properties is non-void, one cannot assert that Le formalizes an observative language, and Le provides the first instance of how theoretical
(i.e., non directly observative) statements naturally enter the language
of physics. Furthermore, a complex statement of Le may be nontestable,
if it contains theoretical properties and/or testable properties that are
pragmatically non-compatible.
The existence of meaningful testable and nontestable statements in
Land Le shows that the fundamental epistemological distinction between truth and empirical access to truth (see Section 2) is maintained
in these languages. Moreover, a general criterion of testability can be
introduced both in L and in Le. Indeed, the reasoning used in Section 3
in order to show that empirical verificationism implies that a molecular
complex statement is meaningful if and only if it logically equivalent to
a testable elementary statement can now be used in order to show that
a molecular complex statement of L or Le is testable if and only if it is
logically equivalent to a testable elementary statement. One thus gets a
general criterion of testability, which can be used in order to pick out
sets of testable statements of L or Le (for instance, all molecular complex statements which contain only pragmatically compatible testable
properties are testable).
(iv) The distinction between testable and non-testable statements in
Land Le does not mean that the latter cannot be legitimately used in
physics as theoretical statements: indeed they have a role, in particular, in the inferential procedures. Hence, both testable and nontestable
statements of Le can be used in order to state physical laws. Therefore,
one must distinguish two classes of physical laws, as follows.
Empirical laws: these are expressed by testable statements, hence can
be empirically checked.
Theoretical laws: these are expressed by nontestable statements, hence
cannot be empirically checked (at least directly).
The above distinction between empirical and theoretical laws leads
one to wonder about the epistemological status of these laws. It is then
evident that this question has many possible answers, depending on the
philosophical position that one decides to adopt. Therefore, let us make
clear here the standpoint of Semantic Realism: this approach adheres to
the operational philosopy underlying quantum mechanics and assumes
that it must be retained in every physical theory, but it also maintains
that this philosophy requires avoiding ontologization of physical laws and
knowledge rather than adopting empirical verificationism.
By applying the above viewpoint to theoretical laws it follows that
these must be considered as formal structures, whose role consists in
producing, via logical deduction, empirical physical laws that can be
directly tested.
The case of empirical physical laws requires a more detailed treatment.
Therefore, let us preliminarily observe that they are commonly used, together with some auxiliary assumptions (or premises), in order to obtain
physical predictions, i.e., true statements attributing physical properties
to given physical objects (as an intuitive instance of this procedure, consider the classical syllogism quoted at the beginning of Section 2: here,
"all men are mortal", "Socrates is a man" and "Socrates is mortal" play
the role of a physical law, an auxiliary assumption and a prediction,
respectively). It is then important to observe that the premises specify
the physical situation to which the empirical law is applied, attributing
properties (as "being a man") to the physical objects (as "Socrates")
that one is considering: we say that they determine a context. Now, the
relations of semantic and pragmatic compatibility introduced in Section
6, (vi), suggest that various types of contexts can be distinguished, as
Contradictory contexts, in which semantically non-compatible properties are assumed. These contexts are inconsistent and can never occur,
hence they are irrelevant for physics.
Non-accessible physical contexts, in which semantically compatible but
pragmatically non-compatible properties are assumed. These contexts
are consistent and can in principle occur, but are not accessible to physical investigation, since one can never identify them empirically (indeed,
the pragmatically incompatible properties that define a non-accessible
context can never be tested conjointly).
Accessible physical contexts, in which semantically and pragmatically
compatible properties are assumed. These contexts are consistent and
can occur; furthermore, they are accessible to physical investigation,
since one can identify them empirically.
The appearance of non-accessible physical contexts is a typical feature
of Semantic Realism, and occurs because of the existence of physical theories, as quantum mechanics, where a non trivial relation of pragmatic
compatibility is defined (it is evident that these contexts do not appear
in classical Physics, where all physical properties can be tested conjointly, at least in principle). If one adopts the epistemological position
of Semantic Realism specified above, that is, avoiding ontologization of
physical laws, one concludes that empirical laws cannot be assumed to
be true (in the sense that they may be true as well as false) in nonaccessible contexts: indeed, the theory itself prohibits that an empirical
law be verified in a context of this kind. It follows that, if one wants to
avoid "metaphysics", the validity of empirical laws must be limited, at
least in those theories which introduce a non trivial relation of pragmatic
compatibility. This limitation can be introduced by stating a new epistemological principle (Metatheoretical Generalized Principle, or, briefly,
MGP), that we express here in an informal way as follows.
MGP. A sentence expressing an empirical physical law (deduced or not
from a general theoretical law) is true in every physical context in which
only semantically and pragmatically compatible pmperties are assumed
for each physical object that is considered (accessible physical contexts).
The significance of MGP should not be underestimated. Indeed, classical Physics has accustomed physicists to assume implicitly the unrestricted validity of physical laws, which can be expressed by stating a
Metatheoretical classical Principle (briefly, MCP), as follows.
MCP. A sentence expressing an empirical physical law (deduced or
not from a general theoretical law) is true in every (non-contradictory)
physical context.
This principle is clearly adequate to classical Physics, where it is equivalent to MGP since non-accessible physical contexts do not occur. But
it is questionable, according to Semantic Realism, in every physical theory where these contexts occur. By introducing MOP in place of MOP,
Semantic Realism proposes to shift the antimetaphysical issue of the operational viewpoint from accepting empirical verificationism to renouncing any extrapolation of our knowledge beyond its empirical limits. We
show in the next section that this viewpoint greatly helps in reconciling
quantum mechanics with everyday physicist's intuition.
Before closing this point, we would like to defend MGP against the natural objection that it produces an idealistic dependence of physical laws
on the choices of the observer, as it seems to be witnessed by the term
"physical context" that appears in it. Indeed, MGP introduces a kind
of pragmatic contextuality which is deeply different from the semantic
contextuality introduced by the standard interpretation of quantum mechanics (see Section 1). For, the latter makes the properties themselves
of a physical object depend, to some extent, on the observer's decision
of performing some possible experiments; the former only restricts the
possibility of deducing relations among observation-independent physical
properties from physical laws, the restriction depending on the character
of partial knowledge attributed to these laws and not on the observer's
(v) Whenever the perspective of Semantic Realism is applied to quantum mechanics, this theory turns out to be incomplete with respect to
the language Le; this means (see Section 2, (iv)) that the laws of quantum mechanics are not sufficient for determining the truth values of all
statements of L e , even if suitable premises are assumed. Intuitively, this
result follows from the probabilistic character of quantum physical laws,
which usually provide only probabilities of truth values, not the truth
values themselves, for statements attributing properties to physical objects in given states [16]. Since all physical properties in the language Le
are either true or false for a given physical object, the interpretation of
quantum mechanics provided by Semantic Realism belongs to the class
of the objectivity/incompleteness interpretations, as anticipated at the
end of Section 4.
Let us come now to the Bell and Bell-Kochen-Specker theorems, the
relevance of which with respect to our thesis in this paper has been illustrated in the Introduction. Indeed, if the orthodox interpretation of
these theorems is accepted, one of the basic assumptions of Semantic Realism (the existence of an extension for every effect in every laboratory,
which allows one to attribute properties to physical objects independently of measurement procedures, see Section 5, (v)) would be invalid
in quantum mechanics. In order to avoid this criticism, various proofs of
the above theorems have been analyzed in a number of papers [18J, [19J,
[20]' [23J and it has been shown that all of them are based on assuming the validity of some empirical (correlation) laws deduced from the
general theoretical laws of quantum mechanics outside the domain of validity established by MGP: hence, these proofs are not correct according
to Semantic Realism.
Let us look into the above subjects in more detail. We consider first the
Bell theorem. This theorem was stated by Bell in 1964 [lJ. Subsequently,
the Bell argument was refined by a number of authors, who supplied
accurate analyses of the premises on which it is based, and a number
of alternative statements and proofs. Nowadays most authors agree that
the Bell theorem shows that quantum mechanics conflicts with one at
least of the following assumptions (see Selleri, [36J; note that assumption
R, though called reality for conforming to current literature, actually
imposes a weak reality condition: indeed, it does not entail that the
mathematical objects that appear in the formal apparatus of quantum
mechanics correspond to ontologically existing entities, but only requires
that the properties of a physical object, or of a preparation procedure,
do not depend on the choices of the observer).
R (reality). The results of all conceivable measurements are simultaneously prefixed (even in the case of non-compatible observables).
LOC (locality). Whenever two subsystems, say 1 and 2, of a compound
physical system are sufficiently far apart, a measurement on subsystem
1 (2) does not modify the values of the observables of subsystem 2 (1).
However, it can be proved that non-R and quantum mechanics imply non-LOCo Thus, the Bell theorem is usually retained to prove the
nonlocality of quantum mechanics.
If one considers the more ancient proofs of this theorem, one sees that
they essentially show that locality implies inequalities which are not consistent with quantum mechanics. In all these proofs, empirical physical
laws are assumed as true for physical objects in non-accessible physical
contexts (see Section 7, (iv)), which implies a violation of MGP. This
is apparent, for instance, in the Wigner [39] and Sakurai [35] proofs,
where many subsets of physical objects are considered, each set consisting of physical objects having the same properties (for physicists:
spin components along different directions), and then an inequality is
obtained by applying a quantum law (again for physicists: perfect correlation in the singlet state) to these objects. Indeed, the properties
characterizing some sets are semantically compatible but pragmatically
non-compatible, which prohibits the use of quantum laws according to
MGP in these cases. In other proofs, as the original Bell's one, an inequality is obtained regarding sets of physical objects in non-accessible
physical contexts, but the deduction does not introduce quantum laws
(we reserve the name Bell inequality in the following to Bell-type inequalities obtained in this way). But quantum laws are then used whenever
the Bell inequality is compared with an analogous inequality predicted
by quantum mechanics. Thus, one can conclude that none of these proofs
can be accepted according to Semantic Realism.
More recent proofs do not make resort to inequalities, but directly
show that, joining R, LOC and quantum mechanics, one obtains contradictory predictions (e.g., Greenberger et al., [24]). In these proofs, a
number of empirical laws are deduced from a general theoretical quantum law, and it is implicitly assumed that they all are simultaneously
true. But whenever one of these empirical laws is assumed to hold, the
properties predicted by it are easily seen to be pragmatically noncompatible with the properties that one introduces further as premises in
order to deduce predictions from another law of the set. Thus, one produces again a non accessible physical context, in which the validity of
the latter law cannot be assured, because of MGP. One concludes that
neither of these proofs can be accepted according to Semantic Realism.
Let us come to the Bell-Kochen-Specker theorem. As we have seen
in the Introduction, this theorem is usually retained to prove the contextuality of quantum mechanics, which can now be interpreted in the
sense that the truth value of a statement attributing a property that
belongs to a set of properties that are measured on a physical object
depends on the whole set, not only on the property itself. It is evident
that the fundamental quantum doctrine discussed in the Introduction
follows at once from contextuality, and we remind that the relevance of
the Bell-Kochen-Specker theorem consists, seemingly, in showing that
this feature of quantum mechanics is imposed by the internal structure
of quantum mechanics itself, so that it needs not be formulated as an a
priori epistemological constraint.
The original proofs of the Bell-Kochen-Specker theorem [2], [26] were
rather complicate, but there are some recent proofs (Mermin, [30]) that
are quite simple and immediate. By considering these proofs, it has been
shown (Garola and Solombrino, [23]) that they are invalidated, according
to Semantic Realism, by the same argument used in order to reject the
proofs of the Bell theorem that do not resort to inequalities. Let us
discuss this subject more carefully.
The core of the Mermin argument consists in stating a set of equations that express theoretical laws connecting quantum observables (i.e.,
mathematical operators that represent physical quantities that can be
actually measured). In each equation the observables are compatible, i.e.,
they can be measured conjointly: hence, Mermin introduces the "plausible" condition that the measured values of the observables must satisfy
the equation itself. If all values are simultaneously prefixed (assumption
R) this condition can be applied repeatedly to all equations in the set,
concluding that all these equations must be simultaneously satisfied by
the measured values of the observables. But, then, Mermin shows that
this is impossible. Thus, he deduces that the values of some observabIes may be different if different sets of measurements are performed,
hence they cannot be prefixed and quantum mechanics turns out to be
a contextual theory (note that this does not introduce contradictions
between measurement outcomes and physical laws in standard quantum
mechanics, since some of the observables that occur in different laws are
non-compatible, which means that only restricted subsets of values can
actually be measured).
In order to invalidate this reasoning, let us note first that the laws used
in the Mermin proofs are so general that they can neither be expressed
by means of L nor by means of Le: indeed, they hold for every state of the
physical system, so that stating them formally would require quantification on state variables, hence a complete formalization of the language
of physics that has been avoided here for the sake of simplicity (see Section 5). However, this does not affect the general remarks on theoretical
and empirical laws provided at the end of Section 7 and leading to state
MGP. It follows that all empirical laws deduced from the theoretical
laws used by Mermin are valid, according to Semantic Realism, within
the limits estabilished by MGP, and cannot be applied unrestrictedly.
Now, these limits prohibit that all empirical laws that can be deduced
from the set of theoretical laws considered in the Mermin proofs be assumed as valid conjointly. Indeed, the fact that there are non-compatible
observables in different laws implies that one can deduce empirical laws
predicting properties that are not pragmatically compatible, so that assuming some of them as valid creates a non-accessible physical context
in which one cannot maintain that the remaining empirical laws are also
valid. Thus, one attains a not conventional conclusion: assuming a set of
equations as theoretical laws does not imply, according to Semantic Realism, that the values of the observables that appear in them, which are
prefixed, must all satisfy the equations themselves conjointly. Of course,
this conclusion contradicts the conclusion obtained by Mermin by using
repeatedly his "plausible" condition (which however rephrases a condition imposed by Kochen and Specker themselves in order to prove their
theorem [26]), which is sufficient for invalidating the reasoning that leads
to the Bell-Kochen-Specker theorem.
The main aims of this section are thus attained. One can summarize
our results by saying that nonlocality and contextuality of quantum mechanics, that are taken for granted by most physicists concerned with
foundational research, do not necessarily hold if Semantic Realism is accepted. This conclusion eliminates, on one hand, a source of paradoxes,
which unavoidably appear in the orthodox interpretation and in the alternatives that accept empirical verificationism; on the other hand, it
prevents the charge of being inconsistent, that could otherwise be made
against the interpretation of quantum mechanics provided by Semantic Realism because of the reasons illustrated at the beginning of this
Judging from the results of Section 8, one could believe that the Bell and
Bell-Kochen-Specker theorems simply are non-proved statements according to the interpretation of quantum mechanics provided by Semantic
Realism. This is certainly true, but rather disconcerting for scholars concerned with the foundations of quantum mechanics, who usually consider
these theorems as basic results. However, if one reconsiders the whole
subject from an epistemological viewpoint, the aforesaid theorems still
play an important role. Indeed, let us consider first the Bell-KochenSpecker theorem. Our invalidation above shows that Semantic Realism
rejects, through MGP, the repeated use of Mermin's "plausible" condition. But this use can be seen as a particularization of the MCP principle
to the special case under consideration. Therefore, according to Semantic
Realism, the Bell-Kochen-Specker theorem can be reformulated as a general statement which asserts that assuming reality (R) and unrestricted
validity of physical laws (Mep) together with quantum mechanics leads
to inconsistencies.
It follows from the above reformulation of the Bell-Kochen-Specker
theorem that one has some possible choices if he wants to avoid inconsistencies. For instance, if one considers only the choices that give up
one of the three assumptions above, one has three possibilities:
(i) modifying quantum mechanics, preserving Rand MCP;
(ii) giving up R, preserving quantum mechanics and MCP;
(iii) giving up MCP, preserving quantum mechanics and R.
Choice (i) is made by those physicists who want to restore a basically
classical conception of the world. Choice (ii) is made by the standard
interpretation of quantum mechanics (note that this choice does not
transgress the operational philosophy of quantum mechanics, since giving up R prohibits producing non-accessible physical contexts, hence the
distinction between MCP and MGP becomes irrelevant). Choice (iii) is
made by Semantic Realism (with some changes in the interpretation of
quantum mechanics, see in particular Section 6, (viii)), which criticizes
(i) as an impossible attempt of recovering old intuitive models in physics,
and (ii) since abandoning R creates a number of conceptual difficulties
and "paradoxes". However, we insist on the fact that the appearance of
alternative (iii) is due to the Bell-Kochen-Specker theorem, if restated as
above, and in this sense this theorem is still decisive (it is interesting to
note that even recent attempts at modifying quantum mechanics in order to recover some forms of realism at the macroscopic level essentially
deny R at the microscopic level, and possibility (iii) is ignored).
Consider now the Bell theorem. We remind that physicists usually
think that the Bell inequalities provide a method for testing experimentally whether quantum mechanics or locality (LOC) is correct. But
the invalidation of the Bell theorem implies that quantum mechanics
does not necessarily conflict with LOC. Then, a crucial question arises:
what would happen if one should perform a suitable test of a given
Bell inequality? Would the inequality be violated or not? The answer
of Semantic Realism is simple but not trivial. In fact, Semantic Realism
maintains that a Bell inequality is a correct theoretical formula which
is not epistemically accessible in quantum mechanics. Any physical experiment actually tests something else (correlations among properties of
physical objects in accessible contexts) and obviously yields the results
predicted by quantum mechanics. No contradiction can actually occur,
since the inequalities that can be tested in quantum mechanics could be
identified with Bell inequalities only assuming the unrestricted validity
of some physical laws, i.e., violating MGP. Thus, it is untrue that a Bell
inequality provides a method for testing experimentally whether either
quantum mechanics or LOC is correct. But the large number of experimental proofs that confirm the predictions of quantum mechanics proves
indirectly that something must go wrong with quantum laws regarding
compound systems within non-accessible physical contexts: otherwise,
quantum mechanical inequalities would be reduced to Bell inequalities.
The above remarks on the Bell and Bell-Kochen Specker theorems
clearly suggest that a physical theory could exist which goes beyond
quantum mechanics (which is an incomplete theory according to Semantic Realism, see Section 7, (v)) without contradicting it. Furthermore,
Semantic Realism also supplies two interesting suggestions for a theory
of this kind.
First, the interpretation of the supports of the second kind states as
theoretical properties (see Section 6, (ix)) shows that the quantum treatment of compound systems is semantically ambiguous. Indeed, in this
treatment the support of any pure state is represented by a mathematical entity (for physicists: a one-dimensional projection) which should
then correspond to a (first order) testable property in the case of a first
kind state, to a (first order) theoretical property in the case of a second
kind state. This suggests that a new theory should represent testable
and theoretical properties by means of different mathematical entities,
so that one can distinguish the former from the latter (or it should at
least provide mathematical rules for distinguishing within the formalism
the projections that represent physical apparatuses from the projections
which do not).
Second, the invalidation of the Bell theorem and the interpretation
provided by Semantic Realism of the experimental results which confirm the quantum predictions suggest that, contrary to a widespread
belief, local hidden variables models for quantum mechanics may exist
(see Section 4): but these should be such to propose new laws that differ
from quantum mechanical laws within non-accessible physical contexts,
i.e., physical contexts which are only indirectly accessible by means of
correlation measurements that essentially test physical properties of the
second or third order (see Section 6, (v)). We stress that this does not
mean that one must expect violations of quantum predictions whenever
correlation measurements are performed: rather, one expects that quantum predictions be fulfilled, and that the new laws explain why quantum
inequalities differ from Bell inequalities.
To conclude with, it is interesting to note that Semantic Realism also
proves to avoid the old Furry [12], [13] and Bohm-Aharonov [4] quantum
paradoxes. These results are obtained by using the distinction between
states and effects, and the distinction between semantic and pragmatic
compatibility, respectively, and no use is required of the MGP principle
(see Garola and Solombrino, [23]).
Claudio Carola
Dipartimento di Fisica dell' Universita
Lecce, Italy
[email protected]
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In this article we present an analysis of quantum mechanics and its problems and paradoxes taking into account some of the results and insights
that have been obtained during the last two decades by investigations
that are commonly classified in the field of 'quantum structures research'.
We will concentrate on these aspects of quantum mechanics that have
been investigated in our group at Brussels Free Universityl. We try to be
as clear and self contained as possible: firstly because the article is also
aimed at scientists not specialized in quantum mechanics, and secondly
because we believe that some of the results and insights that we have
obtained present the deep problems of quantum mechanics in a simple
The study of the structure of quantum mechanics is almost as old
as quantum mechanics itself. The fact that the two early versions of
quantum mechanics-the matrix mechanics of Werner Heisenberg and
the wave mechanics of Erwin Schrodinger-were shown to be structurally
equivalent to what is now called standard quantum mechanics, made it
already clear in the early days that the study of the structure itself
would be very important. The foundations of much of this structure are
already present in the book of John von Neumann [1], and if we refer to
standard quantum mechanics we mean the formulation of the theory as
it was first presented there in a complete way.
Standard quantum mechanics makes use of a sophisticated mathematical apparatus, and this is one of the reasons that it is not easy to
explain it to a non specialist audience. Upon reflecting how we would
resolve this 'presentation' problem for this paper we have chosen the
following approach: most, if not all, deep quantum mechanical problems
appear already in full, for the case of the 'most simple' of all quantum
models, namely the model for the spin of a spin~
quantum particle.
Therefore we have chosen to present the technical aspects of this paper
as much as possible for the description of this most simple quantum
The actual members of our group are: Diederik Aerts, Bob Coecke, Thomas Durt,
Sven Aerts, Frank Valckenborgh, Bart D'Hooghe and Bart Van Steirteghem.
1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
model, and to expose the problems by making use of its quantum mechanical and quantum structural description. The advantage is that the
structure needed to explain the spin model is simple and only requires
a high school background in mathematics.
The study of quantum structures has been motivated mainly by two
types of shortcomings of standard quantum mechanics. (1) There is no
straightforward physical justification for the use of the abstract mathematical apparatus of quantum mechanics. By introducing an axiomatic
approach the mathematical apparatus of standard quantum mechanics
can be derived from more general structures that can be based more easily on physical concepts (2) Almost none of the mathematical concepts
used in standard quantum mechanics are operationally defined. As a consequence there has also been a great effort to elaborate an operational
Relativity theory, formulated in great part by one person, Albert Einstein, is founded on the concept of 'event', which is a concept that is
physically well defined and understood. Within relativity theory itself,
the events are represented by the points of a four dimensional space-time
continuum. In this way, relativity theory has a well defined physical and
mathematical base.
quantum mechanics on the contrary was born in a very obscure way.
Matrix mechanics was constructed by Werner Heisenberg in a mainly
technical effort to explain and describe the energy spectrum of the atoms.
Wave mechanics, elaborated by Erwin Schrodinger, seemed to have a
more solid physical base: a general idea of wave-particle duality, in the
spirit of Louis de Broglie or Niels Bohr. But then Paul Adrien Maurice
Dirac and later John von Neumann proved that the matrix mechanics of
Heisenberg and the wave mechanics of Schrodinger are equivalent: they
can be constructed as two mathematical representations of one and the
same vector space, the Hilbert space. This fundamental result indicated
already that the 'de Broglie wave' and the 'Bohr wave' are not physical
waves and that the state of a quantum entity is an abstract concept: a
vector in an abstract vector space.
Referring again to what we mentioned to be the two main reasons for
studying quantum structures, we can state now more clearly: the study
of quantum structures has as primary goal the elaboration of quantum
mechanics with a physical and mathematical base that is as clear as the
one that exists in relativity theory. We remark that the initial aim of
quantum structures research was not to 'change' the theory-although
it ultimately proposes a fundamental change of the standard theory as
will be outlined in this paper-but to elaborate a clear and well defined
base for it.
For this purpose it is necessary to introduce clear and physically well
defined basic concepts, like the events in the theory of relativity, and to
identify the mathematiCal structure that these basic concepts have to
form to be able to recover standard quantum mechanics.
In 1936, Garret Birkhoff and John von Neumann, wrote an article
entitled "The logic of quantum mechanics". They show that if one introduces the concept of 'operational proposition' and its representation
in standard quantum mechanics by an orthogonal projection operator
of the Hilbert space, it can be shown that the set of the 'experimental
propositions' does not form a Boolean algebra, as it the case for the set
of propositions of classical logic [2]. As a consequence of this article the
field called 'quantum logic' came into existence: an investigation on the
logic of quantum mechanics.
An interesting idea was brought forward. Relativity theory is a theory
based on the concept of 'event' and a mathematical structure of a four
dimensional space-time continuum. This space-time continuum contains
a non Euclidean geometry. Could it be that the article of Birkhoff and
von Neumann indicates that quantum mechanics should be based on a
non Boolean logic in the same sense as relativity theory is based on a
non Euclidean geometry? This is a fascinating idea, because if quantum mechanics were based on a non Boolean logic, this would perhaps
explain why paradoxes are so abundant in quantum mechanics: the paradoxes would then arise because classical Boolean logic is used to analyze
a situation that intrinsically incorporates a non classical, non Boolean
Following this idea quantum logic was developed as a new logic and
also as a detailed study of the logico-algebraic structures that are contained in the mathematical apparatus of quantum mechanics. The systematic study of the logico-algebraic structures related to quantum mechanics was very fruitful and we refer to the paper that David Foulis
published in this book for a good historical account [3]. On the philosophical question of whether quantum logic constitutes a fundamental
new logic for nature a debate started. A good overview of this discussion
can be found in the book by Max Jammer [4].
We want to put forward our own personal opinion about this matter and explain why the word 'quantum logic' was not the best word
to choose to indicate the scientific activity that has been taking place
within this field. If 'logic', following the characterization of Boole, is the
formalization of the 'process of our reflection', then quantum logic is not
a new logic. Indeed, we obviously reflect following the same formal rules
whether we reflect about classical parts of reality or whether we reflect
about quantum parts of reality. Birkhoff and von Neumann, when they
wrote their article in 1936, were already aware of this, and that is why
they introduced the concept of 'experimental proposition'. It could indeed be that, even if we reason within the same formal structure about
quantum entities as we do about classical entities, the structure of the
'experimental propositions' that we can use are different in both cases.
With experimental proposition is meant a proposition that is connected
in a well defined way with an experiment that can test this proposition. We will explicitly see later in this paper that there is some truth
in this idea. Indeed, the set of experimental propositions connected to
a quantum entity has a different structure than the set of experimental
propositions connected to a classical entity. We believe however that this
difference in structure of the sets of experimental propositions is only a
little piece of the problem, and even not the most important one2 . It
is our opinion that the difference between the logico-algebraic structures connected to a quantum entity and the logico-algebraic structures
connected to a classical entity is due to the fact that the structures of
our 'possibilities of active experimenting' with these entities is different.
Not only the logical aspects of these possibilities of active experimenting
but the profound nature of these possibilities of active experimenting is
different. And this is not a subjective matter due to, for example, our
incapacity of experimenting actively in the same way with a quantum
entity as with a classical entity. It is the profound difference in nature
of the quantum entity that is at the origin of the fact that the structure
of our possibilities of active experimenting with this entity is different 3 .
We could proceed now by trying to explain in great generality what we
mean with this statement and we refer the reader to [6] for such a pre2
We can easily show for example that even the set of experimental propositions
of a macroscopic entity does not necessarily have the structure of a Boolean algebra.
This means that the only fact of limiting oneself to the description of the set of 'experimental' propositions already brings us out of the category of Boolean structures,
whether the studied entities are microscopic or macroscopic [5]
We have to remark here that we do not believe that the set of quantum entities and
the set of classical entities correspond respectively to the set of microscopic entities
and the set of macroscopic entities as is usually thought. On the contrary, we believe,
and this will become clear step by step in the paper that we present here, that a
quantum entity should best be characterized by the nature of the structure of the
possibilities of experimentation on it. In this sense classical entities show themselves
to be special types of quantum entities, where this structure, due to the nature of
the entity itself, takes a special form. But, as we will show in the paper, there exists
macroscopic real physical entities with a quantum structure.
sentation. In this paper we will explain what we mean mostly by means
of a simple example.
As we have stated in the introduction, we will analyze the problems of
quantum mechanics by means of simple models. The first model that
we will introduce has been proposed at earlier occasions (see [5], [7],
[8] and [9]) and we have named it the 'quantum machine'. It will turn
out to be a real macroscopic mechanical model for the spin of a spin!
quantum entity. We will only need the mathematics of high school level
to introduce it. This means that alsothe readers that are not acquainted
with the sophisticated mathematics of general quantum mechanics can
follow all the calculations, only needing to refresh perhaps some of the
old high school mathematics.
We will introduce the example of the quantum machine model step
by step, and before we do this we need to explain shortly how we represent our ordinary three dimensional space by means of a real three
dimensional vector space.
3.1. The Mathematical Representation of Three Dimensional Space
We can represent the three dimensional Euclidean space, that is also
the space in which we live and in which our classical macroscopic reality exists, mathematically by means of a three dimensional real vector
space denoted ]R3. We do this by choosing a fixed origin 0 of space and
representing each point P of space as a vector v with begin-point 0 and
end-point P (see Fig 1). Such a vector v has a direction, indicated by
the arrow, and a length, which is the length of the distance from 0 to
the point P. We denote the length of the vector v by Ivl.
Fig 1 : A mathematical representation of the three
dimensional Euclidean space by means of a three
dimensional real vector space. We choose a fixed
point 0 which is the origin. For an arbitrary point
P we define the vector v that represents the point.
i) The sum of vectors
We introduce operations that can be performed with these vectors that
indicate points of our space. For example the sum of two vectors v, W E
]R3 representing two points P and Q is defined by means of the parallelogram rule (see Fig 2). It is denoted by v + wand is again a vector of
Fig 2 : A representation of the sum of two vectors
v and w, denoted by v+w.
ii) Multiplication of a vector by a real number
We can also define the multiplication of a vector v E lR 3 by a real number
r E lR, denoted by rv. It is again a vector of lR 3 with the same direction
and the same origin 0 and with length given by the original length of
the vector multiplied by the real number r (see Fig 3).
Fig 3 : A representation of the product of a vector
v with a real number r, denoted by rv.
iii) The inproduct of two vectors
We can also define what is called the inproduct of two vectors v and w,
denoted by < v, w >, as shown in Fig 4.
.. Ivlcosy
Fig 4 : A representation of the inproduct of two
vectors v and w, denoted by <v,w>.
It is the real number that is given by the length of vector v multiplied
by the length of vector w, multiplied by the cosine of the angle between
the two vectors v and w. Hence
< v, w > = Iv II w I cos r
where r is the angle between the vectors v and w (see Fig 4).
By means of this inproduct it is possible to express some important
geometric properties of space. For example: the inproduct < v, w > of
two non-zero vectors equals zero iff the two vectors are orthogonal to
each other. On the other hand there is also a straightforward relation
between the inproduct of a vector with itself and the length of this vector
< V,v >=
Ivl 2
iv) An orthonormal base of the vector space
For each finite dimensional vector space with an inproduct it is possible
to define an orthonormal base. For our case of the three dimensional real
vector space that we use to describe the points of the three dimensional
Euclidean space it is a set of three orthogonal vectors with the length of
each vector equal to 1 (see Fig 5).
V3 h3
,·····················1 =,h,+"h,+"h,
V2 h2
........... h2 ···!··········7
i ...""
Ih~: ..·. ~L. ..................·::::·..:~t2h
Fig 5 : An orthonormal base
{hl,h2,h3} of the three dimen
sional real vector space. We
can write an arbitrary vector
vasa sum of the three base
vectors multiplied respectively
by real numbers VI ,V2 and V3.
These numbers are called the
Cartesian coordinates of the
vector v for the orthonormal
base {hl,h 2,h3}.
Hence the set {hI, h 2 , h3} is an orthonormal base of our vector space
< hI, hI >= 1 < hl,h2 >= 0 < hI, h3 >= 0
< h 2 , hI >= 0 < h2, h2 >= 1 < h2, h3 >= 0
< h3,hl >= 0 < h3,h2 >= 0 < h 3, h3 >= 1
We can write each vector v E ]R3 as the sum of these base vectors respectively multiplied by real numbers VI, V2 and V3 (see Fig 5). Hence:
The numbers VI, V2 and V3 are called the Cartesian coordinates4 of the
vector V for the orthonormal base {hI, h 2 , h3}.
It was Rene Descartes who introduced this mathematical representation of our
three dimensional Euclidean space.
v} The Cartesian representation of space
As we have fixed the origin of our vector space we can also fix one
specific orthonormal base, for example the base {hI,h2,h3}, and decide
to express each vector v by means of the Cartesian coordinates with
respect to this fixed base. We will refer to such a fixed base as a Cartesian
base. Instead of writing v = vIh i + V2h2 + V3h3 it is common practice
to write v = (VI, V2, V3), only denoting the three Cartesian coordinates
and not the Cartesian base, which is fixed now anyway. As a logical
consequence we denote hI = (1,0,0), h2 = (0,1,0) and h3 = (0,0,1).
It is an easy exercise to show that the addition, multiplication with a
real number and the inproduct of vectors are given by the following
formulas. Suppose that we consider two vectors v = (VI,V2,V3) and W =
( WI, W2, W3) and a real number r, then we have:
v + W = (VI + WI, V2 + W2, V3 + W3)
rv = (rVI, rV2, rV3)
< v, W >= VIWI + V2W2 + V3W3
These are very simple mathematical formulas. The addition of vectors is
just the addition of the Cartesian coordinates of these vectors, the multiplication with a real number is just the multiplication of the Cartesian
coordinates with this number, and the inproduct of vectors is just the
sum of one by one products of the Cartesian coordinates. This is one of
the reasons why the Cartesian representation of the points of space is
very powerful.
vi} The representation of space by means of spherical coordinates
It is possible to introduce many systems of coordination of space. We will
in the following use one of these other systems: the spherical coordinate
system. We show the spherical coordinates p, () and ¢ of a point P with
Cartesian coordinates (VI, V2, V3) in Figure 6.
We have the following well known and easy to verify relations between
the two sets of coordinates (see Fig 6).
VI = P sin () cos ¢
V2 = P sin () sin ¢
V3 = pcos()
Fig. 6 : A point P with Cartesian
coordinates Vl,V2 and V3, and
spherical coordinates p,O and ¢.
3.2. The States of the Quantum Machine Entity
We have introduced in the foregoing section some elementary mathematics necessary to handle the quantum machine entity. First we will
define the possible states of the entity and then the experiments we can
perform on the entity.
The quantum machine entity is a point particle P in three dimensional Euclidean space that we represent by a vector v. The states of
the quantum machine entity are the different possible places where this
point particle can be, namely inside or on the surface of a spherical ball
(that we will denote by ball) with radius 1 and center 0 (Fig 7)5.
Let us denote the set of states of the quantum machine entity by ~cq 6 .
We will denote a specific state corresponding to the point particle being
in the place indicated by the vector v by the symbol PV. SO we have:
In the earlier presentations of the quantum machine [5], [7], [8] and [9], we only
considered the points on the surface of the sphere to be the possible states of the
quantum machine entity. If we want to find a model that is strictly equivalent to the
spin model for the spin~
of a quantum entity, this is what we have to do. We will
however see that it is fruitful, in relation with a possible solution of one of the quantum
paradoxes, to introduce a slightly more general model for the quantum machine and
also allow points of the interior of the sphere to represent states (see also [6] for the
representation of this more general quantum machine)
The subscript cq stands for 'completed quantum mechanics'. We will see indeed
in the following that the interior points of ball do not correspond to vector states of
standard quantum mechanics. If we add them anyhow to the set of possible states, as
we will do here, we present a completed version of standard quantum mechanics. We
will come back to this point in detail in the following sections.
Let us now explain in which way we interact, by means of experiments,
with this quantum machine entity. As we have defined the states it would
seem that we can 'know' these states just by localizing the point inside
the sphere (by means of a camera and a picture for example, or even
just by looking at the point). This however is not the case. We will
define very specific experiments that are the 'only' ones at our disposal
to find out 'where' the point is. In this sense it would have been more
appropriate to define first the experiments and afterwards the states of
the quantum machine entity. We will see that this is the way that we
quantum entity 7.
will proceed when we introduce the spin of a spin~
Fig. 7 : The quantum machine
entity P with its vector representation v, its cartesian coordinates
x,y and z, and its spherical coordinates p,() and <p.
3.3. The Experiments of the Quantum Machine
Let us now introduce the experiments. To do this we consider the point u
and the diametrically opposite point -u of the surface of the sphere ball.
We install an elastic strip (e.g., a rubber band) of 2 units of length, such
that it is fixed with one of its end-points in u and the other end-point
in -u (Fig 8,a).
As we have explained, the state Pv represents the point particle P
located in the point v. We will limit ourselves in this first introduction
of the quantum machine to states Pv where v = 1 and hence P is on the
surface of the sphere. Later we will treat the general case. Let us now
describe the experiment. Once the elastic is installed, the particle P falls
from its original place v orthogonally onto the elastic, and sticks to it
It is essential for the reader to understand this point. In our model we have defined
the states of the quantum machine entity, but actually there is no camera available to
'see' these states. The only experiments available are the ones that we will introduce
(Fig 8,b). Then, the elastic breaks at some arbitrary point. Consequently
the particle P, attached to one of the two pieces of the elastic (Fig 8,c),
is pulled to one of the two end-points u or -u (Fig 8,d). Now, depending
on whether the particle P arrives in u (as in Fig 8) or in -u, we give
the outcome 01 or 02 to the experiment. We will denote this experiment
by the symbol eu and the set of experiments connected to the quantum
machine by Ceq. Hence we have:
= {e u I u E ~3,
lui = I}
Fig. 8 : A representation of
the quantum machine. In(a)
the particle P is in state
pv, and the elastic corresponding to the experiment
eu is installed between the
two diametrically opposed
points u and -u. In (b) the
particle P falls orthogonally onto the elastic and sticks
to it. In (c) elastic breaks
and the particle P is pulled
towards the point u, such
that (d) it arrives at point
u, and the experiment e u
gets the outcome 01.
Fig. 9 : A representation of the experimental process in the plane where it takes place. The elastic
of length 2, corresponding to the experiment e u ,
is installed between u and -u. The probability,
J.L(eu,pv,ol), that the particle P ends up in point
u under influence of the experiment e" is given
by the length of the piece of elastic L1 divided
by the total length of the elastic. The probability,
J.L(e u ,pv,02), that the particle P ends up in point
-u is given by the length of the piece of elastic
L2 divided by the total length of the elastic.
3.4. The Transition Probabilities of the Quantum Machine
Let us now calculate the probabilities that are involved in these experiments such that we will be able to show later that they equal the
quantum probabilities connected to the quantum experiments on a spin~
quantum particle.
The probabilities are easily calculated. The probability, J-L(eu,pv, 01),
that the particle P ends up in point u and hence experiment eu gives
outcome 01, when the quantum machine entity is in state Pv, is given by
the length of the piece of elastic L1 divided by the total length of the
elastic (Fig 9). The probability, J-L(eu,pv, 02), that the particle P ends
up in point -u, and hence experiment eu gives outcome 02, when the
quantum machine entity is in state Pv, is given by the length of the piece
of elastic L2 divided by the total length of the elastic. This gives us:
-L1 = -(1
+ cos'Y) = cos2 -'Y
. 2 'Y
- = - (1 - cos 'Y) = sm 2
As we will see in next section, these are exactly the probabilities related
to the spin experiments on the spin of a spin! quantum particle.
4. THE S PIN 0 F ASP I N ~
Let us now describe the spin of a spin! quantum particle so that we can
show that our quantum machine is equivalent to it. Here we will proceed
the other way around and first describe in which way this spin manifests
itself experimentally.
4.1. The Experimental Manifestation of the Spin
The experiment showing the first time the property of spin for a quantum particle was the one by Stern and Gerlach [10], and the experimental apparatus involved is called a Stern-Gerlach apparatus. It essentially
consists of a magnetic field with a strong gradient, oriented in a particular direction u of space (Fig 10).
A. direction of
I,' the gradient
of the magnetic
arrival of
the beam
of quantum
Fig 10: The Stern-Gerlach apparatus measuring the spin of a spin!
quantum particle. The
particle beam comes in
from the left and passes
through a magnetic field
with a strong gradient
in the u direction. The
beam is split in two, one
goes up, absorbed by a
plate, and one down,
passing through.
A beam of quantum particles of spin ~ is directed through the magnet
following a path orthogonal to the direction of the gradient of the magnetic field. The magnetic field splits the beam into two distinct beams
which is a very unexpected phenomenon if the situation would be analysed by classical physics. One beam travels upwards in the direction of
the gradient of the magnetic field and one downwards. The beam directed downwards is absorbed by a plate that covers this downwards
part behind the magnetic field in the regions where the beams emerge.
The upwards beam passes through and out of the Stern-Gerlach apparatus. We will denote such a Stern-Gerlach experiment by fu where u
refers to the direction of space of the gradient of the magnetic field.
If we consider this experiment being performed on one single quantum
particle of spin ~, then it has two possible outcomes: (1) the particle is
deflected upwards and passes through the apparatus, let us denote this
outcome 01, (2) the particle is deflected downwards, and is absorbed by
the plate, lets denote this outcome 02. The set of experiments that we
will consider for this one quantum particle is the set of all possible SternGerlach experiments, for each direction u of space, which we denote by
£89 8 . Hence we have:
= {Ju
I u a direction in space}
4.2. The Spin States of a Spin~
Quantum Particle
Suppose that we have made a Stern-Gerlach experiment as explained and
we follow the beam of particles that emerges. Suppose that we perform
a second Stern-Gerlach experiment on this beam, with the gradient of
the magnetic field in the same direction u as in the first preparing SternGerlach apparatus. We will then see that now the emerging beam is not
divided into two beams. All particles of the beam are deviated upwards
and none of them is absorbed by the plate. This means that the first
experiment has 'prepared' the particles of the beam in such a way that it
can be predicted that they will all be deviated upwards: in physics we say
that the particles have been prepared in a spin state in direction u. Since
we can make such a preparation for each direction of space u it follows
that the spin of a spin ~ quantum particle can have a spin state connected
to any direction of space. So we will have to work out a description
of this spin state such that each direction of space corresponds to a
spin state. This is exactly what quantum mechanics does and we will
now expose this quantum description of the spin states. Since we have
The subscript sg stands for Stern-Gerlach.
chosen to denote the Stern-Gerlach experiments by fu where u refers
to the direction of the gradient of the magnetic field, we will use the
vector v to indicate the direction of the spin of the quantum particle.
Let us denote such a state by qv' This state qv is then connected with
the preparation by means of a Stern-Gerlach apparatus that is put in
a direction of space v. A particle that emerges from this Stern-Gerlach
apparatus and is not absorbed by the plate 'is' in spin state qv' Let us
denote the set of all spin states by L: sg . So we have:
L:sg =
a direction in space}
4.3. The Transition Probabilities of the Spin
If we now consider the experimental situation of two Stern-Gerlach apparatuses placed one after the other. The first Stern-Gerlach apparatus,
with gradient of the magnetic field in direction v, and a plate that absorbs the particles that are deflected down, prepares particles in spin
state qv. The second Stern-Gerlach apparatus is placed in direction of
space u and performs the experiment fu. We can then measure the relative frequency of particles being deflected "up" for example. The statistical limit of this relative frequency is the probability that a particle
will be deflected upwards. The laboratory results are such that, if we
denote by /-L(fu, qv, od the probability that the experiment fu makes the
particle deflect upwards-let us denote this as outcome ol-if the spin
state is qv, and by /-L(fu, qv, 02) the probability that the experiment fu
makes the particle be absorbed by the plate-let us denote this outcome
by 02-if the spin state is qv, we have:
where'Y is the angle between the two vectors u and v.
4.4. Equivalence of the Quantum Machine with the Spin
It is obvious that the quantum machine is a model for the spin of a
spin! quantum entity. Indeed we just have to identify the state Pv of the
quantum machine entity with the state qv of the spin, and the experiment
eu of the quantum machine with the experiment fu of the spin for all
directions of space u and v. Then we just have to compare the transition
probabilities for the quantum machine derived in formula's 9 and 10 with
the ones measured in the laboratory for the Stern-Gerlach experiment 9 .
Let us show in the next section that the standard quantum mechanical
calculation leads to the same transition probabilities.
We will now explicitly introduce the quantum mechanical description
of the spin of a spin~
quantum particle. As mentioned in the introduction, quantum mechanics makes a very abstract use of the vector space
structure for the description of the states of the quantum entities. Even
for the case of the simplest quantum model, the one we are presenting,
the quantum description is rather abstract as will become obvious in
the following. As we have mentioned in the introduction, it is the abstract nature of the quantum description that is partly at the origin of
the many conceptual difficulties concerning quantum mechanics. For this
reason we will introduce again quantum mechanics step by step.
5.1. The Quantum Description of the Spin States
quantum mechanics describes the different spin states qu for different
directions of space u by the unit vectors of a two dimensional complex
vector space, which we will denote by «::::2. This means that the spin states
are not described by unit vectors in a three dimensional real space, as it
is the case for our quantum machine model, but by unit vectors in a two
dimensional complex space. This switch from a three dimensional real
space to a two dimensional complex space lies at the origin of many of
the mysterious aspects of quantum mechanics. It also touches some deep
mathematical correspondences (the relation between SU(2) and SO(3)
for example) of which the physical content has not yet been completely
unraveled. Before we completely treat the spin states, let us give an
elementary description of «::::2 itself.
i) The vector space «::::2
«::::2 is a two-dimensional vector space over the field of the complex numbers. This means that each vector of «::::2-in its Cartesian representationis of the form (Zl' Z2) where Zl and Z2 are complex numbers. The addition
We do not consider here the states of the quantum machine corresponding to
points of the inside of the sphere. They do not correspond to states that we have
identified already by means of the Stern-Gerlach experiment. This problem will be
analysed in detail further on.
of vectors and the multiplication of a vector with a complex number are
defined as follows: for (Zl, Z2), (tl, t2) E <e 2 and for Z E <e we have:
(Zl, Z2) + (h, t2) = (Zl
Z(Zl, Z2) = (ZZl, ZZ2)
There exists an inproduct on
+ tl, Z2 + t2)
<e 2 : for (Zl, Z2), (tl, t2) E <e 2 we have:
< (Zl,Z2),(tl,t2) >= Zrtl +Z2t2
where * is the complex conjugation in <e. We remark that <, > is linear
in the second variable and conjugate linear in the first variable. More
explicitly this means that for (Zl, Z2), (tl, t2)' (rl, r2) E <e 2 and z, t E <e
we have:
< Z(Zl, Z2) + t(tl, t2)' (rl, r2) >
< (Tl, T2), Z(Zl, Z2) + t(tl, t2) >
z* < (Zl, Z2), (rl, r2) >
+t* < (tl, t2)' (rl, r2) > (17)
= Z < (Tl, r2), (Zl, Z2) >
+t < (Tl, T2)' (tl, t2) > (18)
The inproduct defines the 'length' or better 'norm' of a vector (Zl, Z2) E
<e 2 as:
and it also defines an orthogonality relation on the vectors of <e 2 : we say
that two vectors (Zl, Z2), (tl, t2) E <e 2 are orthogonal and write (Zl, Z2) ~
(tl,t2) iff:
A unit vector in <e 2 is a vector with norm equal to 1. Since the spin
states are represented by these unit vectors we introduce a special symbol
U(<e 2 ) to indicate the set of unit vectors of <e 2 • Hence:
The vector space has the Cartesian orthonormal base formed by the vectors (1,0) and (0,1) because we can obviously write each vector (Zl, Z2)
in the following way:
ii) The quantum representation of the spin states
Let us now make explicit the quantum mechanical representation of the
spin states. The state qv of the spin of a spin~
quantum particle III
direction v is represented by the unit vector Cv of U(C 2 ):
= (cos2e~,in-)
where and ¢ are the spherical coordinates of the unit vector v. It is
easy to verify that these are unit vectors in ((:2. Indeed,
e . e
Ic(e, ¢)I = cos2 '2 + sm2 '2 = 1
It is also easy to verify that two quantum states that correspond to
opposite vectors v = (1, e, ¢) and -v = (1, 7r - e, ¢ + 7r) are orthogonal.
Indeed, a calculation shows
This gives us the complete quantum mechanical description of the spin
states of the spin of a spin~
quantum particle.
5.2. The Quantum Description of the Spin Experiments
We now have to explain how the spin experiments are described in the
quantum formalism. As we explained already in detail, a spin experiment
fu in the laboratory is executed by means of a Stern-Gerlach apparatus. To describe these experiments quantum mechanically we have to
introduce somewhat more advanced mathematics, although still easy to
master for those readers who have had no problems till now. So we encourage them to keep up with us.
i) Projection operators
The first concept that we have to introduce for the description of the
experiments lO is that of an operator or matrix. We only have to explain
the case we are interested in, namely the case of the two dimensional
complex vector space that describes the states of the spin of a spin~
quantum particle. In this case an operator or matrix H consists of four
complex numbers
Z12 )
We use 'experiment' to indicate the interaction with the physical entity. A measurement in this sense is a special type of experiment.
that have a well defined operation on the vectors of C 2 : for (Zl' Z2) E C 2
we have H(Zl, Z2) = (81,82) where
It is easily verified that this operation is linear, which means that for
(Zl' Z2), (h, t2) E C 2 and z, t E C we have:
Moreover it can be shown that every linear operation on the vectors of
C 2 is represented by a matrix. There is a unit operator I and a zero
operator 0 that respectively maps each vector onto itself and on the zero
vector (0,0):
The sum of two operators HI and H2 is defined as the operator HI + H2
such that
and the product of these two operators is the operator HI . H2 such that
We need some additional concepts and also a special set of operators to
be able to explain how experiments are described in quantum mechanics.
We say that a vector (Zl' Z2) E C 2 is an 'eigenvector' of the operator H
iff for some Z E C we have:
If (ZI' Z2) is different from (0,0) we say that Z is the eigenvalue of the
operator H corresponding to the eigenvector (ZI' Z2)'
Let us introduce now the special type of operators that we need to
explain how experiments are described by quantum mechanics. A projection operator P is an operator such that p2 = P and such that for
(ZI, Z2), (tl' t2) E C 2 we have:
We remark that a projection operator, as we have defined it here, is
sometimes called an orthogonal projection operator. Let us denote the
set of all projection operators by .C(C 2 ).
If P E £((:2) then also 1 - P E £((:2). Indeed (I - P)(I - P) = 1 - PP + p2 = 1 - P - P + P = 1 - P.
We can show that the eigenvalues of a projection operator are 0 or 1.
Indeed, suppose that Z E (: is such an eigenvalue of P with eigenvector
(Zl, Z2) #- (0,0). We then have P(Zl, Z2) = Z(Zl, Z2) = p 2(Zl, Z2) =
Z2(Zl, Z2). From this follows that Z2 = Z and hence Z = 1 or Z = 0.
Let us now investigate what the possible forms of projection operators
are in our case ([:2. We consider the set {P, I - P} for an arbitrary
P E £(([:2).
i) Suppose that P(Zl,Z2) = (0,0) V (Zl,Z2) E ([:2. Then P = 0 and
1 - P = 1. This means that this situation is uniquely represented by the
set {O,I}.
ii) Suppose that there exists an element
(Zl, Z2) E (:2 such that P(Zl, Z2)
(0,0). Then P(P(Zl' Z2)) = P(Zl, Z2) which shows that P(Zl' Z2)
is an eigenvector of P with eigenvalue 1. Further we also have that
(I - P)(P(Zl' Z2)) = 0 which shows that P(Zl' Z2) is an eigenvector of
1 - P with eigenvalue O. If we further suppose that (I - P)(Y1, Y2) =
o V (Yl, Y2) E (:2, then we have P = I and the situation is represented
by the set {I,O}.
iii) Let us now suppose that there exists a (Zl' Z2) as in ii) and an element
(Y1, Y2) E (:2 such that (I - P)(Y1, Y2) =f. O. An analogous reasoning then
shows that (I - P)(Y1, Y2) is an eigenvector of I - P with eigenvalue 1
and an eigenvector of P with eigenvalue O. Furthermore we have:
< P(Zl' Z2), (I - P)(Y1, Y2) >
< (Zl' Z2), P(I - P)(Y1, Y2) >
which shows that P(Zl' Z2) -.l (I - P)(Yl, Y2). This also proves that
P(Zl,Z2) and (I - P)(Y1,Y2) form an orthogonal base of <e 2 , and P
is in fact the projection on the one dimensional subspace generated by
P(Zl' Z2), while 1- P is the projection on the one dimensional subspace
generated by (1 - P)(Y1, Y2).
These three cases i), ii) and iii) cover all the possibilities, and we have
now introduced all the elements necessary to explain how experiments
are described in quantum mechanics.
ii) The quantum representation of the measurements
An experiment e in quantum mechanics, with two possible outcomes 01
and 02, in the case where the states are represented by the unit vectors
of the two dimensional complex Hilbert space ((:2, is represented by such
a set {P, I - P} of projection operators satisfying situation iii). This
means that P i= 0 and I - P i= o. Let us state now the quantum rule
that determines in which way the outcomes occur and what happens to
the state under the influence of a measurement.
If the state p of the quantum entity is represented by a unit vector
(ZI, Z2) and the experiment e by the set of non zero projection operators
{P, I - P}, then the outcome 01 of e occurs with a probability given by
< (ZI,Z2),P(ZI,Z2) >
and if
occurs the unit vector (ZI, Z2) is changed into the unit vector
P(ZI, Z2)
IP(ZI, z2)1
that represents the new state of the quantum entity after the experiment
e has been performed. The outcome 02 of e occurs with a probability
given by
and if
occurs the unit vector (ZI' Z2) is changed into the unit vector
(I - P)(ZI,Z2)
I(I - P)(ZI, z2)1
that represents the new state of the quantum entity after the experiment
e has been performed.
We remark that we have:
< (Zl' Z2), P(ZI, Z2) > + < (ZI, Z2), (I - P)(ZI, Z2) >
=< (ZI' Z2), (ZI, Z2) >= 1
such that these numbers can indeed serve as probabilities for the respective outcomes, i.e., they add up to 1 exhausting all other possibilities.
iii) The quantum representation of the spin experiments
Let us now make explicit how quantum mechanics describes the spin
experiments with a Stern-Gerlach apparatus in direction u, hence the
experiment f u·
The projection operators that correspond to the spin measurement of
the spin of a spin ~ quantum particle in the u direction are given by
{Pu , 1- Pu } where
=~ (
1 i:" cosa
e+ 2{3 sin a
e- i {3 sina )
1 - cos a
where u = (1, a, (3) and hence a and (3 are the spherical coordinates
angles of the vector u. We can easily verify that
1 ( 1- cosa
- e+~(J sin a
1- Pu = P u = 2
sin a )
1 + cos a
Let us calculate in this case the quantum probabilities. Hence suppose
that we have the spin in a state qv and a spin measurement f u in the
direction u is performed. The quantum rule for the probabilities then
gives us the following result. The probability /1(fu, qv, 01) that the experiment f u gives an outcome 01 if the quantum particle is in state qv is
given by:
And the probability /1(fu, qv, 02) that the experiment fu gives an outcome
02 if the quantum particle is in state qv is given by:
This is not a complicated, but a somewhat long calculation. If we introduce the angle 'Y between the two directions u and v (see Fig. 11), it
is possible to show that the probabilities can be expressed by means of
this angle 'Y in a simple form.
Fig. 11 : Two points v=(l,O,¢)
and u=(l,a,(J) on the unit sphere and the angle 'Y between the
two directions (O,¢) and (a,{3).
We have:
J..l(fu, qv, 01) = cos 2 ~
J..l(fu, qv, 02) = sin2 ~
These are indeed the transition probabilities for the spin measurement
of the spin of a spin~
quantum particle found in the laboratory (see
formulas 13, 14).
To see this immediately we can, without loss of generality, choose the
situation of the spin measurement for the z axis direction. Hence in this
case we have u = (1, a, 13) with a = 0 and 13 = 0 for the experiment
giving outcome 01 and a = 7r and 13 = 0 for the experiment giving the
outcome 02. This gives us for fu the projection operators {Pu , P- u } given
For the probabilities we have:
f-l(fu, qv, 01)
cv , PuCv
f-l (
>= cos "2
. 2
>= SIn "2
We mentioned already that quantum mechanics describes the experiments in a very abstract way. This is one of the reasons why it is so difficult to understand many of the aspects of quantum mechanics. Since the
quantum machine that we have presented also generates an isomorphic
structure we have shown that, within our common reality, it is possible
to realize this structure. The quantum machine is a model for the spin of
a spin ~ quantum particle and it is also a model for the abstract quantum
description in the two dimensional complex vector space. This result will
make it possible for us to analyse the hard quantum problems and to
propose new solutions to these problems.
Probability, as it was first and formally introduced by Laplace and later
axiomatised by Kolmogorov, is a description of our lack of knowledge
about what really happens. Suppose that we say for a dice we throw, we
have one chance out of six that the number 2 will be up when it lands on
the floor. What is the meaning of this statement? It is very well possible
that the motion of the dice through space after it has been thrown is
completely deterministic and hence that if we knew all the details we
could predict the outcome with certaintyll. So the emergence of the
We do not state here that complete determinism is the case, but just want to
point out that it could be.
probability ~ in the case of the diee does not refer to an indeterminism
in the reality of what happens with the dice. It is just a description
of our lack of knowledge about what precisely happens. Since we do
not know what really happens during the trajectory of the dice and its
landing and since we also do not know this for all repeated experiments
we will make, there is an equal chance-for reasons of symmetry-for
each side to be up after the diee stopped moving. Probability of ~ for
each event expresses this type of lack of knowledge. Philosophers say
in this case that the probability is 'epistemic'. Probability that finds its
origin in nature itself and not in our lack of knowledge about what really
happens is called 'ontologie'.
Before the advent of quantum mechanics there was no important debate about thenature of the probabilities encountered in the physical
world. It was commonly accepted that probabilities are epistemic and
hence can be explained as due to our lack of knowledge about what
really happens. It is this type of probability-the one encountered in
classical physics-that was axiomatized by Kolmogorov and therefore it
is commonly believed that Kolmogorovian probabilities are epistemic.
It was rather a shock when physicists found out that the structure of
the probability model that is encountered in quantum mechanics does
not satisfy the axioms of Kolmogorov. Would this mean that quantum
probabilities are ontologic? Anyhow it could only mean two things: (1)
the quantum probabilities are ontologic, or (2) the axiomatic system of
Kolmogorov does not describe all types of epistemic probabilities. In this
second case quantum probabilities could still be epistemic.
6.1. Hidden Variable Theories
Most of investigations that physicist, mathematicians and philosophers
carried out regarding the nature of the quantum probabilities pointed in
the direction of ontologie probabilities. Indeed, a whole area of research
was born specifically with the aim of investigating this problem, it was
called 'hidden variable theory research'. The reason for this naming is
the following: if the quantum probabilities are merely epistemic, it must
be possible to build models with 'hidden variables', their prior absence
causing the probabilistic description. These models must be able to substitute the quantum models, i.e., they are equivalent, and they entail
explicitly epistemic probabilities, in the sense that a randomisation over
the hidden variables gives rise to the quantum probabilities.
Actually physicists trying to construct such hidden variable models
had thermodynamics in mind. The theory of thermodynamies is independent of classical mechanics, and has its own set of physical quantities
such as pressure, volume, temperature, energy and entropy and its own
set of states. It was, however, possible to introduce an underlying theory
of classical mechanics. To do so, one assumes that every thermodynamic
entity consists of a large number of molecules and the real pure state
of the entity is determined by the positions and momenta of all these
molecules. A thermodynamic state of the entity is then a mixture or
mixed state of the underlying theory. The programme had been found
feasible and it was a great success to derive the laws of thermodynamics
in this way from Newtonian mechanics.
Is it possible to do something similar for quantum mechanics? Is it
possible to introduce extra variables into quantum mechanics such that
these variables define new states, and the description of the entity based
on these new states is classical? Moreover would quantum mechanics be
the statistical theory that results by averaging over these variables? This
is what scientists working on hidden variable theories were looking for.
John von Neumann gave the first proof of the impossibility of hidden
variables for quantum mechanics [1]. One of the assumptions that von
Neumann made in his proof is that the expectation value of a linear
combination of physical quantities is the linear combination of the expectation values of the physical quantities. As remarked by John Bell
[11], this assumption is not justified for non compatible physical quantities, such that, indeed, von Neumann's proof cannot be considered conclusive. Bell constructs in the same reference a hidden variable model
for the spin of a spin ~ quantum particle, and shows that indeed von
Neumann's assumption is not satisfied in his model. Bell also criticizes
in his paper two other proofs of the nonexistence of hidden variables,
namely the proof by Jauch and Piron [12] and the proof by Gleason [13].
Bell correctly points out the danger of demanding extra assumptions
to be satisfied without knowing exactly what these assumptions mean
physically. The extra mathematical assumptions, criticized by Bell, were
introduced in all these approaches to express the physical idea that it
must be possible to find, in the hidden variable description, the original
physical quantities and their basic algebra. This physical idea was most
delicately expressed, without extra mathematical assumptions, and used
in the impossibility proof of Kochen and Specker [14]. Gudder [15] gave
an impossibility proof along the same lines as the one of Jauch and Piron,
but now carefully avoiding the assumptions criticized by Bell.
One could conclude by stating that everyone of these impossibility
proofs consists of showing that a hidden variable theory gives rise to a
certain mathematical structure for the physical quantities (see [1], [13J
and [14]) or for the properties (see [12J and [15]) of the physical entity
under consideration. The physical quantities and the properties of a
quantum mechanical entity do not fit into this structure and therefore it
is impossible to replace quantum mechanics by a hidden variable theory.
More recently this structural difference between classical entities and
quantum entities has been studied by Accardi within the category of the
probability models itself [16], [17]. Accardi explicitly defines the concept of Kolmogorovian probability model starting from the concept of
conditional probability. He identifies Bayes axiom as the one that, if
it is satisfied, renders the probability model Kolmogorovian, i.e., classical. Again this approach of probability shows the fundamental difference
between a classical theory and a quantum theory.
A lot of physicists, once aware of this fundamental structural difference
between classical and quantum theories, gave up hope that it would ever
be possible to replace quantum mechanics by a hidden variable theory;
and we admit to have been among them. Meanwhile it has become clear
that the state of affairs is more complicated.
6.2. Hidden Measurement Theories
Years ago we managed to built a macroscopic classical entity that violates the Bell inequalities [18], [19] and [20]. About the same time Accardi had shown that Bell inequalities are equivalent to his inequalities
characterizing a Kolmogorovian probability model. This meant that the
example we had constructed to violate Bell inequalities should also violate Accardi's inequalities characterizing a Kolmogorovian probability
model, which indeed proved to be the case. But this meant that we
had given an example of a macroscopic 'classical' entity having a non
Kolmogorovian probability model. This was very amazing and the classification made by many physicists of a micro world described by quantum
mechanics and a macro world described by classical physics was challenged. The macroscopic entity with a non Kolmogorovian probability
model was first published in [7] and refined in [8], but essentially it is
the quantum machine that we have presented again in this paper.
We were able to show at that time the state of affairs to be the following. If we have a physical entity S and we have a lack of knowledge about
the state p of the physical entity S, then a theory describing this situation is necessarily a classical statistical theory with a Kolmogorovian
probability model. If we have a physical entity S and a lack of knowledge
about the measurement e to be performed on the physical entity S, and
to be changing the state of the entity S, then we cannot describe this
situation by a classical statistical theory, because the probability model
that arises is non Kolmogorovian. Hence, lack of knowledge about measurements, that change the state of the entity under study, gives rise
to a non Kolmogorovian probability model. What do we mean by 'lack
of knowledge about the measurement e'? Well, we mean that the measurement e is in fact not a 'pure' measurement, in the sense that there
are hidden properties of the measurement, such that the performance
of e introduces the performance of a 'hidden' measurement, denoted e A ,
with the same set of outcomes as the measurement e. The measurement
e consists then in fact of choosing one way or another between one of the
hidden measurements e A and then performing the chosen measurement
We can very easily see how these hidden measurements appear in the
quantum machine. Indeed, if we call the measurement e~ the measurement that consists in performing eu and such that the elastic breaks in
the point A for some A E [-u, u], then, each time eu is performed, it is actually one of the e~ that takes place. We do not control this, in the sense
that the e~ are really 'hidden measurements' that we cannot choose to
perform. The probability fL(eu,pv, or) that the experiment eu gives the
outcome 01 if the entity is in state Pv is a randomisation over the different situations where the hidden measurements e~ gives the outcome 01
with the entity in state Pv. This is exactly the way we have calculated
this probability in section 3.4.
6.3. Explaining the Quantum Probabilities
First of all we have to mention that it is possible to construct a 'quantum machine' model for an arbitrary quantum mechanical entity. This
means that the 'hidden measurement' explanation can be adopted generally, explaining also the origin of the quantum probabilities for a general
quantum entity. We refer to [8], [21], [22], [23] and [24] for a demonstration of the fact that every quantum mechanical entity can be represented
by a hidden measurement model. What is now the consequence of this
for the explanation of the quantum probabilities? It proves that quantum
probability is epistemic, and hence conceptually no ontologic probability
has to be introduced to account for it. The quantum probability however finds its origin in the lack of knowledge that we have about the
interaction between the measurement and the physical entity. In this
sense it is a type of probability that is non-classical and does not appear
in the classical statistical theories. Quantum mechanical states are pure
states and descriptions of the reality of the quantum entity. This means
that the 'hidden variable' theories which try to make quantum theory
into a classical statistical theory are doomed to fail, as the mentioned
no-go theorems for hidden variable theories had proven already without explaining why. Our approach allows to understand why. Indeed,
there is another type of epistemic probability than the one identified in
the classical statistical theories, namely the probability due to a lack of
knowledge on the interaction between the measurement and the physical
entity under study. It is natural that this new type of epistemic probability cannot be eliminated from a theory that describes the reality of
the physical entity, because it appears when one incorporates the experiments related to the measurements of the properties of the physical
entity in question. Therefore it is also natural that it remains present in
the physical theory describing the reality of the physical entity, but it
has no ontologic nature. This means that, with the explanation of the
quantum probabilities put forward here, quantum mechanics does not
contradict determinism for the whole of reality12.
6.4. Quantum, Classical and Intermediate
If we demand for the quantum machine that the elastic can break at
everyone of its points, and the breaking of a piece is such that it is
proportional to the length of this piece, then this hypothesis fixes the
possible 'amount' of lack of knowledge about the interaction between the
experimental apparatus and the physical entity. Indeed, only certain type
of elastic can be used to perform the experiments. On the other hand,
we can easily imagine elastics that break according to different laws
depending on their physical construction. Let us introduce the following
different kinds of elastics: at one extremity we consider elastics that can
break in everyone of its points and such that the breaking of a piece
is proportional to the length of this piece. These are the ones we have
already considered, and since they lead to a pure quantum structure, we
call them quantum elastics. At the other extremity, we consider a type
of elastic that can only break in one point, and let us suppose, for the
sake of simplicity, that this point is the middle of the elastic (in [5], [25],
[26] and [27] the general situation is treated). This kind of elastic is far
from elastic, but since it is an extreme type of real elastics, we still give
it that name. We shall show that if experiments are performed with this
class of elastic, the resulting structures are classical, and therefore we
will call them classical elastics. For the general case, we want to consider
a class of elastics that can only break in a segment of length 2E around
the center of the elastic. Let us call these E-elastics.
Our explanation does of course not prove that the whole of reality is deterministic.
It shows that quantum mechanics does not give us an argument for the contrary.
Fig 12 : An experiment with an E-elastic. The
elastic can only break between the points -E
and +E. L1 is the length of the interval where
the elastic can break such that the point P
finally arrives in u, and L2 is the length of
the interval where the elastic can break such
that the point P finally arrives at -u.
The elastic with E = 0, hence the O-elastic, is the classical elastic, and
the elastic with E = 1, hence the I-elastic, is the quantum elastic. In this
way, the parameter E can be interpreted as representing the magnitude
of the lack of knowledge about the interaction between the measuring
apparatus and the physical entity. If E = 0, and for the experiment eu
only classical elastics are used, there is no lack of knowledge, in the sense
that all elastics will break at the same point and have the same influence
on the changing of the state of the entity. The experiment eu is then a
pure experiment. If E = 1, and for the experiment e u only quantum
elastics are used, the lack of knowledge is maximal, because the chosen
elastic can break at any of its points. In Fig 12 we have represented a
typical situation of an experiment with an E-elastic, where the elastic
can only break between the points -E and +E.
Let us calculate the probabilities p( e u , Pv, 01) and p( e u , Pv, 02) for
state-transitions from the state Pv of the particle P before the experiment e u to one of the states Pu or p-u. Different cases are possible:
(1) If the projection of the point P lies between -u and -E (see Fig 12),
p(eu,pv, 01) = 0
p(eu,pv, 02) = 1
(2) If the projection of the point P lies between +E and u, then
p(eu,pv,od = 1
p(eu,pv, 02) = 0
(3) If the projection of the point P lies between
-(E - cos,),)
2E (E + cos')')
and +E then
The entity that we describe here is neither quantum, nor classical, but
intermediate. If we introduce these intermediate entities, then it becomes
possible to describe a continuous transition from quantum to classical
(see [5], [25], [26] and [27] for details). It gives us a way to introduce a
specific solution to 'classical limit problem'.
In the foregoing example of the intermediate situation we have the feeling that we consider a situation that will not fit into standard quantum
mechanics. However the situation is either not classical. But how could
we prove this? This could only be done if we had an axiomatic formulation of quantum mechanics and classical mechanics, such that the axioms
could be verified on real physical examples of entities to see whether a
certain situation is quantum or classical or neither. This means that the
axioms have to be formulated by means of concepts that can be identified properly if a real physical entity is given. This is certainly not the
case for standard quantum mechanics, but within the quantum structures research large parts of such an axiomatic system has been realised
through the years.
7.1. State Property Spaces: the Ontologie Part
By lack of space we can not expose all the details of an operational axiomatic formulation, but we will consider the most important ingredients
quantum particle or the
in some detail and consider the spin of a spin~
quantum machine as an example. In the first place we have to formalize
the basic concepts: states and properties of a physical entity.
i) The states of the entity S
With each entity S corresponds a well defined set of states E of the
entity. This are the modes of being of the entity. This means that at
each moment the entity S 'is' in a specific state pEE.
ii) The properties of the entity S
Historically quantum axiomatics has been elaborated mainly by considering the set of properties 13 . With each entity S corresponds a well
defined set of properties .c. The entity S 'has' a certain property or does
not have it. We will respectively say that the property a E .c is 'actual'
or is 'potential' for the entity S.
We have to remark that in the original paper of Birkhoff and von Neumann [2], the
concept of 'operational proposition' is introduced as the basic concept. An operational
proposition is not the same as a property (see [28], [29]), but it points at the same
structural part of the quantum axiomatic.
To be able to present the axiomatisation of the set of states and the set
of properties of an entity S in a mathematical way, we have to introduce
some additional concepts.
Suppose that the entity S is in a specific state p E ~. Then some of
the properties of S are actual and some are not (potential). This means
that with each state p E ~ corresponds a set of actual properties, subset of .c. Mathematically this defines a function ~ : ~ --+ P('c), which
makes each state p E ~ correspond to the set ~(p)
of properties that are
actual in this state. With the notation P('c) we mean the 'powerset' of
'c, i.e., the set of all subsets of .c. From now on-and this is methodologically a step towards mathematical axiomatization-we can replace
the statement 'property a E ,C is actual for the entity S in state p E ~'
by 'a E ~ (p)', which is just an expression of set theory.
Suppose now that for the entity S a specific property a E ,C is actual.
Then this entity is in a certain state pEL: that makes a actual. With
each property a E ,C we can associate the set of states that make this
property actual, i.e., a subset of~.
Mathematically this defines a function
'" : ,C --+ P(~),
which makes each property a E ,C correspond to the set
of states ",(a) that make this property actual. This is a similar step to
axiomatization. Indeed, this time we can replace the statement 'property
a E ,C is actual if the entity S is in state p E ~' by the set theoretical
expression 'p E ",(a)'.
Summarising the foregoing we now have:
property a E ,C is actual for the entity S in state p E
¢:? a E ~(p)
¢:? p E ",(a)
This expresses a fundamental 'duality' among states and properties. We
will introduce a specific mathematical structure to represent an entity
S, its states and its properties, taking into account this duality. We need
the set ~, the set 'c, and the two functions ~ and "'.
Definition 1 (state property space). Consider two sets
two functions
'" : ,C --+ P(~)
If p E
a f-7 ",(a)
and ,C and
and a E ,C we have:
P E ",(a)
then we say that (~,'c
"') is a state property space. The elements of
are interpreted as states and the elements of ,C as properties of the
entity S. The interpretation of (55) is 'property a is actual if S is in
state p' 14
There are two natural 'implication relations' we can introduce on a
state property space. If the situation is such that if 'a E [, is actual for S
in state p E ~' implies that 'b E [, is actual for S in state p E ~' we say
that the property a implies the property b. This 'property implication'
relation is expressed by a mathematical relation on the set of properties
(see following definition). If the situation is such that 'a E [, is actual
for S in state q E ~' implies that 'a E is actual for S in state p E ~' we
say that the state p implies the state q. Again we will express this 'state
implication' by means of a mathematical relation on the set of states.
Definition 2 {state implication and property implication}. Consider a
state property space (~, £,~
For a, bE £ we introduce:
a -< b {:}
and we say that
C ~(b)
'implies' b. For p, q
p -< q {:} ~(q)
E ~
we introduce:
C ~(p)
and we say that p 'implies' q
We will introduce now the mathematical concept of a pre-order relation.
Definition 3 {pre-order relation}. Suppose that we have a set Z. We
say that -< is a pre-order relation on Z iff for x, y, z E Z we have:
-< y and y -< z
x -< z
For two elements x, y E Z such that x -< y and y -< x we denote x
and we say that x is equivalent to y.
We remark that it is enough to give two sets L: and £ and a function ~ : L: --> P(£)
to define a state property space. Indeed, if we define the function r;, : £ --> P(L:) such
that r;,(a) = {p I pEL:, a E ~(p)}
then (L:, £,~
r;,) is a state property space. This
explains why we do not explicitly consider the function r;, in the formal approach
outlined in [6], [30] and [31] in the definition of a state property system, which is a
specific type of state property space. Similarly it would be enough to give L:, £ and
r;, : £ --> P(L:).
Remark that the state implication and property implication are not defined in
a completely analogous way. Indeed, then we should for example have written p -<
q <=} ~(p)
c ~(q).
That we have chosen to define the state implication the other way
around is because historically this is how intuitively is thought about states implying
one another.
It is easy to verify that the implication relations that we have introduced
are pre-order relations.
Theorem 1. Consider a state property space (2:, L, C K:), then 2:,-<
and L, -< are pre-ordered sets.
We can show the following for a state property space
Theorem 2. Consider a state property space (2:, L, ~, K:).
(1) Suppose that a, bEL and P E 2:. If a E ~(p)
and a -< b, then b E ~(p).
(2) Suppose that p, q E 2: and a E L. If q E K:(a) and p -< q then p E K:(a).
Proof: (1) We have p E K:(a) and K:(a) C K:(b). This proves that p E K:(b)
and hence b E ~(p).
(2) We have a E ~(q)
and ~(q)
C ~(p)
and hence
a E ~(p).
This shows that p E K:(a).
The reader will now better understand why the original studies of the
axiomatization of quantum mechanics have been called quantum logic.
Indeed, we have also used the name 'implication'. We will see that we can
also introduce concepts that are close to 'disjunction' and 'conjunction'.
But we point out again that we are structuring more than just the logical
aspects of entities. We aim at a formalization of the complete ontologic
structure of physical entities.
7.2. Meet Properties and Join States
If we have a structure with implications and we are inspired by logic, we
are tempted to wonder about conjunctions and disjunctions. Here again
it becomes clear that we are studying a quite different situation than
the one analyzed by traditional logic.
Suppose we consider a set of properties (aik It is very well possible
that there exist states of the entity S in which all the properties ai
are actual. This is in fact always the case if niK:(ai) "I- 0. Indeed, if we
consider p E niK:( ai) and S in state p, then all the properties ai are
actual. If it is such that the situation where all properties ai of a set
(ai)i and no other are actual is again a property of the entity S, we
will denote this new property by !\iai, and call it the 'meet property'
of all ai. Clearly we have !\iai is actual for S in state p E 2: iff ai is
actual for all i for S in state p. This means that we have !\iai E ~(p)
ai E ~(p)
Vi. This formulation of the 'meet property' gives us the clue
how to introduce it formally in a state property space.
Suppose now that we consider a set of states (pj) j of the entity S. It
is very well possible that there exist properties of the entity such that
these properties are actual if S is in anyone of the states Pj. This is in
fact always the case if nj~(p)
=I=- 0. Indeed suppose that a E nj~(p).
Then we have that a E ~ (pj) for each one of the states Pj, which means
that a is actual if S is in anyone of the states Pj. If it is such that the
situation where S is in anyone of the states Pj is again a state of S, we
will denote this new state by VjPj and call it the 'join state' of all Pj.
Clearly we have that a property a E C is actual for S in state V jPj iff
this property a is actual for S in any of the states Pj. This formulation of
the 'join state' indicates again the way we have to introduce it formally
in a state property space 16 . The existence of meet properties and join
states will give additional structure to L; and C.
4 (complete state property space).
Consider a state propK:). We say that the state property space is 'property
erty space (L;, C,~
complete' iff for an arbitrary set (ai)i, ai E C of properties there exists
a property !\iai E C such that for an arbitrary state pEL;:
We say that a state property space is 'state complete' iff for an arbitrary
set of states (pj) j, Pj E ~ there exists a state V jPj E ~ such that for an
arbitrary property a E C:
If a state property space is property complete and state complete we call
it a 'complete' state property space.
The following definition and theorem explain why we have chosen to
call such a state property space complete.
Definition 5 (complete pre-ordered set). Suppose that Z, --< is a preordered set. We say that Z is a complete pre-ordered set iff for each
subset (Xi)i, Xi E Z of elements of Z there exists an infimum and a
supremum in Z17.
We remark that we could also try to introduce join properties and meet states.
It is however a subtle, but deep, property of reality, that this cannot be done on the
same level. We will understand this better when we introduce in the next section
the operational aspects of the axiomatic approach. We will see there that only meet
properties and join states can be operationally defined in the general situation.
An infimum of a subset (Xi)i of a pre-ordered set Z is an element of Z that is
smaller than all the Xi and greater than any element that is smaller than all Xi. A
supremum of a subset (Xi)i of a pre-ordered set Z is an element of Z that is greater
than all the Xi and smaller than any element that is greater than all the Xi.
Theorem 3. Consider a complete state property space
Then ~,-<
and C, --< are complete pre-ordered sets.
Proof: Consider an arbitrary set (ai)i, ai E C. We will show that !\iai
is an infimum. First we have to proof that !\iai --< ak V k. This follows
immediately from (59) and the definition of --< given in (56). Indeed, from
this definition follows that we have to prove that K,(!\iai) C K,(ak) V k.
Consider p E K,(!\iai). From (55) follows that this implies that !\iai E
Through (59) this implies that ak E ~(p)
V k. If we apply (55)
again this proves that p E /'i,(ak) V k. So we have shown that K,(!\iad C
K,(ak) V k. This shows already that !\iai is a lower bound for the set
(aik Let us now show that it is a greatest lower bound. So consider
another lower bound, a property b E C such that b --< ak V k. Let us
show that b --< !\iai. Consider p E K,(b), then we have pEak V k since b
is a lower bound. This gives us that ak E ~(p)
V k, and as a consequence
!\iai E ~(p).
But this shows that p E /'i,(!\iai). So we have proven that
b --< !\i ai and hence !\i ai is an infimum of the subset (ai k Let us now
prove that V jPj is a supremum of the subset (pj k The proof is very
similar, but we use (60) in stead of (59). Let us again first show that
V jPj is an upper bound of the subset (pj k We have to show that Pl --<
VjPj V l. This means that we have to prove that ~(VjP)
C ~(pl)
V l.
Consider a E ~(VjP),
then we have VjPj E /'i,(a). From (60) it follows
that Pl E /'i,(a) V l. As a consequence, and applying (55), we have that
a E ~(pl)
V l. Let is now prove that it is a least upper bound. Hence
consider another upper bound, meaning a state q, such that Pl --< q V l.
This means that ~(q)
C ~(Pl)
V l. Consider now a E ~(q),
then we have
a E ~(pl)
V l. Using again (55), we have PI E K,(a) V l. From (60) follows
then that Vjpj E /'i,(a) and hence a E ~(Vja).
We have shown now that !\iai is an infimum for the set (ai)i, ai E C,
and that VjPj is a supremum for the set (Pj)j,Pj E ~. It is a mathematical consequence that for each subset (ai)i, ai E C, there exists
also a supremum in C, let is denote it by Viai, and that for each subset (pj) j , Pj E ~,
there exists also an infimum in ~,
let us denote
it by !\jPj. They are respectively given by Viai = !\xE£:',ai...;xVi x and
= VyE'E,Y"';PjVj
For both C and ~ it can be shown that this implies that there is at
least one minimal and one maximal element. Indeed, an infimum of all
elements of C is a minimal element of C and an infimum of the empty
We remark that the supremum for elements of £:. and the infimum for elements of
E, although they exists, as we have proven here, have no simple operational meaning,
as we will see in the next section.
set is a maximal element of £'. In an analogous way a supremum of all
elements of E is a maximal element of E and a supremum of the empty
set is a minimal element of I;. Of course there can be more minimal and
maximal elements. If a property a E £, is minimal we will express this by
a ~ 0 and if a property bE£' is maximal we will express this by b ~ I.
An analogous notation will be used for the maximal and minimal states.
For a complete state property space we can specify the structure of
the maps ~ and K, somewhat more after having introduced the concept
of 'property state' and 'state property'.
Theorem 4. Consider a complete state property space (~,
£', ~, K,). For
pEE we define the 'property state' corresponding to p as the property
s(p) = /\aE~(p).
For a E .c we define the 'state property' corresponding
to a as the state t( a) = VpEK(a)P. We have two maps:
t : .c ~ I; a H t(a)
s :~
-+ £,
P f---7 s(p)
a -< b {:} t(a) -< t(b)
p -< q {:} s(p) -< s(q)
t(l\iai) ~ I\i t (ai)
s(Vjpj) ~ Vjs(pj)
Proof: Suppose that p -< q. Then we have ~(q)
C ~(p).
From this follows
that s(p) = l\aEt;(p)a -< l\aEt;(q)a = s(q). Suppose now that s(p) -< s(q).
then we have s(q) -< a. Hence also s(p) -< a. But this
Take a E ~(q),
Hence this shows that ~(q)
C ~(p)
and as a
implies that a E ~(p).
consequence we have p -< q. Because I\iai -< ak \:f k we have t(l\iai) -<
t(ak) \:fk. This shows that t(l\iai) is a lower bound for the set (t(adk Let
us show that it is a smallest lower bound. Suppose that p -< t(ak) \:f k.
We remark that t(ak) E K,(ak). Then it follows that p E K,(ak) \:f k. As a
\:f k. But then I\iai E ~(p)
which shows
consequence we have ak E ~(p)
that p E K,(l\iai). This proves that p -< t(l\iai). So we have shown that
t(l\iai) is a smallest lower bound and hence it is equivalent to I\it(ai).
Theorem 5. Consider a complete state property space (~,
K,). For
~ we have ~(p)
= [s(p), +00] = {a E I: I s(p) -< a}. For a E I: we
have K,(a) = [-00, t(a)] = {p E ~ I p -< t(a)}.
Proof: Consider b E [s(p) , +00]. This means that s(p) -< b, and hence
Consider now b E ~(p).
Then s(p) -< b and hence bE [s(p) , +00].
If p is a state such that ~(p)
= 0, this means that there is no property
actual for the entity being in state p. We will call such states 'improper'
states. Hence a 'proper' state is a state that makes at least one property
actual. In an analogous way, if /';;(a) = 0, this means that there is no
state that makes the property a actual. Such a property will be called
an 'improper' property. A 'proper' property is a property that is actual
for at least one state.
Definition 6. Consider a state property space (~,.c
/';;). We call p E
a 'proper' state iff ~(p)
=I=- 0. We call a E .c a 'proper' property iff
/';;(a) =I=- 0. A state p E ~ such that ~(p)
= 0 is called an 'improper'
state, and a property a E .c such that /';;(a) = 0 is called an 'improper'
It easily follows from theorem 5 that a complete state property space
has no improper states (J ~ 1\0 E ~(p)
and no improper properties
(0 ~ v0 E /';;(a)).
7.3. Tests and Preparations: the Operational Part
Our contact with physical entities of the exterior world happens by
means of experiments we can perform. A test is an experiment we perform on the physical entity in a certain state testing a certain hypothesis.
States can often be prepared. A preparation is an experiment we perform
on the physical entity such that as a result of the experiment the entity
is in a certain state. We will not develop the algebra of experiments connected to a physical entity in a complete way in this paper, and refer
to [6] for such an elaboration. Here we will only introduce the concepts
that we need for our principal purpose: the presentation of quantum
i) The tests on the entity S
Tests are experiments that verify a certain hypothesis about the entity
S. More specifically tests can test properties of the entity S in the following way. With a property a E .c corresponds a test a(a), which is an
experiment with two possible outcomes yes and no. If the test a(a) has
an outcome yes it does not yet prove that the property a is actual. It
is only when we can predict with certainty that the test would have an
outcome yes, without necessarily performing it, that the property a is
Definition 1 (testing a property). Suppose that we have an entity S
with corresponding state property space (~,
[" ~, /'i,). a( a) is a test of the
property a E [, if we have
a E ~(p)
yes can be predicted for a(a)
S being in state p
ii) The preparations of the entity S
Preparations are experiments that prepare a state of the entity S. More
specifically, with a state p E ~ corresponds a preparation 7r(p) which
is an experiment such that after the performance of the experiment the
entity 'is' in state p.
Definition 8 (preparing a state). Suppose that we have an entity S
with corresponding state property space (~,
/'i,). 7r(p) is a preparation
of the state p E ~
p E /'i,(a)
if we have
a is actual after the preparation 7r(p)
For a set of tests (ai)i and for a set of preparations (7rj)j we can now
introduce in a very natural way a new test, that we call the product
test, denoted by lIiai, and a new preparation, that we call the product
preparation, denoted by IIp!"j, as follows:
Definition 9 (product test and preparation). To execute lIiai we choose one of the ai, perform it and consider the outcome that we obtain.
To execute lIj7rj we choose one of the 7rj, perform is and consider the
state that we obtain.
We want to show now that the product test tests an infimum of a set
of properties, while the product preparation prepares a supremum of a
set of states.
Theorem 6. Suppose that we have an entity S with corresponding
state property space (I::, 12,~
K.). Consider a set of properties (ai)i, ai E
£ and a set of states (Pj)j, Pj E I::. Suppose that we have tests and
preparations available for all properties and states. Then the product
test lIia(ai) tests a meet property /\iai, where a(ak) tests ak V k, and
the product preparation lIj7r(pj) prepares a join state VjPj, where lI(Pl)
prepares PI V l.
Proof: We have to show that 'yes can be predicted for lIia(ai) the entity S being in state P' is equivalent to 'ak E ~(p)
V k'. This follows
immediately from the definition of the product test. Indeed 'yes can be
predicted for IIia(ai) the entity S being in state p' is equivalent to 'yes
can be predicted for a(ak) \j k the entity S being in state p'. Consider
now an arbitrary property a E 1: and suppose that (7r(Pj))j is a set of
preparations that make a actual if the entity S is in state Pj. Consider
now the preparation II j 7r(pj) , that consists of choosing one of the 7r(pj)
and performing it. Then it is clear that a is actual after this preparation,
since S will be in one of the states Pj. On the other hand, suppose now
that IIj1r(pj) is a preparation that makes a E 1: actual. Consider an arbitrary one of the preparations 7r(Pk) of the product preparation. Then
obviously also this preparation has to make a actual, since it could have
been this one that was chosen by performing the product preparation.
This shows that II j 7r(pj) prepares the state V jPj.
This theorem shows that it is natural to introduce the meet property for
a set of properties and the join state for a set of states, like we did in
the foregoing section. It is time now that we expose the concepts that
we have introduced here for the example of the spin of a spin! quantum
The Example of the Spin Model
In section 5 we have explained in detail the standard quantum description of the spin of a spin! quantum particle. For the case of the spin of
a spin! quantum particle, the experiments fu have only two outcomes
01 and 02, and hence they are tests in the sense that if 01 is interpreted
as yes then 02 is no. This means that we can represent the properties by
means of the projection operators that we use to represent the experiments. For each direction u we have a property au that is represented
by the projection operator given in formula (40)
Pu = ~ ( 1 + cos a
e+ 2 {3 sin a
e- i {3 sin a )
1 - cos a
where u = (1, a, (3) and hence a and (3 are the spherical coordinates
angles of the vector u. The set of properties 1:sPin~
is given by these
properties au and the maximal and minimal property that we will respectively denote by I and 0 19 . Hence:
1: sPin
= {au'!, 0
E surface of the sphere
It will become clear in the next section why for the quantum case there is a unique
minimal property and a unique maximal property
We have stated in section 5 that a state qv of the spin of a spin! quantum
particle in direction v is represented by means of the unit vector Cv in
the two dimensional complex vector space (2. We have to elaborate a
little bit more on the description of the states. Indeed, if we consider
again our quantum machine, which is a model for the spin of a spin~
quantum particle, then we can see that there are more states than the
ones represented by the unit vectors. If we consider a point w in the
interior of the sphere, hence not on the surface of the sphere, then this is
also a possible state of the quantum machine, not represented however
by a unit vector of the vector space, but by a density operator 20 . Let us
analyse this situation in detail.
Let us calculate the probabilities for such a state Pw where w is a point
inside the sphere. First we remark the following. Because ball is a convex
set, each vector w E ball can be written as a convex linear combination
of two vectors v and -von the surface of the sphere (see Fig 13). More
concretely this means that we can write (referring to the wand v and
-v in the Figure 13):
w = Al . V
A2 . v, 0::; AI, A2 ::; 1, Al
+ A2 =
Hence, if we introduce these convex combination coefficients AI, A2 we
have w = (AI - A2) . v. Let us calculate now the transition probabilities
in a general state Pw with w E ball and hence Ilwll ::; 1 (see Fig 13).
Again the probability f.-l(eu,pw, 01), that the particle P ends up in point
u and hence experiment eu gives outcome 01 is given by the length of
the piece of elastic Ll divided by the total length of the elastic. The
probability, f.-l(eu,pw, 02), that the particle P ends up in point -u, and
hence experiment e u gives outcome 02 is given by the length of the piece
of elastic L2 divided by the total length of the elastic. This means that
we have:
A density operator is an operator W such that < c, We >=< We, c > VeE 1[2
(which means self-adjointness), and such that 0 ::; < W c, W c > V c E 1[2 (which
means positiveness), and such that the trace equals to 1.
Fig 13 : A representation of the experimental process in the case of a state Pw where w is a point of
the interior of the sphere. The elastic of length 2,
corresponding to the experiment e u , is installed
between u and -u. The probability, JL(e u ,pw,ol),
that the particle P ends up in point u under influence of the experiment eu is given by the length of
the piece of elastic Ll divided by the total length
of the elastic. The probability, JL( eu ,pw ,02), that
the particle P ends up in point -u is given by
the length of the piece of elastic L2 divided by
the total length of the elastic.
These are new probabilities that will never be obtained if we limit the
set of states to the unit vectors of the two dimensional complex space.
The question is now the following: can we find a mathematical concept, connected in some way or another to the Hilbert space, that would
allow us, with a new quantum rule for calculating probabilities, to recover these probabilities? The answer is yes. We will show that these
new 'pure' states of the interior of the sphere can be represented using
density operators, the same operators that are used within the standard
quantum formalism to represent mixed states. And the standard quantum mechanical formula that is used to calculate probabilities connected
to mixed states, represented by density operators, can also be used to
calculate the probabilities that we have identified here. But of course
the meaning will be different: in our case this standard formula will represent a transition probability from one pure state to another and not
the probability connected to the change of a mixed state. Let us show
all this explicitly and do this by constructing the density operators in
The well known quantum formula for the calculation of transition
probabilities related to an experiment e, represented by the projections
{P, 1- P}, and where the quantum entity is in a mixed state p represented by the density operator W, is the following:
f1( e, p, P) = tr(W . P)
where tr is the trace of the operator21.
A standard quantum mechanical calculation shows that the density
operator representing the ray state Cv = (cos 2ez"2, sin 2e-z"2) (see (23))
is given by:
The trace of an operator is the sum of its diagonal elements.
and the density operator representing the diametrically opposed ray
state C v is given by:
sin2 It.
- sin fl.2 cos fl.e-ir/>
W(-v) = ( - sin fl. cos2 fieir/>
cos fi
2 2 2
We will show now that the convex linear combination of these two density operators with convex weights Al and A2 represents the state Pw if
we use the standard quantum mechanical formula (72) to calculate the
transition probabilities. If, for w = Al V + A2 ( -v), we put:
we have:
W( w) =
2 ()
+ A2
\ sm
. 2 2,()
\ ) . ()
() ~¢
A2 sm 2 cos 2 e
. ()
() -i¢ )
2 cos 2 e
2 13
Al sm 2 + A2 cos 2
Al -
\ . 2 ()
and it is easy to calculate now the transition probabilities using (72)
We have:
W( W·
) P -_ (
. 2()
= Al sm
2' + .\2 cos 2'
Al cos2 ~ + A2 sin2 ~
B ~
(AI - A2) sin 2 cos '2e t
and hence, comparing with (68), we find:
In an analogous way we find that:
tr(W(w) . (1 - P))
= (..L(eu,pw, 02)
So we have shown that we can represent each one of the new states Pw
by the density operator W(w) if we use (72) for the calculation of the
transition probabilities.
We can also prove that each density operator in ([:2 is of this form. We
show this easily by using the general properties of density operators.
Let us identify now the set of states for the case of the spin of a spin~
quantum particle. Each state is of the form Pw with w a point of the
sphere ball. There also exist a zero state 0 and a unit state J.
= {Pw, 0, J I w
The state property space corresponding to the spin of a spin~
particle is given by (L;sPin~'
We have for u and v belonging to the sphere ball:
au E ~sPin
We have, for
Ivl =
(Pw) ~
Pw E i'\;spn~
(au) ~
1, and hence pertaining to the surface of ball:
= {av,I}
For w < 1, and hence pertaining to the interior of ball we have:
= {J}
In the foregoing section we have introduced the structure that can be operationally founded. To come to the full structure of standard quantum
mechanics some additional axioms have to be introduced which are more
of a technical nature. This section will be mathematically more sophisticated, but can be skipped for those readers that are mainly interested
in the results that are presented in next section.
In the introduction we mentioned that quantum axiomatics was developed to build up standard quantum mechanics and not to change it.
Meanwhile it has become clear that some of the more technical axioms
of standard quantum mechanics are probably not generally satisfied in
nature. This finding will be our main comment regarding the standard
axioms, and for this reason we anyhow have to introduce them. An analysis of the failing axioms and their consequences is presented in the next
8.1. State Property Systems
Since we will introduce in this section the axioms that have very little
operational meaning, we will enter much less in detail.
(1) The identification of properties
As we have seen in the example of the spin of a spin~
quantum par-
ticle, a property of the physical entity is represented by a projection
operator. This remains true for a general quantum entity. Suppose that
we consider two properties a and b of a general quantum entity, and
their corresponding projection operators Pa and Pb. The implication of
properties, giving rise to a pre-order relation on
is translated for a
quantum entity as follows by means of the projection operators:
Theorem 7. Consider a state property space (~, 12, ~, r;,) corresponding to a quantum entity S, described by means of the standard quantum
formalism in a Hilbert space H. For two properties a, b E 12, and corresponding projection operators Pa and Pb we have:
Definition 10. Consider a pre-ordered set Z, -<. The pre-order relation
-< is a partial order relation iff we have for x, Y E Z
-< y and y -<
x =? x
r;,) corresponding
Theorem 8. Consider a state property space (I:, 12,~
to a quantum entity S, described by means of the standard quantum
formalism in a Hilbert space H. For two properties a, bE £ we have:
a -< band b -< a
a= b
and hence the pre-order relation on £ is a partial order relation.
Proof: Suppose that a -< band b -< a. Then from theorem 7 follows that
Pa = PaPb = PbPa = Pb. which means that a = b.
(2) Completeness of the property lattice
The second special property for quantum entities that we will identify
has already been explained in the foregoing section. It is related to the
existence of the meet property for a set of properties. Suppose that
we consider again a quantum entity and a set of properties (ai)i with
corresponding set of projection operators (Paik Then there exists a
unique projection operator Pa that corresponds to the meet property
Theorem 9. Consider a state property space eE, £, (, K,) corresponding
to a quantum entity S, described by means of the standard quantum
formalism in a Hilbert space 11. For a set of properties (ai)i, ai E £, and
corresponding set of projection operators (PaJi' there exists a projection
operator Pa such that
a E
ai E
((p) Vi
which means that a = !\iai and which means that the state property
space is property complete (see definition 4)
We will not prove this theorem because it will lead us into too many
technical details. We only mention that this is a well known result about
Hilbert space projectors.
(3) Minimal property and maximal property
We can remark now also that for the case of a quantum entity the maximal property I is always actual for any state of the entity and the
minimal property 0 is never actual (both are unique since the set of
properties is a partially ordered set). Indeed:
Theorem 10. Consider a state property space (E, £, (, K,) corresponding to a quantum entity S, described by means of the standard quantum
formalism in a Hilbert space 11. Consider an arbitrary state pw E E and
let 0 be the minimal property and I be the maximal property of £, then
o tI. ((p) and I E ((pw).
Proof: The minimal property is represented in quantum mechanics by
the zero projection 0, and the maximal property by the unit operator
I. We have tr(W . 0) = 0 and tr(W . I) = tr(W) = 1 which shows that
o tI. ((pw) and I E ((pw).
The additional structure that we have observed for a quantum entity
in (1), (2) and (3) will be our inspiration for the first axiom, and will
make us introduce the structure of a state property system, that we have
studied intensively in [30] and [31].
Definition 11 (state property system). Suppose that
property space (E, £, (, K,). This state property space
erty system iff (£, -<,!\, v) is a complete lattice22 , and
maximal element and 0 the minimal element of £, and
A complete lattice is a complete partially ordered set.
we have a state
is a state propfor pEE, I the
ai E £, we have:
L, ~, /\,) correspondTheorem 11. Consider a state property space (~,
ing to a quantum entity S, described by means of the standard quantum
formalism in a Hilbert space 71, then (~,
L, ~, /\,) is a state property system.
The foregoing results make it possible to introduce the first axiom:
Axiom 1 (state property system). Suppose that we have a state property space (L:,.c,
corresponding to an entity S. We say that axiom
1 is satisfied iff the state property space is a state property system.
e, /\,)
If axiom 1 is satisfied we will call the set of properties the 'property
lattice' corresponding to entity S.
8.2. Atomic States
We have seen that the set of states ~ of a general physical entity has a
natural pre-order relation that we have called the state implication. We
have also explained that a state in standard quantum mechanics can be
represented by a density operator. Some of the density operators represent vector states of the Hilbert space. The representation theorem that
we will put forward in this section is inspired on the classical representation theorem formulated for the situation where all states are vector
states. Therefore we wonder whether it is possible to characterize the
vector states in a more general way. This is indeed possible by means of
the mathematical concept of 'atom' that we will introduce now.
Definition 12. Consider a pre-ordered set Z, -<. We say that x E Z is
an 'atom' iff x is not a minimal element and for y -< x we have y ~ x or
y is a minimal element of Z.
Definition 13. Consider a state property space (L:,.c, t;, /\,) describing
an entity S. We know that L:, -< is a pre-ordered set. We call pEL: an
'atomic state' of the entity S iff p is an atom for the pre-order relation
on L:. We will denote the set of atomic states of a state property space
by means of A.
Let us first investigate which are the atomic states for our example
of the quantum machine. Following (84) and (85) we have Pv -< Pw and
Pv ¢ Pw for Ivl = 1 and w < 1. This shows that none of the states Pw
with Iwl < 1 is an atomic state. From (83) follows that Pv -< Pw for
Ivl = Iwl = 1 implies that v = wand hence Pv = Pw' This shows that
all of the states Pv with Ivl = 1 are atomic states. Hence the atomic
states for the quantum machine are exactly these states that correspond
to points on the surface of ball. For the situation of a general quantum
entity described in a Hilbert space 1{ a similar result can be shown: the
atomic states are those states that are represented by density operators
that correspond to vectors of the Hilbert space.
Theorem 12. Consider a state property space eE, £,~
K,) corresponding to a quantum entity S described by a Hilbert space 1{. A state pEE
is atomic iff it is represented by a density operator corresponding to a
vector of the Hilbert space.
Proof: Consider a state PW E E represented by a density operator W
of 1{. This density operator W can always be written as a convex linear combination of density operators Wi corresponding to vectors of 1{
and representations of states PWi E E23. Hence we have W = Li Ai Wi.
Consider a property a E £ such that a E ~(pw).
This means that
tr(W Pa) = 1 where Pa is the projection operator representing the property a. We have tr(W Pa ) = tr(Li Ai WiPa ) = Li Aitr(WiPa). Since
a :=:; Ai :=:; 1 V i and Li Ai = 1 and a :=:; tr(WiPa) :=:; 1 V i this proves that
tr(WiPa ) = 1 V i. As a consequence we have a E ~(pwJ.
This shows that
~ (pw) c ~ (pw;) and hence pWi --< PW. This shows already that genuine
density operators that are not corresponding to a vector of the Hilbert
space are not atomic. Suppose now that we consider a state Pw E E
where W corresponds to a vector c E 1{ and another state pv E E such
that pv --< pw· This means that ~(pw)
c ~(pv).
Suppose the property
represented by the projector operator on the vector c, let us denote it
Pc, is contained in ~(pw)
and hence also in ~(Pv).
From this follows
that V = Pc and hence pv = PW. This shows that states represented
by density operators corresponding to vectors of the Hilbert space are
atomic states.
The reader has perhaps meanwhile understood in which way we will
gradually arrive at a full axiomatization of standard quantum mechanics.
We analyse step by step what are the requirements that are additionally
satisfied for the state property space of a quantum entity described by
standard quantum mechanics. To proceed along this line we will now
first show that for an entity satisfying axiom 1, the atomic states can be
identified unequivocally with atomic properties of the property lattice.
This will make it possible to concentrate only on the structure of the
property lattice.
Theorem 13. Consider a state property space (E, £,~
K,) satisfying
axiom 1 (hence a state property system) with set of atomic states A.
This is a well known property of density operators in a Hilbert space.
Let us denote by A the set of atoms of L. If we consider the function
s : L: --t C, then s(A) = A.
Proof: Suppose that rEA and let is show that s(r) is a atom of L.
Consider a E such that a -< s(r) and a =/::. O. We remark that in this
case K;(a) =/::. 0. Indeed, suppose that K;(a) = 0 then a -< b V b E
hence a = O. If K;( a) =/::. 0 there exists apE 2: such that p E K;( a). We then
have a E ~(p)
and as a consequence s(p) -< a -< s(r). From this follows
that p -< r, but since rEA we have p ~ r. This implies that s(p) = s(r)
and hence a = s(r). This proves that s(r) is an atom of C. Consider now
a E A. Let us show that there exists apE A such that s(p) = a. We
have 11:( a) i= 0 since a i= o. This means that there exists pEL: such that
p E l1:(a). Hence a E ~(p)
and as a consequence we have s(p) -< a. From
this follows that s(p) = 0 or s(p) = a. We remark that s(p) = 0 is not
possible since this would imply that ~(p)
= C and hence 0 E ~(p)
is forbidden. Hence we have s(p) = a. We must still show that p is an
atom. Indeed suppose that r -< p, then s(r) -< s(p) = a. This shows that
s(r) = a and hence ~(r)
= ~(p).
The foregoing theorem shows that we can represent an atomic state by
means of the atom of the property lattice on which it is mapped by the
map s. That is the reason we will concentrate on the property lattice
c. It could well be possible that no or very few atomic states exist. For
the case of standard quantum mechanics there are however many atomic
Theorem 14. Consider a state property space (L:, C, ~, 11:) describing
a standard quantum mechanical entity S in a Hilbert space H. Each
property ap 1= 0 represented by a non zero projection operator P equals
the supremum of the set of rays (one dimensional projections) contained
in P.
This is the inspiration for the next axiom. First we introduce the concept
of a complete atomistic lattice.
Definition 14. Consider a complete lattice C, -< and its set of atoms
A. We say that C is 'atomistic' iff each a E C is equal to the supremum
of its atoms, i.e., a = V cEA,c-<ac.
Axiom 2 (atomicity). Consider a state property system (L:, C,~
describing an entity S. We say that the state property system satisfies
axiom 2 iff its property lattice is atomistic.
We know from the foregoing that the atoms of C represent the atomic
states of the entity S.
Apart from atomicity, the property lattice of an entity described by
standard quantum mechanics satisfies an additional property, called the
'covering law'. It is the following:
Axiom 3 (covering law). The property lattice C of a state property
system (~,
c, r;,) satisfies the 'covering law' iff for c E A and a, b E C
such that a 1\ c = 0 and a --< b --< a V c we have a = b or a V c = b.
The covering law demands that the supremum of a property and an
atom 'covers' this property, in the sense that there does not exists a
property in between.
The first three axioms introduce the linearity of the set of states of the
entity. Indeed it can be shown that a complete atomic lattice satisfying
the covering law and containing sufficiently many atoms is isomorphic
to a projective geometry. Making use of the fundamental theorem of
projective geometry we can construct of vector space coordinating this
geometry and also representing the original lattice of properties. We
refer to [34] for a proof of this fundamental representation theorem for
complete atomic lattices satisfying the covering law.
8.3. Orthogonality
The next axiom is inspired by the specific and strong orthogonality structure that exists on a Hilbert space. If axiom 1 is satisfied the set of
properties is a complete lattice. We give now the definition of the structure of an orthocomplementation, which will make it possible for us to
introduce the next axiom.
Definition 15 (orthocomplementation). Consider a complete lattice C.
We say that I : C ~ C is an orthocomplementation iff for a, b E C we
a --< b =} b' --< a'
(a ' )'
a 1\ a'
Theorem 15. Consider a state property space (~,
c, r;,) corresponding to a quantum entity S, described by means of the standard quantum
formalism in a Hilbert space 1i. If we define for a property a E C, and
corresponding projection operator Pa , the property a ' as corresponding
to the projection operator 1- Pa , then I : C ~ C is an orthocomplementation.
Proof: Suppose that we have a, bEL and their corresponding projection
operators Pa and Pb. If a -< b then Pa = PaPb = PbPa. We have (I -
Pa)(1 - H) = 1 - H - Pa + PaH = 1 - H = 1 - Pb - Pa + HPa =
(1 - H)(1 - Pa). This shows that b' -< a ' . We have 1 - (1 - Pa) = Pa
which proves that (a')' = a. Since Pa(I - Pa) = 0 we have a 1\ a' = O.
This gives us the next axiom:
Axiom 4 (orthocomplementation). A state property system (L;, L,
describing an entity S is called 'property orthocomplemented' and
satisfies axiom 4 iff there exists an orthocomplementation on the complete lattice of properties.
Apart from the orthocomplementation the property lattice of an entity
described by standard quantum mechanics satisfies an additional property called 'weak modularity'. It is a purely technical axiom expressed
as follows:
Axiom 5 (weak modularity). The property lattice £ of a state property space eE, £,~
/1;) satisfying axiom 1 and 4 (hence a property orthocomplemented state property system) is 'weakly modular' iff for a, bE £
such that a -< b we have (a Vb') 1\ b = a.
8.4. Full Axiomatisation of Standard Quantum Mechanics
We need more requirements in order to be able to prove that the obtained
structure is isomorphic to standard quantum mechanics. We leave the
proof for these requirements to be satisfied in standard quantum mechanics to the dedicated reader. The first requirement is called 'plane
transitivity'. It has been identified only recently ([32] [33]).
Axiom 6 (plane transitivity). The property lattice £ of a state property space (L:,£~/1;)
is 'plane transitive' iff for p,q E L: there are
r i= s E L: and an automorphism of £ that maps ponto q and leaves the
'plane' interval [0, r V s] invariant.
Let us introduce the next axiom:
Axiom 7 (irreducibility). The property lattice £ of a state property
space (L:, £,~
/1;) satisfying axiom 1 and 2 (hence a property orthocomplemented state property system) is 'irreducible', i.e., whenever b E £ is
such that b = (b 1\ a) V (b 1\ a') V a E £ then b = 0 or b = I.
The standard representation theorem has been proven for the irreducible components of the property lattice. The foregoing axiom is in
this sense not on the same level as the other ones. Indeed even if we
do not require the property lattice to be irreducible, the representation
theorem can be proven for each irreducible component. It can indeed be
shown that a general property lattice is the direct product of its irreducible components. We refer to [38] and [41] and more specifically to
[42] and [43] for a detailed analysis of this decomposition.
When we mentioned the representation theorem derived from the
fundamental theorem of projective geometry in section 8.2 we already
pointed out that the property lattice has to contain enough states to
be able to derive this theorem. For the full representation theorem of
standard quantum mechanics we need infinitely many atoms.
Axiom 8 (infinite length). The property lattice £. of a state property
space (l:, £.,~
K,) is 'infinite' if it contains an infinite set of mutually
orthogonal elements 24 .
Theorem 16 (Representation theorem). Suppose that we have an entity S described by means of a state property space (l:, £.,~
K,) for which
axioms 1 to 8 are satisfied. Then £. is isomorphic to the complete lattice
of the projection operators of an infinite dimensional real, complex or
quaternionic Hilbert space N. The atoms of £. and hence also the atomic
states of S correspond to the rays of N. The orthocomplementation is
induced by the orthogonality structure of N.
We will not prove this theorem, but refer to [32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,
40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49] where pieces preparing the proof can
be found. We refer to [32, 33] for a recent and more complete overview
and the inclusion of the new axiom of plane transitivity.
The aim of quantum axiomatics was to construct an operational foundation for standard quantum mechanics starting from basic concepts,
states and properties, that are easy to identify physically. Once a full
axiomatics has been constructed this gives of course a powerful tool to
investigate the well known paradoxes that quantum mechanics entails.
Let us investigate some aspects of this possibility.
Two elements are orthogonal iff they imply respectively a property and its orthocomplement.
9.1. The Description of an Entity Consisting of Two Entities
We will consider the description of two spins by using the quantum machine model for these spins. So we consider now two quantum machines.
Let us call them Sl and S2, and the entity that just consists of these
two quantum machines. In a general way, the entity 81 is described by a
state property space (~l'
£1, 6, fi:1) and the entity 82 is described by a
state property space (~2,
£2, 6, fi:2). Let us denote the sphere of the first
quantum machine Sl by balh, the points of this sphere by Vl E balh,
and the states, the experiments and the properties connected to this
quantum machine by PVl' eUl and aUl . In an analogous way we denote
the sphere of the second quantum machine S2 by ball2, and its states,
experiments and properties by PV 2' eU2 and aU2 •
As we have shown in (66) and (81) the sets of properties, the sets of
states and the sets of experiments are given by:
{a Ul
I Ul E balh, lUll
I Vi E balh}
= 1}
{a U2 i U2 E ball2, iU2i = 1}
{PV2 i V2 E ball2}
{e U2 i U2 E ball2, IU2i = 1}
Let us call S the compound physical entity, consisting of the two quantum machines, and (~, L,~
fi:) the state property space describing this
entity S. To see in which way the three state property spaces are connected we have to analyse the physical situation.
The states
Clearly a state P of the entity S completely determines a state Pi of Sl
and a state P2 of S2-using the physical principle that when the entity
S 'is' in state P then the entities Sl and S2 'are' in two corresponding
states Pi and P2 25 . This defines two functions:
m2 : ~
m2 (p)
If we take the ontologie meaning of the concept of state seriously, we can hardly
ignore this physical principle. Although, as we will see, standard quantum mechanics
gives rise to problems here.
The properties
Each experiment e1 on 51 is also an experiment on 5 and each experiment e2 on 52 is also an experiment on 5-following the physical
principle that if we perform an experiment on one of the sub-entities we
perform it also on the compound entity26. Since the properties are operationally defined by means of the experiments, from the same physical
principle, we have that each property of a sub-entity is also a property
of the compound entity. This defines again two functions:
n1 : £1
n2 : £2
n2 (a2)
A covariance principle
If property a1 is actual for entity 8 1 in state m1(p), then property n1(a1)
is actual for entity 5 in state p. An analogous covariance principle is
satisfied between entity 52 and entity 5. This means that we have the
following equations:
a1 E 6(m1(p)) {:} n1(a1) E ~(p)
a2 E 6(m2(p)) {:} n2(a1) E (p)~
It has been shown in [50], [30], [31] and [33], that for the case of physical
entities satisfying axiom 1 (hence the three state property spaces are
state property systems) this covariance principle gives rise to a unique
minimal structure for the state property system of the compound entity.
It is the (co )product in the category of state property systems.
Theorem 17. Suppose that we have two entities 51 and 52 with state
property systems (L:1' £1, 6, /1;1) and (L:2' £2, 6, /1;2) that form a compound entity 5 with a state property system (L:, £,~
/1;) according to
(93), (94) and (95). The minimal solution is as follows:
L: = L:1
where L:1 x L:2 is the cartesian product of L:1 and L: 2. For (PI, P2) E L:
we have:-
Again, if we take the meaning of what an experiment is seriously, it is hard to
ignore this principle. We have even no reason here to doubt it, because standard
quantum mechanics agrees with it.
For PI, ql E ~1
and P2, q2 E ~2
we have:
II £2
I alE £ 1, a2 E £2,
=f 01, a2 =f 02} U {O}
{ (aI, a2)
where £1 U £2 is called the co-product of £1 and £2. For al E £1 and
a2 E £2 we have:
= (a1,h) if a1"1 01
= (h, a2) if a2 "1 02
(aI, a2) --< (b l , b2) {::} al --< bi and a2 --< b2
0--< (aI, a2)
Ai(aL a~)
(AiaL Aia~)
if Ai
"1 01 and Ai a~
o if Ai = 01 or Ai a~
"1 02
= 02
I a1 E 6 (PI), a2 E 6 (P2 )}
I PI E K;(al),P2 E K;(a2)}
Further we have:
.; (PI, P2) = {(a 1 , a2)
K;(al' a2) = ((Pl,P2)
9.2. The Covering Law and Compound Entities
This structure of (co ) product is the simplest one that can be constructed
for the description of the compound physical entity S. One would expect
that it is 'the' structure to be used to describe the compound entity S.
This is however not the case for quantum entities in standard quantum
mechanics. The reason is that the co-product 'never' satisfies two of the
axioms of standard quantum mechanics, namely axiom 3 (covering law)
and axiom 4 (orthocomplementation). Let us prove this for the case of
the covering law.
Theorem 18. Suppose that axiom 1 and 2 are satisfied and consider
two entities Sl and S2 described by state property systems (E1' £1, 6, ~1)
and (E2' £2, 6, ~2)
and the minimal compound entity S consisting of Sl
and S2 and described by the state property system (E1 xE 2 , £1 U £2'~)
as defined in theorem 17. Suppose that axiom 3 is satisfied for the entity
S, then one of the two entities Sl or S2 has a trivial property lattice
consisting only of the minimal and maximal element.
Proof: Suppose that £1 has at least one element a1 different from It
and 0 1. Since £1 is atomistic there exists an atom C1 -< aI, and at least
one atom d 1 -I< a1. Hence C1 =f. d 1. Consider now two arbitrary atoms
C2, d2 E £2. We have:
(q, C2) -< (C1 V d 1, C2) -< (C1 V d 1, C2 V d2)
(Cl V d 1 , C2 V d 2)
= (q, C2)
V (d 1, d 2)
Since (d 1, d2) is an atom of £1 U £2, the property (q, c2)V(d l , d2) 'covers'
(Cl' C2), because the covering law is satisfied for S. We therefore have:
(q, C2) = (Cl V d1, C2) or
(C1 V d 1, C2) = (q V d 1, C2 V d2)
This implies that
Since C1 =I d 1 we cannot have q = C1 V d 1. Hence we have C2 = d 2. Since
C2 and d2 were arbitrary atoms of £2, this proves that £2 contains only
one atom. From this follows that £2 = {02, h}.
This theorem proves that for two non-trivial entities Sl and S2 the property lattice that normally should represent the compound entity S never
satisfies the covering law. This same theorem also proves that, since we
know that for an entity described by standard quantum mechanics the
covering law is satisfied for its property lattice, in quantum mechanics
the compound entity S is 'not' described by the minimal product structure. The covering law, as we remarked earlier already, is the axiom that
introduces the linear structure for the state space. This means that for a
property lattice that does not satisfy the covering law it will be impossible to find a vector space representation such that the superposition
principle of standard quantum mechanics is available. It can be shown
that this fact is at the origin of the Einstein Podolsky Rosen paradox as
it is encountered in quantum mechanics (see [19] and [20]). It means indeed that the compound entity S, as it is described in standard quantum
mechanics, will have additional elements in its state property structure,
that are not contained in the minimal product structure that we have
proposed here. As we will see, these additional elements are the so called
'non-product states'.
9.3. The Quantum Description of the Compound Entity
For standard quantum mechanics the compound entity S consisting of
two entities SI and S2 is described by means of the tensor product
HI ® H2 of the Hilbert spaces HI and H2 that describe the two subentities 51 and 52. We have studied this situation in detail in earlier
work [51]' and will here only expose the scheme.
Let us consider an entity 5 described with a state property space
L, ~, "') corresponding to the Hilbert space H consisting of two entities 51 and 52 described by state property spaces (~1'
L1, 6, "'1) and
L2, 6, "'2) corresponding to Hilbert space HI and H2. Let us first
identify the functions m and n that describe the situation where 5 is
the joint entity of 51 and 52. For the function n this identification is
straightforward. We have:
n1 : L1
n2 : L2
ap1 rg, I2 = n1(apl)
ahrg,P2 = n2(ap2)
This shows that for standard quantum mechanics, as in the case where
we would describe the compound entity by means of the co-product,
for each property al of 51 (a2 of 52) there is a unique property n1(a1)
(n2(a2)) of 5. The requirement that with each state p of the compound
entity 5 correspond unique states PI and P2 of the sub-entities gives rise
to a special situation in the case that P corresponds to a non-product
vector of the Hilbert space HI ® H2, i.e., a vector c = I:i ci ® c~ that
cannot be reduced to a product of a vector in HI and a vector in H2. It
can be shown that, taking into account the covariance requirement-this
time also for the probabilities-there do correspond two unique states
PWI and P W2 to such a state Pc, but when c is a non-product vector, WI
and W 2 are density operators that do not correspond to vectors in HI
and H2. This means (see theorem 12) that pW1 and PW 2 are non atomic
states although Pc is an atomic state. We have not stated this too explicit
till now, but in standard quantum mechanics there is a real physical
difference between the atomic states-represented by density operators
corresponding to a vector-and the non atomic states-represented by
density operators not corresponding to a vector. The atomic states are
'pure states' and the non atomic states are 'mixed states'. This is in
fact also the case in our operational definition of the join states in (see
definition 9). The join state of a set of states, as defined there is a mixture
of these states, which means that the entity is in the join state of this set
iff it is in one of the states of this set, but we lack the knowledge about
which one. So we repeat: a mixed state of a set of pure states describes
our lack of knowledge about the pure state where the entity is in. If this
is the meaning of a non atomic state, hence a mixed state over some set
of atomic states, as it is the case in standard quantum mechanics, we can
conclude that the entity is always in an atomic state. The non atomic
states only describe our lack of knowledge about the atomic state the
entity exactly is in.
We can now see where the fundamental problem arises with the tensor
product coupling procedure of quantum mechanics. If entities are always
in atomic states, and since for an atomic state of the compound entity
that corresponds to a non-product vector of the tensor product Hilbert
space, the component states are strictly non atomic, it would indicate
that the sub-entities are not in a state. This is of course very strange.
Indeed, it seems even contradictory with the concept of state itself. An
entity must always be in a state (and hence a quantum entity always in
an atomic state), whether it is a sub-entity of another entity or not.
As we have mentioned already, these non-product states also give rise
to EPR type correlations between the two sub-entities 8 1 and 8 2. We
remark that the presence of these correlations also indicates that the
quantum description of the compound entity is not a description of
'separated' entities. So something really profoundly mysterious occurs
here. We also mention that it is excluded that the non-product states
of the quantum compound entity would be mathematical artifacts of
the theory, since entities are without many problems prepared in these
non-product states in the laboratory these days27. So the non-product
states exists and are real states of the compound entity consisting of
two quantum entities. Should we then decide that the sub-entities have
disappeared as entities, and only some properties are left? We want to
reflect more about this question and investigate what the possibilities
are. Most of all we want to put forward an alternative possibility, that
is however speculative, but should be worth further investigation.
The question about the reality of the non-product states was settled during the
second half of the seventies and the first half of the eighties by means of the well
known Einstein Podolsky Rosen correlation experiments. Meanwhile it has become
common laboratory practice to prepare 'entangled' entities-that is what they are
referred to now in the literature-in non-product states.
9.4. About Mixtures, Pure States, Non Atomic Pure States
We have to remark that the problem that we explained in the foregoing
section was known from the early days of quantum mechanics but concealed more or less by the confusion that often exists between pure states
and mixtures. Let us explain this first. The reality of a quantum entity
in standard quantum mechanics is represented by a pure state, namely
a ray of the corresponding Hilbert space. Mixed states are represented
in standard quantum mechanics by density operators (positive self adjoint operators with trace equal to 1). But although a mixed state is also
called a state, it does not represent the reality of the entity under consideration, but a lack of knowledge about this reality. This means that
if the entity is in a mixed state, it is actually in a pure state, and the
mixed state just describes the lack of knowledge that we have about the
pure state it is in. We have remarked that the deep conceptual problem
that we indicate here was noticed already in the early days of quantum
mechanics, but disguised by the existence of the two types of states, pure
states and mixed states. Indeed in most books on quantum mechanics it
is mentioned that for the description of sub-entities by means of the tensor product procedure it is so that the compound entity can be in a pure
state (and a non-product state is meant here) such that the sub-entities
will be in mixed states and not in pure states (see for example [52]11-8
and [53] p 306). The fact that the sub-entities, although they are not
in a pure state, are at least in a mixed state, seems at first sight to be
some kind of a solution to the conceptual problem that we indicated in
the foregoing section. Although a little further reflection shows that it
is not: indeed, if a sub-entity is in a mixed state, it should anyhow be
in a pure state, and this mixed state should just describe our lack of
knowledge about this pure state. So the problem is not solved at all.
Probably because quantum mechanics is anyhow entailed with a lot of
paradoxes and mysteries, the problem was just added to the list by the
majority of physicists.
Way back, in a paper published in 1984, we have already shown that
in a more general approach we can define pure states for the sub-entities,
but they will not be "atoms' of the lattice of properties [50]. As we have
shown already the ray states of quantum mechanics give rise to atoms of
the property lattice, such that "pure states' in quantum mechanics correspond to "atomic' states of the state property space. This means that the
non atomic pure states that we have identified in [50] can anyhow not
be represented within the standard quantum mechanical formalism. We
must admit that the finding of the existence of non atomic pure states
in the 1984 paper, even from the point of view of generalized quantum
formalisms, seemed also to us very far reaching and difficult to interpret
physically. Indeed intuitively it seems that only atomic states should
represent pure states. We know now that this is a wrong intuition. But
to explain why we first have to present the other pieces of the puzzle.
A second piece of the puzzle appeared when in 1990 we built a model
of a mechanistic classical laboratory situation violating Bell inequalities
with y2, exactly 'in the same way' as its violations by the EPR experiments [54J. With this model we tried to show that Bell inequalities can
be violated in the macroscopic world with the same numerical value as
the quantum violation. What is interesting for the problem of the description of sub-entities is that new 'pure' states were introduced in this
model. We will see in a moment that the possibility of existence of these
new states lead to a possible solution of the problem of the description of
sub-entities within a Hilbert space setting, but different from standard
quantum mechanics.
More pieces of the puzzle appeared steadily during the elaboration
of the general formalism presented in [6J. We started to work on this
formalism during the first half of the eighties, reformulating and elaborating some of the concepts during these years. Then it became clear that
the new states introduced in [54], although 'pure' states in the model,
appear as non atomic states in the general formalism. This made us understand that the first intuition that classified non atomic states as bad
candidates for pure states was a wrong intuition. Let us present now the
total scheme of our possible solution.
In the example that we proposed in [54J we used two spin models as the
one presented here (the quantum machine) and introduced new states
on both models with the aim of presenting a situation that violates the
Bell inequalities exactly as in the case of the singlet spin state of two
particles do. We indeed introduced a state for both spin
coupled spin~
models that corresponds to the point in the center of each sphere, and
connecting these two states by a rigid rod we could generate a violation
of Bell's inequalities. We have shown in the last part of section 7.4 that
the centre of ball is a non atomic state of the quantum machine. This
means that we have 'identified' a possible 'non-mixture' state (meaning
with 'non-mixture' that it really represents the reality of the entity and
not a lack of knowledge about this reality) that is not an atom of the preordered set of states. Is this a candidate for the 'non-mixed' states that
we identified in [50J and that were non-atoms? It is indeed, as we prove
explicitly in [6J. The states Pw, where wE ball and Iwl < 1, as defined in
7.4, and that are certainly pure states for the quantum machine entity,
are represented by the density operator W (w) if we use formula 72 for
the calculation of the transition probabilities.
9.5. Completing Quantum Mechanics?
The idea that we want to put forward is the following: perhaps density
operators just do represent pure states, also for a quantum entity. Such
that the set of pure states would be represented by the set of density
operators and not by the set of rays of the Hilbert space. If this would
be the case, the conceptual problem of using the tensor product would
partly be solved. We admit immediately that it is a very speculative
idea that we put forward here. The problem is also that it will be difficult to test it experimentally on one physical entity. Indeed, the so called
new pure states, corresponding to density operators of the Hilbert space,
cannot experimentally be distinguished from mixtures of old pure states,
corresponding to vectors, and represented also by these density operators. It is an easy mathematical result since in all probability calculations
only the density operator appears. We can also see it explicitly on the
quantum machine. Let us go back to the calculation that we made in
the second part of section 7.4. The 'pure' state Pw corresponding to an
interior point w = Al . V + A2 . (-v) of ball is represented by the density
W( ) w -
( /\1
\ sm"2
. 20
cos 2 "20 + /\2
0 iq,
- /\2 sm"2 cos "2 e
. 0
cos "20 e-iq, )
2 0
/\1 sm "2 + /\2 COS "2
/\1 -
2 0
But this density operator represents also the 'mixed' state describing
the following situation of lack of knowledge: the point is in one of the
pure states Pv or P-v with weight Al and A2 respectively. Although this
mixed state and the pure state Pw are ontologically very different states,
they cannot experimentally be distinguished by means of the elastic
experiments. The reason that they cannot is connected to the linearity
of the whole scheme. This means that if we would be able to realise a nonlinear evolution of a quantum entity, the distinction between the density
operator representing a pure non atomic state (as the interior point of
the sphere in the case of the quantum machine) and the density operator
representing a mixture (as the weighted average over two diametrically
oposed surface points in the case of the quantum machine) could be
detected experimentally. Hence, if one quantum entity of a pair of two
entangled quantum entities could be experimentally subjected to a nonlinear evolution, it could be tested experimentally whether this quantum
entity 'is' in a pure ontologie state, described by the density operator.
Indeed, the non-linear evolution will have an effect on the atomic states
(the points of the surface of the sphere in the quantum machine example)
and an effect on the non-atomic pure states (the interior points of the
sphere in the quantum machine example), and both effects will no cancel
out in general, like it is the case for a linear evolution, such that it can be
made out whether the entangled quantum entity - being entangled - is
in an ontologically pure state. We invite the experimentalists to engage
in this challenge.
We have called section 9 'Paradoxes and failing axioms'. Indeed a possible conclusion for the result that we have exposed in this section is that
the covering law (and some of the other axioms) are just no good and
that we should look for a more general formalism than standard quantum mechanics. We are more and more convinced that this must be the
case, also because it is again the covering law that makes it impossible to
describe a continuous change from quantum to classical passing through
the intermediate situations that we have mentioned in section 6.4 (see
[5], [25] and [27] and the paper of Thomas Durt in this book).
In this sense we want to come back now to the suggestive idea that
was proposed in the introduction. The idea of relativity theory, to take
the points of space-time as representing the events of reality, goes back
to a long tradition. It was Euclid who for the first time synthesised the
descriptions that the Greek knew about the properties of space by using
as basic concepts points, lines and planes. Let us remember that Euclid
constructed an axiomatic system consisting of five axioms-now called
Euclid's axioms-for Euclidean space and its geometric structure. All
classical physical theories have later, without hesitation, taken the Euclidean space as theatre for reality. From a purely axiomatic point of view
there has been a long and historic discussion about the independence of
the fifth Euclidean axiom. Some scientists have pretended to be able to
derive it from the four other axioms. The problem was resolved in favour
of the independence by Gauss, Bolyai and Lobachevski by constructing
explicit models of non-euclidean geometries. Felix Klein proposed a classification along three fundamental types: an elliptic geometry, the one
originally proposed by Gauss, the geometry of the surface of a sphere for
example, a hyperbolic geometry, proposed by Lobachevski, the geometry
of the surface of a saddle for example, and a parabolic geometry, that
lies in between both. It was Riemann who proposed a complete theory of
non-euclidean geometries, the geometry of curved space, that was later
used by Einstein to formulate general relativity theory. It is interesting
to remark that the programme of general relativity-to introduce the
force fields of physics as properties of the metric of space-was already
put forward explicitly by Riemann. He could however not have found
the solution of general relativity because he was looking for a solution in
three dimensional space, and general relativity has to be constructed in
four dimensional space-time. In the formulation of Einstein, which is the
one of Riemann applied to the four dimensional space-time continuum,
the events are represented by the points and the metric tensor describes
the nature of the geometry. Let us now see whether we can find an analogy with our analysis of quantum mechanics by means of our axiomatic
approach. Here the basic concepts are states, properties and probability.
In geometry a set of points forms a space. In quantum mechanics the
set of states and properties form a state property space. Just like the
Euclidean space is not just any space, the state property space of quantum mechanics is not just any state property space. We have outlined
8 axioms that make an arbitrary state property space into a quantum
mechanical state property space. We have remarked already that the
purpose of quantum axiomatics was not to change standard quantum
mechanics, exactly as the purpose of Euclid was certainly not to formulate an alternative geometry: he wanted to construct an operational
theory about the structure of space.
The operational axiomatization of quantum theory has taken a long
time, the axiom of 'plane transitivity' relies on a result of Maria Pia Soler
of 1995 [48]. Since however the general problems related to axiomatization are nowadays better known, there has been little discussion about
the independence of the axioms. But the physical meaning of certain axioms (e.g., the failing covering law) remained obscure. These were merely
axioms introduced to recover the complete Hilbert space structure which
includes the linearity of the state space. Within this development of the
axiomatic structure of quantum theory it has been shown now that the
compound entity of two separated quantum entities cannot be described.
The axiom that makes such a description impossible is the covering law,
equivalent to the linearity of the state space. Do we have to work out a
general quantum theory, not necessarily satisfying the covering law, as
Riemann has given us a general theory of space? We believe so, but we
know that a lot of work has to be done. In [6] a humble general scheme
is put forward that may be a start for the elaboration of such a general
quantum theory.
I want to thank Jan Broekaert and Bart Van Steirteghem to read and
discuss with me parts of the text of this article. Their remarks and
suggestions have been of great value.
Diederik Aerts,
Brussels Free University,
Brussels, Belgium
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We developed in Brussels a heuristic model, the E-model, in which it is
possible to simulate a continuous transition between a classical (deterministic) and a quantum (probabilistic) regime. The lattice of properties
related to this model was intensively studied [3, 5 to 10] and it appears
that it exhibits a continuous transition between the classical and the
quantum lattices. These lattices are representative of classical situations
at one side and of quantum situations at the other side. It is not presently
known if a continuous transition between the classical, deterministic, and
the quantum, fuzzy, regimes does occur in nature. Even if this would occur, no one exactly knows the border-line between the two regions. This
is an aspect of the so-called problem of measurement which deals with
the comprehension of the way in which the macroscopic, deterministic
and sharp world to which observers and measuring apparata belong coexists with the microscopic, unsharp, quantum world. In our model, we
assume that "hidden variables" are present at the level of the apparatus,
which is a non-standard hypothesis. The reader may thus consider this
paper as a good example of how speculative ideas can be implemented
in the framework of quantum logics.
In particular, we shall study two ways of defining an orthogonality
relation inside the set of states of the system described in the E-model.
In lattice theory, the orthogonality relation is important at least for
two reasons:
- It is possible to associate to an orthogonality relation what is called
an orthocomplementation, as we shall show it. The existence of
an orthocomplementation is postulated in many attempts made in
order to generalise the classical (Boolean) paradigm. For instance
it is an unavoidable element of the representation theorem of Piron
[18 to 20].
- The orthocomplementation can be interpreted as a generalised logical negation.
We study here three orthogonality relations in the framework of the Emodel, show that they evolve continuously during the classical-quantum
1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
transition, and discuss whether the lattice of properties is orthocomplemented by them.
From now on, we shall consider that the state of the system is represented
by a point on the surface of the unit 3-dimensional sphere (the so-called
Poincare-sphere). We invite the interested reader to consult the appendix
where we present some details about the connections which exist between
a spin 1/2, which is described in a 2-dimensional Hilbert space, and its
representation on the surface of the Poincare-sphere. For information,
the properties of a 2-dimensional Hilbert space as well as the lattice of
properties associated to it are discussed in great detail in the paper of
D. Aerts (same volume). All what is necessary for our present purposes
is that this direction on the sphere somehow represents the direction
along which the system that we consider here, which could be a particle,
"turns around itself" . For instance, the spin of the Earth, if our system
was the Earth, would be represented by the North Pole. If the Earth was
spinning in the opposite direction (with the Sun rising in the West), its
spin would be represented by the South Pole.
1.1. Guiding Principles of the f.-Model
The f.-model aims at simulating the interaction which occurs during a
measurement process. It is based on the following guiding principles:
- The measuring apparatus is essentially classical and interacts with
the observed system in a deterministic way.
- The state of this apparatus undergoes statistical fluctuations, responsible for a dispersion in the results of measurement [2J.
- The amplitude of these fluctuations is quantified by a real parameter
f. comprised between 0 and 1.
- When f. equals 0, the fluctuations vanish, when f. equals 1, they are
- The classical limit is reached when we can neglect these fluctuations
(f. equals 0); intuitively, this means that the scale of the disturbance
caused by the measuring apparatus is smaller than the scale of the
observed system.
- When the scale of the disturbance of the measuring apparatus is
larger than the scale of the observed system, f. is not negligible
anymore, the dispersion of the experimental results increases, and
when f. equals 1, we recover a distribution of results equal to the
quantum one.
1.2. Simple Version of the f.-Model
Let us briefly describe how the model works (this is an ultrasimplified
version, see [3, 6, 16] for more sophisticated presentations). We advice
the readers who are not familiar with this kind of models to consult
the article of D. Aerts (same volume), where the measurement process
is illustrated by the "metaphor of the elastic" that we summarize now.
The measurement process is assumed to occur in two steps: the particle
"falls" on an elastic rod that joins the poles p and -p and sticks there
for a while; thereafter, the elastic, which is assumed to be fragile in a
certain zone 1, breaks at random in this zone, and the part of the elastic
on which the particle is located projects the particle on the pole to which
it is attached. A picture and detailed explanations are given in the article
of D. Aerts. Let us now give, in an abstract style, a presentation which
contains the essential features of the model.
- The f.-model describes a generalised spin-measurement.
- The state of the generalised spinning particle is represented by a
point q of the Poincare-sphere (a direction). The set of states of the
system is thus the surface of the Poincare sphere.
- The generalised Stern-Gerlach device is represented by another point
p of the Poincare-sphere and a hidden variable cpo
- We assume that the hidden variable cP is submitted to uncontrollable
fluctuations, so that it is a random variable homogeneously spread
over the real interval [CPmin, CPmaxl (with 0 ~ CPmin ~ CPmax ~ 1).
- The measurement process forces the state to collapse towards two
possible directions: the direction of the device p, or its opposite -po
We shall then say that the spin of the system is "up" or "down"
along p.
- Let us denote () the angle between p and q. We suppose now that
the result of the measurement is determined as follows:
- If cP appears to be strictly less than cos2~,
the result of the measurement is "spin-up" and the state q collapses on p.
- If cP appears to be greater than or equal to cos 2 ~, the result of the
measurement is "spin-down" and the state q collapses on -po
We obtain after averaging on the variable cP, for each value of the
pair (CPmin, CPmax) , a transition probability which depends on the angle
between the initial and the final states (before and after the measurement
process). The probability of getting spin-up P(plq) can be shown to
depend on the angle () between p and q as follows:
In an interval of width 2</>max - 2</>min centered around a point located at a
distance </>min + </>max from the south pole in our case.
- It is equal to 1 when 0 ::; B < Bup , 0 when 7r 2 B 2 7r - Bdown'
where cos2~
= cPmax and sin2~
= cPmin. The subscripts up
and down are justified by the fact that these angles are the extents
of the classical zones (probability 0 or 1) around the poles in which
the spin measurements are predetermined with a probability equal
to hundred percent.
- In between it is superposition of the two possible results, in a zone
of angular opening Bsup. The subscript sup is justified by the fact
that Bsup is the extent of the superposition zone (probability neither
0, nor 1) between the classical zones.
We have, in the superposition zone (see pictures at the end of the
paper), that:
P(plq ) =
+ COSBdown
+ COSBdown·
The three angles Bsup , Bup , Bdown fulfill the following relation: ()sup +
+ Bdown = 7r. We define the classical (deterministic) and quantum
limits of the model by imposing that Bsup is respectively equal to zero
and 7r.
Figure 1. The up and down zones around p.
The classical case corresponds to a purely deterministic situation (the
probability of getting spin up takes only values 0 or 1), while in the
quantum case we recover the quantum probability associated to the measurement of the spinning direction of a spin 1/2 particle 2. Historically
The idea to associate hidden variables to the apparatus in the quantum context
was originally presented in [2].
[3], the parameter E which is at the origin of the name of the model (see
section 1) was introduced firstly. The relation with the angles introduced
here is given by the following relation: sin( (}s2 P ) = E.
An important aspect of the lattice theory (at least in the Geneva formulation [18 to 20, 1]) is that in order to deduce from experimental data the
"propositions", which are the objects studied in the Geneva approach
to quantum logics, all the relevant information is contained in the socalled eigenstate sets, the sets of states for which the results of a given
measurement can be deterministically foreseen (with probability one or
zero). For instance, in the E-model, the eigenstate sets of the property
"the spin is up (down) when we measure it along the direction p" are
spherical sectors of opening ()up (()down) along p (-p).
We will not explain here the procedure which allows us to build the
lattice of properties once we know the eigenstate sets of all the experiments that can be performed on the system, but it is useful to draw
the attention of the reader on this fact: when the lattice is built, on the
basis of experiments, all the states which are not eigenstates of one of
the outcomes are simply discarded and do not contribute in any manner to the properties of the structure. This remark is trivial in classical
logics, because in classical physics the results of arbitrary measurements
are assumed to be "sharply" predetermined, so to say, determined with
absolute certainty (probability one or zero) whatever the state of the
system is. This is no longer true in quantum mechanics where new kinds
of states appear, the so-called superposition states, for which all what
we can predict is the probability (neither zero nor one) assigned to the
different possible outcomes of the measurement. This major difference
between the classical and quantum worlds is reflected in the E-model by
the existence of a superposition zone between the eigenstate sets, which
are spherical sectors of angular opening ()up, (()down) around the direction
of the generalised spin measurement (its antipode). Quantum logics, in
the Geneva approach, is thus an attempt made in order to generalise
classical logics by considering only the deterministic part of probabilistic theories (only the states for which propositions are absolutely true or
false, so to say the states which realise an outcome of a given experiment
with probability 1 or 0, are considered during the building of the lattice).
Note that for experimental physicists, these superposition states are
important because the probabilities of occurrence assigned to the different outcomes of which they are superposition can be measured through
repeated measurements and contain relevant information about the phys-
ical properties of the system (dynamics of the system, the influences that
it underwent before the measurement and so on). The fact that in quantum logics one can discard all the information contained in intermediate
probabilities is related to a property of Hilbert space quantum mechanics
that we will sketch here without entering into technicalities [22, 23]: once
we know the eigenstate set of a particular outcome of a given measurement, the projection postulate makes it possible to compute all the probabilities assigned to this possible outcome of the measurement, for arbitrary initial states of the system. Considered so, intermediate (strictly
between 0 and 1) probabilities are thus second hand properties which
can be recovered once we know the states which realise a given outcome
with probabilities 0 or 1. This is a peculiarity of quantum mechanics
(and also of the E-model): tell me what is certain (actual) and I can
quantify the uncertain (potential). This is why the lattice of properties
of these systems contains potentially all the information that comes from
experiments. Note that these considerations are trivial in the classical
regime where the uncertain simply vanishes. We will now show how it is
possible to generalise the classical concept of negation on the basis of the
knowledge of the eigenstate sets of the experimental outcomes that can
be obtained by submitting a system to measurements. This generalised
negation will thus be deduced from the knowledge of the states which
realise experimental outcomes with probability 0 or 1 only, a survival of
the special status given to "absolutely true and certain" propositions in
classical logics.
3.1. The Negation
Let us consider the following example: the system that we study is a
car, that we select among a given population of cars. For one or another
reason, we study the colour of this car. We classify the colours into a set
which contains eight elements: black, white, yellow, orange, red, purple,
blue, and green. This would correspond to what we call experimental
outcomes in the Geneva approach. The part of the population that has
a given colour would correspond to what we call state in the Geneva
approach. Normally, it is easy to assign unambiguously one of these
colours to a car arbitrarily chosen in the population. In this case, the
result of a measurement is deterministic, and the negation of a property
is well defined: if a car is not red, then it is black or white or yellow or
orange or purple or blue or green, and we made use here of an "exclusive
or". We shall from now on refer to this situation as the sharp one.
In reality, things could be more complicated and some subjectivity
could appear: if a car is grey, is it white or black?; if it is dark orange,
is it (pale) red or orange?
The answer to such questions could for instance depend on the person
who realises the test, or even on the meteorological conditions (grey
or sunny sky) during the test. If we do not control the choice of these
parameters, we are in a situation similar to the one described in the
€-model, with superposition states (here intermediate colours). We shall
refer to this situation as the unsharp one.
What are then, in the unsharp situation, the subpopulations (states)
that we can classify according to the test formulated by the property:
"This car is not red?" In a first approach, one could say that if we submit
a given car to the test of colours and that we get a positive answer to the
question "the car is red" , even with a very low probability of occurrence,
we may not say that this car is not red. Now, what can we do if the car
is grey? According to our first approach, such a car is not red, but if the
car is grey with a touch of red, so that some confusion is still possible,
we may not say that our car is not red. As we see, the situation becomes
complex because we have in this approach infinite number of different
states (colours).
Now, it could happen (this depends on the experimental protocol)
that an embarassed tester simply does not answer to the test when he
doubts the answer, in which case we would have nine possible colours
(the eight forementioned colours plus the "indefinite" colour). In this
second approach, a car is not red except when it is either red or of
indefinite colour. There would be nine different states in this case, and
the "negation of the red state" would be, according to the previous
suggestion, true when the state is black or white or yellow or orange
or purple or blue or green. These two ways of defining the negation in
a fuzzy context suggest that we can define the negation as a relation
between states. The example furnished by the classification of cars in
function of their colour suggests that, in the sharp situation, this relation
would be the relation of difference: if a car is not red, then it is black
or white or yellow or orange or purple or blue or green, as we noticed
it already, which means in this case that the "negation of the state
red" is true in the set of all the states which differ from the red state.
Furthermore, the state (colour of a given car) can be checked at once, in
a unique experiment, because no probabilistic element is present here.
Note that the difference is a symmetric and antirefiexive relation: if p
differs from q, then q differs from p and p does never differ from itself.
This corresponds to the classical logical properties: "if a proposition A
is not true whenever the proposition B is true, then the proposition B is
not true whenever A is true", and "the proposition cannot possibly be
true and not true simultaneously". We will now generalise this relation
to unsharp situations and represent the generalised negation thanks to
a symmetric and antireflexive relation: the orthogonality relation. The
question to know if such generalisations are formal speculations or really mean that the logics itself must be generalised [12] is let to the
appreciation of the reader.
For reasons that we will clarify later, when this orthogonality relation is the relation of difference (two states are orthogonal iff they are
different), we will say that the orthogonality is Boolean.
The previous discussion suggests that in the unsharp situation at least
two definitions can be adopted for deducing an orthogonality relation
from the knowledge of experimental data. Let us firstly study one of
them, the Aerts orthogonality.
3.2. The Aerts Orthogonality
D. Aerts [1] proposed to deduce an antireflexive and symmetrical function from the experiments in the following way.
Definition 1: Two states are A-orthogonal iff they are eigenstates of
two different outcomes of the same experiment.
This relation is clearly symmetrical, and antireflexive because in general an experiment performed on a given system prepared in a given
state cannot have two different outcomes at the same time.
3.3. The E-Orthogonality
Let us now present a second definition of the orthogonality relation originally introduced in [16]' that we shall call the E-orthogonality, because
it can be shown [16] that this is a definition which is perfectly adapted
to the E-model.
Definition 2: Two states are E-orthogonal iff there exists at least one
experiment that does not induce a transition from one of the states to
the other. In other words, the probability of transition from one state to
the other is zero for at least one experiment.
This definition was inspired by the work of Grib and Zapatrin who
proposed the following orthogonality relation [4, 16, 17]: two states p, q
are G-Z-orthogonal iff no experiment exists which induces a transition
from one of the states to the other. It can be shown that this definition
is not convenient in the deterministic limit, so that we shall not discuss
it in details (see [16J for more information). The definition of the G-Zorthogonality as well as the definition of the E-orthogonality implicitly
presuppose some kind of collapse ("jump" between different states). The
hypothesis of the existence of a collapse is of quantum inspiration and
is not always realised, so that the G-Z and €-orthogonality relations are
less general than Aerts orthogonality. Nevertheless, in the €-model, we
recover the quantum property that after a spin measurement along a
direction, the state of the system aligns itself (collapses) along this direction or its antipode. We can thus study the €-orthogonality in this
framework. Note that the E-relation is given in a form symmetrical in
p, q, because the probability of transition is symmetrical in general (in
quantum mechanics, this is an aspect of microreversibility). Furthermore, it is antirefiexive, because in general the probability of transition
of a state towards itself is equal to 1.
Remark also that, in accordance with the discussion of the second
section, the two definitions of the negation presented here require the
knowledge of the "non-superposition" states (which realise an outcome
with probability 1 or 0) only: the A-orthogonality is based on the eigenstate sets of outcomes (probability 1), the €-orthogonality is based on
the impossible transitions (probability 0). This illustrates that quantum
logics in the Geneva approach can be considered as an attempt to build a
mathematical structure which generalises the classical (Boolean) structure but is still built on the basis of the "actual, absolutely true and
certain" propositions which survive in probabilistic theories 3 .
Before discussing the orthogonality, it is useful to recall some properties
of the €-model:
- The measurement process forces the state to collapse along two possible directions: the direction of the device p ("up"), or its opposite
-p ("down").
- The probability of getting spin-up P(plq) depends on the angle ()
between p and q only and yields 1 when 0 ::; () < ()up, 0 when
7l' -
- In between it is superposition of the two possible results, in a zone
of angular opening ()sup (with sin(oS2 P ) = E).
We can now apply the definition of the A-orthogonality. We obtain the
This is also true for what concerns the Birkhoff-von Neumann approach [12).
Theorem 1: Two states p and q are A-orthogonal iff they make an
angle superior or equal to ()sup when € # 0, iff they are different when
= o.
The proof, of technical nature, is given in [16].
As a consequence, the set of states A-orthogonal to a given state is a
spherical sector around the antipode of this state, of opening 1[" - ()sup,
closed if € # 0, and open in the deterministic case (€ = 0; ()sup = 0).
It is then the Boolean (set-theoretical) complement of the state and we
recover the classical relation (of difference) in this case. In the quantum
case, the fuzziness is maximal and the orthogonal of a state is reduced
to a unique point: its antipode.
p A
Figure 2. The A-orthogonal of p.
If we apply the definition of the €-orthogonality, we obtain the following:
Theorem 2:
- When € # 0, the €-orthogonals of a state are closed spherical sectors
of opening max(()down , ()up) around the antipode of this state.
- When € = 0 and ()down ~
()up, the €-orthogonals of a state are
closed spherical sectors of opening ()down around the antipode of the
- When € = 0 and ()down < ()up, the €-orthogonals of a state are
open spherical sectors of opening ()down around the antipode of the
A first difference appears relatively to the A-orthogonality: the deterministic limit does not necessarily imply that the €-orthogonality relation is
the difference (the Boolean relation). This is true only if (}down = O.
Note that the E-orthogonality relation can be tested by a unique experimental configuration: if one places the measuring apparatus along the
direction of the state when (}down 2: (}up (of its opposite otherwise), the
states which collapse along the opposite with probability one belong to
a sector of opening (}down (Bup) , so to say, they are orthogonal to this
state. This property, which presents much interest [16] at the level of
the lattice of properties is not fulfilled in the case of the A-orthogonality
Nevertheless, both definitions coincide in the quantum case.
1t -
max (S down,S up)
Figure 3. The E-orthogonal of p.
4.1. The Orthocomplementation
In the Geneva approach to quantum logics, the propositions are in general in one to one correspondence with the sets of states for which these
propositions are actual (true with probability one). It is thus necessary,
if one wants to generalise the classical negation, to define it as a relation
between sets of states, rather than a relation between states. This can
be realised as follows. Let us assume that we know a relation * between
the states (the set of states is denoted ~),
such that this relation is
symmetric and antireflexive:
Vp, q E ~, : p * q => q * p and II p E ~ : p * p.
Then, we can associate to any subset K of ~ its orthogonal defined by:
K* = {p E ~ : p * q , V q E K}
It is possible [13] to build, on the basis of the orthogonality relation
*, what is called an orthocomplementation, defined as follows. Let us
consider a set of subsets of E, denoted X (X c P(E)), partially ordered
by set-inclusion in E, then X is said to be orthocomplemented if there
exists a bijection', from X to X, such that VA, B EX:
i) A
c B
B' c A'
ii) (A')' = A
iii) A n A'
= 0
Thanks to the fact that in our approach, the propositions are in one to
one correspondence with subsets of the set of states (the sets of states
which "actualise" the proposition), we will say that a lattice is orthocomplemented if an orthocomplementation relation exists between the sets of
states which represent the proposition (this representation is called the
Cartan map of the lattice). For a Boolean lattice, by definition (section
3.1), two states are orthogonal iff they are different. This implies that
the complement of a set is its Boolean complement or set-theoretical
complement. In Boolean logics, this complementation is associated to
the classical logical negation.
Note that it is possible to build a set of subsets of the set of states
[13] which is orthocomplemented under the set orthogonality *. In order
to build this set, one must consider the map (denoted here clorth in
accordance with the conventions made in the refs. [6, 16]) from the set
of states E onto itself defined by: clorth(K) = (K*)*.
If one defines Forth as the subset of P(E) which is self-closed under
clorth: Forth = {F E P(E) : clorth(F) = F}, it is possible to show
[13] that Forth is orthocomplemented under the set-orthogonality *.
This orthocomplementation generalises the properties of the Boolean
complementation and presents a formal analogy with some laws of classical logics. For instance, the three properties (i, ii, iii) which enter the
definition of an orthocomplementation generalise the following classical
i) if A implies B, the negation of B implies the negation of A
ii) the negation of the negation of A is A itself
iii) A is never true and false simultaneously
It can be shown that the Cartan map of the lattice forms what is called
a closure-structure (see [11, 14, 15] for a definition), and that this is also
true for Forth. When these structures are identical, then, the lattice will
be said to be orthocomplemented.
We also mention without proof the following theorems relative to the
orthocomplementation of the lattice of properties of the E-model under
the A and E-orthogonality relations [16].
Theorem 3: The lattice of properties deduced from an E-probability
distribution characterised by the given of the angles (Oup , Odown) is
A-orthocomplemented (so to say, the Cartan map of the lattice of properties is equal to Forth) iff Odown = o.
Theorem 4: The lattice of properties deduced from an E-probability
distribution characterised by the given of the angles (Oup , Odown) is
E-orthocomplemented for arbitrary values of Oup and Odown.
This shows that the E complementation is very well adapted to the
E-model, which justifies its name.
Let us recall some properties of the spin 1/2.
- It is defined in a two-dimensional Hilbert space and can always be
expressed as a normalised superposition of a spin-up and a spindown state along an a priori direction z:
1'!fJ) = al +) + (31 - ), lal 2 + 1(31 2
= 1.
- Then, the spin-measurement with a Stern-Gerlach device oriented
along z is described by the observable ~O'z,
(I + )( + I) -
- The Pauli mapping maps bijectively the set of physical states onto
the unit 3-sphere, according to the following transformation law:
1'!fJ) - t n = (2Re a* (3, 21m a* (3, lal 2 - 1(31 2)
(in Cartesian coordinates) and conversely:
o _!::e.
where 0, cp are the polar angles of n.
This allows us to visualize all states on the sphere ; the up-state for
instance is sent on the north pole, the down-state on the south pole.
a = cos -e
This work was realised in the framework of a project of the Flemish
Funds of Scientific Research (F.W.O.). Some parts of it were already
present in the reference [16]. It was finished during an academical visit
in Gdansk, realised in the framework of the bilateral Flemish-Polish
project 007. Thanks to J. Pykacz for his constructive and destructive
Thomas Dun,
Brussels Free University,
Brussels, Belgium
[1] Aerts, D.: "The One and the Many", Doctoral Dissertation, Brussels
Free University, Brussels, 1981.
[2] Aerts, D.: "A possible explanation for the probabilities of quantum
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[3] Aerts, D., Durt, T., and Van Bogaert, B.: "A physical example
of quantum fuzzy sets and the classical limit", Tatra Mountains Math.
Publ., 1, 1992, p. 5.
[4] Aerts, D., Durt, T., Grib, A.A., Van Bogaert, B., and Zapatrin, R.R.: "Quantum structures in macroscopic reality" , Int. J. Theor.
Phys., 32, nO 3, 1993, p. 489.
[5] Aerts, D., Durt, T., and Van Bogaert, B.: "Indeterminism,
nonlocality and the classical limit", in uProceedings of the Symposium
on the Foundations of Modern Physics, Helsinki, August 1992, World
Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore, 1993, p. 154.
[6] Aerts, D. and Durt, T.: "Quantum, classical and intermediate. A
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Singapore, 1994, p. WI.
[7] Aerts, D.and Durt, T.: "Quantum, classical and intermediate. An
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measurement context", in New Developments on Fundamental Problems
in Quantum Physics, Ferrero et al., eds, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1997, p. 7.
[9] Aerts, D., Coecke, B., Durt, T., and Valckenborgh, F.: "Quantum, classical and intermediate I: A model on the Poincare sphere", in
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[12] Birkhoff, G. and von Neumann, J.: "The logic of quantum
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[13] Birkhoff, G.: "Lattice Theory", third edition, Amer. Math. Soc.,
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[14] Crapo, H.H. and Rota, G.C.: "Geometric lattices" in "Trends
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[15] Crapo, H.H. and Rota, G.C.: "On the foundations of combinatorial theory (II)" in "Studies in Appl. Math. ", 49, 1970, p. 109.
[16] Durt, T.: From quantum to classical, a toy model, Doctoral Dissertation, Brussels Free University, 1996.
[17] Grib A.A. and Zapatrin R.R.: Int. Journal of Theor. Phys., 29,
(2), 1990, p. 113.
[18] Piron, C.: "Axiomatique quantique", Helv. Phys. Acta, 37, 1964,
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[22] von Neumann, J.: "Grundlehren, Math. Wiss. XXXVIII", 1932.
[23] von Neumann, J.: "Mathematische Grundlagen der Quanten-mechanik", Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1932.
We present here the graphs of the probabilities of transition for some
values of Oup and 0down' The first graph corresponds to the quantum situation, and the second and third graphs correspond to the deterministic
Figure 4. Probability distribution when
= 0, the quantum case.
Figure 5.
= ()down =
7r /2.
Figure 6.
Figure 7.
= ()down = 1r /8.
Figure 8.
1r /4, (}down
Figure 9.
Figure 10.
= 7r/6,
= 7r /3.
The basic features of classical logical semantics can be summarized as
1) Truth behaves like the knowledge of an omniscient mind, which is at
the same time non contradictory and complete.
2) Meanings behave in an atomistic and compositional way: the meaning
of a whole is determined by the meaning of its parts.
3) Meanings are non ambiguous and sharp.
All this renders classical semantics hardly applicable to an adequate
analysis of natural languages and of artistic contexts, where holistic and
ambiguous features seem to playa relevant role. However, formal semantics is not necessarily bound to classical logic. In contemporary logical
research, the classical notion of truth has been transformed according to
different views. For instance, truth can be identified with what is known
by non omniscient minds in a universe that may be either deterministic or indeterministic. The second choice represent the starting point
of a semantic characterization of quantum logic. As a consequence one
obtains examples of formal semantics that permit us to model ambiguous and holistic situations. In such a framework, even the classical non
contradiction principle can be violated.
Have these semantic considerations any bearing for a possible formal
analysis of interpretations in artistic contexts? We will refer to the case
of music, and will try and answer the following question: is it possible to
recognize a kind of abstract nucleus that might be common to scientific
theories and musical compositions?
Birkhoff and von Neumann began their famous article "The Logic of
quantum mechanics" [1 J with the following claim:
One of the aspects of quantum theory that has attracted the most general attention, is the novelty of the logical notions which it presupposes.
After sixty years such a novelty seems to have largely crossed the
boundaries of microphysics.
From an intuitive point of view the basic features of classical semantics
(developed by Leibniz, Frege, Tarski ... ) can be summarized as follows:
1) Truth behaves like the knowledge of an omniscient mind, which is
at the same time non contradictory and complete.
1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
As a consequence:
a) any problem is semantically decided: for any sentence A, either
A or not A is true (Tertium non datur);
b) A sentence A and its negation not A are not at the same time
true (Non contradiction principle).
2) Meanings behave in an atomistic and compositional way: the meaning of a whole is determined by the meanings of its parts.
3) Meanings are non ambiguous and sharp.
All this renders classical semantics hardly applicable to an adequate
analysis of natural languages and of artistic contexts, where holistic and
ambiguous features seem to playa relevant role. In this connection, one
might refer to a number of different examples. For instance, let us think
of the final verse of a famous poem, L'Infinito (Infinity), by Giacomo
E'l naufragar m 'e dolce in questa mare
(And drowning in this sea is sweet to me).
The poetic result seems to be essentially connected with the following
semantic relation: the meanings of the component expressions "naufragar" (drowning), "dolce" (sweet), "mare" (sea) do not correspond here
to the most common meanings. By the way, there is no sea in Recanati,
Leopardi's native village which the poem refers to. However the usual
meanings of our expressions are somehow present and ambiguously correlated with the metaphorical meanings that are evoked by the whole
poem. Needless to say, this represents a quite typical semantic situation
in poetry.
In contemporary logical research, the classical notion of truth has been
transformed according to different views. For instance, truth can be identified with what is known by non omniscient minds in a universe that may
be either deterministic or indeterministic. The first choice is compatible with the intuitionistic approaches to logic and mathematics, whereas
the second choice represents the basic assumption of the quantum logical
investigations. In both cases, the classical notion of truth
a sentence A is true under a given interpretation
has been replaced by the following relation:
a given information forces us to assert the truth of a sentence A.
All this can be conveniently described by using the metaphor of possi-
ble worlds. What is a possible world? In the framework of an epistemic
conception, a possible world can be regarded as a piece of information
about a possible state of affairs: for instance, what is known by an observer about a physical system. The basic semantic relation is usually
represented as follows:
And is read: "information i forces sentence A" .
Should i represent a non contradictory and complete system of information, our forcing relation would naturally collapse into the classical
notion of truth. However, knowledge is in general not complete and not
necessarily consistent. Further, an information may essentially refer to
other correlated information systems. As a consequence, it is expedient
to suppose a whole set of pieces of information:
1= {i,j, k, ... }
that admit of different correlations. In the technical jargon of possible
world semantics, a correlation between pieces of information (or possible
worlds) is usually called an accessibility relation.
How can Birkhoff and von Neumann's quantum logic be described in
the framework of a possible world semantics? The basic intuitive idea
is the following: any information i represents the observer's knowledge
about the quantum system under investigation (for instance the electron
of a given hydrogen atom). As a limit case, i might correspond to a non
contradictory maximal knowledge: in other words, i cannot be consistently extended to a more precise information. Pieces of information of
this kind are usually called, both in classical and in quantum physics,
pure states. In the formalism of quantum theory, pure states are mathematically represented as particular vectors in an appropriate abstract
space (which is called a Hilbert space). Accessibility here means logical
compatibility: i and j are accessible (or non orthogonal) if and only if
they do not have contradictory consequences. On this basis, the accessibility relation turns out to be reflexive (any information i is accessible
to itself) and symmetric (if i is accessible to j then j is accessible to i).
What about the forcing conditions? As to the atomic sentences (that
cannot be decomposed into simpler sentential parts) the following condition is assumed:
i forces a sentence A if and only if any information j accessible to i has
an accessible information k that forces A.
This condition represents a kind of stability requirement.
Let us now consider the case of compound (molecular) sentences that
are constructed by composing atomic sentences by means of logical connectives (negation, conjunction, disjunction). The behaviour of negation
is governed by the following condition:
an information i forces a sentence not A if and only if i has no
accessible information j that forces A.
In other words: i forces not A when it is impossible to transform i into
a compatible information j that forces A.
As a consequence, an information i will not necessarily decide a sentence A that may remain strongly indetermined for i:
i forces neither A nor not A.
The semantic tertium non datur fails, in accordance with the probabilistic character of quantum theory.
What about conjunction and disjunction? Conjunction has a classical
behaviour, governed by the usual truth-table. In other words:
an information i forces A and B if and only if i forces both members
At the same time, like in classical logic disjunction is supposed to be
defined in terms of negation and conjunction by means of the so called
de Morgan law:
i forces A or B if and only if i forces not (not A and not B).
Since negation does not have here the usual classical meaning, the
characteristic truth-table for the connective or turns out to be violated:
forcing the truth of a disjunction does not mean forcing the truth of at
least one member
As a consequence, the following situation is possible:
i forces A or B; however i forces neither A nor B!
This peculiar behaviour of disjunction corresponds to a fairly typical quantum situation. In quantum theory on can mention a number
of examples where an alternative is determined and true, even if both
members are strongly undetermined (and hence not true). For instance,
any electron has in any direction either spin up or spin down. However,
owing to the uncertainty relations, an electron that has a well determined spin value in the x direction (say value up) cannot have a well
determined spin value in the y direction (neither up, nor down).
Birkhoff and von Neumann's quantum logic represents, in a sense,
a "semiaristotelian logic". As we have seen, the semantic tertium non
datur fails: a sentence is not necessarily either true or false. However,
the non contradiction principle still holds. New forms of quantum logic
that are even "more non aristotelian" arise in the framework of the so
called unsharp approaches to quantum theory.
Why moving to the unsharp approaches? From an intuitive point of
view, on can say that such approaches represent, in a sense, an important step towards a kind of second degree of "fuzziness" or "ambiguity". We can try and illustrate the difference between the standard and
the unsharp approaches by referring to a non scientific example. Let us
consider the two following sentences, which apparently have no definite
Hamlet is 1. 70 meters tall.
Brutus is an honourable man.
The semantic uncertainty involved in our first example seems to depend on the incompleteness of the individual concept associated to the
name "Hamlet". In other words: the property "being 1.70 meters tall" is
certainly a sharp property. However, our concept of Hamlet is not able
to decide whether such property is satisfied or not. Differently from real
persons, literary characters have a number of undetermined properties.
On the contrary, the semantic uncertainty involved in our second example, is mainly caused by the ambiguity of the concept "honourable".
What does it mean "being honourable"? Needless to recall how the ambiguity of the adjective "honourable" plays an important role in the
famous Mark Antony's monologue in Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar". Orthodox quantum theory and quantum logic take into consideration only
examples of the first kind: properties are sharp; whereas all semantic
uncertainties are due to the incompleteness of the individual concepts,
which correspond to pure states of quantum objects. A characteristic of
unsharp quantum theory, instead, is to investigate also examples of the
second kind.
In Hilbert space quantum theory, physical properties that may be
ambiguous and unsharp are mathematically represented by particular
operators, called effects. At the same time, sharp properties correspond
to projection operators, which are limit-cases of effects. An extreme case
of an unsharp property is represented by the semitransparent effect, to
which any physical state assigns probability ~. This represents a kind of
paradigmatic example of a totally undetermined physical property.
In the possible world semantics for unsharp quantum logic, an information i may correspond to an ambiguous knowledge. As a consequence,
pieces of information turn out to be not necessarily compatible with
themselves: reflexivity breaks down. On this basis, it turns out that an
information may force at the same time a sentence A and its negation
not A:
iF A, notA.
The non contradiction principle is violated! The result is a paraconsistent
(or fuzzy or unsharp) form of quantum logic.
Similar semantic behaviours can be recognized also in other domains
of experience that, prima facie, appear to be quite far from microphysics.
In fact, the notion of possible world can be successfully applied not only
by logicians and by physicists. For instance, also historians naturally
interact with possible worlds, at least implicitly. The role of possible
worlds in historical research has been investigated in [2], [3]. We will use
here a slightly different semantic approach.
Similarly to physical states, even historical sources determine pieces
of information about possible state of affairs. From an abstract point of
view, in the simplest case, a source can be idealized as a set of sentences:
a source i will assert a sentence A when A is contained in i.
For instance the source The Lives of the Twelve Caesars asserts the
Evident miracles had announced to Julius Caesar his violent death.
More generally a source may be represented also by some non linguistic
objects (monuments, tools, tombs, ... ). As a consequence, the relation "i
asserts A" might have a weaker meaning, like "A is confirmed, testified
by i".
Similarly to a quantum logical situation, two sources may be either
compatible or incompatible. We will say that two sources i and j are
compatible when it is not the case that i asserts a sentence A whereas j
asserts the negation not A. Since a source is not necessarily consistent,
we will have that some sources might be incompatible with themselves.
Apparently, the presence of a local contradiction is not a sufficient reason that renders a given source completely unreliable. Consequently, like
in the case of unsharp quantum logic, the accessibility relation between
pieces of information turns out to be symmetric, but generally not reflexive.
Let I represent a set of sources that are available to a given historian.
When will our historian accept the historical truth of a given statement?
At first sight, one is tempted to take into consideration the two following
All sources assert A.
At least one source asserts A.
However, our first choice seems too strong: many events that are sometimes considered as "historical facts" are not asserted by all sources. At
the same time, our second choice appears too weak: some sources might
be not completely reliable. For instance, why should we trust Suetonius
when he asserts that "Evident miracles had announced to Julius Caesar
his violent death"?
An intermediate choice between I) and II), that seems quite reasonable
from the intuitive point of view, naturally leads to a quantum-logic-like
truth condition:
a source i forces the truth of an atomic sentence A if and only if for
any source j compatible with i, there exists a compatible source k that
asserts A.
In other words, A represents a stable assertion. As to the case of compound sentences, again the quantum logical truth conditions appear to
be quite natural. In particular, one might mention a number of examples in historical contexts, where an alternative is true, whereas both
members are strongly undetermined.
Finally let us ask: when will a historian accept the historical truth of
a given sentence? The natural answer in our abstract semantics is the
following: a historian will accept the truth of A, when A is forced by a set
of sources that are judged reliable by our historian. On this basis one can
conclude that truths discovered by historians and by quantum physicists
turn out to have some strong formal similarities! In both cases, one is
dealing with a typical holistic behaviour, against the analytic tradition
of classical semantics.
Holistic features can be easily recognized also in the quantum theoretical treatment of the notion of physical object. Suppose we want
to describe a compound physical system. For instance, a two particle
8 = 81
+ 82
(say, the electron and the nucleus of a given hydrogen atom). In the
happiest situation, the observer's information about the system will correspond to a maximal information: a pure state. Otherwise, it will be
a mixed state or more generally a physical property corresponding to a
partial description of our system. What about the component systems?
Information about the parts can be derived from the information about
the whole system in accordance with the mathematical formalism of
quantum theory.
Now, a typical quantum theoretical situation is the following: a state
i provides a maximal information about the whole system. However, the
information determined by i about the component systems cannot be
maximal: the individual concepts of the two parts do not correspond to
pure states.
This is exactly what happens in the case of a compound system consisting of two indistinguishable particles of the same kind (for instance,
two bosons, which obey the Bose-Einstein statistics). Since we are dealing
with two indistinguishable bosons, any pure state of the whole system
may have a typical form that has been called entangled: as a consequence
the states of the two subsystems will not be pure and will correspond to
two equal mixed states. The result is a characteristic holistic behaviour:
the whole permits to determine partial individual concepts for the parts;
at the same time the whole is not determined by its parts.
Have these semantic considerations any bearing for a possible formal
analysis of interpretations in artistic contexts? Let us refer to the case
of music and let us try and ask the following question: is it possible to
recognize a kind of abstract nucleus that might be common to scientific
theories and to musical compositions?
As is well known, according to a standard logical approach, any scientific theory can be, in principle, analyzed as a pair
= ( Formal system,
Class of interpretations)
where the formal system corresponds to an axiomatic version of the theory, while the interpretations (or models) represent experience domains
where the sentences asserted by the formal system (the theorems of the
theory) are verified. In some limit-cases a formal system is lacking, and
the theory is simply identified with a language and with a class of models. Paradigmatic examples of theories in this sense are Peano arithmetic
or von Neumann's axiomatic quantum theory.
One can guess that even a musical composition can be similarly analyzed as a pair:
COMJlD«Jl§TIlTION = ( Score, Class of interpretations)
The score plays the role of a formal system (a particular syntactic object); at the same time all historical interpretations of the score play the
role of the models. Needless to observe, musical compositions cannot be
generally reduced to their mere scores. Scores and formal systems present
some clear similarities and some obvious differences. For instance, like in
the case of formal languages, also in a score one can naturally distinguish
between atomic and compound musical expressions: atomic expressions
will represent musical phrases or themes that are perceived as a whole,
and that cannot be further decomposed. As an example, the first measures of the first violins and of the violas in Beethoven's 9th symphony
can be reasonably regarded as an atomic expression:
All the proper parts in such expression, are perceived as incomplete
themes. Compound musical expressions are build up by means of complex
concatenation operations in a bidimensional frame: as is well known,
bidimensionality is a characteristic of the standard formal language of
musical works. These concatenation operations can be regarded as the
natural counterparts of logical connectives in formal systems.
For a theoretician, a formal language represents a possible linguistic
context: asserting a given formal system essentially means selecting a
set of theorems within this language. In the same way, one could say
that a composer refers to a linguistic context, where he selects a system
of musical expressions. In a sense, the musical expressions written in a
score play the role of the theorems in a formal system.
A main difference between formal systems and scores is the following:
in most formal languages well formed expressions give rise to a decidable
set; in other words, one can always decide in a finite number of steps
whether a given sequence of signs is a well formed expression of our
language. At the same time, after Codel we know that the set of the
theorems is generally undecidable. On the contrary, musical languages
(as well as all artistic languages, in general) are intrinsically ambiguous
and undecidable, in spite of all rigid harmony treatises.
What about the second component of a musical work (the class of all
interpretations)? As is well known, interpreting a formal system means
realizing the well formed expressions of the language in a given universe
of discourse. Similarly a musical interpretation (a performance) realizes
musical events that corresponds to musical expressions written in the
score. In both cases, one is dealing with an operation that associates
meanings to systems of signs. As we have seen, in classical model theory
meanings have a compositional and analytic behaviour: the meaning of
a whole is determined by the meanings of the parts. Of course, such a
behaviour cannot be expected in the case of musical performances: generally a whole will determine the meanings of the parts, but not the other
way around. Whenever one interprets (or one simply listens to) a given
symphony, one cannot generally perceive all the different lines written
in the score as distinguished elements. At the same time, the result of a
performance does not represent, for a musically educated person, a kind
of indistinct sound beam (which represents a typical unidimensional phenomenon, from the physical point of view). Generally, an interpretation
decomposes a whole consisting of many expressions into a limited number of voices that are perceived as unitary elements, where each voice
is active during a certain time interval. Of course voices may be either
human or instrumental.
Is it really useful to try and develop technically an abstract holistic
semantics for musical compositions, based on these general ideas? We do
not have a certain answer to this question. Anyway, the mere existence of
some common abstract patterns that can be discovered both in scientific
and artistic works, seems to be interesting from the theoretical point of
Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara
Roberto Giuntini
Dipartimento di Filosofia
Universita di Firenze, Italy
[1] Birkhoff, G. and von Neumann, J., "The Logic of quantum
mechanics", Annals of Mathematics, 37, 1936, pp. 823-843.
[2) Toraldo di Francia, G., Un Universo Troppo Semplice, Feltrinelli,
Milano, 1990.
[3) Toraldo di Francia, G., "Historical Truth", Foundations of Science,
1, 1995-1996, pp. 417-425.
Lukasiewicz, 68, 91
conjunction, 70, 82
disjunction, 70, 82
equivalence, 70
implication, 70, 72
negation, 70, 82
operations on fuzzy sets, 82
accessibility relation, 227
antisymmetry, 44
Aristotle, 68
associativity, 42, 47
atomicity, 188
attribute, 6, 14, 29
actual, 14, 16, 22
irreducible, 18
logic, 15, 17, 27, 28
potential, 14, 22
principal, 16
principle of actuality, 18
tested, 16
axiomatics, 169, 176, 182, 190, 201
-Kochen-Specker theorem, 104, 133
inequality, 133
theorem, 132
binary operation
partiaL 42
total, 42
Birkhoff and von Neumann's quantum logic, 227
Birkhoff-von Neumann, 88, 89
Bohr, 31, 106, 142
certainly true domain, 122
characteristic function, 39
classical, 3, 4, 13, 14, 18, 27, 28, 30,
54-57, 67, 68, 75, 78, 81, 82, 8693,103,105,107-109,112-116,118,
119, 122, 125-127, 129-131, 136,
143-145, 153, 163-169, 185, 198,
200, 207, 208, 210-213, 215-218,
225-228, 231, 234
closure, 122
commutativity, 42, 47
pragmatic, 124
semantic, 123
complement, 121
complementarity, 31, 86, 88
completion procedure, 126
compound entities, 193
compound physical system, 125, 232
conditional hypothesis, 28
algebra, 43
function, 38, 43
confidence function, 41
conjunction, 13, 18, 27, 94
Lukasiewicz, 70, 82
Zawirski, 74, 82
accessible physical, 130
contradictory, 130
non-accessible physical, 130
contextuality, 104, 133
pragmatic, 131
semantic, 131
Copenhagen paradigm, 86
covering law, 188, 193, 194, 200, 201
set, 76
D-poset, 7
de Broglie, 85, 142
de Morgan law, 228
decidable, 233
deduction rule, 107, 109
denial, 28
isotropic, 42
particle, 38
dichotomic registering device, 116
dichotomy, 44
difference poset, 48
Dirac, 2, 17, 18, 87, 142
disjunction, 28, 94
Lukasiewicz, 70, 82
Zawirski, 74, 82
distributivity, 49
domain, 118
effect, 38, 47, 117
algebra, 7
operator, 7
algebra, 47, 120
Hilbert space, 50
crisp, 48
operator, 7
sharp, 38, 46
effects, 230
Einstein, 2, 75,84, 106, 142, 194, 196,
200, 201, 232
Lukasiewicz, 70
estimator, 24
maximum likelihood, 24
Euclidean, 58, 68,143,145,147,149,
event, 9, 91
logic, 10, 11, 28
nonoccurred, 22
nonoccurrence, 9
not tested, 22
occurred, 22
occurrence, 9
test of, 19
compatible, 10
locally complementary, 10
orthogonal, 10
perspective, 10
experiment, 1, 7, 14, 22, 23, 27, 3739, 55, 62, 67, 83-87, 89-95, 116,
117, 121, 126, 131, 136, 149-154,
157-160, 162, 163, 167, 176-178,
191, 192, 196, 198, 199,211-214
double-slit, 83, 85
interference, 84, 85
procedure, 8
proposition, 11, 27, 29, 89-9l
confirmed, 12, 22
not tested, 22
refuted, 12, 22
test of, 12
compatible, 13
logic of, 11, 12
orthogonal, 13
simultaneously testable, 27
extension, 118
extreme point, 20
face lattice, 21, 28
Feynman, 83
forcing conditions, 227
formal system, 232
frequency, 121
proposition, 7
set, 76
complement, 78, 82
theory, 76
Lukasiewicz operations, 82
bold operations, 82
equality, 78
Giles operations, 82
inclusion, 78
intersection, 80, 82
union, 79, 82
Zadeh operations, 78, 82
Giles, 82
greatest lower bound, 13, 46, 93
Heisenberg, 26, 54, 55, 87, Ill, 141,
hidden measurements, 166
hidden variables, 2, 30, 31, 90, 114,
137, 163, 164, 207, 210
local, 137
theory, 114
Hilbert space, 4-7, 48,50,54,57,62,
89-92, 94, 96, 142, 143, 160, 180,
183-186, 188-190, 195-199, 201,
208, 219, 227, 230
historical sources, 230
historical truth, 231
holistic behaviour, 232
implication, 12
Lukasiewicz, 70, 72
connective, 28
relation, 13, 15, 28, 172
indistinguishable particles, 232
interference, 83
interval estimation, 23
involution, 44
join, 13
laboratory, 116
lack of knowledge, 90, 163, 165-168,
of properties, 127
lattice, 3-7,13,21,22,27,28,49,50,
57, 62, 90, 92, 94, 126, 127, 183,
185-190, 194, 197, 207, 208, 211,
of face,;, 28
of facs, 21
orthomodular, 5, 6, 13, 90
0- 1, 47
associative, 42
De Morgan, 13, 46, 74
distributive, 49
distributivity, 54
empirical, 129
of bivalence, 69
of C'ontmniction, 74
of distributivity, 4, 90
of excluded middle, 69, 74
theoretical, 129
least upper bound, 13, 45, 93
Giacomo, 226
locality, 132
n-valued, 69, 71
Lukasiewicz, 68
of experimental propositions, 12
classical, 68, 75, 86, 107, 115
inductive, 23, 28
infinite-valued; 71, 81
intuitionistic, 109
many-valued, 68, 71, 86
non-classical, 68
of attributes, 15, 17, 27, 28
of conditional hypotheses, 28
of events, 10, 11, 28
of experimental propositions, 11,
quantum, 90, 110, 127
three-valued, 69, 87
logical connectives, 27
macroscopic, 60, 61, 83, 85, 116, 136,
144, 145, 165, 198, 207
maximal knowledge, 227
measurement, 7, 8, 25, 26, 29, 30, 37,
38, 41, 46-49, 54, 55, 59, 60, 62,
103, 104, 110, 111, 113, 114, 128,
132, 134, 137, 159, 165, 167, 207212, 215, 219
yes-no, 37
meet, 13
degree of, 53, 75, 82
function, 76
Metatheoretical Principle
classical, 130
Generalized, 130
mixed state, 232
models, 232
musical interpretation, 234
negation, 13, 92
Lukasiewicz, 70, 82
Post, 73
Non contradiction principle, 226
nonlocality, 104, 132
objectification problem, 113
observative language, 116
ontologie, 90, 112-115, 132, 163, 166,
167, 169, 172, 191, 199
operational, 62, 91, 126, 128, 129, 131,
136, 142, 143, 169, 173, 174, 176,
182, 190, 195, 201
operator, 2,4, 5, 7, 26, 29, 30, 54, 57,
62, 89-92, 94, 126, 134, 143, 157159, 178-181, 183-187, 189, 198,
199, 230
inverting operation, 44
logical, 109
relation, 120
partial, 44
total, 44
orthoalgebra, 6, 48
orthocomplementation, 5, 13, 27, 28,
188-190, 193,207,217-219
orthogonality, 47, 156, 188, 190, 207,
212, 214, 215, 218
identity, 5
lattice, 5
identity, 13
lattice, 6, 13, 90
poset, 6
orthosupplement, 40
orthosupplementation, 47
outcome, 9-12, 14-16, 19, 20, 24-29,
62, 92, 93, 111, 113, 117, 120, 121,
134, 153, 159, 160, 166, 176, 178,
211, 212, 214, 215
paraconsistent, 230
paradox, 2, 104, 106, 110, 115, 116,
119, 123, 125, 127, 135, 137, 141,
143, 149, 190, 194, 197
photon, 84
physical object, 117
point estimation, 23
possible world semantics, 227
Post, 69, 72
negation, 73
pre-order, 109, 171, 172, 183, 185,198
preclusivity relation, 122
non-sharp, 76
sharp, 75, 76
preparation, 116
probability, 19, 121
convex combination of, 20
full set of, 19
order determining set of, 19
model, 19
projection, 4, 5, 7, 29, 30, 54, 62, 89,
91, 92, 94, 125, 137, 143, 158-160,
162, 168, 178, 183, 184, 186, 187,
189, 190, 212, 230
operators, 230
property, 38, 42, 44, 48, 54, 62, 87,
103, 104, 108, 111, 123, 125-128,
133, 137, 146, 164, 166, 167, 169173, 176-178, 181, 183-186, 188192, 196, 197, 200, 201, 211-213,
correlation, 126
first order, 123, 126
higher order, 123
testable, 123
theoretical, 126
proposition, 29
propositional function, 92
always-false, 92, 95
always-true, 92, 95
pure states, 227
quantum logic, 230
quantum machine, 145, 149-152, 154,
155, 162, 165-167, 169, 179, 185,
191, 198, 199
quantum mechanics, 1-6, 18, 25, 2931, 38, 48, 50, 53-55, 58, 59, 61,
62, 83, 86-91, 103-107, 109-116,
118-120, 122, 124-127, 129-137,
141-143, 145, 149, 153, 155, 158160, 162-165, 167, 169, 172, 182,
184, 186, 188-197, 199-201, 211,
212, 215, 225
quantum structures, 89, 92, 141, 142
reality, 132
received viewpoint, 104
reflexivity, 44
Reichenbach, 88
relativity theory, 142, 143, 200
Schrodinger, 2, 87, 141, 142
score, 233
testability, 110
transition probability, 151, 154, 155,
162, 179-181, 198, 209, 222
transitivity, 44
truth, 107, 128
access to, 107
empirical access to, 128
Tarski theory of, 107
Semantic Realism, 115, 119, 127
spin, 25, 30
experiment, 152, 157, 160
state, 2,16-18,20,22,25-27,29-31,
44, 48, 53-57, 59-62, 69, 76, 84,
87, 91-93, 95, 96, 103, 104, 108110, 114, 117-127, 129, 131-134,
137, 149, 150, 153-157, 159, 164,
166, 168-173, 175-182, 185-188,
190, 191, 195-199, 201, 207-209,
211-219, 227, 229, 230, 232
entangled, 125
first type, 125
mixed, 122
property space, 171-176, 182-187,
189-191, 195, 201
property system, 184, 185, 188, 189,
pure, 122
second type, 125
nontestable, 128
testable, 128
hypothesis, 23
testing, 23
inference, 23
parameter, 23
parametric hypothesis, 23
Stern-Gerlach, 29,152-155,157,160,
209, 219
superposition, 18, 28
support, 20
testable, 124, 127
theoretical, 127
tensor product, 6
Tertium non datur, 226
uncertainty principle, 93
uncertainty relations, 229
undecidable, 233
unsharp approaches to quantum theory, 229
vector space, 2, 4, 89, 142, 145, 147,
148, 155-157, 162, 179, 188, 194
empirical, 110
logical, 109
von Neumann, 2, 4, 5, 29, 31, 5456,58,67,88-90,92-96,141,143,
144, 164, 215, 225, 227, 229, 232
weak modularity, 189
Zadeh, 76
operations, 78, 82
Zawirski, 74,88, 91
conjunction, 74, 82
disjunction, 74, 82