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2001 Annual Conference Proceedings
7 pages
1 file
In 1996 the Education Ministry of Brazil published the Federal Law no. 9.394 known as LDB-Basis and Directress Law of Education. With this new Law it started the educational reforms with the objective of increasing the quality of 3rd Grade in the Country. Although the reforms are associated to a political project of the present team of Republic, the real motivation is due to the consequences of a new social and technical post industrial paradigm recognized simply as: Globalization. Among all the characteristics of this new productive model, the most interesting one may be the intense use of information technology as an aggregation factor of people and markets. Immersed in this context of international integration of deep and radical changes in society and in the producing system, that the engineering project of SENAC School of Engineering and Technology has emerged. It is a Telecommunication Engineering Program, which contains in its curricula the "free period". It is called so because it is the time that the students can attend classes in the several other areas of knowledge, in one of the Units of SENAC. They are free to choose among the many options like environment issues, nursery, photography, gastronomy, languages, arts and etc. They can choose as many areas as they want along the five years, at least one per two years. At the end of each period they present a report about their development in those areas. The reports are discussed with a group of a psychologist, a pedagogue, an engineer professor and the coordinator of the course. This added to the basic science courses, basic engineering courses and specific engineering courses.
The first major challenge of Brazilian Engineering is to make efficient Engineering courses. To do so, the Brazilian government should improve the quality of education at all levels in the country which is very low. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD) Review of 2010 -Programa Internacional de Avaliação de Alunos, PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment, PISA )-Brazil is on 53 th place among 65 countries analyzed. Below of Chile, Uruguay, Mexico and Trinidad and Tobago [OKADA, Ana. Quase metade dos alunos brasileiros de 15 anos não atinge nível básico de leitura no Pisa (Nearly half of Brazilian students aged 15 do not reach the basic level of reading in Pisa), available on website <>].
Bulgarian Comparative Education Society, 2016
Brazil is one of the largest countries in the world as well one of the greatest economies among developing countries. To be competitive, Brazil needs to be able to develop technology, research and knowledge. In this sense, we argue that economic growth is directly related to technological development, which is linked to the investments in infrastructure, education, technologies and research mainly from engineering. Engineers must be prepared to develop solutions and technologies and to contribute to the well-being of society. The main purpose of this paper is to present an exploratory study concerned with the general overview of Brazilian engineers’ graduate and postgraduate courses as well as their current occupation.
Sociabilidades Urbanas , 2021
The aim of this paper is to analyse the Brazilian technological evolution in national progress in education and culture, social development, and innovation technological issues. It will focus on the legitimacy of its democratic institutions, the complexity of its economy and the role on the international scene, founded on respect for the rule of law, on the search for peace and on the promotion of development. Education is a prerequisite for achieving this objective inserting the population in political debate and participation in scientific, artistic production and cultural events. The world is experiencing fast changes through the reshaping of technology and the academic institutions aiming at the internationalization of education. It has a qualitative approach, using the methodology of documental analysis and bibliographical research. The main documents analyzed pose questions about educational norms and where do universities place themselves. The literature consulted were primarily international and constitutional law, focusing on an open agenda to allow members of the academic community to consider new plans for their respective institutions and to implement joint programs for the development of the universities in an era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution – Revolution 4.0.
Once more University is reacting and readapting itself to the new necessities of the so-called post industrial revolution society. In the center of this revolution is the Technology. Attempted to this need, SENAC School of Engineering and Technology has conceived and developed the Telecommunication Engineering Program, which contains in its curricula the "free period". It is called so because it is a time the students have to attend classes in the several other areas of knowledge, in one of the Units of SENAC. They are free to choose among the many options like: environment issues, nursery, photography, design, fashion, l anguages, art, etc, at last, whatever they want. They can choose as many areas as they want along the five years, at least one per two years. At the end of each period they have to present a report about their development. The report is showed and discussed with a council compound of a psychologist, a pedagogue, an engineer professor and the coordinator of the program
Brazilian education is going through an unprecedented crisis. This crisis results, on the one hand, from the lack of an efficient and effective education system and, on the other, from the lack of government policies that contribute to overcoming the current problems of education and their adaptation to the ongoing technological changes that impact on the world of work and society in general. The fact that Brazil's education system is inefficient and ineffective prevents it from functioning as a factor of economic and social development and contributes to the social ascent of the lower classes of the population. The lack of a new education policy adjusted to the current technological changes prevents Brazil from increasing the productivity of its workers and jeopardizing their future economic and social development. These are the reasons why it is imperative to implement a new education system in Brazil.
This paper presents a support program for the professional development at the Escola Politécnica da Universidade de Sao Paulo-Brasil as an additional effort for further directed training aiming to a desired profile for the future engineer.
Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities
This article accepts the challenge to reflect on the cultural history of music as a transcultural and universally human phenomenon, particularly in the medieval context. To what extent has music played the same or at least similar function in endless cultural contexts all over the world from the past to the present? We know for sure that music has always been present at all age groups, in all ethnic groups, among all genders, and throughout time. There have always been local, ethnic types of music (folklore), and universally accepted manifestations of music (esp. classical music). The emphasis here rests, after an extensive study of music in global cultural-historical terms, on comments about music in medieval philosophy, mysticism, and literature because here we discover fundamental notions about music being the medium to connect the individual with the cosmic harmony, hence with the divine. In literary texts, above all, music was identified as the critical expression of identity, ...
Estado e Religião: uma divisão filosófica de uma relação conflitiva (Atena Editora), 2023
A quarta consideração de ser mais temeroso o juízo dos homens, que o juízo de Deus, porque Deus julga o que conhece, os homens julgam o que não conhecem. [...] Deus julga os pensamentos, mas os conhece, o homem não pode conhecer os pensamentos, e julga-os. Padre Antônio Vieira, 1689. Honroso é o privilégio de reencontrar nesta obra a lucidez luminosa da inteligência de José de Magalhães Campos Ambrósio, cujo primeiro contato me foi proporcionado quando de sua chegada ainda na graduação à Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), no contexto do programa de mobilização estudantil, vindo da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU), onde hoje é professor. A todos cativou desde o primeiro momento, quer seja por sua sedutora inteligência, quer seja pela sua lhaneza de ser em um estilo sempre zen. Corajoso, impõe-se o desafio de pesquisar em sede de Teoria do Estado em um momento histórico marcado por furiosa e extremada estatofobia. Cenário de uma terra devastada pela fúria neoliberal, com suas hordas de pregadores idólatras, cujo totem e objeto de culto ainda hoje, na contemporaneidade, permanece sendo o velho bezerro de ouro dos antigos hebreus tão bem reproduzido na imagem do dourado touro de ouro na porta de bolsa de valores em Wall Street. A obra com a qual somos agora brindados reafirma o conceito hegeliano de ser a religião um dado da cultura que, portanto, em um mundo marcado por conflitos civilizacionais, no qual nos parece cada vez mais atualizada a díade schmittiana do amigo-inimigo, pela qual a oposição sagrado-profano parece conduzir a conflituosidade contemporânea. A poderosa lente de José de Magalhães leva-nos a repensar o teológico-político reemergente como fruto do desencantamento do mundo pelo Iluminismo e pela Revolução Francesa que parece ter nos legado uma civilização marcada por uma degenerada e cruel razão instrumental, provocando uma “revanche de Deus” como resposta às frustrações, à desesperança e ao desespero do flagelo ético com o qual nos confrontamos na atualidade. Preciosa é sua análise sobre os totalitarismos que instrumentalizaram ícones e performances inerentes ao sagrado em suas violências políticas profanas. A leitura da presente obra nos rememora o célebre episódio histórico envolvendo os vitoriosos aliados ao fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial quando por insistência de sua santidade, o Papa Pio XII, os aliados ocidentais insistiam em discutir junto a Josef Stalin o destino da católica Áustria, então ocupada pelo poderoso exército vermelho. Quando, nesta ocasião, Stalin, já incomodado com a insistência no tema, indaga arrogantemente sobre quantas divisões possuía o Papa para que aquele assunto fosse tão recorrente. O poderoso dirigente soviético não conseguia ver as divisões do Papa, que se manifestaram, vitoriosamente, no histórico ano de 1979 na católica Polônia, levando à ruína o socialismo real em todo leste europeu, contexto em que o cardeal Karol Wojtyla, então Papa João Paulo II, e o cardeal Joseph Ratzinger, futuro Papa Bento XVI, os algozes do socialismo realmente existente, como grandes geopolíticos e estrategistas, sem um só tiro escrevessem o epitáfio da experiência do socialismo real. A aliança teológico-política por eles forjada com o império americano teve como contrapartida geopolítica o combate sem trégua à Teologia da Libertação no cenário latino-americano, moeda de troca que custou a contenção da igreja progressista e a expansão política e eleitoral do movimento carismático católico e das seitas neopentecostais a partir de então empoderadas. A guerra cultural empreendida por tal aliança na América Latina substituiu os sangrentos conflitos armados da América Central da década de 1970 do século passado pela disputa de corações e mentes por meio do teológico-político para ficarmos com Schmitt. Exemplar em tal contexto foi a visão prospectiva do ex-aluno jesuíta, Fidel Castro, com sua reforma constitucional pela qual renunciou ao ativismo estatal ateu reestabelecendo em seu país a liberdade de culto, o que certamente lhe proporcionou o privilégio de ao contrário dos epígonos soviéticos no leste europeu de morrer velho na cama tendo recebido em vida a visita de três Papas e tendo como cenário de fundo a erosão dos regimes socialistas do leste europeu transformados em cinzas. Portanto, esta obra, Estado e Religião, passa a condição de leitura seminal a tantos quantos pretendem alcançar uma compreensão crítica da emergência no cenário político estatal de um agressivo confessionalismo que abala os conceitos de secularismo e laicismo tão bem ilustrados na presente obra. Em derradeiro, fica a nos dever agora o autor novas e corajosas reflexões, notadamente, em relação à emergência do apocalíptico leviatã cibernético como a mais nova ameaça existencial a nossa civilização como conhecida até então.
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