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2008, Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore
2 pages
1 file
Legal issues arise if some persons or institutions feel wrongfully treated whether or not this feeling is justified. In neonatal screening, the following topics may be causing legal issues: no screening programme where such a programme should be (UN Convention for the right of the child); neonate(s) not screened for conditions within the established programme; no consent when it should have been given; error(s) in sampling, analysis, reporting; no follow-up available, error(s) in confirmatory diagnostics and treatment; irregular storage of dried blood spot specimen. Legal issues can be solved easily when responsibilities of parties concerned have been established and documented. Unfortunately, legal systems vary from country to country and what has become "normal" practice in one jurisdiction may still be battled about in another. The management of a neonatal screening programme should try to define as best as possible the performance criteria and to have the programme ass...
Annali dell'Istituto superiore di sanità, 2009
The availability of novel technologies, such as tandem-mass-spectrometry (MS/MS) and DNA analysis, has expanded tremendously the number of genetic conditions that can be diagnosed through neonatal screening programs at birth, including conditions that cannot be treated nor prevented, or that will become manifest only later in life, or that identify individuals that are only at an increased risk of multifactorial conditions. This has increased the number and complexity of ethical problems related to newborn screening programs, creating considerable confusion and generating controversies and ethical concerns. The experience so far gained indicates that, besides the incomplete knowledge of many aspects of the conditions to be identified, the majority of screening programs do not pay sufficient attention to the problems of communication, information and counselling of the parents. Therefore, communication must be substantially improved if we wish to increase the efficiency of such progr...
These include: References This article cites 30 articles, 12 of which can be accessed free at: service Email alerting box at the top right corner of the online article. Receive free email alerts when new articles cite this article. Sign up in the Topic collections (6149 articles) Screening (public health) (6132 articles) Screening (epidemiology) (26244 articles) Child health Articles on similar topics can be found in the following collections
Turkish archives of pediatrics, 2022
European Journal of Human Genetics, 2014
The European Union (EU) Council Recommendation on rare diseases urged the member states to implement national and EU collaborative actions to improve the health care of rare disease patients. Following this recommendation, the European Commission launched a tender on newborn screening (NBS) to report on current practices of laboratory testing, form a network of experts and provide guidance on how to further implement NBS screening in a responsible way, the latter of which was provided in an Expert Opinion document. After consultation of experts from EU member states, (potential) candidate member states and European Free Trade Association countries, in a consensus meeting in June 2011, 70 expert opinions were finalized. They included the need to develop case definitions for all disorders screened for to facilitate assessment and international outcome studies. Decision whether a screening program should be performed can be based on screening criteria updated from the traditional Wilson and Jungner (1968) criteria, relating to disease, treatment, test and cost. The interest of the child should be central in the assessment of pros and cons. A European NBS body should assess evidence on (new) screening candidate disorders. For rare conditions, best level evidence should be used. The health system should ensure treatment to cases diagnosed by screening, controlled and revised by follow-up outcome studies. Screening methodology should aim to avoid unintended findings, such as mild forms and carrier status information, as much as possible. Activities to improve NBS in Europe, such as training and scientific evaluation, could benefit from collaboration at EU level and beyond.
Jornal de Pediatria, 2008
Objective: To review the literature on the current situation of neonatal screening worldwide and in Brazil. To define the role of pediatricians in neonatal screening programs. Sources: Scientific articles selected by means of searches run on the medical websites MEDLINE, Cochrane, PubMed (MeSH) and MD Consult, using the keywords newborn screening, neonatal, pediatrics, diagnosis, primary care, ethics and their equivalents in Portuguese, in isolation and in combination, in addition to medical textbooks on genetics and inborn errors of metabolism, published between January 1998 and December 2007, the National Neonatal Screening Program technical standards and routines manual, and Ministry of Health decree 822/2001. Summary of the findings: Published data demonstrate a great diversity in the number of diseases included in the neonatal screening programs of different countries. In Brazil, the National Neonatal Screening Program was set up in 2001, to screen for phenylketonuria, congenital hypothyroidism, sickle-cell anemia and cystic fibrosis. Screening for a wider range of conditions using mass spectrometry is currently the subject of disagreement and discussion of financial and ethical issues. Conclusions: Neonatal screening is one of the most important advances for the prevention of pediatric diseases. Nevertheless, implementation is complex, multidisciplinary and dependent on public health policies and, to date, there is no consensus on which diseases should be included. A large number of scientific and ethical questions need to be discussed in order to better define the screening panels to be implemented. Pediatricians have important roles to play in all stages of neonatal screening programs.
Indian journal of medical ethics
Newborn screening has been practised as a form of preventive medicine since the 1960s, and has attracted increased attention in recent years as technological capacities expand. Like other emerging economies, India faces pressure to expand infant screening, though developments have been halting. The promise of newborn screening is the reduction of infant mortality and morbidity from a host of rare, typically genetic, disorders. Deciding what priority should be placed on the realisation of this promise, together with the practical challenge of coordinating the screening enterprise, requires the use of decision making frameworks that address both clinical criteria and values conflicts. Frameworks for public health ethics can aid sound policy development in India, and help to inform the larger international debate about the expansion and benefits of NBS.
The virtual mentor : VM, 2009
"This is my letter to the World", "I'm Nobody! Who are You?", "I had a Jewel in my fingers", "'Hope' is the Thing with feathers –" e outros poemas da POESIA COMPLETA de Emily Dickinson, vol. 1 - Os Fascículos, 2a. reimpressão, 2021. Tradução de Adalberto Müller
Anglican Theological Review, 2023
McCormack seeks to eliminate the residual Apollinarianism that (he maintains) led to the Chalcedonian definition and eventually to the Neo-Chalcedonian doctrine of insubsistence. So long as the divine Word is regarded as the ultimate subject of Christ’s human experiences, their creaturely character will inevitably be compromised. McCormack seeks to preserve the unity of the acting subject of the incarnation by insisting that the human Jesus–as opposed to the divine Son–is the one and only christological subject. The Word, by contrast, is said to be eternally “receptive” to the humanity of Jesus. McCormack’s program reveals his implicit acceptance of a basic assumption of Apollinarianism, that we are forced to choose between affirming God’s action in the incarnation and upholding that of the human Jesus. The solution is to follow Augustine’s lead, rejecting the dichotomy between the reality and fullness of God’s action and the integrity and freedom of the created order.
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Society and Space, 2021
Journal of the International Council for Small Business , 2024
East African journal of arts and social sciences, 2024
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2013
The Astrophysical Journal, 2006
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2007
Jurnal Teknik Industri, 2020
Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 2021
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 2014