Field Reports
Miyake, Maeda, Tanno, Hongo, Gündem
Hasankeyf Höyük
Bahrami, Sabzi Doabi, Nikzad
Pish-e Kuh Region, Central Zagros
Wasse, Rowan, Rollefson
Mesa 4, Wadi al-Qattifa
Coşkun, Benz, Rössner, Deckers, Riehl, Alt, Özkaya
Körtik Tepe
Flint Bowlets
New Website/Masthead
The Newsletter of
Southwest Asian Neolithic Research
Field Reports
Yutaka Miyake, Osamu Maeda, Kenichi Tanno, Hitomi Hongo, and Can Y. Gündem
New Excavations at Hasankeyf Höyük: A 10th millennium cal. BC site on the Upper Tigris,
Southeast Anatolia
Mohammed Bahrami, Mousa Sabzi Doabi, and Meisam Nikzad
Note on Three New Neolithic Sites in Pish-e Kuh Region, Central Zagros
Alexander Wasse, Yorke Rowan, and Gary O. Rollefson
A 7th Millennium BC Late Neolithic Village at Mesa 4 in Wadi al-Qattafi, Eastern Jordan
Aytaç Coşkun, Marion Benz, Corinna Rössner, Katleen Deckers,
Simone Riehl, Kurt W. Alt, and Vecihi Özkaya
New Results on the Younger Dryas Occupation at Körtik Tepe
Sumio Fujii
Flint Bowlets: Three Additional Materials from Wadi Ghuwayr 7 and Wadi Nadiya 2, al-Jafr Basin
Joshua Wright, Message from the Far Eastern Neolithic: The Session ʻPottery and Neolithisation in
East Asia’ of the Society for East Asian Archaeology Conference in Fukuoka, Japan (June 6th-10th, 2012)
Trevor Watkins and Klaus Schmidt, Our Place: Our Place in the World: Workshop in Urfa Initiates
a Three-Year Research Project on Göbekli Tepe and Contemporary Settlements in the Region
Book Review
Benz M. (ed.), The Principle of Sharing. Segregation and Construction of Social Identities at the
Transition from Foraging to Farming. Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and
Environment 14. By Maria-Theresia Starzmann.
New Website
The Obsidian Use Project
When we look in journals and other publications during the years of war and regional troubles in the past century,
we find it strange that there is little to no mention of these impacts. Possibly volumes became thinner or several
years were bound in one volume, editors changed, manuscript quality altered, etc., but academic fixation seems to
have developed untouched by cataclysmic events. Many years later, we may identify thoughts in publications that
possibly are related to, or must be the outcome of, recent historic learning, at the least. Today, in our research areas
monstrous and outrageous developments and crimes against humanity take place while our prehistoric business goes
on, in one way or another. Why this is? Are we historians immune against the historic events we are contemporary
witnesses to? Is there a responsibility of us Near Eastern (pre-) historians to raise our voices, as was done by
European cultural scientists in confronting nuclear armament in the later 1980s, which resulted for some colleagues
in changing research perspectives and modified teaching attitudes?
This Neo-Lithics is delayed because a thematic issue on the Neolithization of NE-Africa was converted to be a
SENEPSE volume of ex oriente.
Hans Georg K. Gebel & Gary O. Rollefson
Enclosure: Leaflet on Klaus Schmidt‘s book on Göbekli Tepe. A Stone Age Sanctuary in South-Eastern Anatolia, to
be published by ex oriente in Dec. 2012.
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Miyake et al., Hasankeyf Höyük
New Excavations at Hasankeyf Höyük:
A 10 Millennium cal. BC Site on the Upper Tigris, Southeast Anatolia
Yutaka Miyake, Osamu Maeda, Kenichi Tanno, Hitomi Hongo and Can Y. Gündem
The 2011 excavation at Hasankeyf Höyük has provided
new evidence of a sedentary settlement dated to the 10th
millennium cal. BC (or the PPNA in Levantine terms)
in the upper Tigris valley.
The site is located on the left bank of the Tigris,
about 2 km east of the well-known medieval site of Hasankeyf, in Batman province, Turkey (Fig. 1). The excavations of this site, which will be submerged by the
construction of the Ilısu Dam, were carried out within
the framework of the Hasankeyf rescue projects under
the auspices of Prof. Dr. Abdüsselam Uluçam, Batman
University. It was first excavated by a Turkish team in
2009 and, since 2011, its investigation has been taken
over by a Japanese team from University of Tsukuba.
We are very grateful to Prof. Uluçam for providing us
with the opportunity to work at such a significant prehistoric site.
The site forms a roughly circular mound about
150 min diameter and 8 m high above the surrounding
plain. In 2011 five 10 x10 m squares were excavated at
the centre of the mound. Except for ephemeral occupational evidence from the Iron Age and the Hellenistic
periods in the form of pits dug into the prehistoric layers,
all the archaeological deposits are from the 10th millennium cal. BC. To date only the top layers of the mound
have been excavated and the 15 radiocarbon dates all
fall in this time range, with most of them concentrating
Fig. 1
in the second half of the 10th millennium (Fig. 2). These
dates suggest that the prehistoric occupation of Hasankeyf Höyük is mostly contemporary with that of Hallan
Çemi, Demirköy Höyük, Körtik Tepe and Gusir Höyük
in the upper Tigris valley (Rosenberg and Davis 1992;
Rosenberg 1994a; Rosenberg et al. 1995; Higham et al.
2007; Benz et al. 2011; Karul 2011).
Structures recovered at the highest level of the mound
(Squares G12 and H12) are stone walls from a subterranean building (Str. 3), which probably has a semirectangular plan (Fig. 3). Several pits which had been
dug into the fill of Str. 3 were excavated as well. Stratigraphically, these structures belong to the latest phase
of the prehistoric occupation of this site. Some of these
pits contained large stone blocks including ground
stone and large stone slabs, one of which has an eyeshaped-like relief decoration (Fig. 4).
Within and around Str. 3, 12 human burials were
discovered. Particularly of note is a multiple burial of
three individuals near the east wall of Str. 3. One of
them, buried in a tightly flexed position, shows clear
signs of black-coloured lines on its limb bones (Fig.
5). Interestingly, the whole skeleton is in a correct anatomical position, suggesting that it is a primary burial.
How these lines were painted (or left) on the surface
Location of Hasankeyf Höyük.
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Field Reports
Fig. 2
Radiocarbon dates.
Fig. 3
Plan of structures.
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Miyake et al., Hasankeyf Höyük
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Stone slab with relief decoration.
Fig. 7
Lithics from various layers (1, 2, 3, 5, 7-9: flint; 3,
6: obsidian.
Fig. 8
Single platform conical core (flint, Str. 1).
Human burial with black lines on the limb bone.
Inner wall of subterranean round building (Str. 2).
of the bones is not clear, but similar examples are also
known from Körtik Tepe and Demirköy Höyük (Özkaya et al. 2010; Rosenberg 2011).
In Squares G12, G13 and H13, a series of distinctive, subterranean round buildings was recovered, at a
level lower than the structures and burials in Square
H12 (Fig. 3). Although the uppermost part of these
buildings has in most cases been eroded, some of them
still stand more than 1 m high (Fig. 6). The construction technique of each is basically the same. First, a
round dwelling pit was dug, then its inner wall was reinforced with courses of stones up to the mouth of the
Neo-Lithics 1/12
pit. Usually, larger stones are used for the foundation,
on which several courses of smaller stones are placed
using yellow-brownish clay mortar, and the upper part
of the wall is often built of flat river cobbles. Finally,
the stone wall is mud-plastered using the same clay as
the one used for the mortar. No distinctive floors were
identified except for one in Str. 7, where the floor is
paved with stones about 20 cm. The diameter of these
buildings is usually 3.5 m to 4.5m but the largest one
is about 6 m. Although it is likely that not all of these
buildings were in use at the same time because their
base levels vary to a large extent, they are densely
laid out and often adjacent to each other, sometimes
superimposing on earlier structures. A large number
of animal bones, chipped stones and unworked stones
was recovered from the fill of these buildings, except
for Str. 7, which was probably deliberately infilled and
includes virtually no objects.
Field Reports
Chipped stone artefacts, generally characterised by
microliths, including scalene triangles and of foliate
shaped ones (Fig. 7), demonstrate in typological terms
close similarity to the four other contemporary sites
mentioned above.
Flint is the main raw material with obsidian accounting for only a few percent of all the chipped stone.
Almost all of the obsidian has a greenish tinge. Both
flint blades and flakes were produced on site by direct
percussion sometimes using single-platform conical
cores (Fig. 8). The general character of the core reduction processes is similar throughout the assemblage so
far recovered. However, of note is that there are chronological changes in the typological features and the
relative frequencies of each type of tool between the assemblage from Str. 1/Str. 8 and that from Square H12.
The assemblage from Square H12 includes Nemrik
points (Fig. 7: 7-9) and end- and round scrapers made
on large flint blades that often show signs of heat treatment. Geometric microliths, particularly scalene triangles, are very rare. On the other hand, the assemblage
from Str. 1/Str. 8, which is dated slightly earlier than
that of Square H12, has no Nemrik points but more
geometric microliths, made of both flint and obsidian
(Fig. 7: 1-3). The size of flint blades and scrapers made
on flint blades is smaller than that in Square H12.
Ground stone artefacts are also common. A lot of
fragments and some complete pieces of querns and
pestles/handstones have been recovered, often from
pits filled with large stone blocks. The extensive use
of these grinding tools at this site, where evidence for
cereal exploitation is scarce, is intriguing.
Plant and Animal Remains
A preliminary analysis of the botanical remains demonstrates rare use of cereals at this site. Virtually no
wheat or barley has been identified in the water-flotation samples so far analysed. The scarcity of cereals is
also known from Hallan Çemi, Demirköy Höyük and
Körtik Tepe (Savard et al. 2006; Riehl et al. 2012).
The species so far found at Hasankeyf Höyük include
almonds, pistachio, hackberry, lentil and indeterminate
nut species (these need to be confirmed by further
A large number of animal bones was recovered,
mostly from the fill of subterranean round buildings.
Among the medium-sized mammals, sheep is dominant, comprising about 50% of the identified specimens. Wild goats, wild boar and red deer are also
common. Gazelles are also included but wild cattle
have not been found in the assemblage. Dogs are the
only domestic animal at the site; there is no evident
sign of domestication among the ungulates. Foxes and
hares are common among small-sized animals as well
as tortoises.
The large quantity of fish and bird bones recovered
Fig. 9
Fish bones.
by 4 mm-mesh screening is also noteworthy (Fig. 9).
At Körtik Tepe several fishing hooks have been found
and a high frequency of auditory exostosis has been
observed among the skeletons recovered (Coşkun et al.
2010). These may suggest that fishing or exploitation
of aquatic resources played an important role in the
subsistence of these early sedentary villages along the
upper Tigris valley.
Concluding Remarks
Hasankeyf Höyük, dated to the 10thmillennium cal. BC,
is one of the earliest sedentary settlements in southeast
Anatolia. It is interesting that there is little evidence for
use of cereals, whether wild or domestic, when continuous construction of a series of solid round buildings
suggests the establishment of sustainable sedentary life
at this site. This picture is very different from that in
the Middle Euphrates, where large seeded grasses were
extensively exploited as early as in the PPNA so that
“pre-domestication cultivation” has been discussed (cf.
Willcox et al. 2008). Together with the evidence from
other contemporary sites in the upper Tigris Valley,
further investigation of Hasankeyf Höyük would contribute to our understanding of the origin of sedentism
in this area, for which a quite different scenario from
the Levant can be drawn.
Interestingly, five aceramic sites so far discovered
in the upper Tigris region are all dated to almost the
same period: the second half of the 10th millennium
cal. BC, or the beginning of the Holocene. On the
other hand, no later aceramic settlement (equivalent
to the PPNB in the Levant) has yet been found in this
region, despite intensive surface surveys carried out in
the future Ilısu Dam reservoir area. Based on currently
available evidence it seems likely that the upper Tigris
region was abandoned or at least less populated after
the 10th millennium cal. BC and re-occupied with the
onset of the Pottery Neolithic, when the full repertoire
of domestic plants and animals was introduced, as indicated by the evidence from Salat Cami Yanı (Miyake
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Miyake et al., Hasankeyf Höyük
Yutaka Miyake
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences,
University of Tsukuba, Japan
[email protected]
Osamu Maeda
Environmental Comprehensive Science Program,
Tokyo Gakugei University, Japan
[email protected]
Kenichi Tanno
Faculty of Agriculture,
Yamaguchi University, Japan
[email protected]
Hitomi Hongo
School of Advanced Sciences,
Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan
[email protected]
Can Yümni Gündem
School of Advanced Sciences,
Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan
[email protected]
Özkaya V. and Coşkun A.
Körtik Tepe. In M. Özdoğan, N. Başgelen and
P. Kuniholm (eds.), The Neolithic in Turkey. New
Excavations and New Research. The Tigris Basin: 89127. Istanbul: Archaeology & Art Publications.
Özkaya V., Coşkun A., San O., Şahin F. S., Barın G., Kartal M.,
and Erdal Y. S.
Körtik Tepe 2008 Yılı Kazısı. 31. Kazı Sonuçları
Toplantısı 1. Cilt: 511-535.
Peasnal B. L. and Rosenberg M.
Preliminary Description of the Lithic Industry from
Demirköy Höyük. In I. Caneva, C. Lemorini, D.
Zampetti and P. Biagi (eds.), Beyond Tools. Redefining
the PPN Lithic Assemblages of the Levant. SENEPSE
9: 363-387. Berlin: ex oriente.
Riehl S., Benz M., Conard N. J., Darabi H., Deckers K., Nashli H.
F., and Zeidi-Kulehparcheh M.
Plant Use in Three Pre-Pottery Neolithic Sites of the
Northern and Eastern Fertile Crescent: a Preliminary
Report. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 21(2):
Rosenberg M.
Hallan Çemi Tepesi: Some Further Observations
Concerning Stratigraphy and Material Culture.
Anatolica 20: 121-140.
Benz M., Coşkun A., Weninger B., Alt K.W., and Özkaya V.
Stratigraphy and Radiocarbon Dates of the PPNA Site
of Körtik Tepe, Diyarbakır. 26. Arkeometri Sonuçları
Toplantısı: 81-100.
Coşkun A., Benz M., Erdal Y. S., Koruyucu M. M., Deckers K.,
Rihel S., Siebert A., Alt K.W., and Özkaya V.
Living by the Water - Boon and Bane for the People of
Körtik Tepe. Neo-Lithics 2/10: 60-71.
Higham T. F. G., Ramsey C. B., Brock F., Baker D., and
Ditchfield P.
Radiocarbon Dates from the Oxford AMS System:
Archaeometry Datelist 32. Archaeometry 49
Supplement 1: 1-60.
Karul N.
Gusir Höyuk. In M. Özdoğan, N. Başgelen and
P. Kuniholm (eds.), The Neolithic in Turkey. New
Excavations and New Research. The Tigris Basin: 1-17.
Istanbul: Archaeology & Art Publications.
Miyake Y.
Salat Cami Yanı. A Pottery Neolithic Site in the Tigris
Valley. In M. Özdoğan, N. Başgelen and P. Kuniholm
(eds.), The Neolithic in Turkey. New Excavations and
New Research. The Tigris Basin: 129-149. Istanbul:
Archaeology & Art Publications.
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Rosenberg M.
A Preliminary Description of Lithic Industry from
Hallan Çemi. In H.G. Gebel and S.K. Kozłowski (eds.),
Neolithic Chipped Stone Industries of the Fertile
Crescent. SENEPSE 1: 223-238. Berlin: ex oriente.
Demirköy. In M. Özdoğan, N. Başgelen and P.
Kuniholm (eds.), The Neolithic in Turkey. New
Excavations and New Research. The Tigris Basin: 7987. Istanbul: Archaeology & Art Publications.
Rosenberg M. and Davis M.
Hallan Çemi Tepesi, an Early Aceramic Neolithic Site
in Eastern Anatolia: Some Preliminary Observations
Concerning Material Culture. Anatolica 18: 1-18.
Rosenberg M., Nesbitt R. M., Redding R., and Strasser T.
Hallan Çemi Tepesi: Some Preliminary Observations
Concerning Early Neolithic Subsistence Behaviors in
Eastern Anatolia. Anatolica 21: 1-12.
Savard M., Nesbitt M., and Jones M. K.
The Role of Wild Grasses in Subsistence and
Sedentism: New Evidence from the Northern Fertile
Crescent. World Archaeology 38(2): 179-196.
Willcox G., Fornite S., and Herveux L.
Holocene Cultivation before Domestication in Northern
Syria. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 17(3): 313-325.
Field Reports
Note on Three New Neolithic Sites in Pish-e Kuh Region, Central Zagros
Mohammed Bahrami, Mousa Sabzi Doabi and Meisam Nikzad
The Sites
The Pish-e Kuh region of Lorestan, Central Zagros,
Iran, is a most interesting area for Neolithic studies
since its ecological diversity may have played an important role during in the sustainable establishment of
Neolithic life modes. So far, prehistoric studies in the
area have focused on more recent prehistoric periods,
especially Bronze and Iron Ages, and information
about the Neolithic period was limited more or less
to Tepe Abdul Hosein (Pullar 1990) and a few other
Neolithic sites that were identified in Lorestan. This
state of knowledge appears to be related to a lack of
systematic surveys and geomorphologic factors (postoccupational deposition on Neolithic sediments); the
small size of Neolithic sites, and their location off
present-day routes may be additional factors. In general, the limited number of surveys aiming to identify Neolithic sites in Iran and the missing approach
to qualify a region‘s potentials to participate in the
domestication processes of plants and animals have
resulted in a marginalization of such studies.
Therefore, the newly identified sites presented here
are important: Chiatorkena, Roahol, and Merijhelo are
three relatively small tapehs that reflect Neolithic occupations by the surface finds.
Parts of the city of Khorramabad and its surroundings
were the subject of selective surveying by the authors
during winter of 2011-2012, looking to identify Neolithic settlements in their environmental settings. Three
Neolithic sites were located: Chiatorkena is located in
the northwestern part of Lorestan Province in Nourabad County (Delfan), Roahol Tapeh is situated in the
southern edge of the Khorramabad Plain, and Merijhelo Tapeh is in the west of Khorramabad in Chegini
County (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1
Location of the new sites in Lorestan Province, Central Zagros.
Roahol Tapeh
Roahol Tapeh is situated at 48°21’49’’ N and
33°22’57’’ E at an altitude of 1258 meters. It is located
around the southern rim of Khorramabad Plain within
800 meters southwest of the Dinarvand Bala village,
or 700 meters west of Sorkhedeh Paein village next to
the north side of the Khorramabad Cement Company,
or 500 meters southwest of Malek Ashtar Garrison
(Fig. 2). Its original shape is in the form of a circular
ridge with an approximate diameter of 90 meters
and a height of 5 meters above surrounding ground.
Unfortunately, a gas pipeline and drainage canals
have recently caused great damage to this site. It was
surveyed and identified in 2006 by M. Garavand who
related it to Chalcolithic period (Garavand 2006).
The non-systematic survey of the site provided 90
bullet-shaped, disc-shaped, and other cores; micro and
other tools; chips; obsidian artifacts; and 12 pottery
sherds. The flint raw materials are in brown, purple,
cream and gray colors, most likely collected as gravels of the nearby river bed (Figs. 5-6). Especially
characteristic are about 90 artifacts we might term
“flakelets” and small blades. The handmade pottery is
burnished on both sides and fired at low temperatures.
The central parts of some sections are blackened, and
the outer surfaces generally bear buff-orange, orange,
and red coatings. Most of the pottery is undecorated
(Fig. 8, plans 1-4 and 6), and resembles specimens
known from Central Zagros Neolithic sites, such
as Sarab (Meldgaard et al. 1964; Levine and Young
1986) and from Umm Dabaqhiyah (Kirkbride 1971).
Some of the pottery was imprinted with simple curves
or zigzag lines or painted with red on the outer surface
(Fig. 8, Designs 5, 7 and 9). One body sherd does not
yet appear to be reported appears from Neolithic sites
in Iran: its outer surface has a decoration known from
Umm Dabaqhiyah as part of a human face and with
a snake-like decoration (Kirkbride 1971: Figs. 7-8).
The pottery of the site indicates regional and transNeo-Lithics 1/12
Bahrami et al., Pish-e Kuh Region
Tapeh Merijhelo
Fig. 2
Roahol Tapeh, with Khorramabad City in the distance
from Southeast.
This site is situated at 53°00’48’’ N and 37°33’33’’
E at an altitude of 1063 meters. It is located on the
southern edge of a road connecting Sarab Dureh, the
center of Chegini County, with Rykhan in the northern
margins of Sarab Dureh River, a branch of Kashkan
River 500 meters west of Varkamre Spring (Fig. 3).
Merijhelo Tapeh is situated about 10 kilometers south
of the famous mountains of Kooh-e Sefid, occupied by
dense oak forests providing rich and protected habitats
for various wild animals. It is difficult to estimate the
tapeh’s dimensions due to its location on the agriculturally used top of a ridge and the slope leading to the
Dureh River. However, part of the top of the natural
mound has a brighter khaki color than the rest of site
with approximate 80×60 dimensions.
The non-systematic survey of the site provided a
number of stone and bone artifacts, mostly scattered
around the pits of looters. The chipped stone artifacts
(109) included bullet-shaped, disc-shaped, and other
cores; micro and other tools; and micro blades and
flakelets/ flakes. In addition, eight small pieces of obsidian were collected. Chipped stones were probably
made from river gravels of brown, purple, creamy and
greyish colors (Fig. 10 and Fig. 9).
Fig. 3
Merijhelo and Sarab Dureh River from South.
Tapeh Chiatorkenah is located at 47°53’31’’ N and
33°59’35’’ E at an altitude of 1749 m to the north of
Mir-Bag Village in Nourabad County, Lorestan Province. The site dimensions are 72 ×78 m with a height
of 8 meters. Hassan Gavyar River passes the site about
200 m to the south (Fig. 4). This site has been previously reported by Garazhian under the name of Golbaghy Tapeh (Garazhian et al. 2005).
Chiatorkenah chipped stone artifacts include seven
pieces of bullet-shaped/ cone-shaped cores, a blade,
a micro blade with inverse retouching, and a flakelet.
The cores appear to have been reduced using direct
pressure technique that produced fine stone blades.
None of the artifacts have cortex and are of relatively
average quality; some of them are broken and incomplete (Figs. 11-12).
Fig. 4
Chiatorkenah from the West.
regional communication in Middle and Late Neolithic
periods with regions in western Iran and northern
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Bullet cores are the most diagnostic items from our
sites, as they are for other Neolithic sites in Zagros
(Hole 1994) and Khuzestan (e.g. Chogha Bonut,
Alizadeh 2003). They are reported from Tepe Abdul
Hosein (Pullar 1990), Tepe Asiab (Braidwood et al.
1961), Northern Lorestan (Mortensen 1974), and the
Bakhtiari region (Zagarell 1982). The pottery described above supports the assignment of these sites to
the Neolithic period.
Field Reports
Fig. 5
A selection of Roahol Tapeh chipped stone artifacts.
Fig. 6
Other important findings (from Merijhelo and
Roahol tapehs) include small pieces of obsidian, the
resources of which have been identified in a few locations like Lake Van region in Turkey and a little farther
to the southwest around the crater of dormant volcanoes (Bernbeck 2004). Of course, the obsidian of the
sites presented here awaits analysis, and other sources
in Anatolia or the Caucasus or Iran (Abdi 2004) may
be candidates of origin, all indicating long-distance
exchange in these Neolithic periods (Bernbeck 2004).
Materials belonging to the early Neolithic period
in western Iran have been found in Asiab, Ganjdareh,
Abdul Hosein, Guran and some other sites in surveys
by P. Mortensen and P.E.L. Smith (Levine and Young
1986). Most of the known Neolithic sites in Iran are located in regions where rain-fed agriculture is possible.
The settlements are usually situated near water sources,
Roahol Tapeh chipped stone artifacts.
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Bahrami et al., Pish-e Kuh Region
Fig. 7
Fig. 9
Roahol Tapeh pottery.
Fig. 8
Roahol Tapeh pottery.
arable land, fuel and plant and animal resources, and
habitats that still allow hunting and gathering (Hole
1987a, 1987b; Bernbeck 2001) According to Brookes
and his colleagues, the Pre-Pottery Neolithic sites were
abundant in the Zagros valleys and lowlands including
Lorestan, but they have disappeared under sediment
deposits or geomorphological processes (Brookes et
al. 1982). More systematic surveys employing geomorphological expertise are needed to identify the expected rich Neolithic occupation in the small valleys
and river banks in Zagros region.
Our sites’ locations represent settings with a rich
and diversified range of habitats, most likely chosen
to sustain communities by basing their subsistence
on a broad range of resources. It appears that their
communities needed to ensure existence by multiple
activities to maximize subsistence security. Bagh-eNeo-Lithics 1/12
Merijhelo chipped stone artifacts.
No (Early Chalcolithic) was thought to be the oldest
settlement in Khorramabad Valley after the Epipalaeolithic occupation, but Roahol Tapeh in Khorramabad
Valley now fills the gap. Finding such sites in small
and marginal valleys indicates that such valleys may
play a determinant role in understanding the Neolithic
settlement history in the Central Zagros. As Smith and
Mortensen already stated, the primary steps for food
production were probably taken in small valleys that
provided ecological diversity. Then, after the seventh
millennium BCE, or even later, this form of economic
success expanded onto adjacent plains (Smith and
Mortensen 1980). Future research should focus on
understanding the factors involved in this probable
development of adaptations.
This small note is important for three reasons: 1)
Since only a few Neolithic sites from Central Zagros
are known, each report on new sites and their environmental setting is most important to re-approach
the questions raised above. 2) Given the morphological and technological similarities of the bullet-core
Field Reports
Fig. 10 Merijhelo chipped stone artefacts.
technology with well-dated sites such as Tapeh Abdul
Hosein, a late 7th millennium/ early 6th millennium
BCE date for the new settlements might be proposed.
3) Finally, the study of these new sites would help to
understand and fill two chronological gaps we have
for the Khorramabad Valley and surrounding areas:
the one between the Epipalaeolithic and the Neolithic
and the one between the Neolithic and the Early Chalcolithic.
Acknowledgements: The authors thank the Heritage
Organization for Archaeological Research of Iran
for approving the field works, as they are indebted to
Sajjad Alibaigi and Hojjat Darabi for reviewing this
contribution’s text and their valuable guidance.
Mohammad Bahrami
Department of Archaeology, Tehran University
[email protected]
Mousa Sabzi Doabi
Department of Archaeology, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran
[email protected]
Meisam Nikzad
Department of Archaeology, Tehran University
[email protected]
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Bahrami et al., Pish-e Kuh Region
Fig. 11 Chiatorkenah chipped stone artefacts.
Fig. 12 Chiatorkenah chipped stone artfacts.
Abdi K.
Obsidian in Iran from the Epipalaeolithic Period to
the Bronze Age. In: R. Slotta and A. Vatandoost (eds.),
Persiens Antike Pracht. Katalog der Ausstellung
des Deutschen Bergbau-Museums Bochum:
140-147. Bochum: Bergbau Museum.
Garazhian O., Adeli J., and Papoliyazd L.
Settlement patterns in Khaveh and Mir-bag plains in
central Zagros based on archaeological studies in the
region, Payam-e Bastanshenas, Vol. 2, No.4: 21-58.
Hole F.
Alizadeh A.
Excavation at the Prehistoric Mound of ChoghaBonut,
Khuzestan, Iran, Seasons 1976/77, 1977/78, and 1996,
Oriental Institute Publications No. 120, Chicago.
Bernbeck R.
Forschungsperspektiven für das Iranische
Neolithikum, Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran
und Turan 33, 1-18.
Iran in the Neolithic, In: R. Slotta and A. Vatandoost
(eds.), Persiens Antike Pracht. Katalog der Ausstellung
des Deutschen Bergbau-Museums Bochum: 140-147.
Bochum: Bergbau Museum of Bochum.
Braidwood R., Howe B., and Reed C.A.
The Iranian Prehistoric project, Science 133: 20082010.
Brookes I., Levine L.D., and Dennelle R.W.
Alluvial Sequence in Central West Iran and
Implications for Survey, Journal of Field Archaeology
9: 285-99.
Garavand M.
Gozaresh Barresi dehestan-e Korhgah sharghi,
Unpublished report in Archive of the Cultural Heritage
Organization of Lorestan Province ( in Persian).
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Archaeology of the Village Period. In: F. Hole (ed.),
The Archaeology of Western Iran: Settlement and
Society from Prehistory to the Conquest: 29-79.
Washington D.C: Smithsonian Institution Press.
Settlement and Society in the Village Period. In: F.
Hole (ed.), The Archaeology of Western Iran:
Settlement and Society from Prehistory to the
Conquest: 79-105. Washington D.C.: Smithsonian
Institution Press.
Interregional aspects of the Khuzistan aceramic - early
pottery Neolithic sequence (synthesis contribution). In:
H.G. Gebel and S.K. Kozłowski (eds.), Neolithic
chipped stone industries of the Fertile Crescent
(Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence
and Environment 1): 101-16. Berlin: ex oriente.
Kirkbride D.
A Preliminary Report. An Early Ceramic Farming
Settlement in Marginal North Central Jazira, Iraq, Iraq
34(1): 3-15.
Levine L. and Young C.J.
A Summary of the Ceramic Assemblages of the
Central Western Zagros from the Middle Neolithic
to the Late Third Millenniums B.C. Colloques
Internationaus CNRS, Prehistoire de la Mesopotamie,
Paris: Editions du CNRS.
Meldgaard J., Mortensen P., and Thrane H.
Excavation at Tepe Guran, Luristan, Acta
Archaeologica 34: 97-133.
Field Reports
Mortensen P.
A survey of prehistoric settlements in northern
Luristan, Acta Archaeologica 45: 1-47.
Smith P.E.L. and Mortensen P.
Three new early Neolithic site in western Iran, Current
Anthropology 21(4): 511-512.
Pullar J.
Tepe Abdul Hosein: a Neolithic Site in Western Iran,
Excavations 1978, BAR International Series 563,
Oxford: Archaeopress.
Zagarell A.
The Prehistory of the Northeast Bakhtyari Mountains,
Iran: The Rise of a Highland Way of Life, Beihefte
zum Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients 42.
Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwing Reichert Verlag.
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Wasse et al., Wadi al-Qattafi
A 7th Millennium BC Late Neolithic Village at
Mesa 4 in Wadi al-Qattafi, Eastern Jordan
Alexander Wasse, Yorke Rowan, and Gary O. Rollefson
In 1927 Flight Lieutenant Percy Maitland photographed the summit of one of the mesas he flew over frequently as a pilot on the airmail route between Cairo
and Baghdad. Noticing what appeared to him to be a
crenellated parapet along the southern edge, Maitland
compared the mesa with Tre’r Ceiri, an Iron Age fort
in Wales (Maitland 1927: 203), and the basalt-covered
prominence became known as Maitland’s Hillfort.
This particular mesa is just one of approximately 30
Fig. 1
mesas located on both sides of Wadi al-Qattafi about
60 km east of North Azraq in Jordan’s Black Desert
(Figs. 1 and 2). Another chain of around 20 mesas lies
some 5 km to the south, on the eastern side of Wadi
Umm Nukhayla. The mesas are remnants of broken
and eroded Miocene flood basalts (Rabba’ 2005). Wadi
al-Qattafi evidently derives its name from the dense
distribution of Atriplex sp. brush (known as qattaf in
local Arabic) in the wadi bottom (Musil 1927: 608,
where Musil spells the Arabic word “Ḳaṭaf”).
Fieldwork around Mesa 4 (hereafter M-4) began in
Location of the Wadi al-Qattafi mesas in the eastern badia of Jordan. (Map by Y. Rowan).
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Field Reports
Fig. 2
Aerial view to the north showing several of the mesas along Wadi al-Qattafi in the eastern badia of Jordan. (Photo by David Kennedy, ©
APAAME, with permission).
Fig. 3
Aerial view
to the east showing
structures on the summit
of Mesa 4. (Photo by David
Kennedy, © APAAME, with
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Wasse et al., Wadi al-Qattafi
Fig. 4
Aerial view of structures at the south-western foot of
Mesa 4 (at lower right in Fig. 3). Black triangles: Location of other
corbelled houses, identified during the 2012 season at M-4. (Photo
by David Kennedy, © APAAME, with permission).
2008 with an initial season of surveying structures on
top and around the base of the mesa, followed by another survey and mapping season in 2010 (Fig. 3; cf.
Rowan et al. 2011). To date, including the results of
continued survey in 2012, 478 structures and features
have been identified, in addition to ten chipping stations that date from the Early Epipaleolithic, Middle
and Late PPNB, and Late Neolithic. For the 2012
fieldwork season, we decided to excavate several
structures to investigate their function and determine
their age. The following report describes the results of
the excavation of one of these buildings.
Structure SS-11
Although we investigated two structures on the
summit of M-41, our main focus was on buildings on
the south-west slopes of the mesa (Fig. 4). Many of
the buildings here were circular or oval, although the
Fig. 5
Pre-excavation photos of structure SS-11 at
M-4: (a) WSW-facing doorway (scale is 35 cm long), (b)
View to the south-east showing how the roofing slabs
had collapsed inward, indicating a corbelled structure.
(Photos: G. Rollefson).
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Field Reports
Fig. 6
Possible pillar to support the
corbelled roof: (a) Oblique view, (b)
Horizontal view clearly showing edge
shaping, (c) Detail of chipping. (Photo:
G. Rollefson).
Fig. 7
(a) Plan of initial phase of occupation of the dwelling (Drawing: A. Wasse and G. Rollefson); 012 refers to Locus 012, a reinforcing
wall added to the original Locus 013 wall of the structure, (b) Aerial view of the initial phase of occupation of SS-11; wd = western door, ed
= eastern door, sd? = possible southern door, f = fireplace, 011 = courtyard wall, 018 = corbelled storage facility, 028= later enclosure wall.
(Photo: Y. Rowan).
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Wasse et al., Wadi al-Qattafi
Fig. 8
Opening in the southern
wall of SS-11 (scale is 35 cm long);
base of the large block at the left has
fire damage to its base. (Photo: G.
collapsed nature of the structural stones made it difficult to determine their shape in many cases; earlier
we had posited that they resembled nawamis excavated
in the Sinai and Yemen (e.g. Rowan et al. 2011). One
building - South Slope 11, or SS-11 - was particularly
intriguing since in its collapsed state it preserved a
doorway facing west-south-west, a feature similar to
nawamis (e.g. Bar-Yosef et al. 1977; Braemer et al.
2001). The placement of the roofing slabs indicated a
corbelled construction technique, again invoking Sinai
tombs of the Chalcolithic / EB period (Fig. 5).
Because much of the fill inside the structure consisted of relatively large basalt slabs2, initial clearance
of SS-11 proceeded rapidly. It rapidly became apparent
that the structure was oval, not circular as was common
for nawamis. Another aspect that argued against its
identification as a namus3 was noted soon after we
began to clear the interior fill: a second doorway was
exposed on the eastern side of the structure, a feature
that opened onto a walled courtyard with characteristic
domestic features including a small hearth.
Phase 1: Construction and Occupation
Clearance of the interior fill of the building demonstrated that it was originally erected on a consolidated
‘bedrock’ surface of indurated silt / basalt gravel
sloping gently down to the south and south-west. An
intentional fill layer (Locus 017) leveled the surface
inside the house, and there were several indications of
sequential, expedient fire-places in the accumulated
sediments above the lowest level of the building; abundant radiocarbon samples were collected from these
hearth features. A curious feature of the construction
was that the northern, eastern, and south-eastern walls
consisted of relatively large slabs placed on edge, elevating the roof in large sections4. In many cases these
upright slabs were stabilized by small basalt wedges
Neo-Lithics 1/12
at their bases, a construction technique previously
noted in Late Neolithic structures at Burqu’ (Betts et
al. 1990: 11). The western wall, on the other hand,
was different in detail, with walls elevated by stacking
slabs horizontally rather than on edge, a difference in
technique that is neither easy to explain nor understand.
We suspect that the western wall may have been a later
modification of the original, but there were no certain
indications of any such transformation during the life
of the structure.
The original dwelling was small (ca. 2 x 3 m) and
probably very low in terms of the height of the roof over
the floor; although pillars are not necessary to support
a roof in a corbelled structure, they do provide added
stability. A relatively long, slender potential pillar,
measuring 79 x 20 x 6 cm, was found in the fill; the
intentional shaping of the edges of this slab suggests
it may have served as a support for the roof (Fig. 6)5.
The low roof would have necessitated crouching to
gain access to the structure, which at first sight seems
counterintuitive for a semi-permanent dwelling. However, as the inhabitants would most likely have used
it during the winter rainy season, when temperatures
would routinely have hovered at or below freezing, the
smaller volume of the dwelling would have been more
comfortable in terms of night-time heat retention.
A secondary wall was added to the north-eastern
section of the structure as an ‘outer skin’ (Locus 012 in
Fig. 7a). This appears to have been erected to protect
the building from surface wash or rock-fall from the
slope above it to the north and east.
A curious aspect of the building is the presence of
at least two doorways: one trapezoidal (85 cm high,
46 cm wide at the top, 78 cm wide at the base) and
facing downslope to the west-south-west, the other
rectangular (89 cm high, 61 cm wide) and opening
onto a courtyard to the east-north-east (Fig. 7). Both
doorways incorporated vertical door-jamb slabs topped
with a lintel. A third opening (ca. 75 cm high, 60 cm
Field Reports
Fig. 9
Floor plan of Locus 018
and Locus 020; P = central pillar
supporting the corbelled roof, D
= doorways, w = small wedging
stones under stones set on
edge. (Drawing: M. Perry and G.
Fig. 10
View to the west towards the eastern side of SS-11, showing the doorways into the various parts of the structures. (Photo: G. Rollefson).
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Wasse et al., Wadi al-Qattafi
Fig. 11 Phase 2 occupation of SS-11: (a) Floor plan of pavement
003; D = door; D? = possible door; T = threshold under the doorway
(Drawing: A. Wasse and G. Rollefson); (b) Aerial view of Phase 2
occupation in SS-11 (Photo: A.C. Hill).
wide) was located in the southern wall. It had a partial jamb on the western side, but none on the east;
however, the large basalt block on the east would have
served such a purpose very well (Fig. 8). Even so, the
demonstrable existence of two doorways in so small
a structure seems excessive; a third would be highly
eccentric, suggesting that this opening was more likely
to have been a crude window.
Excavation of the courtyard to the east of SS-11
exposed a small stone-lined fireplace (Locus 007) with
abundant ash and minute pieces of charcoal. The pit
was 14 cm deep and 35 cm wide at the base, flaring to
almost 50 cm at the top of the stones lining the hearth
(“f” in Fig. 7b). As noted above, several indications
of sequential, expedient fire-places were also found
within SS-11, as were some concentrations of ash.
Locus 026 is a substantial ash dump to the south-east
of the eastern doorway. It underlies later enclosure wall
028; radiocarbon dates from Locus 026 will establish a
terminus post quem for the wall and the beginning of
Phase 2 at SS-11.
An unexpected feature emerged outside the apparent south-eastern edge of SS-11, namely a corbelled
storage room (Locus 018) measuring 1.88 m north-east
- south-west x 1.45 m south-east - north-west, with a
roof supported by a single pillar about 45 cm high.
Adjacent to the north and under the same roof there
was also a smaller triangular storage bin (Locus 020),
measuring 90 cm north -south by 24 cm east -west
(Fig. 9). Loci 018 and 020 each had a small ‘doorway’
leading eastwards into the courtyard (Fig. 10), and it is
likely another door led into Locus 018 from the south.
Phase 2: Renovation and Occupation
Fig. 12 Late Neolithic points from SS-11: (a) Yarmouk point;
(b) Haparsa point. (Photo: G. Rollefson).
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Later in the history of SS-11, the eastern doorway was
blocked and walls 011 and 018 added to the courtyard,
ostensibly to create an enclosure roughly 15 m in
diameter. Wall 011, abutting reinforcing wall 012 on
Field Reports
the north-eastern edge of SS-11, was excavated over
3.5 m of its length (not yet determined) in a northeasterly direction; it was constructed of a single row
of basalt slabs set on edge, with a maximum preserved
height of around 40 cm. At the same time a second
wall (Locus 028, see also above) was erected towards
the south-east. It was constructed of horizontally
placed basalt blocks and was excavated for a length
(total not yet determined) of 2.17 m; it had a width of
around 50 cm and a preserved height of approximately
50 cm, consisting of four of five courses. Another reinforcing wall (Locus 025) was built at the north-west
end of Wall 028, seemingly to protect the 018 storage
facility. Since this wall blocked the eastern, courtyard
‘doorways’ of Loci 018 and 020, it might have been at
this time that the southern opening to Locus 018 was
The most stunning development occurred inside
the main structure. The interior was leveled with fill,
then paved completely using basalt blocks averaging
around 30 - 40 cm x 50 cm in size (Fig. 11). Interstices
between the pavers were often filled with small basalt
‘chinking stones’ set on edge. At Point 15 in the center
of Fig. 11, there is a triangular opening that may have
been a socket for the shaped pillar described above.
Nearby is a paver with a small depression (Point 14 in
Fig. 11) and evidence for burning, suggesting it may
have served as a small hearth.
Artifacts and Dating
Before excavation began, we anticipated the recovery
of Chalcolithic or Early Bronze artifacts in and around
SS-11 on the basis of our assumption that the structure
was a collapsed namus. Instead, we recovered diagnostic material of the Late Neolithic period, including
burin spalls (rare in post-Late Neolithic periods), a
drill bit on a burin spall, a Haparsa point and a Yarmouk point (Fig. 12); the tang of a broken (Haparsa?)
point was also found. Other tools included two tabular
knives, two bifacial knives, two unifacial knives, a
concave truncation burin, a broken burin of unknown
type, nine scrapers, eight denticulates and three notches. Conspicuously rare were grinding stones: only
a basalt hand-stone and a grinding slab fragment were
unearthed. This stands in stark contrast to the wealth
of ground stone recovered from structure W-66 at
Wisad Pools (Rollefson et al. 2011). Similarly, unlike
the abundant faunal remains at W-66, animal bones
were scarce at SS-11; it is however not unlikely that
rubbish was discarded down the slope to the south of
the structure.
The presence of Yarmouk and Haparsa points indicates a Late Neolithic date somewhere between c.
6,500 - 6,000 calBC, making SS-11 broadly contemporary with structure W-66 at Wisad Pools. A more
accurate comparison will be possible once assays of
the abundant ash and charcoal samples from both sites
have been completed.
For the second time in as many years, the Eastern
Badia Archaeological Project has been stunned by the
presence of substantial, stone-built dwellings of Late
Neolithic date that indicate semi-permanent occupation
of areas which are now arid. Hitherto, we had surmised
that camps of this period would most likely have consisted of flimsy, temporary huts or tents. Even more
startling has been the realization that a significant proportion of the abundant substantial, stone structures on
the slopes of the mesas of Wadi al-Qattafi and around
the pools at Wisad are not burial features, but dwellings.
The results of the 2012 season at M-4 have led us
to reassess the nature of the buildings on the southern
slopes of M-4. It is now clear that SS-11 is not unique
among the numerous structures here, but that it is only
one of what must have been a settlement of at least
10 - 15 housing units, many directly associated with
animal pens. The black triangles in Fig. 4 point to other
corbelled structures, often connected to animal pens,
and others may well be identified here in due course.
Whether all are strictly contemporaneous is not possible to determine at this time, but it appears we may
be looking at a model whereby a group of co-operative
family units exploited this environment during the
rainy season, rather than a situation in which a few
individuals or a restricted number of nuclear families
operated essentially in isolation.
Such a scenario becomes all the more likely when
one examines other concentrations of structures in the
near vicinity of M-4. The concentration of structures in
the drainage between M-5 and M-7 - just a kilometer or
two north of M-4 - includes corbelled structures (Fig.
13) far more numerous than those at the settlement
at M-4. At this point, we have not investigated these
northern clusters at all; it is therefore not clear what
temporal relationship they may have with M-4. Nevertheless, even if they are earlier or later than each other
or, indeed, M-4, it seems clear that circumstances once
existed in the eastern badia which permitted significant
population clusters to agglomerate in village-like settlements for some months at a time, perhaps for most of
the rainy season.
The substantial nature of the dwellings at M-4 and
Wisad Pools suggests that, at very least, the labor invested in their construction6 was justified by the expectation of recurrent visits to the same locations, season
after season, rainfall permitting. Braemer has noted
that the EB settlement at Khirbet al-Umbashi in the
Black Desert of eastern Syria could not have supported
its resident population under current climatic and soil
conditions (Braemer and Échallier 2004). He describes
how current soil conditions are most unlikely to reflect
the situation 5,000 years ago. Rather than the silt and
stone of today, which together ensure that precipitation
either drains immediately into deep aquifers or ends up
on mud-pans as surface-wash, prehistoric sediments
are likely to have included a pervious topsoil. This
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Wasse et al., Wadi al-Qattafi
Fig. 13 Structure clusters between mesa M-7 (upper left) and M-5 (lower right); see FIG. 2; Wadi al-Qattafi at top of photo. (Photo by David
Kennedy, © APAAME, with permission).
would have soaked up water like a sponge during the
rainy season, retaining it in the matrix for relatively
long periods of time.
With such topsoil buffers, local vegetation may
have resembled the dry grasslands of East Africa
rather more than the bleak aspects that characterize the
eastern badia today. With greater topsoil cover, local
landscapes are likely to have been more luxuriantly vegetated, varying - of course - with annual fluctuations
in rainfall. Late Neolithic exploitation of the eastern
badia may therefore have been characterized by periodically relocating village-based pastoral units, perhaps
practicing some opportunistic agriculture, which would
have been well placed to take advantage of the environmental conditions alluded to above. Kennedy’s archive
of aerial photographs of archaeological features in the
badia (e.g. http://www.flickr.com/photos/36925516@
N05/ and http://www.apaame.org/) contains many
examples of structure clusters, some of which could
easily be Late Neolithic in age.
Another aspect of arid land exploitation to consider
is the Early Neolithic capacity for water management
that has been so convincingly demonstrated by Fujii’s
work at PPNB Wadi Abu Tulayha at the north-western edge of the Jafr Basin (e.g. Fujii 2010; see also
Gebel 2010). Mention has previously been made of a
water management system at the PPNB camp at Ibn
Neo-Lithics 1/12
al-Ghazzi, located approximately 25 km north-east of
M-4. This included “rock-lined underground cisterns
with roughly corbelled roofs” (Betts 1986: 147; cf.
1987: 225) with stone-lined canals leading into them
(Helms 1984: 49). Such systems have not been noted
yet in the mesas area, but future work here must focus
more attention on this aspect.
These were small, single- and double-cell curvilinear
stone alignments with ‘walls’ only one to two stones high.
The deposits were shallow and produced very few artifacts,
none of which were diagnostic. It is likely that they are
Chalcolithic or Early Bronze Age based on scattered
(albeit rare) fragments of cortical scrapers, but we cannot
demonstrate that they are even as old as ‘Late Prehistoric’
on the basis of the excavations.
The basalt capping of the mesas has spalled naturally into
rectangular blocks that provide abundant building material.
These blocks vary in size, but there are abundant slabs of
suitable size for construction.
namus is the singular of the plural form nawamis.
Field Reports
One of the basalt blocks of the southeastern wall was
huge, measuring 117 cm wide, 74 cm high, and 19 cm
thick, weighing around 165 kg.
In light of the relative shortness of this stone compared to
the door openings, this “pillar” may be associated with the
renovated second phase of occupation; see below).
Alexander Wasse
University of East Anglia,
[email protected]
Yorke Rowan
University of Chicago,
[email protected]
Gary O. Rollefson
Whitman College,
[email protected]
Bar-Yosef O., Belfer A., Goren A., and Smith P.
The Nawamis near ‘Ein Huderah (Eastern Sinai). Israel
Exploration Journal 27: 65-88.
Betts A.V.G.
The Prehistory of the Basalt Desert, Transjordan.
An Analysis. Unpublished doctoral dissertation.
University of London, Institute of Archaeology.
Recent Discoveries Relating to the Neolithic Periods
in Eastern Jordan. Studies in the History and
Archaeology of Jordan: 225-230.
Betts, A.V.G., Helms S., Lancaster W., Jones E., Lupton A.,
Martin L., and Matsaert F.
The Burqu’/Ruweishid Project: Preliminary Report on
the 1988 Field Season. Levant 22: 1-20.
Braemer F. and Échallier J.-C.
De la steppe vierge à la steppe dégradée. In F. Braemer,
J.-C. Échallier and A. Taraqji, Khirbet al Umbashi.
Villages et campements de pasteurs dans le “désert
noir” (Syrie) à l’âge du Bronze : 245. Bibliothèque
Archéologique et Historique, T. 171. Beirut, CNRS.
Fujii S.
Domestication of Surface Runoff Water: Current
Evidence and New Perspectives from the Jafr Pastoral
Neolithic. Neo-Lithics 2/10: 14-32.
Gebel H.G.K.
The Commodification of Water. Neo-Lithics 2/10: 4-13.
Helms S.
Appendix II. Ibn el-Ghazzi: Water Storage System? In:
A. Betts, Black Desert Survey, Jordan: Third
Preliminary Report: 49-50. Levant 17: 29-52.
Maitland P.E.
The ‘Works of the Old Men’ in Arabia. Antiquity 1:
Musil A.
Arabia Deserta. A Topographical Itinerary. New York,
American Geographical Society.
Rabba‘ I.
The Geology of Umm Nukhayla and Wadi al Qattafi
Areas. Map Sheets No. 3453-II and 3453-I. Amman:
Natural Resources Authority, Geology Directorate.
Rollefson G., Rowan Y. and Perry M.
A Late Neolithic Dwelling at Wisad Pools, Black
Desert. Neo-Lithics 1/11: 35-43.
Rowan Y., Rollefson G. and Kersel M.
Maitland’s ‘Mesa’ reassessed: a late prehistoric
cemetery in the eastern Badia, Jordan. Antiquity 85
(327): http://antiquity.ac.uk/projgall/rowan327/
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Coşkun et al., Körtik Tepe
New Results on the Younger Dryas Occupation at Körtik Tepe
Aytaç Coşkun, Marion Benz, Corinna Rössner, Katleen Deckers,
Simone Riehl, Kurt W. Alt, and Vecihi Özkaya
“It is now clear that the eastern part of southwest Asia
was an independent center of development. This region
constitutes a unique cultural entity rooted in the local
late Upper Paleolithic/ Epipaleolithic cultures […]”
Peasnall 2000: viii
Although Peasnall and Zettler wrote the above fundamental conclusion more than ten years ago, research
about “Epipalaeolithic” settlements in southeastern
Turkey is only at its beginnings. It is indeed premature
to speak about the “Epipalaeolithic” in this region, because a clear definition is still lacking. Most findings
come from surveys or small test excavations dated by
typology. Well stratified sites with unmixed layers –
such as Öküzini or Karain Cave in the southwestern
Taurus Mountains – are missing (Algaze et al. 1991,
1994; Rosenberg and Togul 1991; Kartal 2003; Garrard
et al. 2004; Hauptmann 2011). Therefore, remains of
at least two multi-layered constructions and several
pits excavated beneath the early Holocene settlement
at Körtik Tepe in 2011 and 2012 are of major importance.1 A sequence of four radiocarbon samples and
three dates from other locations of the site firmly date
this early occupation to the second half of the 11th and
the first half of the 10th millennia calBC.2
The Epipalaeolithic Occupation in Trenches A104
and A80
Trenches A80 and A104 are located in the southwestern
and western part of the tell (Fig. 1). In both trenches, remains of pre-Holocene constructions were documented
(Benz et al. 2012; n.d).
In A80, at -490 cm, the most ancient construction
was cut down about 40 cm into the natural soil. Three
postholes belonging to this oldest construction were
■ Trenches with radiocarbon dated evidence for settlement activities in the Younger Dryas.
□ Trenches with undated remains of YD occupation.
Fig. 1
Trenches with documented/radiocarbon-dated settlement activities during the Younger Dryas.
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Field Reports
Fig. 2
observed. The course of the later sediments and the position of the postholes suggest that this building had a
diameter of about 3 m. Above this first building, several
more destruction and filling layers, a hearth, as well as
traces of thin layers of anthropogenic origin appear. In
contrast to the compact clay and stone constructions of
the upper layers (Özkaya and Coşkun 2011), the more
flimsy remains of the lower layers indicate rather ephemeral occupations or an outside space.
The occupational remains in A104 (Fig. 2) have
been described in detail elsewhere, that it suffices to
summarize the results (Benz et al. n.d.). Locus 1 is a
large pit, of which the southwestern quadrant was excavated. If it is circular, its full diameter is about 180-200
cm. It probably was originally about 1 m deep. In shape
it resembles an inverted bell. A similar bell-shaped
structure was observed at Demirköy3 (Algaze et al.
The pit was filled with many flints and obsidian artifacts, including an obsidian lunate and a very large complete obsidian nodule. The flints were mostly medium
to large flakes and only a few microliths. The ashy remains contained some animal bones, mostly of smaller
species, a shell, and many fish bones. Only three items
of jewelry, two ring-beads, and a teardrop-shaped black
stone pendant, were found. Mixed in with the fill were
some scattered stones, most of which showed traces of
heavy burning or which had been fractured by heat.
The lowest part of Loc. 1 (-5.35/ -5.51 m) was lined
with large river stones.
Because the walls were not straight and narrowed
Planum 1 of Squares E-D 1-5 of Trench A104 (drawing by M. Benz).
towards the bottom, it is unlikely that Loc. 1 was a habitation. More likely it was used for storage, though its
extraordinary diameter makes it a rather large structure
for such a function. West of this pit another round structure with a diameter of about 80 cm was discovered
(Loc. 4). It had been dug into the natural soil down to
-4.76 m, but because of later (Neolithic) destruction it
is not possible to determine its original height. To its
west and southwest it is lined by some small postholes
(PL 6-10). A large posthole (PL2) could be observed
in the northern profile. Loc. 4 was mostly devoid of
The most impressive structure of that trench was a
multi-layered pit (Locus 5). At the bottom of that construction was a pit (Loc. 5_2) (Fig. 3). A fire must have
destroyed the organic superstructure, which fell into
the pit from the east. Two charcoal samples (CH 96=
ETH-45335; CH97= ETH-45336) of this earliest occupation have been dated. After the fire, the pit had been
completely filled in by sediment hardly distinguishable
from the natural soil. The structure was then expanded
to the west and clearly used as a habitation (Locus 5).
Locus 5 (Fig. 2) is a large round or oval structure,
which extends for 2.40 m from the western profile to
the east and about 1.40 m from the southern profile to
the north. If it was oval it should continue N-S for at
least another 1.40 m, or 3 m if it was a round structure
with a diameter of 4.40 m. It had been dug 40-50 cm
into the soil. A possible entrance lay on the northern
border. To the east and west of this entrance curving depressions were bending to the southeast and west, resNeo-Lithics 1/12
Coşkun et al., Körtik Tepe
Fig. 3
Southern profile of Squares E1-3, Trench A104, indicating the location of radiocarbon samples.
pectively, possibly the remains of a wooden wall which
continued along the postholes, PL 6-10. On the eastern
border of Locus 5 there was another large posthole, PL
4. Inside this construction - about 1.50 m to the west of
the posthole -, a hearth (Locus 5_1) had been dug into
the natural soil. It was 30 cm wide and extended 20 cm
from the southern profile. The bottom and walls of this
hearth were covered with flat river pebbles blackened
from fire. Above this cultural layer is the first quite
sterile fill. Separated from it by a rather thick layer
of charcoal, there is another cultural layer with heavy
traces of burning. Except at its southeast part, this cultural layer was thickly strewn with flint flakes, cores,
some obsidian, and animal bones. In the western part
the surface was covered with stones. A charcoal sample
for dating (CH 92=ETH 45334) was taken from the
upper part of that layer, just above Locus 5_1.
Above this cultural layer an almost sterile layer
slopes in the same direction, covered by another cultural layer that contained stone tools and flints, animal
bones, many fish, and the remains of a turtle shell. A
charcoal sample from this layer (CH 85=ETH 45333)
has been dated, too. An accumulation of stones in that
younger layer was observed on the same spot as in the
older layer. This implies a prolonged tradition in how
space inside this habitation was used.
In conclusion, Locus 5 was used for living purposes,
either for an extended period or repeatedly. Though
there must have been a strong fire that destroyed the
first structure, it was restored and continued in use
for at least two more phases. Flint napping activities
and cooking/heating are attested within the structure.
The construction of Locus 5 confirms the changes in
building traditions that had been observed in Trench
A80 (Özkaya et al. 2011). For further interpretations
Neo-Lithics 1/12
we must await the analysis of the animal bones, fish,
and other botanical remains as well as the study of the
large number of flints.
Trenches A21 and A83
In 2012 remains of a round structure with a diameter
of about 3 m were documented in Trench A21. This
construction was strongly eroded. However, the course
of the habitation was visible by the differences in fills:
within the building there were several anthropogenic
levels alternating with fill layers (Fig. 4). They delineate clearly the inner space. In contrast, outside the
building the fill was unstructured. The construction
consisted of an accumulation of stones that were mixed
with and covered by a thin layer of clay forming a
slightly elevated border. The round shape of that structure was interrupted in the northwestern part possibly
marking an entrance. East of this entrance, remains of a
decaying wall were observed: Several, nearly fist-sized
stones had fallen inside the structure, mixed with clay
and covering a cultural layer with many flints and obsidian artifacts. The cultural layers inside this structure
consist of alternating layers of sand, clay, carbonates
and organic dark brown earth with charcoal (Fig. 4).
During the second occupational phase a perinatal individual was buried in a pit below the floor. The corpse
was completely covered by red ocher. After the filling
of the burial pit, the same area was still occupied.
Although the analyses of the finds are only at their
beginnings, they confirm a continued and repeated use
of the same space and thus support the observations
of Trench A104, just 3 m to the south. Beneath the
round construction, below – 440 cm, another cultural
Field Reports
Fig. 4
Three alternating occupation layers with filling layers inside the habitation of Trench A21. East profile (Photo: M. Benz).
layer was encountered in the eastern part of the trench.
Though the excavation continued down to -455 cm, the
bottom of this layer could not be reached. It contained
a huge amount of stones, animal bones, and several
lenses of sterile clay. In contrast, in the northwestern
part, outside the construction, natural soil was encountered at +/- 442 cm, suggesting that the living spaces
were dug partly into the residual soil.
In the eastern part of the tell, remains of the earliest
occupation were discovered in a limited test cut (1.20
x 2 m), in Trench A83. The earliest remains consist of
two pits that were spaced from each other by about
20 cm (Loci 2 and 6). The upper fill layer of Loc. 2
includes many river pebbles, very few animal bones
without any sign of burning, and a few flints. Below
that fill, at -537 cm, there is a light brown sterile layer
2-3 cm thick. From that layer down to the bottom of the
pit, at about -545 cm, is a very ashy layer with hardly
any piece of charcoal and a few stones at the bottom.
The shape of the pit was round to oval, with a width
Table 1
Radiocarbon data of
the deep cuts in Trenches A80 and
A104. ETH 45336 and ETH 45335
(Trench A104) date the same
cultural layer. The same holds true
for ETH 45340 and ETH 45344.
of about 35-40 cm4 and a length of 32 cm. Loc. 6 was
filled with dark brown earth, almost devoid of finds. Its
shape was round with a diameter of ~22 cm.
Both pits had a similar depth of about 30 cm. The
loamy sediment into which they were dug did not show
any traces of burning, making the function as fire pits
improbable. The filling of the northern pit might hint
at a possible function as a cooking pit into which an
organic container was placed and filled with heated
The two pits were covered by a dark brown layer
very rich in flints, obsidian, bone tools, and animal
bones. Above that, was a thin clay floor, sloping
slightly to the west. Construction details such as postholes were not discovered, but this is likely due to the
limited space that was excavated. Nevertheless, it can
be concluded that these remains definitely contrast
with the more massive stone buildings of the Holocene
occupation and support the observations in the other
deep cuts.
Δ 13C
cal BC
cal BC
A80; C5
indet. dicotyl.
A80; C4
Fragm. of bark
Indet. ch.
Populus/ Salix
Populus/ Salix
Indet. ch.
A 84, BP
191-2, B/C 5
Secale sp.
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Coşkun et al., Körtik Tepe
Rye (cf. Secale)
Einkorn, wild type (cf. Triticum boeoticum)
Rye/Wheat (Secale/Triticum)
Barley (cf. Hordeum)
Fig. 5
Sequence of radiocarbon data of the earliest occupation in
Trench A104. ETH 45335 and 45336 were combined because they
come from the same cultural layer. Graphs in dark gray indicate the
modeled range.
Radiocarbon Data from Trenches
A104, A80, and A84
New radiocarbon data of Phase VIII in Trench A80,
Phase VI in A84 and of Trench A 104 confirm our
earlier suggestion of the site’s occupation during the
Younger Dryas (Tab. 1; Benz et al. 2012). If the results
of radiocarbon data in Trench A104 were sequenced,
they would range between 10190 calBC to 9800 calBC
(68.2%) (Fig. 5). Without sequencing, the date for the
earliest occupation would be extended back to 10400
calBC. The date of a rye seed from Trench A84 is in
good accordance with a Younger Dryas beginning (Özkaya and Coşkun 2011). Although radiocarbon data
for Trench A21 and the eastern part of the tell are still
missing, the character of the discoveries is in support
of a pre-Holocene occupation there, too.
Preliminary Results of the Archaeobotanical
The results of studies on the ecology and subsistence
are preliminary since the analysis is still on-going. All
studied samples of the Younger Dryas occupation derive from the pit (Loc.1) and the two fireplaces (Loc. 2
and 3) in Trench A104 (Fig. 2).
Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum)
Dock (Rumex)
Goosefoot (Chenopodium album)
Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum)
Sum of all identified remains: n= 855
Table 2
Distribution of potentially cultivated plant remains
of the Younger Dryas occupation in Trench A104.
Thirteen different plant families were identified
among twenty samples (from 140 liters of sediment)
with 855 plant remains. 16 charcoal samples (n=454
fragments) from these floated samples have been investigated so far. From early Holocene layers 10 charcoal
samples have been examined (n=1859 fragments).
Cruciferous plants (Brassicaceae) constitute more than
a third of all the seeds (Fig. 6), and grasses (Poaceae)
represent nearly 30% of the seeds. Goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae) and knotweed (Polygonaceae) families as
well as poppy (Papaver sp.) seeds are also relatively
frequent. A few grains of rye, einkorn, and barley were
also identified (Tab. 2), but compared to the seed finds in
the early Holocene levels (Riehl et al. 2012), Triticumtype species are much less frequent.
In general, the seed assemblage of the Younger
Dryas indicates a vegetation of predominantly steppe
and riverine woodland. Grasses (Poaceae) and goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae) favor open and dry areas
(Hillman 1996). This spectrum of seeds corroborates
the results of the charcoal analysis (Fig. 7). Deciduous
oak (Quercus) is absent from the samples of the deep
cut, but present in the layers of the early Holocene.
Similarly, pistachio (Pistacia sp.), hackberry (Celtis
sp.), buckthorn (Rhamnus sp.), fig (Ficus sp.), and alder
(Alnus sp.) only appear within the Holocene levels, and
charcoals of almond (Amygdalus sp.), ash (Fraxinus sp.)
plant remain / family (%)
Fig. 6
Distribution of Younger Dryas plant
remains (Trench A104) per plant family in %;
crucifer and grasses are the most prominent
(graph by C. Rössner).
Neo-Lithics 1/12
different plant families; Seeds of the
Field Reports
Fig. 7
Percentages of charcoal
taxa from Younger Dryas (Epipal.)
and early Holocene samples
(PPNA) (graph by K. Deckers).
and maple (Acer sp.) then also clearly increase. In contrast, riverine trees or shrubs such as tamarisk (Tamarix
sp.) and poplar/willow (Populus/Salix sp.) were present
in both the Younger Dryas and the early Holocene. The
impact of the Younger Dryas thus seems likely: while
the grasses and (open) oak park woodland species were
relatively rare during the Younger Dryas, Körtik Tepe
may have belonged to the open oak park woodland
zone during the early Holocene, with a higher density
of Poaceae species as has been suggested by Hillman
(1996). The current state of our archaeobotanical research, however, does not allow any conclusion about
whether or not some of the wild plants had already been
cultivated or not.
Reoccupation of the same space and continuity in
the activity zones at Körtik Tepe suggest a repeated,
perhaps permanent, use of the same locations already
during the Younger Dryas. The burial of a perinatal individual beneath a floor and the continued occupation
of that area underline the close commitment to the site.
The steppe and riverine environments of the
Younger Dryas had a diversified spectrum of use by
the hunter-fisher-gatherer community. First results
of isotope analyses from human remains of the early
Holocene layers hint at a mixed diet with meat and
predominantly C-3 plants and to a local origin of most
inhabitants (Siebert n.d.). These results correspond
well with the broad spectrum of animals used at Körtik
Tepe (Özkaya et al. 2011) and with data from other permanent sites of hunter-gatherer communities (e.g., Savard et al. 2006). First results of our archaeobotanical
studies show a clear impact of the climatic change from
the drier and colder conditions of the Younger Dryas
to the warmer and probably moister conditions during
the early Holocene (cf. Peasnall 2000:70). A similar
impact of the Younger Dryas was observed in the Van
Sea Pollen Core, though reforestation started only later
there (Litt et al. 2009). However, further analyses of
samples of the deep cuts are necessary to confirm these
preliminary observations.
In light of the “Epipalaeolithic” occupation at Körtik
Tepe it is likely that results of earlier surveys in the
Batman region concerning the “Epipalaeolithic” should
be revised. Flints from surveys of the ridges overlooking the Upper Tigris and the Batman Çayı, which
were previously classified as Paleolithic, may in fact be
Because the analyses of flint and obsidian tools are
still in progress, it is premature to decide whether the
development of the early Holocene communities was
based on external influences or local origins. However,
the Epipalaeolithic occupation at Körtik Tepe supports
a repeated and possibly continuous commitment to the
site from the Younger Dryas to the early Holocene and
suggests a permanent living on the site if not for all,
then at least for a substantial part of the community.
Despite the pronounced changes in ecology at the transition from the Younger Dryas to the early Holocene,
the inhabitants of Körtik Tepe stayed at that location
and their settlement flourished during the early Holocene before they abandoned it forever.
The German team is grateful to Vecihi Özkaya and
his team for their cooperation and to Nevin Soyukaya
for her valuable help. Analysis of seed remains, isotopes and the chronological analysis were financed
by the German Research Foundation (BE 4218/2-2;
AL 287/9-2), to whom we offer our thanks. Katleen
Decker‘s research was possible thanks to a Margarethevon-Wrangell habilitation fellowship funded by the
European Social Fund in Baden-Württemberg.
All samples from Körtik Tepe were analysed by Irka
Hajdas, ETH Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics, Zürich.
The site of Hallan Çemi, about 60 km farther northeast
on the western border of the Sason Çayı, was first
dated to the Younger Dryas, but new AMS data from
that site are almost exclusively of the earliest Holocene
(Rosenberg 2011). Radiocarbon data from Hallan Çemi
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Coşkun et al., Körtik Tepe
and Körtik Tepe are given in the open access data base
PPND (Coşkun et al. 2010).
In that publication the site is referred to as “Demirci
Because the pit was cut through by the test cut, its
northern extension cannot be determined precisely.
Sequencing in Trench A80 does not enhance the accuracy of the data for Phase VIII because Phase VII
could not be dated. The data of Phase VIII would thus
be biased to a more recent age (see Benz et al. 2012).
Algaze G., Breuninger R., Lightfoot C.H., and Rosenberg M.
The Tigris-Euphrates Archaeological Reconnaissance
Project: A preliminary report of the 1989-1990 seasons.
Anatolica 17: 173-211.
Algaze G., Breuninger R., and Knudstad J.
The Tigris-Euphrates Archaeological Reconnaissance
Project: Final report of the Birecik and Carchemish
Dam survey areas. Anatolica 20: 1-96.
Benz M., Coşkun A., Rössner C., Deckers K., Riehl S., Alt K.W.,
and Özkaya V.
First evidence of an Epipalaeolithic hunter-fishergatherer settlement at Körtik Tepe. Arkeometri
Sonuçuları Toplantısı 35.
Benz M., Coşkun A., Hajdas I., Deckers K., Riehl S., Alt K.W.,
Weninger B., and Özkaya V.
Methodological implications of new radiocarbon dates
from the early Holocene site of Körtik Tepe, southeast
Anatolia. Radiocarbon 54/3-4: DOI: 10.2458/azu_ js_
Aytaç Coşkun
Dicle Üniversitesi Diyarbakır,
[email protected]
Marion Benz
Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg,
[email protected]
Corinna Rössner
Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen,
[email protected]
Katleen Deckers
Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen,
[email protected]
Simone Riehl
Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen,
[email protected]
Kurt W. Alt
Johannes-Gutenberg-University Mainz,
[email protected]
Vecihi Özkaya
Dicle Üniversitesi Diyarbakır,
[email protected]
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Coşkun A., Benz M., and Özkaya V.
Körtik Tepe, PPND-Platform for the Publication
of Neolithic Radiocarbon Dates. https://www.exoriente.
org/associated_projects/ppnd_site.php?s=81, accessed
Garrad A., Conolly J., McNabb J., and Moloney N.
Palaeolithic-Neolithic survey in the Sakçagözü region
of the north Levantine rift valley. In: Aurenche O.,
Le Mière M., and Sanlaville P. (eds.), From the river
to the sea. Studies in honour of Lorraine Copeland.
BAR International Series 1263. Oxford, Archaeopress:
Hauptmann H.
The Urfa Region. In: Özdoğan M., Başgelen N., and
Kuniholm, P. (eds.), The Neolithic of Turkey. Vol. 1.
Istanbul, Archeology and Art Publications: 85-138.
Hillman G.C.
Pleistocene changes in wild plant-foods available
to hunter-gatherers of the northern fertile Crescent:
possible preludes to cereal cultivation. In: Harris D.R.
(ed.), The origins and spread of agriculture and
pastoralism in Eurasia. London, UCL Press: 159-203.
Kartal M.
Anatolian Epi-Paleolithic period assemblages:
problems, suggestions, evaluations and various
approaches. Anadolu (Anatolia) 24: 35-61.
Field Reports
Litt T., Krastel S., Sturm M., Kipfer R., Örçen S., and Heumann G.
Lake Van Drilling Project ‘PALEOVAN’, International
Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP):
Results of a recent pre-site survey and perspectives.
Quaternary Science Reviews 28/15: 1555-1567.
Özkaya V. and Coşkun A.
Körtik Tepe. In: Özdoğan M., Başgelen N., and
Kuniholm P. (eds.), The Neolithic of Turkey, Vol.1.
Istanbul, Archeology and Art Publications: 89-127.
Özkaya V., Coşkun A., Benz M., Erdal Y.S.,
Atıcı L., and Şahin F.S.
Körtik Tepe 2010. Yılı Kazısı. Kazı Sonuçuları
Toplantısı 33/1: 315-338.
Peasnall B.L.
The Round House Horizon along the Taurus-Zagros
Arc: a synthesis of recent excavations of late
Epipaleolithic and early aceramic sites in southeastern
Anatolia and northern Iraq. UMI Microform 9965539.
Ann Arbor, Bell & Howell Information and Learning
Riehl S., Benz M., Conard N., Deckers K.,
Fazeli H., and Zeidi, M.
The modalities of plant use in three PPN sites of the
northern and eastern Fertile Crescent – A preliminary
report. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 21/2:
Rosenberg M.
Hallan Çemi. In: Özdoğan M., Başgelen N., and
Kuniholm P. (eds.), The Neolithic of Turkey, Vol. 1.
Istanbul, Archeology and Art Publications: 61-78.
Rosenberg M. and Toğul H.
The Batman River Archaeological Site Survey, 1990.
Anatolica 17: 241-251.
Savard M., Nesbitt M., and Jones M.
The role of wild grasses in subsistence and sedentism:
new evidence from the northern Fertile Crescent.
World Archaeology 38/2: 179-196.
Siebert A. et al.
Living on the edge in Körtik Tepe - insights on
mobility and dietary habits of a PPNA-population on its
way to sedentism (working title, in prep.).
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Flint Bowlets:
Three Additional Materials from Wadi Ghuwayr 17
and Wadi Nadiya 2, al-Jafr Basin
Sumio Fujii
ropogenic modification is usually limited to the trimming of the lateral surface. Since Hans Gebel (1999)
gave the name and promoted awareness to several
examples from Basta (Nissen et al. 1991: pl. III-1)
and Ba‘ja (Gebel 1999: Fig. 1), parallel examples
have been reported from el-Hammeh (Makarewicz
and Goodale 2004: Fig. 6), ‘Ayn Jammam (Rollefson
The flint bowlet is a palm-sized, pallet-like stone
vessel peculiar to M-LPPNB settlements in southern
Jordan. This unique artifact is produced taking full
advantage of a thermally pitted shallow concavity on
the upper surface of a tabular flint nodule, and anth-
Khirbet Hammam
PPNB settlement
PPNB outpost
Basin-irrigation barrage
700 0 m
1,000 m
Wadi Ghuwayr 17
Wadi Ruweishid ash-Sharqi
Pit-type cistern
Wadi Nadiya 1
Jabal Juhayra
Wadi Badda
Ghwair I
Simple wadi barrier
Wadi Nadiya 2
Jurf ad Darwish
Wadi Abu Tulayha
Wadi Qhuwayr 106
1,000 m
Beidha ▲ al-Basit
▲ Wadi Musa
ad-Daman 1
Desert Highw
▲ Shaqarat Musai'id
Qa' al-Jafr
Jafr Basin
‘Ayn Jammam
Saudi Arabia
Fig. 1
20 km
PPNB Sites in and around the Jafr Basin. (The underlined sites yielded a flint bowlet(s).
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Field Reports
Fig. 2
Wadi Ghuwayr 17: general views before excavation (above) and after excavation (below).
2005: Fig. 5) and Wadi Abu Tulayha (Fujii 2006:
Fig. 14, 2009b: Fig. 17). One of our earlier papers
reviewed these materials and discussed several major
issues including their function and techno-typological
sequence (Fujii 2009a). This paper introduces three
new examples found at Wadi Ghuwayr 17 and Wadi
Nadiya 2, and tests a few tentative perspectives suggested in the previous review.
Wadi Ghuwayr 17
The site
Wadi Ghuwayr 17 is located in the northern part of
the al-Jafr Basin, a large-scale inland closed drainage
system in southern Jordan (Fig. 1). In terms of topography, it occupies the upper edge of the escarpment
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Complex IV
PPNB Outpost
Complex 00
(Gravelly Soil Yard)
Complex VI
Complex I
Trench E-III
Complex V
Complex 0
Bowlet 1
Bowlet 3
Complex II
Complex III
Area E-III
Area E-II
Bowlet 2
Complex VII
Wadi Abu Tulayha
Bowlet 4
Area E-I
M/LPPNB Outpost
Complex IX
Complex VIII
Area W-I
Wadi Abu Tulayha
Complex 00
Complex 00/Unit 48: 8649 ± 50
Complex 00/Unit 47: 8590 ± 36
Complex 00/Unit 39: 8548 ± 33
Bowlets 1, 2
Complex 0
beginning of pastoral transhumance
short hiatus?
repenetration associated with barrage system
Wadi Ghuwayr 17
Wadi Ruweishid ash-Sharqi
Complex I
Wadi Ghuwayr 106
Wadi Nadiya 1
Complex II
Str. 2
Str. 3
Str. 1
Str. 4
Complex III
pit spoil
JBPP 2010
Wadi Ghuwayr 17
Bowlet 3
Bowlets 11 and 12
Complex IV
Complex V
Operation Area
decline in pastoral transhumance
Complex VI
Complex VII
Complex VIII
Bowlet 4
Wadi Nadiya 2
Complex IX
Complex IX/Str. K: 8409 ± 41
Complex IX/Str. K: 8464 ± 51
Complex IX/Str. K: 8433 ± 51
Bowlet 21
shift to pastoral nomadism
deep-floor feature
(C-14 data: uncal. B.P. dates)
Fig. 3
shallow-floor feature
Comparative chronology of Wadi Abu Tulayha and Wadi Ghuwayr 17.
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Field Reports
Bowlet 12
Fig. 5
Bowlet 11
Bowlet 12
Bowlet 21
Fig. 4
Bowlets 11 and 12 from Wadi Ghuwayr 17 and Bowlet 21
from Wadi Nadiya 2.
that fringes the northern edge of the basin, commanding
the upper reaches of the wadi of the same name. The
surrounding landscape is characterized by a flint-strewn
desert (or hamad in Arabic) dotted with playas (qa’at)
of various sizes. Understandably, the climate is very
arid and no perennial natural water source is available
around the site. The site was found for the first time by
Leslie Quintero and Philip Wilke in 1997 (Quintero and
Wilke 1998a: 3, 1998b: 120; Wilke and Quintero 1998:
3; Quintero et al. 2004: 205-206), and rescue-investigated by us in the summer of 2010. The limited excavation barely confirmed the remnants of several semisubterranean masonry structures seriously damaged by
heavy machinery (Fig. 2). Since the research outcome
has been reported elsewhere (Fujii et al. 2011), we will
only give an outline below.
The operation area revealed an oval structure and
three minor features. Both of them were combined
to form a bimodal structural complex common to the
Jafr Pastoral Neolithic. Surface finds also focused on
the same range, corroborating that the site represents a
small outpost consisting of a single complex. The excavated chipped flint assemblage included Byblos and
Amuq type points as well as naviform core-and-blade
components. Other small finds included diagonally truncated stone bars, notched and grooved stone weights,
large pillar bases, game boards, and petroglyphs. No
remarkable contaminants were recognized with the ex-
Raw materials collected around Wadi Ghuwayr 17.
ception of a limited number of Middle Paleolithic and
Chalco/EB flint artifacts. Although neither C-14 dates
nor faunal/floral data are available yet, there is little
doubt that the site represents the second example of the
Jafr PPNB agro-pastoral outpost following Wadi Abu
Tulayha. The combination of a large oval key structure
and several minor components falls into the stage of
Complex I at the type-site, suggesting that the site dates
back to the end of the MPPNB or the very beginning of
the LPPNB (Fig. 3).
Since the site was seriously disturbed, only a small
number of artifacts were found in situ. The two bowlets described below are no exception to this, and they
were recovered, together with a few diagonally truncated stone bars and petroglyphs, in robbers’-pit spoil
covering the southern half of Square B2. This situation
strongly suggests that the bowlets derived from the
neighboring Structure 1, the core of the complex. In
order to avoid confusion with the four similar bowlets
(i.e. Bowlets 1 to 4) from Wadi Abu Tulayha (Fujii
2009a: Fig. 3), we designated them Bowlets 11 and 12,
respectively (Figs. 4, 6).
Bowlet 11
This large bowlet is made of a cortical flint nodule,
having a weight of 1903 g, a maximum diameter of
17.0 cm, and a height of 6.8 cm. The thermally-flaked
concavity on the upper surface, though partly trimmed,
measures 14.9 cm in diameter and 2.2 cm deep, producing a maximum capacity of ca. 130 cc. This material
is the largest of the bowlets known to date, being twice
or more their standard dimensions (Fig. 7; Fujii 2009a:
Tables 1, 2).
In terms of techno-typology, this bowlet is marked
by a natural beveled rim ca. 1-1.5 cm wide and hingefractured coarse retouch applied to the lateral surface.
Interestingly, for both bowlets, the focus was only on
one half of the large bowlet; the other half is devoid
of the beveled rim, being roughly trimmed by several
bold strokes of direct percussion. (The same applies to
Bowlets 1-3 from Wadi Abu Tulayha.) This contrast is
probably because the natural concavity on the raw material was slightly off-centered in position and, for this
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Wadi Abu Tulayha
Bowlet 4
Bowlet 1
Bowlet 2
Bowlet 3
Wadi Ghuwayr 17
Wadi Nadiya 2
Bowlet 21
Bowlet 11
Fig. 6
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Bowlet 12
5 cm
‘Ayn Jammam
(Gebel 1999)
(Rollefson 2005)
Techno-typological sequence of the bowlet.
Field Reports
height (cm)
Wadi Ghuwayr 17
Bowlet 11
MPPNB Bowlets
covers the whole range of its upper surface. (The same
is true of Bowlet 4 from Wadi Abu Tulayha.) Second, it
is modified by fewer strokes of flat retouch and, for this
reason, takes on a more or less regular profile, although
this contrast might be partly due to the difference in the
nature of the raw material. It is interesting to note that
despite the probable co-occurrence in the same structure, the two bowlets differ from each other in many
aspects including dimensions, raw material, and technotypology. The only common feature between the two is
the absence of use wear.
Ba’ ja
Wadi Ghuwayr 17
Bowlet 12
Wadi Nadiya 2
LPPNB Bowlets
The Site
Wadi Nadiya 2 is an extramural barrage site again
in the northern part of the al-Jafr Basin (Fig. 1). It is
located in a flint pavement desert ca. 20 km NW of
Wadi Ghuwayr 17 mentioned above. The site contains
four barrages, forming a water-use system (consisting
diameter (cm) of a total of six barrages) in combination with the upper
barrage complex of Wadi Nadiya 1 (Fujii et al. n.d.a).
20.0 The site was found for the first time in 2010 by us and
excavated in the summer field season of 2012 (Fujii et
al. n.d.b). As with the other Neolithic barrages known
Fig. 7 Size comparisons of bowlets. (see also Fujii 2010:Tables
1 and 2.)
to date in the Jafr Basin (e.g. Fujii 2010: Figs. 32-34),
three of the six barrages incorporated a grooved and
reason, necessitated different treatment for both halves
notched stone weight or a large pillar base, both chroof the round concavity. As a matter of fact, many of
nological indicators of the Jafr Pastoral PPNB, into their
cortical flint slabs scattered around the site share such
central walls. Although no C-14 dates are available yet,
a unique trait, corroborating the assumption suggested
there is little doubt that the barrage system can be dated
above (Fig. 5; see also Fujii 2009a: Fig. 6). Assuming
to the PPNB.
that Bowlet 11 was produced under such technological
The flint bowlet (Bowlet 21) occurred as a stray find
restrictions, it is no wonder that while the proximal half
from an upper fill layer of Barrage 2 (Fig. 4). It might
is more or less carefully retouched along the natural
have been swept away from a nearby contemporary
beveled rim, the distal half is left being roughly shaped
outpost yet to be located - a likely assumption when we
to remove the unnecessary material. Neither noticeable
consider the combination of a barrage and an outpost
macroscopic use wear nor ochre-stained spots were reas its operation body (Fujii 2010). It seems that the
cognized in and around the concavity.
absence of edge abrasion due to long-distance fluvial
transportation also supports the supposition.
Bowlet 12
Bowlet 21
This halved bowlet is smaller in dimensions than the
other example, measuring 484 g in weight, 10.9 cm in
This bowlet is made of a thin flint pebble associated with
longer axis, and 3.9 cm in height. Understandably, the
a very shallow natural concavity, being characterized
maximum capacity is also much smaller (ca. 55 cc in
by the small size (125 g in weight, 6.5 cm in diameter,
present state or ca. 80-100 cc when complete). It is no2.1 cm high, and ca. 2-3 cc in maximum capacity), the
teworthy, however, that the material is still considerably
elaborate lateral retouch, and its consequent sophistilarger than the bowlets found at the LPPNB farming
cated profile. All of these traits fall within the LPPNB
communities to the west (Fig. 7; Fujii 2009: Tables
bowlet assemblage, suggesting the date of the material
1, 2). This bowlet is produced of a relatively coarse(Fig. 7). This bowlet has also no visible use wear.
textured limestone slab, but we shall be allowed to treat
it as a limestone version of the flint bowlet in the sense
that it is produced taking full advantage of the natural
This limestone bowlet differs from Bowlet 11 in
The occurrence of the three additional examples proterms of techno-typology as well. To begin with, it is devides us with an excellent opportunity to review the
void of a beveled rim and, instead, the natural concavity
tentative perspectives suggested in the previous paper.
Wadi Nadiya 2
Bowlet 21
‘Ayn Jammam
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Since the procurement strategy of raw material was referred to above, the following discussion focuses on the
distribution, chronology and technological sequence,
and function of the flint bowlet.
In view of the dense distribution of suitable raw materials around the sites, there is no doubt that the three
bowlets were produced in the Jafr Basin. Thus the total
number of the Jafr bowlet amounts to seven including
the four specimens from Wadi Abu Tulayha. This is a
substantial number, considering that the four farming
communities to the west (i.e. Basta, Ba‘ja, el-Hammeh,
and ‘Ayn Jammam) have yielded in total nine bowlets only. It is noteworthy that the Jafr outposts, much
smaller in site size and much more temporary in site
nature, held their own against the large-scale sedentary
settlements under the Mediterranean climatic regime in
terms of the production volume of the unique artifact.
This fact, coupled with the availability of suitable raw
materials, attests anew to the importance of the Jafr
Basin as a production base of the flint bowlet.
As for the chronology and techno-typological sequence, our previous review suggested that the flint
bowlet developed from a large, coarsely trimmed form
(dated to the MPPNB) to a smaller, finely retouched one
(newly appeared in the LPPNB) (Fujii 2009a: 24-25).
Assuming that Wadi Ghuwayr 17 can be dated to the
end of the MPPNB or the very beginning of the LPPNB,
it would follow that the bowlet assemblage of the site
represents an intermediate stage of the sequence. As a
matter of fact, the assemblage contains both a typical
example of the MPPNB bowlet (i.e. Bowlet 11) and a
forerunner or prototype of the LPPNB one (i.e. Bowlet
12), corroborating the perspective (Fig. 7). The same is
also true with Bowlet 21 from Wadi Nadiya 2. Given the
tentative dating of the barrage site (Fujii et al. n.d.b), it
makes sense that the site yielded a prime example of the
LPPNB bowlet. It would follow that the three new instances – one typical MPPNB bowlet, one intermediate
form, and one standard LPPNB product – happen to be
seriated following the technological sequence suggested in the previous review.
Two things should be noted, however. To begin with,
while the MPPNB Jafr Basin actively produced the
coarse bowlets, the contemporary farming communities
appear to have not been involved in their production.
Second, while the Jafr outposts disappeared in the
course of the LPPNB, the contemporary west formed
mega-sites (Gebel 2004) and suddenly began to produce
the high-quality bowlets. The first item suggests that the
MPPNB Jafr Basin was the origin of the bowlet production - a likely assumption when we consider the easy
access to suitable raw material. The second, on the other
hand, possibly means that with the demise of the Jafr
pastoral transhumance and the transition to pastoral nomadism (Fujii n.d.), the production center of the bowlet
shifted westward to the LPPNB mega-sites. The technotypological sequence noted above may be understood
within this framework. A good example of this perspective is the grinding technique of a beveled rim that
was newly introduced to the LPPNB bowlet (Rollefson
Neo-Lithics 1/12
2005: Fig. 5). It is evident that it developed from the natural beveled rim common to the Jafr MPPNB bowlets.
We may argue that the shift in production center to the
large-scale sedentary communities brought about such
technological sophistication.
Another question is the specific use of the bowlet,
but the three materials bring no substantial progress in
the issue beyond Gebel’s suggestion that at least a part
of the bowlets were used for processing red pigment
(Gebel 1999: 13). We should recall, however, that the
bowlet is characterized by a small, very shallow concavity, and that more than half of the bowlets known to
date retain neither traces of pigment nor remarkable use
wear (Fujii 2009: tables 1 and 2). Taking these into consideration, it may be more correct to argue that the flint
bowlet was used as a special vessel for pouring (rather
than processing) only a limited quantity of some precious liquid or water/oil soluble powder such as ochre
and some stimulant. The occurrence of limestone pallets specializing in processing red pigment from Wadi
Abu Tulayha is highly suggestive in this regard (Fujii
2009: fig. 5). However, all of these are arguments based
on indirect evidence and require further verification.
Seeing that the bowlet was very rare (usually no more
than several pieces) at every site and can be regarded
as an article of value rather than commodities, all we
can say is that the history of the bowlet began with as
an intra-group ritual object at the M-LPPNB remote
outposts and ended with a sort of a prestige goods or at
least a symbolic object within the LPPNB large communities. Given this, it would make sense that the rise
and fall of the M/LPPNB settlement in southern Jordan
corresponds exactly with the appearance and disappearance of the flint bowlet. Anyhow, the specific use of
the bowlet still remains obscure and necessitates further
Finally, returning to the issue of the distribution,
we should note again that all of the seven bowlet sites
known to date focused on the Ma‘an Plateau and its
periphery. To date, no similar products have been reported from surrounding sites such as ‘Ayn Abu Nukhayleh and Ghwair I, to say nothing of ‘Ain Ghazal,
Wadi Shu‘eib, Tell Abu Suwwan and contemporary
Cisjordan settlements. This contrast suggests that despite the remarkable difference in both topography and
environmental conditions, the intermountain plateau in
southern Jordan and its neighboring Jafr Basin constituted a unified, independent cultural sphere with the
flint bowlet being a sort of mental bond. We can argue
that the most significant archaeological implication of
the bowlet resides in this aspect rather than its enigmatic
use. It is precisely for this reason that our research attaches great importance to the small stone vessel.
Concluding Remarks
The occurrence of the three additional materials has
enabled us to confirm anew that: 1) the Jafr Basin was a
production center of the flint bowlet; 2) the production
Field Reports
center shifted westward from the MPPNB Jafr Basin to
the LPPNB farming communities, and 3) with this shift,
the techno-typology of the bowlet also changed from a
large, coarsely trimmed form to a small, carefully retouched variant. It was also suggested that the bowlet
was a symbolic or intra-settlement prestige goods of
the Ma‘an Plateau Neolithic. Though still enigmatic
in terms of the specific use, the flint bowlet no doubt
provides valuable insights into the M/LPPNB cultural
entity in southern Jordan. Further discovery is expected
to shed new light on the archaeological potential of the
unique artifact.
Sumio Fujii
Kanazawa University
[email protected]
Fujii S.
Wadi Abu Tulayha: A Preliminary Report of the 2005
Spring and Summer Excavation Seasons of the
Jafr Basin Prehistoric Project, Phase 2. ADAJ (Annual
of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan) 50: 9-31.
Flint Bowlets: A Comprehensive Review from Wadi
Abu Tulayha, Ma‘an Region. Neo-Lithics 2/09: 20-28.
Wadi Abu Tulayha: A Preliminary Report of the 2008
Summer Final Field Season of the Jafr Basin
Prehistoric Project, Phase 2. ADAJ 53: 173-209.
Domestication of runoff surface water: Current
evidence and new perspectives from the Jafr
Pastoral Neolithic. Neo-Lithics 2/10: 14-32.
Neolithic Barrage Systems in the Jafr Basin. in Keller
D. R., Barbara A. P. and Tuttle C. A. (eds.),
Archaeology in Jordan, 2010 and 2011 seasons.
American Journal of Archaeology 116/4: 726-727.
Chronology of the Jafr Pastoral Prehistory and
Protohistory: A Key to the Process of Pastoral
Nomadization in the Southern Levant. In: AbuAzizeh, W. and Tarawneh, M. (eds.), Current
Research on Protohistoric Settlement in Desert Areas
of Jordan. Bibliothèque Archéologique et Historique.
Beirut: Institut Français d’Archéologie du ProcheOrient.
Fujii S., Adachi T., Endo H., Yamafuji M.,
Arimatsu, Y., and Nagaya, K.
Wadi Nadiya 1: Another Neolithic Barrage System in
the northern part of the al-Jafr Basin, Southern Jordan.
ADAJ 56 (in press).
Wadi Nadiya 2: The Third Neolithic Barrage System in
the northern part of the al-Jafr Basin, Southern Jordan.
ADAJ 57 (in preparation).
Fujii S., Adachi T., Quintero L.A., and Wilke P.J.
Wadi Ghuwayr 106: A Preliminary Report of the Jafr
Basin Prehistoric Project, 2010 (Phase 3). ADAJ 55:
Fujii S., Quintero L.A., and Wilke P.J.
Wadi Ghuwayr 17: A Neolithic Outpost in the
Northeastern al-Jafr Basin. ADAJ 55: 159-188.
Gebel H.G.K.
Flint “Bowlets” from the LPPNB of Southern Jordan.
Neo-Lithics 2/99: 12-13.
Central to What? The centrality issue of the LPPNB
mega-site phenomenon in Jordan. In: Bienert H. D.,
Gebel H. G. K. and Neef R. (eds.): Central Settlements
in Neolithic Jordan. Studies in Early Near Eastern
Production, Subsistence, and Environments 5. Berlin:
ex oriente: 1-19.
Henry D. O., Cordova C., White J. J., Dean R. M.,
Beaver J. E., Ekstrom, H., Kadowaki S., McCorriston J.,
Nowell A., and Scott-Cummings L.
Early Neolithic site of Ayn Abu Nukhayla, southern
Jordan. Bulletin of American Schools of Oriental
Research 330: 1-30.
Makarewicz C.A. and Goodale N.B.
Results from the First Excavation Season at elHemmeh: A Pre-Pottery Neolithic Site in the Wadi elHasa, Jordan. Neo-Lithics 2/04: 5-11.
Nissen H.J., Muheisen M. and Gebel H.G.
Report on the Excavations at Basta 1988. ADAJ 35:
Quintero L. A., Rollefson G. O. and Wilke P. J.
Highland Towns and Desert Settlements: Origins of
Nomadic Pastoralism in the Jordanian Neolithic.
In: Bienert H-D. et al. (eds.), Central Settlements in
Neolithic Jordan Studies in Early Near Eastern
Production, Subsistence, and Environments 5. Berlin:
201-213. Berlin: ex oriente.
Quintero L. and Wilke P.
Jafr Basin Archaeological Project. Neo-Lithics 1/98: 4-5.
Archaeological Reconnaissance in the al-Jafr Basin,
1997. ADAJ 42: 113-121.
Rollefson G.
Stone Tools from ‘Ayn Jammam near Ras en-Naqb,
Southern Jordan. Neo-Lithics 1/05: 17-23.
Wilke, P.J. and Quintero, L.A.
New Late Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Sites in the
Jordanian Desert. Neo-Lithics 1/98: 2-4.
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Message from the Far Eastern Neolithic:
The Session ‘Pottery and Neolithisation in East Asiaʼ of the Society for
East Asian Archaeology
Conference in Fukuoka, Japan (June 6th-10th, 2012)
Joshua Wright
Discussions in scholarly forums on the nature and definition of the Neolithic have occurred several times
over the past months, for example at the ‘Neolithic Stereotypes’ session at this spring’s Society for American
Archaeology meetings in Memphis, Tennessee. At the
recent Society for East Asian Archaeology conference
in Fukuoka, Japan (June 6th-10th, 2012)1 a session
was offered entitled ‘Pottery and Neolithisation in East
Asia’. The papers in the session focused mainly on the
Japanese archipelago with its huge volume of high quality research carried out over the past half-century and
active community of scholars addressing the issues of
the local and the the global Neolithic.
To the scholars of the West Asian Neolithic the issues discussed at this conference offer several homologies and contrasts. Sedentary agriculture and state level
societies developed in both eastern and western Asia,
but the Neolithic of Peninsular East Asia has a different
prehistoric context from that of the Eastern Mediterranean. The papers in this session emphasized alternative
processes, models and definitions cross pollinated from
the Near East, but adapted to deal with the different environmental, material culture and scholarly traditions
of East Asia that may, in their turn, suggest new views
of the Near East.
The importance of pottery as the fulcrum of the
Neolithic of East Asia is clear from the title of the
session. Untangling of ceramics from the social and
spatial context and chronology of Epipaleolithic and
Neolithic society is beyond the scope of this brief report (see Chard 1974; Kuzmin and Orlova 2000; Wu et
al. 2012). The choice of the organizers and presenters
in this session to make pottery central meant that the
Neolithic of Peninsular East Asia discussed here encompassed the long, complex, sometimes sedentary,
typically ceramic using hunter-gatherers of the long
and variable Jomon and Jeulmun periods of the Japanese Archipelago and the Korean Peninsula. The advent of farming, once presented as a result of migration
and clear diffusion, is seen as a stage in a developing
subsistence system where the dominant motive forces
are local and internal (Lee 2011; Bleed and Matsui
2010). Both the long Epipaleolithic-Neolithic and the
multi-generational adaptation of agriculture against the
background of peer-polity interaction argue against a
‘Neolithic Revolution’ in the region. The chronological
range discussed has its roots before the Holocene because the first ceramics of Northeast Asia are found in
the Older Dryas and shortly after the last glacial maNeo-Lithics 1/12
ximum. That being said, the time range focused upon
by these papers was mainly the mid-Holocene and
later (the Early Jomon and Juelmun periods begin ca.
8 kbp). Farming clearly appears at ca. 3.4 kbp in the
Korean Peninsula and, currently controversially, at ca.
2.7-2.9 kbp in the southern Japanese Archipelago.
With pottery as the central focus of the session, most
presenters chose to discuss the shifting roll of pottery in
the definition of food traditions. In this several presenters were particularly influenced by Hayden’s recent article (2009) and highlighted ceramics as central to special foods such as oil and alcohol, and the potential for
special events, specialist activities, and decoration that
those present. Dr. Leo Aoi Hosoya focused her paper
on social value of food as important factor in the development of different forms of particular foods. This
multiplication of possible dietary outcomes includes
different processing regimes, and as a result diverse
tools, and also differing management of domesticated
crops and non-domesticated plant resources. This could
have contributed to the development of complex culinary processing methods that may have been simply
efficacious but also expressive of social difference.
Similar themes were also brought up in the paper by
Dr. Shinji Ito, in which residues in vessels in use on the
Ryukyu Islands suggest shifts in the use of the vessels
through time without major changes in their forms.
Hosoya’s paper was the first of several to bring up the
theme of replication as a tool for building arguments
and hypotheses, a position rooted in the comfortable
sense of cultural continuity frequently found in models
of the East Asian Neolithic.
Two of the papers in the session focused on issues
of landscape formation. Professor Shuzo Koyama’s
study of the management of wood resources through
fire used pottery to suggest a sophisticated control of
pyrotechnology and expand from that to argue for the
use of fire as an arboricultural tool in productive forest landscapes (see also Matsui and Kanehara 2006).
Professor Junzo Uchiyama’s paper offered a rich diachronic view of settlement development across the
Jomon and early Yayoi periods. Central to his thesis
was the active boundary between domesticated and
non-cultural spaces. He positioned ceramics as a mediator of this boundary and moved quickly to discuss the
active nature of the boundary itself. Echoing Professor
Koji Mizoguchi’s opening remarks for the conference
on the emergence of the Yayoi culture he spoke of
both the agency of people planning their social and
economic spaces and the unintended consequences
of their choices for spatial organization. Uchiyama’s
thesis positioned the adoption of rice farming in the
southern Japanese archipelago as a step in the ongoing
formation and active management of a complex cultural landscape.
The interpretations and models of the Neolithic in
the Japanese archipelago presented in this session are
clearly affected by the data that is readily available
there, many sites are completely excavated and have
clearly demarcated boundaries and detailed intra-site
relative chronologies; the elaborate, information laden
ceramics of the Jomon are justifiably world famous;
and also the transition to agriculture throughout the region took place practically in historical times. The papers presented here are clearly rooted in the categories
of the West Asian Neolithic, however these scholars are
finding the ‘species and spaces’ approach that works so
well in the west to be less enlivening then a ‘place and
practice’ centered approach to the Neolithic, in which
there is an almost indivisible link between material culture and the biotic world and the traditional Neolithic
categories become unbraided as people appear to have
been ‘thinking Neolithic’ only long after they were
‘doing Neolithic’.
Joshua Wright
Visiting Scholar
Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel
School of Human Development in Landscapes
[email protected]
Bleed P. and Matsui A.
Why Didn’t Agriculture Develop in Japan? A
Consideration of Jomon Ecological Style, Niche
Construction, and the Origins of Domestication.
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 17:
Chard C.S.
Northeast Asia in Prehistory. University of Wisconsin
Hayden B.
The Proof Is in the Pudding: Feasting and the Origins
of Domestication. Current Anthropology 50(5): 597601.
Kuzmin Y.V. and Orlova L.A.
The Neolithization of Siberia and the Russian Far East:
Radiocarbon evidence. Antiquity 74: 356-364.
Lee G.-A.
The Transition from Foraging to Farming in Prehistoric
Korea. Current Anthropology 52(4): 307-329.
Matsui A. and Kanehara M.
The Question of Prehistoric Plant Husbandry during
the Jomon Period in Japan. World Archaeology
38(2): 259-273.
Wu X., Zhang C., Goldberg P., Cohen D., Pan Y.,
Arpin T. and Bar-Yosef O.
Early Pottery at 20,000 Years Ago in Xianrendong
Cave, China. Science 336: 1696-1700.
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Conference Report
Our Place: Our Place in the World:
Workshop in Urfa Initiates a Three-Year Research Project on Göbekli
Tepe and Contemporary Settlements in the Region
Trevor Watkins and Klaus Schmidt
Profs. Klaus Schmidt (DAI) and Trevor Watkins (University of Edinburgh) have been awarded a three-year
grant by the John Templeton Foundation to undertake
a multi-disciplinary research project focused on the
early aceramic Neolithic sites of Göbekli Tepe and
the cluster of contemporary settlements in southeast
Turkey and north Syria. The purpose of the research
is to find new ways to investigate how the first large,
permanently co-resident communities functioned, and
how and why they networked with each other. At the
centre of the research, of course, will be the role of
Göbekli Tepe itself, and the formation of interdisciplinary partnerships that can investigate the symbolism
of the architecture, sculptures, and smaller objects
that Göbekli Tepe shares with the settlements of the
The fact that these communities created powerful
and impressive architecture and striking visual symbolism gives us a potential means of discovering how
they framed their ideas of who they were, how they
related to one another, and how they stood in relation
to their idea of their world. So the project will experiment with developing partnerships between prehistoric archaeologists and researchers in several other
disciplines. This is exactly what Robert Braidwood
did more than half a century ago, when he began his
research into the origins of agriculture. He built his
research on collaboration between archaeologists,
environmental scientists, botanists and zoologists.
Kathleen Kenyon used her position at the Institute of
Archaeology in London to draw some of her colleagues into research on the materials recovered in her
excavations at Tell es-Sultan, ancient Jericho. These
multidisciplinary initiatives lead ultimately to the
development of new sub-disciplines, such as archaeobotany and archaeo-zoology. The materials that are
now emerging from recent excavations in north Syria
and southeast Turkey, we believe, challenge us to form
new interdisciplinary partnerships, leading again to
new sub-disciplines.
Initial Workshop
As the beginning of the research programme,
a workshop took place at Urfa in southeast Turkey
between October 1st and 5th. The workshop brought
together three groups of specialists from different
disciplines, all of whom had agreed to contribute to
the research project. The workshop allowed them to
encounter the spectacular and impressive architecture
Neo-Lithics 1/12
and imagery of Göbekli Tepe face to face. In the original plan, we intended to spend one or two days in
north Syria, so that the participants in the research
could also see something of the settlement sites that
are under investigation there. Obviously, that part of
the programme had to be dropped. In the event, even
a one-day excursion to visit sites nearby in southeast
Turkey was abandoned in view of the uncertainty
of the security situation when cross-border artillery
shelling occurred very close to Urfa.
Trevor Watkins and Jens Notroff, one of Klaus
Schmidt’s research assistants, met the workshop participants as they arrived in Istanbul. The first day of
the workshop took place in an airport hotel, before
the group flew on together to Urfa. Before we reached
Urfa and Göbekli Tepe, the workshop saw aspects
of the architecture, imagery and ritual performance
from early Neolithic settlement sites in north Syria.
Danielle Stordeur was unable to be present, but sent
a Powerpoint presentation about Jerf el Ahmar. We
also heard from Eric Coqueugniot (Dja’de), Thaer
Yartah (Tell ‘Abr 3), Walter Cruells (standing in for
Miquel Molist, on Tell Halula), and Ryszard Mazurowski (Tell Qaramel). Most of the first day in Urfa
was devoted to Göbekli Tepe. Having spent half the
day at the site with Klaus Schmidt, we were also able
to see some of the smaller sculptures on exhibition
in the Urfa Museum. Later, there were more archaeological presentations and comments (Mihriban
Özbaşaran, Mehmet Özdoğan, Marion Benz, Nigel
Goring-Morris, Bill Finlayson and Hans Georg K.
Gebel) from different perspectives on the early Neolithic.
The following two days were given to intense
discussion, in which the non-archaeologists took the
lead, introducing their own research interests and expertise, and explaining their interest in applying their
disciplines to our multi-disciplinary research project.
(A list of the participants in the workshop and the research project appears at the end of this note.) In the
last session, the workshop focused on mapping the
outline of the interdisciplinary research programme,
seeking to articulate the essential questions in the
right way. At the time of writing, Trevor Watkins
and Klaus Schmidt (who is still engaged on the excavations at Göbekli Tepe) are preparing a paper for
circulation and refinement that summarises those concluding discussions and condenses them into several
research trajectories.
Conference Report
Fig. 1
Workshop participants at Göbekli Tepe on Oct. 2nd, 2012 (photo: J. Notroff).
What Follows From the Workshop
Participants in the Research Project
The John Templeton Foundation funding provides for
two post-doctoral researchers (currently in the process
of being appointed) to work at the core of the research.
Each will be given a remit drafted from the research
questions document mentioned above. They will be the
dynamos of the research, engaging the other participants
in the research project. We already know that two of the
members of our group themselves lead major international and multi-disciplinary projects whose interests
intersect with ours. And we also know from their publications and their enthusiastic contributions to the workshop that the other participants have a great deal to offer.
We anticipate that the project will generate a number
of co-authored, inter-disciplinary articles that will be
published in a variety of disciplinary journals and major
science journals. We hope to be able to hold a conference at the end of the research project to which a wider
spectrum of specialists in the Epi-palaeolithic and early
Neolithic of southwest Asia will be invited to join the
participants in the project. That conference is not within
the funding remit of the present John Templeton Foundation award, and depends on finding other funding
support. As well as showcasing some of the early results
of our research project, the conference will allow us to
put together and publish a view of where we stand in our
understanding of the complex web of processes at work
through the Epi-palaeolithic and early Neolithic periods.
In addition to the archaeologists who have excavated
early Neolithic settlement sites in southeast Turkey
and north Syria, there is a second group of archaeologists. Some of them (Mihriban Özbaşaran, Mehmet
Özdoğan, Nigel Goring-Morris, Bill Finlayson and
Hans Georg K. Gebel) offer expertise from the perspective of their own work in the southern Levant and
Anna Belfer-Cohen, Hebrew University Jerusalem
(who was unable to be present at the workshop). Anna
offers a perspective on our research from her base
in south Levantine prehistory, and a perspective that
draws on her expertise in the Middle, Upper and EpiPalaeolithic periods.
Marion Benz, University of Freiburg, has participated in the salvage excavations at the early aceramic
Neolithic site of Körtik Tepe, near Batman, in southeast Turkey. She has led the very relevant international research project SIGN (Social Identities of early
neolithic Groups in the Near East).
Clive Gamble, University of Southampton. Clive is
best known for his work on the Palaeolithic of Europe
(1999, The palaeolithic societies of Europe. 2003
Timewalkers : the prehistory of global colonization).
His recent book (2007, Origins and revolutions :
human identity in earliest prehistory) is full of original thinking. He has been one of the co-directors
of a major multi-disciplinary research project, From
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Conference Report
Fig. 2
Klaus Schmidt explains dressed bedrock floor of a lost enclosure outside the mound at Göbekli Tepe (photo: H.G.K. Gebel).
Lucy to Language: The Archaeology of the Social
Brain (http://www.liv.ac.uk/lucy2003/).
Jürgen Richter, University of Köln, was not able to
be present, but wishes to participate in the project. He
is a Palaeolithic specialist. One of the questions that
our project must address is how the earliest Neolithic
differs from the Upper Palaeolithic; is the art and
symbolism simply the same, but more, or is it qualitatively different?
Marc Verhoeven, independent researcher. When
Marc was at Leiden University, he was a member of
the team investigating and researching on Tell Sabi
Abyad. He has worked for a number of years both
on prehistoric ritual and religion, and the theory of
explanation in archaeology.
Paul Wason, Director of Life Sciences, John Templeton Foundation, was able to join the workshop. In
a former life, he published his research in the emergence of social complexity (1994, The archaeology of
rank). He has recently contributed to the publication
arising from the John Templeton Foundation-funded
project at Çatalhöyük.
A third group consists of specialists in a variety of
other disciplines:
Joachim Bauer, psychologist, Freiburg University,
also interested in the neuroscience underpinning
shared experience, rituals, and art, as well as the psychology of cooperation.
Amy Bogaard, Institute of Archaeology, Oxford
University, participated in the workshop as a collaborator with Harvey Whitehouse in his current research
project. Amy is an archaeologist and archaeo-botanist
who has worked on the nature of early farming in southeast and central Europe. She is also working on economic integration and cultural survival at Çatalhöyük.
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Pascal Boyer, Henry Luce Professor of Individual
and Collective Memory at Washington University
in St. Louis, USA, was not able to be present, but is
interested in collaborating with our project. His work
as a cognitive anthropologist working on religious
representations resulted in two books (1994, The naturalness of religious ideas: a cognitive theory of religion; 2001. Religion explained: the human instincts
that fashion gods, spirits and ancestors. His current
research interests cover evolution and culture, the cognitive framework of religious concepts and norms,
and individual and collective memory (with J. W.
Wertsch, 2009, Memory in Mind and Culture).
Merlin Donald, psychologist, emeritus professor,
Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada. His two major
books (1991, Origins of the modern mind: three stages
in the evolution of culture and cognition, 2001. A
mind so rare: the evolution of human consciousness)
have been of interest to a number of archaeologists
because of his ideas about the power of ‘external symbolic storage’ to change the way minds work (see, for
example, Renfrew, C. & C. Scarre, 1998. Cognition
and material culture: the archaeology of symbolic
Robin Dunbar, psychologist, Oxford University,
was not able to be present, but wishes to participate
in the project. He is best known for his ‘social brain
hypothesis’ (that the evolution of the human brain and
mind has been driven, as with other primates, by the
heavy computational demands of living in large and
cohesive social groups). He was one of the co-directors of the recent major research project ‘From Lucy
to Language: The Archaeology of the Social Brain’
(see Dunbar, R. I. M., C. Gamble & J. A. J. Gowlett,
2010, Social Brain, Distributed Mind).
Conference Report
Fig. 3
Concentrated discussion following a presentation by Clive Gamble (at right). From the right, next to Clive, Trevor Watkins, Ludwig
Morenz, Mehmet Özdoğan, Marc Verhoeven, and Amy Bogaard. In the background, graduate students from Harran University, Urfa, and Jens
Notroff, Klaus Schmidt‘s research assistant, half hidden behind Ludwig Morenz (photo: N. Becker).
Joseph Henrich, Canada Research Professor in
Culture, Cognition and Coevolution, University of
British Columbia, Vancouver. Joe Henrich directs a
major international, multi-disciplinary programme of
research on coevolution, development, cognition and
cultural learning, two of whose areas of interest – the
coevolutionary origins of human cultural learning
capacities, cognition, and sociality; the evolution of
religious beliefs, rituals, and institutions – intersect
with our research project.
Steven Mithen, archaeologist, University of Reading.
Steve has a long-standing interest in the Mesolithic
hunter-gatherers of the western isles of Scotland, but
became interested in evolutionary psychology. His
books (1996. The prehistory of the mind: a search for
the origins of art, religion and science; 2003, After
the ice: a global human history, 20,000-5000 BC;
2005, The singing Neanderthals: the origins of music,
language, mind and body) have been widely read and
enthusiastically acclaimed. With Bill Finlayson, he is
co-director of the excavations and research at the site
of WF16, in southern Jordan.
Ludwig Morenz, Egyptologist, now at Bonn University, formerly at Leipzig University. Ludwig is
interested in the emergence of written language and
the use of images in ancient Egypt, and therefore in
semiotics. He has co-authored with Klaus a study of
the symbolism and signs from Göbekli Tepe and other
sites in the region.
Kim Sterelny, philosopher, Australian National
University, Canberra, Australia. Kim’s work on the
evolution of human cognition (2003, Thought in a
hostile world: the evolution of human cognition) has
been developing in the direction of the application of
niche construction theory to recent human cognition
and culture, and the emergence of complex societies.
His recent book (2011, The Evolved Apprentice: How
Evolution Made Humans Unique) is based on the
Jean Nicod lectures that he gave in Paris in 2009.
Harvey Whitehouse, Institute of Social and Cultural
Anthropology, Oxford University. Harvey’s anthropological fieldwork resulted in his book theorising modes
of religiosity (2004, Modes of religiosity: a cognitive
theory of religious transmission). He has worked with
Ian Hodder and others on a project that examined the
role of ritual and religion in the later Neolithic site
of Çatalhöyük, in central Anatolia (Whitehouse, H. &
I. Hodder 2010, Modes of religiosity at Çatalhöyük,
in Religion in the Emergence of Civilization: Çatalhöyük as a Case Study, ed. I. Hodder). He directs an
international, multi-disciplinary project, Ritual, Community, and Conflict, which examines the causes and
consequences of rituals in human societies.
Trevor Watkins
University of Edinburgh
[email protected]
Klaus Schmidt
Deutsches Archäologisches Institut,
[email protected]
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Book Review
MARION BENZ (ed.), 2010. The Principle of
Sharing: Segregation and Construction of Social
Identities at the Transition from Foraging to Farming. Proceedings of a Symposium held on 29th-31st
January 2009 at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of
Freiburg. Berlin: ex oriente. By Maria-Theresia
Publishing an archaeological book on the principle
of sharing rather than the emergence of hierarchies,
political stratification, or complex societies so-called,
is a pertinent endeavor. Given many archaeologists’
substantial fascination with phenomena of social differentiation and the emergence of ranked social groupings, the book’s focus on communal practices such as
sharing certainly draws attention.
Yet, “The Principle of Sharing: Segregation and
Construction of Social Identities at the Transition from
Foraging to Farming,” edited by Marion Benz, does
not entirely fall out of more traditional types of narrativizations of an archaeological past. As the subtitle
suggests, practices of sharing are explored against the
backdrop of a historical development from foraging to
farming societies. To a large extent though, the individual contributions are able to undo the intrinsic logic of
those foundational archaeological narratives that rest
not only on evolutionary models but rely on notions
of ‘simple’ (foraging) versus more ‘complex’ (farming)
social formations.
The persistence of archaeology to center analyses
on segregated societies places our discipline in some
contrast to socio-cultural anthropology or ethnology.
The latter two fields have more often exhibited interest
in exploring the culture and life-ways of societies that
are minimally stratified – or to be more precise, societies in which power is organized in non-coercive ways.
Why is it that in archaeology practices of sharing and
the principles behind such practices – consensus, participation, togetherness, and community, for example
– are significantly understudied? This question is not
merely one of methodology, but has an epistemological
dimension as well. We should therefore ask to what extent the archaeological knowledge we produce actually
corresponds to the object of our knowledge, that is, to
past social life.
While “The Principle of Sharing” nowhere aspires
to treat these epistemological questions, it unfortunately effaces issues of archaeological knowledge production almost entirely in the otherwise rigorous theoretical discussion in the first part of the volume (with
contributions by Bill Finlayson, Hans Georg K. Gebel,
and Lisbeth Bredholt Christensen). Still, Benz’s book
is a welcome intellectual intervention in archaeological
discourses tending to reify past social groups as inevitably organized around competition. At the same time,
it also demonstrates that sharing is certainly not always
motivated by altruistic feelings. The ethnographic
perspectives, making up the second part of the book
(with excellent anthropological and interdisciplinary
contributions by Thomas Widlok, Mathias Guenther,
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Chrischona Schmidt, Janina Duerr, and Renate Ebersbach) together with the archaeological case studies in
the third part, provide at times dense empirical data
from original fieldwork that are used to illustrate the
dynamic and variable nature of practices of sharing as
well as their relationship to different forms of reciprocity (e.g., confined or generalized reciprocity). Centering on the issue of how social reproduction is practiced
in the context of societies where decisions are not taken
by the most politically or economically powerful sectors, the book makes clear that sharing is much more
complicated and messy than we may expect when we
base our understanding merely in ethico-moral terms
of altruism.
Indeed, as almost every author in the book observes,
sharing may contain elements that are quite contradictory to an act completely devoid of self-interest. As
Mathias Guenther puts it in his study among the San
in southern Africa, “Sharing, for all its elements of generosity, altruism and communalism, contains contradictory ingredients also of calculation, self-interest and
invidiousness, providing the ‘mind-set’ for accumulation” (p. 127). These ingredients and their intensity
vary, of course, across different historical and cultural
contexts, but it remains that sharing is often done for
a purpose or with a goal in mind. Yet, sharing should
not be looked at as a matter of risk/benefit assessments
alone, as both Marion Benz and Hans Georg Gebel
point out in their articles, since this would imply that
sharing could only be done when resources are relatively abundant. Several examples from contemporary
contexts contradict this risk/benefit reading, demonstrating instead that sharing is a practice embedded in
complex social expectations.
A haunting account worth highlighting in this
context is Chrischona Schmidt’s contribution that is
at once a critique of settler colonialism and a story of
survival. The author describes how indigenous people
in Australia, under the stress created by intense social
problems characteristic for post-colonial states (high
incarceration rates, alcoholism, low life expectancy,
etc.), use sharing – that is, “the distribution, not exchange or trade, between related Indigenous persons”
(p. 138) – as a way to give renewed meaning to their
lives. This stands in stark contrast to contexts in which
the exchange of objects for money structures—or
rather: objectifies – the social relationships between
people (what Marx termed ‘commodity fetishism’).
While aboriginal society is, of course, long since immersed in capitalist market logics, Schmidt illustrates
how in the case of demand sharing a relationship can
continuously be reactivated through making and responding to demands for certain commodities.
The somber part of this story is also what holds
most analytical value for the analysis of the principle of
sharing in archaeology. As Schmidt describes, among
the things shared by indigenous peoples in Australia is
their welfare money, which gets redistributed in such
potentially self-destructive activities as binge drinking
or gambling (pp. 141-142). What is key here is, in my
Book Review
view, not so much what is shared, but how it is shared,
allowing us to focus our research on the analysis of
specific forms of practice. The central role of practices
in Schmidt’s study is also apparent from the fact that
many of the commodities handled in the Aboriginal
society only acquire meaning through sharing – that is,
through concrete decisions to share as well as decisions
to not refuse to share.
This practice-centered view is what we find at the
core of Arjun Appadurai’s eminent study on The Social
Life of Things (1986), which is referenced by several
authors in Benz’s book. On the most general level, Appadurai argues that things, by being invested with meaning as they travel through different regimes of value,
have social lives or biographies. Throughout their
lives, objects may acquire commodity status (‘commoditization’), but even then the value assigned to a commodity is not inherent in the materiality of the object.
Rather, value gets created through human interactions,
transactions, attributions – that is, through practices of
sharing and exchange. Both drawing on and disputing
Appadurai’s terminology, Gebel offers his own take
on processes in which things turn into commodities –
what he calls “commodification” (p. 46). Whether one
agrees with the author on the need for this semantic
change or not, the reading of the stone rings from the
sites of Ba’ja and Basta as “commodity coupons” (p.
71) with symbolic rather than material value is compelling. Here, too the principle argument is based on the
idea that objects acquire meaning only through specific
practices of making, distributing, using, or even intentionally destroying objects.
The recognition of the central role of practice for
the principle of sharing – that is, how and with whom
people share – is expressed most eloquently by those
authors focusing their attention on shared practices.
The context for this concern with shared practices is
a growing literature in archaeology and anthropology
committed to studying communal practices that are
part of a daily routine, such as cooking or feasting.
The theory of commensality (originally developed by
Robertson Smith in the late 19th century), for example,
describes how the practice of eating together creates
social and emotional attachments between people, establishing collectivity. The article by Amy Bogaard and
her colleagues is interesting in this respect. Evidence
for feasting-related deposits from archaeological contexts in Turkey is here read as indication for practices of
“‘public’ consumption” (p. 315) on a supra-household
level. The authors suggest that communal feasting may
also have functioned as the commemoration of past
consumption events, thus establishing social cohesion
through shared memories. Certainly, and as several of
the authors in the volume point out, such bonds are particularly strong not because sharing takes place among
an unlimited number of people, but because the people
who share constitute a ‘we’-group with restricted access.
This is a noteworthy observation that would require
sustained discussions on the links between practices
of sharing and power not offered in the book. If sharing is indeed “a joint cultural effort of limiting one’s
choices” (p. 92) in order to allow more people within
a group access to available resources, and if power is
based on controlling access to resources, then sharing
is a powerful cultural practice. The things being shared
are, of course, similarly powerful, as archae-ologists
and anthropologists alike have pointed out: they write
about ‘kingly things’ or ‘sacred things’ – paraphernalia
of power circulated between different spheres of life.
A few concluding remarks are due regarding the
archaeological perspectives offered in the book, which
consist of contributions by Gary O. Rollefson, Esther
John, Avraham Ronen, Nabil Ali, Marion Benz, Karina
Croucher, and Zeidan A. Kafafi; as well as an article
on Çatalhöyük written by Amy Bogaard together with
Michael Charles and Katheryn C. Twiss, which I have
already mentioned. It is significant that the archaeological case studies take a rather different analytical approach to the principle of sharing from the one offered
in the first and second parts of the book, entering the
discussion from problematizations of social change
and interaction. Indeed, especially in light of the nuanced readings of the concept of sharing in the ethnographic chapters, the archaeological texts sometimes
appear strained in their attempts to identify practices
of sharing in the past. This is, however, owed to the
fragmentary material record all archaeologists deal
with rather than the scholarly expertise of the authors,
each of whom offers a methodologically innovative
approach to understanding past practices.
Here I would like to point out the very eloquent
study of mortuary practices in the Prehistoric Near East
by Karina Croucher, who comes as close to offering
the reader a thick description of past practices as the
archaeological record allows. With great care not to
make unfounded evaluations of the experiences of the
subjects of our studies – that is, the people whose “dry,
sterile bones” (p. 279) we study today – she reads the
material remains of archaeology as embodied, sensual
traces. Practices related to burial, including processing
the dead (plastering of skulls, defleshing of the body,
handling bones), suggests Croucher, are not merely
intense sensory experiences, but also “mnemonic
activities” (p. 281). Again, the focus is on collective
practice and communal consumption, with the explicit
understanding that such activities get repeated over
time, thus establishing “genealogies of practice” (p.
289). This brings us back, at last, to Appadurai. When
he advocated a methodological fetishism, he proposed
that – precisely because things have genealogies – the
social scientist should follow the thing in motion,
through life cycles and biographic journeys of sharing,
reciprocity, and exchange.
While the principle of sharing, as Benz’s book
formidably illustrates, is not without traces of selfinterest and competition, even contested practices can
be fundamentally about togetherness and community.
Absolute egalitarianism has long been recognized as
an illusion, but it is certainly worthwhile searching for
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Book Review
non-coercive principles of social life in archaeological
contexts, of which sharing can be one. Rather than
falling prey to the ruthless competition promoted in capitalism, the archaeological stories about sharing may
actually inspire our lives today. As the popular saying
goes, “Sharing is caring.”
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Maria Theresia Starzmann
Free University of Berlin
Institute of Near Eastern Archaeology
[email protected]
New Website
New Website
The Obsidian Use Project
invites to visit its new website www.obsidianuseproject.org. While parts of the site are still under construction, data
are already presented for different geographical zones (for instance, Mesopotamia, Near-East, Anatolia, Cyprus,
Caucasus). Cooperations concentrate on methodological and archaeological approaches. Two new categories are
planned: one for short news to highlight new published results, PhD in process, new publications, summer school;
the other for bibliographical references and authorized PDFs downloads.
L. Astruc and I. Gilles
Neo-Lithics 1/12
Editorial Board
Advisory Board
Gary O. Rollefson, Whitman College, Walla Walla
Hans Georg K. Gebel, Free University of Berlin
Ofer Bar-Yosef, Harvard University
Didier Binder, C.N.R.S., Valbonne
Frank Hole, Yale University
Peder Mortensen, Copenhagen Univ.
Hans J. Nissen, Freie Universität Berlin
Mehmet Özdoğan, University of Istanbul
Danielle Stordeur, Archéorient, CNRS, Jalès
Managing Editors
Dörte Rokitta-Krumnow, Free University of Berlin
Jan Krumnow, University of Applied Siences, Berlin
NEO-LITHICS, Dörte Rokitta-Krumnow/ Jan Krumnow/ Dr. Hans Georg K. Gebel,
ex oriente, c/o Free University of Berlin, Hüttenweg 7, 14195 Berlin, Germany,
[email protected] ·
[email protected], Fax 0049 30 98 311 246.
NEO-LITHICS, Prof. Dr. Gary O. Rollefson, Department of Anthropology,
Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA 99362, USA, Email:
[email protected].
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ex oriente book shop
The Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Village of Yiftahel. The 1980s and 1990s Excavations,
by Yosef Garfinkel, Doron Dag, Hamoudi Khalaily, Ofer Marder, Ianir Milevski and Avraham
Ronen, with contributions by F. Alhaique, B. Arensburg, D.E. Bar-Yosef Mayer, A. Davidson, M.
Davis, V. Eshed, N. Getzov, I. Hershkovitz, J. Heller, L.K. Horwitz, M.L. Kislev, M. Lamdan, N.
Liphschitz, R. Malinowski, A. Miller-Rosen, N. Porat, J. Yellin, & D. Zohary.
bibliotheca neolithica Asiae meridionalis et occidentalis (2012). Berlin, ex oriente. (with 18 contributions,
XXXII + 310 pages, 14 colour plates, 235 figures, 62 tables, hardcover - 92 Euro) [ISBN 978-3-98075789-8]
Book orders:
List of Color Plates, Figures, Tables
Preface and Acknowledgments (Yosef Garfinkel)
CHAPTER 2. FIELD OBSERVATIONS (Garfinkel, Marder, Khalaily, Milevski, Ronen, Davis, Lamdan, Getzov)
Area C (Garfinkel)
Area E (Marder, Khalaily, Milevski)
Area D (Ronen, Davis, Lamdan)
The 2007–2008 Excavation Seasons (Khalaily, Milevski,
Summary of the Three Excavations at Yiftahel (Garfinkel,
Dag, Khalaily, Marder, Milevski, Ronen)
Appendix 2.1. Area C: List of Excavated Units (Buckets)
Appendix 2.2: Area C: Locus List
Appendix 2.3: Area E: Selected Baskets from Levels C1–
Appendix 3.1. Technological Observations (Davidson)
(Marder, Khalaily, Milevski)
Milevski, Marder, Khalaily)
Area C (Dag)
Area E (Milevski, Marder, Khalaily)
Additional Observations on the Stone Beads (Bar-Yosef
Mayer, Porat)
CHAPTER 9. THE BONE TOOLS (Garfinkel, Horwitz,
Area C (Garfinkel, Horwitz)
Area E (Alhaique)
Garfinkel, Arensburg, Eshed)
Area C (Hershkovitz, Garfinkel, Arensburg)
Area E (Eshed)
CHAPTER 13. THE FAUNA (Alhaique, Horwitz)
Area E (Alhaique)
Area D (Horwitz)
CHAPTER 14. THE MOLLUSCA (Bar-Yosef Mayer, Heller)
CHAPTER 15. THE SEEDS (Kislev, Garfinkel, Zohary)
Horsebean Seeds (Kislev)
Lentil Seeds (Garfinkel, Kislev, Zohary)
REMNANTS (Liphschitz)
Dag, Khalaily, Marder, Milevski, Ronen)