Papers by Oleg Nogovitsin
Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation eBooks, 2021
SHOLE, 2023
The article considers the place of the famous argument of Severus of Antioch on the absurdity of ... more The article considers the place of the famous argument of Severus of Antioch on the absurdity of confessing two common natures in Christ in the structure of the "Arbiter" by John Philoponus. In compliance with the general formula of this argument, the confession of two natures in Christ, taken as common natures of deity and humanity, necessarily entails agreeing that the incarnation of Christ signifies the incarnation of the whole Trinity in the whole humankind, namely, the incarnation of all the hypostases of the Trinity in each human being. John Philoponus supplements it with the distinction of common and particular natures: the common essence of deity, as represented by the aggregate of particular natures (Father, Son=Word, Saint Spirit), being incarnated in Christ, would lead to the incarnation of the mentioned particular natures in the common essence of humanity, i. e. in the aggregate of all whenever lived, living now and still not come into being people. In the article, a detailed analysis is given of the functional mode of Severus' argument and of the concept of "particular nature" in the philosophical writings of John Philoponus, as well as that of the sense and the mechanism of transmission of this concept to the theological context of his substantiation of the Monophysite Triadology and Christology. On the grounds of scrutinizing these issues, the dependence is exposed of the procedures of substantiation of theological problems, applied in the "Arbiter", on the methodology of school Neoplatonic philosophy.
Zbornik Matice srpske za slavistiku, 2020
In the article, the inner form and the most important elements of content of the supplement by re... more In the article, the inner form and the most important elements of content of the supplement by religion, which has influenced both Marxist revolutionary messianism and anti-messianism of conservative consciousness and conservative social and political thought of the Modernist period. The adversarial relationship of these two philosophical and ideological positions was often interpreted through the lens of the opposition of the Old and the New Testament, of conservative essence of the former and messianistic essence of the latter. As an example of the revolutionary-messianistic logic, the theory of "propaganda" of Russian Marxists God-builders is considered in the article, represented along with an analysis of historical forms of religious consciousness, firstly in the work of A. V. Lunacharsky "Religion and Socialism" (1908), while for an example of historical self-reflection of conservative consciousness we took the criticism of the New Testament and Christianity by V. V. Rozanov.
Voprosy teologii, 2023
The given study is the third part of the article, which scrutinizes the idea of Severus of Antioc... more The given study is the third part of the article, which scrutinizes the idea of Severus of Antioch concerning which way, in the event of Christ’s incarnation, the meanings of the concepts of essence, nature, hypostasis, and person, which are the most important for representation of the theological sense of this event, are mystically transformed. Along with that, the polemics between the Chalcedonites and Severian Monophysites deployed on this idea, which is immediately represented in the third chapter of Leontius’ of Byzantium treatise “Refutation of syllogisms of Severus”, is taken into consideration. By its content, this chapter is split into two parts, each consisting of an argument of a Severian adversary of the Chalcedonite confession and a detailed refutation of this argument proposed by Leontius. While the content of the first half of the text is focused on the philosophical analysis of the problem of methodological adequacy of the very formulation of Severus’ idea both from the viewpoint of external philosophical wisdom and of theology. In the final, third part of the study, a detailed interpretation of the second part of the third chapter of Leontius’ treatise is proposed, where the argumentation of the Severians and Chalcedonites intended to solve the problem of the grammatical, philosophical and theological status of exegesis of Saint Fathers’ ambiguous expressions is represented together with the formulation of the method which would allow to exclude the homonymy present in these expressions.
Bibliâ i hristianskaâ drevnostʹ, Jun 15, 2022
часть опубликована: Ноговицин О. Н. Аргумент Севира Антиохийского об абсурдности исповедания двух... more часть опубликована: Ноговицин О. Н. Аргумент Севира Антиохийского об абсурдности исповедания двух общих природ во Христе, ответная аргументация Иоанна Кесарийского и христологическая полемика монофизитов и халкидонитов VI-VII веков. Часть 1 // Библия и христианская древность. 2021. № 4 (12). С. 66-91. Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 19-011-00778 «Леонтий Византийский и патристическая традиция». Благодарю Т. А. Щукина за русский перевод используемых в статье фрагментов сирийского перевода сочинений Севира.
Философский полилог, 2019
Вестник РГГУ. Психология, педагогика, образование, 2017
Byzantium, Europe, Russia: Social Practices and Interrelations of Spiritual Traditions. Archive of the Conference. Vol. 2: Materials of the International Scientific Conference (St. Petersburg, September 22–24, 2022), 2022
EDN ATFRRU В издании представлены статьи по материалам докладов второй международной научной конф... more EDN ATFRRU В издании представлены статьи по материалам докладов второй международной научной конференции «Византия, Европа, Россия: социальные практики и взаимосвязь духовных традиций», прошедшей 22-24 сентября 2022 г. в Социологическом институте РАН-филиале ФНИСЦ РАН. Конференция была посвящена интеллектуальной истории трех основных комплексов практик цивилизационного развития в европейском, средиземноморском и евро-азиатском регионах в исторических истоках их возникновения и существования-Византийской, Западноевропейской и Русской цивилизаций, а также цивилизаций, входящих в ареалы их влияния и взаимодействия. Статьи адресованы специалистам по философии, социологии, теологии, истории, филологии, политическим наукам, искусствоведению.
Philosophical polylogue, 2019
RSUH/RGGU Bulletin. Series Psychology. Pedagogics. Education, 2017
Zhurnal Sotsiologii i Sotsialnoy Antropologii (The Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology), 2018
Voprosy teologii, 2023
The given study is the second part of the article, which scrutinizes the idea of Severus of Antio... more The given study is the second part of the article, which scrutinizes the idea of Severus of Antioch concerning which way, in the event of Christ’s incarnation, the meanings of the concepts of essence, nature, hypostasis, and person, which are the most important for representation of the theological sense of this event, are mystically transformed. Along with that, the polemics between the Chalcedonites and Severian Monophysites deployed on this idea, which is immediately represented in the third chapter of Leontius’ of Byzantium treatise “Refutation of syllogisms of Severus”, is taken into consideration. By its content, this chapter is split into two parts, each consisting of an argument of a Severian adversary of the Chalcedonite confession and a detailed refutation of this argument proposed by Leontius. While the content of the first half of the text is focused on the philosophical analysis of the problem of methodological adequacy of the very formulation of Severus’ idea both from the viewpoint of external philosophical wisdom and of theology, the second half is dedicated to the problem of the grammatical and philosophical status of the exegesis of ambiguous expressions of the Fathers. In this section of the study, a detailed interpretation is proposed of the first part of the third chapter of Leontius’ treatise, and, on the grounds of addressing the models of philosophical and theological argumentation authentic for the first half of the 6th century, an analysis is performed of the logico-philosophical and theological sense of the polemical arguments applied by the opponents.
Bibliâ i hristianskaâ drevnostʹ, Dec 15, 2021
ESSE: filosofskie i teologičeskie issledovaniâ, 2019
SHOLE, 2021
This article analyzes the use of scientific theories in the exegesis of the Book of Genesis and i... more This article analyzes the use of scientific theories in the exegesis of the Book of Genesis and in Christological dispute between Diophysites and Monophysites in the first half of the sixth century, focusing on the conditions under which traditional methods of rhetorical argumentation could be applied and on using scientific models for explaining the phenomena of the created nature in order to clarify the aporias from the Book of Genesis and Incarnation. The argument using παράδειγμα (example) and ἀναλογία (analogy), which belonged to the repertory of methods from the Neoplatonic scholarly tradition, made it possible to discuss such heterogeneous phenomena as created and non-created as well as divine and human in theological texts by providing the rules for correct descriptions and for verifying their theological and philosophical accuracy. These two methods are analyzed against the background of Neoplatonic commentaries of Aristotle, while their application to theology is viewed through polemical argument in John Philoponus and Leontius of Byzantium. The Monophysite Philoponus used the argument from ἀναλογία to defend the Christological formula of one composite nature of Christ, while the Chalcedonian Leontius of Byzantium employed the method of argumentation from παράδειγμα for defending the presence of two natures in Christ.
Issues of Theology
The given study is the second part of the article, which scrutinizes the idea of Severus of Antio... more The given study is the second part of the article, which scrutinizes the idea of Severus of Antioch concerning which way, in the event of Christ’s incarnation, the meanings of the concepts of essence, nature, hypostasis, and person, which are the most important for representation of the theological sense of this event, are mystically transformed. Along with that, the polemics between the Chalcedonites and Severian Monophysites deployed on this idea, which is immediately represented in the third chapter of Leontius’ of Byzantium treatise “Refutation of syllogisms of Severus”, is taken into consideration. By its content, this chapter is split into two parts, each consisting of an argument of a Severian adversary of the Chalcedonite confession and a detailed refutation of this argument proposed by Leontius. While the content of the first half of the text is focused on the philosophical analysis of the problem of methodological adequacy of the very formulation of Severus’ idea both from...
Byzantium, Europe, Russia: Social Practices and Interrelations of Spiritual Traditions. Archive of the Conference. Vol. 2: Materials of the International Scientific Conference (St. Petersburg, September 22–24, 2022), 2022
EDN ATFRRU В издании представлены статьи по материалам докладов второй международной научной конф... more EDN ATFRRU В издании представлены статьи по материалам докладов второй международной научной конференции «Византия, Европа, Россия: социальные практики и взаимосвязь духовных традиций», прошедшей 22-24 сентября 2022 г. в Социологическом институте РАН-филиале ФНИСЦ РАН. Конференция была посвящена интеллектуальной истории трех основных комплексов практик цивилизационного развития в европейском, средиземноморском и евро-азиатском регионах в исторических истоках их возникновения и существования-Византийской, Западноевропейской и Русской цивилизаций, а также цивилизаций, входящих в ареалы их влияния и взаимодействия. Статьи адресованы специалистам по философии, социологии, теологии, истории, филологии, политическим наукам, искусствоведению.
Papers by Oleg Nogovitsin