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2008, Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series
3 pages
1 file
A collaborative work was carried out by the Spanish and Portuguese ISFG Working Group with a PCR multiplex for X chromosome STRs. Markers were selected among those described as polymorphic in humans and that have been used by some laboratories in forensics. Primers and various technical methods were investigated with the aim of optimizing a multiplex for the 10 selected X-STRs. Primer mix stock solutions were sent to the laboratories that were asked to analyse two female bloodstains, taking as reference the genetic profiles from 9947A, 9948 and NA3657 samples. In this work, we report the results obtained by 30 GEP-ISFG laboratories, using this Decaplex, as well as alternative technical conditions that also produced good results.
I tempi della Tyche * Quando Marco Maiuro, con cui condividiamo da tempo esperienze didattiche e di ricerca che per me sono state un privilegio, e le mie allieve e allievi (con i quali in questi anni a Roma ho avuto l'altrettanto grande privilegio di discutere e di imparare dalla loro visione spesso innovativa e sorprendente-ciò di cui non smetterò mai di ringraziarli) mi hanno chiesto di salutarci in questo modo un po' più formale, mi hanno anche garbatamente suggerito di parlare di metodo. Non propriamente un argomento festaiolo, a dire il vero. E del resto gli studenti qui presenti sono stati aduggiati (e alcuni da anni1) da interminabili pistolotti sui rapporti fra arte e letteratura, sulla definizione di long late antiquity, su audience e intenzioni autoriali, sulla materialità della produzione letteraria, sull'importanza di leggere i testi nei loro contesti storico-sociali, su figure quali Edward Gibbon, Alois Riegl, Marc Bloch, Peter Brown, Arnaldo Momigliano, Santo Mazzarino, Pierre Chuvin, Alan Cameron e altri ancora. Tante volte in aula mi è capitato di parlare dell'importanza del theoretical framework (senza il quale non si può più scrivere un libro in Europa e nel mondo anglosassone), e di ricordare alcuni scritti che non mi stanco mai di rileggere e che sono alla base del metodo che abbiamo sempre applicato nei nostri corsi e seminari. Un breve articolo del grande bizantinista I. Ševčenko, sulla apparentemente inconciliabile differenza fra butterfly e caterpillar, fra storico di ampio respiro ed erudito 1 , da cui traggo questa osservazione: An aspiring student of the past may intend to emulate Gibbon; his goal may be to amalgamate, in equal proportion, the technical and the vivid strands of history in his future work; but he must realize three things: first, that the only history he can be taught to produce is technical history; second, that the House of History, as it stands now, has been built, and will continue to be enlarged, not only by the likes of Gibbon, Macaulay, or Lucien Febvre, but also by people like Mabillon, Montfaucon, Spanheim, Muratori, F. A. Wolf, to mention only the seventeenth-and eighteenth-century "fathers" of Latin diplomatics and palaeography, of Greek palaeography and archaeology, of numismatics as historical science, of Italian history, and of the Homeric question, that is, of higher textual criticism, respectively; third, that there are no Gibbons without Tillemonts. It takes all kinds of workers to elucidate the past. All will be saved, caterpillars and butterflies alike, for in the House of History, too, there are many mansions. * Lezione tenuta il 4 maggio 2022 in occasione del mio congedo da Roma. Ringrazio di cuore i miei cari allievi Urbano Cristini e Larisa Ficulle e l'amico Marco Maiuro per l'affettuosa organizzazione di questa bella occasione. La lezione è dedicate alle mie allieve e ai miei allievi romani, la miglior parte.
The paper deals with migration in a long-term perspective. From the earliest times, our hominid ancestors were in constant move, focusing on migrations flows in the contemporary context, that is, particularly in the wake of the demise of the Cold War (1947-1989) and the new multipolar world. It also includes a word on Brazil in this context. It concludes by considering migration as a challenge to societies and scholars alike.
Democratic theory has traditionally placed the issues of Reason of State and its relation to the principles and devices of political democracy at its margins. And it should come as no surprise that most of the contributions on the subject have accompanied the conflict between the two blocs that followed the Second World War, expressing the conviction that the reason of state can and should be traced back to the management of intelligence and the sphere of international relations. It would therefore consist of a complex of exceptional and secretive instruments subordinated to constitutionally defined control procedures. On the other hand, when not traceable to a real 'constitutional reason of state' it would fleetingly appear as a deviant, degenerative, and corruptive phenomenon. In short, like that 'demonic face of power' to which Gerhard Ritter has drawn attention. - A working translation of a paper first published as: Ragion di stato costituzionale e democrazia dell'emergenza: i percorsi contemporanei della conservazione politica. In: A. Arienzo G. Borrelli. Emergenze democratiche. Ragion di stato, governance, gouvernamentalité. 2011.
Lo sguardo sugli astri. Scienza, Cultura e Arte, Bardi Edizioni , Roma, 2016
Background: This paper is based on the results obtained from a research program which showed that training in the heart-based Intuitive Meditation (IM) method brought about a significant shift towards a more feeling based consciousness. The data was obtained from a pre-post test design measuring changes in scores on the Feeling Consciousness Scale (FCS). The post-test scale also included several open-ended questions. Objectives: Among other aims, the objectives of the present paper are to compare the traits obtained from the open questions to the scale items in order to refine the scale where necessary and to learn more about the quality of feeling based consciousness; for instance, to compare the scale item "I feel peace inside" with the open answers. Method: The method consisted of a comparison of answers from the open questions with the scale items. Results: An overlap was found between many of the scale items and traits derived from the open answers. The scale item "I feel peace inside" and the open answers of 36% of the participants suggest that peace might be an inner experience related to feeling. Conclusions: The comparison throws more light on the quality of the inner experience of participants after learning IM. It also suggests that peace is an inner experience related to feeling. This has many implications, especially to people who try to create or impose peace on others through military or forceful means. Further research is suggested, as the sample size was small, especially with respect to gender. Keywords: Intuitive Meditation, Feeling Consciousness Scale, Quality, Peace, Inner experience
The existence of three-dimensional effects at cracks has been known for many years, but understanding has been limited, and for some situations still is. Understanding improved when the existence of corner point singularities and their implications became known. Increasingly powerful computers made it possible to investigate three-dimensional effects numerically in detail. Despite increased understanding, threedimensional effects are sometimes ignored in situations where they may be important. The purpose of the present investigation is to study by means of accurate 3D finite element (FE) models a coupled fracture mode generated by anti-plane loading of a straight through-the-thickness crack in linear elastic plates. An extended version of the present work has recently been published in the literature. The results obtained from the highly accurate finite element analyses have improved understanding of the behaviour of through cracked components under anti-plane loading. The influence of plate bending is increasingly important as the thickness decreases. It appears that a new field parameter, probably a singularity, is needed to describe the stresses at the free surfaces. Discussion on whether KIII tends to zero or infinity as a corner point is approached is futile because KIII is meaningless at a corner point. The intensity of the local stress and strain state through the thickness of the cracked components has been evaluated by using the strain energy density (SED) averaged over a control volume embracing the crack tip. The SED has been considered as a parameter able to control fracture in some previous contributions and can easily take into account also coupled three-dimensional effects. Calculation of the SED shows that the position of the maximum SED is independent of plate thickness. Both for thin plates and for thick ones the maximum SED is close to the lateral surface, where the maximum intensity of the coupled mode II takes place.
Moreno Garcia, ed. Markets and Exchanges in Pre-Modern and Traditional Societies, 2021
European Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2024
Revista de Arquitectura, 2021
arXiv (Cornell University), 2024
Tematicas, 2001
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on Conference on information & knowledge management - CIKM '13, 2013
Tạp chí Khoa học Điều dưỡng, 2021