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2002, Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology
2 pages
1 file
Insulin is believed to increase glucose permeability of adipocytes by regulating the incorporation of glucose transporters into the plasma membrane by exocytosis. This process involves fusion of membranebound cellular compartments with the plasma membrane, thus influencing the plasma membrane area. However, insulin-induced changes in plasma membrane area have not yet been demonstrated. In the present study we monitored fluorescence intensity with a confocal microscope to study the effect of insulin on adipocyte plasma membrane area. After cell isolation and adhesion to a glass cover-slip, adipocytes were stained with the dye FM1-43, a membrane area reporter. At rest, the rate of fluorescence intensity increase was initially high, but gradually stabilized at 2%/min. This steady increase in fluorescence is due to a slow rate of exocytosis coupled to endocytosis, since the removal of FM1-43 from the bath did not abolish FM1-43 fluorescence. Insulin addition caused an abrupt increase of fluorescence intensity of 4%/ min, which was significantly higher than in controls. These results suggest rapid, insulin-induced incorporation of new membrane into the plasma membrane by exocytosis.
Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes, 1972
Using methods previously described, we have isolated plasma membranes from insulin-treated adipocytes of the rat epididymal fat pad. Such membranes showed an accelerated uptake and release of D-glucose when compared with similar preparations from cells not exposed to the hormone. The only change observed was in the rate of D-glucose uptake; at equilibrium, D-glucose space was identical in both preparations. Vigorous alkaline hydrolysis of the insulin resulted in loss of its typical effect on both intact cells and derived plasma membranes. Anti-insulin antiserum, potent enough to inhibit the effect of the hormone when both were added to intact cells, did not prevent the insulin effect when added to plasma membranes prepared from insulin-treated cells. Addition of insulin directly to plasma membranes was without effect; exposure of cells prior to rupture was required. Studies of infrared spectra, native membrane protein fluorescence, and fluorescence of 8-anilino-I-naphthalene sulfonate added to the membranes, showed no differences between control plasma membranes and those prepared from insulin-treated cells. We conclude that: (I) plasma membranes can be prepared from insulin-treated fat cells which retain an enhanced glucose transport; (2) the effect of insulin on glucose transport does not involve large scale changes in the structure of the plasma membrane; (3) the insulin unresponsiveness of isolated plasma membranes, as well as the resistance to anti-insulin serum of membranes prepared from insulin-treated cells, appears to result from an uncoupling of insulin binding from glucose transport, the basis of which requires further exploration.
Journal of Biological Chemistry
The subcellular trafficking of tracer-tagged GLUT4 between the plasma membranes and low-density microsomes of rat adipose cells has been studied. Cell-surface GLUT4 have been initially tracer-tagged in the insulin-stimulated state with the [SH]bismannose photolabel 2-N-4-(1-azi-2,2,2-trifIuoroethyl)benzoyl-1,3-bis-(~-mannos-4-yloxy)-2-propylamine. The half-time for internalization of tracer-tagged GLUT4 when insulin is removed by collagenase treatment is similar to that observed for the decrease in immunodetectable GLUT4 in the plasma membranes and the decrease in glucose transport activity in the intact cells. In contrast, internalization of tracer-tagged GLUT4 also occurs when cells are maintained in the continuous presence of insulin even though the plasma membrane level of immunodetectable GLUT4 and glucose transport activity in the intact cells are unaltered. These data show, for the first time, that insulin has little, if any, effect on the rate constant for GLUT4 endocytosis, but instead, primarily increases the rate constant for exocytosis. 'Ikacer-tagged GLUT4 that is returned to the low-density microsomes can be restimulated with fresh insulin to recycle to the plasma membranes and to a steady-state distribution level that is the same as that observed in cells that are maintained in the continuous presence of insulin. These data suggest that the cells' entire complement of GLUT4 is invorved in the recycling process. Following insulin stimulation of adipose cells initially in the basal state, the increase in immunodetectable GLUT4 in the plasma membranes precedes the increase in accessibility of GLUT4 to exofacial2-N-4-fl-azi-2,2,2-trifluoroethyl)ben-zoy~-1,3-bis(~-mannos-4-y~oxy)-~-propy~amine photolabeiing, and this in turn precedes the increase in cellular glucose transport activity. Such time course data sug gest that there may be plasma membrane intermediate states in the GLUT4 trafficking pathway. The kinetic properties of GLUT4 translocation and its recycling * been interpreted in terms of a subcellular trafficking model that identifies exocytosis, possibly involvinghypothetical "docking" and "fusion" steps, as the critical site of hormone action.
Molecular biology of the cell, 2001
A novel imaging technology, high-speed microscopy, has been used to visualize the process of GLUT4 translocation in response to insulin in single 3T3-L1 adipocytes. A key advantage of this technology is that it requires extremely low light exposure times, allowing the quasi-continuous capture of information over 20-30 min without photobleaching or photodamage. The half-time for the accumulation of GLUT4-eGFP (enhanced green fluorescent protein) at the plasma membrane in a single cell was found to be of 5-7 min at 37 degrees C. This half-time is substantially longer than that of exocytic vesicle fusion in neuroendocrine cells, suggesting that additional regulatory mechanisms are involved in the stimulation of GLUT4 translocation by insulin. Analysis of four-dimensional images (3-D over time) revealed that, in response to insulin, GLUT4-eGFP-enriched vesicles rapidly travel from the juxtanuclear region to the plasma membrane. In nontransfected adipocytes, impairment of microtubule and...
Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications, 1996
Preparative free-flow electrophoresis and aqueous two-phase polymer partition were used to obtain a plasma membrane-enriched fraction of adipocytes isolated from epididymal fat pads of the rat together with a fraction enriched in small vesicles with plasma membrane characteristics (thick membranes, clear dark-light-dark pattern). The electrophoretic mobility of the small vesicles was much less than that of the plasma membrane consistent with an inside-out orientation whereby charged molecules normally directed to the cell surface were on the inside. When plasma membranes and the small vesicle fraction were isolated from fat cells treated or not treated with 100/zU/ml insulin and the resident proteins of the two fractions analyzed by SDS-PAGE, the two fractions exhibited characteristic responses involving specific protein bands. Insulin treatment for 2 min resulted in the loss of a 90 kDa band from the plasma membrane. At the same time, a ca. 55-kDa peptide band that was enhanced in the plasma membrane was lost from the small vesicle fraction. The latter corresponded on Western blots to the GLUT-4 glucose transporter. Thus, we suggest that the small vesicle fraction with characteristics of inside-out plasma membrane vesicles may represent the internal vesicular pool of plasma membrane subject to modulation by treatment of adipocytes with insulin.
Metabolism, 1982
I'orcinc I~UIII)L'OIII~O~~~~ IIIUIII~ wab gcnerousl~ auppl~cd b> Dr Ronald <'hawe of the Eli I.illy C II. \\;,I "'1 was purchaed frum the Yew t<ngland Nuclwr ('II., bovine xrum ,Ilbumin (i'rnction V 1 from Armour and Cu.. and collagcnasc l'rom Worthlngtun Binchemicalh. and chloroquinc. NaF. and 2.Gdinltrophenol from Sigma Male Sprague-Dawlq rats wcighlng I60 to 715 g \*crL: used lor alI cxpcrimenta. Rats were stunned bq :I blow to the head. decapitated. and epididymal fat pads removed. lbolated f31 cells wcrc prepared by shaking at 37OC l'or 60 min in Krebs-Rinpcr bicarbonate bulrer containing collagenase (3 mg/ml) and albumln (40 mg/ml) according to the method of Rodbell.' Cell\ were then liltcrcd through nylon mesh (350 PM). centrifuged at 400 rpm for 2 min and washed twice in Tris Butler. Adipocytc count5 wcrc performed according tu :i modification ol' method III of Hirsch and Gallian" in which the cells were fixed in 1% osmium tetroxide in 0.05 M collidinc buffer (made Isotonic with saline) l'or 24 hr al 37°C' and then (akcn up in a known volume of 0 I54 M NaC I l'or counting. Counting was performed with a model ZB Coulter Counter with 400 PM aperture. lrlsirlin Pretreutrwnt und l~issoc~iation Pr0wdurr.r Ten ml of adipocytes (4-h x IO' cells/ml) subpended in pH 7.(> bufer containing 35 mM Tris. I20 mM NaCI. I .7 mM MgSO4. 1.0 mM CaCI, 2.5 mM KCI. IO mM dextrose, and 1'~: bovine serum albumin (Tris-BSA bulrer) were incubated with insulin in 2 ml polypropylene flasks. Cells were then gently agitated In a bhaking water bath at the indicated times and temperatures. At the end of the incubation period, cells were transferred to I6 125 mm polystyrene tubes. centrifuged at 200 rpm for 7 min. and the insulin containing buffer removed and replaced with insulin free Tris-BSA butfer. pH 7.0. Adipocytes were again centrifuged, resuspended in
The Biochemical journal, 1985
We examined the effects of the membrane-impermeant amino-group-modifying agent fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) on the basal and insulin-stimulated hexose-transport activity of isolated rat adipocytes. Pre-treatment of cells with FITC causes irreversible inhibition of transport measured in subsequently washed cells. Transport activity was inhibited by approx. 50% with 2 mM-FITC in 8 min. The cells respond to insulin, after FITC treatment and removal, and the fold increase in transport above the basal value caused by maximal concentrations of insulin was independent of the concentration of FITC used for pre-treatment over the range 0-2 mM, where basal activity was progressively inhibited. The ability of FITC to modify selectively hexose transporters accessible only to the external milieu was evaluated by two methods. (1) Free intracellular FITC, and the distribution of FITC bound to cellular components, were assessed after dialysis of the homogenate and subcellular fractionation on ...
Journal of Cell Biology, 2005
Glucose transport in adipose cells is regulated by changing the distribution of glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) between the cell interior and the plasma membrane (PM). Insulin shifts this distribution by augmenting the rate of exocytosis of specialized GLUT4 vesicles. We applied time-lapse total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy to dissect intermediates of this GLUT4 translocation in rat adipose cells in primary culture. Without insulin, GLUT4 vesicles rapidly moved along a microtubule network covering the entire PM, periodically stopping, most often just briefly, by loosely tethering to the PM. Insulin halted this traffic by tightly tethering vesicles to the PM where they formed clusters and slowly fused to the PM. This slow release of GLUT4 determined the overall increase of the PM GLUT4. Thus, insulin initially recruits GLUT4 sequestered in mobile vesicles near the PM. It is likely that the primary mechanism of insulin action in GLUT4 translocation is to stimulate tetheri...
Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-biomembranes, 1984
Insulin increased the lipid order of rat and mouse liver plasma membrane domains sampled by the hydrophobic fluorescent probe 1,6-diphenyl-l,3,5-hexatriene in a concentration-dependent saturable manner. The ordering is half maximal at 5.I. I0 -l' M and fully saturated at 1.7. I0 -l° M insulin. Membranes prepared from obese hyperglycemic (ob/ob) mice demonstrated a right-shift in the dose-dependent ordering induced by insulin, such that ordering was half maximal at 1.2 • I0 -10 M and fully saturated at 2.0 • I0 -10 M. Insulin also increased the order of rat liver plasma membranes labeled with the cis-and trans-parinaric acid methyl esters. The ordering caused by insulin as detected with cis methyl parinarate was complete within approx. 15 min. after hormone addition at 37°C, and the ordering was approximately double that observed with the trans isomer. Additional ESR experiments demonstrated that the addition of insulin increased the outer hyperfine splittings of spectra recorded from membranes labeled with the steroid-like spin labels, nitroxide cholestane and nitroxide androstane, but not the fatty acid spin probe, 5-nitroxide stearate. Studies utilizing model membrane systems strongly suggest that the 5-nitroxide stearate samples a cholesterol-poor domain of the membrane, while the steroid-like probes preferentially sample cholesterol-rich regions of the membrane. Finally, insulin-induced membrane ordering was dose-dependently inhibited by cytochalasin B in the range 1-50 I~M. From these results, we conclude that (I) the ordering effect of insulin addition to isolated liver plasma membrane fractions occurs within the physiological range of hormone concentration, and the dose-response is right-shifted in membranes from 'insulin resistant' animals; (2) the relative responses of the fluorescent and spin probes suggest that the effects of insulin are confined to specific domains within the membrane matrix; and (3) the direct effects of insulin on the membranes may involve protein components having cytochalasin B binding sites.
Adinda Yuana Surendra , 2024
Studi kelayakan bisnis yang mencakup aspek sumber daya manusia adalah suatu analisis mendalam tentang apakah suatu usaha atau proyek bisnis layak untuk dilaksanakan dari sudut pandang keberhasilan manajemen sumber daya manusia. Ini melibatkan penilaian terhadap berbagai faktor yang berkaitan dengan kebutuhan, pengelolaan, dan pengembangan sumber daya manusia dalam konteks bisnis tertentu. Latar belakang studi kelayakan bisnis mengenai aspek sumber daya manusia.
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