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2012, Doboku gakkai ronbunshu
6 pages
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2 非会員 Ph.D (独)情報通信研究機構 (〒184-8795 東京都小金井市貫井北町4-2-1) 3 正会員 修士(工学) 東京大学生産技術研究所 (〒153-8505 東京都目黒区駒場4-6-1) 4 正会員 博士(工学) 東京大学生産技術研究所 (〒153-8505 東京都目黒区駒場4-6-1) The latest version of the TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission)/PR (Precipitation Radar) standard product (Version 7; V7) was recently released. This study focuses on heavy rain rate estimated in V7, which are more frequent than in the previous version (Version 6; V6). Surface reference technique is crucial for attenuation correction particularly of heavy rainfall, and becomes more reliable in V7, mainly because of ensemble of multiple SRT methods. Though the accuracy of clutter detection and the validity of Z-R relations are carefully examined, there are still possible rain estimates with extremely heavy rate of more than 300 mm/h. As hourly rain rate, 300 mm/h should be unexceptional, but the time scale of PR measurement may be shorter than 1 hour and these extremely heavy rain rate estimates should be investigated considering the time scale. Relations between heavy rain rates and surface temperature are analyzed with V7 and surface measurements. 99% rain rates in V7 generally increase with the increase of daily surface temperature, though daily rain amount by gauges tends to decrease when daily surface temperature becomes higher than 25 o C, which implies different time scales between PR and gauge measurements.
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 2016
With the increase of extreme climate events due to the global climate change, urban areas have been becoming more prone to flooding. The advancement of numerical prediction method for heavy rainfall is a key technology for early warning. The objectives of this study are twofold. One is to estimate the accuracy of WRF (Weather and Research Forecasting) model through its application to the heavy rains in Hiroshima City in August 2014. The other is to discuss the evolution of rainfall system that caused the heavy rains based on the numerical results. It is shown that high-resolution downscaled simulation with WRF can reasonably reproduce the spatio-temporal distributions of the heavy rains. The evolution of the rainfall system and hence the high precipitation intensity zone are found to be sensitive to high moisture transport through the Bungo channel to Hiroshima city.
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 2016
Severe flood inundation disaster happened in Ogurisu area, Kyoto City, on September 16, 2013. During that disaster the pumping station stopped its function due to an accident, which have caused severe inundation disasters in the surrounding area with more than two meter inundation depth. In this study, effects of that pump failure on the inundation disaster are evaluated through numerical simulation. From the simulation results, it is clear that the pump failure had affected the Ogurisu area significantly comparing with the simulation results with normal pump function. Finally we present a simulation result under the assumption of complete disorder of pump function, which shows much severer inundation damage, as a suggestion of preparatory hazard map for inundation disasters due to heavy rainfall considering one of the worst situations with pump failure.
Doboku gakkai ronbunshu, 2019
Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu G, 2009
Historians have long sought to understand the transition from empire to nation-states across the region, particularly elaborating on the theme of continuities and ruptures. While this debate has certainly been instructive, existing accounts have tended to focus on the experiences of the empire’s elites, insofar as they relate to the course of politics in new national capitals. This workshop will examine the lives and experiences of a generation of “ordinary” Ottomans, whose voices, paths, and personal trajectories are often left out in these existing top-down historical narratives on political transition. Focusing on the realms of culture, religion, law, and economy, the workshop seeks to explore how these “ordinary” individuals and groups experienced the collapse of the empire in which they lived. How did individuals, peasants, townspeople, merchants, families, communities, companies, or markets, respond to the fluid futures and uncertain contexts brought about by the end of the First World War and the establishment of new states in the Middle East? What were the ways in which they relinquished their imperial practices and attachments, and came to terms with the national and colonial present? How did the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire disrupt time-hardened imperial networks? By attempting to find answers to these questions, this workshop will provide opportunities for scholars to overcome methodological problems associated with the persistence of nationalist narratives in historical scholarship, as well as incorporate the insights of social history into re-thinking the dynamics of transition from empire to nation-states.
Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura, 2024
Objetivo: analizar las dinámicas internas de la Imprenta del Estado de Antioquia entre 1868 y 1887, con el fin de reconstruir las experiencias de los trabajadores tipográficos y ampliar la representación de los impresores en su calidad de letrados populares. Metodología: para tal propósito, se abordan diversas fuentes documentales, desde informes oficiales sobre la administración del taller de imprenta hasta procesos judiciales que involucraron a los operarios del establecimiento, las cuales permiten acercarse a aquellos agentes que estuvieron comprometidos en el proceso de producción de lo impreso en el epicentro editorial de la región. Originalidad: por su perspectiva sociocultural, se trata de un ejercicio que atiende a cuestionamientos clásicos de la historia del trabajo, como el taller, y, a su vez, propone diversas estrategias para estudiar el artesanado tipográfico, sin descuidar la identidad que confería el oficio ni la relevancia de la formación intelectual. Conclusiones: se demuestra que el acceso a las letras por parte de los artesanos era algo más complejo y tenía mayores repercusiones que la simple intermediación cultural o el compromiso político, tal como se ha señalado para los propietarios de los talleres. Ahí radica la importancia de acercarse a las dinámicas laborales y comprender las relaciones jerárquicas entre los trabajadores tipográficos, pues para un letrado popular, como lo podía ser un cajista experimentado, la formación técnica e intelectual no garantizaba un ascenso social ni mucho menos una mejora en su vida cotidiana.
My sweet little lamb (Everything we see could also be otherwise) - Dedicated to Mladen Stilinović, 2022
A Era de Aquário e o Paraíso Perdido Compêndio de Conferências Samael Aun Weor
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