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Understanding the behavior of inflation is important to do as an evaluation of the policy and the basis for making the next monetary policy. Bank Indonesia periodically determines the annual inflation rate by considering economic conditions and changes that may occur, especially when the pandemic lasts from 2020 to 2022. Inflationary conditions in the 30 months of the Covid-19 Pandemic, there were months where there was a national deflationary condition and the main driver was driven by volatile food and administered prices. The aim of the research was to determine the persistence of inflation that occurred during the pandemic in Indonesia. The method used in this research is descriptive. The research data is the monthly inflation rate from March 2020 to August 2022.
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan: Kajian Masalah Ekonomi dan Pembangunan, 2021
This study aims to analyze the existence and effect of Covid-19 on inflation in Indonesia. Covid-19, an outbreak of respiratory syndrome, has been named Corona Novel Virus 2019 or 2019-nCoV. The research method used Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) with inflation as a dependent variable. The interest rate, exchange rate, money supply, stock market, global and exported commodity price, and pandemic as independent variables. The pandemic indicator is measured by new cases added of Covid-19 per day in Indonesia. Using OLS, the result showed that the interest rate, stock market, exchange rate, and palm oil price have significantly affected Indonesia's inflation. On the contrary, both raw oil, i.e., Brent oil price and pandemic, significantly negatively affect Indonesia's inflation. However, the estimation fails to reflect the significant effect of the money supply to drive inflation. This paper implies that given higher new cases, Covid-19 per day has been the source of decreased inflation in Indonesia. It means that a pandemic is an impact on the weakness of the purchasing power of a consumer.
This study aims to see the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the inflation rate in Province Central Kalimantan. This research uses descriptive quantitative research. The inflation data for Province Central Kalimantan were taken from BPS (Central Statistics Agency) for 2019 - 2020. Data analysis used paired sample t-test. The results of the data normality test used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov p>a = 0.200, so the data were normally distributed. For the analysis of these data, the Paired Samples T Test method is available in the SPSS statistical version 25 software.The results of the paired samples t-test analysis show a significant (2-tailed) value of 0.323 with a significant value <0.05. Research shows the effect of inflation in Central Kalimantan Province by comparing with the year before the COVID-19 pandemic event is insignificant. This means that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on inflation is not influential.
Journal of Science and Science Education
This study aims to identify the characteristics of the MoM inflation rate in cities in Indonesia. In addition, it also compares the distribution of the monthly inflation rate for the 2009–2014 period with the 2014-2019 period in cities in Indonesia. The method used to identify the characteristics of the MoM inflation rate is by using summary of statistics, while to compare the distribution of the monthly inflation rate for the 2009–2014 period and the 2014–2019 period, the two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is used. Characteristics of the month to month (MoM) inflation rate in cities in Indonesia for the period October 2009 to March 2019 was presented. Furthermore, the comparison of the characteristics of the MoM inflation rate from October 2009 to September 2014 (period 1) and the period from October 2014 to March 2019 (period 2) was also shown. The cities of Banda Aceh, Kendari, Yogyakarta, Jakarta and Sorong had an average characteristic of inflation each month which tended to be...
Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance, 2022
Inflation disaggregation across all provinces in Java is persistent. Mapping results show that all provinces fall into the category of low inflation and high persistence. This study aims to analyze inflation persistence and sources of inflationary pressure in Java Island. The sample includes six provinces, observed from 2015 to 2019. The variables are inflation, consumer price index, money supply, and government spending. The method used is Autoregressive dan Davidson-Mackinnon Panel Data Regression. This study finds that inflation in Java Island is persistent in terms of general inflation, disaggregation of inflation, inflation in expenditure groups by COICOP, and inflation in the 5 volatile food commodities that have the largest weight. In general, inflation in Java falls into the category of low inflation and high persistence. This study also finds that the source of inflationary pressure in Java Island was monetary behavior. The results of this study are in accordance with the quantity theory which states that the money supply has a role in the process of increasing prices. Theoretically, if the money supply increases, while the aggregate supply is considered constant, then inflation will occur. An increase in the money supply reflects an increase in aggregate demand, but because the stock of goods and services remains constant, producers will increase prices. In general, the contribution of government spending to GDP in Java is indeed far below consumption and investment, so government spending cannot explain inflationary behavior in Java.
Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 2022
The article discusses the problems caused by inflation in the developing Asia-Pacific region during the time of the worldwide pandemic and suggests innovative solutions to the problem. The reality is that some of the commodity groups from the consumer basket (e.g., non-seasonal fruits, electronics, furniture, hotel, and restaurant services, etc.) fail to reflect the needs of the low-income earners, which make the majority in developing countries. At the same time, the inflation targeting regime has become outdated and not reliable, because of uncontrolled exogenic factors (imported inflation, fluctuation in oil prices, supply chain disruption, Russia-Ukraine war, etc.) prevailing on endogenic factors and thus making it impossible to control the price stability, especially in developing countries. Since, the old-fashioned inflation index and inflation targeting mechanisms regrettably fail to fully reflect both the society and governmental/central banks' expectations, based on which we first should have better care and second create better policies; we propose to use a combination of already well-known indexes and policies, with the new statistical indicators, which reflects price fluctuations on the medication, utilities, and nutrition.
Seminar Nasional Pariwisata dan Kewirausahaan (SNPK)
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis tingkat laju inflasi terhadap pendapatan usaha rumah tangga Desa Klambir Lima Kebun selama pandemi COVID-19. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linear sederhana dimana data yang diperoleh berasal dari kuesioner responden penelitian dan publikasi data oleh Statistik Provinsi Sumatera Utara periode 2018 sampai dengan 2021. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat laju inflasi berpengaruh negatif namun tidak signifikan terhadap pendapatan usaha rumah tangga Desa Klambir Lima Kebun selama pandemi COVID-19 pada CI 5%. Terdapat variabel lain yang mempengaruhi pendapatan usaha rumah tangga selain tingkat laju inflasi. Kegiatan usaha rumah tangga dapat menjadi tolak ukur produktivitas ibu rumah tangga sebagai pelaku ekonomi untuk mendukung peningkatan pendapatan.
Bangladesh Bank Policy Note Series, 2021
The intention of this policy note is to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 on the Inflation dynamics in Bangladesh. General, food, and non-food inflation trends at national, rural, and urban levels over pre-COVID-19 and COVID-19 periods have been investigated in this policy note. The sample period from January 2019 to February 2020 is considered as the prepandemic period and March 2020 to April 2021 as the pandemic period. Tables, graphs along with the correlation matrix are used to analyze the stated inflation dynamics. The investigation has resulted in a significant impact of COVID-19 on the inflation rate of Bangladesh in terms of increasing volatility which differs by rural and urban areas. Both food inflation and non-food inflation at national level experienced a considerable volatility in terms of standard deviation, but the fluctuations in food inflation are greater than those of non-food inflation. Another finding of this policy note is the relationship between general inflation with non-food inflation which is changing over time. Besides, the inflation dynamics of disaggregated non-food inflation showed higher inflation in the transport and communication, and medical care and health expenses and lower inflation of clothing and footwear, and gross rent, fuel & lighting. Observing the trends and correlation between inflation rates at aggregated level and disaggregated items of inflation, we found that price level stabilizing regulations relating to crisis-sensitive economic sectors e.g. medical services for COVID-19 is crucial to minimize unexpected inflation volatility during any crisis similar to the current one. In addition, maintaining self-sufficiency in major food items, creating adequate buffer food stocks and sufficient foreign reserves for food imports are also important to subdue the adverse price effects of the pandemic.
Academia Letters, 2022
This short paper discusses the possible reasons why there is still the limited use of vernacular building materials and techniques for the delivery of green buildings in Ghana. The idea behind this discussion stems from a previous study carried out by a team of researchers to examine Ghanaian built environment professionals' views on vernacular building materials and techniques for green construction in Ghana. The paper begins with a brief introduction to green construction and efforts towards its implementation in Ghana. It moves on to discuss issues relating to using vernacular building materials and techniques being a true reflection of green construction in Ghana. An important question is then posed as to why there is still the limited use of vernacular building materials and techniques in Ghana and then draws its conclusion. The paper tries to come out with possible explanations for this limited adoption based on the traditional economics viewpoint, which stipulates that knowing the importance of action and not doing it is an inefficient and irrational behaviour that needs to be checked.
in "Atti e memorie dell'Accademia galileiana di scienze, lettere ed arti", 135, 2024, pp. 255-283 (lectura del 6 aprile 2023)
Il sonetto 232 (Vincitore Alexandro l'ira vinse) * (Lectura pronunciata il 6 aprile 2023) Vincitore Alexandro l'ira vinse Et fe' 'l minore in parte che Philippo: Che li val se Pyrgotile et Lysippo L'intagliâr solo et Appelle il depinse? L'ira Tydëo a tal rabbia sospinse, Che, morendo ei, si rose Menalippo; L'ira cieco del tutto, non pur lippo, Fatto avea Silla; a l'ultimo l'extinse. Sa 'l Valentinïan, ch'a simil pena Ira conduce; et sa 'l quei che ne more, Aiace, in molti et poi in se stesso forte. Ira è breve furore, et chi nol frena, È furor lungo, che 'l suo possessore Spesso a vergogna et talor mena a morte.
Mobility Dynamics between Eastern Europe and the Near East. Exploring a Cross-Regional Shared History, 2024
Apocalypticism and imperial criticism: (re)reading the Dürr-i meknū n (The Hidden Pearl, 1472-73) in the context of Ottoman-Akkoyunlu imperial confrontation, 2023
FORMA: A Journal of Latin American Criticism & Theory, 2024
Igreja subversiva? Agentes e movimentos católicos na ditadura militar, golpe luta de classes no Brasil, 2024
Light of the World Publications , 2024
Práxis Educacional, 17(45), 1-19., 2021
e-Jurnal Penyelidikan dan Inovasi
Revista Polyphonía, 2021
Transplantation Proceedings, 1999
Postmodern Openings