Papers by Heru Subiyantoro
Proceedings of the 2nd Multidisciplinary International Conference, MIC 2022, 12 November 2022, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
Unemployment is an unavoidable situation in developing or developed countries. Unemployment has s... more Unemployment is an unavoidable situation in developing or developed countries. Unemployment has significant implications for the emergence of various crime vulnerabilities and the emergence of social anxiety problems, and poverty so there are limitations that need to be considered. Very rapid population growth will affect the employment conditions of an area and with an increase in population, the capacity for employment must be adequate so that there is no high unemployment rate. The research was conducted using a comparative method, namely descriptive research through investigation and comparison of one factor to another from situations and phenomena related to selecting specific factors. Comparisons are made on conditions in Sumatra and Sulawesi islands for 13 years, from 2009 to 2021.
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Population density is one of the parameters of population pressure in an area. Density in an area... more Population density is one of the parameters of population pressure in an area. Density in an area is expressed in terms of population per square kilometer and compared to the residential area. The uneven distribution of population that occurs in the Maluku and Papua islands can be seen in the differences in the level of GRDP per capita between regions. Rapid population growth not only has an impact on the problem of equitable distribution of living areas and opportunities in the world of work. This study will examine the effect of population density on income distribution through case studies in the Maluku and Papua islands. The research method uses Panel Data Testing with 13 years of data (2009 – 2021).
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Law, Social Science, Economics, and Education, ICLSSEE 2022, 16 April 2022, Semarang, Indonesia
Three important factors, namely health, education, and poverty, influenced economic growth. To cr... more Three important factors, namely health, education, and poverty, influenced economic growth. To create a healthy and educated population, the government must be able to provide access to health services to the community in proportion to the population and learning opportunities. A healthy and educated population will be more productive so that they are free from poverty and the life expectancy index will improve. The goal of this research was to look into the impact of health-care access, health-care financing, educational attainment, and social standing on life expectancy. The research method used is quantitative research with a longitudinal study design. We got the research data from the report of the National Central Statistics Agency (NCSA) and the Ministry of National Health. We conducted the study in 34 provinces in Indonesia from 2015 to 2019Panel data regression analysis was employed in the data analysis. The study's findings revealed that health services, including the ratio of hospital beds and the ratio of doctors, influenced life expectancy. Education also shows that the average length of schooling and literacy influence life expectancy and social factors, including the Gini ratio index and the poverty depth index, have a significant effect on life expectancy. Simultaneously, access to health services, educational status, and social status affect life expectancy. The provincial government should increase the rate of public health and education and decrease the poverty rate at the same time.
Jurnal kajian stratejik ketahanan nasional, Jun 17, 2019
Foreign ownership policies in the Indonesian Banking sector are very loose when compared to surro... more Foreign ownership policies in the Indonesian Banking sector are very loose when compared to surrounding countries. The financial sector easing was institutionalized through Undang-Undang No. 10/1998 tentang Perbankan. In addition, in the Indonesian Government Regulation (PP) No. 29/1999 tentang Pembelian Saham Bank Umum, regulating that foreign parties may own shares of commercial banks up to 99 percent. Banking liberalization was inseparable from the economic conditions at the end of 1997 which experienced an economic crisis. This study aims to analyze the risk of foreign ownership policies in the banking sector in Indonesia towards the economic resilience of the country. This study uses a qualitative method by analyzing foreign ownership policies in the banking sector in Indonesia towards the economic resilience of the country using risk analysis Hank Prunckun (2010). The results show that the scale of foreign ownership policy risk levels up to 99% are at medium and high risk. Medium risk can be overcome by the government by carrying out a strategy of demanding reciprocal from foreign parties whose banks from that country enter the Indonesian market. Furthermore, the high risk can be overcome by the government by reviewing all laws and regulations related to foreign ownership in strategic economic sectors. Limitation of foreign ownership is needed but can be done in stages so that the market does not become oligopolistic.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary, Jan 16, 2023
The global economy in recent years has shown a downward trend and is predicted by the World Bank ... more The global economy in recent years has shown a downward trend and is predicted by the World Bank to become a recession in 2023. As a global economic phenomenon, this condition will affect every country, including Indonesia's. This study analyzed the ability of Indonesia's economic fundamentals in a qualitative descriptive and literature study based on five indicators of the economic crisis, namely: economic growth, the exchange rate of the rupiah against the US dollar; inflation; economic growth; and total foreign debt, by comparing conditions during the economic crisis in 1998 and 2008, with Indonesia's current economic situation (in 2022). The results of this study indicated that Indonesia's economic condition is considered quite ready and stable to face the threat of a global economic crisis in 2023. However, as a country that depends on global economic relations, Indonesia will indirectly or directly impact the economic fluctuations and inflation that occur in many countries during the crisis because the economic crisis will have social and political impacts. This research suggests that Indonesia should focus on maintaining economic continuity in the real sector, maintaining the supply of basic needs at the community level, building economic independence by encouraging more production, and supporting political and security stability.
Journal of Economics and Business, 2021
The purpose of this study is 1.) To analyze the influence of foreign investment on the developmen... more The purpose of this study is 1.) To analyze the influence of foreign investment on the development of the Indonesian capital market. 2).To analyze the influence of the Exchange Rate on the Development of the Indonesian Capital Market. 3).To analyze the influence of the Interest Rate on the Development of the Indonesian Capital Market. 4).To analyze the influence of the Dow Jones Stock Market Index on the Development of the Indonesian Capital Market. 5).To analyze the influence of the Covid-19 Pandemic (dummy variable) on the Development of the Indonesian Capital Market.6). In this study, secondary data and library research were used as a technique for collecting data, using semi-annual data for the period 1990-2020. The research was processed using the EViews 11 program with the multiple linear regression method. The results of the research are known if 1.) Foreign Direct Investment has a significant and positive effect on Capital Market Development. 2.) Exchange Rates have a signif...
Understanding the behavior of inflation is important to do as an evaluation of the policy and the... more Understanding the behavior of inflation is important to do as an evaluation of the policy and the basis for making the next monetary policy. Bank Indonesia periodically determines the annual inflation rate by considering economic conditions and changes that may occur, especially when the pandemic lasts from 2020 to 2022. Inflationary conditions in the 30 months of the Covid-19 Pandemic, there were months where there was a national deflationary condition and the main driver was driven by volatile food and administered prices. The aim of the research was to determine the persistence of inflation that occurred during the pandemic in Indonesia. The method used in this research is descriptive. The research data is the monthly inflation rate from March 2020 to August 2022.
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains
The capital market sector is one area of economic activity that is expected to grow significantly... more The capital market sector is one area of economic activity that is expected to grow significantly following the adoption of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). As a result, integrating capital market activity in the ASEAN area must be a top priority in AEC implementation. The essential criterion for creating a seamless flow of cash and investment is the integration of ASEAN countries' capital markets. The total worth of all outstanding shares based on their normal closing price is reflected in the stock market capitalisation. A rise in the value of market capitalization indicates that the capital market is expanding. Capital flows into and out of the capital market are thought to have altered the value of foreign exchange reserves. Foreign capital market investment contributes to a balanced balance of payments. Foreign capital not only serves to cover the deficit in domestic capital that domestic savings cannot fill, but it also helps to fill the emptiness in the foreign exchang...
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Law, Social Science, Economics, and Education, ICLSSEE 2023, 6 May 2023, Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia
Proceedings of the 2nd Multidisciplinary International Conference, MIC 2022, 12 November 2022, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia, 2023
Understanding the behavior of inflation is important to do as an evaluation of the policy and the... more Understanding the behavior of inflation is important to do as an evaluation of the policy and the basis for making the next monetary policy. Bank Indonesia periodically determines the annual inflation rate by considering economic conditions and changes that may occur, especially when the pandemic lasts from 2020 to 2022. Inflationary conditions in the 30 months of the Covid-19 Pandemic, there were months where there was a national deflationary condition and the main driver was driven by volatile food and administered prices. The aim of the research was to determine the persistence of inflation that occurred during the pandemic in Indonesia. The method used in this research is descriptive. The research data is the monthly inflation rate from March 2020 to August 2022.
International Journal of Applied Science, 2021
This study aims to determine the effect of Labor Force Participation Rate, Number of Motorized Ve... more This study aims to determine the effect of Labor Force Participation Rate, Number of Motorized Vehicles, Number of Small and Medium Enterprises, number of tourist Visits, average per capita expenditure, Room Occupancy Rate, and Regional Original Revenue in 19 Cities and Regencies in West Sumatra in 2005-2018. The model used is the OLS method using panel data and using the statistical program e-views 10 for Windows. The results of the study showed either partially or simultaneously that: Labor Force Participation Rate, Number of Motorized Vehicles, Number of Small and Medium Enterprises, Number of Tourist Visits, Average per capita expenditure and Room Occupancy Rate to Regional Original Income are positive and significant. The largest contribution to Regional Original Revenue is Motorized Vehicles, while the lowest is the Hotel Room Occupancy Rate. The coefficient of determination or goodness of fit is 0.742869. The contribution of all independent variables in explaining the depende...
Proceedings of the First Multidiscipline International Conference, MIC 2021, October 30 2021, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2022
Interdiciplinary Journal and Hummanity (INJURITY)
At the 26th annual United Nations climate change conference (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland, 197 cou... more At the 26th annual United Nations climate change conference (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland, 197 countries succeeded in reaching an agreement to address the “Phase-down of Unabated Coal Power”, i.e. the gradual reduction of coal-fired power generation and to ends fossil fuel subsidies that are not in efficient. Its going with the policy of Indonesia Government, in the General Draft of National Energy (RUEN), they will limit coal production up to 400 million tons per year and the exports will be reduced gradually from year to year and will be stopped on 2046. In another hand, China and India's dependence on coal energy for power generation and industry is still very high. Both countries demanding will affect Indonesia's trade balance considering the proportion of Indonesia's coal exports is 71% compared to domestic consumption. To determine this effect, this study uses the Autoregression Vector (VAR) model with annual data from 2000 to 2021. The test results show that Indone...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak program Penugasan Khusus Ekspor (PKE) Industri K... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak program Penugasan Khusus Ekspor (PKE) Industri Kereta Api terhadap perekonomian Indonesia dengan menghitung besar nilai keterkaitan sektor tersebut dengan sektor yang lain dan efek multiplier sektor ekonomi tersebut terhadap produksi output, pendapatan, dan tenaga kerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis input-output yang meliputi analisis derajat kepekaan, indeks daya penyebaran dan analisis keterkaitan antar sektor, dan menghitung efek multipliernya. Tabel input-output Indonesia yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tabel Tahun 2016 yang diklasifikasikan menjadi 14 sektor perekonomian. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan sektor industri kereta api memberikan pengaruh positif dalam peningkatan output sektor lain yang menjadi input bagi sektor industri kereta api. Industri pengolahan, pertanian, kehutanan, perikanan, transportasi pergudangan, serta pertambangan dan penggalian merupakan sektor yang paling terpengaruh de...
International Journal of Economic Policy Studies, 2010
Empirical evidence and argument is presented concerning the benefits of multi-donor facilities as... more Empirical evidence and argument is presented concerning the benefits of multi-donor facilities as a mode of development assistance within the field of decentralisation in Indonesia. Principal benefits include the quality and relevance of support provided, combined with significant economies of scale for donor partners and for government. Most important of all, however, is the fact that assistance provided under such facilities is genuinely government-led, making the multi-donor facility a preferred mode of aid delivery and management for the Government of Indonesia. Future success will hinge on the willingness of all development partners to participate constructively in such facilities; to exercise patience as well as commitment in order to give them sufficient time to work; and to be prepared to advance incrementally in ways that are not always in the precise direction or at a pace that conform neatly to individual or institutional predilections.
Papers by Heru Subiyantoro