Chinese Buddhist Studies Syllabus

REL4359 /5346 Chinese Buddhism Spring 2013 M 2-4:45pm Dodd 207 Dr. Jimmy Yu Department of Religion Dodd Hall 120D Tel: 850-615-1406 Email: [email protected] Offi e Hou s: B appoi t e t COURSE DESCRIPTION This se i a o e s the histo a d histo ig aphi al issues i the stud of Chi ese Buddhis . It e a i es s hola l o st u tio s of Buddhist “tudies as a field i ge e al a d the histo iog aph of Chi ese Buddhis , ith a fo us o the shifts that took pla e i s hola l ep ese tatio s a d pa adig s. The se i a e eals the ethodologi al shifts i the field f o philolog to philosoph ; f o se ta ia o e s to do t i al o ie tatio s, to a th opologi al app oa hes. COURSE OBJECTIVE At the e d of the ou se, the stude t ill u de sta d the histo of the de elop e t of a d shifts i Chi ese Buddhist “tudies as a a ade i field; ill appl iti al eadi g a d iti g, alo g ith a al ti al skills, to the assig e ts; ill adopt the so io-histo i al app oa h to i te p eti g the e ha is of eligious histo , dis ou ses, a d p a ti es; ill e a le e plai Chi ese Buddhis ot o l as o e of the ost i po ta t st a d of the Buddhis i East Asia ut also as a ke o t i uto of p e ode East Asia ultu e. *Prerequisite: Have taken any one of the undergrad Asian religions classes. COURSE REQUIREMENTS This is a graduate seminar open to all religion majors in the Department of Religion and those who meet the prerequisite in other departments/programs. 1. Weekl espo se pape s o the assig ed eadi gs at least a page o up to a page a d a half of t ped si gle-spa e pape s, i p epa atio fo lass p ese tatio /dis ussio su itted o li e th ough Bla k oa d the da efo e lass, %. 2. Weekl p ese tatio s. “tude ts ill take tu s to p ese t o the eekl eadi gs a d to fa ilitate lass dis ussio s uizzes, if e essa ; othe stude ts ill i g to lass t o spe ifi uestio s f o the eadi gs to fa ilitate dis ussio . P ese te s ust de o st ate thei iti al eadi g, i te p etati e, a d o u i atio skills, %. 3. Fi al pape : - page esea h pape fo u de g ads; - page esea h pape o a otated i liog aph fo g ad stude ts, %. Topi to e hose i o sultatio ith the p ofesso . *Mo da , / : Fi st Pape P oposals Due. T pe up ou p oposed topi , te tati e thesis, a d p i a a d se o da sou es a d se d it to D . Yu ia e ail. * Mo da , / : Fi al Pape P oposals Due. T pe up ou p oposed topi , te tati e thesis, ethodolog , a d p i a a d se o da sou es a d se d it to D . Yu ia e ail. * Mo da , / : ‘esea h Pape o A otated Bi liog aph Due. 4. Atte da e: th ee u e used a se es = lette g ade d op; g ade d ops afte e e su se ue t u e used a se es. I porta t: Late assig e ts ill ot e a epted a d the e is a ze o-tole a e poli to a d plagia is o a othe fo of a ade i disho est i this ou se. The eadi gs a d the espo se assig e ts should e o pleted ea h stude t; the a e ot olla o ati e assig e ts. This ea s that a o e fou d taki g edit fo o k that is ot his o he o , o heati g i a othe a , ill e ei e a faili g g ade fo the e ti e ou se. Note that ig o a e of the poli is ot o side ed a itigati g i u sta e. GRADING Attendance/Weekly Response papers Class Presentations Final paper Gradi g/Evaluatio Scale: A: C-: - ; D+: - ; D: - ; D-: 40% 30% 30% ; A-: - ; B+: - ; F: elo . ; B: - ; B-: - ; C+: - ; C: - ; ACADEMIC HONOR POLICY The e is a ze o-tole a e poli to a d plagia is o a othe fo of a ade i disho est i this ou se. The eadi gs a d the espo se assig e ts should e o pleted ea h stude t; the a e ot olla o ati e assig e ts. This ea s that a o e fou d taki g edit fo o k that is ot his o he o , o heati g i a othe a , ill e ei e a faili g g ade fo the e ti e ou se. The Flo ida “tate U i e sit A ade i Ho o Poli outli es the U i e sit s e pe tatio s fo the i teg it of stude ts a ade i o k, the p o edu es fo esol i g alleged iolatio s of those e pe tatio s, a d the ights a d espo si ilities of stude ts a d fa ult e e s th oughout the p o ess. “tude ts a e espo si le fo eadi g the A ade i Ho o Poli a d fo li i g up to thei pledge to . . . e ho est a d t uthful a d . . . [to] st i e fo pe so al a d i stitutio al i teg it at Flo ida “tate U i e sit . Flo ida “tate U i e sit A ade i Ho o Poli , fou d at o poli .ht . Note that ig o a e of the poli is ot o side ed a itigati g i u sta e. The poli of the Depa t e t of ‘eligio is that iolatio of a ade i disho est , e e fi st offe ses, ill esult i a ze o fo the ele a t assig e t a d ill e epo ted to the Offi e of the Dea of the Fa ulties. Additio al sa tio s a e i posed F“U as pa t of the p o edu e of esol i g a ade i ho o allegatio s. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT “tude ts ith disa ilities eedi g a ade i a o odatio should: 1. ‘egiste ith a d p o ide do u e tatio to the “tude t Disa ilit ‘esou e Ce te ; a d 2. B i g a lette to the i st u to i di ati g the eed fo a o odatio a d hat t pe. This should e do e du i g the fi st eek of lass. Fo o e i fo atio a out se i es a aila le to F“U stude ts ith disa ilities, o ta t the: “tude t Disa ilit ‘esou e Ce te T aditio s Wa “tude t “e i es Buildi g Flo ida “tate U i e sit Tallahassee, FL ‐ ‐ oi e ‐ TDD sd @ad i http:// .disa ilit e te *E ept fo ha ges that su sta tiall affe t i ple e tatio of the e aluatio g adi g state e t, this s lla us is a guide fo the ou se a d is su je t to ha ge ith ad a e oti e. REQUIRED TEXTS 1. Patricia Ebrey and Peter Gregory. Religion and Society in T’ang and Sung China. 2. Peter Gregory and Dan Getz. Buddhism in the Sung. *The majority of the reading materials is in PDF format and will be provided to students.  COURSE OUTLINE AND READINGS Week M. / : I t odu to Le tu e O ie tatio to the atu e of the lass. Dis ussio of Lopez, I t odu tio , i Curators of the Buddha, - Week . PDF  Part I: The Co structio of Buddhist Studies as a Field M. / Burnouf, Introduction to the History of Indian Buddhism. 2010 (originally pub. in 1844), 1113. PDF Week 3 (M. 1/21): NO CLASS. Week 4 (M. 1/28) M ‘ae, O ie tal Ve ities o the A e i a F o tie : The Wo lds Pa lia e t of ‘eligio s, Buddhist-Christian Studies, vol. 11 (1991): 7-36. PDF Josephso , Whe Buddhis e a e a ‘eligio : ‘eligio a d “upe stitio i the W iti gs of I oue E ō, JJRS 33, no. 1: 143–168. PDF Sueki, Buildi g a Platfo fo A ade i Buddhist “tudies: Mu aka i Senshō". Eastern Buddhist 37 (2005): 8-27. PDF  Part II: Sectarian Beginnings and the Genesis of Chinese Buddhist Studies Week 5 (M. 2/4) Takakusu, Essentials of Buddhist Philosophy, 1947. PDF Week 6 (M. 2/11) Dumoulin, Zen Buddhism: A History. Volume 1 and 2, 1988-9. Excerpts, TBA. PDF A stutz, The Politi s of I depe de t Pu e La d i Chi a, JCR, 26 (Fall 1998): 21-50. PDF Week 7 (M. 2/18) Wright, Buddhism in Chinese History. 1959. PDF ‘o i so , M sti is a d Logi i “e g-Chao's Thought, Philosophy East and West, vol. 8, no. 3/4 (OcM., 1958 - Jan., 1959): 99-120. PDF Week 8 (M. 2/25) Zurcher, Buddhist Conquest of China, 3ed. Excerpts, TBA. PDF )u he , Pe spe ti es i the “tud of Chi ese Buddhis , Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society vol. 2 (1982): 161-176. PDF Week 9 (M. 3/4) Che , Filial Piet i Chi ese Buddhis , HJAS vol. 28 (1968): 81-97. PDF “ hope , Filial Piet a d the Mo k i the P a ti e of I dia Buddhis : A Questio of “i i izatio Vie ed f o the othe “ide. PDF Week 10 (M. 3/11) : NO CLASS.  Part III: New Directions in Chinese Buddhist Studies Week 11 (M. 3/18) Ebrey and Gregory, Religion and Society in T’ang and Sung China. Chapters 1, 3, 5. Week 12 (M. 3/25) Gregory and Getz, Buddhism in the Sung, chapters 1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12. Week 13 (M. 4/1) Faure, ed., Chan Buddhism in Ritual Context, chapters 1-4. PDF Sharf. Buddhist Modernism and The Rhetoric Of Meditative Experience. PDF Week 14 (M. 4/8) Campany, Signs from the Unseen Realm: Buddhist Miracle Tales from Early Medieval China, pp. 1-62 (Part 1). PDF Week 15 (M. 4/15) Heirman and Torck, A Pure Mind in a Clean Body. PDF Week 16 (M. 4/22) Kieschnick, The Impact of Buddhism on Chinese Material Culture, 1-23; 157-219. PDF “ha f, On the Allure of Buddhist Relics, Representations, no. 66 (Spring, 1999): 75-99. PDF Bi ge hei e , Roushen pusa and Corpus integrum: Whole-body relics in Buddhism and Ch istia it , I The Contribution of Buddhism to World Culture (Mumbai: Somaiya Publications, 2005) PDF *FINAL PAPER DUE: 4/29. EMAIL PAPER TO ME AND HARD COPY IN MY MAILBOX.