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2016, Pediatric Hematology Oncology Journal
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Objetivo: El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar el valor explicativo de las estrategias de afrontamiento, habilidades sociales y habilidades propias, en el consumo de diferentes sustancias adictivas legales e ilegales.
Is music just matter of hearing and producing notes? And is it of interest just to musicians? By exploring different authors and philosophical trends of the Roman Empire, from Philo of Alexandria to Alexander of Aphrodisias, from the rebirth of Platonism with Plutarch to the last Neoplatonists, this book sheds light on different ways in which music and musical notions were made a crucial part of philosophical discourse. Far from being mere metaphors, notions such as harmony, concord and attunement became key philosophical tools in order to better grasp and conceptualise fundamental notions in philosophical debates from cosmology to ethics and from epistemology to theology. The volume is written by a distinguished international team of contributors.
Opfer der eigenen Begeisterung. : Festschrift für Harald Stadler zum 65. Geburtstag , 2024
This paper seeks to explore an alternative approach to the interpretation of paradoxal evidence by comparing finds and contexts. It is based upon the theorems of garbology, developed by the archaeologist William Rathje (1945-2012) in the Tucson Garbage Project. While Rathje used archaeological methods for research in garbage reflecting modern consumerism, this paper takes the opposite approach, applying the theorems of garbology to late medieval garbage practices. A case study focusing on Boringholm Castle (lifespan between 1369 and the early 15th century) discusses the paradox of finding artefacts reflecting an out-standing elite culture in a modest environment that resembles a farmstead rather than a late medieval castle. The range of finds at Boringholm is very broad, demonstrating that this was the household of a parvenu who tried to imitate a courtly lifestyle.
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujan untuk mengetahui kelayakan dan investasi usaha tani tanaman pisang dalam peningkatan pendapatan petani di Desa Ponteh Kecamatan Galis Kabupaten Pamekasan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah petani pisang di Desa Ponteh Kecamatan Galis Kabupaten Pamekasan. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti menetapkan jumlah sampel sebanyak 475 orang, namun kuesioner yang berhasil kembali hanya 83 responden. Untuk menguji hipotesanya menggunakan analisa faktor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Usahatani tanaman pisang raja yang dilakukan di Desa Ponteh Kecamatan Galis Kabupaten Pameksan tidak layak untuk diusahakan dilihat dari aspek finansial yaitu Payback Period sebesar 1 tahun 8 bulan yang lebih lama dari umur ekonomis yaitu 1 tahun. Aspek pasar, aspek teknis, dan aspek sosial berada dalam katagori baik dengan rata-rata skor berturut-turut 4,15, 4,06, dan 4,03. Jumlah tenaga kerja yang terserap secara penuh dari usahatani tanaman pisang raja dalam satu tahun sebanyak 179 orang. Kendala dalam usahatani tanaman pisang raja di Desa Ponteh Kecamatan Galis Kabupaten Pameksan adalah: kendala teknis adalah masa panen pisang raja sulit diatur sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasar. dan obat-obatan yang diperlukan tidak tersedia di desa tersebut. Kendala non teknis adalah harga jual pisang raja ditentukan oleh pembeli (pengumpul) sehingga posisi tawar petani lemah, harga jual pisang raja tidak stabil, luas lahan yang semakin sempit menjadi kendala dalam pengembangan usahatani tanaman pisang, kelompoktani sebagai wadah bagi petani tanaman pisang raja untuk mengadakan interaksi belum berfungsi secara optimal. Abstract: The Research aims to know the advisability and investment banana crop farming in increasing income of farmers in the village of Ponteh, Subdistrict of Galis, Regency of Pamekasan. The population in this researh is a banana farmer in the village of Ponteh, Subdistrict of Galis, regency of Pamekasan. For this study, researchers determined the total sample of 475 people, but the questionnaire who managed to return only 83
Hembygdsjournalen, 2024
A short article about the runestone from Gussjö in Västmanland (Vs 23).
Developing Country Studies, 2014
Despite the prominence given to participatory development in National Urban Development Policy 2005, a people-centered development culture akin to participation is yet to take root in urban Oromia. This study takes a fresh look at local governance and the level of people participation in the development process. The purpose of this paper is to examine the extent and status of people participation in the local development project cycle in Oromia Regional State relying on the knowledge from the closing of the ULGDP 1 as a case study. To achieve this, primary data were collected using a survey from the selected urban households and secondary data were collected from reports and books. Appropriate descriptive and analytical tools were employed to process the data obtained. The results of the study show that the extent and status of people's participation in identifying problems, implementation and evaluation of the activity and its outcomes were still negligible and not institutionalized. The study found that administrative obstacles such as bureaucracy and lack of regard for local people greatly hindered community participation in development efforts and that it is equally as important for a meaningful participation, for people to know about the project as it is for them to be recognized and acknowledged. The study concludes with a recommendation for a massive awareness program to be conducted by government in partnership with local Community Based Organizations (CBOs) working closely with the poor and the disadvantaged. Enactment of participation friendly guidelines can also promote and encourage participation. Keywords-development project, people participation, and urban local government
Write an article review for this class that will help you complete the literature review for the body of your paper. The review should be as long as it needs to be in order to thoroughly summarize the article. An article review is a summary of an academic journal article. Find an article on your topic of choice and describe what the article is about. For an academic journal article, this usually entails giving a description of the issue(s) that are being examined in the article, an explanation of the hypotheses and methods used, an explanation of the results, and an assessment of the conclusions that are being offered. Further, the article review should cover enough information so that a person who has not read the article will get an understanding of what the article covers. In terms of how to organize the article review, you should answer the following questions:
Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law, 2016
Indian journal of medical ethics, 2019
"Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics", XX, 2018, 3, pp. 261-317, 2018
Artificial Life, 2020
European Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 1994
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 1983
Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, 2017
Sustainable Multilingualism, 2018
Journal of Dairying, Foods & Home Sciences, 2022