Papers by Vaida Miseviciute
Technologija eBooks, 2014
Pratarmė Švietimas suvokiamas kaip visuomenės gerovės kūrimo pagrindas, todėl švietimo kokybė bei... more Pratarmė Švietimas suvokiamas kaip visuomenės gerovės kūrimo pagrindas, todėl švietimo kokybė bei jos užtikrinimas yra daugelio šalių diskusijų objektas ir prioritetas. Švietimo kokybė priklauso nuo sėkmingo novatoriškų, informacinėmis ir komunikacinėmis technologijomis (IKT) grindžiamų mokymosi metodų naudojimo. IKT naudojimas ugdymo procese ne tik suteikia plačias galimybes, bet reikalauja iš pedagogo kasdienio efektyvaus laiko planavimo, metodinės medžiagos kūrimo bei kaupimo ir naujų strategijų, skatinančių moksleivių mokymąsi, realizavimo. Vienas iš svarbiausių informacinių ir komunikacinių tikslų yra siekimas palengvinti žmonių darbą, mokymą, mokymąsi, suteikti kasdieniniam gyvenimui daugiau džiaugsmo bei praplėsti žmogaus galimybes. Naujos technologijos atsiranda tiek besimokančiųjų, tiek mokytojų bei dėstytojų kasdienybėje, todėl švietimo sektoriuje dirbantys asmenys turi ne tik išmanyti naujausias tendencijas, bet ir žinoti, kaip efektyviai suteikti naujų žinių bei įgūdžių kitiems. Tarptautinė konferencija "Pažangios mokymosi technologijos-ALTA'2014", skatinanti tarptautinį bendradarbiavimą, Lietuvos mokslo plėtrą bei mokslinius ryšius, yra organizuojama didžiausio technikos universiteto Baltijos šalyse-Kauno technologijos universiteto. Konferencijoje mokslininkai, studijų ekspertai, valstybės ir švietimo institucijų atstovai iš įvairių šalių pristato naujus IKT grįstus pedagoginius sprendimus, skirtus švietimo sistemai. Pranešimuose analizuojamas pažangių mokymosi technologijų taikymas mokymosi procese, tiriamos galimos jų plėtros perspektyvos Lietuvoje bei užsienyje. Konferencijos dalyviai išreiškia nuomonę bendrose diskusijose apie bendravimo naudą, verslo ir mokslo bendradarbiavimo galimybes, švietimo pokyčius bei mokymosi technologijas, ypač daug dėmesio skirdami mokslo pažangai, technologijoms bei kitoms viešoms ir privačioms iniciatyvoms, kuriomis siekiama skatinti IKT naudojimą, mažinti kliūtis švietime ir atrasti daugiau lanksčių bei kūrybiškų mokymosi būdų. Dr. Danguolė Rutkauskienė Kauno technologijos universiteto docentė Nacionalinės distancinio mokymo asociacijos prezidentė
Directory of Open access Books (OAPEN Foundation), 2019
The paper aims to present a critical review of language policy development in Algeria since indep... more The paper aims to present a critical review of language policy development in Algeria since independence (1962) to present time. It takes the policy of Arabization, an important turning point in Algerian history that was troubled with serious problems, as an example of language planning in the country. Data was gathered from policy documents, Laws and media reports. It was then coded into themes before it was analyzed employing a documentary research method. To provide a systematic discussion, three issues will be covered. The first part of the paper explores the impact of Arabization on Algerian current state of language policy development in light of the debates over national educational reforms. The second part highlights the quandary that language planners face during the processes of language planning and policy making. Finally, the paper concludes with an evaluation of the process of language policy development in Algeria. The paper argues that in order to foster sustainable multilingualism and achieve effective educational reforms, a keener recognition of Algerian linguistic diversity by the government is imperative.
Reading is one of the most important language skills that helps build students' vocabulary. Even ... more Reading is one of the most important language skills that helps build students' vocabulary. Even though many other skills are involved in increasing reading comprehension, vocabulary size may be a significant aid in improving understanding of an academic text. The purpose of the study is to examine the relationship between students' reading comprehension skills against their vocabulary size. Additionally, the reading comprehension scores at the entry level are compared to the reading comprehension scores after reading instruction at midterm point. A total of 11 first year students seeking BA in business English and enrolled in the intensive English course "English for social communication" at the University of Applied Sciences in Kaunas participated in the study. Statistical data analysis using chi-square test was used to analyze independence between two qualitative (nominal) variables-the productive and receptive reading comprehension test scores at the entry level and midterm point against the vocabulary size test. The findings indicate the students with larger vocabulary have better reading comprehension, yet teaching students to read effectively and building reading skills allow students with smaller vocabulary to have equally good comprehension of the reading both receptively and productively. The findings reveal the importance of developing students' reading skills and vocabulary and should motivate students to seek to understand and manipulate available language rather than just memorize new vocabulary words.
The paper aims to present a critical review of language policy development in Algeria since indep... more The paper aims to present a critical review of language policy development in Algeria since independence (1962) to present time. It takes the policy of Arabization, an important turning point in Algerian history that was troubled with serious problems, as an example of language planning in the country. Data was gathered from policy documents, Laws and media reports. It was then coded into themes before it was analyzed employing a documentary research method. To provide a systematic discussion, three issues will be covered. The first part of the paper explores the impact of Arabization on Algerian current state of language policy development in light of the debates over national educational reforms. The second part highlights the quandary that language planners face during the processes of language planning and policy making. Finally, the paper concludes with an evaluation of the process of language policy development in Algeria. The paper argues that in order to foster sustainable multilingualism and achieve effective educational reforms, a keener recognition of Algerian linguistic diversity by the government is imperative.
Sustainable Multilingualism, 2018
Summary Technology has altered communication style from face to face to written communication. An... more Summary Technology has altered communication style from face to face to written communication. An increased participation in chats, blogs, and other forms of social media along with a growing trend to work from home or to study on-line has increased the need to perfect academic written communication. Lithuanian students who have been trained in product approach are in desperate need to enhance skills in creativity, self-expression, independence and criticality, skills that can be taught through a process or a post-process approach to writing. An overview of product, process, and post-process approach suggests that second language learners trained in process or post-process approach display significant advantages in academic writing compared to students trained in product approach. Writing has been neglected as a skill for several reasons in Lithuanian English classrooms, yet the demand for academic writing in today’s world is increasing in accelerated speed. Process and post-process...
Papers by Vaida Miseviciute