Otology & Neurotology
32:736Y741 Ó 2011, Otology & Neurotology, Inc.
Clinical Assessment of Pitch Perception
*†Bart Vaerenberg, ‡Alexandru Pascu, §Luca Del Bo, *Karen Schauwers,
*Geert De Ceulaer, *Kristin Daemers, *kMartine Coene, and *kPaul J. Govaerts
*The Eargroup, Antwerp-Deurne; ÞLaboratory of Biomedical Physics, University of Antwerp, Antwerp,
Belgium; þUniversity of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania; §Fondazione Ascolta e Vivi, Milano, Italy; and
kCentre for Computational Linguistics and Psycholinguistics, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
Objective: The perception of pitch has recently gained attention. At present, clinical audiologic tests to assess this are hardly
available. This article reports on the development of a clinical test
using harmonic intonation (HI) and disharmonic intonation (DI).
Study Design: Prospective collection of normative data and
pilot study in hearing-impaired subjects.
Setting: Tertiary referral center.
Patients: Normative data were collected from 90 normal-hearing
subjects recruited from 3 different language backgrounds. The
pilot study was conducted on 18 hearing-impaired individuals who
were selected into 3 pathologic groups: high-frequency hearing
loss (HF), low-frequency hearing loss (LF), and cochlear implant
users (CI).
Intervention(s): Normative data collection and exploratory diagnostics by means of the newly constructed HI/DI tests using
intonation patterns to find the just noticeable difference (JND)
for pitch discrimination in low-frequency harmonic complex
sounds presented in a same-different task.
Main Outcome Measure(s): JND for pitch discrimination using
HI/DI tests in the hearing population and pathologic groups.
Results: Normative data are presented in 5 parameter statistics
and box-and-whisker plots showing median JNDs of 2 (HI) and
3 Hz (DI). The results on both tests are statistically abnormal in
LF and CI subjects, whereas they are not significantly abnormal
in the HF group.
Conclusion: The HI and DI tests allow the clinical assessment
of low-frequency pitch perception. The data obtained in this
study define the normal zone for both tests. Preliminary results
indicate possible abnormal TFS perception in some hearingimpaired subjects. Key Words: A§EVClinicalVPerceptionV
PitchVTemporal fine structure.
Otol Neurotol 32:736Y741, 2011.
Pitch is an attribute of sound that has been shown to be
important for both music perception and the quality of
speech perception (1,2). By allowing us to order sounds
on the low-high dimension, pitch carries essential information about the tonality and melody in music and about
the linguistic context of words and sentences in spoken
language (e.g., clause typing) (3,4). Like loudness relates
to sound intensity, pitch relates to the frequency content
of sounds. In daily life, the relevant cues for voicing,
melody, intonation, and other musically and linguistically
important percepts are conveyed by relatively low frequency pitch, relating mainly to the fundamental frequency or F0. The fundamental frequencies of several
competing voices in a noisy environment, for example,
allow us to distinguish between separate speakers (5). The
way the cochlea codes spectral content of sound can be
explained by 2 underlying mechanisms, place coding and
phase locking. Both are complementary and overlapping.
It is believed that for low-frequency signals, such as the
fundamental frequencies of human voices, phase locking
of the temporal pattern of nerve responses to the temporal fine structure of the signal is the more dominant cue
for conveying pitch. With increasing frequencies, this
neural synchronicity becomes more difficult to be maintained. Place coding then comes gradually into play and
replaces the phase locking as mechanism for spectral discrimination (2).
In the clinic, hearing assessment often is restricted to
measures of detection (e.g., tone audiometry) or identification (e.g., speech audiometry). Clinical tests allowing
more fine-grained analysis of the coding of the different components of sound, like spectral discrimination,
are rare, and to the best of our knowledge, no tests exist
that focus on the capacity of the auditory system to discriminate pitch. The absence of such tests may not have
been a problem so far. However, with the emergence of
new therapeutic options for sensorineural hearing loss,
like cochlear implants, electroacoustic stimulation, or even
molecular or genetic therapies, the need for such tests may
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Paul J. Govaerts,
M.D., M.S., Ph.D., The Eargroup, Herentalsebaan 75, B-2100 AntwerpDeurne, Belgium; E-mail:
[email protected]
Support: The first author (B. V.) received a Ph.D. grant for this work
from the IWT (Agentschap voor innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie, Baekeland-mandaat IWT090287).
Copyright © 2011 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
increase. For instance, cochlear implants (CIs) attempt to
restore the tonotopic organization of the inner ear by inserting an array of electrode contacts into the cochlea. This
way, the place coding mechanism of the auditory system
is partially restored. We think that the A§E spectral discrimination task is helpful in assessing the spectral discrimination, and we use it daily in the selection of CI
candidates and the programming of CI processors (6).
However, this test uses unfiltered phonemes as test items,
and it therefore does not allow focusing on low-frequency
discrimination. Poor low-frequency pitch perception may
play a role in a number of frequently encountered complaints by current CI users, like poor music appreciation
or poor spatial separation of multiple speakers (5,7). A
clinical test focusing on pitch discrimination could potentially document and measure this. This is merely one illustration of the need of clinical tests to assess the coding
of low-frequency pitch.
This article presents the development of such clinical
tests to assess the coding of low frequency pitch. They are
believed to be relevant in gaining more detailed insight in
the coding of sound by the unaided or aided auditory
system, and they are expected to be indicative for the
capability of the inner ear to use its phase-locking mechanism. Two distinct tests were designed: harmonic intonation (HI) and disharmonic intonation (DI). They both use
low-frequency harmonic complexes presented in a samedifferent paradigm, to find the just noticeable difference
(JND) for pitch discrimination in individual subjects. Intonation patterns are applied to the stimuli to maximize focus on temporal processing. For both tests, the construction
of stimulus material, test-retest validation, normative data,
and preliminary results in a number of hearing-impaired
subjects and cochlear implant users are presented.
In each trial of both the HI and DI tests, 2 stimuli are presented consecutively, one of which has an intonation, whereas
the other one does not. The test task is a same-different discrimination task.
The nonintonating stimulus that is one of both stimuli in
all trials is a harmonic complex signal having a fundamental
frequency (F0) of 200 Hz and 3 higher harmonics (with frequencies of 2F0, 3F0, and 4F0). The intensities of the harmonics
decrease in comparison with F0 (j6 dB at 400 Hz, j12 dB at
600 Hz, and j18 dB at 800 Hz). A white noise was added
to the stimuli (signal-to-noise ratio, +10.9 dB) to make them
sound more natural and easy to listen to. Both in the HI and
the DI test, the nonintonating sound is presented in contrast to an
intonating sound. The intonating sounds used in the HI test
feature a frequency sweep of all harmonics (including F0) from
NF0 to N(F0 +$F), with N ranging from 1 to 4. In the DI test,
however, the intonating sounds feature a sweep of the fundamental frequency only (F0 to F0 + $F), whereas the higher harmonics are kept fixed at their initial frequency, as shown in
Figure 1. As a consequence, the harmonic separation of partial
tones is distorted by the sweep, hence a disharmonic (or dissonant) intonation. For both stimulus types, the sweep is linear
and introduced at 330 ms after the start of the signal. The sweep
duration is 120 ms, and the total signal duration is 600 ms. The
timings of the intonation were chosen to resemble the intonation pattern that is used in clause typing to form a question.
Each trial thus consists of 2 consecutive stimuli separated by
a 500-ms silence. One of 2 stimuli is the nonintonating sound,
whereas the other sound is the intonating signal featuring a
pitch change $F (imposed by either a harmonic intonation in
the HI test or a disharmonic intonation in the DI test). The order
of stimuli within a trial is randomized. Stimuli are presented
to the listener in a same-different task. The listener indicates
whether he perceives a difference between the presented sounds.
A JND (also called difference limen or threshold) is sought
using an adaptive staircase procedure. The details of this procedure are described elsewhere (8). Briefly, after a training
session to make the listener familiar with the task and the test
sounds used, the test starts with a large $F of 41 Hz. In case
the test person discriminates the 2 sounds, $F is reduced, and
vice versa, according to a dithered one-up one-down procedure
converging to the 50% point on the psychometric curve. Internal controls and stochastic processes are implemented to enhance the reliability and to sanction and correct for false-positive
responses. Intensity roving (T2 dB) is applied to discourage listeners to use any possible loudness cues to discriminate between
sounds. Reaction times are recorded on every trial, and total test
duration is measured.
Initially, the stimulus domain was constructed to contain 41
stimulus levels ranging from the 200 Hz reference to a 350 Hz
FIG. 1. Spectrograms of the stimuli: on the left, the nonintonating 200-Hz harmonic complex; in the middle, the harmonic intonating sound
with all harmonics sweeping from N*200 to N*294 Hz; and on the right, the disharmonic intonation, with only the fundamental frequency
sweeping from 200 to 294 Hz, keeping higher harmonics fixed at their initial frequency.
Otology & Neurotology, Vol. 32, No. 5, 2011
Copyright © 2011 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
maximum. Interlevel intervals were decreased stepwise from
a 1/12 semitone interval in the 200 to 208 Hz range over a 1/6
semitone interval in the 208 to 229 Hz range to a 1/3 semitone
interval in the 229 to 350 Hz range. To qualify the setup with
the chosen stimulus domain as a robust and accurate measure
of pitch perception, a test-retest validation was performed in 29
human subjects. The observed mean absolute difference (TSD)
between test and retest was 0.043 (T0.032) semitones for HI and
0.043 (T0.63) semitones for DI. Based on this variability, the
minimum interlevel interval for both tests was set to the 0.17
semitones, which represents the 97.5th percentile of the observed differences for the most variation-sensitive test (DI). The
chosen minimum interlevel interval is expected to cause a testretest variability of maximum 1 interval in 95% of test runs.
The new stimulus domain is depicted in Figure 2 and contains
36 stimulus levels ranging from the 200 Hz reference to a new
414 Hz maximum. The interlevel interval is kept constant at 1/6
semitones for levels up to 224 Hz, which is 2 semitones above
the reference level. From there on, the interval increases linearly
and with respect to the stimulus level. By decreasing accuracy at
higher JNDs, it is expected that the average duration of the test
is decreased, in particular when performed in hearing-impaired
subjects. Based on the available stimulus levels, the algorithm
sets the initial level to 241 Hz and applies an initial step size of
9 levels. Whenever the procedure was unable to converge to
a threshold (e.g., the subject’s JND is not in the range of the
stimulus domain), a JND of 220 Hz was coded for the current
analysis. Both HI and DI tests are implemented in the A§E
psychoacoustic test battery (6,9).
The new test setup was then used to estimate JNDs for pitch
perception in the normal-hearing population. Ninety subjects
aged between 18 and 53 years were recruited from 3 different
language groups (Dutch, Italian, and Romanian). All subjects
had normal audiometric thresholds (G20 dB HL at octave frequencies between 125 and 8,000 Hz) at both ears and reported
no otologic history. Written informed consent was obtained for
all participants. Both HI and DI test results were compared
across language groups (Mann-Whitney U test). Results from
different languages were then pooled to calculate the 95% confidence interval and to extract normative data for both tests.
To explore the practical use of the intonation tests, a pilot
study was set up with 18 hearing-impaired individuals who were
selected into 3 pathologic groups of 6 subjects each: 1) high
frequency hearing loss (HF) featuring audiometric thresholds
(better ear) better than 25 dB HL at 250 and 500 Hz and worse
than 40 dB HL at 2, 4, and 8 kHz (testing was done in the
unaided condition); 2) low frequency hearing loss (LF) featuring audiometric thresholds (better ear) worse than 35 dB HL
at 500 Hz and better than the threshold at 500 Hz at 2 and 4 kHz,
and 3) cochlear implant users (CI) featuring a normal cochlear
anatomy and unaided audiometric thresholds of more than 80 dB
HL at the better ear, having been implanted (with full electrode
insertion) with their first and only CI more than 6 months before
the start of the experiments. Three of them were using the AB
HiRes90k implant with Harmony processor (Advanced Bionics
LLC, Valencia, CA, USA), the other 3 were using the Cochlear
Nucleus 24 with Freedom processor (Cochlear Ltd., Sydney,
Australia). The presentation level was 20 dB SL with a minimum
of 70 dB SPL. Nonparametric statistics (box and whisker plots,
Kruskall-Wallis, and Mann-Whitney U tests) were used to display
the results and to compare the results between the 3 pathologic
groups and between each group and the hearing subjects and
paired nonparametric statistics (Wilcoxon test) to compare the
differences between HI and DI results within subjects.
Figure 3 shows the results of normal-hearing subjects
for HI (left hand side) and DI (right hand side). No statistically significant differences were found between different
language groups, except for the HI results between Dutch
(median JND, 1.5 Hz) and Italian (median JND, 2.5 Hz)
speakers ( p G 0.01). This difference of 0.09 semitones is
clinically and linguistically irrelevant. Therefore, data from
different language groups were pooled to obtain normative data, which are depicted in black (Fig. 3). The HI test
results (median JND, 2.0 Hz) seemed to be significantly
different from the DI test results (median JND, 3.0 Hz)
( p G 0.001).
Figure 4 shows the results of the pathologic groups.
The HF group showed median JNDs of 2.0 Hz for HI
and 5.0 Hz for DI with the majority of subjects having
scores within the reference range. However, the LF and
CI groups showed significant differences ( p G 0.01) in
both HI and DI tests when compared with the normative
FIG. 2. The possible stimulus levels in both versions of the tests. The initial stimulus domain (crosses) featured a stepwise increase in
interlevel interval going up to a maximum of 350 Hz (i.e., 9.7 semitones above the reference stimulus level of 200 Hz). The domain after testretest validation (triangles) features a constant interlevel interval of 1/6 semitones for levels up to 224 Hz (i.e., 2.0 semitones above
reference). From there on, the interlevel interval increases linearly at a ratio of 1/12 semitone per 1 semitone increase in stimulus level up to
a 414 Hz maximum (i.e., 12.6 semitones above reference).
Otology & Neurotology, Vol. 32, No. 5, 2011
Copyright © 2011 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
FIG. 3. The results in hearing subjects on the HI (left graphs) and
the DI (right graphs) test as box and whiskers plots, where the
central dot represents the median, the box the interquartile region,
the whiskers the range, and the separate dots the outliers). The
results for each language group are depicted in gray (NL: Dutch,
RO: Romanian, IT: Italian) and the pooled results in black.
data. The LF group obtained median scores of 54.0 and
94.0 Hz and the CI group, 7.5 and 158.5 Hz, on HI and
DI, respectively. Across all runs of both HI and DI, the
average (TSD) test duration was 144 seconds (T105 s).
The purpose of the harmonic and disharmonic intonation tests is to provide a clinical instrument to evaluate
the spectral discrimination of the auditory system in the
low-frequency range. They assess the perception of pitch
changes in low-frequency complex tones. Two particular
but inseparable peripheral auditory mechanisms are believed to lie at the origin of the spectral discriminative
power of the cochlea. One of them is based on place of
excitation (tonotopy) and conveys intonation through a
spatial alteration of the population of active nerve fibers.
The other is a time-based mechanism (phase locking) that
locks onto the TFS of the signal to keep the nerve firings
in sync with the fluctuations of sound pressure in time
and conveys intonation by changing the auditory nerve
fibers’ firing rate, keeping it in pace with the instantaneous frequency of the signal. Although many experiments have indicated that the contribution of each of these
mechanisms to the total of useful information that is centrally processed may vary according to the nature of the
signal, no single experiment exists to isolate one of 2
mechanisms completely. Nonetheless, it is believed that
in low frequencies, phase locking is the more important
mechanism for conveying pitch.
The HI and DI tests were designed to investigate pitch
perception in a clinical situation. When comparing the
stimuli, it is seen that the cue in HI is more salient: all
harmonics are swept together with the fundamental. It is
reasonable to assume that both place and time-based codes
contribute to the accurate detection of this kind of intonation. However, in the DI stimuli, it is only the fundamental frequency that shifts. Looking at the critical bandwidth
of auditory filters, it seems impossible to transfer an intonation as subtle as a few hertz in the 200-Hz region by a
place-based code (10). In consequence, time-based codes
are likely to dominate the accurate detection of this kind of
intonation. In theory, keeping the higher harmonics fixed
while the fundamental sweeps causes beating, and this may
introduce a new cue that could bias the results. Beating
occurs when 2 sound waves of different frequency are
presented simultaneously. This causes a modulation that
is the result of the alternating constructive and destructive
interference between the waves. However, this possible
bias only comes into play for JNDs much higher than a
couple of hertz. The beat frequency is equal to the absolute
value of the difference in frequency of the 2 waves. So for
instance, with F1 = 200 Hz and F2 = 320 Hz, the beat
frequency will be |200Y320| = 120 beats per second (bps).
In our DI test, beating occurs when F0 interferes with the
stationary 400-Hz harmonic. Hence, with F0 = 202.5 Hz,
the beat frequency is |400Y202.5| = 197.5 bps. However,
temporal modulation transfer functions are known to be
low pass with a cutoff frequency near 70 bps for normalhearing listeners (11). This indicates that a beat frequency
of 192.5 bps could not be a cue to distinguish 2 signals.
Temporal beatings in the DI stimulus can only serve to
distinguish a tone with a stationary F0 of 200 Hz from one
with a gliding F0 from 200 to 330 Hz or higher. However,
then it is no longer relevant for the clinical interpretation
of the test results. As shown, JNDs above 4 or 10 Hz are
outside the clinical normal zone.
Another possible bias in the DI test results could come
from the dissonance or loss of harmony in the signal that
causes the percept of a split tone and a severely changing waveform that could lead to a lower JND. However,
FIG. 4. The HI (left graphs) and DI (right graphs) results of the
pilot study in subjects with hearing loss (see legend to Fig. 3 to
understand the box and whisker plots). HF, high-frequency hearing loss; LF, low-frequency hearing loss; CI, cochlear implant
users; and normal, the normal data (Fig. 3).
Otology & Neurotology, Vol. 32, No. 5, 2011
Copyright © 2011 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
the results show that listeners are less sensitive to this
loss of harmony than they are to the harmonic intonation.
In normal-hearing subjects, differences between HI and
DI, although statistically highly significant ( p G 0.001),
are so small (1 Hz) that they are unlikely to be clinically
In conclusion, it seems fair to say that both tests are
easily performed in normal-hearing subjects, that the results are in line with earlier findings of JNDs for pitch
changes, which are approximately between 1 and 4 Hz
in the 200-Hz range and that the 2 tests do not assess fully
identical psychoacoustic phenomena.
In addition, no relevant differences were found between
language groups. We wanted to make sure that the normative data were not biased by the linguistic background
of the listener. As said, pitch is used to convey linguistic
information, but the importance of it can be different in
different languages. For instance, the perception of syllable prominence in Dutch is predominantly cued by pitch
and, to a lesser degree, by syllable duration, whereas in
Italian, it is the other way around (12,13). It would be
conceivable that Dutch listeners therefore have better
acuity for pitch than Italian speakers. Because no differences were found between the Germanic and Romance
language used, the tests seem largely language independent and applicable in different language groups.
The adjusted stimulus domain (after validation) is expected to cause a test-retest variability less than 1 interlevel interval, which adds to the robustness of the tests.
Test durations measured indicate that, on average, HI
and DI together can be performed in a single subject in
less than 5 minutes. Together with the included training
mode, this makes that the tests are well feasible in clinical
Once a test is feasible in clinical practice and normative data have been obtained, the next step is to evaluate
whether it is relevant in diagnostic, that is, pathologic
situations. Although this is beyond the scope of the present article, preliminary results have been obtained in
different groups with abnormal hearing. Although the
numbers are too low to draw any robust conclusions, remarkable differences between results on HI and DI seem to
exist in these groups.
The results of the CI group show that the majority of
these subjects are performing reasonably well on the HI
task, presumably because they are still able to use the
place cue caused by all harmonics sweeping to detect
pitch changes. On the DI task, the only spectral cue
consists of the 200 Hz component shifting. As current
CI devices are mainly tonotopically organized and have
a limited number of electrodes, it is not likely that a
subtle change in a single-frequency component causes a
different electrode to be stimulated (14). The frequency
bandwidth of the most apical channel was 250 to 416 Hz
for the AB device and 188 to 313 Hz for the Nucleus
device. Because no or only limited TFS is conveyed
within one spectral band, the fundamental frequency needs
to be analyzed into a different spectral band (causing a
change in the physical stimulation site) for its sweep to
be detected. As said before, high stimulus levels ($F,
9150 Hz) also cause temporal beatings in the DI signal that may serve as cue for CI users to discriminate between sounds. This hypothesis is in line with the high
JNDs on the DI test observed in the CI group (median
JND, 158.5 Hz).
The different JNDs for HI and DI in the LF group
could be attributed to the fact that the loss of audibility
in the low-frequency region also impacts the spectral
discrimination within this region. In general, this is attributed to the broadening of auditory filters as a result of
malfunctioning hair cells. As the concept of filter bandwidth is not exclusively built on either place- or timebased coding, broadening may result from deficiencies
in either or both of them. However, as discussed in the
introduction, it is reasonable to assume that temporal
coding is dominant in the DI task. Although speculative
at this stage, it seems appealing to consider that this
test might distinguish patients with perceptive hearing loss
FIG. 5. The musician’s audiometric thresholds for right (left graph) and left (right graph) ears at different points in time. The dark gray curves
show thresholds at initial measurement (T0). The light gray curves show thresholds measured 4 months later (T0+4).
Otology & Neurotology, Vol. 32, No. 5, 2011
Copyright © 2011 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
music appreciation. The tests have been shown to be
clinically feasible with limited test duration and robust
results. They also have been shown to be relevant because
they are able to distinguish between different subpopulations and among individuals within subpopulations.
This indicates that useful information could be extracted
from application of the tests, and it is anticipated that
they will enable clinicians to explore different pathologic conditions and that they may become instrumental in both diagnostic and therapeutic applications. They
have been implemented in the A§E2009 psychoacoustic
test suite (http://www.otoconsult.com) and are available
for further exploration and clinical use (15Y17).
FIG. 6. The HI (left graphs) and DI (right graphs) results for both
the left ear (squares) and the right ear (dots) of the musician at
different points in time and in comparison with normal data.
The results for the left ear show normalization of HI after 4 months
(T0+4) and of DI after 9 months (T0+9).
who have good low-frequency TFS coding (phase locking)
from others who have not.
An additional illustration comes from 1 particular subject having a low-frequency hearing loss, not included in
the LF group. This subject was a professional musician
who experienced episodes of dizziness, loss of equilibrium, and left-sided tinnitus since more than 6 months. He
presented with recently developed hearing loss, distorted
sound perception, and fullness at the left ear. Pure tone
audiogram showed a low-frequency perceptive hearing
loss, mainly at the left side (Fig. 5). He showed abnormal
test results on both the HI and the DI test (Fig. 6). He was
given medical treatment for Ménière’s disease (betahistine
and antidepressants) for 4 months, and when he returned,
the audiometric thresholds had normalized (Fig. 5). Still,
he felt unable to take up work again because, as a professional musician, he reported not to be able to follow the
tone of his fellow musicians. When asked to specify, he
said that ‘‘the harmonics sounded too loud, while the
ground tone seemed to be missing.’’ The test showed that
the HI result had normalized, whereas the DI result had
remained abnormal (Fig. 6). Five months later, the man
returned with the message that he had taken up work again
and that, subjectively, the symptoms had disappeared. Test
results confirmed normalization of the DI result as can be
seen in Figure 6.
In conclusion, the HI and DI tests address the need
for a more fine-grained and targeted clinical evaluation of
the cochlear function. They provide clinicians with an
instrument to assess the perception of low-frequency
pitch perception, which is particularly important for understanding speech in multi-talker situations and also
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Otology & Neurotology, Vol. 32, No. 5, 2011
Copyright © 2011 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.