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1981, BioSystems
4 pages
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This paper reviews current knowledge concerning the identity of Nephromycez, a collection of fungus-like cells found in the renal sac of all molgulid tunicates thus far examined. The following has been demonstrated: (1) The cells called Nephromyces do exist, and are not produced by their tunicate hosts, but are something foreign to these animals. (2) Many forms of "Nephromyces" cells are present simultaneously in the renal sac of adults of each molguUd species. Despite their extraordinarily eclectic appearance, all these cells are part of the same life cycle. (3) Initial ultrastructural data indicate that Nephromyces is a eukaryote. They also suggest that, despite the speculations of early authors, Nephromyces may not be a Chytridiomycete.
Biological Bulletin, 1982
In various anecdotal reports, nineteenth and early twentieth century authors have asserted that microbial cells, â€oe¿ Nephromyces,― are present in the renal sac of the ascidian Molgu!a. This study confirms the presence of such cells in the renal sac lumen of five Molgula species (M. manhattensis, M. arenata, M. complanata, M. citrina, M. occidentalis) and one species of the molgulid genus Bostrichobran chus (B. pilularis). This is the first report (using modern taxonomic schemes) of Nephromyces from a molgulid genus other than Molgula.
Biological Bulletin, 1982
The renal sac of the sea squirt Molgula manhattensis consistently harbors a collection of fungus-like cells, â€oe¿ Nephromyces―. These cells are not Mo!gu!a cells, but an organism(s) foreign to the host. Nephromyces does not have an obligate intermediate host. Nephromyces is not transmitted with the gametes of Mo!gula, but can be transmitted to Mo!gu!a through the ambient water. Nephromyces is released into the water after death of its host, although not necessarily only at this time. Mo!gu!a acquires Nephromyces after the initiation of feeding, which follows settling and metamorphosis. Nephromyces remains infective for at least twenty nine days after isolation from its host.
Biological Bulletin, 1988
Two urate-producing ascidians, Molgula manhattensis and M. occidentalis, were tested for urate oxidase activity. Microradioassays were carried out on the wall and lumen fluid of the urate-containing, mol gulid renal sac, on the renal sac endosymbiont Nephro myces, and on non-renal sac molgulid tissue. These as says indicate that urate is degraded enzymatically in the renal sac. However, this uricolytic activity is concen trated in Nephromyces, rather than in host renal sac tissue.
With malaria parasites (Plasmodium spp.), Toxoplasma, and many other species of medical and veterinary importance its iconic repre- sentatives, the protistan phylum Apicomplexa has long been de- fined as a group composed entirely of parasites and pathogens. We present here a report of a beneficial apicomplexan: the mutual- istic marine endosymbiont Nephromyces. For more than a century, the peculiar structural and developmental features of Nephromy- ces, and its unusual habitat, have thwarted characterization of the phylogenetic affinities of this eukaryotic microbe. Using short-sub- unit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) sequences as key evidence, with sequence identity confirmed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), we show that Nephromyces, originally classified as a chytrid fungus, is actually an apicomplexan. Inferences from rDNA data are further supported by the several apicomplexan-like structural fea- tures in Nephromyces, including especially the strong resemblance of Nephromyces infective stages to apicomplexan sporozoites. The striking emergence of the mutualistic Nephromyces from a quintes- sentially parasitic clade accentuates the promise of this organism, and the three-partner symbiosis of which it is a part, as a model for probing the factors underlying the evolution of mutualism, patho- genicity, and infectious disease.
BioSystems, 1984
Because most recent treatments of the protists (‘lower’ eukaryotes comprising the kingdom PROTISTA Haeckel, 1866) have been preoccupied with either a ‘phylogenetic-tree’ approach or a discussion of the impact of possible endosymbiotic origins of major intracellular organelles, the overall systematics of the group, from taxonomic and nomenclatural points of view, has been almost totally neglected. As a result, confusion over contained phyla, their places in a classification scheme, and even their names (and authorships) is growing; the situation could become chaotic. The principal objective of the present paper is to recognize the taxonomic interrelationships among all protist groups; and it includes the specific proposal that some 45 phyla, defined and characterized, be assigned to 18 supraphyletic assemblages within the kingdom PROTISTA (itself redefined and contrasted with the other eukaryotic kingdoms recognized here: ANIMALIA, PLANTAE and FUNGI). Vernacular terms are employed for identification of the 18 assemblages, but defensible formal names are proposed at the level of phylum. None is presented as new: authorship-and-date credits are given to preceding workers on the taxonomy of the many groups involved. By presenting taxonomic characterizations as well as relevant nomenclatural data for each taxon described, a comprehensive scheme of overall higher-level classification within the kingdom emerges that may be considered to serve as a solid base or ‘taking-off point’ for future discussions.The 18 supraphyletic groups and their phyla (in parentheses and including authorships and dates of their formal names) are as follows: I. The rhizopods (phyla Karyoblastea Margulis, 1974; Amoebozoa Lühe, 1913; Acrasia Van Tieghem, 1880; Eumycetozoa Zopf, 1885; Plasmodiophorea Zopf, 1885; Granuloreticulosa De Saedeleer, 1934; incertae sedisXenophyophora Schulze, 1904). II. The mastigomycetes (Hypochytridiomycota Sparrow, 1959; Oomycota Winter, 1897; incert. sed.Chytridiomycota Sparrow, 1959). III. The chlorobionts (Chlorophyta Pascher, 1914; Prasinophyta Christensen, 1962; Conjugatophyta Engler, 1892; Charophyta Rabenhorst, 1863; incert. sed.Glaucophyta Bohlin, 1901). IV. The euglenozoa (Euglenophyta Pascher, 1931; Kinetoplastidea Honigberg, 1963; incert. sed.Pseudociliata Corliss & Lipscomb, 1982). V. The rhodophytes (Rhodophyta Rabenhorst, 1863). VI. The cryptomonads (Cryptophyta Pascher, 1914). VII. The choanoflagellates (Choanoflagellata Kent, 1880). VIII. The chromobionts (Chrysophyta Pascher, 1914; Haptophyta Christensen, 1962; Bacillariophyta Engler & Gild, 1924; Xanthophyta Allorge in Fritsch, 1935; Eustigmatophyta Hibberd & Leedale, 1970; Phaeophyta Kjellman, 1891; incert. sed.Proteromonadea Grassé in Grassé, 1952). IX. The labyrinthomorphs (Labyrinthulea Cienkowski, 1867; Thraustochytriacea Sparrow, 1943 [possibly infraphyletic rank?]). X The polymastigotes (Metamonadea Grassé in Grassé, 1952; Parabasalia Honigberg, 1973). XI. The paraflagellates (Opalinata Wenyon, 1926). XII. The actinopods (Heliozoa Haeckel, 1866; Taxopoda Fol, 1883; Acantharia Haeckel, 1879; Polycystina Ehrenberg, 1839; Phaeodaria Haeckel, 1879). XIII. The dinoflagellates (Peridinea Ehrenberg, 1830; Syndinea Chatton, 1920). XIV. The ciliates (Ciliophora Doflein, 1901). XV. The sporozoa (Sporozoa Leuckart, 1879). XVI. The microsporidia (Microsporidia Balbiani, 1882). XVII. The haplosporidia (Haplosporidia Caullery & Mesnil, 1899). XVIII. The myxosporidia (Myxosporidia Bütschli, 1881; incert. sed.Actinomyxidea Štolc, 1899 [perhaps not separate phylum?]).
Two different kinds of filtration nephridia, protonephridia and metanephridia, are described in Polychaeta. During ontogenesis protonephridia generally precede metanephridia. While the latter are segmentally arranged, protonephridia are characteristic for the larva and are the first nephridial structure formed during ontogenesis. There is strong evidence that both organs depend on the same information and that their specific structure depends on the way in which the coelom is formed and which final expansion it gains. While metanephridia are regarded to be homologous throughout the polychaetes, protonephridia seem to have evolved in several lineages. Some of the protonephridia closely resemble less differentiated stages of metanephridial development, so that protonephridial evolution can be explained by truncation of the metanephridial development. Nevertheless, structural details are large enough to allow us to expect information on the polychaete evolution if the database on polychaete nephridia increases. A comparison of the polychaete metanephridia with those of the Clitellata and Sipuncula reveals some surprising details. In Clitellata the structure of the funnel is quite uniform in microdrilid oligochaetous Clitellata and resembles that of the aeolosomatids. Like the nephridia in the polychaete taxa sabellida and Terebellida, those of the Sipunucla possess podocytes covering the coelomic side of the duct.
Tissue and Cell, 1991
Nephrocytes are said to be able to take up substances from the hemolymph. In Opiliones, which were examined electron microscopically three different types of nephrocytes were found. Numerous large nephrocytes lie clustered between the muscles in the anterior region of the body. Smaller nephrocytes occur scattered throughout the opilionid body, often afftxed to tracheoles. The third group, pcricardial cells, are always attached to the heart wall by connective ligaments. All nephrocytes are surrounded by a thick basement membrane and their plasma membrane forms pedicels. Junctional complexes link the adjacent pedicels to form diaphragm-like slit-membranes, which form the entrance to an extracelhdar compartment. The cytoplasm of the nephrocytes contains many pinocytotic vesicles and tubular elements. Different types of large electron-dense and electron-lucent vesicles can be distinguished. Occasionally a large bundle of unmyehnated nerve fibers is enclosed by a pericardial cell. Morphological differences between the types of nephrocytes are described and the ultrastructural characteristics of the nephrocytes of harvestmen are compared with those of other arthropods. Functional aspects are discussed with respect to their ultrafiltration structures.
Nephridiophagids are poorly known unicellular eukaryotes, previously of uncertain systematic position, that parasitize the Malpighian tubules of insects. Their life cycle includes merogony with multinucleate plasmodia and sporogony leading to small, uninucleate spores. We examined the phylogenetic affiliations of three species of Nephridiophaga, including one new species, Nephridiophaga maderae, from the Madeira cockroach (Leucophaea maderae). In addition to the specific host, the new species differs from those already known by the size of the spores and by the number of spores within the sporogenic plasmodium. The inferred phylogenetic analyses strongly support a placement of the nephridiophagids in the fungal kingdom near its root and with a close, but unresolved, relationship to the chytids (Chytridiomycota). We found evidence for the nephridiophagidean speciation as being strongly coupled to host speciation.
Nephridiophagids are poorly known unicellular eukaryotes, previously of uncertain systematic position, that parasitize the Malpighian tubules of insects. Their life cycle includes merogony with multinucleate plasmodia and sporogony leading to small, uninucleate spores. We examined the phylogenetic affiliations of three species of Nephridiophaga, including one new species, Nephridiophaga maderae, from the Madeira cockroach (Leucophaea maderae). In addition to the specific host, the new species differs from those already known by the size of the spores and by the number of spores within the sporogenic plasmodium. The inferred phylogenetic analyses strongly support a placement of the nephridiophagids in the fungal kingdom near its root and with a close, but unresolved, relationship to the chytids (Chytridiomycota). We found evidence for the nephridiophagidean speciation as being strongly coupled to host speciation.
Zoomorphology, 1989
Different developmental stages (trochophores, nectochaetae, non-mature and mature adults) of A n a i t i d e s m u c o s a were investigated ultrastructurally. A. m u c o s a has protonephridia throughout its life; during maturity a ciliated funnel is attached to these organs. The protonephridial duct cells are multiciliated, while the terminal cells are monociliated. The single cilium is surrounded by 14 microvilli which extend into the duct lumen without coming into any contact with the duct cells. Corresponding ultrastructure and development indicate that larval and adult protonephridia are identical in A. m u c o s a . Differences between various developmental stages can be observed only in the number of cells per protonephridium. A comparison between the funnel cells, the cells of the coelothel and the duct cells reveals that the ciliated funnel is a derivative of the duct. Due to the identical nature of the larval and postlarval protonephridia, such a funnel cannot be a secondary structure. In comparison with the mesodermally derived metanephridial funnel in phoronids it seems likely that the metanephridia of annelids and phoronids evolved convergently.
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