Papers by Rosanell Troisi Hernandez
© i995. HUMBERTO MATURANAROMESÍN. Inscripción N 86.419. Santiago de Chile. Derechos de edición re... more © i995. HUMBERTO MATURANAROMESÍN. Inscripción N 86.419. Santiago de Chile. Derechos de edición reservados para todos los países por e EDITORIAL UNIVERSITARIA. SA Avda. Bernardo O'Higgins 1050. Santiago de Chile. editor@ universitaria. cl Ninguna parte de este libro, ...
BioSystems, 1984
Because most recent treatments of the protists (‘lower’ eukaryotes comprising the kingdom PROTIST... more Because most recent treatments of the protists (‘lower’ eukaryotes comprising the kingdom PROTISTA Haeckel, 1866) have been preoccupied with either a ‘phylogenetic-tree’ approach or a discussion of the impact of possible endosymbiotic origins of major intracellular organelles, the overall systematics of the group, from taxonomic and nomenclatural points of view, has been almost totally neglected. As a result, confusion over contained phyla, their places in a classification scheme, and even their names (and authorships) is growing; the situation could become chaotic. The principal objective of the present paper is to recognize the taxonomic interrelationships among all protist groups; and it includes the specific proposal that some 45 phyla, defined and characterized, be assigned to 18 supraphyletic assemblages within the kingdom PROTISTA (itself redefined and contrasted with the other eukaryotic kingdoms recognized here: ANIMALIA, PLANTAE and FUNGI). Vernacular terms are employed for identification of the 18 assemblages, but defensible formal names are proposed at the level of phylum. None is presented as new: authorship-and-date credits are given to preceding workers on the taxonomy of the many groups involved. By presenting taxonomic characterizations as well as relevant nomenclatural data for each taxon described, a comprehensive scheme of overall higher-level classification within the kingdom emerges that may be considered to serve as a solid base or ‘taking-off point’ for future discussions.The 18 supraphyletic groups and their phyla (in parentheses and including authorships and dates of their formal names) are as follows: I. The rhizopods (phyla Karyoblastea Margulis, 1974; Amoebozoa Lühe, 1913; Acrasia Van Tieghem, 1880; Eumycetozoa Zopf, 1885; Plasmodiophorea Zopf, 1885; Granuloreticulosa De Saedeleer, 1934; incertae sedisXenophyophora Schulze, 1904). II. The mastigomycetes (Hypochytridiomycota Sparrow, 1959; Oomycota Winter, 1897; incert. sed.Chytridiomycota Sparrow, 1959). III. The chlorobionts (Chlorophyta Pascher, 1914; Prasinophyta Christensen, 1962; Conjugatophyta Engler, 1892; Charophyta Rabenhorst, 1863; incert. sed.Glaucophyta Bohlin, 1901). IV. The euglenozoa (Euglenophyta Pascher, 1931; Kinetoplastidea Honigberg, 1963; incert. sed.Pseudociliata Corliss & Lipscomb, 1982). V. The rhodophytes (Rhodophyta Rabenhorst, 1863). VI. The cryptomonads (Cryptophyta Pascher, 1914). VII. The choanoflagellates (Choanoflagellata Kent, 1880). VIII. The chromobionts (Chrysophyta Pascher, 1914; Haptophyta Christensen, 1962; Bacillariophyta Engler & Gild, 1924; Xanthophyta Allorge in Fritsch, 1935; Eustigmatophyta Hibberd & Leedale, 1970; Phaeophyta Kjellman, 1891; incert. sed.Proteromonadea Grassé in Grassé, 1952). IX. The labyrinthomorphs (Labyrinthulea Cienkowski, 1867; Thraustochytriacea Sparrow, 1943 [possibly infraphyletic rank?]). X The polymastigotes (Metamonadea Grassé in Grassé, 1952; Parabasalia Honigberg, 1973). XI. The paraflagellates (Opalinata Wenyon, 1926). XII. The actinopods (Heliozoa Haeckel, 1866; Taxopoda Fol, 1883; Acantharia Haeckel, 1879; Polycystina Ehrenberg, 1839; Phaeodaria Haeckel, 1879). XIII. The dinoflagellates (Peridinea Ehrenberg, 1830; Syndinea Chatton, 1920). XIV. The ciliates (Ciliophora Doflein, 1901). XV. The sporozoa (Sporozoa Leuckart, 1879). XVI. The microsporidia (Microsporidia Balbiani, 1882). XVII. The haplosporidia (Haplosporidia Caullery & Mesnil, 1899). XVIII. The myxosporidia (Myxosporidia Bütschli, 1881; incert. sed.Actinomyxidea Štolc, 1899 [perhaps not separate phylum?]).
Papers by Rosanell Troisi Hernandez