Richard R. Lessard, Gregory DeMarco, and Roger C. Prince
Exxon Research & Engineering Company
180 Park Avenue
Flor ham Park, New Jersey 07932
Jeny Canevari
G. P. Canevari and Associates
104 Central Avenue
Cranford, New Jersey 07016
ABSTRACT: The Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989 was the largest
marine oil spill in U.S. history. It triggered a massive cleanup
and accelerated major changes to the U.S. structure for
combating oil spills. It also led to a number of successful new
programs within Exxon and industiy aimed at reducing incidents,
minimizing spillage of oil worldwide, and improving the
capability to respond in the event of a spill. Exxon's response
effort is widely acknowledged as the largest peacetime industrial
mobilization ever in the United States and possibly in the world.
Exxon immediately accepted responsibility and committed
resources and personnel to clean up the environment affected by
the spill
The Valdez spill is the most studied ever. The cleanup involved
the use of technology not previously applied to large spills. Many
of these applications are now the subject of ongoing international
research programs aimed at improving the ability to respond.
This paper, written by several Exxon scientists who conducted
technical studies in support of the cleanup, summarizes many of
the technical learnings and advances that came out of the spill,
and subsequent research studies with emphasis on how these
apply to today's spills. This paper discusses only the response and
cleanup. Exxon also initiated a number of programs to mitigate
impacts on people, communities and wildlife affected by the spill.
its regrets, and committed to clean up the spill. After a short
transition period, Exxon took over management of all response
operations working under the direction of the U.S. Coast Guard
Federal On-Scene Coordinator (FOSC).
Though this spill still remains the largest in U.S. history to the
marine environment, the amount spilled ranks it relatively low on
the list of all-time worldwide spills—number 53 according to the
latest data summary issued by Cutter Information Corp. (Cutter
Information, 1998). What made the Valdez spill noteworthy and
led to such a massive response effort was the extent of shoreline
impact (over 1,300 miles/2,000 km) and the environmentally
sensitive area in which it occurred.
Exxon personnel arriving on the scene had four priorities all to
be worked concurrently (Harrison, 1991). The highest and most
immediate priority was to off-load 1 million barrels (about
160,000 tonnes) of crude which remained on the Valdez—about
80% of the original cargo. Though the vessel was precariously
balanced on Bligh Reef, Exxon experts worked closely with
Coast Guard personnel to successfully transfer all the cargo to
other tankers. This was later viewed as a major achievement,
particularly because it occurred over an 11-day period without
injury or further loss of cargo despite 15-foot (5-meter) tides and
a major storm.
The next priority was identification and protection of sensitive
environmental areas. All parties involved, including fishermen,
developed a priority listing of valuable resources. At the top of
the list were salmon hatcheries. The early boom deployment
focused on the hatcheries and important salmon streams and the
oil was kept out of those areas. This was another very positive
The third priority was on removal of oil from the water. For
this priority there were disappointments. Overall, only about
60,000 barrels (9400 tonnes) of emulsion containing about 25%
oil were collected by mechanical skimmers.
The fourth priority was the removal of oil from the shorelines.
This paper focuses on the third and fourth priorities.
Summary of the spill
On March 24, 1989, the Exxon Valdez, a 987-foot (300-meter),
state-of-the-art tanker carrying 1.25 million barrels (196,000
tonnes) of Alaska North Slope (ANS) crude oil went aground on
Bligh Reef in Alaska's Prince William Sound. The grounding
opened 8 of the vessel's 11 cargo tanks and 3 of the 5 ballast
tanks, releasing about 260,000 barrels (41,000 tonnes) of ANS
into the water, almost all of it within the first few hours. The site
of the spill was very remote, far from major population centers
and only accessible by boat and aircraft. Consistent with the area
oil spill contingency plan, the initial response was carried out by
Alyeska Pipeline Service Company (operator of the marine
terminal at Valdez) and by the U.S. Coast Guard. Exxon has very
limited operations in Alaska. However, company personnel began
arriving from its main center of operations on the Gulf Coast of
Texas, some 3,000 miles (5,000 km) away, on the first day of the
spill. Exxon acknowledged responsibility for the spill, expressed
Response to the oil on the water
Spill response experts agree that spills which have had obvious
and significant biological impacts have always involved near-
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Robert J. Fiocco
R. J. Fiocco Associates
77 Pine Grove Avenue
Summit, New Jersey 07901
Y€ >s
No or Partially
Figure 1. State of Alaska dispersant-use decision matrix in
on the part of regulators as to whether or not oil would be
dispersible. The result is Corexit 9500, a new product which has
now been demonstrated effective on heavy, weathered and
emulsified oils in the laboratory, in field tests and on actual spills.
Corexit 9500 can disperse even heavy bunker oils provided they
are still fluid enough to spread (Fiocco and Lessard, 1997;
Lessard et. al., 1998). The key to the effectiveness of this product
is the use of solvents that readily penetrate and remain in the oil
film ("enhanced self-mixing") resisting extraction by sea water
which enables the surfactants to carry out their function at the
oil/water interface. Solvents used in earlier products, such as
Corexit 9527, are more water soluble and can be extracted out of
the oil, given sufficient time. This is not a problem for fresh or
relatively unweathered oils because the film is loose and
surfactants are more mobile and reach the interface very rapidly.
But it can become an issue as the oil film viscosity rises and the
rate of diffusion to the interface becomes slower and takes longer
to occur.
The key milestones in demonstrating the effectiveness of the
new product were lab studies by Battelle Ocean Sciences in 1996
and the North Sea trials conducted by the U.K. National
Environmental Technology Centre in 1997. In the Battelle tests,
using weathered oils from the Morris J. Berman spill in Puerto
Rico and samples of heating oil from one of Florida Power and
Light's electrical plants, scientists demonstrated that Corexit 9500
maintains effectiveness at viscosities as high as 80,000 cP (see
Figure 2). In the ensuing North Sea trials, significant quantities of
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shore or intertidal accumulations of oil (Lewis and Aurand,
1997). A successful response is one that prevents or minimizes
the amount of oil reaching sensitive areas, preferably by
removing it from the water but, failing that, by dispersing it into
deep water where its impact can be less damaging to the
environment. This position is supported by many international
organizations, including the National Research Council (Butler,
1989; NRC, 1989), the International Maritime Organization, and
the United Nations Environment Programme (IMO, 1995).
The most critical time period during an oil spill response is
early in the spill while the oil is still on the water. During that
early period, oil is in its most confined and thickest state. All
response options, be they mechanical, dispersion, or burning,
have highest efficiency and effectiveness when applied as soon as
possible after the spill has occurred. In the case of the Valdez, a
number of factors worked against a prompt response. Mechanical
equipment was for the most part unavailable in the first few days
because the barge used for storage and transport of this
equipment was under repair This left chemical dispersion as the
only practical option.
In 1989, Alaska was the only state in the United States to have
defined pre-authorized zones where dispersants could be
deployed at the sole decision of the FOSC without need for
approval by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the
state of Alaska (Lessard and DeMarco, 1998). The FOSC was
merely required to inform these parties of the decision as soon as
possible after making it. However, the dispersant-use decision
matrix for Alaska (see Figure 1) contained a step requiring
verification that the oil type and condition made it dispersible
before granting approval for widespread use (Fräser, 1989).
Paradoxically, the state plan also stated that if dispersants were to
have maximum benefit, immediate use would be required. In the
Valdez incident, the local FOSC elected to request field tests to
verify that the oil was dispersible before authorizing full-scale
deployment. Several large-scale field tests were needed to
confirm effectiveness. By the time that permission to use
dispersants was obtained, some of the oil had spread outside the
pre-authorized zone and, more importantly, a major storm arose
and the window of opportunity was closed. The storm churned
the oil and water into emulsion, distributing it widely over Prince
William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska.
At about the same time the National Research Council (NRC)
Committee on the Effectiveness of Oil Spill Dispersants issued its
final report following several years of study. It concluded that
under proper conditions, dispersant use can result in a net benefit
to the environment and recommended that dispersants should be
considered as a potential first response option to oil spills, along
with other response options. Had this report been issued earlier, it
is possible that the Coast Guard might not have been as hesitant
to approve immediate dispersant application, though this is
speculative. On hearing of the delay in approving dispersants for
the Valdez spill, Dr. James Butler, head of the NRC committee,
indicated that this would have been an excellent opportunity for
dispersant use because the added energy provided by the storm
would have helped disperse the oil into the water and then tidal
currents would have carried it to the open ocean where it would
be still further diluted, rendering it much less harmful than the
untreated slick (Davidson, 1990).
Dispersant advance triggered by Valdez experience. The
root cause issue that resulted in loss of the dispersant window of
opportunity in Alaska was uncertainty about the dispersability of
ANS crude. Subsequent to the Valdez incident, Exxon revised its
ongoing oil spill R&D program priorities. Because of the Valdez
experience, the highest of these priorities was the development of
a dispersant formula so effective that it would remove indecision
Prior Limit of Effectiveness
COREXIT . Disp/Oil Ratio 1:25
I ^ ^
Battelle Ocean Sciences
V I S C O S I T Y (cP)
Figure 2. Corexit 9500 extends the "window of opportunity."
oil (ANS crude, North Sea Forties crude, and IFO-180 bunker oil)
were weathered at sea for up to 55 hours, creating emulsions. The
Corexit 9500 was demonstrated effective on all three oils, though
effectiveness dropped off some on the second day for the IFO180 (Lewis et aL, 1998). Dasic NS was also effective on the
lighter Forties Blend, even after the oil had been on the sea for
over 40 hours. The window of opportunity has now been shown
to be sufficiently broad that today's regulators have less concern
about whether or not dispersants are going to be effective. Prompt
application of dispersants in several recent U.S. spills in the Gulf
of Mexico underscores the confidence that FOSC's now have in
the ability of dispersant products to effectively disperse oils,
without need for time-consuming field tests.
Shoreline cleaning
After the oil had impacted the shorelines of Prince William
Sound and the Gulf of Alaska, Exxon, working with government
and local groups, committed itself to clean these shores. This
cleanup was a mammoth task complicated by geographical and
ecological factors. At its peak in 1989, the effort involved over
11,000 people. As a first step, nearly 3,600 miles (6,000 km) of
shoreline were surveyed by assessment teams (Shoreline Cleanup
Advisory Teams or SCATs) that generated geomorphological,
biological, archaeological, and oiling information that led to sitespecific treatment plans (Teal, 1991). Most of the shoreline oiling
outside of Prince William Sound was very light, involving
scattered mousse and tar balls which could be cleaned by manual
techniques (shovels, buckets, and hand-held tools). In Prince
William Sound, however, the oiling was more severe and the
heavily oiled shorelines required water washing to dislodge the
The consensus of all parties involved (14 organizations), as
well as of oil spill consulting experts, was that it was imperative
to remove bulk oil from the shorelines to minimize the potential
for the beached oil to refloat and affect additional shorelines or
wildlife beyond that already impacted. Ultimately, all of the
impacted shoreline was cleaned to varying degrees. The principal
method on the 240 miles (400 km) of moderately to heavily oiled
shorelines was to wash the oil from the rocks, using cold or warm
water, or both. The oil was flushed into the Sound where it was
contained by booms and removed by skimmers for subsequent
separation and treatment. Some of the more aggressive clean-up
techniques, such as hot water washing, have been criticized, but it
must be realized that intertidal biota had already been impacted
by the oil and all parties involved in the decision to clean the
beaches agreed that it was critical to remove as much oil as
feasible expeditiously to minimize further impact and accelerate
the recovery process.
The safety of the workers cleaning the beaches was of
paramount importance. Therefore, it was agreed that operations
would need to end by mid-September because of the onset of
winter storms. Because this meant a relatively short cleaning
window, Exxon initiated a number of supporting technical studies
to identify innovative techniques to accelerate the cleaning
process. To do this, the company re-assigned many of its
scientists to special programs aimed at supporting the cleanup.
Some of those re-assigned had prior experience in oil spill
technology. These programs lasted until 1991 and eventually
evolved into a focused R&D effort which has continued
throughout the 1990s.
Mechanical engineering. The shoreline cleaning effort was
slow and tedious, involving thousands of workers with hoses on
the beaches. One innovation conceived for accelerating cleanup
stage were workhorse pieces of equipment called maxi-barges.
These custom-built barges each had a crew of 50, about 10,000
feet of boom, several oil skimmers, fuel and storage tanks,
generators, and water heaters. Many were also provided with
unique equipment to treat shorelines not readily accessible by
foot. Called an omni boom, this was an adaptation of a system
normally used for pumping concrete on construction projects to
which Exxon engineers attached a specially designed shower
head which could deliver large amounts of water under pressure
to rock faces and cliffs. These booms were ideal for the rugged
rocky shorelines commonly found in Prince William Sound and
helped teams safely clean hard-to-reach areas.
Bioremediation. A second innovative application used to
accelerate cleanup in Alaska was bioremediation. The concept
involves stimulation of indigenous oil-degrading microbes
through the addition of fertilizers to speed up the rate of natural
degradation of the oil. This is a process which is only helpful
when there is a nutrient deficiency. Exxon spent over 10 million
dollars in collaboration with the U.S. EPA on bioremediation
application during 1989 through 1991. A major contribution by
Exxon scientists was the development of unique analytical
approaches to track the degradation rate by comparing the falling
levels of components to the concentration of a non-degradable
marker called hopane. Studies confirmed that addition of nutrient
accelerated the removal of hydrocarbon from Alaska beaches by
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Chemical cleaners. The last shoreline cleaning advance to
come out of the Valdez spill was the use of chemical cleaners to
accelerate the removal of oil from beaches by helping to loosen
the oil. Realizing that the Alaska North Slope crude on the
shorelines was weathering rapidly with time making removal by
water wash more difficult and time consuming, Exxon scientists
sought a low toxicity chemical product which could loosen the
viscous oil and expedite the cleanup. It was felt that such a
product would also allow the continued use of colder water
making it easier to remove the oil without having to resort to
higher temperature water. Initially, the preference was to identify
an existing product that would serve this purpose. However, after
screening more than 100 available formulations, none was found
that met all the criteria established by the authorities: high
effectiveness, low toxicity, and not a dispersant.
Many existing products were toxic because of aromatic
solvents. Low toxicity cleaners were generally ineffective. Some
products that were effective also dispersed the removed oil as fine
droplets and could not be recovered.
Exxon scientists then embarked on a special program to
develop an entirely new agent that would satisfy the three
requirements. In a period of only a few months, the product now
marketed as Corexit 9580 was formulated, and proven in both
laboratory tests in New Jersey and large-scale field tests on the
shorelines in Alaska (Fiocco et aL, 1991). Corexit 9500 resolved
all the shortcomings of the available cleaner products cited above.
After these tests and considerable toxicity evaluation, Exxon was
certain that Corexit 9580 would be an important tool for
improving the efficiency of beach washing without the need to
resort to high water temperature. However, government authorities never approved widespread use of Corexit 9580 in Prince
William Sound out of concern that it was really a dispersant.
Chemical beach cleaners have since been shown effective and
safe tools for cleaning oil-impacted shorelines. Used in
subsequent spills after the Valdez, Corexit 9580 has more than
lived up to the original expectations. It was tested by NOAA on
beaches impacted by the Morris J. Berman spill in Puerto Rico
(Michel and Benggio, 1995), and has been used to effectively and
safely clean up after spills in Texas and in Canada. The Canadian
government's own labs in Ontario have not only confirmed that it
is the most effective cleaning agent available, but that it is also
the least toxic to rainbow trout-the Canadian toxicity test species
(Canevari et aL, 1994). In fact, this product, developed for but not
used in the Alaska cleanup is now the only beach cleaner that is
permitted to be used on shorelines in Canada.
The new cleaner has also proved to be a major advance in the
cleaning of vegetation in oiled habitats. Mangroves are ranked as
one of the most sensitive marine environments. If mangroves are
oiled, and no further action is taken, there is a high probability of
mortality to the trees. One of the ways that viscous spilled oil can
kill mangroves is by covering their breathing ports, called
lenticels, and prevent them from obtaining oxygen from the
atmosphere. Tests were conducted on oiled mangrove trees by
Professor Howard Teas, University of Miami, that showed that
Corexit 9580 could remove oil from the air-breathing pores
without damaging them. The period of time after oiling for the
cleaner to be effective was also established (Teas et aL, 1993).
Similarly, a major research program conducted by LSU
showed that Corexit 9580 could effectively remove oil from oiled
marshgrass and accelerate recovery of the plants (Pezeshki et aL,
1995). After positive greenhouse studies, extensive field tests
were conducted. Two years of field studies involving salt,
brackish and fresh water species of marshgrass produced a
complete data base matrix to support this remediation method.
The study involved oiling with more stressful oils such as heavy
fuel oil as well as South Louisiana crude oil.
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3-5 times as compared to reference beaches that were not
bioremediated (Bragg et aL, 1992). Over 70 miles (120 km) of
shoreline were remediated in 1989 with dramatic results.
Bioremediation was used only after bulk oil had been first
Since the Valdez cleanup, bioremediation has been extensively
studied and used to speed up the removal of oil on other spills,
particularly on the Sea Empress spill. The many studies carried
out— by EPA in the United States, by CEDRE in France, by
SINTEF and Environment Canada in Norway, and by AEA in the
United Kingdom— have confirmed the Alaska findings. The use
of bioremediation on the Valdez spill was the most thoroughly
studied application ever, giving impetus to the use of this
technique to speed up the removal of the oil from shorelines. It
continues to be an attractive option for speeding up the visual
restoration of the impacted shorelines. The role of bioremediation
in accelerating biological recovery, however, is not well understood.
Oil-fines interaction (OFI). Another advance from the Valdez
cleanup was an improved understanding of how natural cleanup
proceeds after shoreline oiling. Natural processes have long been
recognized as effective in the removal of spilled oil from the
environment. This was the case in Alaska. Much of the
remediation which was observed was clearly a result of natural
forces. Data collected at 16 monitoring sites in Prince William
Sound showed significant continued reductions in shoreline oil
content during the winter of 1989-1990 well after cleaning
operations had ceased. On high and moderate energy beaches,
this natural cleaning appeared to be a result of wave action
associated with winter storms. However, observations from lowenergy areas showed similar removals without the benefit of the
wave action. This generated interest in better understanding the
mechanisms by which oil is released from low energy shorelines.
Exxon scientists worked with specialists who had previously
studied beach cleaning phenomena, and confirmed a new
mechanism for shoreline cleaning not previously reported in the
literature. Interactions between fine mineral particles, such as
clay, with polar components in oil residue were found to play an
important role by facilitating the mobilization and removal of
both surface and subsurface oil (Jahns et aL, 1991). These
interactions result in flocculated aggregates of solids-stabilized
emulsions in which very fine oil droplets are coated with microsized mineral fines and surrounded by sea water (Bragg and
Yang, 1995). In this form, the oil no longer adheres to the
sediment surfaces and it can be removed even under low energy
conditions. The large available surface area of the flocculated oil
also promotes its eventual biodegradation by indigenous
This is now viewed as a major advance in our understanding of
one of the primary ways that shorelines clean themselves
following an oil spill. Subsequent to the Valdez cleanup, this
mechanism was confirmed for other spills where oil removal also
occurred at low energy conditions. At the Second International
Oil Spill Research and Development Forum in London in 1995,
oil spill experts from around the world collectively expressed
high interest in this phenomenon and rated the continued
improved understanding of the role of OFIs in shoreline cleaning
as a top research priority. It was very effective in accelerating
shoreline restoration following the Sea Empress spill in 1996
(Lee et aL, 1997). The ITOSS project in Svalbard, Norway
(carried out by SINTEF and Environment Canada) has further
clarified the phenomenon of OFI, building on the learnings of the
Valdez cleanup to further explore how this knowledge can be
turned into a pro-active technique for accelerating natural
cleaning through addition of fine minerals (Sergy et aL, 1999)
The studies of ecologically important fresh, brackish and salt
marsh grass species indicated the oiling caused severe change in
leaf gas exchange functions unless the plants were cleaned with
the shoreline cleaner. Application of the shoreline cleaner Corexit
9580 improved stomatal conductance and transpiration rates,
gross fixation of atmospheric C0 2 -C and the regeneration of the
new shoot. Cleaning with Corexit 9580 clearly accelerated
recovery as evidenced by the regeneration and gross fixation of
atmospheric C0 2 -C.
Dr. Dick Lessard heads Exxon's oil spill R&D program. He is a
noted lecturer on dispersants and has given presentations to
government agencies around the world. During the Valdez
cleanup, Dr. Lessard coordinated many of the scientific studies
which underpinned the cleanup strategies proposed by Exxon.
Bragg, J.R.; Prince, R.C.; Wilkinson, J.B.; and Atlas,
R.M; Bioremediation for Shoreline Cleanup Following
the 1989 Alaska Oil Spill; Exxon Company U.S.A.;
Houston, TX; 1992.
Bragg, J.R. and Yang, S.H.; Clay-Oil Flocculation and its
role in Natural Cleansing in Prince William Sound Following the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill; Exxon Valdez Oil
Spill: Fate and Effects in Alaskan Waters, P. G. Wells, J.
N. Butler, and J. S. Hughes (editors) 1995.
Butler, J.N.; Using Oil Spill Dispersants on the Sea; Proceedings of the 1989 Oil Spill Conference Proceedings;
API; Washington, D.C.; 1989.
Canevari, G.P.; Fiocco, R.J.; Lessard, R.R.; and Fingas,
M.; Corexit 9580 Shoreline Cleaner: Development, Application, and Status; ASTM Symposium on Use of
Chemicals in Oil Spill Response; ASTM STP 1262;
Philadelphia, PA; 1994.
Cutter Information Corp.; International Oil Spill Statistics, 1997; Arlington, MA; 1998.
Davidson, A.; In the Wake of the Exxon Valdez; Sierra
Book Clubs; San Francisco, CA, 1990, Pg. 44.
Fiocco, R.J., Canevari, G.P., Wilkinson, J.B., Jahns, H.O.,
Bock, J., Robbins, M., and Markarian, R.K.: Development
of Corexit 9580—A Chemical Beach Cleaner; Proceedings of the 1991 Oil Spill Conference; API; Washington,
D.C.; 1991.
Fiocco, RJ. and Lessard, R.R.; Demulsifying Dispersant
for an Extended Window of Use; Proceedings of the 1997
International Oil Spill Conference; API; Washington,
D.C.; 1997.
Fräser, J.P.; Methods for Making Dispersant Use Decisions; Proceedings of the 1989 Oil Spill Conference; API;
Washington, D.C.; 1989.
Harrison, O.R.; An Overview of the Exxon Valdez Oil
Spill; Proceedings of the 1991 International Oil Spill
Conference; API Publication 4529; Washington, DC;
1991; pp 313-319.
International Maritime Organization; IMOIUNEP Guidelines on Oil Spill Dispersant Applications Including Environmental Considerations; IMO; London; 1995.
Jahns, H.O.; Bragg, J.R.; and Dash, L.C.; Natural Cleaning of Shorelines Following the Exxon Valdez Spill; Proceedings of the 1991 International Oil Spill Conference;
API Publication 4529; Washington, DC; 1991.
Lee, K.; Lunel, T.; Wood, P.; Swannell, R. and StoffynEgli, P.; Shoreline Cleanup by Acceleration of Clay-Oil
Flocculation Processes; Proceedings of the 1997 International Oil Spill Conference; API; Washington, D.C.;
Lessard, R.R. and DeMarco, G.; Evolution of the U.S.
Dispersant Policy Since the 1960s; SpillCon 98 Dispersant Workshop; Australian Institute of Petroleum and
Australian Maritime Safety Authority; Cairns, Queensland, Australia; 1998.
Lessard, R.R.; DeMarco, G.; Fiocco, R.J.; Lunel, T.; and
Lewis, A.; Recent Advances in Oil Spill Dispersant Technology with Emphasis on New Capability to Disperse
Heavy Oil; SPE International Conference on Health,
Safety, and Environment in Oil and Gas Exploration and
Production; Caracas, Venezuela; 1998.
Lewis, A. and Aurand, D.; Putting Dispersants to Work:
Overcoming Obstacles; API Publication No. 4652A;
Washington, DC; 1997.
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The Exxon Valdez spill was an unfortunate accident that
happened to an oil company with one of the best marine safety
records in the oil industry. It demonstrated that accidental oil
spills can happen to anyone, and emphasized the need for
constant vigilance. It was a milestone event, not just for Exxon,
but for the entire U.S. oil industry. Prevention is clearly the first
priority and Exxon has taken a number of specific steps to reduce
the risk of oil spills and to strengthen response capabilities. New
Exxon systems have since been implemented which have reduced
the rate of spillage from an already impressive record. Some of
these are modified tanker routes, drug and alcohol testing
programs, periodic assessment of all facilities, and strengthened
pilot training programs. In the United States, the total number of
Exxon oil spills reaching water has dropped dramatically since
1990. During 1997, less than 1 barrel of oil was spilled from
Exxon-operated vessels worldwide. This is less than one
tablespoon spilled for every million gallons transported. The
marine industry average is over 100 gallons per million gallons
The Valdez experience ultimately led to a number of advances
in oil spill response technology:
Corexit 9500 is an advanced new dispersant capable of
dispersing very viscous crude oil emulsions and heavy
bunker oil. The product is responsible for having made responders aware that the window of opportunity for dispersant response is much wider than previously thought.
Learnings from Exxon's application of techniques for
accelerating recovery of shorelines (e.g., bioremediation)
have been extensively documented and shared with
others. Each of these has led to international studies which
have improved on the advances originated in the Valdez
response. Some of these studies are continuing ten years
after the spill and Exxon's R&D continues to support a
number of them.
The chemical cleaner Corexit 9580 has been demonstrated
a safe and effective technique for use on shorelines as
well as on vegetation. Had it been used in the Alaska
cleanup, it would have undoubtedly reduced the need for
hot water washing.
21. Sergy, G.; Guenette, C ; Owens, E.; Prince, R.and Lee,
K.; In Situ Treatment of Oiled Sediment Shorelines; Proceedings of the 1999 International Oil Spill Conference;
API; Washington, D.C.; 1999.
22. Teal, A.R.; Shoreline Cleanup-Reconnaissance, Evaluation, and Planning Following the Valdez Oil Spill; Proceedings of the 1991 International Oil Spill Conference;
API; Washington, DC; 1991.
23. Teas, H.; Lessard, R.R.; Canevari, G.P.; Brown, C.P.;
Glenn, R.; Saving Oiled Mangroves Using a New NonDispersing Shoreline Cleaner; Proceedings from the 1993
International Oil Spill Conference; API; Washington, DC;
Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/iosc/article-pdf/1999/1/357/1752190/2169-3358-1999-1-357.pdf by guest on 21 December 2021
17. Lewis, A.; Crosbie, A.; Davies, L.; and Lunel, T.; Dispersion of Emulsified Oil at Sea; Report AEAT 3475; AEA
Technology pic; Oxfordshire, U.K.; 1998.
18. Michel, J. and Benggio; Testing and Use of Shoreline
Cleaning Agents during the Morris J. Berman Oil Spill;
Proceedings of the 1995 International Oil Spill Conference; API; Washington, D.C.; 1995.
19. National Research Council; Using Oil Spill Dispersants
on the Sea; National Academy Press; Washington, D.C.;
20. Pezeshki, S.R.; DeLaune, R.D.; Nyman, J.A.; Lessard,
R.R.; Canevari, G.P; Removing Oil and Saving Oiled
Marsh Grass Using a Shoreline Cleaner, Proceedings of
the 1995 International Oil Spill Conference; API Publication 4620; Washington, DC; 1995.