Int. J. Business Continuity and Risk Management, Vol. 8, No. 3, 2018
Linguistic work quality index
María José Fernandez
Faculty of Economic Sciences,
University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
National Council of Scientific and
Technical Research (CONICET) –
Interdisciplinary Institute of Political Economy
of Buenos Aires (IIEP-BAIRES),
Av. Córdoba 2122, 2° Piso,
(C1120AAQ) Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
[email protected]
Abstract: Work quality measures are fundamental to study population welfare.
Labour activity occupies most of the workers’ day, so quantifying people’s
welfare by means of work quality is central. Decent work indicators have the
aim of establishing the characteristics of an employment relationship to verify
that a job is carried out under conditions of freedom, equality, security and
human dignity. The purpose of these indicators is to measure the degree to
which a certain goal has been achieved in order to develop precise policies to
improve people’s standard of living. In this paper, a proposal is developed to
measure decent work deficit in a linguistic way. A complete decent work index
model is formulated using linguistic labels and the linguistic weighted average
operator. Finally, some comments are made about the benefits of using
linguistic variables when measuring work quality.
Keywords: linguistic models; linguistic weighted average; decent work index;
labour conditions; subjectivity; linguistic index; work quality index; welfare.
Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Fernandez, M.J. (2018)
‘Linguistic work quality index’, Int. J. Business Continuity and Risk
Management, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp.262–279.
Biographical notes: María José Fernandez holds a PhD in Economics
(FCE-UBA). She is a Professor of the Department of Mathematics, Facultad de
Ciencias Económicas – Universidad de Buenos Aires. She is a researcher of the
National Council of Scientific Research (CONICET, Argentina) at the IIEP –
Baires. She has participated as a researcher in several UBACyT Research
Projects and National Agency for Scientific and Technological Promotion
research projects referred to applications of fuzzy sets theory to business and
economics under uncertainty and subjectivity. She is a Researcher Professor
Category III at the National Commission of Categorisation of the Incentive
Program, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. She is also a
Cuadernos del Cimbage co-Director (ISSN 1666-5112) and a SIGEF member.
This paper is a revised and expanded version of a paper entitled ‘Linguistic
decent work indicators’ presented at XIX SIGEF 2017 Congress, New York,
7–9 June 2017.
Copyright © 2018 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Linguistic work quality index
Work is a significant part of life, because of the time people spend working and because
it is fundamental to social integration and self-esteem. That is why decent work is an
essential element when assessing quality of life (Anker et al., 2003).
Indicators are intended to measure the extent to which a particular objective or result
has been achieved. We can use them to assess results and improvement over time in
attaining specific objectives. Moreover, they can be useful for cross-country
comparisons, and they are also employed to test opposing hypotheses about the
relationships between different elements of decent work. Ideally, indicators should
measure the target directly (Ghai, 2003, 2005; Aragón et al., 2011; Godfrey, 2003;
Lanari, 2005; Schleser et al., 2008; Somavía, 2002; Standing, 2002; Subsecretaria de
Programación Técnica y Estudios Laborales, 2004).
General indexes of outcomes in the field of decent work can be developed, for which
it is necessary to select quantitative or qualitative indicators depending on the issue
studied, the importance that will be assigned to each indicator and how they will be
combined into a general index (Ghai, 2003). The existence of qualitative variables or
external environmental elements of difficult objective quantification makes it
complicated for individuals to represent with an exact numerical value the evaluation of
the different aspects related to their welfare (Pedrycz et al., 2011; Bonissone and Decker,
1986; Ragin, 2000; Smithson and Verkuilen, 2006). It is therefore more appropriate to
express their conceptions through linguistic values rather than exact values.
This approach to address decision problems is based on fuzzy sets theory and is called
linguistic approach; it is applied when the variables involved are qualitative (Zadeh,
1975; Herrera and Herrera-Viedma, 2000; Lazzari, 2010; Eriz and Fernandez, 2015;
Merigó et al., 2014; Gil Lafuente and Barcellos de Paula, 2011).
Reliable decent work measurement will enable a clearer understanding of how
economic growth is translated into a better quality of life and how the bases of higher
quality economic and social development are generated (Anker et al., 2003; Auer, 2007;
Bru, 2005; Easterlin, 1995; Frenkel et al., 2011; Grupo de Estudios del trabajo, 2005;
Ravallion and Lokshin, 2000; Rifkin, 1996; Somavía, 2000; Van Praag, 2007).
The system of decent work indicators is an attempt to capture in quotidian language
an inclusion of social and economic objectives represented in a semantically coherent
unit (Correa Montoya, 2008). The decent work index can help to expand the limited
perspective of labour issues as they are currently evaluated (Anker et al., 2003).
The employment of fuzzy and linguistic models to evaluate labour conditions within
the decent work perspective makes it possible to analyse the individuals’ quality of life
under the use of approaches that are better adapted to reality. This approach allows
capturing different hints when valuing an index that represents the population’s welfare
and makes it possible to study and process individual and aggregate opinions without
losing information or rigor.
This paper provides a proposal to measure the decent work deficit in linguistic form
with the dimensions pertaining to the system of decent work indicators. Finally, some
comments regarding the advantages of using linguistic variables in the decent work
indicator system are included.
In subsequent studies, it would be relevant to perform an affinity grouping according
to the absence of decent work in different dimensions (Fernandez, 2012). In addition, the
M.J. Fernandez
need to add or modify dimensions, or define new indicators, among other issues, could be
Decent work indicators
Decent work is a concept developed by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) to
establish the characteristics of an employment relationship in accordance with
international standards, so that work is carried out in conditions of freedom, equality,
security and human dignity. This concept is based on the recognition that work is a
source of personal integrity, family stability, social peace and economic growth, as well
as increasing opportunities for productive work and sustainable development of
Work is an important part of life, for the time it occupies in everyday life and because
it is a support for social integration. For this reason, when addressing the issue of decent
work we refer to an essential aspect of quality of life (Anker et al., 2003).
This new concept emerges from the socio-political context where the labour situation
is weak and the category of labour has lost significance and it is a highly valued and
explanatory term of reality (Lanari, 2010; Gorz, 1980; Sen, 1995; Stiglitz, 2002).
It is necessary to conduct studies to assess not only the quantity but also the quality of
employment that guarantees the raising of the standard of living, the possibility of having
a job in which individuals can have the satisfaction of making the best possible use of
their skills and knowledge, contributing to the maximum to the common welfare. As a
means to achieve this end, with guarantees for all the workers, it is essential to grant
opportunities of professional formation and means for the transfer of employees, to adopt
in monetary and non-monetary remuneration measures aimed at guaranteeing to all a fair
distribution of society’s development, recognition of the right to bargain in order to
improve the efficiency of production and extend social security measures to guarantee
basic incomes and to provide adequate medical care, to protect workers’ life and health,
childhood and maternity and to guarantee education and professional opportunities
(Lanari, 2010).
In the context of the increasing deterioration of labour relations and the rise of
poverty and exclusion, it is necessary to review the population’s living conditions and
give the concept of decent work the sense of being strategic to build a future. If decent
work is a human right, a social right that implies its deficit will be to determine how it is
performed, how it is measured, which of its dimensions are prioritised to reduce gaps,
how goals are set and what policy tools are supported (Lanari, 2010).
It is necessary to determine a system of objective and subjective indicators that allow
a measurement of decent work with a certain degree of coherence, accuracy and
international comparability.
Data collection and labour statistics have traditionally focused on employment and
unemployment, with the second being the most resonant. The volume of employment
generated by an economy is not enough to know the characteristics of jobs, or the extent
to which they guarantee the quality of life and empower people’s skills (Anker et al.,
Many studies have been conducted in order to define a system of indicators that can
measure this concept and to compare them interregionally and intertemporally (Lanari
Linguistic work quality index
and Giacometti, 2010; Anker et al., 2003; Ghai, 2003, 2005; Lanari, 2010; Song et al.,
A reliable and comprehensive measurement of decent work will provide a clearer
understanding of the mechanisms through which economic growth translates into better
levels of human welfare and how the foundations for faster economic and social
development are laid (Anker et al., 2003). Although people who work or seek work have
an idea of what a decent or not decent job means, it is necessary to define an indicator to
assess and compare the extent to which the different jobs are decent.
The decent work deficit index is composed of economic and social indicators that
define decent work categories. A good measurement of decent work allows us to
elucidate new ideas about the different ways of improving the quality of life of the
It is possible to analyse the decent work deficit from three dimensions (Lanari and
Giacometti, 2010):
dignity and safety
welfare and equity
fundamental rights of work.
Linguistic models
During the last years, economic science has made the formalisation of economic concepts
where qualitative variables are often inadequate to carry out operations with classic tools.
That is why many attempts to measure welfare are rejected by researchers who are
focused on objective approaches, and avoid losing rigor in the analysis.
The existence of qualitative variables, inherent to human behaviour, or external
environmental elements hard to quantify objectively, makes it difficult for individuals to
represent with an exact numerical value the assessment of the different aspects related to
their welfare that are intended to be evaluated. Furthermore, it is often necessary to deal
with variables describing phenomena of physical or human models by assuming a small
finite quantity of descriptors. Sometimes we describe observations about a fact
characterising it with naturally translated terms of the variable idea (Pedrycz et al., 2011).
Under such circumstances, it is more accurate to express their conceptions through
linguistic values rather than exact numerical values.
This decision problem approach based on the fuzzy sets theory is called linguistic
approach. It is applied when the nature of the variables involved is qualitative (Zadeh,
1975; Herrera and Herrera-Viedma, 2000; Lazzari, 2010; Fernandez, 2012; Merigó et al.,
2014; Gil Lafuente and Barcellos de Paula, 2011; Kaufmann et al., 1994). Thus, it is
possible to model a large number of real situations, more properly, since it allows
representing more properly the information of individuals, which is almost always
The difference between linguistic and numerical variables is that the values of the
former are not numbers, but words or sentences of natural or artificial language (Zadeh
1975; Carlsson and Fuller, 2010). It is characterised by four elements (Pedrycz et al.,
M.J. Fernandez
name of the variable
set of names of linguistic values which can take that variable (linguistic labels)
syntactic rule for generating values of that variable
semantic rule to associate each value with its meaning.
When a linguistic model is employed, the existence of an appropriate set of terms or
labels is assumed, according to the domain of the problem, based on which individuals
express their opinions (Zadeh, 1975).
It is necessary to agree on the level of distinction to which uncertainty is expressed,
that is, the cardinality of the set, and on the semantics of the labels, i.e., what kind of
membership functions use to characterise linguistic values (Zadeh, 1975). The use of the
fuzzy linguistic approach allows establishing a semantic for each label or operating with
words directly (Xu, 2008).
3.1 Linguistic information aggregation operators computing with words
In this paper, the set of linguistic terms used to assess the decent work deficit in each
dimension is:
null ( N ), s2
high( H ), s2
very low(VL), s–1
very high(VH ), s3
low( L), s0
medium( M ),
absolute( A)`
When we define the set of linguistic labels where t is positive integer, we have the
following characteristics:
sα < sE if andonly if α < E
there is a negation operator neg(sα) = s–α and neg(s0) = s0. s0 represents a neutral
point, and the rest of the linguistic labels are located symmetrically around it.
Xu (2005) extends the discrete set of linguistic labels S to a continuous set
S {sD |D [ q, q ]} to preserve all the information given, where q. (q > t) is an integer
big enough. If sα S then sα is called original linguistic label. On the contrary, sα is a
virtual linguistic label.
Being sD , sE S , λ [0, 1] , operational laws can be defined as:
sD sE
λ sα = sλα.
sD E
Representation of S’ = {sα | α = –t, …, t} s has its own advantages. Xu (2004, 2005)
developed several operators of linguistic information aggregation, which operate with
words directly.
One of them is the linguistic weighted average (LWA). Being LWA : S n o S . If
LWA( sD 1 , sD 2 , ..., sD n ) w1 sD 1 w2 sD 2 ... wn sD n sD where
Linguistic work quality index
¦w D
( w1 , w2 , ..., wn ) is the weighting vector of the linguistic label sαi and
j 1
wi [0, 1],
1, then the LWA operator compute aggregated linguistic labels
i 1
having into account the importance of the sources of information.
Linguistic model to measure global decent work deficit
It is possible to analyse the decent work deficit (employment quality) from three
dimensions and their corresponding indicators (Lanari and Giacometti, 2010):
Dimension 1
Dignity and safety
1 stability
2 social security
3 right to rest
4 health and safety at work.
Dimension 2
Welfare and equity
1 incomes
2 income distribution.
Dimension 3
Fundamental rights of work
1 freedom and social dialogue
2 child labour.
The model consists in valuing decent work deficit for the individual analysed by means
of linguistic labels, assuming that the domain of the variables involved is a set of
linguistic terms (Anker et al., 2003). In order to be able to assess the degrees of decent
work deficits, a scale should be determined for each indicator, taking into account the
characteristics of the available information. Experts should be consulted to determine
which category corresponds to each language label (Fernandez, 2014, 2015). To obtain
the degree of decent work deficits, in a first step the interviewer will express the
valuations of each indicator using a linguistic label of the set S and then, with the model
below, decent work deficit is calculated.
4.1 Decent work deficit for each individual
Calculation of decent work deficit will be carried out in four stages:
Stage 1
Importance of each indicator.
Stage 2
Deficit of each dimension.
Stage 3
Importance of each dimension.
Stage 4
Decent work deficit.
M.J. Fernandez
4.1.1 Importance of each indicator
The most important indicator for each dimension is selected and assigned a value of 1
(maximum). Then the other indicators are compared with this and a value is assigned to
each one rj, j = 1, …, n such that max {r1, Λ, rn} = 1 and min {r1, Λ, rn} > 0. Each
element of the weighting vector is given by the degree of importance (wj) of the indicator
Ij that is obtained w j
rj /
¦r , j
1, /, n; w j [0, 1],
j 1
j 1
If all the indicators are equally important, the weights are equal: w1 = w2 = Λ = w2 =
1 / n.
4.1.2 Deficit of each dimension
If n is the number of proposed indicators of the dimension considered and m the number
of dimensions, the degree of deficit (gi) of dimension di is obtained by applying
LWAdi ( sD1 , sD 2 , ..., sD n )
sDi , i 1, ..., m. Where D
j 1
w jD j , w j is the degree
of importance of the indicator obtained in stage 1 and is the linguistic label that indicates
the deficit degree.
4.1.3 Importance of each dimension
Just as in stage 1, the most important dimension of the index is selected and assigned a
value of 1 (the maximum). Then the other dimensions are compared with this and a value
is assigned to each one i = 1, Λ, m such that max {u1, Λ, um} = 1 and min {u1, Λ, um}
> 0. Each element of the weighting vector is given by the degree of importance (vi) of the
dimension di that is obtained vi
ui /
¦u , i
1, /, m; vi [0, 1],
i 1
1. If all the
i 1
indicators are equally important, the weights are equal: v1 = v2 = Λ = vm = 1/ m.
4.1.4 Decent work deficit
If m is the number of proposed dimensions and t the number of individuals, the degree of
deficit of decent work (Tk) of each individual (rk) is obtained by applying
LWArk sD1 , sD 2 , ..., sD m
sD k , k
1, ..., t. Where D k
¦ v D , v (i
1, ..., m) is the
i 1
degree of importance of the dimension obtained in stage 3 and is the linguistic label that
indicates the deficit degree. If sD k is the virtual label obtained, the approximation to a
label of set S that shows the degree of decent work deficit of individual rk is made by the
usual rounding operation.
The quality of employment is an economic issue that has been widely studied by public
and private organisations. Formerly, wages were used as an indicator of the quality of
Linguistic work quality index
employment, but presently, it is not enough data to determine whether or not the work is
decent (Martínez, 2012).
Working conditions are a complex and multidimensional phenomenon that shows
several aspects determined by a set of work related factors that result from objective
characteristics and rules of universal acceptance that influence the economic,
psychological and social welfare of workers (Farné et al., 2011).
Indexes are composed by a set of indicators of certain underlying phenomena (Bonnet
et al., 2003). A decent work composite index consists of a single aggregated indicator
that synthesises and weighs existing information on its different aspects. A composite
index takes a system of indicators as input and returns a single value to be able to
univocally understand the situation that is intended to show.
Linguistic models are very useful since the indicators that represent the decent work
deficit are not merely objective, and it is necessary to consider subjective factors that may
have the same or greater relevance than those objectives. It is also relevant to be able to
consider the subjective and objective aspects to evaluate the quality of employment.
People can be in a decent work situation due to specific factors or subjective
perceptions of certain phenomena. That is why we are not dealing with an absolute
concept but rather with a moment of employment situation regarding an ideal. In the case
of subjective evaluations, assessments with words rather than exact numbers are more
Besides, linguistic models allow combining subjective assessments with objective
data, and achieving a combined indicator that provides, on one hand, aggregated
information of the situation and, on the other hand, detailed analyses of the different
Decent work deficit in each dimension is valued for each individual analysed by
means of linguistic labels instead of exact numerical values, assuming that the domain of
the variables involved is a set of linguistic terms.
The term s–3 (null) of set S will mean that such agent is in the optimum situation (null
deficit). By contrast, the term s3 (absolute) will indicate that the individual is in the worst
possible situation in the studied dimension. The rest of the elements of the set will show
the gradualness present on their dissatisfaction or satisfaction.
5.1 Dignity and safety
It is intended to identify situations of uncertainty regarding the permanence in the
workplace and absence of certain benefits that ensure social protection. There are some
limitations regarding the availability of information, so in the first instance it was decided
to use simplified indicators in the different aspects analysed.
In order to obtain the degree of lack of dignity and safety, the interviewer will first
express the valuations of each indicator using a linguistic label of the set S. And the
deficit in this dimension is obtained using the developed model.
A scale was determined for each indicator of this dimension, taking into account the
characteristics of the available information. For this purpose, experts were consulted and
determined which category corresponds to each linguistic label.
The indicators that will be used to measure the dignity and safety of employment will
be those proposed by Lanari and Giacometti (2010) for Argentina:
M.J. Fernandez
social security
right to rest
health and safety at work.
5.1.1 Stability: type of contract
The possibilities of maintaining employment according to the type of hiring are evaluated
in Table 1.
Table 1
Type of contract
Full time registered employee
Associated linguistic label
Unregistered casual work
5.1.2 Access to social security and health system
The possibilities of accessing a health and safety system according to the presence or
absence of contributions are assessed as shown in Table 2.
Table 2
Access to social security and health system
Access to social security and
health system
With contributions
Without contributions
Associated linguistic label
5.1.3 Right to rest
The right to rest associated with the presence or absence of paid vacations is assessed as
shown in Table 3.
Table 3
Right to rest
Right to rest
With paid vacations
Without paid vacations
Associated linguistic label
5.1.4 Health and safety
The possibilities of protection against accidents at work are evaluated as shown in
Table 4.
Linguistic work quality index
Table 4
Health and safety
Health and safety
With IWR
Without IWR
Associated linguistic label
Notes: Insurance of Work Risks. Private companies hired by employers to advise them on
prevention measures and to repair damages in cases of work accidents or diseases.
5.1.5 Dignity and safety deficit
Once evaluations of the four indicators have been obtained, the assessment of the lack of
dignity and safety at work is obtained through the application of the LWA operator.
It is necessary to establish the weights corresponding to each indicator. In this
case, we consider that the four of them have the same weight, therefore w1 = w2 = w3 =
w4 = 1 / 4.
The degree of lack of dignity and security at work will be determined by
LWAdas sD1 , sD 2 , sD3 , sD 4
1 4 sD1 1 4 sD 2 1 4 sD3 1 4 sD 4
sD das
valuation of the indicator ‘stability: type of contract’
sD 2
valuation of the indicator ‘access to social security and health system’
valuation of the indicator ‘right to rest’
sD 4
valuation of the indicator ‘health and safety’
sD das
linguistic label that indicates the degree of dignity and safety deficit.
5.2 Welfare and equity
They express one of the fundamental aspects of security, since they recognise the
instrumental character through which benefits are obtained and, on the other hand, the
right to fair and equitable treatment in the workplace. In addition, they are basic
components as elements of social insertion (Lanari and Giacometti, 2010). The
calculation of this dimension is conditioned by the availability of information, in some
cases it is needed to use proxy variables.
To obtain the welfare and equity deficit, the interviewer will first express the
valuations of each indicator using a linguistic label of the set S. Deficit in this dimension
is obtained using the developed model. A scale was determined for each indicator of this
dimension, taking into account the characteristics of the available information.
The indicators that will be used to measure welfare and equity will be those proposed
by Lanari and Giacometti (2010) for Argentina:
enough income
distribution equity.
M.J. Fernandez
5.2.1 Enough income
It is possible to measure enough income deficit with a subjective indicator (Lazzari et al.,
2013) (Table 5).
Table 5
Conformity with income level
Compliance of income
Associated linguistic label
Very satisfied
Very low
Fairly satisfied
Absolutely satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Quite dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Very high
Absolutely dissatisfied
5.2.2 Distribution equity
It is possible to measure the equity deficit with a subjective indicator (Lazzari et al.,
2013) (Table 6).
Table 6
Fair income
Amount of extra income you
consider fair in accordance with
your occupation
Associated linguistic label
Less than 10%
10–39 % more
Very low
40–59% more
60–79% more
80–99% more
Very high
More than double
5.2.3 Welfare and equity deficit
Once evaluations of the two indicators are obtained, the assessment of the absence of
welfare and equity is obtained through the application of the LWA operator.
It is necessary to establish the weights corresponding to each indicator. In this case,
we consider that both have the same weight, therefore w1 = w2 = 1 / 2.
Deficit of welfare and equity in employment will be determined by:
LWAwae sD1 , sD 2
1 2 sD 1 1 2 sD1
sD wae
is the valuation of the indicator ‘enough income’
sD 2
is the valuation of the indicator ‘distribution equity’
Linguistic work quality index
sD wae is the linguistic label that indicates the degree of welfare and equity deficit.
5.3 Respect for fundamental rights of work
According to the ILO, respect for fundamental rights is related to freedom of association,
union freedom, the right to collective bargaining, the eradication of child labour and
forced labour, and the elimination of discrimination in employment.
Due to the availability of information and the consistency of the estimates, two
aspects are considered in this dimension: freedom of social dialogue and child labour.
5.3.1 Freedom and social dialogue
This dimension is related to the worker’s possibility to associate to a union or
organisation that represents him, with the aim of defending labour rights and acquiring
new ones.
It is possible to measure deficit of freedom and social dialogue with two indicators:
Possibility of joining a union and presence of union delegate in the company (Tables 7
and 8).
Table 7
Associating to a union
Associating to a union
Associated linguistic label
Associated linguistic label
Table 8
Union representation
Presence of union delegate in
the company
5.3.2 Child labour
It is possible to measure the presence of child labour with the age of the worker
(Table 9).
Table 9
Child labour
Age of the worker
Associated linguistic label
More than 14 years old
Less than 14 years old
5.3.3 Fundamental labour rights deficit
Once evaluations of both indicators have been obtained, the assessment of the absence of
fundamental labour rights is obtained through the application of the LWA operator.
It is necessary to establish the weights corresponding to each indicator. In this case,
we consider that both have the same weight, therefore w1 = w2 = 1 / 2.
M.J. Fernandez
Deficit of fundamental labour rights will be determined by
a flr
LWA flr sD1 , sD 2
1 2 sD1 1 2 sD 2
sD flr
is the valuation of the indicator ‘freedom and social dialogue’ that is calculated
through the LWA operator, sD1
LWA fasd sD uni , sD delrep
1 2 sD uni 1 2 sD delrep
sD uni
is the valuation of the indicator ‘associating to a union’ and sD delrep is the
valuation of the indicator ‘union representation’.
sD 2
is the valuation of the indicator ‘child labour’
sD flr
is the linguistic label that indicates the degree of fundamental labour rights deficit.
5.4 Global decent work deficit indicator
Once the three dimensions assessments are obtained, the global decent work deficit
valuation is obtained by the application of the LWA operator.
The weights corresponding to each dimension are established. In this case, we
consider that the three of them have the same weight, therefore w1 = w2 = w3 = 1 / 3.
Decent work deficit will be determined by:
LWADWD sD das , sD wae , sD flr
1 3 sD das 1 3 sD wae 1 3 sD flr
sD das
valuation of the dimension ‘dignity and safety’
sD wae
valuation of the dimension ‘welfare and equity’
sD flr
valuation of the dimension ‘fundamental labour rights’
linguistic label that indicates the degree of decent work deficit.
5.4.1 Evaluation of a worker
A survey to a worker is made in which he answers some questions about working
conditions and perceptions. Also some characteristics of the worker are taken into
This worker presents the following situation:
He is 50 years old.
He runs his own business and is the only worker on the company. He pays taxes and
makes his own contributions to social security and the health system. He has his own
insurance in case of labour accidents.
Linguistic work quality index
When he needs vacations, he closes the company and does not work for that period.
He is quite dissatisfied with his income, and thinks he deserves a 30% more in
accordance with his occupation.
He is not associated to any union.
In dignity and safety dimension, he obtains the following valuations:
Type of contract: self-employed o sD1
Access to social security and health system:
With contributions o sD 2
Health and safety: with IWR o sD 4
s3 right to rest: without paid vacations o sD3
Then, the LWA operator is applied:
LWAdas sD1 , sD 2 , sD3 , sD 4
1 4 s0 1 4 s3 1 4 s3
In welfare and equity dimension, he obtains the following valuations:
Enough income: quite dissatisfied o sD1
Amount of income in accordance with occupation; 10%–30% more o sD 2
Then, the LWA operator is applied:
LWAwae sD1 , sD 2
1 2 s1 1 2 s2
s0, 5
With respect to fundamental labour right dimension, he obtains the following valuations:
Freedom and social dialogue: sD1
Associating to a union: No o sDuni
Presence of union delegate in the company: No o sD delrep
Child labour: more than 14 years old o sD 2
Then, the LWA operator is applied:
LWA fasd sD uni , sD delrep
a flr
LWA flr sD1 , sD 2
1 2 s3 1 2 s3
1 2 s3 1 2 s3
The decent work deficit for this individual is:
LWADWD sD das , sD wae , sD flr
1 3 s0.75 1 3 s0.5 1 3 s0
Then the rounding operation is applied: s0.42 # s0 . The worker shows a medium decent
work deficit.
M.J. Fernandez
In this paper, a proposal was made to use linguistic models to measure the decent work
deficit. The linguistic approach makes it possible to conduct an analysis that is closer to
the population real living conditions with the available information. It allows the gradual
membership of the group of individuals with a decent work deficit. This proposal will
allow showing and aggregating the valuations of individuals linguistically taking into
account the intensity of fulfilment or non-fulfilment with the indicators determined. With
this approach, the different levels can be captured without losing information and it is
possible to operate with inaccuracies without dismissing data or phenomena considered
Decent work, like many other economic and social concepts, is a complex
phenomenon to specify. It is associated with the lack of certain requirements in the labour
field that allow satisfactory human progress.
The correct measurement of this phenomenon will provide solutions to a relevant
aspect in economic development. Indeed, it will allow knowing where the most affected
sectors or individuals are, and why, how many they are, and with that information,
designing specific policies that lead to how such individuals can improve their labour
Fuzzy sets theory and in particular linguistic models are used to model those concepts
that are typical of human language and thinking. It makes it possible to operate with the
same variables that are used in the traditional measures, incorporating the possibility of
gradualness. Fuzzy approach to measure decent work will allow capturing their different
levels of deficit without losing information. It admits to display the grays present in
population labour situations, degrees that are presented not only by phenomena of
subjective nature, but also by current situational phenomena. These models allow
developing the usual analyses, as well as other more extensive and deep ones, which, in
general, include the classic ones as particular cases.
An extension of the model could be done employing confidence intervals type [a, b].
In subsequent researches, it will be possible to group individuals by deficiency of
some dimension or globally, using the affinity theory. It will also be important to conduct
studies to evaluate the possibility of adding or reformulating indicators or dimensions and
determining the weight structure. In addition, the relevance of combining classical
linguistic, statistical, fuzzy and mathematical approaches may be evaluated.
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