Papers by Araceli Ortega-Diaz

Advances in gender research, Sep 21, 2020
This chapter analyses the relationship between individuals’ poverty situation and conjugal status... more This chapter analyses the relationship between individuals’ poverty situation and conjugal status (divorced, separated, in a free union, or legally married) from 1996 to 2014. It describes different marriage property regimes that exist in state laws in Mexico. Couples living in free union are found to be poorer than those legally married, indicating that marriage may help to protect families more than cohabitation laws. When comparing divorced men and women, women show higher signs of being poorer than men; this could be because the law establishes that the assets in case of divorce accrue to whoever works and pays for them, and given that many women work in the unpaid sectors, men are the owners of the assets. Having no consideration of these facts in the law may create poverty with gender bias in the case of divorce. Additionally, there is lack of data in administrative records of marriage and divorce about couples’ assets, children, and employment status before and after the marriage, so we discuss the importance that in a near future this could be register to facilitate law and policy-makers identifying what contributes to create poverty with gender bias as a results of family laws, and correct them.
Advances in gender research, Sep 21, 2020
Journal of Development Effectiveness, 2022

International finance review, Aug 4, 2017
Abstract The unexpected Eurozone Sovereign Debt Crisis (2010–2012) aroused different attempts of ... more Abstract The unexpected Eurozone Sovereign Debt Crisis (2010–2012) aroused different attempts of interpretation among analysts and practitioners. While some attributed the crisis to a “contagion” effect of the Subprime Mortgages Financial Crisis in the United States (2007–2009), others saw in it an expression of deeper fundamental economic imbalances. This chapter presents an evaluation of whether there is convergence or divergence in the sectorial international competitiveness of the Eurozone area countries. A Dynamic Panel Data analysis on country-level exports for all Eurozone members for a period that goes from 1993 to 2014 finds significant evidence of international competitiveness convergence in four- out of 10-export sectors, and no significant evidence of divergence in the rest. While that evidence is not consistent with the high expectations generated by monetary integration more than 15 years ago, those four sectors correspond to high value-added economic activities and, in that sense, indicate a more homogeneous productive modernization process is taking place in the area.
Las denominaciones empleadas en este producto informativo y la forma en que aparecen presentados ... more Las denominaciones empleadas en este producto informativo y la forma en que aparecen presentados los datos que contiene no implican, por parte de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), juicio alguno sobre la condición jurídica o nivel de desarrollo de países, territorios, ciudades o zonas, o de sus autoridades, ni respecto de la delimitación de sus fronteras o límites. La mención de empresas o productos de fabricantes en particular, estén o no patentados, no implica que la FAO los apruebe o recomiende de preferencia a otros de naturaleza similar que no se mencionan. Las opiniones expresadas en este producto informativo son las de su(s) autor(es), y no reflejan necesariamente los puntos de vista o políticas de la FAO.
Corona (2024) y nutrido por los comentarios de un panel de especialistas conformado por Araceli O... more Corona (2024) y nutrido por los comentarios de un panel de especialistas conformado por Araceli Ortega Díaz, Sunny Villa Juárez y Guillermo Cejudo Ramírez. El contenido de la presente nota es de la autoría y responsabilidad única del CEEY.

REMEF, 2024
This paper analyzes the evolution of labor productivity among the Eurozone's member countries bet... more This paper analyzes the evolution of labor productivity among the Eurozone's member countries between 1999 and 2019, using a dynamic panel estimate. The main findings indicate that, since the adoption of the single currency in 1999, both productivity per worker and productivity per hour followed different routes among Eurozone countries. Convergence among the founding countries stagnated after 2008, probably because of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). But in the countries that joined the Eurozone several years after its creation, convergence did not slow down; indeed, towards the end of the period, the convergence of labor productivity among new entrants did not slow down. This paper focuses on measuring convergence in labor productivity and should be continued with a diagnosis of the likely causes of its stagnation. In this sense, it opens a line of research whose findings will contribute to the design of international integration policy between regions.

Remef - The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance, Sep 1, 2013
Abstract According to Mexican Labor Laws and ILO Regulations we build a multidimensional index of... more Abstract According to Mexican Labor Laws and ILO Regulations we build a multidimensional index of decent work using Alkire and Fosters methodology and apply it to panels of the National Surveyof Occupation and Unemployment for Mexico (ENOE). This index is multidimensional and takes into account eight dimensions, one monetary and seven non-monetary, which are labor income, hours worked, social security, family care, sufficient work, protection to labor rights, respect to labor rights and job stability. As a result we manage to classify the labor status in four types: decent work, non-decent work, MEL (vulnerable by minimum labor standards) and wage vulnerable. Resumen De acuerdo con las leyes mexicanas y las regulaciones de la OIT se construyo un indice multidimensional de trabajo decente usando la metodologia de Alkire y Foster aplicada a paneles de la Encuesta de Ocupacion y Empleo (ENOE). Es un indice multidimensional que toma en cuenta ocho dimensiones, una monetaria y siete no monetarias, que son ingreso laboral, horas trabajadas, seguridad social, cuidados familiares, trabajo suficiente, proteccion a los derechos laborales, respeto a los derechos laborales y estabilidad en el empleo. De esta manera se logro clasificara los trabajosen cuatro tipos: decente, no decente, MEL (vulnerable por Minimos Estandares Laborales) y vulnerable por salario

This paper analyses the relationship between poverty and union situation of couples in Mexico fro... more This paper analyses the relationship between poverty and union situation of couples in Mexico from 1996 to 2014. Using a logit model, cohabitation is estimated to increase the probability of being poor compared to being married, and based on a logit Oaxaca decomposition a couple who cohabit has on average up to 12 percentage points higher probability of being poor than spouses who are married. When the same analysis is performed to compare divorced men and women, women have a higher marginal probability of being poor. The Oaxaca decomposition shows that this difference is due to the fact being a female, varying from 2.2% to 3%, but the total gap due to the sex differential is 11%. The difference could be explained because the existence of marital regimes where the law establishes that the assets in case of divorce accrue to whoever works and pays for them. Given that women devote more time to unpaid work like household chores, men are the owners of the assets. This fact creates pove...

According to Mexican Labor Laws and ILO Regulations we build a multidimensional index of decent w... more According to Mexican Labor Laws and ILO Regulations we build a multidimensional index of decent work using Alkire and Fosters methodology and apply it to panels of the National Survey of Occupation and Unemployment for Mexico (ENOE). This index is multidimensional and takes into account eight dimensions, one monetary and seven non-monetary, which are labor income, hours worked, social security, family care, sufficient work, protection to labor rights, respect to labor rights and job stability. As a result we manage to classify the labor status in four types: decent work, non-decent work, MEL (vulnerable by minimum labor standards) and wage vulnerable. Resumen De acuerdo con las leyes mexicanas y las regulaciones de la OIT se construyó uníndice multidimensional de trabajo decente usando la metodología de Alkire y Foster aplicada a paneles de la Encuesta de Ocupación y Empleo (ENOE). Es uníndice multidimensional que toma en cuenta ocho dimensiones, una monetaria y siete no monetarias, que son ingreso laboral, horas trabajadas, seguridad social, cuidados familiares, trabajo suficiente, protección a los derechos laborales, respeto a los derechos laborales y estabilidad en el empleo. De esta manera se logró clasificar a los trabajos en cuatro tipos: decente, no decente, MEL (vulnerable por Mínimos Estándares Laborales) y vulnerable por salario.
Environmental Research Letters, 2017
A SAM-based price model for Mexico is developed in order to assess the effects of the carbon tax,... more A SAM-based price model for Mexico is developed in order to assess the effects of the carbon tax, which was part of the fiscal reform approved in 2014. The model is formulated based on a social accounting matrix (SAM) that distinguishes households by the official poverty condition and geographical area. The main results are that the sector that includes coke, refined petroleum and nuclear fuel shows the highest price increase due to the direct impact of the carbon tax; in addition, air transport and inland transport are the most affected sectors, in an indirect manner, because both employ inputs from the former sector. Also, it is found that welfare diminishes more in the rural strata than in the urban one. In the urban area, the carbon tax is regressive: the negative impact of carbon tax on family welfare is greater on the poorest families.

El Trimestre Económico, 2014
El presente artículo analiza los efectos de los cambios en los precios de los alimentos en la pob... more El presente artículo analiza los efectos de los cambios en los precios de los alimentos en la pobreza alimentaria en México. Las principales aportaciones del estudio son la estimación por primera vez para el caso mexicano de la elasticidad precio de la demanda para los 22 productos incluidos en la canasta alimentaria para el periodo 1992-2010, y la identificación de las diferencias en elasticidades entre la población pobre y no pobre usando el método quadratic almost ideal demand system (QUAIDS) de Banks, Blundell y Lewbel (1997). El análisis incluye la construcción de una serie de pobreza alimentaria para 1950-2010, la descomposición de los cambios en la pobreza que identifica la importancia del efecto del incremento en los precios, el análisis de las variaciones en la estructura de consumo de los hogares en pobreza alimentaria. De nuestros resultados se infiere propuestas concretas para amortiguar el efecto de aumentos en los precios sobre el consumo de los hogares, así como opcio...
Papers by Araceli Ortega-Diaz