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1971, Behavior Research Methods
5 pages
1 file
Physiological …, 2008
A methodology of studying of ingestive behavior by non-invasive monitoring of swallowing (deglutition) and chewing (mastication) has been developed. The target application for the developed methodology is to study the behavioral patterns of food consumption and producing volumetric and weight estimates of energy intake. Monitoring is non-invasive based on detecting swallowing by a sound sensor located over laryngopharynx or by a bone conduction microphone and detecting chewing through a below-the-ear strain sensor. Proposed sensors may be implemented in a wearable monitoring device, thus enabling monitoring of ingestive behavior in free living individuals. In this paper, the goals in the development of this methodology are two-fold. First, a system comprised of sensors, related hardware and software for multi-modal data capture is designed for data collection in a controlled environment. Second, a protocol is developed for manual scoring of chewing and swallowing for use as a gold standard. The multi-modal data capture was tested by measuring chewing and swallowing in twenty one volunteers during periods of food intake and quiet sitting (no food intake). Video footage and sensor signals were manually scored by trained raters. Inter-rater reliability study for three raters conducted on the sample set of 5 subjects resulted in high average intra-class correlation coefficients of 0.996 for bites, 0.988 for chews, and 0.98 for swallows. The collected sensor signals and the resulting manual scores will be used in future research as a gold standard for further assessment of sensor design, development of automatic pattern recognition routines, and study of the relationship between swallowing/chewing and ingestive behavior.
Journal of Dental Research, 2011
The aim of this observational study was to investigate the features of the chewing activity and the variability of the human chewing pace, as assessed in the natural environment. It was hypothesized that the chewing pace is relatively constant within individuals across different days but is variable across individuals. Electromyographic surface activity was recorded unilaterally from the masseter in 21 participants for 3 hours over 3 recording days, in the natural environment, by means of portable recorders. The timefrequency properties of chewing activity were assessed with a previously validated algorithm. Repeatedmeasurements ANOVA was used for statistical analysis. Chewing activity mainly occurred in the range of 0.94 Hz (5 th percentile) and 2.17 Hz (95 th percentile). Mean and median chewing frequencies were 1.57 Hz and 1.58 Hz, respectively (95% confidence intervals: 1.45-1.68 Hz). The mean duration of chewing episodes was 13.0 sec, the 5 th and 95 th percentiles being 2.7 sec and 34.9 sec, respectively. Variability of the mean chewing frequency between individuals was much greater than that within individuals (F = 29.8; p < 0.001). The individual chewing paces were stable across different days (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.88; 95% confidence intervals = 0.79-0.94). Our findings provide evidence that each individual, in the natural environment, chews with a consistent pace across different days.
Experimental Neurology, 1987
As a way of learning about the motor control of chewing, we studied how well a subject could voluntarily chew in time with a metronome and defined the changes in the spatial and temporal aspects of the chewing pattern with changes in chewing rate. Timing and extent of mandibular movements were assessed in nine adults from Kinesiograph recordings; timing and level of activity in digastric and both masseter muscles were determined from surface EMGs. Each subject chewed gum in time with a metronome set randomly at 46, 100, 160 beats per minute or at a frequency close to his automatic chewing rate. Cycle-by-cycle analysis showed that subjects varied in their ability to keep pace with the metronome. When chewing at high frequencies, six subjects reduced gape, three did not. Contralateral deflection in opening, when present, was significantly reduced when chewing at high frequencies and this decrease was independent of vertical gape. Durations of opening, closing, and occlusal phases decreased in proportion to the decrease in total cycle duration. Burst duration of digastric activity decreased about 29% compared with a 77% decrease in cycle duration over all chewing rates. At low frequencies onset of digastric activity occurred after onset of opening. At high frequencies digastric onset preceded opening. Burst durations of both masseter muscles decreased in concert with the decrease in cycle duration. Termination of activity in both masters was synchronous and always occurred 100 + 20 ms prior to the next opening. Therefore, we conclude that(i) individuals vary in ability and strategy for controlling chewing rate voluntarily and (ii) with increases in chewing rates the shortening of burst duration for the digastrics is significantly less than for the masseters. 0 1987 Academic PI=. hc.
Experimental Neurology, 1988
Chewing, like respiration, is ordinarily performed as an automatic motor act, yet both can be voluntarily controlled. No in-depth analyses of voluntary chewing exist. Therefore, we have analyzed on a cycle-by-cycle basis voluntarily controlled chewing, and compared it with automatic chewing. We assessed the performance during voluntarily controlled chewing by obtaining constant error and variable error scores. Nine healthy adults with full dentition were subjects (Ss). Their three-dimensional jaw movements and movement times were derived from Kinesiograph recordings obtained while chewing a standard piece of gum on the right side of the mouth. Burst durations and onset latencies of masseter activity were obtained from surface-recorded EMGs. Frequency during automatic chewing was obtained from data recorded while the subject viewed a film. Next, the subject chewed in time with a metronome set at this "automatic" rate. Intrasubject variability among 30 consecutive chewing cycles during voluntary was less than during automatic chewing. In every S gape and ipsilateral jaw excursions and the variability of burst durations of masseter activity were less during voluntary than during automatic chewing, showing that both the spatial and temporal aspects of the two types of chewing differ significantly. Ss varied in ability to follow the metronome. A S's constant error might be small, yet his variable error might be large, as if feed-back-based corrections influenced cycleto-cycle variability. Fast chewers had smaller constant and variable error scores than did slow chewers, suggesting a speed-accuracy relationship. In summary, both tempoml and spatial aspects of voluntary chewing were modified compared with those of automatic chewing. During voluntarily controlled chewing, cycle-to-cycle variability was less compared wtih automatic chewing due to reductions in variability of occlusal phase and the masseter's burst durations, and total jaw excursions were less because gapes and ipsilateral deviations during closing were reduced. 0 1988 Academic PIW, Inc.
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 1998
This study evaluated the applicability of skin- and teeth-attached reflex markers fixed to the mandible and the head for optoelectronic recording of chewing movements. Markers were attached to the upper and lower incisors and to the skin on the forehead, the bridge of the nose, the tip of the nose and the chin in seven subjects. Chewing movements were recorded in three dimensions using a high-resolution system for wireless optoelectronic recording. Skin markers were systematically displaced due to skin stretch. The largest displacement was observed for the chin marker, whereas minor displacement was found for markers located on the forehead and the bridge of the nose. In repeated recordings, the smallest intra-individual variation in displacement was found for the marker on the bridge of the nose. In spite of relatively large displacement for the chin marker, the temporal estimates of the mandibular movement were not affected. Teeth markers were found to significantly increase the vertical mouth opening, although the duration of the chewing cycle was unaffected. This indicates an increase in chewing velocity. We suggest that markers located on the bridge of the nose are acceptable for recordings of chewing movements. Skin markers on the chin can be reliably used for temporal analysis. They are also acceptable for spatial analysis if an intra-individual variability of 2 mm is allowed. Teeth-attached markers may significantly influence the natural chewing behavior. Thus, both types of marker systems have advantages as well as disadvantages with regard to the accuracy of the chewing movement analysis. Selection of a marker system should be based on the aims of the study.
Archives of Oral Biology, 2008
P.H. Buschang). a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . i n t l . e l s e v i e r h e a l t h . c o m / j o u r n a l s / a r o b 0003-9969/$ -see front matter #
Archives of Oral Biology, 2004
Electronics, 2016
Research suggests that there might be a relationship between chew count as well as chewing rate and energy intake. Chewing has been used in wearable sensor systems for the automatic detection of food intake, but little work has been reported on the automatic measurement of chew count or chewing rate. This work presents a method for the automatic quantification of chewing episodes captured by a piezoelectric sensor system. The proposed method was tested on 120 meals from 30 participants using two approaches. In a semi-automatic approach, histogram-based peak detection was used to count the number of chews in manually annotated chewing segments, resulting in a mean absolute error of 10.40% ± 7.03%. In a fully automatic approach, automatic food intake recognition preceded the application of the chew counting algorithm. The sensor signal was divided into 5-s non-overlapping epochs. Leave-one-out cross-validation was used to train a artificial neural network (ANN) to classify epochs as &...
Archives of oral biology, 2018
Following chewing a solid food, the median particle size, X, is determined after N chewing cycles, by curve-fitting of the particle size distribution. Reduction of X with N is traditionally followed from N ≥ 15-20 cycles when using the artificial test food Optosil, because of initially unreliable values of X. The aims of the study were (i) to enable testing at small N-values by using initial particles of appropriate size, shape and amount, and (ii) to compare measures of chewing ability, i.e. chewing efficiency (N needed to halve the initial particle size, N(1/2-Xo)) and chewing performance (X at a particular N-value, X). 8 subjects with a natural dentition chewed 4 types of samples of Optosil particles: (1) 8 cubes of 8 mm, border size relative to bin size (traditional test), (2) 9 half-cubes of 9.6 mm, mid-size; similar sample volume, (3) 4 half-cubes of 9.6 mm, and 2 half-cubes of 9.6 mm; reduced particle number and sample volume. All samples were tested with 4 N-values. Curve-fi...
European Journal of Oral Sciences, 2004
We determined the salivary flow rate in 16 healthy subjects in rest and while chewing artificial and natural foods (Parafilm, Melba toast with and without margarine, and three different volumes of breakfast cake and cheese). We also determined the duration of a chewing cycle, the number of chewing cycles until swallowing, and the time until swallowing. The physical characteristics of the foods were quantified from force-deformation experiments. The flow rates of the saliva as obtained without stimulation, with Parafilm stimulation, and with chewing on the various foods were significantly correlated. An increase in chewing cycle duration, number of chewing cycles until swallowing, and time until swallowing was observed as a function of the volume of the food. More chewing cycles were required for Melba toast than for an equal volume of cake or cheese. This may be caused by the low water and fat percentage of the Melba toast. The number of chewing cycles and the time until swallowing significantly decreased when the Melba toast was buttered, which may be caused by a facilitation in bolus formation and lubrication of the food. The number of chewing cycles until swallowing was not correlated to the salivary flow rate.
Victims & Offenders , 2024
Journal of Geophysical Research, 1990
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Near Eastern Archaeology, 2018
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Colloque international "Études et exercices polysémiques autour d’une œuvre : La France apportant la Foi aux Wendats de la Nouvelle-France", 2021
Umbral Científico, 2004
KnE Social Sciences, 2018
Agricultural Sciences, 2015
Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results , 2022
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2016
Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, 1995
Journal of Family Nursing, 2017
Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews, 2019