University of Dundee
Double-pass amplification of picosecond pulses with a tapered semiconductor
Forrest, Adam F.; Krakowski, Michel; Bardella, Paolo; Cataluna, Maria Ana
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Optics Express
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Forrest, A. F., Krakowski, M., Bardella, P., & Cataluna, M. A. (2019). Double-pass amplification of picosecond
pulses with a tapered semiconductor amplifier. Optics Express, 27(21), 30752-30762.
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Research Article
Vol. 27, No. 21 / 14 October 2019 / Optics Express 30752
Double-pass amplification of picosecond pulses
with a tapered semiconductor amplifier
1 Institute
of Photonics and Quantum Sciences, School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Heriot Watt
University, Edinburgh Campus, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS, United Kingdom
2 previously also with the School of Engineering, Physics and Mathematics, University of Dundee, Dundee,
DD1 4HN, United Kingdom
3 III-V Lab, 1 Avenue Augustin Fresnel, Campus de Polytechnique, 91767 Palaiseau, France
4 Dipartimento di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni, Politecnico di Torino, I-10129, Turin, Italy
[email protected]
Abstract: Double-pass amplification of picosecond pulses is demonstrated and compared with
single-pass amplification. This was achieved using a two-section tapered semiconductor optical
amplifier with a chirped quantum-dot active region and a mode-locked laser diode as a seed.
Across the range of biasing conditions common to both configurations, an enhancement in signal
gain of up to 7 dB and output power by a factor of 4.1 was seen in the double-pass amplifier,
compared to the single-pass. Only marginal increases in pulse duration were observed in the
double-pass regime compared to the single-pass amplifier, meaning that enhancements in output
power were well translated into peak power. Furthermore, the two-section contact layout of the
SOA allowed the pulse duration to be optimised for a given fixed output power, giving additional
flexibility to the amplifier. These results demonstrate the suitability of this simple and versatile
technique, which could become the new standard in amplification of ultrashort pulses.
Published by The Optical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Further
distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal
citation, and DOI.
The use of tapered semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) for the amplification of ultrashort
pulses offers a number of advantages due to their low-cost, small footprint, efficiency and
simplicity. Furthermore, the tapered waveguide geometry, which is designed to support a solitary
transverse optical mode, allows for a large active area and hence increased output power, whilst
maintaining a reasonable beam quality. Tapered SOAs have been used to boost the power of a
wide variety of laser platforms, including semiconductor edge-emitting diodes [1] and disk lasers
[2], as well as Ti:Sapphire lasers [3,4]. For example, a semiconductor tapered SOA was used to
boost the power of an optical frequency comb while maintaining optical phase coherence [3],
with the same system also demonstrating its versatility to enhance the power of a spectral window
of supercontinuum light [3]. More recently, a tapered SOA was one of the core components in
the demonstration of the highest peak power (9 kW) available from an ultrafast edge-emitting
semiconductor laser diode system [1].
Quantum-dot (QD) SOAs, which typically have a broad gain bandwidth and short gain
recovery times [5], have shown great promise in the context of ultrashort pulse amplification
and are particularly well adapted to amplifying high repetition rate sources such as mode-locked
laser diodes (MLLDs). Indeed, there have been many promising reports of ultrashort pulse
amplification using QD SOAs [6–10]. These have covered pulse repetition rates ranging from
0.6–1.1 GHz [6] up to 80 GHz [10]. A tapered SOA which implemented a chirped active region
has also been used to amplify pulses over a broad wavelength range between 1214–1274 nm
Journal © 2019
Received 30 Jul 2019; revised 9 Sep 2019; accepted 26 Sep 2019; published 9 Oct 2019
Research Article
Vol. 27, No. 21 / 14 October 2019 / Optics Express 30753
using a tunable MOPA setup, showing their spectral versatility [7]. Last among these highlights
was the amplification of picosecond pulses from a tapered QD laser up to a peak power of 42 W
using a tapered QD SOA [9].
Implementing tapered SOAs in a double-pass amplifier configuration is one method that could
potentially improve gain and output power relative to standard MOPA setups, particularly for low
input powers. Such improvements have been demonstrated for CW input signals at 780 nm in
[11,12], as well as for longer wavelengths in the infrared [13]. A double-pass configuration has
also been used to amplify and shape chirped nanosecond pulses [14], but as yet there have been
no reports of using such an amplification regime for ultrashort pulses.
In this paper, a QD two-section tapered SOA is deployed in a double-pass configuration
to amplify picosecond pulses generated by a MLLD. A comparison is made with a standard
single-pass amplifier set-up, which highlighted relative enhancements in the gain and output
power from the double-pass system with minimal disruption to pulse duration.
Experimental setup
2.1. Seed laser
The ultrashort pulse source used in this work was a multi-section narrow-ridge MLLD with
a multi-layer InAs QD active region. The wafer growth and device processing of this seed
laser were performed by Innolume GmbH. For the purposes of this investigation, a combination
of bias conditions that produced a stable mode-locked output was selected and kept constant
throughout the study. The laser emitted pulses with a repetition rate around 5 GHz, with a central
emission wavelength around 1258 nm. The full-width half-maximum optical bandwidth and
pulse duration were approximately 4.5 nm and 2.3 ps respectively. These characteristics resulted
in a time-bandwidth product of 2.0, indicating that the pulses were fairly chirped (assuming a
sech2 pulse shape). The average optical power of the pulses was 2.5 mW (as measured after a
single stage optical isolator).
2.2. SOA
A schematic diagram of the tapered SOA used in this investigation is shown in Fig. 1(a). The
wafer was grown by Innolume GmbH and was then processed by III-V Lab. At the rear of the
device was a 0.5 mm long straight ridge segment with a ridge width of 14 µm. This was followed
by the first of two tapered segments, which had a length of 0.5 mm and a full angle of 3°. The
final tapered segment had a full flare angle of 0.8° and ran along the remaining 5 mm of the
device length, resulting in a front facet width of 110 µm. A shallow ridge was etched into the
contact layer at the external limits of the waveguide so as to introduce a slight index guiding
effect. This feature, along with the unique waveguide geometry, was implemented based on
simulations similar to those performed in [15], with the goal of simultaneously enhancing both
gain and beam quality from the tapered facet. An isolation trench was etched into the waveguide
1.875 mm from the rear facet of the device in order to form two electrically isolated contacts
which could be independently biased to enhance versatility.
The active region of the tapered SOA contained ten layers of InAs QDs, capped by layers of
In0.15 Ga0.85 As and separated by GaAs barriers. Unlike the active region of the seed laser, the
QD layers in the SOA were non-identical and had a chirped structure whereby the average size of
the dots in each layer was varied by altering the thickness of the In0.15 Ga0.85 As capping layer.
As a consequence, the central wavelength of the ground state emission from the different QD
layers also varied. The ten QD layers that made up the active region of the SOA were subdivided
into three groups based on their target ground state emission wavelength. The three QD layers
closest to the p-contact of the device were designed to have a ground state emission wavelength
of 1211 nm. Directly following these layers were three layers of QDs with a target ground state
Research Article
Vol. 27, No. 21 / 14 October 2019 / Optics Express 30754
Fig. 1. (a) Schematic diagram of the tapered SOA, fabricated by III-V Lab (not to scale,
waveguide tilt not shown). (b) Schematic illustration of the epitaxial structure used to
fabricate the tapered SOA (grown by Innolume GmbH).
emission wavelength of 1243 nm. The final four QD layers were tuned to produce ground state
emission centred at 1285 nm. This chirped active region design was implemented in order to
broaden the gain bandwidth and therefore the versatility of the SOA, allowing for a broader range
of signal wavelengths to be amplified.
The waveguide of the SOA was at an angle of 7° with respect to its facets, on top of which
anti-reflective coatings were deposited in order to reduce reflectivity as much as possible. This
was done to supress solitary lasing and optimise input and output coupling efficiency. The SOA
was mounted on a copper heat sink and was maintained at a constant temperature of 20°C by a
Peltier cooler and temperature controller throughout this work. Both the front and rear sections
of the device were driven by CW constant current diode drivers.
2.3. Amplifier configurations
Schematic diagrams of both the single and double-pass amplifier configurations that were
investigated in this work are shown in Fig. 2. The single-pass amplifier configuration followed a
conventional MOPA set-up in which signal pulses from the seed laser were input coupled into
the narrow rear facet of the SOA, amplified over a single pass and then output coupled from
the tapered facet. A single stage optical isolator was used to protect against light emitted from
the rear of the SOA inadvertently being coupled into the seed laser and disrupting mode-locked
operation. The beam was folded and re-routed via various steering mirrors in order to share the
setup with the double-pass configuration, but in practice this could be simplified.
In the double-pass configuration, signal pulses were input coupled through the tapered facet
of the SOA and amplified during a first pass through the device. Pulses were then output and
recoupled into the rear facet of the SOA via a silvered mirror to be amplified again during a
second pass, before being output from the tapered facet. The simultaneous input and output
coupling of signal and amplified pulses respectively from the same facet of the SOA was made
possible by the one-way optical gate that was implemented in the set-up (inset of Fig. 2). This
one-way optical gate was comprised of two half-wave plates, a linear polariser, a Faraday rotator
and a polarising beam splitter cube. Linearly polarised light from the seed laser that enters the
amplification system (from the right hand side of Fig. 2) has its polarisation angle adjusted by the
first half-wave plate so that it is completely transmitted by the polarising beam splitter cube. The
Faraday rotator then rotates the polarisation angle anti-clockwise by 45° to match the orientation
of the linear polariser, before the second half-wave plate adjusts the polarisation angle, in this
case to match the polarisation of the SOA. Light that enters the system from the left hand side,
such as the amplified pulses from the SOA, has its polarisation angle adjusted by the half-wave
Research Article
Vol. 27, No. 21 / 14 October 2019 / Optics Express 30755
Fig. 2. Amplifier configurations schematic diagrams.
plate to match the orientation of the linear polariser. The Faraday rotator then introduces another
45° anti-clockwise rotation to the polarisation angle so that now, light is completely reflected by
the polarising beam splitter cube and exits the system.
A combination of cylindrical and aspheric lenses were used in both configurations to input/output couple light to/from the tapered facet of the SOA. The cylindrical lens was utilised to
correct the common beam astigmatism intrinsic to such tapered amplifiers. All measurements of
output power in this work were taken after the optical isolator, using a broadband thermal detector
(as opposed to a semiconductor based detector, which could introduce inaccuracies arising from
inherent spectral sensitivity). In order to determine what fraction of the total measured output
Fig. 3. Typical optical spectrum of an amplified pulse from the single pass configuration.
The coherent amplified signal is indicated by the grey shaded area and sits on top of the
ASE background shown in red.
Research Article
Vol. 27, No. 21 / 14 October 2019 / Optics Express 30756
power was coherent amplified signal, as opposed to amplified spontaneous emission (ASE)
background, corresponding optical spectra were taken for each output power measurement. An
example of such a spectrum is shown in Fig. 3. The spectral method was used in order to
separate the ASE and signal components and to calculate the coherent amplified signal power.
This method was rigorously demonstrated in [16] and successfully implemented in the context of
amplification of picosecond pulse trains in [9,16–19]. In order to implement the method, output
spectra (including both ASE and signal) were linearized, normalized and integrated to give the
total area under the plot. Then, the coherent amplified signal was removed and the ASE baseline
was linearly interpolated before being integrated to give the area under the baseline. Dividing
the area under the baseline by the total area gives the fraction of the output power that was ASE
background, which was subtracted from 1 and multiplied by the total measured output power to
give the coherent amplified signal power (referred to as the output power throughout this paper).
Double-pass SOA performance
To begin, the output power from both configurations was measured at various combinations of
front and rear section driving currents applied to the SOA. Fig. 4(a) and 4(c) shows plots of output
power vs front section driving current at various fixed rear section currents for both amplifier
configurations at similar input powers of around 2 mW. Both setups had similar trends of increasing
output power with increasing front and rear section driving current, with output powers in the
double-pass configuration generally exceeding output powers from the single-pass at equivalent
biasing conditions. Across this range of biasing conditions common to both configurations,
the relative enhancement in the output power from the double-pass amplifier compared to the
single-pass tended to increase with both front and rear section current. The maximum outright
improvement in output power was observed at 0.1/4.25 A of rear/front section current, where a
relative output power enhancement of 57 mW from 21 mW in the single-pass up to 78 mW in
the double-pass amplifier was observed. This corresponded to a proportional improvement by a
factor of 3.7, which was slightly short of the maximum proportional enhancement by a factor of
4.1 at 0.1/3.75 A of rear/front section current.
These improvements in output power from the double-pass amplifier compared to the singlepass were also reflected in the signal gain of both configurations. The signal gain was calculated
simply by dividing the output power by the input power and so is inclusive of any losses due
to coupling light to the SOA and transmission through the various optical components in the
systems. Shown alongside the output power plots in Fig. 4 are the corresponding plots of signal
gain vs front section current at various fixed rear section currents. For the majority of biasing
conditions that were common to both configurations, the double-pass amplifier had a gain that
was approximately 3 dB greater than the single-pass. This implies that generally, the double-pass
set-up provided around twice the gain of the conventional single-pass amplifier. Furthermore, the
maximum gain enhancement offered by the double-pass configuration at a common set of bias
conditions was 6.8 dB. The direct comparison with an equivalent single-pass amplifier presented
here has served to highlight the attractive benefits offered by a double-pass set-up with regards to
boosting output power and signal gain.
As indicated by the plots in Fig. 4(a) and 4(c), the range of driving currents that could be
applied to the SOA in the double-pass configuration was limited compared to the single-pass.
This was a consequence of the feedback of ASE introduced in the double-pass configuration,
which, at higher current levels, resulted in laser emission at wavelengths near the ASE peak of the
SOA. Not only did this laser emission reduce the gain at the signal wavelength, it also introduced
a significant CW background to the amplified pulses, which manifested in a deterioration of
the measured RF spectra and autocorrelation traces. These problems were heightened in this
work as a result of the spectral mismatch between the signal wavelength and the peak ASE
wavelength of the SOA. We have previously reported a comprehensive study of the amplified
Research Article
Vol. 27, No. 21 / 14 October 2019 / Optics Express 30757
Fig. 4. Plots of average power and gain vs front section current at various fixed rear
section currents and a constant input power around 2 mW. (a) Single-pass output power. (b)
Single-pass gain. (c) Double-pass output power. (d) Double-pass gain. (e) Double-pass
output power with long-pass filterEurope. (f) Double-pass gain with long-pass filter.
spontaneous emission from this device [20]. During that work, extremely broad ASE spectra with
spectral bandwidths up to 79 nm were observed, spanning the wavelength range from 1222 nm
to 1301 nm, highlighting the potential for the SOA to amplify a variety of sources over a broad
range of wavelengths. However, under moderate to high driving currents (above 2 A in the front
section and 0.2 A in the rear section) the ASE spectra became dominated by a narrower peak
with a spectral bandwidth of around 20-30 nm centred around 1235 nm. This 1235 nm peak is
significantly detuned from the 1258 nm seed pulses considered in this work, which contributed to
the limited operating range of the double-pass amplifier. In an attempt to increase the driving
currents that could be applied to the SOA in the double-pass regime, a long-pass filter with a
cut-off wavelength of 1250 nm (FEL1250, Thorlabs) was introduced into the set-up between the
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Vol. 27, No. 21 / 14 October 2019 / Optics Express 30758
rear facet of the SOA and feedback mirror. With the filter in place, feedback at the ASE peak at
1235 nm was blocked whilst still allowing the transmission of the signal wavelength at 1258 nm.
Figures 4(e) and 4(f) show plots of the output power and signal gain of the double-pass
amplifier with the long-pass filter versus front section current at various fixed rear section currents
at an input power around 2 mW. From these plots, it is immediately clear that the inclusion of the
long-pass filter greatly increased the operating range of the double-pass amplifier, particularly at
rear section currents above 0.1 A. As a result, higher driving currents were delivered to the SOA
and the maximum output power was improved. In the single-pass configuration, a maximum
output power of 76 mW was observed at a rear/front section current of 0.6/4.75 A. Without the
long-pass filter, the double-pass configuration was barely able to better this, reaching a maximum
output power of 78 mW at 0.1/4.25 A of rear/front section current. However, with the addition of
the long-pass filter, the double-pass configuration was able to reach a maximum output power of
109 mW at 0.4/3.25 A of rear/front section current. This highlights the versatile nature of the
double-pass configuration presented here, which was easily customisable with a simple long-pass
filter, extending both the operating range and maximum achievable output power of the system.
Across the new extended range of biasing conditions common to both amplifiers, the maximum
outright relative enhancement in output power from the double-pass over the single-pass was
75 mW, which was observed at 0.4/3.25 A of rear/front section driving current and marked a
proportional increase by a factor of 3.2. This was just short of the maximum proportional increase
by a factor of 3.3 which was observed at 0.7/2.5 A of rear/front section current. With regards to
the signal gain, a general enhancement of around 4 dB and a maximum enhancement of 7 dB in
the double-pass configuration with the filter compared to the single-pass was observed, marking
a slight improvement over the double-pass setup without the filter. A potential limitation of the
gain enhancements achieved by the double-pass amplifier compared to the single-pass was the
fact that, even at the lowest driving currents tested, the double-pass amplifier appeared to operate
in a regime of gain saturation. Furthermore, the intrinsic losses associated with input coupling
back into the rear facet of the SOA and transmission through the long pass filter also act to limit
relative enhancements in signal gain.
These results are summarised in the plots of output power against front section current at rear
section currents of 0.1 A and 0.3 A in Fig. 5 where single-pass and double-pass configurations
are compared, both with and without the long-pass filter (at similar input power of around 2 mW).
As can be seen from these plots, at 0.1 A of rear section current, the operating range of the
double-pass configuration was largely unaffected by the presence of the filter. As a result, the
relative enhancement of the output power in the double-pass amplifier including the filter was
reduced due to losses associated with transmission through the filter. Conversely, at 0.3 A of rear
section current, the operating range of the double-pass amplifier was so severely limited without
the long-pass filter that significant enhancements in the output power were only achieved with its
inclusion in the setup. The plots shown in Fig. 5 also serve to show the lower operation currents
in the double-pass configuration required to achieve the same performance as the single-pass.
Not only does this yield a wall-plug efficiency advantage derived from the lower electrical power
required to drive the SOA, but also from the lower power requirements to stabilize its temperature.
Moreover, this results as well in a longer lifetime and minimizes other thermally induced effects
caused by a higher active region temperature. All of these factors could be very advantageous in
the field deployment of such systems.
Throughout this investigation, the durations of the amplified pulses from both configurations
were measured using an autocorrelator. Compared to the input pulse duration of 2.2 ps, both
amplifiers produced pulses with increased durations across the entire range of bias conditions.
Both configurations also showed a similar trend of increasing pulse duration with increasing
front section driving current, albeit with some local fluctuations. This general trend was likely
due to the combined effects of gain saturation, self-phase modulation (SPM) and chromatic
Research Article
Vol. 27, No. 21 / 14 October 2019 / Optics Express 30759
Fig. 5. Comparison of the output power vs front section current plots from the single-pass
and double-pass configurations with and without the long-pass filter at rear section currents
of 0.1 A (a) and 0.3 A (b).
dispersion, resulting in increased pulse broadening [21]. These effects were more prominent in
the double-pass configuration due to the fact that pulses had to propagate through twice the length
of gain medium compared to in the single-pass amplifier. This manifested in the observation of
marginally longer pulse durations from the double-pass system relative to the single-pass. In the
single-pass configuration, across the entire range of bias conditions, the duration of output pulses
ranged from 2.3-2.7 ps, whereas pulses from the double-pass set-up had durations ranging from
2.4-3.1 ps. These results were also reflected in the spectral characteristics of the amplified pulses
from both configurations, with slightly increased spectral bandwidth pulses being observed from
the double-pass set-up. The direct comparison between the single and double-pass configurations
serves to illustrate further the advantages of the double-pass set-up of enhanced output power
and gain while introducing minimal temporal broadening, therefore preserving enhancements to
the peak power.
Figure 6 shows a plot of the duration vs output power of pulses emitted from the double-pass
amplifier with the long-pass filter. As can be seen from these plots, the pulse duration tended
to increase with increasing output power, which generally corresponded to increased SPM and
dispersion with increasing driving current. However the relationship between pulse duration
and both front and rear section driving current was relatively complex, something which has
been observed in a standard MOPA setup implementing a tapered QD SOA [9]. This complexity
was thought to be a reflection of several interlinked factors that affect the level of SPM and gain
saturation, and therefore the pulse duration, that amplified pulses encounter during propagation
through the double-pass configuration. Firstly, the tapered geometry of the SOA results in
non-uniform levels of SPM and gain saturation within the device. Furthermore, the SPM and
gain saturation will be different depending on the direction of propagation through the device
due to the asymmetric waveguide and confinement factor. There is also a dependence of SPM
and gain saturation on the properties of the input pulse such as its chirp, duration and energy
[22]. In the double-pass configuration, the pulses recoupled into the rear facet of the SOA after
a single-pass will have different chirps, durations and energies compared to the original input
pulses. In addition, the two-section contact layout means that the current density within the
SOA is non-uniform, which again influences the levels of SPM and gain saturation. Lastly, the
relatively large and non-uniform current densities applied to the SOA could also induce active
region temperature effects that can affect the pulse duration [4].
Figure 6 also indicates that by varying the driving current applied to each section of the
SOA, the pulse duration could be tuned within a certain range at a fixed output power. This
is a particularly attractive benefit afforded by the two-section contact, since it allows pulse
Research Article
Vol. 27, No. 21 / 14 October 2019 / Optics Express 30760
Fig. 6. Plot of pulse duration vs output power of pulse from the double-pass amplifier with
the long-pass filter. Black lines indicate upper and lower envelopes of the pulse duration
tuning range.
duration to be minimised at a given output power, allowing peak power to be maximised. For
example, at a fixed output power of around 60 mW, depending on the driving current applied to
the front and rear sections of the SOA, pulses with durations as long as 3 ps and as short as 2.5
ps were observed. This ability to alter the pulse duration at a fixed output power facilitated by
the two-section contact could be especially desirable for the double-pass configuration, to help
counteract the additional temporal broadening associated with the inherent increased SPM and
Conclusion and outlook
In summary, we have demonstrated double-pass amplification of picosecond pulses using a
tapered SOA. The performance of the double-pass amplifier was compared to a conventional
single-pass MOPA setup, revealing a global enhancement both in output power and signal gain
from the double-pass amplifier across the entire range of equivalent biasing conditions. A
general enhancement of at least 3 dB and a maximum enhancement of 6.8 dB in signal gain
was observed in the double-pass amplifier relative to the single-pass, as well as a maximum
proportional increase in output power by a factor of 4.1. The highly versatile nature of the
double-pass configuration was exploited, and a long-pass filter was introduced in order to inhibit
lasing near the ASE peak of the SOA and extend the operating range of the amplifier. This
resulted in an increase in the maximum output power of the double-pass amplifier up to 109 mW,
a 43% improvement over the maximum power of 76 mW achieved by the single-pass amplifier.
Across the new extended range of biasing conditions in common between the single-pass and
double-pass amplifier including the long-pass filter, a maximum enhancement in output power of
75 mW was observed along with a general enhancement of 4 dB and a maximum enhancement of
7 dB in the signal gain. Although the combined effects of gain saturation, self-phase modulation
Research Article
Vol. 27, No. 21 / 14 October 2019 / Optics Express 30761
and chromatic dispersion appeared to be greater in the double pass configuration, the durations of
the output pulses were only marginally higher than those observed from the single pass amplifier.
Furthermore, the two-section contact layout of the SOA was shown to allow the pulse duration to
be minimised at a given fixed output power, allowing peak power to be maximised.
Double-pass amplification affords more flexibility if needed, with additional spatial and spectral
shaping possible, for example, with the addition of prism pulse compressors between the SOA and
feedback mirror or alternative transmission filters. Additionally, the efficiency and compactness
of the double-pass technique could be further explored for better field deployment. A bespoke,
low-loss reflective coating could be deposited onto the rear facet of the SOA to minimise coupling
losses and tailor feedback for a given application. In this work we also demonstrated the potential
advantages of utilising a SOA with a multi-section contact layout, which affords greater flexibility
in tuning the characteristics of the output pulses.
The double-pass amplifier configuration that we have presented is a versatile and powerful
technique which could become the standard for amplification. The approach presented in this
paper could also be applied to further extend the reach of other successful amplification techniques,
such as x-CPA (eXtreme Chirped Pulse Amplification) [23], additive pulse amplification [19]
and pulse picking [2,24].
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council; Biotechnology and Biological Sciences
Research Council; FP7 Information and Communication Technologies (224338); H2020 European
Research Council (640537). Supporting data is available at
The authors would like to thank Innolume GmbH (Germany) for the growth of the QD wafers.
The authors would like to thank T. Xu, M. Rossetti and I. Montrosset for stimulating discussions.
From III-V Lab the authors would also like to thank M. Tran for SOA processing, Y. Robert for
the SOA low-reflectivity coating, E. Vinet and M. Garcia for SOA mounting and M. Ruiz for
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