OSTI OAI (U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information), Jun 1, 1998
Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from... more Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document.
A platform for analysis of material properties under extreme conditions, where a sample is bathed... more A platform for analysis of material properties under extreme conditions, where a sample is bathed in radiation with a high temperature, is under development. Depositing maximum laser energy into a small, high-Z enclosure produces this hot environment. Such targets were recently included in an experimental campaign using the first four of the 192 beams of the National Ignition Facility [J. A. Paisner, E. M. Campbell, and W. J. Hogan, Fusion Technol. 26, 755 (1994)], under construction at the University of California Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. These targets demonstrate good laser coupling, reaching a radiation temperature of 340 eV. In addition, there is a unique wavelength dependence of the Raman backscattered light that is consistent with Brillouin backscatter of Raman forward scatter [A. B. Langdon and D. E. Hinkel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 015003 (2002)]. Finally, novel diagnostic capabilities indicate that 20% of the direct backscatter from these reduced-scale targets is...
Laser Interaction and Related Plasma Phenomena, 1986
Thii».ptipriirtot.poc^i««i«»ooi«|>«Mfcir^to I|I,..II auy be aude before paMkatfaa. thie propria* ... more Thii».ptipriirtot.poc^i««i«»ooi«|>«Mfcir^to I|I,..II auy be aude before paMkatfaa. thie propria* lo made railaMe wttk the iinrtirmivlint Oat It will not be ami or tefwdacad wtthoe* Ike oirilaalaa of the DISCLAIMER Tlaa nport waa prepared at aa acooaat of work apoaeored ay aa aaaacy of Ike Uailad SIMai Oonraanat htakaer Ike Uahcd Slant Onwraawal aor aay aaaacy thereof, aor lay of their .aaahjun., awta aay wanaaty, mpnai or iaialiil, or aaaaam aay lajal lieWity or nirpiaaaaty far Ike accaracy, uaailiWiam, or infill n of aay iafaieaajoa, appaianai, pradact, ar ereom dierlnwd, or maicicali tket iu aee weald aot iafriaac errmel) owaed riehtt. Batareece keraie to aay ipjceV ooaaaHroial pndact, proeaa, or eerriee ay trade aaax, traaaaMtk, •aaafoctarer, or Mhaiain doai aot ainamgy coaetitate or haply Ha lalomaMet. ncaai •aidlliia. or faroriat ky Ike Uailad Statu Oiiiiraaiial ar aay aaaacy thereof. The itaea aad oaiaiaaa of aetkon i»|iiml haraia da aac aeraamly aula or raflaot tkaat of Ike UaMed StaM Getanaaiat or aay aaaacy tkaraaf.
Solid State Lasers for Application to Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF), 1995
The work is devoted to the investigation of a wide-aperture amplifier which is intended to be ins... more The work is devoted to the investigation of a wide-aperture amplifier which is intended to be installed in the laser system Nova upgrade. The amplifier should meet rather severe requirements. We have carried out the experimental investigation of gain nonuniformity over all the aperture of the amplifier and estimated depolarization and phase distortions to determine the sizes of the amplifier aperture operating zone.
Solid State Lasers for Application to Inertial Confinement Fusion: Second Annual International Conference, 1997
This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Gove... more This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor the UNversity of California nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or rqxmsibilit y for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any informaticm apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned righk. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Goverrtment or the University of California. 'lhe views and opinions of authors expressed hereindo not necessarily state or reflect those of the UNted States Government or the UNversity of California, and shall not be used for advertising rsement purposes. or product endo The use of beam propagation modeling of Beamlet and Nova to ensure a 'Safe" National Ignition Facility laser system design
Solid State Lasers for Application to Inertial Confinement Fusion: Second Annual International Conference, 1997
ABSTRACT The near field irradiance parameters at the interface between the one micron laser, the ... more ABSTRACT The near field irradiance parameters at the interface between the one micron laser, the UV generation, and transport subsystem will be discussed. The test results obtained from the Beamlet and Nova lasers used to validate the mathematical models will be presented.
DISCLAIMER This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United ... more DISCLAIMER This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government Neither the United States Government nor the University of Wifornis nor any of their employeer, makes any warranty. express or implied, or .ssumes any legal liibility or responsibility for the sccuracy. completeness, or useful-~e s s of any information. apparatus, produd, or p-disclosed, or represents that iIs use would not infringe privately owned rights. Referem hercia to m y sp&fic. c0mnurd.l produds, prorrr+. or Saricc by trade name, trademark, manufscturer, or othmvisc, docs not d l y condilute or imply its endorsement, recommendation. or favoring by the United Stata Gove-nt or tbe University of California. Tkc. views and opinieos of suthors cxpresscd herein do not a-rily state or reflect those of the Uaitcd S a t e Government or the Udrcnity of California, and shall not be used for sdveflking or produd endorsement p.rposes. DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document.
Characterization of laser-produced plasma x-ray sources for use in x-ray radiography D. L Matthew... more Characterization of laser-produced plasma x-ray sources for use in x-ray radiography D. L Matthews, EM Campbell, NM Ceglio, G. Hermes, R. Kauffman, L. Koppel,a) R. Lee, K. Manes, V. Rupert, VW Slivinsky, R. Turner, and F. Ze University of California, Lawrence Livermore ...
This k an informal report intended primarily for internal or ltilted q xternal distribution. The ... more This k an informal report intended primarily for internal or ltilted q xternal distribution. The opinions and ccmcluskms stated are thoee of the qul may or may not be those of the Laboratory. Work performed under the q uepicea of the U.S. Department of Energy by the \ Iawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract W-74115-Eng48. \ DiscLAMER m~tm~-m~dw*~bym~ytiti Udti*-ti~t. Neither the UllkedStateeGovemnentno rtheUniverSkyofm ifwnie nor my of thsit~~% y=apmes orimph~ammnnes any legal lteMUty a mpondbility for tlw accurecy, %%lnot inf&e privetely =Y infonnetiorL apperatu%product# orproceSe diSche40r repmeentethet Mlueew? rights. Reference herein to eny epecific mmmetdd @UC~prOCe8e,or seWice by ttede .nelMIE &&mklM?$ mmfedmr, crotbwiee, doeenotneumwil y Calmtituteor imply ite endommlmt he united Statee Covemmmtca theUllwereityofceHfomk mvieweandopinkme deuthoreexpnwdhereindo m~yti*a-*d* Mti**tiv~d atiudvd~of~andehellnotbe Ueedfordwtidngorpmduct endommdpuqmseu-n$erepartheebeenmpduced CHfectlyfromthbeetavdlablecopy.
Zig-Zag-Slab-Amplifier had active element 4.5 X 40 X 43 cm3 in dimensions, six-bounce geometry of... more Zig-Zag-Slab-Amplifier had active element 4.5 X 40 X 43 cm3 in dimensions, six-bounce geometry of beam pass, pump cavity with transverse lamp orientation, and diffuse reflectors. Tests showed: the gain is equal to 8 per single pass at 77 kJ of pumping; its non-uniformity over about half of amplifier aperture is less than +/- 2.5 percent; the depolarization distortion over
DISCLAIMER This document was preparedas an accountof work sponsoredby an agencyof the United Stat... more DISCLAIMER This document was preparedas an accountof work sponsoredby an agencyof the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor the University of California nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulncss of any informtioa, apparatus,product,or processdisclosed,or representsthat its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Referenceherein to any specific. commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or the University of California. The •views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government o¢ the University of California, and shall not he used for adverlising or product endorsement purposes.
ABSTRACT This paper presents our conceptual design for laser drivers used in Laser Inertial Fusio... more ABSTRACT This paper presents our conceptual design for laser drivers used in Laser Inertial Fusion Energy (LIFE) power plants. Although we have used only modest extensions of existing laser technology to ensure near-term feasibility, predicted performance meets or exceeds plant requirements: 2.2 MJ pulse energy produced by 384 beamlines at 16 Hz, with 18% wall-plug efficiency. High reliability and maintainability are achieved by mounting components in compact line-replaceable units that can be removed and replaced rapidly while other beamlines continue to operate, at up to ~13% above normal energy, to compensate for neighboring beamlines that have failed. Statistical modeling predicts that laser-system availability can be greater than 99% provided that components meet reasonable mean-time-between-failure specifications.
The National Ignition Facility (NIF) is the world's largest laser system. It contains a 192 beam ... more The National Ignition Facility (NIF) is the world's largest laser system. It contains a 192 beam neodymium glass laser that is designed to deliver 1.8 MJ at 500 TW at 351 nm in order to achieve energy gain (ignition) in a deuterium-tritium nuclear fusion target. To meet this goal, laser design criteria include the ability to generate pulses of up to 1.8 MJ total energy, with peak power of 500 TW and temporal pulse shapes spanning 2 orders of magnitude at the third harmonic (351 nm or 3) of the laser wavelength. The focal-spot fluence distribution of these pulses is carefully controlled, through a combination of special optics in the 1 ͑1053 nm͒ portion of the laser (continuous phase plates), smoothing by spectral dispersion, and the overlapping of multiple beams with orthogonal polarization (polarization smoothing). We report performance qualification tests of the first eight beams of the NIF laser. Measurements are reported at both 1 and 3, both with and without focal-spot conditioning. When scaled to full 192 beam operation, these results demonstrate, to the best of our knowledge for the first time, that the NIF will meet its laser performance design criteria, and that the NIF can simultaneously meet the temporal pulse shaping, focal-spot conditioning, and peak power requirements for two candidate indirect drive ignition designs.
... laboratory facilities. Informative discussions with Dr. HP Broida, rION AND PHYSICS ... 373 D... more ... laboratory facilities. Informative discussions with Dr. HP Broida, rION AND PHYSICS ... 373 Dr. M. Butler, and Dr. Stanton Peale were most useful in formulating the model to explain the population distribution. *Work supported ...
Zig-Zag-Slab-Amplifier had active element 4.5 X 40 X 43 cm3 in dimensions, six-bounce geometry of... more Zig-Zag-Slab-Amplifier had active element 4.5 X 40 X 43 cm3 in dimensions, six-bounce geometry of beam pass, pump cavity with transverse lamp orientation, and diffuse reflectors. Tests showed: the gain is equal to 8 per single pass at 77 kJ of pumping; its non-uniformity over about half of amplifier aperture is less than +/- 2.5 percent; the depolarization distortion over
OSTI OAI (U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information), Jun 1, 1998
Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from... more Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document.
A platform for analysis of material properties under extreme conditions, where a sample is bathed... more A platform for analysis of material properties under extreme conditions, where a sample is bathed in radiation with a high temperature, is under development. Depositing maximum laser energy into a small, high-Z enclosure produces this hot environment. Such targets were recently included in an experimental campaign using the first four of the 192 beams of the National Ignition Facility [J. A. Paisner, E. M. Campbell, and W. J. Hogan, Fusion Technol. 26, 755 (1994)], under construction at the University of California Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. These targets demonstrate good laser coupling, reaching a radiation temperature of 340 eV. In addition, there is a unique wavelength dependence of the Raman backscattered light that is consistent with Brillouin backscatter of Raman forward scatter [A. B. Langdon and D. E. Hinkel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 015003 (2002)]. Finally, novel diagnostic capabilities indicate that 20% of the direct backscatter from these reduced-scale targets is...
Laser Interaction and Related Plasma Phenomena, 1986
Thii».ptipriirtot.poc^i««i«»ooi«|>«Mfcir^to I|I,..II auy be aude before paMkatfaa. thie propria* ... more Thii».ptipriirtot.poc^i««i«»ooi«|>«Mfcir^to I|I,..II auy be aude before paMkatfaa. thie propria* lo made railaMe wttk the iinrtirmivlint Oat It will not be ami or tefwdacad wtthoe* Ike oirilaalaa of the DISCLAIMER Tlaa nport waa prepared at aa acooaat of work apoaeored ay aa aaaacy of Ike Uailad SIMai Oonraanat htakaer Ike Uahcd Slant Onwraawal aor aay aaaacy thereof, aor lay of their .aaahjun., awta aay wanaaty, mpnai or iaialiil, or aaaaam aay lajal lieWity or nirpiaaaaty far Ike accaracy, uaailiWiam, or infill n of aay iafaieaajoa, appaianai, pradact, ar ereom dierlnwd, or maicicali tket iu aee weald aot iafriaac errmel) owaed riehtt. Batareece keraie to aay ipjceV ooaaaHroial pndact, proeaa, or eerriee ay trade aaax, traaaaMtk, •aaafoctarer, or Mhaiain doai aot ainamgy coaetitate or haply Ha lalomaMet. ncaai •aidlliia. or faroriat ky Ike Uailad Statu Oiiiiraaiial ar aay aaaacy thereof. The itaea aad oaiaiaaa of aetkon i»|iiml haraia da aac aeraamly aula or raflaot tkaat of Ike UaMed StaM Getanaaiat or aay aaaacy tkaraaf.
Solid State Lasers for Application to Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF), 1995
The work is devoted to the investigation of a wide-aperture amplifier which is intended to be ins... more The work is devoted to the investigation of a wide-aperture amplifier which is intended to be installed in the laser system Nova upgrade. The amplifier should meet rather severe requirements. We have carried out the experimental investigation of gain nonuniformity over all the aperture of the amplifier and estimated depolarization and phase distortions to determine the sizes of the amplifier aperture operating zone.
Solid State Lasers for Application to Inertial Confinement Fusion: Second Annual International Conference, 1997
This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Gove... more This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor the UNversity of California nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or rqxmsibilit y for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any informaticm apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned righk. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Goverrtment or the University of California. 'lhe views and opinions of authors expressed hereindo not necessarily state or reflect those of the UNted States Government or the UNversity of California, and shall not be used for advertising rsement purposes. or product endo The use of beam propagation modeling of Beamlet and Nova to ensure a 'Safe" National Ignition Facility laser system design
Solid State Lasers for Application to Inertial Confinement Fusion: Second Annual International Conference, 1997
ABSTRACT The near field irradiance parameters at the interface between the one micron laser, the ... more ABSTRACT The near field irradiance parameters at the interface between the one micron laser, the UV generation, and transport subsystem will be discussed. The test results obtained from the Beamlet and Nova lasers used to validate the mathematical models will be presented.
DISCLAIMER This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United ... more DISCLAIMER This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government Neither the United States Government nor the University of Wifornis nor any of their employeer, makes any warranty. express or implied, or .ssumes any legal liibility or responsibility for the sccuracy. completeness, or useful-~e s s of any information. apparatus, produd, or p-disclosed, or represents that iIs use would not infringe privately owned rights. Referem hercia to m y sp&fic. c0mnurd.l produds, prorrr+. or Saricc by trade name, trademark, manufscturer, or othmvisc, docs not d l y condilute or imply its endorsement, recommendation. or favoring by the United Stata Gove-nt or tbe University of California. Tkc. views and opinieos of suthors cxpresscd herein do not a-rily state or reflect those of the Uaitcd S a t e Government or the Udrcnity of California, and shall not be used for sdveflking or produd endorsement p.rposes. DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document.
Characterization of laser-produced plasma x-ray sources for use in x-ray radiography D. L Matthew... more Characterization of laser-produced plasma x-ray sources for use in x-ray radiography D. L Matthews, EM Campbell, NM Ceglio, G. Hermes, R. Kauffman, L. Koppel,a) R. Lee, K. Manes, V. Rupert, VW Slivinsky, R. Turner, and F. Ze University of California, Lawrence Livermore ...
This k an informal report intended primarily for internal or ltilted q xternal distribution. The ... more This k an informal report intended primarily for internal or ltilted q xternal distribution. The opinions and ccmcluskms stated are thoee of the qul may or may not be those of the Laboratory. Work performed under the q uepicea of the U.S. Department of Energy by the \ Iawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract W-74115-Eng48. \ DiscLAMER m~tm~-m~dw*~bym~ytiti Udti*-ti~t. Neither the UllkedStateeGovemnentno rtheUniverSkyofm ifwnie nor my of thsit~~% y=apmes orimph~ammnnes any legal lteMUty a mpondbility for tlw accurecy, %%lnot inf&e privetely =Y infonnetiorL apperatu%product# orproceSe diSche40r repmeentethet Mlueew? rights. Reference herein to eny epecific mmmetdd @UC~prOCe8e,or seWice by ttede .nelMIE &&mklM?$ mmfedmr, crotbwiee, doeenotneumwil y Calmtituteor imply ite endommlmt he united Statee Covemmmtca theUllwereityofceHfomk mvieweandopinkme deuthoreexpnwdhereindo m~yti*a-*d* Mti**tiv~d atiudvd~of~andehellnotbe Ueedfordwtidngorpmduct endommdpuqmseu-n$erepartheebeenmpduced CHfectlyfromthbeetavdlablecopy.
Zig-Zag-Slab-Amplifier had active element 4.5 X 40 X 43 cm3 in dimensions, six-bounce geometry of... more Zig-Zag-Slab-Amplifier had active element 4.5 X 40 X 43 cm3 in dimensions, six-bounce geometry of beam pass, pump cavity with transverse lamp orientation, and diffuse reflectors. Tests showed: the gain is equal to 8 per single pass at 77 kJ of pumping; its non-uniformity over about half of amplifier aperture is less than +/- 2.5 percent; the depolarization distortion over
DISCLAIMER This document was preparedas an accountof work sponsoredby an agencyof the United Stat... more DISCLAIMER This document was preparedas an accountof work sponsoredby an agencyof the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor the University of California nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulncss of any informtioa, apparatus,product,or processdisclosed,or representsthat its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Referenceherein to any specific. commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or the University of California. The •views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government o¢ the University of California, and shall not he used for adverlising or product endorsement purposes.
ABSTRACT This paper presents our conceptual design for laser drivers used in Laser Inertial Fusio... more ABSTRACT This paper presents our conceptual design for laser drivers used in Laser Inertial Fusion Energy (LIFE) power plants. Although we have used only modest extensions of existing laser technology to ensure near-term feasibility, predicted performance meets or exceeds plant requirements: 2.2 MJ pulse energy produced by 384 beamlines at 16 Hz, with 18% wall-plug efficiency. High reliability and maintainability are achieved by mounting components in compact line-replaceable units that can be removed and replaced rapidly while other beamlines continue to operate, at up to ~13% above normal energy, to compensate for neighboring beamlines that have failed. Statistical modeling predicts that laser-system availability can be greater than 99% provided that components meet reasonable mean-time-between-failure specifications.
The National Ignition Facility (NIF) is the world's largest laser system. It contains a 192 beam ... more The National Ignition Facility (NIF) is the world's largest laser system. It contains a 192 beam neodymium glass laser that is designed to deliver 1.8 MJ at 500 TW at 351 nm in order to achieve energy gain (ignition) in a deuterium-tritium nuclear fusion target. To meet this goal, laser design criteria include the ability to generate pulses of up to 1.8 MJ total energy, with peak power of 500 TW and temporal pulse shapes spanning 2 orders of magnitude at the third harmonic (351 nm or 3) of the laser wavelength. The focal-spot fluence distribution of these pulses is carefully controlled, through a combination of special optics in the 1 ͑1053 nm͒ portion of the laser (continuous phase plates), smoothing by spectral dispersion, and the overlapping of multiple beams with orthogonal polarization (polarization smoothing). We report performance qualification tests of the first eight beams of the NIF laser. Measurements are reported at both 1 and 3, both with and without focal-spot conditioning. When scaled to full 192 beam operation, these results demonstrate, to the best of our knowledge for the first time, that the NIF will meet its laser performance design criteria, and that the NIF can simultaneously meet the temporal pulse shaping, focal-spot conditioning, and peak power requirements for two candidate indirect drive ignition designs.
... laboratory facilities. Informative discussions with Dr. HP Broida, rION AND PHYSICS ... 373 D... more ... laboratory facilities. Informative discussions with Dr. HP Broida, rION AND PHYSICS ... 373 Dr. M. Butler, and Dr. Stanton Peale were most useful in formulating the model to explain the population distribution. *Work supported ...
Zig-Zag-Slab-Amplifier had active element 4.5 X 40 X 43 cm3 in dimensions, six-bounce geometry of... more Zig-Zag-Slab-Amplifier had active element 4.5 X 40 X 43 cm3 in dimensions, six-bounce geometry of beam pass, pump cavity with transverse lamp orientation, and diffuse reflectors. Tests showed: the gain is equal to 8 per single pass at 77 kJ of pumping; its non-uniformity over about half of amplifier aperture is less than +/- 2.5 percent; the depolarization distortion over
Papers by Kenneth Manes