Journal of Economics and Management, 2018, Vol. 14, No. 1, 33-50
Indirect Utility Reflecting Anxiety and
Flexibility of Choice
Somdeb Lahiri
School of Petroleum Management, PD Petroleum University, India
This paper introduces the concept of an indirect utility function reflecting anxiety of
choice and an indirect utility function reflecting flexibility of choice. Using a total of
six different properties, we provide separate axiomatic characterisations of these two
kinds of indirect utility functions.
Keywords: indirect utility function, anxiety of choice, flexibility of choice
JEL classification: D11, D12
Beginning with the work of Koopmans (1964) and subsequently with that of Kreps
(1979), a very large amount of literature has investigated two-stage (or dynamic)
choice problems. Such problems in decision making can be represented through the
following method (called the standard approach): In the first stage, the decision
maker chooses a menu of options/alternatives/elements, while in the second stage,
the decision maker chooses the best alternative from the menu chosen in the first
stage. Thus, for instance (as in Kreps (1990)), the choice at the first stage may be
among several restaurants, and the second stage choice may be viewed as selecting
an item from the menu card of the restaurant chosen in the first stage. We refer to
the menu as an opportunity set in this study and related works.
There are two distinct ways in which this related literature has grown. One
approach, which follows Kreps (1988, 1990) (Proposition 13.3 and Proposition 4.1,
Correspondence to: School of Petroleum Management, PD Petroleum University, Raisan,
Gandhinagar - 382 007, Gujarat, India; E-mail:
[email protected].
Journal of Economics and Management
respectively), retains the original interpretation of the problem, with later
contributions mainly axiomatisations of what can realistically be referred to as an
“indirect utility function” (see Arrow (1994), Malishevsky (1997), Lahiri (2003)) or
its generalisations as in Ryan (2014) and Quin (2015). The second approach relates
to the dynamic choice problem pioneered by Sen (1988), which concerns itself with
the freedom of choice at the first stage of a two-stage process. Since then, a
significant strand of the literature has pursued this problem as in Sen (1990, 1991),
Pattanaik and Xu (1990, 1997, 1998), Puppe (1995, 1996), Klemisch-Ahlert (1993),
and Gekker (2001), to mention a few. This second approach argues that “more is
better”, and hence there is greater freedom of choice when there is more to choose
from. Thus, greater flexibility is desirable in this mode of thinking.
There is a common misconception that the indirect utility approach and the
flexibility approach are about one and the same thing, so that the freedom of choice
literature augments the work begun by Kreps (1979). While mathematically the two
structures appear similar, their lines of investigation are completely different. This is
best understood when we contrast freedom of choice or flexibility with an
alternative possibility, namely “anxiety of choice” or “choice overload”. The genesis
of this idea can be traced to a paper by psychiatrist Zbigniew Lipowski (Lipowski
(1970)), in which this viewpoint is summarised as follows:
“I maintain that it is specifically the overabundance of attractive alternatives,
aided and abetted by an affluent and increasing complex society, that leads to a
conflict, frustration, unrelieved appetitive tension, more approach tendencies and
more conflict- a veritable vicious cycle”.
This cycle very likely has “far reaching and probably harmful effects on the
mental and physical health of affected individuals”. The conclusion that Lipowski
arrives at is that an overabundance of good scenarios is the main source of anxiety
that he observed around him, whereby here in a land of abundance “the fate of
Buridan’s ass haunts us”. (Our source is Konnikova (2014).) The psychologist
Barry Schwartz carries forward this line of argument in his book (Schwartz (2004)).
Baucells and Sarin (2012) discuss this phenomenon by citing a study that observes
the behaviour of customers in two different choice situations. Customers were given
the opportunity to taste samples of various kinds of jam that were more or less
similar in taste, and then they were offered a one-dollar discount if they decided to
Indirect Utility Reflecting Anxiety and Flexibility of Choice
make a purchase. “When six varieties of jam were made available, 30 percent of the
customers actually bought a jar, whereas when twenty-four varieties were available,
more people came to the table but only 3 percent of them bought a jar.”
Both views on the availability of alternatives to make a choice from are thus
plausible, but under different circumstances. Greater flexibility of choice or “more is
better” seems appropriate in the context of deprivation and less developed
economies, whereas “anxiety of choice” or “choice overload” seems suitable in the
context of plenty and abundance. Bavetta et al. (2014) empirically investigate
flexibility/freedom of choice and political freedom and their combined effect on
happiness. Their observation is that the preference for flexibility of choice (which
comes close to their concept of “autonomy freedom”) and political freedom go
together. In societies where there is political freedom, they find a distinct preference
for a greater freedom of choice; whereas in societies used to limited political
freedom, there is evidence of marked anxiety associated with greater freedom of
choice. Their data suggest that overall, greater happiness correlates with greater
freedom of choice, even in societies characterised by absence of political freedom.
They use this observation as an argument against the “paradox of choice”, i.e., the
claim that a situation where there is more to choose from may lead to choice
overload, such as what Schwarz (2004) discusses. However, the kind of alternatives
that they consider is very different from what Lipowski (1970), Schwarz (2004),
Baucells and Sarin (2012), and we have in mind. Bavetta et al. (2014) focus
primarily about alternatives being different political positions or parties that are on
offer in elections where voters cast their votes to elect a winner. Their conclusion is
that the availability of a vast spectrum of public/political opinion is overall preferred
to a situation where there is less diversity of choice. We and other authors
mentioned in this paper are concerned with the alternatives in question being
material goods and services that individuals consume. These goods typically come
under the category called “commodities”. We certainly do not have in mind political
views as an alternative on offer to a decision maker. On the latter issue, although we
have insufficient academic experience and knowledge, we would certainly like to
believe the conclusions from Bavetta et al. (2014).
The problem that we see is how to integrate these two viewpoints with the
concept of indirect utility function via separate axiomatisations. No problem arises
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in eliminating undesirable outcomes. Moreover, we make no compromise with the
assumption that, at the second stage of the choice procedure, the decision maker will
restrict his/her attention to the best alternatives available to him/her; and hence, the
first-stage choice should be made while keeping this in mind. Hence, if the best
alternatives of an opportunity set are better than the best alternatives of a second
opportunity set, then our sophisticated decision maker unequivocally will choose the
first opportunity set in the first stage of the decision making process. It is only when
the decision maker is indifferent between the best alternatives of the two opportunity
sets that problems concerning flexibility versus anxiety of choice arise. We call the
two distinct preferences over opportunity sets that arise in these two situations as
indirect utility reflecting anxiety of choice (IUA) and indirect utility reflecting
flexibility of choice (IUF). We further note that Potoms and Lauwers (2013) refer to
our IUF as Indirect Utility Freedom Rule. Hence, as may already have been
anticipated, there is nothing particularly original about the IUF concept that this
paper discusses. Whatever originality that may be associated with IUF is in its
In this paper we consider six different properties. The first property is
equivalent to the assertion that an opportunity set is just as good and no better as its
set of best alternatives. Along with the second and third properties, we see that if the
best elements of one opportunity set are better than the best elements of a second
opportunity set, then the first opportunity set is preferred to the second opportunity
set. The first, second, and fourth properties guarantee that if the best elements of the
two opportunity sets have the same cardinality and are indifferent to each other, then
the decision maker is indifferent between the two opportunity sets. At this point, the
two roads leading to IUA and IUF diverge.
The fifth property says that any opportunity set whose elements are all equally
good is less preferred to the opportunity set derived from the former by removing
any one of its alternatives. These five axioms are necessary and sufficient for a
transitive preference over opportunity sets to be an indirect utility function reflecting
anxiety of choice.
The sixth property states that any opportunity set whose elements are all
equally good is preferred to the opportunity set derived from the former by
removing any one of its alternatives. The first four axioms along with this one are
Indirect Utility Reflecting Anxiety and Flexibility of Choice
necessary and sufficient for a transitive preference over opportunity sets to be an
indirect utility function that reflects flexibility of choice.
The difference between our axiomatisation and that of Potoms and Lauwers
(2013) is that out of the five axioms that characterise IUF, the first four are satisfied
by IUA as well. Potoms and Lauwers (2013) do not discuss anything similar to IUA.
An interpretation of our results for IUF without comparing to the corresponding
results for IUA (or the other way around) would defeat the purpose of our paper.
Furthermore, while our axioms are entirely different from those of Potoms and
Lauwers (2013), neither approach can dispense with invoking the set of the greatest
elements of an opportunity set with respect to the relation generated on the set of
alternatives by a preference over opportunity sets in their axiomatisations.
A considerable generalisation of IUF already exists in a paper by Puppe and Xu
(2010). Puppe and Xu (2010) introduce the concept of a set of essential alternatives
that is a non-empty subset of an opportunity set. The intended meaning of the set of
essential alternatives is that of a revealed concept: an element is essential whenever
the decision maker reveals it to be of value in connection with some menu. We
hereby refer to the function that associates with each opportunity set its own set of
essential alternatives as an essential choice function. Given an essential choice
function, Puppe and Xu (2010) provide an axiomatic characterisation of those
preferences over opportunity sets (which may not even be acyclic); such that one
opportunity set is at least as good as another if and only if the cardinality of the set
of essential elements made by the union of the two sets that belong to the first set is
no less than the cardinality of the set of essential elements of the union of the two
sets that belong to the second set. Once again, their axiomatisation, when restricted
to the case of transitive preferences over opportunity sets and the set of essential
alternatives being the best elements of the opportunity with respect to the relation
that the preference over opportunity sets generates on the set of alternatives, is very
different from our axiomatic characterisation. That their results hold even when
preferences over opportunity sets may not even be acyclic is extremely useful and
has wide applicability. Our axiomatic characterisation of IUF phrased in the
language of Puppe and Xu (2010) could thus be viewed as providing a set of
necessary and sufficient conditions for the set of essential alternatives to be the set
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of greatest/best alternatives of an opportunity set with respect to the relation
generated on the set of alternatives by a transitive preference over opportunity sets.
The paper is arranged as follows. Section two presents the model as a standard
approach to the problem. Section three defines the indirect utility function and its
variants. Section four discusses the properties that are shared by both IUA and IUF.
Section five provides an axiomatic characterisation of IUA. Section six gives an
axiomatic characterisation of IUF. Section seven considers the relation between IUA
and IUF and two axioms - Monotonicity and Concordance - which axiomatically
characterise the indirect utility function. We show that IUA satisfies Concordance
but not Monotonicity, whereas IUF satisfies Monotonicity but not Concordance. The
final section concludes the discussion.
2□The Model
The genesis of the following model is in the seminal work of Kreps (1979), with
subsequent contributions having been made by Lahiri (2003) among several others.
In what follows we shall use capital letters like A, B, etc. to denote sets of
alternatives and small letters like x, y, etc. to denote alternatives.
Let X be a non-empty finite set of alternatives containing at least two elements.
Let (X) be the set of all non-empty subsets of X. Let (X) = {(x,x)/xX} and
((X)) = {(A,A)/A(X)}. (X) is called the diagonal of X, and ((X)) is
called the diagonal of (X).
A binary relation of R on X is said to be:
(a) reflexive if (X) R;
(b) complete if given x,y X, with x y, either (x,y)R or (y,x)R;
(c) transitive if x,y,z X : [ (x,y),(y,z)R] implies [(x,z)R];
(d) an ordering if it is reflexive, complete, and transitive.
Sen (1970) presents the above terminology. What we refer as a complete binary
relation is sometimes referred to as a “total” binary relation, as for instance in
Richter (1971).
Given a binary relation of R on X, let P(R) = {(x,y) R / (y,x) R} denote the
asymmetric part of R and let I(R) = {(x,y) R / (y,x) R} denote the symmetric
part of R.
Indirect Utility Reflecting Anxiety and Flexibility of Choice
Given an ordering of R on X and A (X), let G(A,R) = {xA /(x,y) R,
whenever y A}. G(A,R) denotes the set of best elements (or alternatives) with
respect to R. The following is a well-known result for which citing any particular
source would amount to discriminating against a multitude of others.
Proposition 1: Let R be an ordering on X and A(X). Then, G(A,R) . For all
x,y G(A,R), we have (x,y)I(R), and for all xG(A,R) and yX\G(A,R), we have
A binary relation of on (X) is said to be:
(a) reflexive, if ((X)) ;
(b) complete, if A,B (X), with A B, either (A,B) or (B,A) ;
(c) transitive, if A,B,C (X) : [(A,B),(B,C)] implies [(A,C)].
Definition: A binary relation of on (X) that is reflexive and complete is called a
Preference over Opportunity Sets (POS). If in addition it is transitive, then it is
called a Transitive Preference over Opportunity Sets (TPOS).
Given a binary relation of on (X), let P() = {(A,B) / (B,A) }
denote the asymmetric part of and let I() = {(A,B) / (B,A) } denote the
symmetric part of .
Definition: Given a TPOS , the ordering generated by (on X) and denoted
R() is the binary relation {(x,y)XX|({x}, {y})}.
Definition: A TPOS is said to be an indirect utility function (IU) if for all
A,B(X), (A,B) if and only if G(AB, R())A.
3□The Indirect Utility Function
We shall now present a proposition about IU that will facilitate further discussion.
Proposition 2: Let be an IU and A, where B(X). The following two
statements are then equivalent:
(i) (A,B).
(ii) For all xG(A,R()) and yG(B,R()) it is the case that (x,y)R().
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Proof: For the sake of completeness, we provide an easy proof of the proposition.
Let (A,B), xG(A,R()), and yG(B,R()). Since is an IU and (A,
B), it is the case that G(AB, R())A. Let zG(AB, R())A. Since
zA and xG(A,R()), we have (x,z) R(). Since z G(AB, R()) and yB, it
is the case that (z,y)R(). By transitivity of R(), we get (x,y)R(). Thus, (i)
implies (ii).
Now suppose that for all xG(A,R()) and yG(B,R()), it is the case that
(x,y)R(). Let z G(A,R()) and w G(B,R()). Thus, (z,x)R() for all xA
and (w,y) R() for all yB. However, by hypothesis, (z,w) R(). Thus, by
transitivity of R(), we get (z,y) R() for all yB. Thus, (z,x) R() for all
xAB, i.e., z G(AB, R()). Thus, z G(AB, R())A and so G(AB,
R())A. Thus, (A,B) , and (ii) implies (i). Q.E.D.
Lahiri (2003) offers the characterisation of an IU in terms of the following two
Definition: A POS is said to satisfy Concordance if for all A,B(X): (A,B)
implies (A, AB).
Definition: A POS is said to satisfy Monotonicity if for all A,B(X): B A
implies (A,B).
The following result is Theorem 1 in Lahiri (2003).
Theorem 1: A TPOS is an IU if and only if it satisfies Concordance and
Notation: Given a set A(X), let #A denote the cardinality of A.
Definition: A TPOS is said to be an indirect utility function reflecting anxiety
(IUA) if given A,B(X), (A,B) if either (i) G(AB,R())B = ; or (ii)
G(AB,R())A , G(AB,R())B & #G(A,R()) #G(B,R()).
Given that is TPOS, we can more elaborately rephrase the above definition
as follows. A TPOS is said to be an indirect utility function reflecting anxiety
(IUA) if given A,B(X), (A,B) if either (i) there exists xG(A,R()) and y
G(B,R()) such that ({x},{y})P() (i.e. (x,y)P(R())); or (ii) for all
Indirect Utility Reflecting Anxiety and Flexibility of Choice
xG(A,R()) and y G(B,R()) it is the case that ({x},{y})I() & #G(A,R())
The concept of an indirect utility function reflecting anxiety tries to capture the
inherent difficulties in arriving at a decision when there is an abundance of equally
good competing decisions. It is not uncommon to see a selection committee meeting
go on for hours, whereby a single candidate has to be chosen from a large list of
“short-listed” candidates who are all considered to be equally good. The reason for
such an extended negotiation may be (and usually is) that each member of the
selection committee has his/her own favourite candidate and no one is apparently
any more qualified than the other members on the list.
Definition: A TPOS is said to be an indirect utility function reflecting
flexibility (IUF) if given A,B(X), (A,B) if either (i) G(AB,R())B = ;
or (ii) G(AB,R())A , G(AB,R())B & #G(A,R()) #G(B,R()).
A large strand of the literature has discussed the concept of an indirect utility
function reflecting freedom, and we indicate this once again in the following. It
relates to what we like to believe about human behaviour and that we are
conditioned to think that human beings always prefer to have more good things to
choose from than less. Thus, we would normally prefer to visit a restaurant that
offers a greater variety of palatable items on its menu versus another one that offers
fewer such items. While this may indeed be the case when it comes to choosing
between restaurants, this paper basically focuses on situations where a lesser number
of good things is preferred over a greater amount of them.
Given that is TPOS, we can more elaborately rephrase the above definition
as follows. A TPOS is said to be an indirect utility function reflecting
flexibility (IUF) if given A,B(X), (A,B) if either (i) there exists
xG(A,R()) and y G(B,R()) such that ({x},{y})P() (i.e. (x,y)P(R()));
or (ii) for all xG(A,R()) and y G(B,R()) it is the case that ({x},{y})I() &
#G(A,R()) #G(B,R()).
Note In the above definition, ({x},{y})I() can also be expressed as
In the sequel, the following class of sets (i.e. subset of (X)) will play a crucial
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Definition: Given a TPOS , let (X) = {A(X)|. There does not exist any B
that is a proper subset of A and (B,A)I()}. A member of (X) is said to be a
minimal set with respect to .
4□Some Properties of a TPOS
We will first discuss some properties of a TPOS that will be used in our
Property 1: For all A(X) and xA\G(A,R()): (A\{x},A)I().
We can alternatively state this property as follows.
For all A(X) and xA, if there exists yA satisfying ({y},{x})P(), then
An immediate consequence of Property 1 is the following lemma.
Lemma 1: Let be a TPOS. Then satisfies Property 1 if and only if for all
A(X), it is the case that (A, G(A,R()))I().
Proof: The proof that if is a TPOS then Property 1 implies (A, G(A,R()))I()
for all A(X) is easy. Hence, suppose that for all A(X), it is the case that (A,
G(A,R()))I(). Let A(X) and xA\G(A,R()). Thus, G(A\{x},R()) =
G(A,R()) and by hypothesis (A\{x}, G(A\{x},R()))I(). Thus, by transitivity
of , we get (A\{x},A)I(), i.e. Property 1 is satisfied. Q.E.D.
Lemma 2: Suppose is a TPOS satisfying Property 1 and let A(X). Then for
all x,yA, it is the case that ({x}, {y})I() (i.e. A = G(A,R())).
Proof: Suppose is a TPOS satisfying Property 1 and let A(X). For a
contradiction, suppose there exists x,yA such that ({x},{y})I(). Then either
({x},{y})P() or ({y}, {x})P(). Either way, G(A,R()) is a proper subset of A.
By Property 1, (G(A,R()), A)I(). This contradicts the assumption that A(X)
and proves the lemma. Q.E.D.
Lemma 2 says is that if is a TPOS satisfying Property 1, then (X) {A(A)|
A = G(A,R())}. The next property allows us to establish the converse inclusion.
Indirect Utility Reflecting Anxiety and Flexibility of Choice
Property 2: Let A,B(X) with BA and (A,B)I(). Then there exists x,yA
such that ({x},{y})I().
Lemma 3: Suppose is a TPOS satisfying Property 2. Then, {A(A)| A =
G(A,R())} (X).
Proof: Suppose is a TPOS satisfying Property 2 and let A(A) satisfy A =
G(A,R()). Thus, by Proposition 1, for all x,yA, it is the case that (x,y)I(R())
(i.e. ({x},{y})I()). For a contradiction, suppose A(X). Thus, there exists a
non-empty proper subset B of A such that (A,B)I(). By Property 2, there exists
x,yA such that ({x},{y})I(), leading to a contradiction. Thus, {A(A)| A =
G(A,R())} (X). Q.E.D.
In view of Lemmas 2 and 3, we have the following proposition.
Proposition 3: Suppose is a TPOS satisfying Properties 1 and 2; then (X) =
{A(A)| A = G(A,R())}.
Note: In (X) (X), there are two types of pairs of opportunity sets. First, there
are the pairs (A,B) such that their union belongs to (X); and then there are those
pairs whose union do not belong to (X). Let us consider the latter pairs first.
Property 3: Let A, B (X) be such that AB(X). If (B,A), then
As a consequence of Properties 1, 2, and 3, we obtain the following proposition.
Proposition 4: (a) Let be either an IUA or an IUF; then satisfies Properties 1, 2,
and 3. (b) Let be a TPOS satisfying Properties 1, 2, and 3 and let A, B (X) be
such that AB(X); then, either (A,B)P() or (B,A)P(). Furthermore,
(A,B)P() if and only if G(AB, R()) = A(i.e. for all xA and yB, it is the
case that (x,y)P(R()).
Proof: The proof of (a) is easy and so let us prove (b).
Let be a TPOS satisfying Properties 1, 2, and 3 and let A, B (X) be such
that AB(X). By Proposition 3, all alternatives in A are indifferent to each
other, and all alternatives in B are indifferent to each other. Again, by Proposition 3,
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AB(X) implies that all elements in AB are not indifferent to each other.
Thus, AB = , and A and B are in two separate indifference classes. Thus, either
each element in A is preferred to each element in B or each element in B is preferred
to each element in A. Thus, either G(AB, R()) = A or G(AB, R()) = B.
Without loss of generality, suppose each element in A is preferred to each
element in B such that G(AB, R()) = A. For a contradiction, suppose (B,A).
By Property 3, (AB,A)P(). However, by Property 1, (AB, G(AB,
R()))I(), i.e. (AB,A) I(), leading to a contradiction. Thus, (A,B)P().
Similarly, if G(AB, R()) = B, then (B,A) P(). Since G(AB, R()){A,B},
it follows that (A,B)P() if and only if G(AB, R()) = A. Q.E.D.
This leaves us with those pairs (A,B)(X) (X) such that AB(X).
Property 4: Let A, B (X) be such that AB(X). Let xA and yB. Then
(A,B)I() if and only if (A\{x}, B\{y})I().
The following proposition is an easy consequence of Properties 1, 2, and 4.
Proposition 5: (a) Let be either an IUA or an IUF. Thus, satisfies Property 4.
(b) Let be a TPOS satisfying Properties 1, 2, and 4 and let A, B (X) be such
that AB(X) and #A = #B. Then (A,B)I().
Proof: (a) is easy to prove, and so let us prove (b). AB(X) implies all
elements of AB are indifferent to each other. Thus, let A= {x1,…,xK} and B = {y1,
y2,…, yK}. Clearly, {x1, x2} {y1, y2}(X). Furthermore , ({x1},{y1})I(). By
Property 4, ({x1, x2},{y1, y2})I(). Suppose ({x1,…, xk},{y1,…, yk})I() for
some k{1,…,K-1}. Clearly {x1,…, xk+1}{y1,…, yk+1}(X). Hence, by
Property 4, ({x1,…, xk, xk+1},{y1,…, yk, yk+1})I(). Thus, by a standard induction
argument we get (A,B)I(). Q.E.D.
Note: For Proposition 5, we could have used the following weaker version of
Property 4 and come to the same conclusion.
Let A, B(X) be such that AB(X). Let xA and yB. Then (A,B)I()
if (A\{x}, B\{y})I().
5□Anxiety of Choice
Indirect Utility Reflecting Anxiety and Flexibility of Choice
We now want to consider the situation where given two opportunity sets of different
sizes, such that all elements of their union are indifferent to each other, the smaller
opportunity set is preferred to the larger opportunity set. The simplest property,
which in the presence of Properties 1, 2, and 4 guarantees this conclusion, is the
Definition: A TPOS is said to satisfy anxiety of choice if for all A(X) with #A
2, if xA, then (A\{x}, A)P().
The above could be rephrased as Property 5.
Property 5: For all A(X) with #A 2, if xA, then (A\{x}, A)P().
Since this a crucial property and plays the defining role for IUA, we shall refer to it
as “anxiety of choice” instead of Property 5.
Anxiety of choice is what we would expect to observe when there is overabundance.
Proposition 6: (a) Let be an IUA; then satisfies anxiety of choice. (b) Let be
a TPOS satisfying Properties 1, 2, and 4 and anxiety of choice. Let A,B(X) be
such that AB(X) and #A < #B. Then (A,B)P().
Proof: (a) is easy to prove, so let us prove (b). Thus, let be a TPOS satisfying
Properties 1, 2, and 4 and anxiety of choice. Let A,B(X) be such that
AB(X) and #A < #B. Suppose #B - #A = K. There then exists a non-empty
̂ = A{x1, x2,…, xK}. Thus, A
̂ B(X) and #A
subset {x1, x2,…, xK}of B\A. Let A
̂ ,B)I().
= #B. Hence, by Proposition 5, (A
̂ )P(). Thus,
By repeated application of the anxiety of choice property, we get (A, A
by transitivity of , we get (A,B)P(). Q.E.D.
We can now combine Propositions 4, 5, and 6 to obtain the following theorem.
Theorem 2: Let be a TPOS. Then is an IUA if and only if satisfies
Properties 1, 2, 3, and 4 and the anxiety of choice property.
6□Flexibility of Choice
This section targets the exact opposite of anxiety of choice, i.e. flexibility of choice.
We thus want to consider the situation where given two opportunity sets of different
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sizes, such that all elements of their union are indifferent to each other, the larger
opportunity set is preferred to the smaller opportunity set. Towards that end, we
introduce the following property.
Definition: A TPOS is said to satisfy flexibility of choice if for all A(X) with
#A 2, if xA, then (A, A\{x})P().
The above could be rephrased as Property 6.
Property 6: For all A(X) with #A 2, if xA, then (A, A\{x})P().
Once again, since this is a crucial property and plays the defining role for IUF,
we shall refer to it as “flexibility of choice” instead of Property 6. Flexibility of
choice is what we would expect to observe when there is relative deprivation or
when the issue concerns our rights and freedoms.
We will skip the proof of the following proposition since it is analogous to the
proof of Proposition 6.
Proposition 7: (a) Let be an IUF; then satisfies flexibility of choice. (b) Let
be a TPOS satisfying Properties 1, 2, and 4 and flexibility of choice. Let A,B(X)
be such that AB(X) and #A > #B. Then (A,B)P().
We may now combine Propositions 4, 5, and 7 to obtain the following theorem.
Theorem 3: Let be a TPOS. Then is an IUF if and only if satisfies Properties
1, 2, 3, and 4 and the flexibility of choice property.
7□Relationship with Concordance and Monotonicity
The following result establishes the relationship of our proposed binary relations
with Concordance and Monotonicity.
Proposition 8: (a) Let be an IUA. Then it satisfies Concordance, but does not
satisfy Monotonicity. (b) Let be an IUF. Then it satisfies Monotonicity, but does
not satisfy Concordance.
Proof: (a) Let be an IUA and suppose (A,B). Thus, by Lemma 1,
Indirect Utility Reflecting Anxiety and Flexibility of Choice
If xG(A,R()) and yG(B,R()) implies (x,y)I(R()), then G(AB,R()) =
G(A,R())G(B,R()) and (x,z)I(R()) for all x G(A,R())
and z
G(AB,R()) . Since # G(A,R()) # G(AB,R()) = # G(A,R())G(B,R()),
and since is an IUA, we get (A,AB).
If xG(A,R()) and yG(B,R()) implies (x,y)P(R()), then G(AB,R()) =
G(A,R()) and so (A,AB) I() .
Thus, satisfies Concordance.
To show that does not satisfy Monotonicity, let X = {x,y} and suppose
(x,y)I(R()). Thus, ({x}, {x,y})P(), contradicting Monotonicity.
(b) Let be an IUF and suppose B A. If G(A,R())G(B,R()) , then in fact
G(B,R()) G(A,R()) and so (A,B). If G(A,R())G(B,R()) = , then
xG(A,R()) and yG(B,R()) implies (x,y)P(R()) and so (A,B)P().
Thus, satisfies Monotonicity.
To show that does not satisfy Concordance, let X = {x,y} and suppose
(x,y)I(R()). Thus, ({x}, {y})I() and yet ({x,y}, {x})P(). This
contradicts Concordance. Q.E.D.
Note: It is tempting to confuse IUF with the following property.
Property*: For all A,B(X), (A,B) if and only if #G(A, R()) ≥ #G(A, R()).
A simple example as follows illustrates that the two concepts are different and that if
satisfies Property *, then it does not satisfy Monotonicity.
Example: Let X = {x,y,z} and be any TPOS satisfying ({x},{y})I(),
({z},{x})P() and ({z},{y})P(). Thus, R() = (X){(x,y), (y,x), (z,x), (z,y)}.
Let A = X and B = {x,y}. Thus, G(X, R()) = {z} and G(X, R()) = {x,y}. If
were to satisfy Property*, then we get ({x,y}, X)P() leading to a violation of
Monotonicity. However, since (z,x), (z,y)P(R()), if is an IUF, then we get
(X,{x,y})P() and Monotonicity is no longer violated. This shows that IUF and
Property* are conceptually very different.
Journal of Economics and Management
“More is better” is a principle that many economic consumer behaviour theories
assume, and a similar question can be raised about IUA. Why should a decision
maker prefer fewer versus more alternatives to choose from if all alternatives are
equally good?
There are two answers to this question that we are aware of. The first is the
empirical evidence that has been gathered by psychologists and which has been
discussed in the introduction. The second is the implicit or explicit (psychological)
cost of making comparisons. Unless the decision maker is blind folded and asked to
pick an alternative from those that are all equally good, there is always a cost
involved in the act of choice (even if it is plain and simple “randomization”) that
choice theory does not explicitly account for. One has to use one’s mind (or “hear an
inner voice” as some would like to believe), and this requires some effort, however
small that may be. Lipowski (1970), Schwarz (2004), Baucells and Sarin (2012), and
others note this, and it is partially accounted for in IUA. In a way, this paper is really
about IUA and IUF being a by-product of our analysis. Extending IUA to
preferences over opportunity sets that are not transitive may well be the subject
matter of future research.
I would like to thank Prasanta Pattanaik for views and observations at various times,
which have lead to my interest in this paper’s topic. I would like to thank Clemens
Puppe for suggesting references, which have lead to a significant improvement in
this paper. I would also like to thank Sebastiano Baveta and Matthew Ryan for
helpful discussions. An earlier version of this paper was presented at X GRASS
Workshop held at NYU (Florence) on September 20 and 21, 2016. I would like to
thank Ernesto Savaglio for detailed comments and concerns, which I have tried to
address in this paper. I would also like to thank Antonio Nicolo for observations on
the paper during the workshop. I would like to put on record my immense gratitude
to two anonymous referees of this journal for their valuable comments and
suggestions for its improvement. Finally, as always, I remain grateful to Professor
Dipankar Dasgupta for encouragement and advice all along the way.
Indirect Utility Reflecting Anxiety and Flexibility of Choice
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