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The scholar with too much albeit obstructing intelligence
Quaderni di Studi Indo-Mediterranei, 2019
Reviewing a biography of Ibn Khaldun.
Insight Turkey, 2019
The Muqaddima (Prolegomena) is the main work that made Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) eminent not only in historiography, civilization studies, anthropology, and sociology, but also in philosophy, economy, demography, and other fields of study. Robert Irwin’s work on Ibn Khaldun contains a preface and eleven chapters, as well as a chronology of Ibn Khaldun’s life.
Ibn Khaldun was a renowned thinker and scholar. His thoughts and ideas have been the subject and inspirations of countless researchs done around the globe by numerous scholars. The discourse on Ibn Khaldun's thoughts contributed to the growth and development of contemporary science. As such, this study was undertaken to re-evaluate the thinking of Ibn Khald n which transcends various disciplines. This study aims to analyse the principal ideas of Ibn Khald n in accordance to the disciplines of history, politics, economics, sociology and education through a literature review on the writings and discourses of the researchers. For this study, a qualitative method using historical descriptive approach was employed. The data for this study were obtained through library research. The data analyses were conducted through texts and document analyses, as well as using a comparison method; and are supported with the processing of data through induction and deduction methods. The study fou...
the rest: journal of politics and development, 2021
EUROASIA SUMMIT Congress on Scientific Researches and Recent Trends-7 BOOK OF FULL TEXTS VOLUME-II, 2020
At first sight, it may seem absurd to speak of Ibn Khaldun's philosophy as a thinker who rejects philosophy and speaks of it as evil dealing. However, if his famous work Muqaddimah is viewed with a holistic reading, it will be understood that the subject of his rejection of philosophy is not clear-cut but controversial. Whether he is opposed to philosophy in general or to speculative philosophy and metaphysics seems to need clarification. As a matter of fact, many historians of thought hail him as the first positive-minded Islamic history philosopher and sociologist, as he treats history and social sciences as a philosophical discipline. The view that he was a genuine historian of civilization and a social science philosopher was also shared by many thinkers. Moreover, it is too obvious to require proof that he is a political philosopher. Thus, even because he is a philosopher of history, a philosopher of social science, and a social philosopher in general, there are many positive opinions that will enable us to evaluate his writings in the category of philosophical knowledge. Especially, it is a separate fact that Ibn Khaldun mentally possessed all the elements of the philosophy of history that took shape in the 19th century as early as in the 15th century. In addition, his views, which indicate that the science of history should be examined in terms of the philosophy of knowledge (epistemology), one of the basic disciplines of philosophy, can be regarded as a philosopher's attitude. With this presentation, the thesis that he has a deep, consistent, and holistic philosophy and therefore should be regarded as a philosopher will be based on and the subject will be discussed and enlightened with examples from his Muqaddimah. İlk bakışta, felsefeyi reddeden ve onunla uğraşmanın kötülüğünden bahseden bir düşünür olarak İbn Haldun’un felsefesinden bahsetmek abes görülebilir. Ancak onun meşhur eseri Mukaddime bütüncül bir okumaya tabi tutulursa, kendisinin felsefeyi tümden reddettiği konusunun kesin değil tartışmalı olduğu anlaşılacaktır. Onun genel olarak felsefeye mi yoksa spekülatif felsefe ve metafiziğe mi karşı çıktığı konusu aydınlatılmaya muhtaç görülmektedir. Nitekim tarih ve toplum bilimlerini felsefi bir disiplin gibi ele almasından dolayı pek çok düşünce tarihçisi onu pozitif düşünceli ilk İslam tarih felsefecisi ve sosyoloğu olarak selamlamaktadır. Onun gerçek anlamda bir medeniyet tarihçisi ve sosyal bilim felsefecisi olduğu görüşü de pek çok düşünür tarafından paylaşılmıştır. Ayrıca onun siyaset felsefecisi olduğu ispat gerektirmeyecek kadar açıktır. Öyleyse, bir tarih felsefecisi, sosyal bilim felsefecisi ve genel olarak sosyal felsefeci olması hasebiyle bile olsa, onun yazdıklarının felsefî bilgi kategorisinde değerlendirmemizi mümkün kılacak çok sayıda olumlu görüş bulunmaktadır. Özellikle, İbn Haldun’un 19. yüzyılda şekillenen tarih felsefesinin bütün unsurlarına daha 15. yüzyılda zihnen sahip olduğu ise ayrı bir husustur. Ayrıca onun, tarih ilminin, felsefenin temel disiplinlerinden biri olan bilgi felsefesi (epistemoloji) açısından incelenmesi gerektiğine işaret eden görüşleri de bir filozof tavrı olarak okunabilir. İşte bu bildiri ile onun, derin, tutarlı ve bütüncül bir felsefeye sahip olduğu ve bu yüzden bir filozof gibi değerlendirilmesi gerektiği tezi temellendirilecek ve Mukaddime’den örneklerle konu tartışılıp aydınlatılmaya çalışılacaktır.
The Magrhib in the Mashriq, ed. Maribel Firer and Maybe Penelas, 2021
Alqaprint, 2020
Menyimak dan berbicara merupakan dua dari empat keterampilan berbahasa (menyimak, berbicara, membaca, menulis) yang diajarkan di lembaga pendidikan dari tingkat dasar sampai perguruan tinggi. Buku ini difokuskan membahas keterampilan berbahasa lisan, yaitu menyimak dan berbicara. Secara garis besar, isi buku ini meliputi bagian I Teori dan Praktik Menyimak: (1) Hakikat dan Jenis Menyimak, (2) Tujuan dan Manfaat Menyimak, (3) Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keterampilan Menyimak, (4) Praktik dan Penilaian Menyimak, (5) Rancangan Pembelajaran Menyimak; bagian II Teori dan Praktik Berbicara (6) Hakikat dan Tujuan Berbicara, (7) Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keterampilan Berbicara, (8) Praktik Pembelajaran Berbicara, (9) Metode Pembelajaran Berbicara, (10) Penilaian Pembelajaran Berbicara, dan (11) Rancangan Pembelajaran Berbicara.
The Bible and Interpretation – Online periodical, Arizona, USA, 2020
How the Hellenistic authors of the Gospel of John reacted against the early Gnostic mythology on the preexisting Logos and how Marc and later on Mathew and Luke improved this concept. And how exactly Marc replaced the narrative of the Book of the Hellenists by his own materials. – Deutsche Version dieses Beitrages in: An den Quellen unseres Glaubens – Fragen zum Neuen Testament, Heiligenkreuz 2023, 95-118..
Богослов. № 1 (1), 2024
Obesity Surgery, 2021
The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 2006
IIUM Medical Journal Malaysia, 2020
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2009
Creative Artist: A Journal of Theatre and Media Studies, 2019
Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2012