Joshua has the Sun Stand Still

2024, Torah Discovery Chronology

Pearlman YeC latest update for the alignment of Torah testimony, science and ancient civilization. This hypothesis hopes to be the explanation of the physics behind the Sun standing still and the moon tarrying for Joshua within a year or so of the return of the Children of Israel to the land of Shem, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, when hostile Canaanite occupiers banded together to wage war against those inhabitants that accepted upon themselves The Will of The One aka G-d of Abraham by making peace with Jewish Israel.

Pearlman YeC alignment of Torah testimony, science and ancient civilization: Joshua has the Sun Stand Still 29 Nissan, 5784 / May 07, 2024 Joshua b. Nun tomb The sun halted and the moon stood for Joshua.1 The question isn't if, but how, G-d does it. Torah and science can provide clues. Assume 'still' relative to the human Earth bound observer. Pearlman YeC favors: Stalled Surface Rotation. Think of an axle loss of engagement. The hailstones mass, density, velocity, penetration, composition, .., effected below the surface, that's much more dynamic than had been thought.2 The Sun (Earth surface rotation) stalls 2 times. A double slip due to (cause/agent) core wobble?3 The movement of sunlight around the globe daily is almost fully dependent on Earth's rotation. The moon routine of just under a full lap is also from easterly to westerly, and greatly dependent on our rotation. Additional competing hypotheses: • Stalled rotation, &/or tilt, due to gravitational and magnetic field effects by large comet /asteroid.4 • Electromagnetic force otherwise orchestrated? • Axis Tilt? Asteroid slingshot effect. Think elongated daylight spans toward the North pole in summer. • Hyper-density black-hole waive for whirlpool like effect? • Stalled sunlight? that normally takes 8 minutes to arrive takes x hours. Consider Black-hole theory, where light can be tugged due to hyper-density / gravity. • Solar Eclipse? Objections: It doesn't extend the daylight, 'no day like it before or after', and Chazal on on the 3rd day of the lunar month of Tammuz. Solar eclipses only occur by a New Moon.5 • Also at the summer solstice June 20 or 21. Helping corroborate Seder Olam Rabbah chronology. An 48? hour epoch, so solstice on the 3rd or 4th of Tammuz. That depends on our annual 90? million mile oval around the sun. This being 5784 anno-mundi year to date (start year one on day six) fits! 3 and 4 Tammuz are June 20/21 in 5775! the most recent multiple of 19 from 2488 anno-mundi + 173(19).6 Reference: Pearlman YeC Joshua 10:12-14. use 'show Rashi' Midrash Bereishis Rabbah 6:9 Joshua of Ephraim b. Joseph to whom the sun and moon bowed in Gen. 37:9 2 Joshua 10:11 due to energy transference from the great (hyper-dense?) hail stones. 1:50 Bizarre Form of Water Ice Solves a Magnetic Mystery.. Super ionic water - extremely pressurized water, can resemble metals & effect the magnetic field so can effect planetary rotation! Anton Petrov, Apr.26, 2024 8:06 Structures Inside Earth.. - Core dynamics can affect rotation, so day length! Anton Petrov, Jan. 17, 2024 3 T' Avodah Zora 25a. Pirkei D'Rebbi Eliezer 52: A regular Erev Shabbos (weekday six) 12 hours (daytime divided by12 duration per hour) of daylight, was extended by 24 hours (standard duration it takes the Earth to make one rotation in relation to the sun), for a sum of 36 hours of daylight (alts. 24 & 48 hours). 1 4 Immanuel Velikovsky 'Worlds in Collision' 1950 start page 39. At page 44 he credits M. Abramovitch Tel Aviv. 5 Joshua 10:13 Rashi: The effects were global. Fulfilling/confirming a prophecy/prediction by Jacob. Joshua 10:14 There have been many Solar Eclipses. Seder Olam Rabba chapter 11 via R' Yossi Kwadrat. 6 The Jewish Calendar, Rabbi David Feinstein, 2003. Hours of slippage from creation to date 19.x, from Joshua just 11.