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Praise our gratitude for the presence of God Almighty, for His bless and grace, so that the implementation of this International Conference can be held with the theme "On Handling Non-Communicable Disease During Covid 19 Pandemic" which aims to share information about current issues regarding Non-Communicable Disease during the Covid-19 Pandemic, Facilitating a meeting forum for scientists, researchers, academics and students to exchange experiences and research results on all aspects of handling, and controlling Covid-19 transmission to people at risk and people with non-communicable diseases and facilitating forums to share interventions in dealing with the prevention and control of non-communicable disease during the Covid-19. The International Conference is expected to be a means in efforts to prevent and control public health problems through research based on science and technology that is built from research and publications activities an the applications of research results in solving health problems in the community, in terms of this is a matter of NCDs prevention an control. The industrial era 4.0 also requires academics, students, and health observers to always update their abilities through research and scientific activities, to contribute to the handling of NCDs, especially in the Covid-19 Pandemic. Our gratitude goes to the Director of Ministry of Health Polytechnic in Semarang, resource persons, paper contributors and all related parties so that the international conference can be held well.
Seminar Penyelidik Muda FKP 2018 ini adalah sebuah seminar tahunan yang julung-julung kalinya dianjurkan oleh Fakulti Kepimpinan dan Pengurusan (FKP) dengan kerjasama Persatuan Mahasiswa Fakulti Kepimpinan dan Pengurusan (PMFKP). Seminar ini dianjurkan bagi memberikan pengalaman membuat penyelidikan, menulis dan membentangkan dapatan kajian projek ilmiah para mahasiswa / mahasiswi tahun akhir di FKP. Antara objektif utama seminar ini ialah: a) Memberi peluang kepada para pelajar prasiswazah untuk membentangkan hasil penyelidikan atau kajiannya dalam menghasilkan projek ilmiah (tesis) b) Memberi pendedahan awal kepada pelajar menimba pengalaman dalam membuat pembentangan kertas penyelidikan dalam seminar c) Memupuk budaya akademik yang sihat dan daya kepimpinan dalam mengendalikan seminar. Budaya akademik yang sihat melalui amalan membaca, menyelidik, menulis dan berani menyuarakan idea mestilah ditanam semenjak daripada zaman prasiswazah. Para pelajar prasiswazah mestilah sentiasa dicabar dan diberikan platform yang bersesuaian untuk mereka sentiasa melatih dan mengembangkan bakat serta potensi akademik mereka sebagai pelapis pemimpin dalam bidang masing-masing pada masa akan datang. “Melentur buluh, biarlah dari rebungnya.” Untuk melahirkan seorang penyelidik yang hebat dan cemerlang bukanlah sesuatu yang dapat dilihat dalam tempoh yang singkat, sehari semalam. Akan tetapi, latihan untuk menjadi seorang penyelidik yang berdaya saing dan cekap mestilah dimulakan semenjak daripada hari-hari awal di universiti. Para pelajar prasiswazah mestilah membiasakan diri untuk menghadam bahan- bahan akademik yang bermutu, tulisan-tulisan sarjana yang tersohor dan berautoriti, serta sentiasa menyuburkan semangat ingin tahu dalam melakukan penerokaan berkenaan satu-satu bidang atau disiplin ilmu. Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud: “Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): Kalaulah semua jenis lautan menjadi tinta untuk menulis Kalimah- kalimah Tuhanku, sudah tentu akan habis kering lautan itu sebelum habis Kalimah-kalimah Tuhanku, walaupun Kami tambahi lagi dengan lautan yang sebanding dengannya, sebagai bantuan.” (Surah al-Kahfi 18: ayat 109) Pada kali ini, sebanyak 32 kertas ilmiah yang telah berjaya dihimpunkan dan dibentangkan dalam Seminar Penyelidik Muda FKP 2018 melalui 8 tema utama. 8 tema utama ini ialah dakwah, kepimpinan, kajian sosial, kaunseling, perbandingan agama, kajian firaq Islamiah, kajian media dan kajian filem. Sidang editor mengucapkan sekalung tahniah dan jutaan penghargaan kepada para pembentang kertas ilmiah yang telah bertungkus lumus dan berusaha bersungguh-sungguh dalam menghasilkan kertas ilmiah yang baik untuk dibentangkan dalam seminar kali ini. Moga semua kertas ilmiah yang termuat kali ini adalah bermanfaat dan memberikan serba sedikit pencerahan mengenai pelbagai dapatan kajian projek ilmiah para pelajar prasiswazah di Fakulti Kepimpinan dan Pengurusan pada sesi akademik 2018.
HUBUNGAN FAKTOR ORGANISASIONAL DALAM KESELAMATAN PASIEN DENGAN PELAKSANAAN SERAH TERIMA PASIEN OLEH PERAWAT DI RUANG RAWAT INAP RUMAH SAKIT UMUM DAERAH MEURAXA KOTA BANDA ACEH Henki Adisa Putra NIM: 1509200180017 Komisi Pembimbing: Dr. Hajjul Kamil, S.Kp., M.Kep Dr. dr. Endang Mutiawati, Sp.S (K) ABSTRAK Kesalahan medis dan perawatan yang mengancam keselamatan pasien, sebahagian besar terjadi akibat dari kegiatan serah terima (handover) pasien yang buruk oleh perawat. Faktor organisasional memiliki peran yang penting dalam menyukseskan kegiatan serah terima pasien oleh perawat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor organisasional dalam keselamatan pasien dengan pelaksanaan serah terima perawat. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah korelasional. Populasi adalah seluruh perawat pelaksana di Ruang Rawat Inap salah satu rumah sakit di Banda Aceh yang berjumlah 173 orang. Instrumen untuk mengukur faktor organisasional menggunakan Hospital Survey on Patient Safety d...
The study examines training and competency challenges of municipal councillors in the Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality in the Free State province. The main objective of this study is to determine the training needs and competency challenges of municipal and ward councillors in the Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality and what training should be recommended to address these challenges.
11th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'05), 2005
International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (itpc) in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, aids activist, public relations and information officer. Interaction and communication on national, regional and international level with ngo and governmental sector on hiv/aids, tb, hepatitis prevention, treatment, care and support issues. More that 4 years recovering from drug addiction, one year experience of work in the rehabilitation centre for people who suffer from chemical addiction and their relatives. JonaS anderSSon, lived in Kungälv on the West coast of Sweden working as a painter. Because of his drug abuse he ended up with big financial debts. In a desperate attempt to free himself he went to Bolivia, having made plans to smuggle cocaine back to Sweden. He got caught on the airport and ended up in the prison El Penal de San Pedro. In order to stay alive in prison Jonas decided to give up drugs. The chaotic years in prison led to a complete change in his life. He married a Bolivian woman he had met before he was imprisoned. With strong support from his family back in Sweden Jonas was able to provide for his wife and child and after nearly four years in prison he was able to take them from Bolivia back to Kungälv. His story is published in the book El Choco. Suleiman arale, Teacher, born in Somalia and has lived in Sweden for 20 years. Engaged in the temperance movement iogt-nto. Has studied the problem of khat abuse since 1993, which is a big problem in Somalia and also among Somalians in Sweden. Suleiman Arale published a book 2005 about the health hazards of tobacco. He is now working on a book about khat. david BaSangWa, md. Senior consultant Psychiatrist, Ministry of Health Uganda. Serves at Butabika, the only National referral and teaching mental hospital in Uganda. A member of the academic Faculty of Makerere University Medical School, Department of Psychiatry. Dr. Basangwa is in charge of the Alcohol/drug clinical services in the country and currently runs the only government supported treatment centre based at the National referral mental hospital. The clinic is also used for human resource development in addiction care for the country. A member of the Local expert network for Eastern Africa (len East) under the United Nations office on Drugs and Crime (unodc), Regional office Nairobi. JoSephine Baxter, Executive Officer, Drug Free Australia, has held diverse roles in health, education and community services, focusing on issues related to the impact of alcohol and drugs for over 10 years. These include: educational programme development, training and quality assurance processes, life skills programmes, action research projects and work within a drug rehabilitation facility. She has delivered numerous papers on drug and alcohol issues at conferences and symposiums in Australia and overseas.
Contributions to Bulgarian archaeology, 2023
This study presents an overview of information available for the layout and topography of unfortified settlements in the Danubian Plain between the 12th and 17th c. This information comes from previous archaeological research in Bulgaria and recent excavations along the route of the Balkan Stream pipeline, which crosses the Danubian Plain region in Northern Bulgaria from the Bulgarian-Serbian border in the west to Provadia in the east. The poor state of research on 12th – 17th c. unfortified settlements along the Danube in Northern Bulgaria raises a number of questions about one of the main settlement categories in this area during the Developed and Late Middle Ages.
Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 2024
Speaking is fundamental to human communication. Being able to communicate effectively is an integral life skill. The rapid advancement of digital technology has offered huge benefits in second or foreign language learning. Employing the quantitative experimental research design, this study sought to find out if the use of technology could enhance the speaking skills of the students. The study utilized an adapted speaking modules focusing on the speaking skills of the Grade 11 students. A speaking activity was used in a form of board game before the pre-test; the intervention and the post-test were given. The implementation of the modules was a scenario of readlistenwatchthink and speak. Each student was given a time to speak in different speaking activities in an effective and interactive way. The result revealed that the use of technology contributed to the improvement of the speaking skills of the students. There was a distinction if students experienced the use of technology by themselves. It was not only the speaking skills that were developed in them but their technology literacy as well. The study concluded that the use of technology could improve the speaking skills of the students.
Índice - Link a número completo en resumen, 2020
Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, …, 2003
Kaïnon - Anthropologie de la pensée ancienne, 2021
Articles in Opposition to Creationism
Rinascite della modernità, n. 3, pp. 75-88, 2023
Revista Trágica, 2022
Annales historiques de la Révolution française, 2002
e-pai, editors: Paul Rae and Michael Atavar, 2002
International Journal of Chemical Studies, 2019
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2011
2017 3rd International Conference of Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications (CloudTech), 2017
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Topics · Alcohol, 2021
European journal of epidemiology, 1997