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2013, Algebra universalis
5 pages
1 file
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 1975
Bulletin of The Australian Mathematical Society, 1985
The purpose of this paper is to study a completion process for distributive lattices suggested by the procedure used by B.Banascheswki and G. Bruns in [2] to construct injective hulls for distributive lattices. As will be seen i t is not inappropriate to call this completion the essential completion. To construct the injective hull, or, what is the same thing, the maximal essential extension of a distributive lattice L, Banaschewski and Bruns f i r s t imbed L into an arbitrary Boolean algebra B', next take B to be the Boolean subalgebra of B' generated by L, and finally take
Zeitschrift für Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, 1990
In memory of Abraham Robinson, on the occasion of his 70th birthday Distributive lattices are locally finite algebras, i.e. their finitely generated sublattices are finite. The general theory of finite distributive lattices is remarkably transparent, due to one or both of the following principles: (i) Any filter (or ideal) is principal. (ii) The lattice is join-generated by its join-irreducible elements, namely by those elements z for which x v y = z implies x = z or y = z .
Archiv der Mathematik, 1987
The study of the class P of perfect distributive lattices has been initiated in [2]. In this note we solve two problems left open in [2]. In the first section we give two subdirect representation theorems for the class Pol of perfect bounded distributive lattices (Theorems 1.4 and 1.8) and in the second one we determine those posets which are representable over P (Theorem 2.5). 0. Preliminaries. We assume familiarity with the elements of sheaf theory and the Priestley duality theory. For these topics we refer to [1] and [8], [5] and [6] respectively. Nevertheless, in order to make this paper more or less self-contained, we recall the main definitions and properties needed. All lattices that we consider in this paper are distributive and therefore the adjective "distributive" will generally be omitted. The notation D stands for the class of alldistributive-lattices. The subscript 0 (resp. 1) means that the lattices under consideration are bounded below (resp. above). A lattice Lisperfect if its prime spectrum, Spec L, (i. e., the set of its prime ideals ordered by inclusion) is the cardinal sum of chains. The class of all perfect lattices is denoted by P and the symbols P0, P1, P01 have an obvious meaning. The basic facts about perfect lattices are contained in [2]. A Boolean product (resp. weak Boolean product) of a family (A x [ x ~ X) of algebras over a Boolean space X is a subdirect product A of the given family such that the following conditions hold: (i) if a, b ~ A, then ~a = b~ = {x]ax = b~} is clopen (resp. open) in X; (it) if a, beA and Wis clopen in X, then a]w w b]_w~A. Obviously the definition of a weak Boolean product (resp. Boolean product) corresponds to sheaves (resp. Hausdorff sheaves) of algebras over a Boolean space [8]. A weak Boolean representation of a lattice L is an isomorphism O from L onto a weak Boolean product of lattices. As noticed in [3], we may always assume that the weak Boolean representations of non-trivial lattices are proper, that is, no stalk is trivial.
Zeitschrift für Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, 1979
For every consequence (or closure) operator Cn on a set S, the family C of all Cn-closed sets, partially ordered by set inclusion, forms a complete lattice, called the lattice of logics. If the lattice C is distributive, then, it forms a Heyting algebra, since it has the zero element Cn(0) and is complete. Logics determined by this Heyting algebra is studied in the second part. In Part I it is shown (for Cn finitary or compact) that the lattice C is distributive iff its dual space is topological. Moreover a representation theorem for lattices of logics is given.
Algebra Universalis, 2002
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007
The MacNeille completion of a poset (P, ≤) is the smallest (up to isomorphism) complete poset containing (P, ≤) that preserves existing joins and existing meets. It is wellknown that the MacNeille completion of a Boolean algebra is a Boolean algebra. It is also wellknown that the MacNeille completion of a distributive lattice is not always a distributive lattice (see [Fu44]). The MacNeille completion even seems to destroy many properties of the initial lattice (see [Ha93]). Weakly dicomplemented lattices are bounded lattices equipped with two unary operations satisfying the equations (1) to (3') of Theorem 3. They generalise Boolean algebras (see [Kw04]). The main result of this contribution states that under chain conditions the MacNeille completion of a weakly dicomplemented lattice is a weakly dicomplemented lattice. The needed definitions are given in subsections 1.2 and 1.3.
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2003
A familiar construction for a Boolean algebra A is its normal completion, given by its normal ideals or, equivalently, the intersections of its principal ideals, together with the embedding taking each element of A to its principal ideal. In the classical setting of Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory with Choice, is characterized in various ways; thus, it is the unique complete extension of A in which the image of A is join-dense, the unique essential completion of A, and the injective hull of A.Here, we are interested in characterizing the normal completion in the constructive context of an arbitrary topos. We show among other things that it is, even at this level, the unique join-dense, or alternatively, essential completion. En route, we investigate the functorial properties of and establish that it is the reflection of A, in the category of Boolean homomorphisms which preserve all existing joins, to the complete Boolean algebras. In this context, we make crucial use of the notion of a skeletal frame homomorphism.
Algebra Universalis, Vol. 3, pp. 13-15, 1973
Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura, 2013
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Manumata: Jurnal Ilmu Teknik, 2017
ISBN: 9788846763426
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Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 1990
Cadernos De Saude Publica, 2013