J. Austral. Math. Soc. 19 (Series A) (1975), 225-237.
Dedicated to the memory of Hanna Neumann
(Received 11 June 1973)
Communicated by G. B. Preston
1. Introduction
Hashimoto (1952; Theorems 8.3 and 8.5) proved the following theorems:
THEOREM A. / / L is a distributive lattice, then there exists a generalized
Boolean algebra Lr and an isomorphism from the lattice of all congruence
relations of L onto the lattice of all congruence relations of Lr.
THEOREM B. Any distributive lattice L is isomorphic with a sublattice of
a relatively comolemented distributive lattice L* such that (1) the lattice of
congruence relations on L* is isomorphic with that on L and (2) the length of
the closed interval [a, b] in Lis equal to that of [a, b] regarded as an interval
in L*.
It has been noted that Hashimoto's proofs are somewhat difficult to follow
and are proved with the apparatus of topology; hence these purely lattice theoretic
theorems are not placed in their most natural setting. In 1958 Gratzer and Schmidt
(1958; Theorem 1) asserted the following generalization of the Hashimoto theorems:
To any distributive lattice L there exists a generalized Boolean algebra B
having the properties:
(1) L is a sublattice of B;
(2) the lattice of all congruence relations of L is isomorphic to the lattice
of all congruence relations of B;
(3) if the interval [a,fc]of Lis of finite length, then [a, b] has the same length
as an interval of B.
In this note we give a counterexample to (2). In Section 2 we construct an
ideal £ of Band prove that the lattice of all congruence relations of L is isomorphic
to the lattice of all congruence relations of E (Corollary 2.11). We prove that
E = B if and only if 0 e L (Theorem 2.4); otherwise, £ is a maximal ideal of B
(Corollary 2.5). Our example shows that in general L cannot be embedded into E.
The construction of E is algebraic and, moreover, we prove that E is unique up
to isomorphism (Corollary 2.12). Thus we strengthen Theorem A.
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Richard D. Byrd, Roberto A. Mena and Linda A. Troy
Our example also shows that Gratzer (1971; Lemma 5, page 104)) is incorrect (Lemma 5 is in essence (2) above). We prove in Section 3 (also, see Corollary 4.3) that a necessary and sufficient condition that this lemma be true is that
the lattice L has a smallest element.
In Section 4 we investigate distributive lattices K and L, where Lis a sublattice
of K and each congruence of Lhas a unique extension to K. In this case we prove
that there is a generalized Boolean lattice B that is /^-generated by Land contains
K as a sublattice (Theorem 4.5). From this result we obtain several interesting
corollaries; one of which asserts that the lattice L*of Theorem B is unique up to
In Section 5 we give the example.
Throughout this note L will denote a distributive lattice, ^(L) will denote
the lattice of all congruence relations on L, J{L) will denote the lattice of all
ideals of L, N will denote the set of natural numbers, Z will denote the set
integers, • will denote the empty set, and X\Y will denote the set of elements
that belong to the set X but not to the set Y. Unless otherwise stated, isomorphism
will mean a homomorphism that is one-to-one (not necessarily onto). For the
standard results and definitions concerning lattices, the reader is referred to
Gratzer (1971) in particular, to Sections 9 and 10 of Chapter 2.
2. Evenly generated ideals
Throughout this section let B be a generalized Boolean lattice and let L be
a sublattice of B that generates B, that is, the smallest subring of B that contains
Lis B.
LEMMA 2.1 (i) B = {ax + ••• + a n | n e N and
( i i ) If T is a sublattice
of Land
xeB such that x = at + ••• + an (n eN),
T, thenx
= bt + ••• + bn, where bu • • - , £ „ £ Tandbx
^ ••• ^ bn.
The proof of this lemma is similar to the proof of Gratzer (1971; Lemma 3,
page 102) and will be omitted.
IfTis a sublattice of L and xeBsuch
( n e N ) , where a1,---,a2n-l^T,
that x = a1-]
1- a2n _ t
then x ~2. a for some a in T.
PROOF. By the lemma, x = bx -i— + b2n-i,
where bu---,b2n-ieT
bt ^ ••• ^ &2B-1- Thus x ^ x A l » i = xbi = bx, since In - 1 is odd and
b^bj = bt for each j .
LEMMA 2.3. Let T be an ideal of L and ET = {x\xeB
au---,a2,,e T(neN)
such that x = at + ••• + a2n}. Then
and there exists
(i) ET is an ideal of B;
(ii) ET = E x . n ( T ] B , where ( T ] B denotes the ideal of B generated by T;
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Generalised Boolean Lattices
(iii) ET = {x\xeB
and there exists
and x — at-\— + a 2 n } .
such that a1 ^ ••• ^ a2n
The proof of this lemma is straightforward and will be omitted. We shall
call the ideal ET of this lemma the ideal of B evenly generated by T. Also for the
remainder of this note we shall denote EL simply by E.
In Corollary 2.2, if T = Land x in B has a representation as a sum of an odd
number of elements from L, then x exceeds an element of L. The next theorem
shows that if L does not contain the zero of B and x in B has a representation as
a sum of an even number of elements of L, then x does not exceed an element
of L. Also, if x = at + ••• + an, where au---,aneL,
then xe{al V ••• V fln]fl
and so each element of B is exceeded by an element of L. We say that L R-generates B if Lgenerates B and if Lhas a least element, then it is the zero of B. (The
definition of .R-generates given in Gratzer( 1971; page 102) also required that if L
has a largest element, then it must be the largest element of B.) If L does not have
a smallest element, then the definitions of .R-generates and generates coincide.
THEOREM 2.4. / / L generates B, then the following
assertions are equiv-
LHE ¥= • •
L c E.
E = B.
(i) implies (ii) is immediate as 0 e L n £ .
(ii) implies (iii). Let aeL and beLnE.
a = a + b + beE.
Then a + beE
and hence
(iii) implies (iv) is obvious as E is an ideal of B.
(iv) implies (i). If beL,
then b = at + ••• + a2n,
where au •••,a2neL
at ^ ••• ^ a2n. Then b A ateL
and b /\at = bal = at + ••• + alt
there are 2« summands. Therefore bat = 0 and so OeL.
then the index of E in B is two and hence E is
a maximal ideal of B. Moreover, L is a sublattice of the relatively complemented
lattice B\E and if M is an ideal of B such that M <~\L= • , then M s E.
PROOF. By the theorem, £ ^ B and L s B\E. If xeB\E, then x = at + —|«2n-i > where au---,a2n_
If n = 1, x = a t a n d i f n > I,a1 + ••• +
Thus E + x = E + a for some aeL. If a,beL,
then a + beE and so £ + a
= £ + b . Therefore the index of £ in B is two.
Since £ is an ideal of B and B is a generalized Boolean lattice, B\E is relatively
complemented. If M e / ( B ) | / ( £ ) , then M H L # Q by Corollary 2.2.
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Richard D. Byrd, Roberto A. Mena and Linda A. Troy
LEMMA 2.6. Let 0 e # ( L ) and Ig be the ideal of B generated
{a + b\a,beLand
aOb}. Then Ig = { I ? = 1 a ; + fc,-|neN, a^b^L,
at <L bh
and OiObi} and so
PROOF. For a,beL,
a9b if and only if af\bOa\/b.
Also, a + b =
ab + a + b + ab = a A b + a\/ b. Thus, Ie is the ideal of B generated by
{a + b\a,beL,
a ^ b , and aOb}. Let I = { 'L?=1al +bt\neN,
at ^ bt, and afib-^. Then clearly {a + b\a,beL,
a ^ b, and adb} £ / ^ Ie
and I is closed with respect to addition. To prove that / is an ideal of B, it suffices
to show that for xel and aeL, axel. Let x = X" = 1 a f + bt, wherea h b t eL,
a ; ^ bi, and afib^ For each i, aat = a Afl;^ a Afrf= ab,- and a^b, implies
a A «; 0 a A £>;• Thus a x e / and so I = Ie. Clearly 79e ./(£).
2.7. Let leJ{E) and 9t = {{a,b)\a,beL
Qj is a congruence relation of L.
and a + bel}. Then
It is easily verified that 07 is an equivalence relation of L and if aOb
and t e L , then a A tO b A t . N o w a \ / t + b \ / t = a + t + at + b + t + b t =
a + b + (a + b)te/.
Therefore a\J tOb\J t and so 0Te'g'(L).
THEOREM 2.8. T/ie mapping g of J{E) into ^(L) given by (l)g = 6t is an
isomorphism of •/(£) onto "^(L). T7ie inverse of g is given by {6)g~1 = Ig.
PROOF. By Lemma 2.7, # is a mapping of J{E) into #(L). If 0 e <tf(L), then
by Lemma 2.6, l9eJ{E). We will show that (78)^ = 0Ig = 6. If aOb, then
a + fee/, and so a6Ieb. Conversely ifaGIob, then a + belg and, without loss of
generality, we may assume that a ^ b. Now a + bele implies that a + b =
E" =1 tfj + b^ where a,-, J^eL, a; ^ fo;, and a ^ . We induct on n. If n = 1,
then a + b = ( a +fo)6= axb + &! b, axb ^ fcib, and a^bOb^. Since &tb ^ i,
we may assume that a + b = ax + blt where ax 0 b t and a ^ i i j ^ f i . Therefore
0 = a t + at = (at + b^a! = aax + bat = aat + at. Hence ax ^ a. Now
a + b = ax + bt g bx, as at ^ bt, and so n = a V (a + b) ^ a V i>j ^ a V & = b.
Whence a\J bx = b and a V «i — a. Thus a ^ b ! implies a V axda\J bx or
a 0 b . Next assume that n > 1. Again a + b = £ " = 1 a ^ + bjo and so we may
assume that at^ bt ^ b for each i . Let d = V " = i bt. For 1 ^ k ^ n , aafc + a*
= (a + b)ak = 2 "=i,i#kaiak + biak. Now a 0/efo implies that aak9Igak
hence by the inductive hypothesis aak0ak. Since ak0bk, we have aak9bk and so
a 0 a V fyt. Also ad + d = (a + fo)d = Z r = i M + M =
2 " = i a , - + fc; = a + 6.
Hence a V ^ = « + ^ + a d = b . Thus we have a0 V % i ( a V h;), which is equivalent to aQb. Therefore g maps S(E) onto ^"(L).
Let / , JeJ(E)
with / ^ J and let xej\l.
Then there exists a x , - - - , a 2 n 6 L
with at ^ ••• ^ a 2n and x = a x + ••• + a 2 n - Multiplying x respectively by
a2> - "» f l 2n-2» w e obtain flj + a 2 , ••• ) a 2 n _ 1 + a 2 n e J . Hence for some fc,(l ^ fe^n)
2 t - i + a2keJVTherefore ( a 2 t _ 1 , a 2 t ) G ^ j \ ^ r a n d so g is one-to-one.
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Generalised Boolean Lattices
If /, J e ./(£), then clearly / £ J if and only if 9j £ Qj. Therefore g is an isomorphism of J{E) onto ^(L). It is now clear that (6)g~l = Ie.
An immediate consequence of this theorem is
2.9. (i) / / 0e#(L), then 9 = 0Ie.
(ii) IfIeS(E),
then I = Itl.
2.10. (Hashimoto, (1972; Theorem 7.2) </(£) (is isomorphic
to «"(£).
PROOF. Since £ is a generalized Boolean lattice and E generates itself, we have
by the theorem that J(E) is isomorphic to
2.11. %(L) is isomorphic to
COROLLARY 2.12. / / D is a generalized Boolean lattice such that ^(L) is
isomorphic to ^(D), then D is isomorphic to E.
PROOF. AS noted above, ^(D) is isomorphic to •/(!>)• Hence ./(D) and
•?(E) are isomorphic. The compact elements of S(E) are the principal ideals
of E, which are isomorphic to E. Since compact elements are preserved under
isomorphism, it follows that E is isomorphic to D.
If Te J{L), let 6T = {(a,b)|a,beL and a\/ t = b\/ t for some t eT}.
It is easily verified that dT = {(a, b) I a, b e L and a\J b = (a /\b)\J t for some
te T] and that the mapping that sends Tinto 9T is an isomorphism of «/(L) onto
a sublattice of #(L) (Hashimoto (1973; Theorem 5.1)) . Moreover, for each
t e T, [t]9T = T, where \t]9T denotes the congruence class of 9T containing t.
COROLLARY 2.13. Let h be the mapping ofJ(L) into J(E) given by (T)h= ET.
Then h is an isomorphism of -f(L) onto a sublattice of J(E).
PROOF. It suffices to show that ET = IBT . If s, t e T, then s9Tt and so
s + teI$T. It follows that ET = I9r. Conversely, let a,beLwith a9Tb and a + b
eIgT. Then a \J b = (a A 6) V t for some (in Tandsoa + b + ab = ab + t + abt.
Therefore a + b = t + abt and since /, abte T, we have a + beET. Again it
follows that Igr £ ET.
We have now obtained the Hashimoto theorems mentioned in the introduction. For let L be a distributive lattice and B be a generalized Boolean lattice
R-generated by L. Then E = EL is a generalized Boolean lattice and ^(E) is isomorphic to ^(L) (Corollary 2.11). Moreover, we have proven that, up to isomorphism, E is unique (Corollary 2.12). If L has a smallest element, then E = B
(Theorem 2.4). If L does not have a smallest element, then L £ B\E (Theorem
2.4). Let K = B\L- Then K is a prime dual ideal of B since £ is a prime ideal
of B (Corollary 2.5). Thus K is a relatively complemented distributive lattice,
Lis a sublattice of K, and K does not have a smallest element (Corollary 2.2).
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Richard D. Byrd, Roberto A. Mena and Linda A. Troy
If we let EK = {ct + ••• + c2n\cl,---,c2neK},
then it is easily verified that
EK = E. Since K generates B, <£(K) is isomorphic to V(EK) (Corollary 2.11) and
so ^{K) is isomorphic to ^ ( L ) . We will prove in Section 4 that, up to isomorphism,
K is unique (see Corollary 4.9).
2.14. Let F be a maximal ideal of B and K = B\F. Then
F = {x|xe.B and there exists cly---,c2neK(ne
N) such that x = c t + ••• + c2n}.
Hence K generates B and ^(K) is isomorphic to
PROOF. Let EK = {ct + ••• + c2n \ cu •••, cln e K]. Since F is maximal,
K is a dual ideal of B and hence a sublattice of B. Let c, d e K. Since
c + d = c f\d + c\J d, we may assume that c <j d. Thus c A (c + d) = 0 .
Thus c + deF, as F is prime, and it follows that EK £ F. If xeF and c e X ,
x + c e F + c s x and so xeK + c s £ K . Therefore F = EK and -K generates B .
Since EK is the ideal of B evenly generated by K we have by Corollary 2.11 that
^(K) is isomorphic to ^(F).
Observe that K is a relatively complemented lattice, but in general does not
have a smallest element. Hence in general J(K) and ^(K) are not isomorphic.
To this end we prove
2.15. Let F be a maximal ideal of B and K = B\F. Then the
are equivalent:
K is a generalized Boolean lattice.
K has a smallest element.
K is isomorphic to F.
There exists ceK such that cF - {0}.
There exists an atom of B in K.
F is a direct summand of B.
PROOF, (i) implies (ii) is trivial.
(ii) implies (iii). As noted above, K is always a relatively complemented lattice and so by (ii), K is a generalized Boolean lattice. Thus by Corollary 2.12,
K is isomorphic to F.
(iii) implies (iv). If K is ismorphic to F, K has a least element c0. Now F
is generated by {c + d|c,deK
and c ^ d}. For c,deK with d ^ c, c ^ c0
and so 0 g c 0 A (c + d) ^ c A (c + d) = 0 . It follows that c0F = {0}.
(iv) implies (v). Let c e K such that cF = {0}. Let x e B with 0 ^ x <; c.
If x e f , then 0 = ex = x. If xeK, then c + x e F and 0 = (c + x)c = c + x .
Therefore x = c and hence c is an atom of B.
(v) implies (vi). Let c be an atom of B in K. Then (c] B n F = {0}. Since
F is a maximal ideal of B, F + (c] B = B and so F is a direct summand of B.
(vi) implies (i). Suppose that B is the direct sum of F and M , where M is
an ideal of B. Since the index of F in B is two, it follows that M = {0, c} for
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Generalised Boolean Lattices
some ceK. If x e K, then xf\c = c or x/\c = 0. Since F is prime, x A c ^ 0.
Therefore c is the smallest element of K and hence K is a generalized Boolean
In concluding this section, we note that Theorem 2.15 exemplifies a reason
for requiring in the definition of L R-generates B that if L has a smallest element,
it must be the zero of B.
3. Extending congruences
Throughout this section let L denote a lattice without a smallest element,
L o denote the lattice L with a smallest element 0 adjoined, and let
«•„(!) = {6\0e%(L) and L/0 has a least element}. J. Hashimoto (1973; Theorem 5.1) proved that &0{L) is a dual ideal of C€{L). The hypothesis that L is
distributive is not needed for the proofs of Lemma 3.1, Corollary 3.2, and
Theorems 3.3 and 3.4.
LEMMA 3.1. / / 9 is a congruence relation of L, then 9 can be extended
to a congruence relation of Lo. Moreover,
(i) if 9£t>0{L), then 9 has a unique extension to L o ;
(ii) if 9e'£0(L), then 9 has exactly two extensions to L o .
PROOF. If 90 = 6 U {(0,0)}, then 90 is a congruence relation of L o that
extends 9. If 9 $ ^0(L), then it is easily verified that 90 is the only extension of 9.
If 9e<£0(L) and T is the smallest element of LI9, then let 0 t = 9 u ( T x {0})
U({0} x T ) u { ( 0 , 0 ) } . Then 9l is a congruence relation of LO that extends 9
and 9i> 90. Again it is easily verified that these are the only extensions of 9 in
COROLLARY 3.2. A congruence relation 9 of L has a unique extension to a
congruence relation of Lo if and only if
If T is an ideal of L, we observed in Section 2 that 9T e 'g'(L) and trivially T
is the least element of ~L\9T. Thus by the theorem, 9T has two extensions to L o .
It is evident that if B is a generalized Boolean lattice .R-generated by L o , then B
is also R-generated by L. We note that Lemma 5 (Gratzer (1971; page 104)) is
valid if the lattice has a smallest element and hence each congruence of Lo has
a unique extension to B, but Lemma 3.1 shows that each element of ^0{L) has
two extensions to B. Since ^(L) is isomorphic to ^(E) and co(L0) is isomorphic
to 'tf(B), this raises the following question: which congruences of E have two
extensions to B1 (By Gratzer (1971; Theorem 6, page 90) each congruence of E
has at least one extension to B.) In this section we give an answer to this question.
Let f0 and , : t be the mappings of r€(L) into ^(L o ) given by
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Richard D. Byrd, Roberto A. Mena and Linda A. Troy
I 0/o
where 0 e ^(L) and 90 and 9l are given above.
THEOREM 3.3. ( i ) / 0 is an isomorphism of #(L) into
(ii)/! is a one-to-one inclusion preserving mapping of<£(L) into ^(Lo) and
/j | ^ 0 (L) is an isomorphism.
PROOF. The verification of (i) and that/ x is a one-to-one inclusion preserving
mapping is straightforward and will be omitted. Let 9, vFe'£'0(L) and let S and
T denote the smallest elements of 9 and ¥ respectively. Then SnTis the smallest
element of 9 A ¥ (Hashimoto (1952; Lemma 5.1)). Then
91 A ^ j = (0U(Sx {0}) u({0} x S ) u { ( 0 , 0 ) } n C F U ( r x {0})u({0} x T)
= (9 n «F) u ((S n T) x {0}) u ({0} x(Sn T)) u {(0,0)}
= (0A ¥) ! •
Since / x is inclusion preserving 6t V ^ s (0 V *P)i • Let (a,b)e(0 V ^ ) i and
U be the least element of L/(0 V * ) • If (a,fc)e 0 V * , then clearly (a, b) e 0! V f i If (a,b)e(U x {0}) U({0} x C/), then, since (0 V *F)i is symmetric, we assume
that aeU and b = 0. Now aeU implies that there exists bo,---,bmeL such
that a = b0, bmeT, and (bi,bi+1)e9ux¥.
Hence (a,b m )e9 t V ^ i • Since
TzU (Hashimoto (1952; Lemma 5.1)). ( ^ , 0 ) 6 ^ . Therefore (a,0)e9i V ^ i •
Trivially, if a = b = 0, (a,b)e91 V ^ i .
We now describe the lattice ^(L o ) in terms
THEOREM 3.4. #(L 0 ) is f//e disjoint union o/(^(L))/ 0 and {^0{L))ft. Moreover, (^(L))/! is a prime dual ideal ofV(L0) and for 9eV(L) and ¥ e ^ 0 ( L ) ,
0o A Vi = (0 A »P)o
PROOF. Using Lemma 3.1, Theorem 3.3, and the fact that L is a sublattice
of Lo, it is easily verified that ^(L o ) is the disjoint union of C#(L))f0 and
(^o(£))/i and that (^ 0 (£))/i is a prime dual ideal of^(L0).
Let 0e^(L), f e ^ L ) , and T be the least element of L/>P. Then
0o A ? \ = (0 u {(0,0)})nCF U(T x {0}) U({0} x T) U {(0,0)})
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Generalised Boolean Lattices
Since ft is inclusion preserving 0O s (0 y ¥ ) ! and *Fj £ (0 V **0i • Therefore 0O V ^ i £ (0 V ¥ ) i . Let ( a , i ) £ ( 8 v *P)i and let U be the least element
of L/(0 V *P) • If (a,fc)e 0 V ¥ , then clearly (a, b) e 0O V ? i . Suppose that
(a,b)e[/ x {0}. Then there exists b0, •••,bmeL such that a — b0, bmeT, and
( ^ J j + 1 ) e 9 u 1 P . As above, (a, &J e 0O V ^ i and ( 6 . 0 ) 6 ? , . Hence (o,0)
e 0O V ^ i • It follows that (0 V *)i £ 0O V ? i •
For the remainder of this section, let B be a generalized Boolean lattice
i?-generated by L and E be the ideal of B evenly generated by L. Then by Corollary 2.5, £ is a maximal ideal of B. Obviously B is also R-generated by Lo and
by Theorem 2.4 the ideal of B evenly generated by Lo is B. Let p be the isomorphism of ^(L) onto J{E) given by (8)p = Ig (p is the inverse of the isomorphism
g of Theorem 2.8), let p0 be the corresponding isomorphism of "^(LQ) onto
let i be the inclusion mapping of •/(£) into^(B), and let/ 0 be as above.
3.5. / / 0e#(L), then (0)pi = (0)/ o p o The proof of this lemma is routine and hence will be omitted.
LEMMA 3.6. Let F be a maximal ideal of B and I be an ideal of F. Then
there are at most two ideals of B whose intersections with F is I.
PROOF. Let M,NeJ{B)\f(F)
such that M\C\ F = AT nF = I. Since F
is maximal, we have M = M A B = M A (F V N) = (M A F) V (M A N) =
/ V (M A N) S iV. Dually 7V,c M. Trivially / is the only ideal of F whose intersection with F is / .
THEOREM 3.7. Lef / be an ideal of E. Then there exists
such that M r\E = I if and only if (Z)p-1 e^ 0 (L).
Let M e S{B)\J{E) such that M HE = I ,T = M r>L, and 9 = Ip~l.
Then TeJ(L) and to prove that 06<g'o(L), it suffices to show that TeLjO. If
a,beT, then a + beM (~\E and hence by Lemma 2.7, aOb. Conversely let
a e T and be[a]0. Then a + foe/ £ M. Thus we have b =a + a + beM.
Therefore beM nL= Tand so TeLjQ. Since TsJ{V), it is the smallest element of L/0. Hence 0 e # 0 (L).
Next suppose that 0 = Ip-xe<tf0(L). Then 0O = 0ft n((Lx L)u{(0,0)})
= 0/t n(Lx L)/ o . By Theorem 3.4, 0/, n ( L x L)/ o = 0/o and by Lemma 3.5,
Now 0/ l 3 o e^(B) and if
I = 6/n = 6fogo = 0/lfiro n(Lx L)fogo = eftgonE.
Tis the smallest element of L/0, then T £ 0/^0- Therefore Qfxg0§J(E).
It follows from this theorem that a congruence of £ which has exactly two
extensions to B is induced (see the discussion after Corollary 2.12) by an element from
4. Extension Property
Let K be a distributive lattice. We say that K has the extension property
(EP) over L if L is a sublattice of K and each congruence of L can be uniquely
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Richard D. Byrd, Roberto A. Mena and Linda A. Troy
extended to a congruence of K. If L is a sublattice of K, then K has (EP) over L
if and only if the mapping of ^(K) into 'tf(L), which sends / onto x^(L x L),
is one-to-one. (It is well known that this mapping is onto (Gratzer (1971; Theorem
6, page 90)). The next lemma is immediate from the definition.
LEMMA 4.1. Let K be a distributive lattice and M and L be sublattices
of K such that L ^ M. Then K has (EP) over L if and only if K has (EP) over
M and M has (EP) over L.
4.2. Let B be a generalized Boolean lattice R-generated by L.
(i) If OeL and K is a sublattice of B that contains L, then K has (EP)
over L.
(ii) If 0$Land K is a sublattice of B\E that contains L, then K has (EP)
over L.
Let K be as either in (i) or (ii), 9 e %(L) and / e <£(K) such that x
1- c2n | cu---,c2neK),
is an extension of 9. Trivially, K i?-generates B and E = {cl-{
where E is the ideal of B evenly generated by L. Let /„ and Ix be the ideals of E
generated by {a + b | a, b e L and a9b} and {c + d | c, d e K and c%d} respectively.
Clearly Ig £ Ix. Suppose (by way of contradiction) that Ig # Ix. Let f e ^ ( L )
such that OFJgT1 = Ix, where g'1 is the isomorphism given in Theorem 2.8.
Since Ix=> Ie, we have by Lemma 2.6 that there exists a,beL such that
a + be Ix\Ie and (a, b) e *¥\9. Now a + belx implies (a, b)ex and hence (a, b)e 9,
a contradiction. Therefore lx = Ie. Since K generates B and E is the ideal of B
evenly generated by K, we have by Theorem 2.8 that x i s unique.
COROLLARY 4.3. Let B be a generalized Boolean lattice R-generated by L.
(i) If OeL, then B has (EP) over L.
(ii) lfO$L, then B\E has (EP) over L.
Note that in the preceding corollary, if 0 $ L, then BjE is a relatively complemented lattice without a smallest element. Also, it gives a corrected version
of Gratzer (1971; Lemma 5, page 104).
4.4. Let K be a distributive lattice that has (EP) over L.
(i) If a0 is the smallest element of L, then a0 is the smallest element of K.
(ii) If c0 is the smallest element of K, then coeL.
PROOF, (i) Let eeK and x = {(c,d)\c,deK,
c f\e f\a0 = d /\e A a0,
and c\/ a0 = d\/ a0}. It is readily verified that xe^(^0
d (e A a0,ao)exIf a,beLand
axb, then a = b as a0 is zero the of L. Therefore / O(L x L) =
{(a,a)| a eL} and since K has (EP) over L, it follows that x = {( c >c)\ceK}.
Hence e A a0 = a0.
(ii) If c 0 4 L, then by (i), Ldoes not have a smallest element. If D is the dual
ideal of K generated by L, then D = {c I c 2: a for some aeL} and D n {c0} = • •
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Generalised Boolean Lattices
By Gratzer (1971; Theorem 15, page 75) there exists a prime ideal P of K such that
c o eP and PIOD = • • Let / = {(c,d\c,deP or c,deKIP}. Then xe%{K) and
K/x = {P,K\P}. Moreover, xr\{L x L) = L x L = (K xK) O(L x L). Thus
K does not have (EP) over L.
We now prove a converse of Theorem 4.2.
THEOREM 4.5. Let K be a distributive lattice that has (EP) over L. Then
there exists a generalized Boolean lattice B that is R-generated by Land such
that K is a sublattice of B. Moreover, if L does not have a smallest element,
then K £ B\E, where E is the ideal of B evenly generated by L.
Let C be a generalized Boolean lattice .R-generated by K and let
D = { x | x e C and there exists al,---,a2neL
such that x = ay + ••• + a2n}•
Since Lis a sublattice of C, D is a subring of C. Let c, d e K, Xi = {(*, y) \ x, y e K
and x + y ^ c + d], and Xi — {(x» .V) | x> >' e K a n ^ x + y<Lef^c
+ d for
some e e D } . Clearly X\ is reflexive and symmetric. If (x, y), (y,z)GXi> t n e n
x + y <: c + d and ;; + z ^ c + rf. Hence (x + y) V (y + z) ^ c + cf. Now
x + z = (x + y) + (y + z) is the relative complement of (x + y) A (>' + z) in
[0, (x + y) V (y + z)] and hence x + z ^ c + d. Therefore Xi is a n equivalence
relation on K. Let (x,y)ext and z E K . Then xz + yz = (x + y) A z g x + j>
^ c + d and so (x Az, v A z) e / t . Now xAz + y\Jz = x + z + xz + y + z
+ yz = (x + y) + (x + y)z ^ (x + y) V ((x + y)z) ^ x + y ^ c + d. Therefore,
(x V z, y V z ) e x i and so X t G ^ X ) . A similar argument yields that
and obviously Xi-X\- ^(a, b) e / x n (L x L), then a + b ^c + d and a
Therefore (a, 6) e x 2 • Since X has (£P) over L, it follows that *i = Xz • s i n c e
(c, d)exi, we have c + d ^ e g c + rffor some eeD so c + d e D . It follows
that D is the ideal of C evenly generated by K.
If /C has a smallest element c0, then by Lemma 4.4, coeL and c0 is the zero
of C. Thus, since 0 e K, we have by Theorem 2.4 that D = C. Therefore C is
a generalized Boolean lattice K-generated by Land D is the ideal evenly generated
by L.
If K does not have a smallest element, then by Lemma 4.4, L does not have
a smallest element. Since K generates C and 0<£K, we have by Corollary 2.5
that D is a maximal ideal of index two in C and iC n D = Q . Thus if a e L,
D + a = C\D. Again we have that C is a generalized Boolean lattice R-generated
by L and D is the ideal evenly generated by L.
Finally, if Ldoes not have a smallest element, then K does not have a smallest
element and so K s C\D.
As a corollary to the proof of this theorem we have
COROLLARY 4.6. Let K be a distributive lattice that has (EP) over L. If C
is a generalized Boolean lattice R-generated by K, then C is R-generated by L.
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Richard D. Byrd, Roberto A. Mena and Linda A. Troy
COROLLARY 4.7. / / K is a relatively complemented distributive lattice that
has (EP) over L, then there exists a generalized Boolean lattice B that is R-generated by L and such that K = B or K = B\E.
PROOF. By the theorem there is a generalized Boolean lattice .R-generated
by Lsuch that K is a sublattice of B. If 0 e L, then OeK and so K is a generalized
Boolean lattice. Let a, be L and let c be the relative complement of a A b in the
interval [0, a\/ b~]Kof K. Then c = a + b and it follows that E £ K. By Theorem 2.5, E = B.
If 0 $ L, then by the theorem K s B\E. Let x e B\E. Then x = a t + ••• + a 2 «-i
where a,, ••• ) a 2n _ 1 e L with aj g ••• g a 2B _!. If n = 1, then ^ e K . Suppose
that n > 1 and that a2 + ••• + a2n-2eK.
Now a : g a 2 ^ a 2 + "• + a 2n-2 ^
2n-2 ^ a 2«-i • Let c be the relative complement of a2 + ••• + a2n^2 in the
interval O i , a 2 n - i ] K of K. Then o^ = c A (a 2 + ••• + a2n.2) and a 2n _j =
cy(a2 + •••+a2n_2)
= c + a 2 + ••• + « 2 n _ 2 + c(a 2 + ••• +a2n-2).
«i + ••• + a 2 n - i = c e X .
COROLLARY 4.8. Let K be a relatively complemented distributive lattice
that has (EP) over L. Then no proper sublattice of K contains L and is relatively
PROOF. Let M be a relatively complemented sublattice of K that contains L.
By the preceding corollary, there is a generalized Boolean lattice B that is R-gtnerated by Land such that K = B or K = B\E. Then the proof of Corollary 4.7
shows that M = K.
COROLLARY 4.9. Let K^ and K2 be relatively complemented distributive
lattices which have (EP) over L. Then there is an isomorphism of Kt onto K2
that is the identity on L.
PROOF. Let B^ and B2 be generalized Boolean lattices that are i?-generated
by Ki and K2 respectively. By Corollary 4.6, Bt and B2 are .R-generated by L.
By Gratzer (1971; Theorem 6, page 104) there is an isomorphism q of B onto
B2 that is the identity on L.) (We note that Theorem 6 of Gratzer (1971) is valid
even though Lemma 5 which is invalid, is used in the proof.) If 0 e L, then B^ = iCt
and B2 ~ K2. If 0 e L, then K t = B 1 /£ 1 and K2 = B2jE2, where E, is the ideal
of Bj evenly generated by L. Since (K^q is a relatively complemented lattice
that contains L, we ghave by Corollary 4.8 that (Kt)q = K2.
5. An example
The motivation for many of the ideas in this note is the following example.
Let P denote the power set of the naturally ordered set of integers and F
denote the collection of all finite subsets of the integers. For n e Z , (n] will
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Generalised Boolean Lattices
denote the ideal of Z generated by n. Let B = F u {(n] u S \ n e Z and S e F}.
Then B is a sublattice of the complete Boolean lattice P and it is readily verified
that B is a generalized Boolean lattice.
Let r be the mapping of ^(Z) into P given by (0)r = l\{n \ n = l.u.b.[«]0}.
Then r is an isomorphism of "^(Z) onto P and hence #(Z) is a complete Boolean
lattice. If L = {(«] | n e Z}, then L is isomorphic to Z, B is /^-generated by L,
and F is the ideal of B that is evenly generated by L. By Corollary 2.11, #(F)
is isomorphic to #(L) and hence to ^(Z). Since F satisfies the descending chain
condition, there does not exist an isomorphism of L into F .
Suppose (by way of contradiction) that ^(Z) is isomorphic to ^(B). Since B
is a generalized Boolean lattice, -f{B) is isomorphic to ^(B). Thus the ideals of
B form a Boolean lattice. However, by the corollary to Theorem 4.3 (Hashimoto
(1952; page 165)) this implies that B satisfies the descending chain condition.
This is impossible as L is a sublattice of B.
G. Gratzer (1971), Lattice Theory, (W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, 1971).
G. Gratzer and E. T. Schmidt (1958), 'On the generalized Boolean algebra generated by a distributive lattice', Indag. Math. 20, 54-553.
J. Hashimoto (1953), 'Ideal theory for lattices', Math. Japan. 2,149-186.
University of Houston
University of Wyoming,
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