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Resistive Random Access Memory: A Review of
Device Challenges
Varshita Gupta, Shagun Kapur, Sneh Saurabh & Anuj Grover
To cite this article: Varshita Gupta, Shagun Kapur, Sneh Saurabh & Anuj Grover (2019):
Resistive Random Access Memory: A Review of Device Challenges, IETE Technical Review, DOI:
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Resistive Random Access Memory: A Review of Device Challenges
Varshita Gupta, Shagun Kapur, Sneh Saurabh and Anuj Grover
Department of ECE at IIIT, Delhi 110020, India
With scaling, existing charge-based memory technologies exhibit limitations due to charge leaking
away easily in a smaller device. Therefore, non-charge based memory technologies such as Resistive
Random Access Memory (RRAM) become promising for future applications. RRAM is not only more
scalable, but is typically faster and consumes less power than the existing memory technologies.
However, RRAM suffers from higher impact of variations and reliability issues. In this review paper,
we explain the basic aspects of RRAMs, highlight their advantages and elucidate challenges involved
in replacing the existing memory technologies with RRAMs.
RRAM; Conducting filament;
Materials; Variations;
Scalability; Resistive
In recent years, innovative applications such as cloud
storage, internet of things (IoT), data mining, artificial intelligence etc. have been enabled by the advancements in data storage technology. In general, a system
requires both temporary (volatile) and permanent (nonvolatile) storage for its operation. These requirements
are currently fulfilled using complementary metal-oxide
semiconductor-based (CMOS-based) static random
access memory (SRAM), dynamic random access memory (DRAM) and Flash memory [1]. Each of these memories has its own merits and demerits. An SRAM, being a
very fast memory, is used for directly interacting with the
high speed processor. However, an SRAM is volatile and
has a lower density. For large capacity and non-volatile
requirements, memories such as Flash are employed.
However, a Flash memory is slower than an SRAM [2].
An SRAM cell stores information on the two nodes of a
cross-coupled inverter pair. A DRAM cell uses a capacitor to store charge and distinguish between the “0” state
and the “1” state. A Flash memory cell stores charge in
the floating gate of a transistor and can store different
amounts of charge to effectively store more than 1 bit of
information per transistor [2]. This charge dependence
of the storage mechanisms limit the scaling possibilities
of present memory technologies. For example, the SRAM
cell scaling is limited by the variability and the consequent impact on the functionality (read/write margins).
The DRAM cell scaling is limited by the amount of charge
that is stored on the scaled capacitor. The Flash memory
scaling is limited due to the requirement of a high electric
© 2019 IETE
field in the program and the erase operations. Therefore, researchers are actively exploring non-charge-based
memories that can be scaled to a greater extent [1,2].
Figure 1 shows different types of charge and non-charge
based memories as reported in the “Beyond CMOS”
chapter of 2017 international roadmap for devices and
systems (IRDS) [1]. It lists down emerging non-volatile
memories (NVMs) which can potentially replace the
existing charge-based memories, such as ferroelectric
RAM (FeRAM), magnetoresistive RAM (MRAM), phase
change RAM (PCRAM or PCM) and resistive RAM
(RRAM) [3–7]. Among emerging NVMs, RRAM is of
great interest because it is scalable, can operate at a
higher speed, is CMOS-compatible and consumes less
power compared to the existing memory technologies
[7]. Therefore, in recent times, extensive research has
been carried out on RRAMs, with the focus on improving
their performance and removing limitations such as high
impact of process-induced variations. The comparison of
different types of resistive memories is shown in Table 1.
Currently, research on RRAMs is being carried out in several inter-disciplinary areas including material engineering, device optimization and circuit applications. Since
RRAMs have a huge potential for future applications,
researchers from diverse backgrounds need to comprehend the fundamental aspects of RRAMs and become
familiar with the latest research on RRAMs. However,
with a plethora of papers appearing on RRAMs, keeping
track of the latest research is a challenge. Therefore, in
this paper, we carry out an extensive review of the latest
Figure 1: Memory taxonomy listing various NVMs [1,2]
Table 1: Comparison
(Table BC2.7 in [1])
Figure 2: Schematic diagram of RRAM: (a) simple
metal–insulator–metal structure and (b) multilayered structure (Aluminium Copper (AlCu), Titanium Nitride (TiN), Hafnium
Oxide (HfO2 ), Tungsten (W)) [7,10]
between two metal electrodes, as shown in Figure 2(a).
The metal electrodes can be Titanium (Ti), Platinum (Pt),
etc. [7,10]. The structure of RRAMs can also be in the
form of multilayered stacks, as shown in Figure 2(b).
The multilayered RRAMs have shown improved uniformity in the device parameters such as SET and RESET
voltages, HRS and LRS resistance levels, etc. [11].
research on RRAMs with a focus on fundamental aspects
and challenges at the device level. This will be of help
not only to the researchers starting to work on RRAMs,
but also to the researchers already working on RRAMs
by providing a comprehensive review of the important
works related to RRAMs, particularly at the device level.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section
2, we describe the operating principle of different types
of RRAMs. In Section 3, we give an overview of various
figures-of-merit (FOMs) of RRAMs, and in Section 4, we
highlight the variability issues in RRAMs. In Section 5,
we examine the materials employed in realizing RRAMs.
In Section 6, we explain circuit design and applications of
RRAMs and conclude in Section 7.
In simple terms, RRAM is a resistance-based device having a metal–insulator–metal (MIM) structure. The insulator is typically an oxide of elements such as Hafnium
(Hf), Tantalum (Ta), Titanium (Ti), etc. Other materials
such as chalcogenides have also been used as an insulator in RRAMs. Some 2D-materials such as hexagonal
boron nitride (h-BN) have also been explored as an insulator in RRAMs [8,9]. The oxide insulator is sandwiched
RRAM is based on resistive switching (RS) between two
stable states, namely: the high resistance state (HRS) and
the low resistance state (LRS). Depending on these states,
the device is said to store a bit “1” or a bit “0” [12]. However, multilevel resistive switching for ultra-high-density
applications can also be employed in RRAMs. This can be
utilized in multibit memories by assigning multiple bits
to the different levels of resistance [13–17].
The resistive switching in RRAM is carried out by the
SET and the RESET operations. The RRAM operation is
enabled after a conducting path is formed inside the insulator when an appropriate bias is applied to the device.
It is worth pointing out that the filament-based RRAMs
are the most intensely investigated RRAMs in which the
conducting path is provided by the conducting filaments
(CFs). The formation of CFs is attributed to the defects in
the insulator (cations or oxygen vacancies). The mechanism of CF formation is described in detail in the following paragraphs. During the SET operation, the device
resistance reduces due to the formation of CFs, the device
switches to the LRS, the current flows easily through the
device, and the device is said to be in the “ON-state”. During the RESET operation, the device resistance increases
due to the rupture of CFs, the device switches back to the
HRS, the current flow is obstructed in the device, and the
device is said to be in the “OFF-state” [7,8,18]. During the
SET operation, the current limit, called the compliance
current, protects the device from an uncontrolled CF formation and avoids permanent damage to the device [19].
However, some RRAMs can exhibit self-compliance during the SET operation, eliminating the need for an extra
circuitry for the current compliance [20].
For RRAM to operate, a one-time step called the forming
process needs to be carried out during electrical measurements. In a fresh device, the insulator contains few defects
and the current conduction is inhibited. A high voltage
forming process is required for the soft breakdown of the
insulator layer [21]. This results in increased availability
of defects in the insulator and is required for obtaining a
high current during regular operation. Once the forming
is done, the RRAM works by employing the SET/RESET
operations. However, some RRAMs, known as formingfree devices, do not require the forming process [11,13].
The defects in the insulator obtained during fabrication
permit easy conduction in these devices and thus can be
utilized in the SET/RESET operations without the need
of the high-voltage forming process [13].
Depending upon the materials used and the fabrication processes, RRAMs can exploit a variety of physical
phenomena in their switching mechanism. Some of the
important mechanisms of switching that are exploited in
RRAMs are:
(1) Thermochemical: The devices that exploit
reduction-oxidation (redox) reactions triggered by
heat are known as thermochemical RRAMs (TCMRRAMs) [8]. The CF formation/rupture occurs due
to the generation-recombination of ions by redox
reactions. The redox reactions are accelerated by
Joule heating and consequent temperature rise in
the insulator [8]. During the RESET operation, the
initial dissolution of a CF at a hotspot results in a
local reduction in the cross-sectional area leading
to a sudden current crowding [22]. This increases
the temperature of the CF, which further accelerates their dissolution, resulting in a self-accelerated
dissolution process [22].
(2) Electrochemical: The devices that are based on
the electric field-induced movement of metallic ions are known as electrochemical metallization RRAMs (ECM-RRAMs) or conductive bridge
RRAMs (CBRAMs) [8]. The switching is triggered
by cations that are driven by an electric field and
form a metallic CF in the insulator [8]. In an
ECM-RRAM, the MIM stack is typically composed
of an electrochemically active or metallic electrode
such as Cu, an inert counter electrode such as Pt
and electrolyte sandwiched between them [23]. In
the SET operation, the metallic ions from the active
electrode diffuse into the insulator and get reduced
on reaching the inert electrode, thus forming a
CF [8,23]. In the RESET operation, the metallic
atoms in the CF get oxidized, thus rupturing the
CF and obstructing the flow of current, as shown in
Figure 3[8,23].
(3) Valence-change: The devices that are based on the
movement of mobile oxygen ions in the insulator are
known as valence-change RRAMs (VCM-RRAMs)
[8]. When an appropriate bias is applied, oxygen
atoms get knocked out from the insulator and move
to the electrode leaving behind oxygen vacancies, as
shown in Figure 3. Consequently, defects are generated and CFs are formed [12,24]. In a VCM-RRAM,
inert electrodes such as Pt are typically used to
obstruct the ion flow from the electrodes. However,
active electrodes that aid the switching process can
also be used [23].
It is important to note that the above mechanisms of
switching can also be combined in a single RRAM device.
For example, in Ti/ZrO2 /n+ -Si structure, three different
resistance states are obtained when a portion of ZrO2
is doped with Cu during fabrication [16]. An ionic filament is formed in the device with an undoped ZrO2 ,
whereas a metallic filament is formed in the device with
Cu-doped ZrO2 [16]. Thus, multilevel stable states can
be obtained by utilizing both ionic and metallic filaments
in a single RRAM device [16]. Additionally, different
types of RRAMs utilize different bias schemes for resistive switching, as illustrated in Figure 4 and described
(1) Unipolar: In a unipolar RRAM, the SET/RESET
operations are triggered by voltage impulses of the
same polarity [8,18]. The unipolar characteristics
allow obtaining higher integration density in certain
applications by employing diodes as the selectors
in crossbar arrays and utilizing a simpler control
circuitry [25].
(2) Bipolar: In a bipolar RRAM, the SET/RESET operations are triggered by voltage impulses of opposite
polarities [8,18]. Typically, bipolar RRAMs are superior to unipolar RRAMs in terms of power consumption, endurance and variability [25,26].
(3) Non-polar: In a non-polar RRAM, the SET/RESET
operations can be triggered by voltage impulses of
any polarity [18]. The materials such as HfO2 and
NiO both exhibit non-polar switching characteristics
in a TiN/Ti/Pt/oxide/Pt/TiN stack [27].
(4) Threshold RS: A threshold RS device can be SET to
a volatile LRS using a voltage impulse. Once the SET
voltage is removed, a threshold RS device switches
back from the LRS to the HRS [18,28,29].
Additionally, the switching in RRAMs can be filamentary or distributed. In filamentary switching, the formation/rupture of one or more CFs in the insulator
is confined to a small location. Therefore, resistance is
predominantly area-independent. Typically, filamentary
switching is fast and results in a high LRS/HRS current
ratio, though it consumes more power due to a high
LRS current [8,18,23]. However, distributed switching
is a homogeneous phenomenon and takes place in the
entire volume of the insulator, and the defects are created laterally or at the same depths within the insulator.
In contrast to the filamentary switching, the resistance in
the distributed switching depends on the area of the insulator [8,18,23]. Although distributed switching consumes
less power in comparison to filamentary switching, the
switching speed and the current ratios of filamentary
RRAMs are superior [18,30]. It is worthy to point out that
a combination of filamentary and distributed switching
in a single device can be used to improve the electrical
characteristics of the device [30].
Figure 3: Schematic of Resistive Switching (RS) in RRAM for
(a) electrochemical (cation-based) RS – SET, (b) electrochemical
(cation-based) RS – RESET and (c) valence-change RS – SET, (d)
valence-change RS – RESET
The characteristics of RRAMs realized using different
materials and employing different switching mechanisms
vary widely. In literature, there are several demonstrations of RRAMs excelling in terms of individual figuresof-merit (FOM) such as endurance, data retention, speed,
power consumption, etc. In this review, we mention some
of the best results reported on RRAMs. We also highlight the important factors deciding various FOMs in
3.1 Endurance
Figure 4: Illustration of I–V curves for (a) unipolar operation, (b)
bipolar operation, (c) non-polar operation and (d) threshold RS (CC
denotes compliance current) [18]
The endurance of a device is defined as the number of
program/erase or SET/RESET cycles it can undergo while
staying above a certain resistance ratio [31]. Since the
resistance ratio of the device degrades with increasing
program/erase cycles, the device is said to have failed
when the ON/OFF current ratio reaches below a certain threshold. This threshold can be defined differently
for different applications. RRAMs with endurance up
to 1012 cycles have been reported in devices employing Pt/Ta2 O5−x /TaO2−x /Pt and Ta/TaOx /TiO2 /Ti stacks
[18,32,33]. It has been noted that tantalum oxides typically show very high endurance values when used as the
resistive switching layer [18].
3.2 Data Retention
Retention is defined as the length of time for which the
LRS and the HRS of the RRAM remain stable after the
SET/RESET operations [31]. It has been observed that
retention in the LRS strongly depends on the compliance current used during the SET operation [28]. Moreover, at high temperatures, the retention time decreases
due to a possibility of frequent atomic rearrangements
[18]. The projected retention time for RRAMs based on
Pt/TaOx /Pt and Pt/Al2 O3 /HfO2 /Al2 O3 /TiN/Si stacks at
85◦ C is 10 years [34,35].
3.3 Variability
One of the biggest obstacles preventing RRAMs from
being widely deployed are the variability issues. Similar
to CMOS, cell-to-cell variability occurs in RRAMs due to
the variations in the fabrication process. However, cycleto-cycle variability is an inherent feature of the resistive
switching and is strongly influenced by the applied electrical stresses that control the shape of the CF. Since the
formation and rupture of CFs is a stochastic process, controlling their shape is difficult and unpredictable [18,31].
It may be noted that the variability issues are aggravated
in multi-bit RRAMs due to decreased resistance window
[7]. The variability issues in RRAMs are explained in
detail in the following section.
3.4 Scalability
RRAMs exhibit high scalability as compared to other
memory technologies. Several works have demonstrated
successful switching operations in devices scaled to a few
nanometres. For example, an Hf/HfOx stack with an area
of less than 10 × 10 nm2 is reported to exhibit switching energy per bit < 0.1 pJ and endurance > 5 × 107
cycles [36]. In ECM cells, the maximum theoretical scalability is limited by the discrete Landauer conductance
levels (multiples of 2e2 /h) [37]. It is worthy to point
out that RS characteristics are often reported for larger
devices. However, conclusions drawn for large devices
cannot be directly applied to smaller devices because
the operating mechanism depends on the size of the
RRAMs [18].
3.5 Speed
A key FOM for a memory is the read/write time. For a
phase change RAM (PCRAM), a phase change speed of
2.4 ns is reported [38]. For a spin transfer torque-RAM
(STT-RAM), an operation speed < 10 ns can be attained
[39]. These emerging technologies are faster than the
widely used NAND Flash which can exhibit write time
of 100 µs [40]. Among RRAMs, a filamentary switching RRAM is reported to have switching speeds down
to 300 ps [41]. A record switching speed of < 85 ps is
reported for a nitride-based resistive switch [42]. This
makes filamentary RRAMs one of the fastest memory
3.6 Power Consumption
Depending on the material and the switching mechanism, the power consumption in RRAMs can vary
widely. In a filamentary RRAM, the CF is consistently
built for the LRS and then ruptured for the HRS. This
causes high power consumption. In contrast, a distributed RRAM does not completely build and rupture
the CFs. Therefore, it has a lower power consumption
[18]. RRAMs have been shown to have power consumption as low as 0.1 pj/bit in a TiN/Hf/HfOx /TiN structure
[36]. In a different demonstration, using Al/Ti/Al2 O3 /sCNT structure, power consumption of 0.1–7 pj/bit has
been reported [43].
In general, the variability in RRAMs depends on the
materials used and their switching mechanisms. In this
section, we describe the variability issues in CF-based
RRAMs which are being intensely investigated.
It has been noticed that, compared to the LRS, it is more
difficult to characterize and map the variations in the
HRS. The LRS is obtained by the formation of CF, and
the resistance varies due to the variation in the thickness
and the number of CFs. The characteristics of the LRS are
typically ohmic, though in certain cases it can be dominated by tunnelling or non-ohmic behaviour [44]. The
HRS is obtained when the CFs are ruptured. The mechanism of conduction in the HRS can be Poole-Frenkel
emission, Schottky emission, space charge limited current characteristic, etc. [7]. Since it is difficult to predict
the conduction paths and the conduction mechanism in
the HRS, it becomes difficult to characterize the variability in the HRS [8]. Some of the factors that impact
the conduction mechanism and the device variability in
the HRS are dielectric properties of the oxide, fabrication
process conditions, and interfacial properties of the oxide
and the electrode [7].
It has been observed that for the first few cycles, a CF
forms and breaks consistently. However, as the number
of cycles increases, the behaviour of RRAMs becomes
inconsistent and unpredictable. Though cycle-to-cycle
Tight distribution of high resistive state
TiOx with embedded platinum
Chang et al. [48]
Improving device uniformity
Stable resistive switching and improved
Reduces device-to-device variations
TaN/Al2 O3 : RuNCs : Al2 O3 /Pt
Chen et al. [47]
Liu et al. [51]
Butcher et al. [50]
Kalantarian et al. [49]
Set a constant forming voltage for all
Forming devices at high temperatures
and low voltage bias
Ramp the gate voltage, keep source
and drain constant
Low switching voltage, large ON/OFF ratio
HfOx /TiOx
Better filament formation than conventional
Improved set and reset voltage
HfOx /AlOx multilayer
Fang et al. [11]
Some researchers have modified materials used in
RRAMs by inserting implants or introducing doping in the device. In one of the modifications, a
large resistance ratio was exhibited by embedding Ru
nanocrystals in the TaN/Al2 O3 /Pt structure to create a
TaN/Al2 O3 :RuNCs:Al2 O3 /Pt device [47]. This improvement in characteristics can be attributed to the ease in
the formation and breaking of CFs due to an increased
electric field near Ru nanocrystals [47]. Another work
showed an improvement in device characteristics by
embedding Pt nanocrystals in TiO2 thin-film RRAMs.
These nanocrystals cause local enhancement of the electric field around them and thus improve the stability of
resistive switching and retention properties [48].
Table 2: Techniques to address variability in RRAMs
An HfOx /AlOx multilayer structure exhibits a better
shape of filament when compared to the conventional
HfO2 memory. Due to the addition of the AlOx layer, the
overall shape of the filament becomes “funnel-shaped”
instead of “hour-glass-shaped”. As a result, the CF formation becomes more deterministic and exhibits a lower
spread in the OFF-state resistance [46]. Additionally, an
HfOx /TiOx multilayer structure improves the uniformity
of SET/RESET voltage distribution, along with obtaining
a predictable LRS and HRS resistance distributions [11].
The different dielectric layers cause confinement of the
CF. The authors have attributed this improvement in the
uniformity to the titanium doping and the confinement
effects [11].
Salient Features
4.1 Material-Level Improvements in Variability
Raghavan et al. [46]
Impact of the Technique
Since tackling variability in RRAMs is critical for future
applications, several techniques based on material engineering, programming methodology and fabrication
process improvements have been proposed. Some of the
important techniques that address variability issues in
RRAMs are listed in Table 2.
Technique Used to Reduce Variability
variation in RRAMs is a serious problem, in certain
applications such as neuromorphic computation where
only a few cycles are required for image recognition,
this drawback may not inhibit their applications. In
such applications, the speed and power advantages of
RRAMs can be utilized despite high cycle-to-cycle variations. Nevertheless, there are certain applications such
as long term storage, where the cycle-to-cycle variations
of RRAMs can severely affect the functionality and must
be controlled. However, reducing cycle-to-cycle variations would necessitate a deeper understanding of the
variation mechanisms in RRAMs and a better device
control [45].
Introducing the Aluminium layer streamlines the filament
into a predictable pattern
Different dielectric layers cause confinement of conductive
Electric field near RuNCs high, causes easy formation and
breaking of CF
Concentrated electric field near platinum causes stable
resistive switching behaviour
Setting low constant forming voltage suppresses parasitic
overshoot current causing controlled filament growth
High temperature reduces forming time, low voltage bias
improves uniformity
Gate voltage ramped while keeping source–drain voltage
Figure 5: Development of RRAM devices and materials in chronological order
4.2 Circuit-Level Improvements in Variability
To tackle the variability issues, various techniques that set
a constant forming voltage have been proposed [49,50].
By setting a constant forming voltage for all devices, the
device-to-device variations are reduced. Additionally setting a low forming voltage can tackle variability issues by
suppressing the parasitic overshoot current and leading
to a controlled filament growth [49]. The forming voltage can be reduced by operating at elevated temperatures,
thus reducing the variability in RRAMs [50].
Another technique to reduce the variability is to use gate
voltage ramping (GVR) rather than source–drain voltage ramping in the SET/RESET operations [51]. The
GVR scheme creates a positive feedback from Joule
heating and results in a faster rupture of filaments and
attains full RESET. As a result, the variability in the HRS
reduces [51].
The research on RRAM materials has been undertaken
since the early 1960s. The progress in the development of the RRAM device is shown in Figure 5. The
first demonstration of negative resistance was shown
using thin oxide films such as SiO, Al2 O3 , Ta2 O5 ,
ZrO2 and TiO2 in a metal-insulator-metal structure
by Hickmott in 1962 [52]. After Hickmott’s discovery, switching properties of materials such as thin NiO
films were explored, and further investigations were carried out on the properties of Al2 O3 , Ta2 O5 and SiO
[53,54]. Thereafter, in the 1990s, oxides such as perovskite oxides, Cr-doped SrTi(Zr)O3 , Pr0.7 Ca0.3 MnO3
(PCMO) and PbZr0.52 Ti0.48 were explored, though
they were not stable enough to be used for memory
applications [33].
In 2004, an OxRRAM based on a binary-transition metal
oxide (TMO) was developed [33]. The OxRRAM was
fully compatible with the CMOS technology and was
integrated with the 0.18 µm CMOS technology. The
OxRRAM was stable even up to 300◦ C and operated at
voltage levels lower than 3 V [33]. This was groundbreaking work and motivated further research into RRAM
materials and devices.
Since 2004, several new materials have been explored,
including binary metal oxides, ternary metal oxides,
chalcogenides, nitrides, polymers and 2D layered materials [8,9]. Among metal oxides, binary metal oxides are
found to be more compatible with the CMOS processes
as compared to the non-binary metal oxides. Some of the
important materials under these categories are listed in
Table 3. However, it is worthy to point out that Table 3
is not an exhaustive list of materials, and novel materials such as La2 CuO4 , HoScOx , Ag2 S, poly(o-anthranilic
acid) (PARA), poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene
sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS), etc. are also being investigated
for RRAM applications [75–79].
Transition metal oxides have been thoroughly explored as
the dielectric in the MIM stack. Moreover, 2D materials
such as hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), Graphene oxide
(GO), MoS2 , etc. have several advantages over traditional
TMO-based resistive switching devices, including flexibility, high thermal dissipation, chemical stability and
transparency [72–74].
Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) is reported to have
forming-free bipolar, threshold-type resistive switching
with enhanced reliability, excellent thermal conductivity
(600 W/mK), high chemical stability (> 1500◦ C), ability
to handle high mechanical stress (500 N/m), low variability, high ON/OFF resistance ratio (up to 104 ), low
operational voltages (down to 0.4 V) and long retention
times (over 10 hours) [9,28]. Another major advantage of
h-BN is the simple fabrication process. Chemical vapour
deposition (CVD) is used to grow multilayer h-BN sheets
which inherently contain some defects that become useful in resistive switching as they reduce the energy-tobreakdown, thus allowing the devices to be forming-free
5 × 107
10 × 10
105 × 105
30 × 30
2 × 1011
4.9 × 1010
100 × 100
2000 × 2000
104 × 104
−1.1 /1.7
−0.28 /−1.2 or 0.36/1.44
1.2/−0.4 to −1.5
−1 /2
−0.47 to −1.04/1.91 to 3.93
2D Layered Materials
Chalcogenides and Nitrides
Ternary Metal Oxide
GaIn/TiO2 -CuO/ITO
SiO2 /ZrO2 /SiO2
TiN/Hf/HfOx /TiN
TiN/TiOx Ny /TiO2−x /Pt
Pt/Ta(2 nm)/NiO(50 nm)/Cu
Pt/Ta2 O5−x /TaO2−x /Pt
Ti/AlOx /Ti
LaAlO3 /Nb-doped SrTiO3
Pt/TiO2 /SiO2 /Si/ La0.7 Sr0.3 MnO3 /BiFeO3 /Pt
Al/V-doped SZO/LaNiO3
W/Si3 N4 /GeSx /Ag
Si/SiO2 /Ti/Pt/SiN
rGO/MoS2 /ITO/SiO2
Binary Metal Oxide
CuOx [55]
WOx [56,57]
ZrOx [58]
HfO2 [36,59]
TiOx [60]
TaOx [32,63]
AlOx [64]
LaAlO3 [65,66]
BiFeO3 [67]
SrZrO3 [68]
GeSx [69]
h-BN [9,72]
MoS2 [74]
Cell size (nm2 )
Metal-insulator–metal materials
Type of material
Table 3: Table comparing some of the materials used in RRAM devices
ON/OFF ratio
Voltage (V)
Endurance (cycles)
current (mA)
Retention (s)
Figure 6: Schematic representation of (a) 1T1R and (b) crosspoint structure of RRAM array [80]
[9]. There is a significant amount of device-to-device
variability due to the variable thickness of grain boundaries formed during CVD growth, however the cycle-tocycle variability is low [72]. While 2D materials appear
promising, currently, TMO-based RRAMs have better
performance [9].
RRAM array can be implemented as a 1 selector–1
resistor (1S1R) structure. In a 1 transistor–1 resistor
(1T1R) structure, as shown in Figure 6(a), the selector
is a front-end-of-line (FEoL) device such as a CMOS
transistor, a BJT or a gate-all-around transistor [81].
However, the selectors severely increase the bit cell
area, the process cost and the complexity [81]. Therefore, structures utilizing back-end-of-line (BEoL) devices
called cross-point arrays, shown in Figure 6(b), are considered. In cross-point arrays, RRAMs are placed at
each intersection of the word-lines and the bit-lines.
These structures integrate the BEoL selector in the
RRAM stack, thus achieving a high bit cell density
[81]. One such BEoL selector device is the field-assisted
superlinear threshold (FAST) selector [82]. The FAST
selector based device exhibits excellent performance, a
small switching slope and a high current drivability.
Several other devices including mixed-ionic-electronicconduction (MIEC) materials and varistor-type bidirectional switches have also been explored as BEoL selector
devices [83,84].
Some circuit designs embedding RRAM with two transistors (2T1R) to overcome sneak current limitation have
also been investigated [85,86]. Similar to SRAM cells,
RRAM cells are accessed using the two transistors by
enabling WL[0] and WL[1] lines. The BL[0] and BL[1]
lines are used for the SET/RESET operations [85,86].
Some of the important limitations of a 2T1R structure are
low current density, severe body effects, area inefficiency
and a need for large driving inverters [85,86]. To alleviate
these limitations, 4T1R designs have also been investigated [85]. The 4T1R cell is embedded with two n-type
and two p-type transistors and is programmed using the
gate bias of these transistors. Compared to 2T1R structures, 4T1R structures exhibit higher current density and
a better area efficiency [85].
It is well-known that Von Neumann architecture-based
systems suffer from bandwidth constraints and related
speed impact due to separate processing and memory units. In-memory computing alleviates these limitations by integrating the processing unit and the memory [87,88]. This makes neuromorphic computing using
RRAMs promising due to the possibility of in-memory
computation [89,90]. Some synaptic devices based on
oxides such as Pr1−x Cax MnO3 (PCMO), HfOx , TaOx ,
TiOx , NiOx , AlOx , WOx , etc. have been explored in the
literature [91]. Additionally, the need to realize highdensity neural networks have made RRAMs a potential
candidate for these applications [92]. In recent times,
hybrid combinations of transistors and RRAMs such as
1T1R, 2T1R, and 4T1R structures are gaining significant
interest in these applications [89,93].
In this work, we have discussed the operating mechanism and the figures-of-merit for RRAMs. We have
also reviewed the challenges of controlling variability by
device design methods and also by exploring new materials and material combinations. RRAMs show promise
to be used as Universal Memory. They are dense, nonvolatile, scalable and do not require very high voltages for
their operation. Hence, RRAMs can replace Flash memories in many applications. The high density and speed of
RRAMs also make them well-suited to replace on-chip
DRAMs which are not scalable and also consume more
power due to the refresh requirements. The low latency of
RRAMs make them suitable to replace L2 and L3 SRAM
caches in many applications. The high density and the
low power consumption make RRAMs attractive for use
in applications such as IoT, edge-computing, and neuromorphic computing. However, the biggest challenge
to industrialize RRAMs lie in tackling the variability
issues. While some applications such as neuromorphic
computing and machine learning are error resilient and
can adopt currently developed RRAMs, other applications such as automotive, smart industry etc. would use
RRAMs only after variability control is demonstrated not
only at the nominal operating conditions but also at high
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
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memory (RRAM) capable of spike-rate-dependent plasticity (SRDP),” IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. (VLSI)
Syst., Vol. 26, no. 12, pp. 2806–15, 2018. DOI:10.1109/
Varshita Gupta is pursuing B.Tech. in ECE
from IIIT Delhi. Her research interests are
in VLSI and Memory Design.
[email protected]
Shagun Kapur is pursuing B.Tech. in ECE
from IIIT Delhi. Her research interests are
in Memory Design and Nanoelectronics.
[email protected]
Sneh Saurabh is an Associate Professor
at IIIT Delhi in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
He obtained his Ph.D. from IIT Delhi in
the year 2012 and B.Tech. (EE) from IIT
Kharagpur in the year 2000. Before joining IIIT Delhi in June 2016, he has worked
in the semiconductor industry for around
sixteen years. His current research interests are in the areas
of Nanoelectronics, Exploratory Electronic Devices, EnergyEfficient Systems and CAD for VLSI. Currently, he is Senior
Member, IEEE and an Editor of IETE Technical Review.
Corresponding author. Email:
[email protected]
Anuj Grover is an Assistant Professor in
the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at IIIT Delhi. He
obtained PhD from IIT Delhi (2015), MS
(Electronic Circuits and Systems) from
UCSD (2003), and B.Tech. (EE) from IIT
Delhi (2000). Prior to joining IIIT Delhi,
he worked for 19 years in the memory
design team at STMicroelectronics. His current research interests include Ultra Low Power In-Memory Compute for edge
computing and machine learning applications; safety and security in hardware; and error resilient energy efficient systems.
[email protected]