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Journal of Communication and Media Research, 2024
As the media industry undergoes dynamic transformations, there is an increasing need for journalism graduates to possess entrepreneurial skills to navigate the evolving digital landscape. This study sought to evaluate the existing initiatives, strategies, and challenges in nurturing an entrepreneurial mindset among journalism students in Nigerian universities. The study employed the survey method, specifically focusing on graduating journalism students from four institutions
La literatura colonial, tanto contemporánea como actual, insiste que los españoles respetaban el derecho indígena a la tierra. Este respeto tenía expresiones distintas. Parecían apoyarlo tanto los teóricos —por ejemplo, Francisco Vitoria, quién en una famosa lección afirmaba que los indios tenían pleno dominio de sus posesiones antes de la llegada de los europeos— como la legislación —que ordenaba que solo la tierra que no estaba ocupada por los naturales podía ser repartida a los españoles— ..
Journal of Big History , 2019
Astrobiology is the field of science devoted to searching for life elsewhere in the Universe. It is inherently interdisciplinary, integrating results from multiple fields of science, and in this respect has strong synergies with 'big history'. I argue that big history and astrobiology are both acting to widen human perspectives in intellectually and socially beneficial directions, especially by enhancing public awareness of cosmic and evolutionary worldviews. I will further argue that these perspectives have important implications for the social and political organisation of humanity, including the eventual political unification of our planet. Astrobiology and big history are also concerned with the future of humanity, and I will argue that this future will be culturally and intellectually enriched if it includes the exploration of the universe around us.
Balcanoslavica, 2018
Истражувањата во 2017 година на локалитетот Врбјанска Чука кај Славеј, се надоврзаа на оние од претходната археолошка кампања, иако се добија многу позначајни податоци за стратиграфијата, архитектурата и стопанскиот живот во неолитот, доцната антика и средниот век. Тоа го овозможи мултидисциплинарниот пристап во истражувањата, коишто освен со елементарните методи и студии на наодите, се проучува и преку археоботаниката, археозоологијата, геомагнетното скенирање, дигиталната топографија, геоархеологијата, фотограметријата и 3Д моделирањето на артефактите и теренот, дронската ортофотографија, изотопските, радиокарбон и use-wear анализите, како и оние на липидите. Сите овие компоненти на истражувањето на Врбјанска Чука овозможуваат мошне доследно разбирање на неолитската населба и заедницата што живеела во неа, што воедно претставува и примарната цел на овој проект. Според добиените податоци од анализите, може да се заклучи дека неолитската населба е формирана околу 5900 година пр.н.е., односно при крајот на раниот неолит и имала 5 развојни фази. Според откриената материјална култура од подоцнежните хоризонти, може да се смета дека активностите на овој локалитет продолжиле околу III и IV век н.е., со регистрирани активности околу VII и VIII век, а потоа и во периодот меѓу X и XIV век.
Jewish Bible Quarterly, 2024
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2021
Late Quaternary paleoenvironments are of particular interest to understand how the Earth System’s climate will respond to the undramatic changes during this period, compared with the broader glacial-interglacial variations. In this study, a shallow sediment core (2.84 m long) retrieved from the Red Sea coastal zone in northern Ghubbat al Mahasin, south of Al-Lith, Saudi Arabia, is used to reconstruct the mid-Late Holocene paleoenvironments and sea level based on a multiproxy approach. Remote sensing data, sedimentary facies, benthic foraminiferal assemblages, δ18O and δ13C stable isotopes, elemental composition and14C dating were utilized. The stratigraphy of the core shows three distinctive depositional units. The basal pre 6000 year BP unit consists of unfossiliferous fine to medium sand sharply overlain by black carbonaceous mud and peat, suggesting deposition in a coastal/flood plain under a warm and humid climate. The middle unit (6000-3700 year BP) records the start and end of...
Sentiment Analysis(SA) persist to be a most significant research problem due to its immense applications, recognize the sentiment orientation of terms of sentiment which is the sentiment analysis fundamental task. Sentiment Analysis is a computational treatment of opinions and subjectivity of text focuses on either short/long range syntactic or semantic dependencies. Nowadays decision making is very much impacted by the products and services reviews of the products/item, these review data can be used to define trends over time. Sentimental analysis of Text data available in different forms of blogs, twitters, Facebook and Linked-in offers information to assess perspective of services of people's, products that are of their interest, items information in which they are having interested in purchasing. Locating document carrying positive/negative favourability and the information gained by the sentimental analysis supports in improving the services and products and in turn in decision making to add an augmented edge over their competitors in the business, it can also be used in cycle with effectual visualizations to calculate and track emotions. In this paper we present a comprehensive review of model and recent trend of research used in implementation of sentimental analysis.
Dans le monde entier, des commissions de verite et de reconciliation ont fleuri apres des sorties de guerres civiles et de dictatures. Mais pourquoi (...)
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International Seminar Unitatis Redintegratio, 2024
Journal of Economics and Social Studies
Rivista Italiana di Numismatica e Scienze Affini, 2021
Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο. Μεταπτυχιακή εργασία. Διεπιστημονικό - Διατμηματικό Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών (Δ.Π.Μ.Σ.) "Αρχιτεκτονική - Σχεδιασμός του Χώρου : Πολεοδομία - Χωροταξία (Κατ. Β')", 2015
Food Chemistry, 2013
Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia, 2012
International Journal of Nanomedicine
Zbornik radova Fakulteta tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu, 2019