Josef van Genabith
School of C o m p u t e r A p p l i c a t i o n s
Dublin City University
Dublin 9
j osef@compapp, dcu. ie
Richard Crouch
D e p a r t m e n t of C o m p u t e r Science
U n i v e r s i t y of N o t t i n g h a m
University Park
Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK
r s c @ c s , n o t t . a c . uk
We describe a method for interpreting abstract fiat syntactic representations, LFG fstructures, as underspecified semantic representations, here Underspecified Discourse
Representation Structures (UDRSs). The
method establishes a one-to-one correspondence between subsets of the LFG and
UDRS formalisms. It provides a model
theoretic interpretation and an inferential component which operates directly
on underspecified representations for fstructures through the translation images
of f-structures as UDRSs.
PRED 'pick (T SUBJ, T OBJ)'
iN'M s/
and QLF representations
?Scope : pick (t erm(+r, <hUm=sg, spec=every>,
coach, ?Q, ?X),
term (+g, <num=sg, spec=a>,
player, ?P, ?R) )
both of which are fiat representations which allow
underspecification of e.g. the scope of quantificational NPs. In this companion paper we show that
f-structures are just as easily interpretable as UDRSs
(Reyle, 1993; Reyle, 1995):
Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG) f-structures
(Kaplan and Bresnan, 1982; Dalrymple et al., 1995a)
are attribute-value matrices representing high level
syntactic information abstracting away from the particulars of surface realization such as word order
or inflection while capturing underlying generalizations. Although f-structures are first and foremost
syntactic representations they do encode some semantic information, namely basic predicate argument structure in the semantic form value of the
PRED attribute. Previous approaches to providing semantic components for LFGs concentrated on
providing schemas for relating (or translating) fstructures (in)to sets of disambiguated semantic representations which are then interpreted model theoretically (Halvorsen, 1983; Halvorsen and Kaplan,
1988; Fenstad et al., 1987; Wedekind and Kaplan,
1993; Dalrymple et al., 1996). More recently, (Genabith and Crouch, 1996) presented a method for
providing a direct and underspecified interpretation
of f-structures by interpreting them as quasi-logical
forms (QLFs) (Alshawi and Crouch, 1992). The approach was prompted by striking structural similarities between f-structure
We do this in terms of a translation function r from
f-structures to UDRSs. The recursive part of the definition states that the translation of an f-structure is
simply the union of the translation of its component
T( PRED I-[(~rl,...,ll~n) )
r, ..... T r.)) u
u... u
While there certainly is difference in approach and
emphasis between f-structures, QLFs and UDRSs
C t h e n l j :< li E £ and ifli : lj ~ lk E C then
the motivation foi" flat (underspecified) representations in each case is computational. The details of
the LFG and UDRT formalisms are described at
length elsewhere: here we briefly present the very
basics of the UDRS formalism; we define a language
of wff-s (well-formed f-structures); we define a mapping 7" from f-structures to UDRSs together with a
reverse mapping r -1 and we show correctness with
respect to an independent semantics (Dalrymple et
al., 1996). Finally, unlike QLF the UDRS formalism comes equipped with an inference mechanism
which operates directly on the underspecified representations without the need of considering cases.
We illustrate our approach with a simple example
involving the UDRS deduction component (see also
(KSnig and Reyle, 1996) where amongst other things
the possibility of direct deductions on f-structures is
lj < li,lk < li E £.2
The construction of UDRSs, in particular the specification of the partial ordering between labeled conditions in £, is constrained by a set of meta-level
constraints (principles). They ensure, e.g., that
verbs are subordinated with respect to their scope
inducing arguments, that scope sensitive elements
obey the restrictions postulated by whatever syntactic theory is adopted, that potential antecedents
are scoped with respect to their anaphoric potential
etc. Below we list the basic cases:
• Clause Boundedness: the scope of genuinely
quantificational structures is clause bounded.
If lq and let are the labels associated with the
quantificational structure and the containing
clause, respectively, then the constraint lq < let
enforces clause boundedness.
• Scope of Indefinites: indefinites labeled li may
take arbitrarily wide scope in the representation. They cannot exceed the top-level DRS IT,
i.e. li < IT.
• Proper Names: proper names, 7r, always end
up in the top-level DRS, IT. This is specified
lexically by IT : r
In standard DRT (Kamp and Reyle, 1993) scope relations between quantificational structures and operators are unambiguously specified in terms of the
structure and nesting of boxes. UDRT (Reyle, 1993;
Reyle, 1995) allows partial specifications of scope
relations. Textual definitions of UDRSs are based
on a labeling (indexing) of DRS conditions and a
statement of a partial ordering relation between the
labels. The language of UDRSs is based on a set
L of labels, a set Ref of discourse referents and a
set Rel of relation symbols. It features two types of
conditions: 1
The semantics is defined in terms of disambiguations
& It takes its cue from the definition of the consequence relation; in the most recent version (Reyle,
1995) with correlated disambiguations 8t
V61(r~, D M')
resulting in a conjunctive interpretation of a goal
UDRS. 3 In contrast to other proof systems the
UDRS proof systems (Reyle, 1993; Reyle, 1995;
Kbnig and Reyle, 1996) operate directly on underspecified representations avoiding (whenever possible) the need to consider disambiguated cases. 4
1. (a) i f / E L and x E R e f t h e n l : x is a condition
(b) if 1 E L, R E Rel a n-place relation and
Xl, ..,Xn E Ref then l : P(Xl, ..,Xn) is a
(c) if li, lj E L then li : '~lj is a condition
(d) if li, lj, Ik E L then li : lj ::¢, l~ is a condition
(e) if l, l l , . . . , l n E L then l : V ( l l , . . . , l n ) is a
of well-formed
The language of wff-s (well-formed f-structures) is
defined below. The basic vocabulary consists of five
disjoint sets: GFs (subcategorizable grammatical
functions), GF,~ (non-subcategorizable grammatical
functions), S F (semantic forms), A T R (attributes)
and A T O M (atomic values):
2. if li, Ij E L then li < lj is a condition where _< is
a partial ordering defining an upper semi-lattice
with a top element.
UDRSs are pairs of a set of type 2 conditions with
a set of type 1 conditions:
• A UDRS /C is a pair (L,C) where L = ( i , < )
is an upper semi-lattice of labels and C a set of
conditions of type 1 above such that if li : ~lj E
1The definition abstracts away from some of the complexities in the full definitions of the UDRS language
(Reyle, 1993). The full language also contains type 1
conditions of the form 1 : a(ll,...,ln) indicating that
(/1,..., In) are contributed by a single sentence etc.
A language
2This closes Z: under the subordination relations induced by complex conditions of the form -~K and Ki =~
38 is an o~eration mapping a into one of its disambiguations c~ . The original semantics in (Reyle, 1993)
took its cue from V~i3/ij(F 6i ~ v~6j) resulting in a disjunctive semantics.
4Soundness and completeness results are given for the
system in (Reyle, 1993).
• CFs
• GFn
• SF
quantificational NPs and indefinite NPs. 7 Accordingly we have
= {coach(}, support(* SUB J, 1"OUJ},...}
• r(lPXED
= {a, some, every, m o s t , . . . , SG, PL, . . .}
lI 0 ] ~ e wff-s
T1(~01) T2(~2)
if ~o1~,...,~o,,[] e wff-s and H{T F 1 , . . . , *
rn} e S F then ~ e wff-s where ~ is of the
II<Trl,...,TFN) ) : =
/Lr..' ~
The formation rules pivot on the semantic form
PRED values.
* i f [ 1 0 E S F then [PRED
, . .
[1(* I~1,...,1" FN)
II(zl, "2,.-., x~)
[sP c
every ]
• r'(LPRED ~II() : = ~
~] ~ ~ff-8
ri(iVRE D
) :=
where for any two substructures ¢~] and ¢r~1
occurring in ~d~], 1 :~ m except possibly where
• if a E ATR, v E ATOM, ~o E wff-s where
The formulation of the reverse translation r - 1 from
UDRSs back into f-structures depends on a map between argument positions in UDRS predicates and
grammatical functions in LFG semantic forms:
[PRED.,. I I ( . . . ) ] ~ ] a n d c ~
dom(~]) then
~1 e wl/-s
theories (LMTs). For our present purposes it will be
sufficient to assume a lexically specified mapping.
and will often appear vacuously. The definition captures f-structures that are complete, coherent and
An f-structure
This is, of course, the province of lexical mapping
The side condition in the second clause ensures
that only identical substructures can have identical tags. Tags are used to represent reentrancies
• r - l ( re1
To. ) : =
n(zl, x2,..., x~)
rl r-1(~1)
In order to illustrate the basic idea we will first give
a simplified graphical definition of the translation r
from f-structures to UDRSs. The full textual definitions are given in the appendix• The (U)DRT construction principles distinguish between genuinely
SWhere - denotes syntactic identity modulo permutation of attribute-value pairs.
6Proof: simple induction on the formation rules for
wff-s using the definitions of completeness, coherence and
consistency (Kaplan and Bresnan, 1982). Because of lack
of space here we can not consider non-subcategorizable
grammatical functions. For a treatment of those in
a QLF-style interpretation see (Genabith and Crouch,
1996). The notions of substructure occurring in an .fstructure and dom(~o) can easily be spelled out formally.
The definition given above uses textual representations
of f-structures. It can easily be recast in terms of hierarchical sets, finite functions, directed graphs etc.
r-1 (7¢2)
n{r rl,T r2,...,, rN)
no J
7Proper names are dealt with in the full definitions
in the appendix.
Icoach(x[~]) ~
Figure 1: The UDRS r T - ( ~ l ) = / C ~
If the lexical m a p between argument positions in
UDRS predicates and grammatical functions in LFG
semantic forms is a function it can be shown that for
all ~ E
~-l(r(~)) =
Proof is by induction on the complexity of ~. This
establishes a one-to-one correspondence between
subsets of the UDRS and LFG formalism. Note that
7"-1 is a partial function on UDRS representations.
The reason is that in addition to
underspecification U D R T allows
underspecification of scope
for which there is no correlate in the original LFG
f-structure formalism.
Correctness of the Translation
A correctness criterion for the translation can be defined in terms of preservation of truth with respect
to an independent semantics. Here we show correctness with respect to the linear logic (a)s based LFG
semantics of (Dalrymple et al., 1996):
[ r ( ~ ) ] --- [ ~ ( ~ ) ]
in which premises are consumed in a proof. Again,
in the absence of scope constraints this results in
n! scopings for n quantifiers Q. Everything else being equal, this establishes correctness with respect
to sets of disambiguations.
A Worked
We illustrate our approach in terms of a simple example inference. The translations below are obtained with the full definitions in the appendix.
Every coach supported a player.
Smith is a coach.
Smith supported a player.
Premise ~ is ambiguous between an wide scope and
a narrow scope reading of the indefinite NP. From [-fl
and [] we can conclude Ii] which is not ambiguous.
Assume that the following (simplified) f-structures
!a[~], ¢ [ ] and ~[i] are associated with [-fl, [] and [if,
Correctness is with respect to (sets of) disambiguations and truthfl
{ulu = 6(r(~))} - {ll~(~ ) ~ , l}
where 6 is the UDRS disambiguation and b'u the linear logic consequence relation. W i t h o u t going into
details/f works by adding subordination constraints
turning partial into total orders. In the absence of
scope constraints l° for a UDRS with n quantificational structures Q (that is including indefinites) this
results in n! scope readings, as required. Linear logic
deductions F-u produce scopings in terms of the order
| []']
We have that
SThe notation a(~a) is in analogy with the LFG a projection and here refers to the set of linear logic meaning constructors associated with 99.
9This is because the original semantics in (Dalrymple
et al., 1996) is neither underspecified nor dynamic. See
e.g. (Genabith and Crouch, 1997) for a dynamic and
underspecified version of a linear logic based semantics.
Z°Here we need to drop the clause boundedness
({t~: z®, v~® % ~ , % : ~],z~ : ~oa~h(~),
t~ : ~G] ' l~ : pt~,~,e,( ~m ), Zmo : s,,pport( ~® , ~)},
the graphical representation of which is given in Figu r e 1 (on the previous page). For (N] we get
({IT : z~],lr :smith(z~),l[-g]o: coach(xM} , {lNo < Iv})
I 1}
= IC[~]
I co ch( M) l
In the calculus of (Reyle, 1995) we obtain the UDRS
K:IiI associated with the conclusion in terms of an
application of the rule of detachment (DET):
: support(x~, x~])}, {l~]. < IT, l~]° < l~] l~ < IT })
smith( x~ )
p uer(@
7"T( LTM
[PRED 'S IT.' ]
| M)
which turns out to be the translation image under r
of the f-structure ~[i] associated with the conclusion
~.la Summarizing we have that indeed:
r r ( lil)
which given that 7- is correct does come as too much
of a surprise. The possibility of defining deduction
rules directly on f-structures is discussed in (KSnig
and Reyle, 1996).
l XNote that the conclusion UDRS K;[Il can be "collapsed" into the fully specified DRS
support(x, y)
In the present paper we have interpreted f-structures
as UDRSs and illustrated with a simple example how
the deductive mechanisms of UDRT can be exploited
in the interpretation. (KSnig and Reyle, 1996)
amongst other things further explores this issue and
proposes direct deduction on LFG f-structures. We
have formulated a reverse translation from UDRSs
back into f-structures and established a one-to-one
correspondence between subsets of the LFG and
UDRT formalisms. As it stands, however, the level
of f-structure representation does not express the
full range of subordination constraints available in
UDRT. In this paper we have covered the most basic
parts, the easy bits. The method has to be extended
to a more extensive fragment to prove (or disprove)
its mettle. The UDRT and QLF (Genabith and
Crouch, 1996) interpretations of f-structures invite
comparison of the two semantic formalisms. Without being able to go into any great detail, QLF
a n d UDRT both provide underspecified semantics
for ambiguous representations A in terms of sets
{col, . . . , COn} of fully disambiguated representations
COiwhich can be obtained from A. For a simple core
fragment (disregarding dynamic effects, wrinkles of
the UDRS and QLF disambiguation operations/)~
and 79q etc.) everything else being equal, for a given
sentence S with associated QLF and UDRS representations Aq and A~, respectively, we have that
Dq(Aq) = {COl,...,
CO~} and "D~,(Au) = {CO?,..., CO,I}
and pairwise [CO/q] = [[COu] for 1 < i < n and
col 6 ~)q(Aq) and COl' e 7)~(A=). That is-the QLF
and UDRT semantics coincide with respect to truth
conditions Of representations in corresponding sets
of disambiguations. This said, however, they differ
with respect to the semantics assigned to the underspecified representations Aq and An. [[Aq~ is defined in terms of a supervaluation construction over
{COq. . . . , CO
q} (Alshawi and Crouch, 1992) resulting
in the three-valued:
[Aq] = 1 ifffor all co~ E ~)q(Aq), [COq]~ . 1
[Aq]] 0 ifffor no COlE :Dq(Aq), [COl]= 1
[Aq] = undefined otherwise
The UDRT semantics is defined classically and takes
its cue from the definition of the semantic consequence relation for UDRS. In (Reyle, 1995):
A +')
(where IEe+ =COi E :D,,(]E)) which implies that a goal
UDRS is interpreted conjunctively:
[A~,~95 = 1 ifffor all CO
u E 7:)~,(A~,), [COr~9s = 1
[Au]gs = 0 otherwise
while the definition in (Reyle, 1993):
results in a disjunctive interpretation:
[ A . ] 93 = 1 ifffor some O}' E V.(A,~), [0~]93 = 1
[Au]]93 = 0 otherwise
It is easy to see that the UDRS semantics [o~] 95 and
[[od]93 each cover the two opposite ends of the QLF
semantics [[%]]: [o=] 95 covers definite truth while
[[Ou]93 covers definite falsity.
On a final note, the remarkable correspondence between LFG f-structure and UDRT and QLF representations (the latter two arguably being the major recent underspecified semantic representation
formalisms) provides further independent motivation for a level of representation similar to LFG fstructure which antedates its underspecified semantic cousins by more than a decade.
l[] } , allow indefinites to take arbitrary wide s c o p e
{1[]] <_ h-} and assign proper names to the top level
of the resulting UDRS {iv : z ~ , / v : H(zffj)} as required. The indices are our book-keeping devices for
label and variable management. F-structure reentrancies are handled correctly without further stipulation. Atomic attribute-value pairs can be included
as unary definite relations.
For the reverse mapping assume a consistent UDRS
labeling (e.g. as provided by the v mapping) and
a lexically specified mapping between subcategorizable grammatical functions in LFG semantic form
and argument positions in the corresponding UDRT
We now define a translation r from f-structures to
UDRSs. The (U)DRT construction principles distinguish between genuinely quantificational NPs, indefinite NPs and proper names. Accordingly we have
• ~([pRED
n(t r l , . . . , t r~) [i]):=
kr. ~ . [ ]
uYmo: n(N2,..., %])}
{ x[~] iff FiE{SUBJ,OBJ,...}
7~] :=
* T.[~([SPEC
: 'm,Wmtm
l[3], l~o ~- lm2}
[3"], [SPEC
" r=t/PREDL
m) :=
tm z
n( Try, Tr2, ...,
The scaffolding which allows us to ire)construct a
f-structure from a UDRS is provided by UDRS subordination constraints and variables occurring in
UDRS conditions) 2 The translation recurses on
the semantic contributions of verbs. To translate
a UDRS ~ = (£:,C) merge the structural with the
content constraints into the equivalent ~t = E U C.
Define a function 0 ("dependents") on referents, labels and merged UDRSs as in F i g u r e 2. 0 is
constrained to O(qi, IV.) C ]C. Given a discourse
referent x and a UDRS, 0 picks out components
of the UDRS corresponding to proper names, indefinite and genuinely quantificational NPs with x
as implicit argument. Given a label l, 0 picks
out the transitive closure over sentential complements and their dependents. Note that for simple, non-recursive UDRSs ]C, 0 defines a partition
{{/: I I ( x l , . . . , x n ) } , O ( x i , ~ ) , . . . , O(~cn,~)} of/(;.
s ifIg = {/~o : 1-I(~1,... ,~,)}t~7~ then r-l(]C) :=
A ]
HO J ]]]) :=
. T~]([PRED
iff r i
PREp n(t F 1 , . . . , T
z tin)
l-I0 ] ~ ) :=
{tT : xm,tT : n(xm),lmo _<l~}
The first clause defines the recursive part of the
translation function and states that the translation
of an f-structure is simply the union of the translations of its component parts. The base cases of
the definition are provided by the three remaining
clauses. They correspond directly to the construction principles discussed in section 2. The first one
deals with genuinely quantificational NPs, the second one with indefinites and the third one with
proper names. Note that the definitions ensure
clause boundedness of quantificational NPs {l[/] <
II 0
12The definition below ignores subordination constraints. It assumes proper UDRSs, i.e. UDRS where
all the discourse referents are properly bound. Thus the
definition implements the "garbage in - garbage out"
principle. It also assumes that discourse referents in
"quantifier prefixes" are disjoint. It is straightforward
to extend the definition to take account of subordinat~ion constraints if that is desired but, as we remarked
above, the translation image (the resulting f-structures)
cannot in all cases reflect the constraints.
{la, : Th,la, : II(rh)} U {.~ < l¢,,l()~ < la,) E E}
{l,~, l,~.Voil~,,~,l,~,, :~?,,1,~. :II(o~},U{A<_I,~,~I(A<I,~,~)E~}
{l,, I]('y~,...,7,~)}OD(7~,K.),...,D(%,If. )
if T/i e R e f
if rliE R e f
if ~ E L
Figure 2: The "dependents" function 0 (where 0(~i, K:) C_/C).
T-a({/. :x,l~ :n(x)}~Sub):=
sPEc A ]
J.E. Fenstad, P.K. Halvorsen, T. Langholm, and
J. van Benthem. 1987. Situations, Language and
Logic. D.Reidel, Dordrecht.
I-i() []
° T - I ( { I T : X, IT : I I ( x ) } ~ S ~ b ) : =
n0 ][]
Note that r -1 is a partial function from UDRSs to
f-structures. The reason is that that f-structures do
not represent partial subordination constraints, in
other words they are fully underspecified. Finally,
note that r and r -1 are recursive (they allow for arbitrary embeddings of e.g. sentential complements).
This may lead to structures outside the first-order
UDRT-fragment. As an example the reader may
want to check the translation in F i g u r e 3 and furthermore verify that the reverse translation does indeed take us back to the original (modulo renaming
of variables and labels) UDRS.
Early versions of this have been presented at FraCaS workshops (Cooper et al., 1996) and at ]MS,
Stuttgart in 1995 and at the LFG96 in Grenoble.
We thank our FraCaS colleagues and Anette Frank
and Mary Dalrymple for discussion and support.
J. van Genabith and R. Crouch. 1996. Direct and
underspecified interpretations of lfg f-structures. In
COLING 96, Copenhagen, Denmark, pages 262-267.
J. van Genabith and R. Crouch. 1997. How to
glue a donkey to an f-structure or porting a dynamic meaning representation language into lfg's
linear logic based glue language semantics. In In-
ternational Workshop for Computational Semantics,
Tilburg, Proceedings, pages 52-65.
P.K. Halvorsen and R. Kaplan. 1988. Projections
and semantic description in lexical-functional grammar. In Proceedings of the International Conference
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P.K. Halvorsen. 1983. Semantics for lfg. Linguistic
Inquiry, 14:567-615.
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Logic. Kluwer, Dordrecht.
R.M. Kaplan and J. Bresnan. 1982. Lexical functional grammar. In J. Bresnan, editor, The mental
representation of grammatical relations, pages 173281. MIT Press, Cambridge Mass.
Esther KSnig and Uwe Reyle. 1996. A general reasoning scheme for underspecified representations. In
Hans-Jiirgen Ohlbach and Uwe Reyle, editors, Logic
H. Alshawi and R. Crouch. 1992. Monotonic semantic interpretation. In Proceedings 30th Annual
Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 32-38.
and its Applications. Festschrift for Dov Gabbay.
Cooper, R. and Crouch, R. and van Eijck, J. and
Fox, C. and van Genabith, J. and Jaspars, J. and
Kamp, H. and Pinkal, M. and Milward, D. and
Poesio, M. and Pulman, S. 1996. Building the
Framework. FraCaS: A Framework for Computational Semantics. FraCaS deliverable D16 Also
available by anonymous ftp from ftp.cogsci.ed.ac.uk,
M. Dalrymple, R.M. Kaplan, J.T. Maxwell, and
A. Zaenen, editors. 1995a. Formal Issues in LexicalFunctional Grammar. CSLI lecture notes; no.47.
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M. Dalrymple, J. Lamping, F.C.N Pereira, and
V. Saraswat. 1996. A deductive account of quantification in lfg. In M. Kanazawa, C. Pinon, and
H. de Swart, editors, Quantifiers, Deduction and
Context, pages 33-57. CSLI Publications, No. 57.
U. Reyle. 1993. Dealing with ambiguities by underspecification: Construction, representation and
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Uwe Reyle. 1995. On reasoning with ambiguities. In
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of the Association for Computational Linguistics -Proceedings of the Conference, pages 404-411. ACL.
'3[ :ontr c,(z) I ) =
lsl sign(y,z) I
{ 11 : 111 V;c 112,111 : x, lll : coaeh(x),ll <_ lT,14 <_ 112,
12 : y, 12 : player(y),12 <_ IT,14 <_ 12,Is <_ 12,
13 : z, la : contract(z), la <_ IT, Is <_ 13,
Is: sign(y, z), /4: persuade(x, y, Is)
SUBJ v-l({ll :lll Vx 112,l,1 : x, lll :coach(x),ll <_l-r,14 _< 112})
PRED 'persuade (T suaa, 1`OB3, 1"XCOMP)'
OBJ T-1({12 : y, 19, : player(y), 12 < IT, 14 < 12})
] =
l le f 12 : y, 12 : player(y),12 < ~ , ls <_12,
XCOMP r - ~,~, /a: z, la : contract(z),la < Iv,Is < la,ls : sign(y, z)}
SUBJ 7"-1({ll :111 Vx 1,2,1,1 : x, ll, : coach(x),ll < i T , 1 4 < 1 1 2 } )
PRED 'persuade (T SUBJ, T OBJ, 1"XCOMP)'
--OBJ r-1({12 : y, 12 : player(y), 12 < IT, 14 < 12})
~-'.,~ ~
p-[ayer(y).12 < IT, 15 < 12}) ]
XCOMP | P R E D 'sign (T SUBJ, 1` OBJ)'
--/ []
Losa r-'(13 : z, 13: contract(z),ta < IT,Is < 13})J
PRED 'persuade (1` SUBJ, ~"OBJ, 1"XCOMP)'
PREp 'PLAYER' ] r~
J 2~
XCOMP |PRED 'sign (T suaJ,T oBJ)'
Figure 3: A worked translation example for the UDRS ]C for Every coach persuaded a player to sign a
contract. The reader may verify that the resulting f-structure T-I(~) is mapped back to the source UDRS
(modulo renaming of variables and labels) by r: r ( r - I ( K ) ) = ~.