V -variable fractals and superfractals
Michael Barnsley†, John E Hutchinson†and Örjan Stenflo‡
† Department of Mathematics, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT. 0200,
‡ Department of Mathematics, Stockholm University, SE-10691, Stockholm, Sweden
Abstract. Deterministic and random fractals, within the framework of Iterated
Function Systems, have been used to model and study a wide range of phenomena
across many areas of science and technology. However, for many applications
deterministic fractals are locally too similar near distinct points while standard random
fractals have too little local correlation. Random fractals are also slow and difficult to
We construct V -variable fractals, which have the property that at each level of
decomposition there are at most V distinct components up to a natural equivalence
relation. We show that V -variable fractals are elements of a superfractal, for which
there is a fast forward algorithm. Finally we show that V -variable fractals approximate
standard random fractals for large V and thereby obtain a fast forward algorithm for
obtaining standard random fractals and their natural probability distribution to within
any prescribed degree of approximation.
The main ideas are developed by means of examples with the intention of being
accessible to a wide readership.
AMS classification scheme numbers: 28A80, 60D05, 28A78
V -variable fractals and superfractals
1. Introduction
We introduce the class of V -variable fractals. This solves two problems previously
restricting further applications of Iterated Function System (IFS) generated fractals,
the absence of fine control on local variability and the absence of a fast algorithm
for computing and accurately sampling standard random fractals. In order to make
the ideas clearer and hopefully facilitate the application of these notions to nonmathematical areas, except in Section 5 we have deliberately avoided technicalities
and illustrated the ideas by means of a number of model examples, but the general
construction and results should be clear. A careful mathematical treatment of the
material here and a number of generalisations and further developments is given in
Barnsley, Hutchinson and Stenflo 2003b.
The integer parameter V in “V -variable” controls the number of distinct shapes
or forms at each level of magnification (Figures 4, 6 and the discussion at the end of
Section 3). The case V = 1 includes standard deterministic fractals (Figures 1, 2, also
the fern and lettuce in Figure 4) generated by a single IFS and homogeneous random
fractals (c.f. Hambly 1992, 2000 and Stenflo 2001). See Section 3 for a description of
the construction in a particular case with V = 5 and note that the parameter V equals
the number of buffers used in the construction. In Section 6 we construct and discuss
examples of 2-variable fractals. In Section 5 we define the class of V -variable fractals
and in (4) of the theorem in that section we justify the terminology “V -variable”.
The construction of V -variable fractals is by means of a fast Markov Chain Monte
Carlo type algorithm. See Section 6 for an example of the algorithm. Large V allows
rapid approximations to standard random fractals in a quantifiable manner, and the
approximation is to not one, but to a potentially infinite sequence of correctly distributed
examples. See parts (5) and (6) of the theorem in Section 5 and the remarks following
the proof of this result. In particular, one can approximate standard random fractals,
together with their associated probability distribution, by means of a fast forward
A surprising but important fact is that each family of V -variable fractals, together
with its naturally associated probability distribution, forms a single superfractal
generated by a single superIFS, operating not on points in the plane (for example)
as for a standard IFS but on V -tuples of images. See Section 4 and the theorem in
Section 5.
Dimensions of V -variable fractals are computable using products of random
matrices and ideas from statistical mechanics. We implement a Monte Carlo method
for this purpose, see Section 7.
Since the mathematically natural notion of a V -variable fractal solves two major
problems previously restricting wider applications, we anticipate that V -variable fractals
should lead to further developments and applications of fractal models. For example,
IFSs provide models for certain plants, leaves and ferns by virtue of the self-similarity
which often occurs in branching structures in nature. But nature also exhibits
V -variable fractals and superfractals
randomness and variation from one level to the next — no two ferns are exactly alike, and
the branching fronds become leaves at a smaller scale. V -variable fractals allow for such
randomness and variability across scales, while at the same time admitting a continuous
dependence on parameters which facilitates geometrical modelling. These factors allow
us to make the hybrid biological models in Figures 4, 9. Because of underlying special
code trees (Barnsley, Hutchinson and Stenflo 2003a) which provide the fundamental
information-theoretic basis of V -variable fractals, we speculate that when a V -variable
geometrical fractal model is found that has a good match to the geometry of a given
plant, then there is a specific relationship between these code trees and the information
stored in the genes of the plant.
In Barnsley, Hutchinson and Stenflo (2003a) we survey the classical properties
of IFSs, develop the underlying theory of V-variable code trees and establish general
existence and other properties for V -variable fractals and superfractals. In Barnsley,
Hutchinson and Stenflo (2003b) we give a fairly extensive mathematical treatment of
the theory and generalisations, and in particular prove the dimension results for V variable fractals for which we here give an informal justification.
2. Iterated Function Systems
By way of background we first recall the concept of an IFS via the canonical example
of the Sierpinski triangle S (approximated in the bottom right panel of Figure 1),
which has been studied extensively (see Falconer 1990, 1997 and Hambly 1992, 2000)
both mathematically and as a model for diffusion processes through disordered and
highly porous material. The set S has three components, each of which is a scaled
image of itself; each of these components has three sub-components, giving nine scaled
images of at the next scale, and so on ad infinitum. A simple observation is that if
f1 , f2 , f3 are contractions of space by the factor 21 with fixed points given by the three
vertices A1 , A2 , A3 respectively of S, then the three major sub-components of S are
f1 (S), f2 (S), f3 (S) respectively and
S = f1 (S) ∪ f2 (S) ∪ f3 (S).
V -variable fractals and superfractals
Figure 1. Convergent or Backward Process. Beginning from any set (fish) T0 ,
iterates T1 = F (T0 ), T2 = F (T1 ),. . . converge to the Sierpinski Triangle S. Shown
are iterates T0 , T1 , T2 , T3 , T4 , T8 .
The collection of maps F = (f1 , f2 , f3 ) is called an Iterated Function System (or
IFS ). For any set T one similarly defines F (T ) = f1 (T ) ∪ f2 (T ) ∪ f3 (T ). It is standard
that S is the unique compact set satisfying (1) . Furthermore, beginning from any
compact set T0 , and for k ≥ 1 recursively defining Tk = F (Tk−1 ), it follows that Tk
converges to S in the Hausdorff metric as k → ∞, independently of the initial set T0
(Figure 1). For this reason, S is called the fractal set attractor of the IFS F and this
approximation method is called the convergent or backward process, c.f. Hutchinson
An alternative approach to generating S is by a chaotic or forward process (Barnsley
and Demko 1985), sometimes called the chaos game (Figure 2). Begin from any point x0
in the plane and recursively define xk = fbk (xk−1 ), where each fbk is chosen independently
and with equal probability from (f1 , f2 , f3 ). With probability one the sequence of
points (xk )k≥0 approaches and moves ergodically around, and increasingly closer to,
the attractor S. For this reason F is called an iterated function system. If instead the
fbk are selected from (f1 , f2 , f3 ) with probabilities (p1 , p2 , p3 ) respectively, where each
pi > 0 and p1 + p2 + p3 = 1, then the same set S is determined by the sequence (xk )k≥0 ,
but now the points accumulate unevenly, and the resulting measure attractor can be
thought of as a greyscale image on S, or probability distribution on S, or more precisely
as a measure. In this case (f1 , f2 , f3 ; p1 , p2 , p3 ) is called an IFS with weights.
Figure 2. Chaotic or Forward Process. Beginning from any initial point and
randomly and independently applying f1 , f2 or f3 produces the Sierpinski Triangle
as attractor with probability one. Shown are the first 10,000 and 100,000 points
These ideas and results naturally extend to general families of contraction maps and
probabilities. Even with a few affine or projective transformations, one can construct
natural looking images (see the initial fern and lettuce in Figure 4).
IFSs have been extended to study the notion of random fractals. See Falconer
(1986), Graf (1987) and Mauldin and Williams (1986); also Hutchinson and Rüschendorf
(1998, 2000) where the idea of an IFS operating directly in the underlying probability
spaces is used.
V -variable fractals and superfractals
3. Construction of V -variable fractals
We now proceed to the construction of V -variable fractals. This can be understood in
the model situation of two IFSs F and G, with F as before and with G having the same
fixed points A1 , A2 , A3 but with contraction ratios 31 instead of 12 . We emphasise that
the following construction is in no sense ad hoc, but is the natural chaotic or forward
process for a superfractal whose members are V -variable fractals as we discuss in Section
4 and establish in Section 5.
Figure 3. Forward algorithm for generating families of V -variable fractals. Shown
are levels 1 (top), 2 and 3 in the construction of a potentially infinite sequence of
5-tuples of 5-variable Sierpinski Triangles. For each buffer from level 2 onwards,
F or G indicates which IFS was used, and the input arrows indicate the buffers to
which this IFS was applied.
One begins with arbitrary sets, one in each of V input buffers at level 1 (Figure 3
where V = 5, colour coded to indicate the maps involved, and Fig. 6 where V = 2). A
set in the first of V output buffers (level 2, Figure 3) is constructed as follows: choose
an IFS F or G with the preassigned probabilities P F or P G respectively; then apply
the chosen IFS to the content of three buffers chosen randomly and independently with
uniform probability from the input buffers at level 1, allowing the possibility that the
same buffer is chosen more than once (thus one is performing uniform sampling with
replacement). The resulting set is placed in the first buffer at level 2. The content of
each of the remaining buffers at level 2 is constructed similarly and independently of
the others at level 2. These output buffers then become the input buffers for the next
step and the process is repeated, obtaining the bottom row in Figure 3, and so on.
The construction produces an arbitrarily long sequence of V -tuples of approximate
V -variable fractals associated to the pair of IFSs (F, G) and the probabilities (P F , P G ).
V -variable fractals and superfractals
The degree of approximation is soon, and thereafter remains, within screen resolution
or machine tolerance (Figure 6). The empirically obtained distribution of V -variable
fractals over any infinite sequence of runs is the same with probability one and is the
natural distribution as we explain later. The generalisation to the case of a family of
IFSs (F 1 , . . . , F N ) with associated probabilities (P 1 , . . . , P N ) is straightforward; also
sets can be replaced by greyscale images or more generally by coloured sets built up
from primary colours if IFSs with weights are used (Figure 9).
Figure 4. 2-Variable Fractals. In the first “Squares and Shields” example, the
number of components at each level of magnification is 1,4,16,64, . . . , but at each
level there are at most two distinct shapes/forms up to affine transformations. The
actual shapes depend on the level. In the second example of fractal breeding, fern
and lettuce fractal parents are shown with four possible 2-variable offspring. The
two IFSs used are those generating the fern and the lettuce. The associated
superfractal is the family of all possible offspring together with the naturally
associated probability distribution.
The V -variability can be understood as follows. In Figure 3 the set in each buffer
from level 2 onwards is composed of three component parts, each obtained from one
of the V = 5 buffers at the previous level; at level 3 onwards sets are composed of
9 smaller component parts each obtained from one of the V buffers two levels back;
at level 4 onwards sets are composed of 27 smaller component parts each obtained
from one of the V buffers three levels back; etc. Thus at each level of magnification
there are at most V distinct component parts up to rescaling. In general, for a V variable fractal, although the number of components grows exponentially with the level
of magnification, the number of distinct shapes or forms is at most V up to a suitable
class of transformations (e.g. rescalings, affine or projective maps) determined by the
component maps in each of the IFSs (F 1 , . . . , F N ) (Figure 4 first panel, Figure 6). If
parts of the V -variable fractals overlap each other, the V -variability is not so obvious,
and fractal measures (greyscale or colour images) rather than fractal sets (black and
white images) are then more natural to consider.
V -variable fractals and superfractals
4. Superfractals
The limit probability distribution on the infinite family of V -variable fractals obtained
by the previous construction is independent of the experimental run with probability
one as we explain at the end of this Section and establish in Section 5. As noted
previously, an initially surprising but basic fact is that this family of V -variable fractals
and its probability distribution is a fractal in its own right, called a superfractal,
and the construction process for the generated collection of V -variable fractals turns
out to be the forward or chaotic process for this superfractal, see also Barnsley,
Hutchinson and Stenflo (2003a). For large V , V -variable fractals approximate standard
random fractals and their naturally associated probability distributions in a quantifiable
manner, providing another justification for the canonical nature of the construction, see
Barnsley, Hutchinson and Stenflo (2003a, b). Although there was previously no useful
forward algorithm for standard random fractals such as Brownian sheets, one can now
rapidly generate correctly distributed families of such fractals to any specified degree
of approximation by using the previously described fast forward (Monte Carlo Markov
Chain) algorithm for large V . The number of required operations typically grows linearly
in V as only sparse matrix type operations are required.
The superfractal idea can be understood as follows. The process of passing from
the V -tuple of sets at one level of construction to the V -tuple at the next (Figures 3, 6)
is given by a random function F a : HV → HV , where HV is the set of all V -tuples of
compact subsets of [0, 1]2 ⊂ R2 or of some other compact metric space as appropriate,
and where a belongs to some index set A. All information necessary to describe the
chosen F a at each level in Figure 3 is given by the chosen IFSs for each buffer at that level
(namely G, F, G, F, F across level 2) and by the arrows pointing to each buffer at that
level (indicating which three buffers at the previous level are used for each application
of F or of G), see also the captions in Figure 6. Each F a has a certain probability P a of
being chosen, this probability is induced in the natural manner from the probabilities
P F and P G of selecting F or G. The F a are contraction maps on HV in the Hausdorff
metric, with contraction ratio equal 12 , and in general the contraction ratio of F a equals
the maximum of the contraction ratios of the individual maps in the IFSs being used. In
particular, the superIFS (F a , P a , a ∈ A) is an IFS operating not on points in R2 as for
a standard IFS but on V -tuples of sets in HV . From IFS theory applied in this setting,
there is a unique superfractal set and superfractal measure which with probability one
is effectively given by the collection of V -tuples of V -variable fractals together with the
experimentally obtained probability distribution arising from the previous construction.
See Barnsley, Hutchinson and Stenflo (2003a) for detailed proofs.
5. Definitions and Proofs
In this section, which is independent of the rest of the paper and written in a more
formal style, we provide definition, theorem and proof.
V -variable fractals and superfractals
Suppose (X, d) is a compact metric space. For each n = 1, . . . , N let F n =
(f1n , . . . , fM
) be an IFS consisting of Lipschitz maps fm
: X → X. Let rm
:= Lip fm
i.e. d(fm (x), fm (y)) ≤ rm d(x, y) for all x, y ∈ X.
Assume r := maxm,n rm
< 1.
For a fixed integer V ≥ 1 let AV be the set of all matrices
I (1) J a (1, 1) . . . J a (1, M )
a = ...
I a (V ) J a (V, 1) . . . J a (V, M )
where 1 ≤ I a (v) ≤ N and 1 ≤ J a (v, m) ≤ V .
Let H(X) be the set of compact subsets of X and let dH be the Hausdorff metric
on H(X). Then (H(X), dH ) is a compact metric space. We also use dH to denote the
induced Hausdorff metric on H(H(X)) in (6) of the following Theorem.
For 1 ≤ n ≤ N define F n : H(X)M → H(X)M by
F (K1 , . . . , KM ) =
(Km ).
For a ∈ AV define the buffer map F a : H(X)V → H(X)V by
F a (K1 , . . . , KV ) := F I
a (1)
(KJ a (1,1) , . . . , KJ a (1,M ) ), . . . , F I
Define the metric
a (V
(KJ a (V,1) , . . . , KJ a (V,M ) ) .
dH ((K1 , . . . , KV ), (K1′ , . . . , KV′ )) = max dH (Kv , Kv′ ).
Then (HV , dH ) is a compact metric space. Moreover, it is immediate that each F a is a
contraction map with Lip F a ≤ r < 1.
FV = (F a , a ∈ AV ).
Then FV is an IFS with constituent maps F a : H(X)V → H(X)V . (Recall for comparison
that the original IFSs F n had constituent maps fm
: X → X.)
Let H(H(X) ) denote the set of compact collections of subsets of H(X)V and let d∗H
denote the Hausdorff metric on H(H(X)V ). Then (H(H(X)V ), d∗H ) is itself a compact
metric space, whose elements are compact collections of V -tuples of compact subsets
of X.
Since FV is an IFS on H(X)V we define in the usual manner FV : H(H(X)V ) →
H(H(X)V ) by
FV (K) =
F a (K) =
{F a (K1 , . . . , KV ) : (K1 , . . . , KV ) ∈ K}
= {F (K1 , . . . , KV ) : a ∈ AV , (K1 , . . . , KV ) ∈ K}
for any K ∈ H(H(X)V ).
V -variable fractals and superfractals
Definition. The pair FV = (F a , a ∈ AV ) is a superIFS. The unique compact attractor
KV∗ ⊂ H(X)V is called a superfractal, as is its projection KV onto any component (see
the following theorem). Members of KV are called V -variable fractals.
(1) There exists a unique KV∗ ∈ H(H(X)V ) such that FV (KV∗ ) = KV∗ . For any
K0 ∈ H(H(X)V ), FkV (K0 ) → KV∗ in the d∗H sense as k → ∞ and d∗H (FkV (K0 ), KV∗ ) ≤
rk d∗H (K0 , KV∗ ).
(2) If πv : H(X)V → H(X) denotes the vth projection map then KV := πv [KV∗ ] is
independent of v.
(3) Each (K1 , . . . , KV ) ∈ KV∗ can be written in the form
(K1 , . . . , KV ) = lim F a1 ◦ · · · ◦ F ak (K10 , . . . , KV0 )
for some (in fact many) (ak )k≥1 ⊂ AV . The limit is independent of (K10 , . . . , KV0 ). Any
set (K1 , . . . , KV ) of this form belongs to KV∗ .
(4) Let T be the tree of all finite sequences from {1, . . . , M } including the empty
sequence ∅ of length 0. Then for each K ∈ KV and each k ≥ 1,
η(m1 )
η(m1 m2 )
η(m1 ...mk−1 )
◦ fm
◦ fm
◦ · · · ◦ fm
(Km1 ...mk )
m1 ,...,mk =1
for some“code function” η : T → {1, . . . , N } and some collection of sets Km1 ...mk ∈ KV .
Moreover, there are at most V distinct such sets Km1 ...mk for each k.
(5) Suppose for k ≥ 1 that ak ∈ AV are iid so that I ak (v) ∈ {1, . . . , N } and
J ak (v, m) ∈ {1, . . . , V } each have the corresponding uniform distribution. Then for
every (K10 , . . . , KV0 ) ∈ H(X)V and a.e. (ak )k≥1 the set of limit points of the sequence
(K1k , . . . , KVk )k≥1 , where
(K1k , . . . , KVk ) := F ak ◦ · · · ◦ F a1 (K10 , . . . , KV0 ),
equals the set KV∗ .
(6) Let K∞ be the collection of random fractal sets generated in the usual manner
from the IFSs F 1 , . . . , F N . Then dH (KV , K∞ ) ≤ r[log V / log M ] diam X where [s] denotes
the integer part of s. In particular, KV → K∞ in the dH sense as V → ∞.
Proof. Results (1), (3) and (5) follow from standard results for IFSs. More precisely,
since FkV is a contraction map with contraction ratio r on a complete metric space it has
a unique fixed point with exponential convergence as stated in (1). For (3) one similarly
uses the fact each F a is a contraction. Result (5) follows from ergodic theory or in this
case directly from the given probability distributions.
For (2) note that FV is invariant under permutations of {1, . . . , V } and use the
uniqueness of KV∗ .
V -variable fractals and superfractals
Result (4) follows from FkV (KV∗ ) = KV∗ and expanding out the left side. Note that
any standard random fractal generated from the IFSs F 1 , . . . , F N is of the same form
but without any restriction
i on the Km1 ...mk .
log V
For (6) let k = log
. Then M k ≤ V < M k+1 . It follows from a combinatorial
argument that for any element of K∞ with code function η there is an element of
KV whose code function η agrees on nodes of length at most k − 1. It follows that
dH (KV , K∞ ) ≤ rk diam X, which gives the result.
The terminology V -variable is justified by (4). In the case of deterministic fractals
or more generally of homogeneous random fractals, V = 1. Standard random fractals
correspond to the case “V = ∞”.
From (5) there is a fast forward algorithm for generating V -variable fractals, and
from (6) it follows that one has a fast forward algorithm for generating standard random
fractals up to any apriori prescribed error. In fact much more is true. We show in
Barnsley, Hutchinson and Stenflo 2003b that similar results apply to random fractal
measures. Moreover, the empirical distribution obtained by the forward algorithm
approximates the probability measure on standard random fractals in a quantifiable
The results of the theorem hold under much weaker average contractive conditions,
provided one works with fractal measures and the appropriate metrics are used, as is
established in Barnsley, Hutchinson and Stenflo 2003b.
6. Examples of 2-variable fractals
We begin with 2 IFSs
x 3y
f1 (x, y) =
x 3y
g1 (x, y) =
U = (f1 , f2 ) (“Up with a reflection”) and D = (g1 , g2 ) (“Down”),
x 3y
x 3y
x 3y 17
, f2 (x, y) =
+ ,− −
16 2
16 2
x 3y
x 3y
x 3y
,− +
, g2 (x, y) =
+ ,
16 2
16 2
The corresponding fractal attractors are shown in Figure 5.
V -variable fractals and superfractals
Figure 5. Up (green) and Down (red) attractors
Figure 6 shows the first 20 steps in the construction of a sequence of pairs of 2variable fractals from the two IFSs U and D. The initial pair of input figures can be
arbitrarily chosen, here they are each the same and consist of four leaves.
For the first step in the construction (producing the contents of the second pair of
buffers) the IFS U = (f1 , f2 ) was chosen, f1 was applied to the previous left buffer L
and f2 was applied to the previous right buffer R; the second buffer was obtained by
applying U with f1 and f2 both acting on the right buffer R at the previous step. Thus
the first step in the construction can be described by U (L, R) and U (R, R) respectively;
see the caption below the second pair of screens in Figure 6. The second step is given
by D(R, R) and D(R, L), the third by U (L, R) and D(R, L), the fourth by U (R, R) and
D(L, L), and so on from left to right and then down the page.
Initial Sets
U (L, R)
U (R, R)
D(R, R)
D(R, L)
V -variable fractals and superfractals
U (L, R)
D(R, L)
U (R, R)
D(L, L)
U (R, R)
D(L, R)
D(R, L)
U (R, R)
D(R, R)
D(R, R)
D(L, L)
D(R, L)
D(L, R)
D(L, L)
U (R, R)
D(R, L)
U (R, R)
D(R, L)
U (R, R)
D(R, L)
U (R, L)
D(R, R)
U (L, R)
D(R, L)
V -variable fractals and superfractals
D(L, L)
U (R, R)
U (R, L)
D(L, L)
D(L, R)
D(R, R)
U (R, L)
U (L, R)
U (L, R)
U (L, L)
U (R, R)
U (R, L)
Figure 6. A sequence of pairs of (approximate) 2-variable fractals (from left to
right and then down the page).
In each case in this particular example, for each buffer at each step, either U or
D was chosed with probability 21 . For each buffer, the (in this case two) input buffers
chosen from the previously generated pair of buffers were also each chosen as either L or
R with probability 12 , and the same buffer is allowed to be selected twice. After about
12 iterations, the images obtained are independent of the initial images up to screen
resolution. After this stage the images (or “necklaces”) can be considered as examples
of 2-variable fractals corresponding to the family (U, D) of IFSs with associated choice
probabilities ( 12 , 21 ).
The pair of 2-variable fractals obtained at each step depends on the previous choices
of IFS and input buffers, and will vary from one experimental run to another. However,
over any sufficiently long experimental run, the empirically obtained distribution on
pairs of 2-variable fractals will (up to any prescribed resolution) be the same with
probability one. This follows from ergodic theory and the fact that the construction
process corresponds to the chaos game for an IFS (operating here on pairs of images
rather than on single points as does a standard IFS — see the discussion of the chaos
game in the second half of Section 2 and also Fig. 2) As discussed in the previous
section, we call this type of IFS a superIFS. The collection of 2-variable necklaces
obtained over a long experimental run should be thought of as a single superfractal,
and the corresponding probability distribution on necklaces should be thought of as the
corresponding superfractal measure.
V -variable fractals and superfractals
In Figure 7 we have superimposed the members of a generated sequence of 2variable fractal necklaces. By virtue of the fact that, as discussed before, the probability
distribution given by such a sequence approximates the associated superfractal measure,
the image can be regarded as a projection of the superfractal onto 2-dimensional space.
The attractors of the individual IFSs U and D are shown in green and red respectively.
The projected support of the superfractal is shown on a black background but, inside
the support, increasing density of the superfractal measure is indicated by increasing
intensity of white.
Figure 7. Superfractal projected onto 2 dimensional space.
In Figure 8 are shown a fern and lettuce generated by two IFSs, each IFS consisting
of 4 functions. In Figure 9 is a sequence of hybrid offspring, extending the examples
in Figure 4. The colouring was obtained by working with two IFSs in 5 dimensional
space, with the three additional dimensions corresponding to RGB colouring. The two
IFSs used project onto two IFSs operating in two dimensional space and which give
the (standard black and white) fern and lettuce attractors respectively. The 2-variable
offspring were coloured by extending the superfractal construction to 5 dimensional
space in a natural manner.
V -variable fractals and superfractals
Figure 8. Lettuce and fern attractors.
Figure 9. A sequence of fern-lettuce hybrid offspring.
7. Computation of Dimension for V -variable Fractals
An important theoretical and empirical classification of fractals is via their dimension.
We first show how to compute the dimensions of V -variable Sierpinski triangles. As we
V -variable fractals and superfractals
discuss in the final paragraph of the next section, and prove in Barnsley, Hutchinson
and Stenflo 2003b, the method generalises by using the uniform open set condition.
Associated with the transition from the k-level set of V buffers to the k + 1 level is
a matrix M k (α) defined for each α as follows. Entries of M k (α) are initialised to zero.
For the set in the vth output buffer at level k + 1 one considers each input buffer w used
in its construction and adds rα to the wth entry in the vth row where r = 21 or 13 is
the corresponding contraction ratio. The construction of M k (α) can be seen in passing
from level 1 to level 2 and from level 2 to level 3 in Figure 3, giving respectively:
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 0 1 1 0
0 2 0 0 1
M (α) = 0 0 3α 3α 3α .
M (α) = 0 3α 3α 0 3α ,
2α 0 0 2 α 0
3α 0 0 0 32α
0 0 21α 21α 21α
0 0 22α 0 21α
The “pressure” function
γV (α) = lim log
k→∞ k
M 1 (α) · . . . · M k (α)
exists and is independent of the experimental run with probability one by a result of
Furstenberg and Kesten (1960), see also Cohen (1988) for the version required here.
(By kAk we mean the sum of the absolute values of all entries in the matrix A.) The
factor 1/V is not necessary in the limit, but is the correct theoretical and numerical
normalisation, as we see in the next section. (See Feng and Lau (2002) for another use
of Furstenberg and Kesten type results for computing dimensions of random fractals.)
In case V = 1,
γ1 (α) = 1 −
log 3 − log 2
from the strong law of large numbers.
It can be shown, see Barnsley, Hutchinson and Stenflo (2003b), that for each V
γV (α) is monotone decreasing. In this example the derivative lies between − log 2 and
− log 3, corresponding to the contraction ratios 12 and 13 respectively, see Figure 10.
Moreover, there is a unique d = d(V ) such that γV (d) = 0. This is the dimension of the
corresponding V -variable random fractals with probability one. The establishment and
generalisation of this method uses the theory of products of random matrices and ideas
from statistical mechanics, as we discuss in the next section.
V -variable fractals and superfractals
Figure 10. Graphs of the “pressure” function γV (α) for V = 1, 2, and 5
respectively, from left to right.
It was previously known that the dimension of homogeneous random Sierpinski
triangles (V = 1) is 2 log 3/(log 2 + log 3) ≈ 1.226, see Hambly (1992, 2000), and that
the dimension of standard random Sierpinski triangles (V → ∞) is the solution d of
1 d
1 d
= 1, or approximately 1.262, see Falconer (1986), Graf (1987) and
Mauldin and Williams (1986). In particular, (4) is in agreement when computing d(1).
For V > 1 we used Monte Carlo simulations to compute γV (α) in the region of the
interval [d(1), d(∞)], with the computed values shown (Figure 10). These values have
error at most .001 at the 95% confidence level, and from this one obtains the dimensions
d(2) ≈ 1.241, d(5) ≈ 1.252 (Figure 10). The computed graphs for V > 1 are concave
up, although this does not show on the scale of Figure 10.
8. Analysis of Dimension results for V -variable Fractals
In order to motivate the following analysis, consider a smooth curve or smooth surface
having dimension 1 or 2 respectively. It is possible to cover each “efficiently” (i.e. with
little overlap) by sets of small diameter such that the sum of the diameters raised to
the power 1 or 2 respectively is very close to the length, or to the area divided by π/4,
respectively. However, if any power α > 1 or 2 respectively is used then the limit of this
sum, as the maximum diameter of the covering sets becomes arbitrarily small, is zero.
For any power α < 1 or 2 respectively the limit of the sum, as the maximum diameter
becomes arbitrarily small, is infinity.
V -variable fractals and superfractals
In the case of the construction of 5-variable Sierpinski fractal triangles, we see that
if one begins the construction process with 5 copies of a triangle T as indicated (Figure
3), then the contents of each buffer at later stages will consist of a large number of
tiny triangles which approximate and cover the “ideal” or limiting 5-variable Sierpinski
fractal triangles. (Note that what is obtained after k steps is only an actual 5-variable
Sierpinski fractal triangle up to k levels of magnification.) One can check that the sum
Svk (α) of the diameters to the power α of the triangles in the v-th buffer at level k is
given by the sum of the entries in the v-th row of the matrix M 1 (α) · . . . · M k (α).
Using (3) it is not too difficult to show that limk→∞ k1 log Svk (α) also exists for each
v and equals γV (α), independently of v, with probability one. (The argument relies on
the existence of “necks”, where a neck in the construction process occurs at some level
if the same IFS and the same single fixed input buffer is used for constructing the set
in each buffer at that level.) One can show (Barnsley, Hutchinson and Stenflo 2003b)
that γV (α) is decreasing in α and deduce that there is a unique d = d(V ) such that
γV (d) = 0 (Figure 10). From this and (3) it follows that
α < d =⇒ γ(α) > 0 =⇒ lim Svk (α) = lim exp(k γ(α)) = ∞,
α > d =⇒ γ(α) < 0 =⇒ lim
Svk (α)
= lim exp(k γ(α)) = 0.
It is hence plausible from the previous discussion of curves and surfaces that the
dimension of V -variable Sierpinski triangles equals d(V ) with probability one. The
motivation is that the covering by small triangles is very “efficient”.
The justification that the dimension is at most d is in fact now straightforward
from the definition of (Hausdorff) dimension of a set. The rigorous argument that
the dimension is at least d, and hence exactly d, is much more difficult, see Barnsley,
Hutchinson and Stenflo (2003b). It requires a careful analysis of the frequency of
occurrence of necks and the construction of Gibbs type measures on V -variable Sierpinski
triangles, analogous to ideas in statistical mechanics.
Similar results on dimension have been established much more generally, see
Barnsley, Hutchinson and Stenflo (2003b). For example, suppose the functions in each
IFS are similitudes, i.e. built up from translations, rotations, reflections in lines, and a
single contraction around a fixed point by a fixed ratio r (both the point and the ratio r
may depend on the function in question). We also require that the IFSs involved satisfy
the uniform open set condition. In the case of 5-variable Sierpinski fractal triangles
constructed from the IFSs F = (f1 , f2 , f3 ) and G = (g1 , g2 , g3 ) this means the following.
There is an open set O (the interior of the triangle T ) such that f1 (O) ⊆ O, f2 (O) ⊆ O,
f3 (O) ⊆ O, and f1 (O), f2 (O), f3 (O) have no points in common, and such that analogous
conditions apply to the maps g1 , g2 , g3 with the same set O. (In general, a single open set
O which applies to every IFS may not be so simple to obtain.) Under these circumstances
one constructs the matrices M k (α) and the pressure function γV (α) as before and it
follows that the solution d(V ) of γV (d) = 0 is the dimension of the corresponding V variable fractals with probability one.
V -variable fractals and superfractals
9. Generalisations
Many generalisations are possible. These are proved in Barnsley, Hutchinson and Stenflo
2003b, or are otherwise clear.
The number of functions M in each of the IFSs F n = (f1n , . . . , fM
; pn1 , . . . , pnM ) may
vary. The maps fm
need only be mean contractive when their contraction ratios are
averaged over m and n according to the probabilities pnm and P n respectively. Neither the
number of functions in an IFS nor the number of IFSs need be finite; this is important
for simulating various selfsimilar processes, including Brownian motion, see Hutchinson
and Rüschendorf (2000). The maps fm
may be nonlinear, and many of the results and
arguments, including those concerning dimension, will still be valid. The set maps fm
need not be induced from point maps; this is technically useful in extending results to
the case where M is not constant by artificially adding set maps fm
such that fm
(A) is
always the empty set. It could also be important in applications to modelling biological
or physical phenomena where the objects under consideration are not naturally modelled
as sets or measures. Buffer sampling need not be uniform; buffers could be placed in a
rectangular or other grid, and nearby buffers sampled with greater probability, in order
to simulate various biological and physical phenomena.
An IFS operates on R2 , or more generally on a compact metric space (X, d), to
produce a fractal set attractor; a weighted IFS produces a fractal measure attractor.
We have seen in this paper how a family of IFSs operating on (X, d), a probability
distribution on this family of IFSs, and an integer parameter V , can be used to generate
a (super)IFS operating in a natural way on (H(X)V , dH ), where H(X) is the space
of compact subsets of X and dH is the induced Hausdorff metric. In the case of a
family of weighted IFSs, the induced superIFS operates on (P(X)V , dM K ) where P(X) is
the space of unit mass measures on X and dM K is the induced Monge Kantorovitch
metric. In either case there is a superfractal set (consisting of V -variable sets or
measures respectively) together with an associated superfractal measure (a probability
distribution on the collection of V -variable sets or measures). There is also a fast forward
algorithm to generate this superfractal.
We can consider iterating this procedure. Replace (X, d) by (H(X)V , dH ) or
(P(X)V , dM K ), take a family of superIFSs, an associated probability distribution, and
a new parameter W . To speculate; if a superfractal may be thought of as a gallery of
a new class of fractal images, can one use some version of the iteration to produce a
museum of galleries of yet another new class of fractal images?
10. Conclusion
There appear to be many potential applications, which include both the extension of
modelling possibilities to allow a controlled degree of variability where deterministic or
random fractals have been previously applied, and the rapid generation of accurately
distributed examples of random fractals — previously not possible except in very special
V -variable fractals and superfractals
We thank the Australian Research Council for their support of this research, which was
carried out at the Australian National University.
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