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Dermatology & Venerology
Outcome of Dutasteride
in Androgenic Alopecia
Dr. Fatema-tuz-Zohura , Dr. Jinan Bashar , Dr. Mohammad Abu Sayed Sayem , Dr. MST. Mahfuza Sultana4, Dr. Md.
Abu Baker5
Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology & Venerology, Enam Medical College & Hospital, Savar, Bangladesh
Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology & Venerology, MH Samorita Medical College and Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Junior Consultant, Department of Dermatology & Venerology, Mugda Medical College Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Assistant Professor, Microbiology, Enam Medical College & Hospital, Savar, Bangladesh
Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology & Venerology, Enam Medical College & Hospital, Savar, Bangladesh
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2022.v10i12.011
| Received: 21.10.2022 | Accepted: 30.11.2022 | Published: 05.12.2022
*Corresponding author: Dr. Fatema-tuz-Zohura
Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology & Venerology, Enam Medical College & Hospital, Savar, Bangladesh
Original Research Article
Introduction: Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is an androgen-mediated condition that is characterized by a progressive
decline in visible scalp hair density. Genetically predisposed hair follicles are the target of dihydrotestosterone (DHT),
which leads to the progressive miniaturization of hair follicles and hair thinning. Dutasteride inhibits conversion of
testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, which significantly improves hair growth. Objective: To assess the outcome of
dutasteride in androgenic alopecia. Methods: This study was carried out at Dermatology and Venereology
Department, Enam Medical College Hospital, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh from January2022 to July 2022. From the
outpatient clinic fifty (50) patients were recruited who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Dermatologist
observe every patients hair changes before, during &after treatment with dutasteride for 24 week. Results: Out Of the
50 patients, 60% patients were female. 40% patients noticed hair loss first at the age of 16-25 years of their lifetime.
44% patients had this disease from 1 to 6 months duration. After 6 months of therapy with dutasteride 0.5mg 20%
patients were improved markedly, followed by 24% improved moderately, 16% improved mild. Besides that, six
months after dutasteride treatment, there was significant improvement in both hair density and thickness. And during
treatment libido decreased in 24% cases and ejaculatory disorder seen in 14% cases. After 6 months therapy in patients
where 20% improved markedly, followed by 24% improved moderately, 16% improved mild. Conclusion: It is
concluded that dutasteride at a dosage of 0.5 mg/d clinically improve hair growth after six months of therapy in
patients with AGA but there was a higher prevalence of sexual dysfunction. Large number of studies are required to
recommend dutasteride 0.5 mg/d as the alternative therapeutic option for AGA.
Keywords: Outcome, Dutasteride 0.5mg, Androgenic Alopecia.
Copyright © 2022 The Author(s): This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
License (CC BY-NC 4.0) which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium for non-commercial use provided the original
author and source are credited.
Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is a genetic
condition affecting 58% men & 21% women,
characterized by patterened hair loss [1]. This condition
can start as early as a person's teens and risk increases
with age [2]. Conventional drug therapy for AGA
targets decreasing dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and
stimulating hair follicles through the use of 5-alpha
reductase (5AR) inhibitors or minoxidil both of which
require at least a 4- to 6-month for better improvement
and must be used regularly to maintain a response [3].
Other therapies include laser therapy, scalp micro
needling, hair mesotherapy, and hair transplantation.
However, new and experimental therapies are exploring
Janus kinase inhibitor (JAKI) and platelet-rich plasma
(PRP) [4].
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is the
principal androgen involved in the pathogenesis of
AGA. Which converts from testosterone by 5AR9 [5].
5AR have 3 isoenzymes in which type I isoenzyme is
mainly present in the hair follicle and sebaceous glands
[6, 7], whereas type II is mainly found in the male
genitalia, including the prostate and the inner root
sheath of hair follicles in the scalp, face, chest [8-10].
5α-Reductase inhibitors (5-ARIs), also known
as dihydrotestosterone (DHT) blockers, are a group of
drugs with antiandrogenic effects which are used
primarily in the treatment of benign prostatic
hyperplasia , lower
hirsutism in women
therapy for transgender women to reduce body hair
growth and prevent scalp hair loss [11-13].
Citation: Fatema-tuz-Zohura, Jinan Bashar, Mohammad Abu Sayed Sayem, Mahfuza Sultana, Md. Abu Baker.
Outcome of Dutasteride 0.5mg in Androgenic Alopecia. Sch J App Med Sci, 2022 Dec 10(12): 2110-2116.
Fatema-tuz-Zohura et al; Sch J App Med Sci, Dec, 2022; 10(12): 2110-2116
popular oral 5-alpha reductase inhibitors (Dutasteride
and Finasteride) for patients suffering from male pattern
hair loss [14]. Whereas finasteride only block Type II
isoenzyme, Dutasteride inhibits both Type I and Type II
isoenzymes. Dutasteride is 3 times more powerful at
blocking Type I 5-aplha reductase when compared to
Finasteride and 100 times more potent at blocking Type
II 5-aplha reductase. Finasteride can inhibit DHT by
70% but Dutasteride can block DHT by 90+% [15].
Dutasteride has long half –life about 4weeks, whereas
finasteride has 6-8 hours [16, 17]. Some evidence
shows dutasteride even acts towards growth of new and
old hair but finasteride is less effective in growing new
hair [18].
visit. Clinical assessment was performed by
dermatologists using photographs with a standardized
vertex and frontal view. They independently reviewed
the paired photographs of scalp at the baseline, and 24
weeks using a 7-point scale, using a seven-point scale
as follows: greatly improved (score of +3); moderately
improved (+2); slightly improved (+1) [21].
Dutasteride is an FDA approved drug
developed by GlaxoSmithKline and was patented in
1996. The Dutasteride dosage prescribed to fight
against hair fall is 0. 5mg [19]. Intake of Dutasteride 0.5
mg has shown positive results in terms of reducing hair
loss by 96% [20].
Exclusion criteria:
Patients using the following medications:
inhibitors of CYP3A4 (verapamil) or drugs
with antiandrogen effect (finasteride) or hair
growth promotors (minoxidil) in the last six
Patients suffering from ejaculatory or erectile
This study was carried out at Dermatology and
Venereology Department, Enam Medical College
Hospital, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh from January to
July 2022. Fifty (50) patients complaining of pattern
hair loss was enrolled for this study. Who fulfilled the
inclusion and exclusion criteria. Patients were
counselled by the primary investigator regarding the
side effects of the medications prior to enrolment in the
study. Safety assessment of every patient was
performed through history taking, clinical examination,
routine laboratory Investigations (CBC, FBS, LFT,
RFT) & special tests like - semen analysis & serum
DHT before starting therapy and one week after
therapy. Follow-up visits were scheduled every four
weeks. Sexual function was evaluated by specifically
asking about pt’s sexual lyfe. High-resolution digital
photographs and phototrichograms were taken at every
Inclusion criteria:
Age: 18-65 years.
Free from clinically significant condition.
Not seeking pregnancy.
Baseline semen analysis within normal range.
Baseline serum DHT level within normal
Statistical analysis:
Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS
version 18. The significance of changes in the global
photographic assessments and hair density and
thickness was determined using the Mann –Whitney Utest. Differences among the results obtained from the
baseline and post-dutasteride treatment were analyzed
using the Wilcoxon signed rank test. Statistical
significance was accepted for P-values of less than 0.05.
A total of 50 patients men & women with mild
to moderate AGA were enrolled in the study. Baseline
characteristics of enrolled patients are summarized in
Table 1.
Table-1: Demographic distribution of the patients, (N=50)
Age group
20-25 years
10 (20%)
26-30 years
20 (40%)
31-35 years
16 (32%)
36-40 years
4 (8%)
Mean age
Gender distribution
N, %
20, (40%)
30, (60%)
Table-1 shows demographic distribution of the
patients where 40% belong to 26-30 years age group.
Followed by 32% belong to 31-35 years age group and
20% belong to 20-25 years age group. Besides that,
60% were female and 40% were male.
© 2022 Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Published by SAS Publishers, India
Fatema-tuz-Zohura et al; Sch J App Med Sci, Dec, 2022; 10(12): 2110-2116
Figure-1: Duration of the diseases
Figure-1 shows duration of the diseases where 44% had this disease from 1 month to 6 month.
Table-2: The age of the patients noticed hair loss
Age of the patients noticed hair loss N, %
16-25 years
20 (40%)
26-35 years
12 (24%)
36-40 years
18 (36%)
Table-2 explains the age of the patients noticed
hair loss where about 40% patients noticed hair loss
first at the age of 16-25 years. Followed by 36%
patients noticed hair loss first at the age of 36-40 years
and 24% patients noticed hair loss first at the age of 2635 years.
Table-3: AGA type
Hamilton-Norwood type N %
II vertex
III vertex
Table-3 shows AGA type where majority had II vertex and III level of AGA type.
Figure-2: Sexual dysfunction of the patients while treatment
© 2022 Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Published by SAS Publishers, India
Fatema-tuz-Zohura et al; Sch J App Med Sci, Dec, 2022; 10(12): 2110-2116
Figure-2 shows sexual dysfunction of the
patients while treatment where libido decreased in 24%
cases and ejaculatory disorder seen in 14% cases.
Table-4: Response after 6 months therapy in patients
Response after 6 months of therapy N, %
Markedly improved
10 (20%)
Moderately improved
12 (24%)
Mild improved
8 (16%)
7 (14%)
5 (10%)
No change
8 (16%)
Table-4 shows response after 6 months therapy
in patients where 20% improved markedly, followed by
24% improved moderately, 16% improved mild.
Fig-3 Patient with AGA, At baseline (A),
during dutasteride treatment (B)
Fig-3: Patient with AGA, At baseline (A), during dutasteride treatment (B)
Table-5: Hair density and hair thickness
Hair density and thickness (mean±SD) Baseline Post dutasteride
Hair density (hair counts/cm2 )
Hair thickness (lm)
Table-5 shows hair density and hair thickness
(mean±SD) assessed at the baseline, after dutasteride
treatment. Six months after dutasteride treatment, there
was significant improvement in both hair density and
Androgenetic alopecia or pattern hair loss
(PHL) does not improve without treatment. Finasteride
and dutasteride -type II 5 alpha reductase inhibitors
arrest progression of androgenetic alopecia in over 90%
of men and partially reverse it in over 65% [21]. A
small number of studies have been conducted on
dutasteride for the treatment of MPHL due to its sexual
side effects including impotency & ejaculatory
disorders, with its long half-life about 4 weeks [22]. It
significantly decrease the semen volume as well as
decrease the sperm count & motility [23]. There are
some studies which shows finasteride at a dose of 1
mg/d has been proved to stimulate new hair growth in
patients with AGA [23-25]. McClellan KJ et al.,
&Whiting DA et al., reported that there was a
significant amount of vertex hair improvement of AGA
patients successively after 12 months and after 24
months treatment. Furthermore, no further vertex hair
loss was reported in many patients receiving finasteride
for 24 months. In another study Kawashima M et al., &
Leyden J et al., reported that finasteride with the same
dose, 39% of the patients showed significant hair
growth in the vertex compared with the control group
from six months after initiating the treatment to the end
of the 2-year study [26-28]. In this case 56% patients
shows no further vertex hair loss but 8% patients
showed slight decrease in their vertex hair in 24
months. However, 30–50% of patients with AGA
treated with finasteride have been reported to present no
improvement in their hair count and density [29-31]. A
total of 50 patients’ men with mild to moderate AGA
were enrolled in the study. Baseline characteristics of
© 2022 Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Published by SAS Publishers, India
Fatema-tuz-Zohura et al; Sch J App Med Sci, Dec, 2022; 10(12): 2110-2116
enrolled patients are summarized in Table 1. The
patient age ranged from 16 to 40 years (mean±SD,
30±235.9 years). Which was quite consistent to other
study where mean age was 33.7 ± 7.9 years. Besides
that, researcher found that, 10 cases had III and IV level
of AGA type [16]. Whereas in our study majority had II
vertex and III level of AGA type.
The fact that patients’ expectations from the
treatment is improvement in their hair count and density
rather than alopecic appearance, an alternative
treatment is necessary. Dutasteride, an inhibiting agent
of both type I and type II 5 alpha reductase, is originally
approved for the treatment of symptomatic BPH at a
dose of 0.5 mg/d. It is approximately three times more
potent than finasteride in inhibiting type II 5 alphareductase [17]. In addition, dutasteride also inhibits type
I 5 alpha-reductase 100 times more effectively
compared with finasteride. As a result, dutasteride at a
dose of 0.5 mg/d was proved to reduce serum DHT
levels by more than 90%, while finasteride at a dose of
5 mg/d decreases serum DHT by 70% in four weeks
and 24 weeks [18].
In our study, after 6 months therapy in patients
20% improved markedly, followed by 24% improved
moderately, 16% improved mild. Which was quite
similar to other study where 42 patients (84%) showed
no change, and three patients (8%) reported even more
hair loss despite the finasteride administration. Of the
46 patients who completed the six months of dutasteride
treatment, 39 patients (78%) were improved (29) were
slightly, 8 moderately, and 2 markedly improved).
There was no significant change in 11 patients (22%).
No aggravation was reported [16].
Figure 3 presents clinical photographs that
illustrate typical improvements of hair loss. Also,
dutasteride increased hair growth significantly in
patients with AGA in a dose-dependent manner in a
phase II, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, 24- week
study [19]. This study proved that dutasteride at a dose
of 0.5 mg/d increased hair growth significantly after 12
and 24 weeks compared with the control. Percentage of
dutasteride-related sexual dysfunction was similar to the
frequency with finasteride reported in lots of articles.
Besides that, during treatment libido decreased
in 24% cases and ejaculatory disorder seen in 14%
cases. Which was quite similar to another study where
dutasteride-related sexual dysfunction including
decreased libido (14%) also increased compared with
dutasteride at a dose of 0.5 mg/d (2%) and with
finasteride at a dose of 5 mg/d (6%). Three patients
(6%) complained of transient decreased libido while
taking finasteride. The sexual dysfunction disappeared
in one of the patients and was relieved in the other after
alternating medication to dutasteride. Transient
decreased libido was also reported in 9 patients (18%)
receiving dutasteride. This includes the one patient who
showed sexual dysfunction to a high degree while
taking finasteride. Two of the eight patients
discontinued the treatment because of that reason.
Our study showed that the treatment with
dutasteride at a dose of 0.5 mg/d was effective in
improving the appearance of scalp hair by increasing
hair density and thickness in Bangladeshi men who had
previously shown clinically no improvement in hair
growth to the conventional treatment.
Study limitations include small sample sizes,
short duration of the study period, international
variations in reporting, biasness during evaluation of
patients, lack of diversity among participants, and loss
of patients to follow-up. Further study with a large
population & long duration of study is needed to
establish the therapeutic efficacy & safety level by
dutasteride therapy.
Now a days Androgenetic alopecia is the most
common dermatological condition with its increasing
incidence. Patients suffer from anxiety, depression, and
diminished self-esteem & also with overall body image
dissatisfaction. A safe & effective therapeutic option is
in strong demand for this disease condition. Dutasteride
has overall been found to be well tolerated for both men
and women with minimal effects. It causes reduction of
hair loss & improvement in hair growth after six
months of therapy with dutasteride at a dosage of 0.5
mg/d. With overall scenario Dutasteride is suggested to
be an alternative therapeutic option for patients with
AGA if there is no clinically significant improvement in
hair growth with the conventional treatment for
six months.
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© 2022 Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Published by SAS Publishers, India