Papers by Constantina Kallintzi
Κ. Καλλιντζή, Β. Δημητρακοπούλου, Τα ειδώλια του ταφικού τύμβου Αλμυρής Λίμνης Αβδήρων, στο: Η. Ζ... more Κ. Καλλιντζή, Β. Δημητρακοπούλου, Τα ειδώλια του ταφικού τύμβου Αλμυρής Λίμνης Αβδήρων, στο: Η. Ζωγράφου, Α. Κουκουβού, Ου. Πάλλη, Ευ. Παπαδοπούλου, «Το ειδώλιο στον βορειοελλαδικό χώρο από την προϊστορία έως τους ρωμαϊκούς χρόνους», Πρακτικά επιστημονικού συμποσίου, Θεσσαλονίκη, 11-13.10 2018, Θεσσαλονίκη 2024, τόμος Β’, 828-840.
C. Kallintzi, V. Dimitrakopoulou, Terracotta Figurines from the Tumulus of Almiri Limni, in Abdera, in: E. Zografou, A. Koukouvou, O. Palli, E. Papadopoulou (eds), Figurines in Northern Greece from Prehistory to Roman Times, Scientific Symposium Proceedings, Thessaloniki, 11-13.10 2018, Thessaloniki 2024, vol. Β’, 828-840.
![Research paper thumbnail of Κ. Καλλιντζή, Ανθρώπινα κατάλοιπα στο μουσείο Αβδήρων. Έκθεση και πρόσληψη από τον επισκέπτη, στο Λαζαρίδου, κ.α., και όμως δεν είναι σιωπηλά... Ανθρώπινα κατάλοιπα στα αρχαιολογικά μουσεία, Δεοντολογία και έκθεση Αθήνα, 2024, 511-532. [K. Kallintzi, Greek and English text].](
On display in the thematic unit "Burial customs" at the Archaeological Museum of Abdera are three... more On display in the thematic unit "Burial customs" at the Archaeological Museum of Abdera are three representations of graves from the cemetery of the ancient city, presenting the skeletal material and grave gifts just as they were found. The representations aim to render the manner of burial, the degree of preservation of the bones and grave offerings and the excavation process, including subsequent conservation and study of the material. The display is also aimed at the reception of this information by the public through the overall image of the graves as well as the awe inspired by their contents. From the very beginning, the thematic unit in question garnered attention, and often monopolized visitor interest, becoming the most "popular" section of the museum. Visitors of all ages respond positively to the presentation of the human remains for a number of reasons, including that they evoke a variety of emotions, produce critical thinking and offer specific knowledge of the past that will lead to its understanding and interpretation.
• Κ. Καλλιντζή, Μ. Χρυσάφη, Κ. Χατζηπροκοπίου, Δ. Σκουλαρίκη «Το αρχαιολογικό έργο στην ΠΕ Ξάνθης... more • Κ. Καλλιντζή, Μ. Χρυσάφη, Κ. Χατζηπροκοπίου, Δ. Σκουλαρίκη «Το αρχαιολογικό έργο στην ΠΕ Ξάνθης κατά τη δεκαετία 2007–2016», ΑΕΜΘ 30, 2016 (Θεσσαλονίκη 2022), 599-610. // C. Kallintzi, Μ. Chrysaphi, Κ. Chatziprokopiou, D. Skoulariki, “The Archaeological Work in the Regional Unit of Xanthi during the Decade 2007-2016”, AEMTh 30, 2016, (Thessaloniki 2022), 599-610.
Κ. Καλλιντζή, Ε. Κεφαλίδου, «Αττική κεραμική στα Άβδηρα (7ος – 5ος αιώνας π.Χ.)», στο Δ. Τσιαφά... more Κ. Καλλιντζή, Ε. Κεφαλίδου, «Αττική κεραμική στα Άβδηρα (7ος – 5ος αιώνας π.Χ.)», στο Δ. Τσιαφάκη, Α. Αβραμίδου, Ν. Μιχαηλίδου, Ι. Μούρθος, Μ. Καρτά, Attic Pot. Αττική γραπτή κεραμική στην αρχαία Θράκη, 6ος – 4ος αι. π.Χ. Νέες προσεγγίσεις και ψηφιακά εργαλεία, Ξάνθη 2022, 212-227.
C. Kallintzi, E. Kefalidou, «Αττική κεραμική στα Άβδηρα (7ος – 5ος αιώνας π.Χ.)», in D. Tsiafaki, A. Avramidou, N. Michailidou, Y. Mourthos, M. Karta (eds) Attic Pot. Attic painted pottery in ancient Thrace (6th – 4th century BC). New approaches and digital tools, Xanthi 2022, 212-227.

The present study explores issues of production, distribution and application of Lykion, a renown... more The present study explores issues of production, distribution and application of Lykion, a renowned and widely used medicine of the ancient world, by synthesizing literary archaeological and scientific evidence. Lykion has astringent and antimicrobial properties and was used to cure various skin and several other diseases. Miniature vessels have been characterized by researchers as carriers of medicinal and/or cosmetic substances; amongst these, a special category distributed in various areas of the Eastern Mediterranean and South Italy bear inscriptions or stamps identifying Lykion as the vessels' content and sometimes provide the name of the manufacturer as well. A comparative study of their typology with their unlabelled counterparts indicates similarities in terms of their content and use. The unlabelled examples are mostly characterised as vessels of storage and transportation of an alternative non-certified medicine produced by using a local plant variety with similar medicinal properties. In the latter case, the shape of the container could signal both the place of origin and the content. Hitherto analytical investigations that would confirm the validity of this hypothesis had yet to be conducted. The present research attempts, for the first time, to trace evidence regarding the content of 15 published ceramic vessels whose biconical and pear-shaped shapes are mostly associated with this particular medicine. The assemblage under study was excavated in ancient Abdera, a coastal city in Western Thrace, Greece. In order to investigate any absorbed content into the ceramic matrix of these vessels, 42 samples were extracted from their inner unglazed walls. The powder samples were then analysed by the complementary Infrared (IR) and Raman spectroscopies and consequently compared to spectra acquired from certified Greek plant varieties. Here we have detected remnant which bear similarities with the spectra of the species Rhamnus lycioides.
C. Kallintzi, «Abdera: The Sea Matters. Did the City make its harbours, or did the harbours make ... more C. Kallintzi, «Abdera: The Sea Matters. Did the City make its harbours, or did the harbours make the city?», in: Th. Schmidts, I. Triantafillidis (eds.), Mare Thracium – Archaeology and History of Coastal Landscapes and Islands of the Thracian Sea during Antiquity and the Byzantine Era (Mainz 2022), 115-135.
• Κ. Καλλιντζή, «Το αρχαιολογικό έργο της ΕΦΑ Ξάνθης κατά τα έτη 2011-2019», [C. Kallintzi, The d... more • Κ. Καλλιντζή, «Το αρχαιολογικό έργο της ΕΦΑ Ξάνθης κατά τα έτη 2011-2019», [C. Kallintzi, The deeds of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Xanthi during 2011-2019] στο: Β. Αντωνοπούλου – Σ. Πετρουνάκος (επιμ.) «Ίδια η μνήμη γινάμενη παρόν... Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο των Εφορειών Αρχαιοτήτων κατά τη χρονική περίοδο 2011-2019», Επιστημονική Συνάντηση Αθήνα, 25-28 Νοεμβρίου 2019, Αθήνα 2022, 471-479.
• C. Kallintzi, M. Georgiadis, E. Kefalidou, K. Chatziprokopiou, «Archaic and Classical Abdera: E... more • C. Kallintzi, M. Georgiadis, E. Kefalidou, K. Chatziprokopiou, «Archaic and Classical Abdera: Economy and Wealth by the Nestos Riverside», in: E. Kefalidou (ed.), The Riverlands of Aegean Thrace: Production, Consumption and Exploitation of the Natural and Cultural Landscapes | River Valleys and Regional Economies, Panel 2.4 | Panel 2.7, Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World – Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn 2018, Heidelberg, 2022, 7-20. []
• Κ. Καλλιντζή, «Οργάνωση της λατομικής δραστηριότητας και χρήσεις του λίθου στη χώρα και το άστ... more • Κ. Καλλιντζή, «Οργάνωση της λατομικής δραστηριότητας και χρήσεις του λίθου στη χώρα και το άστυ των Αβδήρων», στο: Ζ. Μπόνιας - J. Y. Perreault (επιμ.) Άργιλος, 25 χρόνια έρευνας. Οργάνωση πόλης και χώρας στις αποικίες του βορείου Αιγαίου, 8ος – 3ος αι. π.Χ., Άργιλος 3, Πρακτικά του συνεδρίου της Θεσσαλονίκης 25-27 Μαΐου 2017, Αθήνα 2021, 563-590.
C. Kallintzi, “Organization of the quarrying activity and uses of the stone in the chora and the asty of Abdera” in: Z. Bonias - J. Y. Perreault (eds.), Argilos 3: Argilos, 25 annees de recherches. Organisation de la ville et de la campagne dans les colonies du Nord de l'Egee, VIIIe – IIIe siecles av. n.e. Actes du colloque de Thessalonique, 25-27 mai 2017, Publications of the Canadian Institute of Greece, no 13, Athens 2021.
in: J. Driessen – A. Vanzetti (επιμ.) 'Communication Uneven’. Acceptance of and Resistance to Fo... more in: J. Driessen – A. Vanzetti (επιμ.) 'Communication Uneven’. Acceptance of and Resistance to Foreign Influences in the Connected Ancient Mediterranean (Aegis 2020),

• Κ. Καλλιντζή, Μ. Γεωργιάδης, Ε. Κεφαλίδου, Ι. Ξυδόπουλος, Μ. Χρυσάφη, Κ. Χατζηπροκοπίου, Δ. Σκουλαρίκη, H. Orengo, A. Garcia «Αρχαιολογικό Πρόγραμμα Αβδήρων και Ξάνθης (ΑΠΑΞ): πρώτο έτος της επιφανειακής έρευνας», ΑΕΜΘ 29, 2015 (Θεσσαλονίκη 2020), 529-538. Archaeological Project at Abdera and Xanthi (APAX): First Year of the Survey
Constantina Kallint... more Archaeological Project at Abdera and Xanthi (APAX): First Year of the Survey
Constantina Kallintzi, Mercurios Georgiadis, Eurydice Kefalidou, Ioannis Xydopou-los, Maria Chysaphi, Kyriaki Chatziprokopiou, Despoina Skoulariki, Hector Orengo, Arnau Garcia
The Archaeological Project at Abdera and Xanthi (APAX) is a systematic, intense survey programme, which is conducted by the Xanthi Ephorate of Antiquities in collaboration with researchers from Greek and foreign Universities in three areas of the Xanthi Prefecture. Area A is part of the Abdera polis and in particular the North Enclosure of the city. Area B includes part of the cemeteries and the chora. Area C is located just south of the Rhodope mountain range, where via Egnatia came through, and Area D is situated in the upland area of Mt Rhodope. This pro-jects aims at researching issues related to topography, chronology and historical events. In 2015, the field study was concentrated in the Northern Enclosure of Abdera, addressing topographic and historical research questions, while the local cultivations has decreased the visibility of the city plan. The finds from the sur-veyed area have been rich: more than 300,000 objects have been counted, whose preliminary analysis have provided indications about the habitational, trade and metallurgical activities, the presence of public buildings and household conducts. The majority of these finds can be dated from the Archaic until the Early Hellenis-tic period (from the 6th until the end of the 4th/early 3rd century BC). Finally, a small part of area B was surveyed as a sample. In this region there were indica-tions of Prehistoric finds, while there were remains that could be associated with the presence of a farmstead dated in the Classical – Hellenistic period.

by K. Kallintzi - M. Chrysaphi - Eft. Kosmidou - Aik. Balla - N. Nerantzis - S. Athanasiou
The archaeological site of Abdera constitutes today the single organised site of Xanthi’s Prefectural Unit open to the public. Although the efforts for the preservation of contained monuments began during the early years of excavations in the 1950s, it was only during the last 25 years that systematic work was carried out in the field of conservation and restoration of its ancient building remains. The first large-scale restoration programme was conducted between 2000 and 2008 during which period an extended section of excavated features around the western gate of the city were restored and became accessible to the public. The current paper refers to the recent EU funded programme conducted between 2011 and 2014 entitled ‘Preservation-Restoration-Enhancement of Abdera Archaeological Site’ and summarizes the objectives, methodology and results of the operations. The sectors that were restored and became open to the public are the following: Sector of Museum, Sector L, Insula of Roman Dwellings, Workshop of Figurines, and the Port Warehouses. The first step of implementation consisted of extensive weed eradication in order to improve visibility among the monuments. Secondly removal of accumulated soil and scattered building material from past excavations was conducted resulting to a clearance of all architectural features in each sector. At this stage small-scale excavations to clarify the rooms of buildings were conducted and numerous important small finds dating to the Hellenistic and Roman periods came to light. Conservation of the stone blocks was achieved by mechanical removal of organic deposits such as lichens while severely damaged stones were bonded by chemical treatment. The next stage involved retrieval of damaged masonry sections by removing the old mortar used during past conservation and replacing it by reversible materials. During this stage all the walls of the buildings in each sector were restored according to standard conservation practice. In order to enhance the visitors’ experience while moving across the site, gravel paths were constructed to connect sectors among each other and beaten soil paths around the buildings. The old and damaged fences were replaced and a firefighting water circulation network was installed across the site. For the last stage of dissemination of the programme results signs with relevant information on the monuments were installed in each sector, educational brochures were published, a hands-on model of the Workshop of Figurines was created.

Vases and Coins in Fourth-Century Funerary Practices at the Tumuli Necropolis of Abdera
... more Summary
Vases and Coins in Fourth-Century Funerary Practices at the Tumuli Necropolis of Abdera
Konstantina Kallintzi – Kyriaki Chatziprokopiou
During the years 1991-1993, the former 19th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities of Komotini (now EFA of Xanthi) conducted rescue excavation at the Lakkiotis plot in Molos, where part of the tumuli necropolis of Abdera extends. Three tumuli were excavated, bringing to light twenty-three inhumations in various types of graves (pit graves, grave-pithoi, cist graves, stone and clay sarcophagi and “hut” graves [tiled burials]), thirty-one pit cremations and twenty-two areas of offerings (enagismoi). Grave-goods discovered inside and outside the burials, as well as at the enagismoi included numerous vases of various shapes and functions: table amphoras and oinochoai, alabastra, squat lecythoi, askoi, bowls, cups, one-handlers, skyphoi, kantharoi, plates, etc. Most of them are dated to the 4th c. BC.
The presence of coins in graves either as Charon‘s obols or as an element of enagismoi, is not frequent. Only four coins were found in burials and three in an area of offerings.
This study focuses on the graves that contain both pottery and coins, in order to examine the shapes of vases found usually in graves and offering areas (enagismoi), the presence of Attic and local pottery and the chronological accordance between coins and pottery.

One of the most well-known death rites in the ancient Greek world is the deposit of Charon's obol... more One of the most well-known death rites in the ancient Greek world is the deposit of Charon's obol in burials, an act that intends to ensure the fair paid to Charon for conducting the souls across the Styx to the Underworld. Nevertheless, the excavation data prove that this costume was not particularly frequent. This conclusion which concerns not only the cemeteries in northern Greece but also those of the Greek world in general seems to apply to Abdera as well. At the tumuli cemetery, dated from the late 6 th c. until the early 3 rd c. BCE, and at the Hellenistic cemeteries of the city, bronze, silver and gold coins as well as gold and silver danakai have been found. However, the percentage of graves containing coin finds is quite limited. The aim of this study is to gather all the available numismatic material and to examine different issues related to burial coins at the cemeteries of Abdera: the quantity and value of coins, the precise deposit spot inside the graves, the time of appearance and the duration of the custom, the distinction between the Charon's obol and the burial coins in general, their chronological accordance to the date of the burial etc.
Mots clés : tombes-monnaies funéraires-obole à Charon-Abdère-rite funéraire de déposition de monnaie Résumé-L'un des rites funéraires les mieux connus du monde grec ancien est le dépôt dans la tombe de l'obole à Charon, un geste destiné à assurer le paiement de la traversée du Styx aux âmes destinées à rejoindre l'au-delà. Toutefois, les données issues des fouilles prouvent que cette coutume n'était pas particulièrement fréquente. Cette conclusion, qui ne concerne pas seulement les nécropoles de Grèce septentrionale mais également l'ensemble du monde grec semble également s'appliquer à Abdère. Dans la nécropole tumulaire datée de la fin du VI e s. au début du III e s. av. J.-C., ainsi que dans la nécropole hellénistique de la ville, ont été recueillies des monnaies de bronze, d'argent et d'or, ainsi que des danakai d'or et d'argent. Toutefois, la proportion de tombes contenant des trouvailles monétaires est très limitée. Le but de cette étude est de réunir le matériel numismatique disponible afin d'examiner les différentes possibilités justifiant le dépôt de monnaies dans les nécropoles d'Abdère : la quantité et la valeur des monnaies, l'emplacement précis du dépôt dans la sépulture, l'époque d'apparition de cette coutume et sa durée, la distinction entre l'obole à Charon et les autres monnaies funéraires, leur chronologie par rapport à la date de la tombe, etc.

Transformation of a place: the cemetery of Abdera narrates…
In 1954, Demetrius Lazarid... more Transformation of a place: the cemetery of Abdera narrates…
In 1954, Demetrius Lazarides, the first excavator of Abdera, mentions many hundreds of grave tumuli which are located at the north of the ancient city. In 1982 Chaido Koukouli-Chrysanthraki and the 19th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities of Thrace measured and surveyed 200 tumuli which occupied the central part of the ancient cemetery. In 1989 I officially became responsible for the Abdera region under the administration of Diamantis Triandaphyllos.
During these 24 years I had the opportunity to know and study the cemetery region, to excavate large parts of it and to see it change dramatically. This study presents the connection between the place and the time, as the cemetery of Abdera narrates it to us.
The contemporary uses of land are various and have changed extensively during the period. The cultivation is the first and longest use which has resulted in the location, the excavation, but also the destruction of many tumuli, graves, grave monuments, farms, and other ancient facilities. The land redistribution which began in 1995 and the land renovation projects which followed resulted in a rapid change of the area and also the finding of antiquities. Solar parks, antennas of mobile phones, and building are included in the contemporary uses of the land. On the other hand, the embankment fill and the real estate development of the lake “Almyri Limni”, the huge number of illegal excavations, the destruction of tumuli, and the archaeological “infertility” of the place are included in great destructions.
As described, a full transformation of the place has taken place. In an effort to preserve and rescue what has been left, in 2013 we started a re-registration of the land; the program was completed with our own resources. Land surveys involving tumuli recording and collection of antiques were made by the staff of the Ephorate, in addition to research of archives.
The data comparison will allow us to present two overlapping images: that of past and active present.
Constantina Kallintzi
Ephorate of Antiquities of Xanthi
Archaeological Museum of Abdera

In this paper 1 we shall discuss the presence of the city of Abdera in the Roman period, as known... more In this paper 1 we shall discuss the presence of the city of Abdera in the Roman period, as known by historical sources and archaeological evidence. Many sectors of the Roman city and its cemeteries have been revealed through excavations, but unfortunately , due to the continuous habitation in the same area, the construction phases overlap. However, a satisfactory view of the urban plan and the arrangement of the cemeteries is available, while the ceramic and minor objects provide information about everyday life and the economic activities of the population, as well as their burial customs. Alongside the excavations, surface surveys have been conducted in the territory of Abdera, which have provided data for the settlements, the rural facilities and the villae rusticae around the city, as well as the adverse effects of the construction of Via Egnatia. Nevertheless, despite the existence of architectural remains of the city's buildings and a significant amount of other archaeological artifacts, the Roman period of Abdera has not been studied in depth. Thus, this paper aims to contribute to research towards this direction.

Comitetul de redacţie ROXANA DOBRESCU -redactor şef ADRIAN IONIŢĂ -redactor-şef adjunct IRINA ACH... more Comitetul de redacţie ROXANA DOBRESCU -redactor şef ADRIAN IONIŢĂ -redactor-şef adjunct IRINA ACHIM, ADINA BORONEANŢ, ADRIAN DOBOŞ, ANDREI MĂGUREANU, LIANA OŢA, ADRIANA PANAITE, DANIEL SPÂNU, VLAD VINTILĂ ZIRRA -membri RALUCA KOGĂLNICEANU -secretar de redacţie RALUCA KOGĂLNICEANU -prelucrare ilustraţie şi aşezare în pagină PIERRE DUPONT (limba franceză), ROXANA DOBRESCU (limba franceză), CLIVE BONSALL (limba engleză), ADINA BORONEANŢ (limba engleză) -consultanţi limbi străine ROMEO CÎRJAN -design copertă Orice corespondenţă se va trimite Comitetului de redacţie pe adresa: Str. Henri Coandă nr. 11, 010667 Bucureşti, tel./fax 4021 212 88 62 şi [email protected]. Toate lucrările publicate în revista Materiale şi Cercetări Arheologice sunt recenzate de specialişti în domeniu. (peer-reviewed journal) Revista Materiale şi Cercetări Arheologice este indexată în următoarele baze de date: Copernicus, ERIH PLUS, Scopus şi CEEOL. Redactor Editura Academiei Române: ADRIAN MIRCEA DOBRE, ANA BOROŞ, OLGA DUMITRU Tehnoredactor Editura Academiei Române: MARIA MOCANU
Papers by Constantina Kallintzi
C. Kallintzi, V. Dimitrakopoulou, Terracotta Figurines from the Tumulus of Almiri Limni, in Abdera, in: E. Zografou, A. Koukouvou, O. Palli, E. Papadopoulou (eds), Figurines in Northern Greece from Prehistory to Roman Times, Scientific Symposium Proceedings, Thessaloniki, 11-13.10 2018, Thessaloniki 2024, vol. Β’, 828-840.
C. Kallintzi, E. Kefalidou, «Αττική κεραμική στα Άβδηρα (7ος – 5ος αιώνας π.Χ.)», in D. Tsiafaki, A. Avramidou, N. Michailidou, Y. Mourthos, M. Karta (eds) Attic Pot. Attic painted pottery in ancient Thrace (6th – 4th century BC). New approaches and digital tools, Xanthi 2022, 212-227.
C. Kallintzi, “Organization of the quarrying activity and uses of the stone in the chora and the asty of Abdera” in: Z. Bonias - J. Y. Perreault (eds.), Argilos 3: Argilos, 25 annees de recherches. Organisation de la ville et de la campagne dans les colonies du Nord de l'Egee, VIIIe – IIIe siecles av. n.e. Actes du colloque de Thessalonique, 25-27 mai 2017, Publications of the Canadian Institute of Greece, no 13, Athens 2021.
Constantina Kallintzi, Mercurios Georgiadis, Eurydice Kefalidou, Ioannis Xydopou-los, Maria Chysaphi, Kyriaki Chatziprokopiou, Despoina Skoulariki, Hector Orengo, Arnau Garcia
The Archaeological Project at Abdera and Xanthi (APAX) is a systematic, intense survey programme, which is conducted by the Xanthi Ephorate of Antiquities in collaboration with researchers from Greek and foreign Universities in three areas of the Xanthi Prefecture. Area A is part of the Abdera polis and in particular the North Enclosure of the city. Area B includes part of the cemeteries and the chora. Area C is located just south of the Rhodope mountain range, where via Egnatia came through, and Area D is situated in the upland area of Mt Rhodope. This pro-jects aims at researching issues related to topography, chronology and historical events. In 2015, the field study was concentrated in the Northern Enclosure of Abdera, addressing topographic and historical research questions, while the local cultivations has decreased the visibility of the city plan. The finds from the sur-veyed area have been rich: more than 300,000 objects have been counted, whose preliminary analysis have provided indications about the habitational, trade and metallurgical activities, the presence of public buildings and household conducts. The majority of these finds can be dated from the Archaic until the Early Hellenis-tic period (from the 6th until the end of the 4th/early 3rd century BC). Finally, a small part of area B was surveyed as a sample. In this region there were indica-tions of Prehistoric finds, while there were remains that could be associated with the presence of a farmstead dated in the Classical – Hellenistic period.
by K. Kallintzi - M. Chrysaphi - Eft. Kosmidou - Aik. Balla - N. Nerantzis - S. Athanasiou
The archaeological site of Abdera constitutes today the single organised site of Xanthi’s Prefectural Unit open to the public. Although the efforts for the preservation of contained monuments began during the early years of excavations in the 1950s, it was only during the last 25 years that systematic work was carried out in the field of conservation and restoration of its ancient building remains. The first large-scale restoration programme was conducted between 2000 and 2008 during which period an extended section of excavated features around the western gate of the city were restored and became accessible to the public. The current paper refers to the recent EU funded programme conducted between 2011 and 2014 entitled ‘Preservation-Restoration-Enhancement of Abdera Archaeological Site’ and summarizes the objectives, methodology and results of the operations. The sectors that were restored and became open to the public are the following: Sector of Museum, Sector L, Insula of Roman Dwellings, Workshop of Figurines, and the Port Warehouses. The first step of implementation consisted of extensive weed eradication in order to improve visibility among the monuments. Secondly removal of accumulated soil and scattered building material from past excavations was conducted resulting to a clearance of all architectural features in each sector. At this stage small-scale excavations to clarify the rooms of buildings were conducted and numerous important small finds dating to the Hellenistic and Roman periods came to light. Conservation of the stone blocks was achieved by mechanical removal of organic deposits such as lichens while severely damaged stones were bonded by chemical treatment. The next stage involved retrieval of damaged masonry sections by removing the old mortar used during past conservation and replacing it by reversible materials. During this stage all the walls of the buildings in each sector were restored according to standard conservation practice. In order to enhance the visitors’ experience while moving across the site, gravel paths were constructed to connect sectors among each other and beaten soil paths around the buildings. The old and damaged fences were replaced and a firefighting water circulation network was installed across the site. For the last stage of dissemination of the programme results signs with relevant information on the monuments were installed in each sector, educational brochures were published, a hands-on model of the Workshop of Figurines was created.
Vases and Coins in Fourth-Century Funerary Practices at the Tumuli Necropolis of Abdera
Konstantina Kallintzi – Kyriaki Chatziprokopiou
During the years 1991-1993, the former 19th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities of Komotini (now EFA of Xanthi) conducted rescue excavation at the Lakkiotis plot in Molos, where part of the tumuli necropolis of Abdera extends. Three tumuli were excavated, bringing to light twenty-three inhumations in various types of graves (pit graves, grave-pithoi, cist graves, stone and clay sarcophagi and “hut” graves [tiled burials]), thirty-one pit cremations and twenty-two areas of offerings (enagismoi). Grave-goods discovered inside and outside the burials, as well as at the enagismoi included numerous vases of various shapes and functions: table amphoras and oinochoai, alabastra, squat lecythoi, askoi, bowls, cups, one-handlers, skyphoi, kantharoi, plates, etc. Most of them are dated to the 4th c. BC.
The presence of coins in graves either as Charon‘s obols or as an element of enagismoi, is not frequent. Only four coins were found in burials and three in an area of offerings.
This study focuses on the graves that contain both pottery and coins, in order to examine the shapes of vases found usually in graves and offering areas (enagismoi), the presence of Attic and local pottery and the chronological accordance between coins and pottery.
Mots clés : tombes-monnaies funéraires-obole à Charon-Abdère-rite funéraire de déposition de monnaie Résumé-L'un des rites funéraires les mieux connus du monde grec ancien est le dépôt dans la tombe de l'obole à Charon, un geste destiné à assurer le paiement de la traversée du Styx aux âmes destinées à rejoindre l'au-delà. Toutefois, les données issues des fouilles prouvent que cette coutume n'était pas particulièrement fréquente. Cette conclusion, qui ne concerne pas seulement les nécropoles de Grèce septentrionale mais également l'ensemble du monde grec semble également s'appliquer à Abdère. Dans la nécropole tumulaire datée de la fin du VI e s. au début du III e s. av. J.-C., ainsi que dans la nécropole hellénistique de la ville, ont été recueillies des monnaies de bronze, d'argent et d'or, ainsi que des danakai d'or et d'argent. Toutefois, la proportion de tombes contenant des trouvailles monétaires est très limitée. Le but de cette étude est de réunir le matériel numismatique disponible afin d'examiner les différentes possibilités justifiant le dépôt de monnaies dans les nécropoles d'Abdère : la quantité et la valeur des monnaies, l'emplacement précis du dépôt dans la sépulture, l'époque d'apparition de cette coutume et sa durée, la distinction entre l'obole à Charon et les autres monnaies funéraires, leur chronologie par rapport à la date de la tombe, etc.
In 1954, Demetrius Lazarides, the first excavator of Abdera, mentions many hundreds of grave tumuli which are located at the north of the ancient city. In 1982 Chaido Koukouli-Chrysanthraki and the 19th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities of Thrace measured and surveyed 200 tumuli which occupied the central part of the ancient cemetery. In 1989 I officially became responsible for the Abdera region under the administration of Diamantis Triandaphyllos.
During these 24 years I had the opportunity to know and study the cemetery region, to excavate large parts of it and to see it change dramatically. This study presents the connection between the place and the time, as the cemetery of Abdera narrates it to us.
The contemporary uses of land are various and have changed extensively during the period. The cultivation is the first and longest use which has resulted in the location, the excavation, but also the destruction of many tumuli, graves, grave monuments, farms, and other ancient facilities. The land redistribution which began in 1995 and the land renovation projects which followed resulted in a rapid change of the area and also the finding of antiquities. Solar parks, antennas of mobile phones, and building are included in the contemporary uses of the land. On the other hand, the embankment fill and the real estate development of the lake “Almyri Limni”, the huge number of illegal excavations, the destruction of tumuli, and the archaeological “infertility” of the place are included in great destructions.
As described, a full transformation of the place has taken place. In an effort to preserve and rescue what has been left, in 2013 we started a re-registration of the land; the program was completed with our own resources. Land surveys involving tumuli recording and collection of antiques were made by the staff of the Ephorate, in addition to research of archives.
The data comparison will allow us to present two overlapping images: that of past and active present.
Constantina Kallintzi
Ephorate of Antiquities of Xanthi
Archaeological Museum of Abdera
C. Kallintzi, V. Dimitrakopoulou, Terracotta Figurines from the Tumulus of Almiri Limni, in Abdera, in: E. Zografou, A. Koukouvou, O. Palli, E. Papadopoulou (eds), Figurines in Northern Greece from Prehistory to Roman Times, Scientific Symposium Proceedings, Thessaloniki, 11-13.10 2018, Thessaloniki 2024, vol. Β’, 828-840.
C. Kallintzi, E. Kefalidou, «Αττική κεραμική στα Άβδηρα (7ος – 5ος αιώνας π.Χ.)», in D. Tsiafaki, A. Avramidou, N. Michailidou, Y. Mourthos, M. Karta (eds) Attic Pot. Attic painted pottery in ancient Thrace (6th – 4th century BC). New approaches and digital tools, Xanthi 2022, 212-227.
C. Kallintzi, “Organization of the quarrying activity and uses of the stone in the chora and the asty of Abdera” in: Z. Bonias - J. Y. Perreault (eds.), Argilos 3: Argilos, 25 annees de recherches. Organisation de la ville et de la campagne dans les colonies du Nord de l'Egee, VIIIe – IIIe siecles av. n.e. Actes du colloque de Thessalonique, 25-27 mai 2017, Publications of the Canadian Institute of Greece, no 13, Athens 2021.
Constantina Kallintzi, Mercurios Georgiadis, Eurydice Kefalidou, Ioannis Xydopou-los, Maria Chysaphi, Kyriaki Chatziprokopiou, Despoina Skoulariki, Hector Orengo, Arnau Garcia
The Archaeological Project at Abdera and Xanthi (APAX) is a systematic, intense survey programme, which is conducted by the Xanthi Ephorate of Antiquities in collaboration with researchers from Greek and foreign Universities in three areas of the Xanthi Prefecture. Area A is part of the Abdera polis and in particular the North Enclosure of the city. Area B includes part of the cemeteries and the chora. Area C is located just south of the Rhodope mountain range, where via Egnatia came through, and Area D is situated in the upland area of Mt Rhodope. This pro-jects aims at researching issues related to topography, chronology and historical events. In 2015, the field study was concentrated in the Northern Enclosure of Abdera, addressing topographic and historical research questions, while the local cultivations has decreased the visibility of the city plan. The finds from the sur-veyed area have been rich: more than 300,000 objects have been counted, whose preliminary analysis have provided indications about the habitational, trade and metallurgical activities, the presence of public buildings and household conducts. The majority of these finds can be dated from the Archaic until the Early Hellenis-tic period (from the 6th until the end of the 4th/early 3rd century BC). Finally, a small part of area B was surveyed as a sample. In this region there were indica-tions of Prehistoric finds, while there were remains that could be associated with the presence of a farmstead dated in the Classical – Hellenistic period.
by K. Kallintzi - M. Chrysaphi - Eft. Kosmidou - Aik. Balla - N. Nerantzis - S. Athanasiou
The archaeological site of Abdera constitutes today the single organised site of Xanthi’s Prefectural Unit open to the public. Although the efforts for the preservation of contained monuments began during the early years of excavations in the 1950s, it was only during the last 25 years that systematic work was carried out in the field of conservation and restoration of its ancient building remains. The first large-scale restoration programme was conducted between 2000 and 2008 during which period an extended section of excavated features around the western gate of the city were restored and became accessible to the public. The current paper refers to the recent EU funded programme conducted between 2011 and 2014 entitled ‘Preservation-Restoration-Enhancement of Abdera Archaeological Site’ and summarizes the objectives, methodology and results of the operations. The sectors that were restored and became open to the public are the following: Sector of Museum, Sector L, Insula of Roman Dwellings, Workshop of Figurines, and the Port Warehouses. The first step of implementation consisted of extensive weed eradication in order to improve visibility among the monuments. Secondly removal of accumulated soil and scattered building material from past excavations was conducted resulting to a clearance of all architectural features in each sector. At this stage small-scale excavations to clarify the rooms of buildings were conducted and numerous important small finds dating to the Hellenistic and Roman periods came to light. Conservation of the stone blocks was achieved by mechanical removal of organic deposits such as lichens while severely damaged stones were bonded by chemical treatment. The next stage involved retrieval of damaged masonry sections by removing the old mortar used during past conservation and replacing it by reversible materials. During this stage all the walls of the buildings in each sector were restored according to standard conservation practice. In order to enhance the visitors’ experience while moving across the site, gravel paths were constructed to connect sectors among each other and beaten soil paths around the buildings. The old and damaged fences were replaced and a firefighting water circulation network was installed across the site. For the last stage of dissemination of the programme results signs with relevant information on the monuments were installed in each sector, educational brochures were published, a hands-on model of the Workshop of Figurines was created.
Vases and Coins in Fourth-Century Funerary Practices at the Tumuli Necropolis of Abdera
Konstantina Kallintzi – Kyriaki Chatziprokopiou
During the years 1991-1993, the former 19th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities of Komotini (now EFA of Xanthi) conducted rescue excavation at the Lakkiotis plot in Molos, where part of the tumuli necropolis of Abdera extends. Three tumuli were excavated, bringing to light twenty-three inhumations in various types of graves (pit graves, grave-pithoi, cist graves, stone and clay sarcophagi and “hut” graves [tiled burials]), thirty-one pit cremations and twenty-two areas of offerings (enagismoi). Grave-goods discovered inside and outside the burials, as well as at the enagismoi included numerous vases of various shapes and functions: table amphoras and oinochoai, alabastra, squat lecythoi, askoi, bowls, cups, one-handlers, skyphoi, kantharoi, plates, etc. Most of them are dated to the 4th c. BC.
The presence of coins in graves either as Charon‘s obols or as an element of enagismoi, is not frequent. Only four coins were found in burials and three in an area of offerings.
This study focuses on the graves that contain both pottery and coins, in order to examine the shapes of vases found usually in graves and offering areas (enagismoi), the presence of Attic and local pottery and the chronological accordance between coins and pottery.
Mots clés : tombes-monnaies funéraires-obole à Charon-Abdère-rite funéraire de déposition de monnaie Résumé-L'un des rites funéraires les mieux connus du monde grec ancien est le dépôt dans la tombe de l'obole à Charon, un geste destiné à assurer le paiement de la traversée du Styx aux âmes destinées à rejoindre l'au-delà. Toutefois, les données issues des fouilles prouvent que cette coutume n'était pas particulièrement fréquente. Cette conclusion, qui ne concerne pas seulement les nécropoles de Grèce septentrionale mais également l'ensemble du monde grec semble également s'appliquer à Abdère. Dans la nécropole tumulaire datée de la fin du VI e s. au début du III e s. av. J.-C., ainsi que dans la nécropole hellénistique de la ville, ont été recueillies des monnaies de bronze, d'argent et d'or, ainsi que des danakai d'or et d'argent. Toutefois, la proportion de tombes contenant des trouvailles monétaires est très limitée. Le but de cette étude est de réunir le matériel numismatique disponible afin d'examiner les différentes possibilités justifiant le dépôt de monnaies dans les nécropoles d'Abdère : la quantité et la valeur des monnaies, l'emplacement précis du dépôt dans la sépulture, l'époque d'apparition de cette coutume et sa durée, la distinction entre l'obole à Charon et les autres monnaies funéraires, leur chronologie par rapport à la date de la tombe, etc.
In 1954, Demetrius Lazarides, the first excavator of Abdera, mentions many hundreds of grave tumuli which are located at the north of the ancient city. In 1982 Chaido Koukouli-Chrysanthraki and the 19th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities of Thrace measured and surveyed 200 tumuli which occupied the central part of the ancient cemetery. In 1989 I officially became responsible for the Abdera region under the administration of Diamantis Triandaphyllos.
During these 24 years I had the opportunity to know and study the cemetery region, to excavate large parts of it and to see it change dramatically. This study presents the connection between the place and the time, as the cemetery of Abdera narrates it to us.
The contemporary uses of land are various and have changed extensively during the period. The cultivation is the first and longest use which has resulted in the location, the excavation, but also the destruction of many tumuli, graves, grave monuments, farms, and other ancient facilities. The land redistribution which began in 1995 and the land renovation projects which followed resulted in a rapid change of the area and also the finding of antiquities. Solar parks, antennas of mobile phones, and building are included in the contemporary uses of the land. On the other hand, the embankment fill and the real estate development of the lake “Almyri Limni”, the huge number of illegal excavations, the destruction of tumuli, and the archaeological “infertility” of the place are included in great destructions.
As described, a full transformation of the place has taken place. In an effort to preserve and rescue what has been left, in 2013 we started a re-registration of the land; the program was completed with our own resources. Land surveys involving tumuli recording and collection of antiques were made by the staff of the Ephorate, in addition to research of archives.
The data comparison will allow us to present two overlapping images: that of past and active present.
Constantina Kallintzi
Ephorate of Antiquities of Xanthi
Archaeological Museum of Abdera
This thesis is a combination of Archaeology and Historical Topography. The region in which the research was conducted occupies the southern part of the Prefecture of Xanthi, Greece. Research extending from the Archaic Period to Roman Imperial Times places there the chora of Abdera, which is the main subject of this study. The second subject of the study is the overall residential history of the area, starting from the Late Neolithic down until the Modern Era. The study unfolds in twelve chapters. Chapter I, “Introduction”, provides an overview of previous research, a description of the subject, the methodology followed, and the organization and structure of the text. Chapter II, “Geography”, examines the natural environment of the region and the changes it has undergone from antiquity to the present day. Chapter III, “History”, provides a brief historical outline and discusses the boundaries of the chora as these had been established by research down to the present. Chapter IV, “Catalogue of Sites”, forms the main body of the study and consists 304 entries of individual catalog entries equal to the number of sites examined. Chapter 5, “Residential Overview”, is divided into “asty” and “chora”, and forms a synthesis of the data found in the Catalogue. It makes reference to the residential network, defensive and water supply constructions, sanctuaries, harbor installations, quarries, workshops, the road network, and cemeteries. Chapter VI, “Conclusions”, presents observations, proposals, and our conclusions. The remaining chapters are the Appendices, Bibliography, Index, English-language Summary, and List of illustrations, plans, tables-charts and graphs. The first goal of our work was the collection, processing, and presentation of archaeological material was accomplished with the compilation of the Catalogue. Next, we attempted a reading of the data collected using maps and satellite images as tools. The residential history of the region from earliest prehistory down to the modern era was outlined. Our most significant concern was related to the boundaries and extent of the chora of Abdera. We followed the stages of the colonists’ expansion inland and the archaeologically apparent fluctuations in its territory. This section also includes an attempt to trace population density during individual time periods. Determining the when and for what reason(s) the dissemination of villages and settlements began formed another goal of our work. The organization and exploitation by Abderitans of their chora was yet one more subject of interest to us. We investigated whether there were land use zones, as well as the determination of their boundaries.
Στην ανακοίνωση εξετάζεται η σχέση των αρχαίων Αβδηριτών με το θέατρο στο πλαίσιο της λατρείας του Διονύσου, συζητείται η σχέση των σύγχρονων Αβδηριτών με το αρχαίο θέατρο και παρουσιάζεται η δραστηριότητα της Εφορείας Αρχαιοτήτων αναφορικά με την αρχαιολογική τεκμηρίωση, την προστασία του, τη διάσωσή του, την προβολή του και την απόδοσή του στο κοινό στον βαθμό που αυτό είναι δυνατόν.
Στη διάλεξη αυτή θα παρακολουθήσουμε την εξέλιξη και τα κύρια σημεία τις έρευνας από τις απαρχές της μέχρι τις μέρες μας.
Σταθμός πρώτος. Το 654 π.Χ. Έλληνες από τις Κλαζομενές της Ιωνίας ιδρύουν μια αποικία στις εκβολές του Νέστου ποταμού. Όμως, τα έλη, το κακό κλίμα και οι επιδρομές των Θρακών δεν την άφησαν να ευδοκιμήσει.
Σταθμός δεύτερος. Το 545 π.Χ. άποικοι από την Τέω εγκαθίστανται στην ίδια θέση ενισχύοντας τον εναπομείναντα μικρό πληθυσμό των Κλαζομενίων. Οι Τήιοι νίκησαν τους Θράκες και δημιούργησαν τη γνωστή πολυάνθρωπη και πλούσια πόλη. Της έδωσαν το όνομα Άβδη-ρα, δημιουργώντας τον μύθο της ίδρυσής της από τον Ηρακλή στη μνήμη του αδικοχαμένου Άβδηρου.
Σταθμός τρίτος. Στα μέσα του 4ου αι. π.Χ. ιστορικά και φυσικά γεγονότα, ανάμεσα στα οποία είναι η επιχωμάτωση του λιμανιού, και η κατάληψη από τον Φίλιππο Β΄ αναγκάζουν τους Αβδηρίτες να μεταφέρουν την πόλη νοτιότερα, ώστε να διατηρηθεί η επαφή της με τη θά-λασσα.
Σταθμός τέταρτος. Τους πρώτους αιώνες μετά Χριστόν η πόλη, περιτριγυρισμένη από έλη, βρίσκεται σε απόλυτη παρακμή, οικονομική και πληθυσμιακή. Αρχίζει η μετακίνηση των κα-τοίκων στον λόφο της αρχαίας Ακρόπολης για να ολοκληρωθεί στα χρόνια του Μ. Κωνσταντί-νου. Το βυζαντινό Πολύστυλον, όπως ονομάζεται η πόλη από τον 6ο αι., θα διατηρηθεί σε όλη τη διάρκεια των βυζαντινών χρόνων.
Σταθμός πέμπτος. Η κατάληψη της Θράκης από τους Οθωμανούς Τούρκους και η πειρατεία αναγκάζουν τους κατοίκους του Πολύστυλου να μετακινηθούν σε διάσπαρτους μικρούς οικι-σμούς κοντά στο σημερινό χωριό. Η ονομασία τους ήταν Άβδηρα ή Πολύστυλον ή Μπου-λούστρα. Η τελευταία, που απαντά και στη μορφή Βολούστρα, αποτελεί παραφθορά της λέ-ξης Πολύστυλον.
Σταθμός έκτος. Πριν από τις αρχές του 18ου αιώνα οι μικροί οικισμοί μεταφέρονται σε νέα θέση και ιδρύεται ο σύγχρονος οικισμός που γνώρισε οικονομική ευμάρεια λόγω της καλλιέργειας του καπνού. Σε αυτόν υπερίσχυσε το τοπωνύμιο Μπουλούστρα. Μετά την απελευ-θέρωση της περιοχής της Ξάνθης, καθιερώθηκε η αρχαία ονομασία, Άβδηρα.
Είθισται να λέγεται ότι 1.000 χρόνια διήρκεσε η Βυζαντινή Αυτοκρατορία. Αλήθεια είναι. Και 1.000 χρόνια είναι πολλά. Στο πέρασμά τους πόλεις μετακινήθηκαν στη σκακιέρα της Ιστορίας, επήλθε πλήρης μετασχηματισμός της κοινωνίας, της πολιτείας, της θρησκείας, των αντιλήψεων, της γλώσσας, των κρατικών και πολιτικών δομών. Μια απέραντη αυτοκρατορία, η ρωμαϊκή, με κυρίαρχη θρησκεία την Εθνι-κή και γλώσσα τη Λατινική, μεταβλήθηκε σταδιακά σε βυζαντινή, με θρησκεία τη Χριστιανική και γλώσσα την Ελληνική για να καταλήξει, με μεσοδιαστήματα κυριαρχίας των Δυτικών, σε Οθωμανική. Μέσα στους κόλπους της τελευταίας, αργότερα, βλάστησαν οι σπόροι για τα εθνικά κράτη, ένα από τα οποία είναι και το ελληνικό.
Ο χώρος που μας ενδιαφέρει έχει σήμερα ως αρχαιολογικό επίκεντρο τα Άβδηρα, αυτό όμως οφείλεται πρωτίστως στον προσανατολισμό της έρευνας, χάρη στην οποία διαθέτουμε τις περισσότερες γνώσεις για την πόλη αυτή. Στην πραγματικό-τητα, όμως, δεν ήταν έτσι. Άλλες πόλεις, αρχικά η Τόπειρος και από τον 6ο αι. η Αναστασιούπολις, είχαν το προβάδισμα. Στο πέρασμα των αιώνων τα Άβδηρα με-τατράπηκαν σε Πολύστυλον, η Αναστασιούπολις μετονομάστηκε σε Περιθεώριον, στην αρχαία εγκατάσταση του Πόρτο Λάγους αναπτύχθηκαν οι τειχισμένοι Πόροι, αναδύθηκε η Ξάνθεια και, τέλος, οικοδομήθηκε εξαρχής η Γενισέα.
Παρόλα αυτά, τα αρχαιολογικά δεδομένα είναι καθοριστικά και καθοδηγητικά. Έτσι λοιπόν και εμείς σήμερα, με επίκεντρο τα Άβδηρα θα δούμε τα βυζαντινά κατάλοιπα του νότιου τμήματος του Νομού Ξάνθης, συνδέοντάς τα με την ιστορική πραγματικότητα της κάθε επιμέρους περιόδου.
Κωνσταντίνα Καλλιντζή
Αρχαιολόγος, Προϊσταμένη της ΕΦΑ Ξάνθης
Ο σκοπός των αναπαραστάσεων σχετίζεται με την προσπάθεια να αποδοθεί ο τρόπος ενταφιασμού, ο βαθμός διατήρησης των οστών και των αντικειμένων και οι αιτίες της διαφοροποίησης, καθώς η ανασκαφική διαδικασία με τη συνακόλουθη συντήρηση και μελέτη του υλικού. Στοχεύει στην πρόσληψη των παραστάσεων αυτών μέσω της συνολικής εικόνας των αρχαίων τάφων, αλλά και του δέους που προκαλεί στον επισκέπτη το περιεχόμενό τους.
Η έκθεση σχεδιάστηκε και υλοποιήθηκε υπό τη διεύθυνση του τότε Προϊσταμένου της Εφορείας Δ. Τριαντάφυλλου με τη συμμετοχή των αρχαιολόγων Κ. Καλλιντζή και Δ. Τερζοπούλου και του αρχιτέκτονα-μηχανικού Ν. Σουλάκη.
Η θεματική ενότητα με τα ανθρώπινα κατάλοιπα από την αρχή συγκέντρωσε την προσοχή, πολλές φορές μάλιστα μονοπώλησε το ενδιαφέρον, και κατέληξε να α-ποτελεί το πιο «δημοφιλές» τμήμα του μουσείου, τόσο για το μαθητικό κοινό, όσο και για τους ενήλικες επισκέπτες. Και οι δύο ηλικιακές ομάδες βρίσκουν θετι-κή την με αυτόν τον τρόπο παρουσίαση των ταφικών ευρημάτων για μια σειρά λό-γων που περιλαμβάνουν την πρόκληση ποικίλων συναισθημάτων, την παραγωγή κριτικής σκέψης και την προσφορά μέσα από αυτά ιδιαίτερων πτυχών γνώσης του παρελθόντος που θα οδηγήσουν στην κατανόηση και ερμηνεία του.
Το κεφάλαιο αυτό της αρχαιογνωστικής έρευνας των Αβδήρων, παρά τα 70 χρόνια ανασκαφών, παρουσιάζει σημαντικά κενά. Στην ανακοίνωση αυτή θα επιχει-ρήσουμε να συνθέσουμε τα διαθέσιμα στοιχεία, αλλά και να καταθέσουμε τον γενικότερο προβληματισμό μας.
Παρά τα προβλήματα που υπάρχουν και που συνοψίζονται στην ολιγανθρωπία και την έλλειψη οικονομικών πόρων, η απελθούσα δεκαετία μπορεί να θεωρηθεί ιδιαίτερα γόνιμη για το αρχαιολογικό γίγνεσθαι της περιοχής: ποικίλες εργασίες πεδίου, γραφείου και εργαστηρίου πραγματοποιήθηκαν: ολοκλήρωση έργων προστασίας και ανάδειξης αρχαιολογικού χώρου Αβδήρων με ευρωπαϊκά προγράμματα, αποψιλώσεις και επαναποκάλυψη χώρων καλυμμένων από βλάστηση, ανασκαφή θεάτρου Αβδήρων, σωστικές ανασκαφές, εντοπισμός νέων αρχαιολογικών θέσεων, αντιμετώπιση λαθρανασκαφών, σύναψη προγραμματικών συμβάσεων με τον Δήμο Αβδήρων και την Περιφέρεια, τοπογραφική και φωτογραφική τεκμηρίωση αρχαιοτήτων, ενασχόληση με θέματα ασφαλείας του μουσείου και των αρχαιολογικών χώρων, σύνταξη μελετών, επιστημονική δραστηριότητα σε συνεργασία με διάφορους φορείς της Ελλάδας και του εξωτερικού, πρόγραμμα εντατικής επιφανειακής έρευνας, καταγραφή αρχαίων, επεμβάσεις προστασίας και συντήρησης των κτηρίων της Εφορείας, και, τέλος, προβολή του έργου της Αρχαιολογικής Υπηρεσίας στο κοινό της περιοχής και τους επισκέπτες, μέσω ποικίλων εκδηλώσεων και εκδόσεων της Εφορείας, συνιστούν μικρό τμήμα του απολογισμού και της προσπάθειας που καταβάλλεται για την προστασία, τεκμηρίωση και ανάδειξη των αρχαιοτήτων παράλληλα με το καθημερινό διοικητικό μας έργο.