Playing the Rule-following Game1
I. Introduction
It has been suggested that in order to make the study of meaning
more manageable, we ought to consider what must be known by an
individual who is able to understand and speak a language.
Philosophical questions about the nature of meaning have thus
transformed into questions about the form that should be taken by
an idealized theory of meaning, knowledge of which would suffice
to explain a speaker’s competence. Some scientifically-minded lin-
guists, psychologists, and philosophers are attracted to this way of
investigating language because they are optimistic that meanings—
conceived as the contents expressed by the theorems of a meaning
theory—can be understood as abstract representations in the brains
of language users. Thus, the study of meaning, as such, is thought
by some to invite a cognitive-scientific investigation grounded, opti-
mistically, in the lower reaches of neuroscience. Recently, philoso-
phers and psychologists have sought similar types of explanations
of the ability to understand and predict rational behaviour by
attributing to competent individuals a theory of mind, knowledge
of which would explain these abilities, or correlatively, the lack of
which would explain why certain individuals lack the ability to
understand and predict the behaviour of others. Within the last
decade, research in the cognitive sciences has focused on experi-
mentation designed to test this hypothesis.
Rules or norms in some sense govern various social practices. An
individual’s knowledge of the norms is supposed to figure in an
explanation of her ability to participate in the practice. But I sus-
pect that there is something wrong—deeply wrong—with the
attempt to give rule-following explanations of broadly rational
activities and the problems inherent in such attempts do not seem to
be solved by supposing that the rules are expressed in the contents
of sub-cognitive states. Although I shall not be able to argue for it
here, I suspect the difficulties in these projects extend to what is
taken for granted in much contemporary philosophy of mind, as
‘What this shows is that there is a way of grasping a rule which is not
an interpretation, but which is exhibited in what we call “obeying a rule”
and “going against it” in actual cases.’ Wittgenstein, Philosophical
Investigations, § 201, trans. by G. E. M. Anscombe (Basil Blackwell, 1953).
Philosophy 75 2000 203
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they threaten certain contemporary accounts of reason-explanation
and present a challenge to the very idea of causally-efficacious, con-
tent-bearing states.
In part II of this paper I shall develop a very general argument
that raises a prima facie doubt about the coherence of certain
attempts by theorists of meaning and mind that involve attributing
knowledge of the relevant theory to an individual in order to explain
her linguistic or rational abilities. (Henceforth, I call these ‘cogni-
tive explanations’ and refer to the theorist who attempts this kind of
explanation as a ‘cognitivist’.) The argument takes the form of a
reductio in which the premises the opponent seems bound to accept
lead to a dilemma, neither horn of which is viable. On one horn of
the dilemma a vicious explanatory regress ensues. On the other
horn, the regress may be halted only at the cost of destroying the
normative nature of the practice, thus rendering attribution of
knowledge of the norms pointless. I show how the dilemma arises by
focusing on a norm-governed practice for which rule-following
explanations make sense (I choose the game of baseball for this pur-
pose) and argue that it is only when our broadly rational abilities are
presupposed that such an explanation might even get off the ground.
The attempt to abstract these broadly rational abilities and give sys-
tematic, cognitive explanations of them leads to the dilemma—a
dilemma that confronts any attempt to give cognitive explanations
of abilities whose broadly rational character is part of what needs to
be explained. This includes, among others, the ability to understand
and speak a language, the ability to understand and predict rational
behaviour, and the ability to act rationally. I argue that the appeal to
implicit knowledge does not manage to sidestep the regress, where-
as the appeal to cognitive processes sidesteps it, only to become
impaled on the other horn of the dilemma. In part III, I consider
in more detail how this dilemma affects the idea that rational action
is itself an ability that admits of rules or norms that govern it. If
one supposes that knowledge of such rules is necessary for reason-
able action, the same kind of dilemma arises and I show the nega-
tive implications of this dilemma for nomological accounts of rea-
son explanation. In part IV, I consider the general ramifications of
this discussion on rule-following for explanations involving the
attribution of knowledge.
II. Cognitive explanations of rule-following abilities
1. A clear case of rule-following
In order to get a sense of when rule-following explanations make at
least prima facie sense, it will be useful to consider ordinary games.
Playing the Rule-following Game
Games are relevant because they are typically governed by rules.
The introduction of rules into the analysis of games seems indicat-
ed simply because they provide a standard in virtue of which it
makes sense to judge particular moves in the game as ‘correct’ or
‘incorrect.’2 Human practices or activities of various kinds can be
assimilated to games in so far as they, too, involve ‘moves’ that are
apt for judgments of correctness or incorrectness. Consider the
game of baseball. Call the moves that are made in the game of base-
ball—hitting the ball with a bat, running around the bases, etc.,—
‘material’ moves, or moves made in the ‘object game’.3 The rules of
baseball in some sense govern the material moves, but in what
sense? Someone who knows nothing about baseball and whom we
would be reluctant to describe as playing the game might make
some of the material moves ‘accidentally’, as it were. Conversely,
someone we would want to describe as playing the game might fail
to make appropriate material moves (this person would be playing
baseball incorrectly). In order to credit an individual with playing
baseball we might seek some kind of ‘internal connection’ between
her and the rules so that we can say that she is making (or attempt-
ing) the moves as part of the game of baseball. We might be satisfied
if she were able to play what Sellars calls the ‘metagame’; i.e., if she
were able, using language, to cite the rules of baseball, and to make
a case for the material moves being sanctioned by the rules.4 Perhaps
here there would be nothing objectionable in describing this inter-
nal connection as a type of knowledge: someone who is able to cite
the rules of baseball at the appropriate time might be said to know
the rules and this knowledge might figure in an explanation of the
moves she makes. Perhaps this knowledge might figure in an expla-
nation of her ability to play the game.
This is a minimal sense in which talk of rules is indicated. A serious topog-
raphy of the various sorts of rules governing an activity such as baseball would
be quite complex. It would involve, among other things, distinguishing regu-
lative and constitutive rules; sub-rules governing professional games v. ama-
teur games; National League v. American League; rules for umpires; rules for
compiling statistics on the individual players, etc. My interest, in the main, is
in the rules that are candidates for ‘constitutive’ rules—i.e., those that make
baseball the particular kind of sports-activity it is—and in what the baseball
player’s relationship to those rules is supposed to be.
I am borrowing these terms, as well as some of the framework for dis-
cussion, from Wilfrid Sellars’s ‘Some Reflections on Language Games’ in
Science, Perception, and Reality (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1963).
The suggestion is that the ability to cite the rules might be considered
a (defeasible) sufficient condition for establishing the sought-after ‘inter-
nal connection’. Whether or not it is also a necessary condition will be
considered in the last section.
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2. Playing the rule-following game
Suppose we are satisfied that an individual is making a move in the
game because we have established the sought-after internal connec-
tion—this individual is manifesting rule-following as opposed to
mere rule-conforming behaviour. She is not only able to make the
material moves of the game, she is also able to correct or justify her
moves by appealing to the rules of the game. But there is still a sense
in which this individual, too, in being able to play not only the
object game but the metagame as well, seems to be evincing general
abilities—abilities involved in the very activity of following a rule—
that might themselves go wrong.
Imagine, for example, someone who is being taught how to play
baseball. Suppose she has a general understanding of the language
her coach uses to describe the rules, yet she misjudges the domain
of one of them: she takes it to apply to a situation to which it does
not apply. Or suppose she can convince us of her general ability to
apply rules in appropriate situations, but she cannot understand the
meaning of some of her coach’s words and therefore does not
understand the rule she is supposed to be following. Or suppose she
understands her coach’s language, she understands the type of sit-
uations to which the rules apply, but she fails, at times, to act in the
light of this understanding. Such errors are not happily described
as failures to act in conformity with the rules of baseball for they
may occur even if a person makes material moves that happen to
conform to the rules of baseball. Rather, such errors (which may
involve failure to understand the rule, failure to understand the rel-
evant domain, or failure to implement one’s understanding in
action) thwart the attempt to follow the rules of baseball. People
misfollow rules all the time and as a result tend to make mistakes:
they bungle recipes and produce culinary disasters; they misinter-
pret, or misperceive signposts and travel in the wrong direction; and
they make mistakes in following orders and get punished.
Following the rules of baseball or following recipes or maps—like
making the material moves involved in playing baseball, or in cook-
ing, or in travelling to a particular destination—are things that one
can do correctly or incorrectly. This fact invites us to construe the
activities that are involved in rule-following as themselves rule-gov-
erned, for it seems to be a platitude that error is diagnosable only in
so far as a norm or standard has been violated. More concisely, we
might say that the various kinds of activities involved in rule-follow-
ing constitute a game, or a set of games. (By this I mean only that the
appeal to rules, norms, or standards seems apt when a diagnosis of
error can be made.) It should be clear, however, that if rule-follow-
Playing the Rule-following Game
ing is itself a kind of a game, it is not regulated by the sort of rules
we have been considering—the rules of baseball do not tell you how
to follow them. The rule-following game would consist in a different
set of games which would require construing the appeal to the rules
of baseball, or the appeal to a recipe, as a constituent ‘move’. Indeed,
one might think that the abilities that are manifested might be con-
strued quite generally, abstracted from any particular object game,
like baseball or cooking. If, for example, the coach’s instructions are
given in some language, then the abilities necessary for rule-follow-
ing in this particular case would involve the ability to understand this
language. If implementing the coach’s instructions involves recog-
nizing the domains in which they apply, then the ability to follow a
rule here would include the appropriate conceptual abilities.
The general abilities that are manifested in rule-following are
those that are involved in implementing one’s understanding of a
rule in action, in judgment, or in speech. These will include what-
ever conceptual, perceptual, interpretive, and linguistic abilities are
needed to grasp the rule and to understand the situations in which
it applies and whatever inferential and rational abilities are needed
in order to act in the light of one’s understanding of it. Rule-fol-
lowing abilities include, that is, those abilities that are implicated in
our ordinary notions of meaning, understanding, thinking, reason-
ing, and acting. Now, no one has explicitly attempted to give a cog-
nitive explanation of the ability to follow a rule or play the rule-fol-
lowing game. However, many have attempted to provide systematic
accounts (or theories) of language, rational thought, and action;
indeed, this has been one of the central tasks of analytic philosophy.
One of the central tasks has been, in other words, to give accounts
of the general abilities that turn out to be, I am arguing, constitu-
tive of, or part of what it is involved in, rule-following. Those who
attempt to give cognitive explanations of any of these abilities
broadly construed might as well be trying to offer cognitive expla-
nations of the ability to play the rule-following game.
I suspect that there might be a problem in attempting to construe
the constituent abilities that are involved in rule-following in a very
general sort of way—in a way that abstracts from their role in an
object game.5 I won’t pursue this line here. Whether or not it this is
a problem, it certainly makes no sense to attribute knowledge of the
putative norms that govern these activities to an individual as part of
a substantive explanation of her ability to participate in them. It
makes sense to explain an individual’s material move in baseball (say,
the batter’s merely tapping the ball with the bat and thus inviting the
See, for example, §§28, 29 and 43–49 in Wittgenstein, On Certainty,
Anscombe and von Wright (eds) (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1960).
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pitcher to throw her out at first) by attributing to her knowledge of
some or other rules of baseball (e.g., about sacrifice strategies). But
extending this kind of explanation to the case in which the material
moves are the (generally and abstractly construed) constituent abili-
ties involved in rule-following is incoherent. So I shall argue.
3. Why one cannot follow rules that govern the rule-
following game
We were motivated to speak of someone’s following a rule in the
first place in order to discern some kind of internal connection
between the individual who makes the moves and the rules that gov-
ern them. We were seeking this connection to assure us the individ-
ual whose behaviour accords with the rules is a participant in the
practice (to distinguish her from someone who is able to make the
moves, but only accidentally, or to distinguish a player who makes a
mistake from a non-player). One way of making this connection, we
decided, would be if the individual were able to appeal to the rules
in justification, criticism, or correction of her moves.
But it makes no sense to attribute knowledge to an individual of
the putative rules governing the general activities that are presup-
posed in rule-following in order to explain her ability to participate
in these activities. This is because following a rule for any of the
activities required in order to follow a rule presupposes the very
abilities that the knowledge is supposed to explain. If someone did
not know how to follow a rule, then showing her another rule would
not help, since presumably if she lacked the ability to follow a rule,
she would not know how to follow this other rule either. If, howev-
er, she knows how to follow a rule, then there is not any point in
attributing to her knowledge of another rule to explain this ability,
for certainly if an explanation were required in the first place, it
would be required for the same ability that is required for the expla-
nation to get underway.
In particular, if an individual does not know how to interpret
symbols then showing her meaning theorems can be of no help until
it is explained how any symbols in which the rules are delivered are
themselves understood or until it is explained how she comes to be
aware of the demands that they make.6 If an individual does not
know how to make inferences then introducing her to inference
rules can be of no help until it is explained how these rules of infer-
ence are to be applied.7 If she does not know how to act for reasons,
See Sellars ‘Some Reflections on Language Games’, op. cit.
A related worry (about justification) is raised in Lewis Carroll’s ‘What
the Tortoise Said to Achilles’, Mind, vol. 4 (1895), 278–80; reprinted in
Mind, vol. 104, no. 416 (1995) pp. 691–93.
Playing the Rule-following Game
then invoking principles of rationality can be of no help until it is
explained how the principles of rationality are to be acted upon.8
And if she does not know how to self-ascribe mental concepts, then
having knowledge of a theory of mind can be of no help until it is
explained precisely how she is to use the theorems to guide her.9 And
so forth. If, however, she already has the ability to interpret sym-
bols, make inferences, self-ascribe, or act rationally, then there does
not seem to be any point in attributing to her knowledge of putative
rules governing these abilities, because her ability to follow these
rules would presuppose the very abilities that are to be explained.10
We have a puzzle. The ability to speak and understand a lan-
guage, to understand oneself and others, and to act rationally are
abilities that seem to demand some sort of explanation. These abil-
ities—which are presupposed in rule-following, in so far as they
involve implementing one’s understanding of a rule in action—
seem to be norm-governed and yet do not seem to be governed by
the same rules that govern any particular object game. One might
thus attempt to abstract them from any particular object game,
attempt to find the rules that govern them, and then use these rules
as part of a cognitive explanation of the generally construed abili-
ties. But we have just seen that if there are a distinct set of standards
that govern these abilities they cannot simply be invoked as part of
a psychological explanation of those abilities. It makes no sense,
that is, to effect the same kind of cognitive-explanatory relation
here that we sought earlier between the person who is able to make
the moves in the object game of baseball and the rules that govern
those moves because of the regresses that threaten.
It might be useful to compare this regress—which is vicious—
with another kind of regress that is not especially problematic.
This idea is developed further in part III and also in my ‘De-individ-
ualizing norms of rationality’ Philosophical Studies 79 (1995), 237–58.
This idea is developed in my ‘Understanding oneself, understanding
others’, ms.
I doubt that these abilities are in any interesting way separable; I list
them all in order to draw attention to the scope of the claim being made.
Perhaps some of the confusion about what kinds of explanations are pos-
sible arises because some theorists do think that some of these abilities can
be presupposed in order to ‘explain’ others (e.g., that inferential abilities
can be presupposed in explaining linguistic abilities). I doubt that this is
coherent. For a related discussion, see Dummett’s claim that a meaning
theory must tell us all that is involved in speaking a language (which, he
claims, is the rational activity par excellence) in (most recently) Dummett,
The Logical Basis of Metaphysics (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Press, 1991) and John McDowell’s response in ‘In defense of modesty’ in
B. M.Taylor (ed.) Michael Dummett (Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff, 1987).
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Consider, for example, that in playing baseball one uses skills that
require other skills or abilities (e.g. the ability to hit the ball requires
the ability to stand up or to grasp the bat). This ‘layering’ of skills
is not a problem because the skills required are different from one
another (and probably ‘bottom-out’ with abilities that do not need
to be learned or with abilities that do not require the obeying of
rules). But the problem with the skills involved in rule-following is
that they are the very skills that are constitutive of cognitive expla-
nations. If it even makes sense to talk about rules that govern rule-
following, following these rules would involve the very same abilities
that the rules were introduced to govern. There is thus no possibil-
ity that knowledge of the rules could serve as an explanation of
these abilities.
4. Innate, implicit, or tacit knowledge
I have given a simple argument to show that it does not make sense
to attribute to an individual knowledge of rules in order to effect an
internal connection between the moves she makes in following a
rule, and whatever, if any, standards govern those moves. I have
suggested that this presents a challenge to those interested in giving
cognitive explanations of our broadly rational (including linguistic)
abilities. Now, those hoping to offer psychological explanations of
these abilities will complain that I have placed too heavy a burden
on what is to count as knowledge. They will agree that knowledge
of the standards that govern these abilities cannot be explicitly rep-
resented in the sense that they can be consciously consulted. But
they will insist that it is possible to appeal to innate, implicit, or tacit
knowledge in trying to give an explanation of them.11
Now, describing knowledge of the ‘rule-following rules’ as innate
would seem to solve the problem of how the abilities that are pre-
supposed in rule-following might be learned. It might be agreed
that they cannot be learned for reasons given above: to learn them
one would have to presuppose the very same abilities that needed
learning. If we give up the idea that these rules need to be learned,
and accept that they are intrinsically part of our makeup, we could
avoid this problem. But our problem is not merely that it is impos-
sible to learn how to follow a rule by being taught these other rules.
The problem is that knowledge of these other rules cannot explain
Perhaps the primary motivation for supposing that the theoretical
knowledge that purportedly explains the abilities is tacit or implicit is sim-
ply the recognition of the obvious fact that the knowledge is not something
that the individual herself is usually able to articulate. Here, I explore
whether invoking tacit or implicit knowledge can, in any case, avoid the
regress threats described above.
Playing the Rule-following Game
the kind of abilities that are involved in rule-following. The argu-
ments show not merely that the acquisition of this knowledge is
problematic, but that the utilization of it (even if it is innate) would
involve presupposing the very abilities that the knowledge was sup-
posed to explain.
One might be tempted to avoid the problem by talking about the
possibility of ‘implicit’ or ‘tacit’ knowledge.12 The rules governing
the kinds of abilities that are manifested in rule-following would be
‘cognitively grasped’, yet not such that they are available for lin-
guistic expression or conscious manipulation. Now, since the argu-
ment above is that there is nothing for knowledge of this sort to
explain, it does not really matter what the vehicle of knowledge is
supposed to be, whether or not it is accessible to consciousness, or
what systemic/organizational role it plays. The problem that I am
trying to call attention to does not have anything to do with the
nature of the ‘vehicle’. The problem is the explanatory poverty of
putting the individual in any kind of cognitive relation to a ‘content’
or to a norm that governs an ability that is itself required for rule-
following. That is the quick response. Still, a more detailed look
might be in order to see more precisely how the appeal to tacit
knowledge, in particular, goes wrong.
Note that if there is to be any substance to the claim that knowl-
edge of the norms plays an explanatory role, then this ‘explanatory
role’ cannot simply collapse into a description of what would con-
stitute a correct performance. In particular, unless we had evidence
that the agent sub-cognitively ‘grasps’ the norm and evidence that
it is in virtue of her grasping it that she acts in accordance with it,
The normal understanding is that implicit knowledge is available to
consciousness once it has been made explicit and that tacit knowledge is
not normally accessible to consciousness at all. Dennett suggests using
‘implicit representation’ in a different sense: as information that is logical-
ly implied by something that is stored explicitly. (See ‘Styles of mental
representation’. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 83, 213–6; reprint-
ed in The Intentional Stance (Cambridge, MA: A Bradford Book, MIT
Press, 1987)). Both versions make the notion of implicit knowledge depen-
dent on explicit knowledge. For discussions of tacit knowledge, see Gareth
Evans, ‘Semantic theory and tacit knowledge’. In S. Holtzman and C.
Leich (eds) Wittgenstein: To Follow a Rule (Routledge and Kegan Paul,
1981); reprinted in his Collected Papers (Oxford University Press, 1985),
322–42. See also Martin Davies, ‘Tacit knowledge, and the structure of
thought and language. In C. Travis (ed.) Meaning and Interpretation
(Blackwell, 1986); 127–58; ‘Tacit knowledge and semantic theory: Can a
five per cent difference matter?’ Mind 96, 441–62; and ‘Tacit knowledge
and sub-doxastic states’ in A. George (ed.) Reflections on Chomsky
(Blackwell, 1989); 131–52.
Julia Tanney
we would not be able to distinguish between her merely acting in
accordance with the norms and her having the critical or justificatory
abilities that tacit knowledge of the norms would ostensibly explain.
The methodological difficulty of deciding which non-linguistic
behaviour is to count as ‘justificatory’ or ‘correction’ behaviour
should not be underestimated.13 But even if such a difficulty could be
surmounted, it should be evident that the same regress problems
would arise. This is because the abilities will involve ‘sub-conceptu-
alizing’ the norm, ‘sub-conceptualizing’ the stretch of behaviour to
which it applies, ‘sub-judging’ its applicability, and ‘sub-acting’ in the
light of it. To perform these tasks correctly presupposes the very same
abilities, operating sub-cognitively, that these tacit representations
are, on the hypothesis we are considering, posited to explain.
Someone might be tempted to respond that, at the level of tacit rep-
resentations, the question of (in)correct manifestations of abilities does
not arise. She might suggest that ‘tacit knowledge’ should be under-
stood simply as whatever could be read off a person’s dispositions
under certain circumstances, where the circumstances themselves are
circumscribed in such a way as to ensure that error will be ruled out.
Thus, she might argue, the standards governing the abilities that are
manifested in rule-following behaviour might be seen as recoverable
from, or embodied in, laws of human psychology or as part of the
‘hardwiring’ of individuals who act in accordance with them.
But this picture is confused. On the one hand, it wants to include
the role of a norm, whose whole raison d’être was allow us to make (log-
ical) space for moves that are in violation of it, and yet are still moves
made within the activity or practice that these norms in some sense
govern. On the other hand, it attempts to force the opposite picture so
If the notion is coherent, we ought to be able to say what could count
as evidence that a person sub-cognitively conceptualizes the norm and
guides her behaviour in the light of it. But how would we distinguish this
from the case where she mis-conceptualizes the norm, but acts in accor-
dance with it none the less? And how would we distinguish, for example,
the case where she succeeds in conceptualizing the norm yet fails to imple-
ment her understanding of it in action from the case where she simply fails
to act in accordance with it? The difficulty in answering these questions
puts pressure on the very coherence of the notion of ‘sub-cognitive con-
ceptualization’. (See W. V. Quine, ‘Methodological Reflections on Current
Linguistic Theory’, Synthese 21 (1970), 393 for similar doubts.) It is
arguable that these sorts of distinctions are at least prima facie plausible
when ‘knowledge of the norm’ is understood as shorthand for a person’s
ability to defend, justify or correct herself by citing a rule. But the lin-
guistic ability that these abilities would require depends upon explicit
knowledge and, of course presupposes, and thus cannot figure in an expla-
nation of, the ability to follow a rule.
Playing the Rule-following Game
that the existence of the norm, or knowledge of it, somehow deter-
mines that the moves will be in accord. In specifying the conditions
under which the dispositions are to count as manifesting tacit knowl-
edge, the theorist would be ruling out, for example, the cases in which
someone fails to act in accordance with the norm. But this would be
ruling out too much. We introduced norms in the first place, not only
to distinguish individuals—as a player or non-player—both of whom
act in accordance with the rules, but also to distinguish individuals—
as a player or non-player—both of whom fail to act in accordance with
a norm. The suggestion never was that if we could attribute knowl-
edge of the norms to the individual we would thereby ensure that she
was playing the game correctly, or even playing the game at all; it was
merely that if we could attribute to her knowledge of the norms, we
might have at least a prima facie case that she was playing it.
To sum up, the cognitivist faces a dilemma. On one horn of the
dilemma, the subject manifests behaviour that can be described as
‘correct’ or ‘incorrect’, in which case trying to explain her ability to
make correct moves by attributing to her knowledge of a putative rule
governing her behaviour goes badly wrong when the moves involved
are moves within the game of rule-following. A vicious regress ensues
whether the knowledge is attributed to the person or to one of her subsys-
tems. On the second horn of the dilemma, the subject does not man-
ifest behaviour that in any relevant sense can go wrong. In this case it
is not clear why we would invoke a standard in the first place, let alone
attribute knowledge of it to her. This dilemma would seem to threat-
en attempts to provide a cognitive explanation of any of the general
abilities that are constitutive of rule-following.
In fact, rule-following explanations will not even get off the
ground unless we can presuppose that the individual to whom the
knowledge is attributed knows what to do with this knowledge;
unless we can presuppose, that is, that she has the conceptual, infer-
ential, cognitive, linguistic, or in short, the rational abilities that fol-
lowing a rule requires. But the arguments above show that any
attempt to give cognitive explanations of these presupposed abilities
themselves is doomed to failure precisely because they are presup-
posed. These reflections ought to raise prima facie doubts about the
coherence of offering cognitive explanations of the ability to under-
stand or speak a language or the ability to understand and predict
rational behaviour.14 In the following section, I’ll explore in more
There are a number of prima facie targets, including:
(1) Those philosophers who suggest that a fruitful task in philosophy of
language would be the construction of a theory of meaning knowledge of
which would (suffice to) explain a person’s ability to understand and speak
a language. I suspect that the discussion in this paper uncovers at least a
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detail how these reflections might be used to challenge the idea that
principles of rationality might be invoked as part of a cognitive
explanation of rational action and how this affects certain contem-
porary accounts of what is involved in acting for reasons.
prima facie tension in some of the requirements that Dummett, for exam-
ple, places on a theory of meaning. I have in mind the constraints that a
theory of meaning should ‘describe, without making any presuppositions,
what it is that we learn when we learn to speak’ (p. 91, LBT ) and that the
knowledge ascribed to the speakers is genuine, propositional knowledge
and not a mere theoretical representation of a practical ability. These sus-
picions, of course, have to be examined in detail. See Dummett, ‘What is
a theory of meaning?’ (II), in Hotzmann and Leich (eds) Wittgenstein: To
Follow a Rule (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1976), 99–137;
Dummett, The Logical Basis of Metaphysics, op. cit. and John McDowell,
‘In defense of modesty’ op.cit. For a discussions about the possible diffi-
culties with theories of meaning in the light of Wittgenstein’s reflections
on rules, see Crispin Wright, ‘How can the theory of meaning be a philo-
sophical project?’ Mind and Language, 1, (Spring, 1986), 31–44; ‘Theories
of meaning and speaker’s knowledge’ in Realism, Meaning and Truth
(Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986); and ‘Wittgenstein’s rule-following con-
siderations and the Central Project of Theoretical Linguistics’ in A.
George, (ed.) Reflections on Chomsky, op. cit.
(2) Linguists and psychologists, following Chomsky, who believe that it
is the task of theoretical linguistics to formulate a grammar (a set of rules
or principles) the tacit knowledge of which would explain a speaker’s com-
petence. See, for example, Reflections on Language (Fontana/Collins, 1976);
Rules and Representations (Blackwell, 1980); see also A.George (ed) Reflec-
tions on Chomsky, op. cit., for philosophical discussions surrounding the
general theme.
(3) A corresponding group of theorists from philosophy, experimental
and developmental psychology and cognitive anthropology who have sug-
gested attributing to adults a theory of mind in order to explain their abil-
ity to understand and predict rational behaviour. See, for example, Davies
and Stone (eds) Folk Psychology—The Theory of Mind Debate (Blackwell,
1995); Astington, Harris, and Olson, (eds) Developing Theories of Mind,
(Cambridge University Press, 1989); Andrew Whiten (ed.) Natural
Theories of Mind (Blackwell, 1991).
(4) Philosophical discussions in self-knowledge that suppose that a per-
son’s special access to her own mind genuinely explains her ability to self-
ascribe mental states. I discuss some of the issues related to this in ‘A con-
structivist account of self-knowledge’, Philosophy, 71, (1996), 405–22 and
in ‘Understanding oneself, understanding others’ (ms.). Paul Boghossian
and Crispin Wright both note and take on board the regress threat posed
to traditional accounts of self-knowledge. See Wright, ‘Wittgenstein’s
Later Philosophy of Mind: Sensation, Privacy, Intention’, Journal of
Philosophy, 86, 11 (1989), 622–35; extended version in Meaning Scepticism,
Puhl, Klaus (ed.), (de Gruyter, 1991), 126–47 and Boghossian ‘Content
and Self-knowledge’, Philosophical Topics xvii (1989), 5–25.
Playing the Rule-following Game
III. Reason explanation
1. Back to baseball
It was suggested that attributing to an individual knowledge of the
rules that govern some practice might figure in an explanation of
the person’s ability to participate in the practice, but it is not at all
clear how such an explanation would work. We wanted to seek some
kind of internal connection between the rules of baseball and the
person who makes the material moves so that we could say that she
is making the moves as part of the game of baseball. We agreed that
we might be satisfied if she were able to cite the rules of baseball at
the appropriate time, say, in an attempt to justify a material move.
And we agreed that perhaps there would be nothing objectionable
in describing this as a type of knowledge: someone who is able to
cite the rules of baseball at the appropriate time might be said to
know the rules. Then it was suggested that one’s knowledge of the
rules of baseball might figure in an explanation of one’s ability to
play the game.
Someone might object that if we require that the ability to justi-
fy or correct one’s moves in the light of the rules is necessary for one
to be considered a real baseball player, then at best, this sub-ability,
or knowledge how to appeal to the rules to justify, etc. would be part
of a complete description of the (full-fledged) ability to play the
game, which would partly consist in the individual’s sub-ability to
appeal to the rules. Still, it is easy to see how an individual’s knowl-
edge of the rules might figure in an account of her ability to play
the game. It might be supposed, for example, that knowledge of
what the game requires would explain why the player made a certain
material move. Her having this knowledge might be part of a rea-
son-explanation for making the move.
Suppose that reason-explanation works in virtue of there being a
logical or justificatory relation between a sentence describing the
action and the sentences describing the beliefs and desires that are
attributable to the agent.15 We could say the individual we are
This version of what is involved in reason-explanation is accepted by
most of the people whose views I go on to criticize, although it seems to
need reconsideration in light of the conclusions of this section. The impor-
tant point is that on this model (unless it is supplemented with causation) a
reason does not determine, or provide a sufficient condition for, the action
that it rationalizes. Note that nothing about the ensuing argument will
change significantly if values, judgments, and intentions (or statements
expressing them) are added to the model of reason-explanation. Because on
this more complex model, either intentions do not determine actions (see
Pears, David Motivated Irrationality (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984)) or
all things considered judgments do not determine intentions (see Davidson,
Julia Tanney
considering makes a particular move (she runs to first base) because
she wants to play the game of baseball and she knows that the rules
require her to run to first base under certain circumstances (and she
knows that these are the circumstances, etc.) This might give us at
least one way of cementing the internal connection we are looking for.
2. Having reasons for acting reasonably.
Next we noticed that just as one might sometimes make mistakes in
playing baseball, so, too, might one sometimes make mistakes in fol-
lowing its rules. This led us to suppose that one might sometimes
make mistakes in following rules generally construed, abstracted
from any particular object game like baseball. One might, for exam-
ple, misperceive, misintuit, or misread a symbol expressing a rule,
one might mistake a situation as one that falls (or does not) within
the domain of the rule, and one might fail to act in accordance with
the rule, even if one understood it and its domain properly. This
invited us to construe the abilities that are involved in rule-follow-
ing on the analogy of a ‘game’; i.e., as activities that are themselves
However, even though it seems to make sense to say that someone
might make a mistake in following these rules, and that avoiding
this sort of error might be considered an achievement, it is difficult
to see how this could be understood as a cognitive or a rational
achievement. On the model we are presently considering, knowl-
edge would be attributed as part of a reason-explanation for making
the material moves, and the material moves we are now considering
are the moves made within the game of rule-following. The moti-
vation for attributing reasons here would be to effect an internal
connection that would allow us to see the moves an individual
makes within the rule-following game as reasonable instead of as
moves made merely by accident. According to the hypothesis we are
considering these moves would be reasonable only if the individual
has reasons for playing the rule-following game.
But rule-following, under the proposal we are considering, is acting
for reasons. Thus, to generalize the abilities constitutive of rule-fol-
lowing, and to construe these general abilities themselves as subject to
standards would require us to attribute reasons in order to see the
moves an individual makes within the game of reason as themselves
reasonable instead of moves made merely by accident. According to
this proposal, an individual’s moves would only be reasonable if she
‘How is Weakness of the Will Possible?’ in Essays on Actions and Events
(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1980)). It is this gap that reason-explanation
exploits; it is this gap that makes irrationality possible.
Playing the Rule-following Game
has reasons for acting reasonably. Perhaps this would require the
introduction of ‘norms of rationality’: a person might be said to have
reasons for acting reasonably only if she knows what the norms of
rationality require and she wants to act in accordance with them.
Indeed, some have supposed that our psychological/interpretive
practices are governed by norms or principles of rationality and some
have argued that these norms are contained in a theory, knowledge of
which might explain the ability to participate in these practices.16
Knowledge of these ostensible principles, however, could not
figure in a substantive explanation of a person’s ability to act ratio-
nally. This line of approach, like the approach in part II, also invites
a regress. The regress is vicious because the moves the individual
makes that ostensibly needed explaining by attributing to her
knowledge of the rules of reason are exactly the same type of moves
that she would be making if she were to follow these rules of rea-
son. So, again, the kind of moves that were thought to need explain-
ing are presupposed in the very kind of explanation on offer. If it
were necessary to make out an internal connection in order to obvi-
ate mere accidental rule-conformity in the explanandum, then it
would be necessary to make out an internal connection in order to
obviate mere accidental rule-conformity in the explanans since the
moves are of exactly the same type.
We seem to have gone wrong in supposing that we need to
attribute reasons for acting reasonably to a person in order to see her
actions as reasonable. If we must effect an internal connection
between reasons and behaviour, then being able to describe a per-
son’s behaviour as an action (let alone in a way that displays the
right kind of logical connection with statements expressing her
beliefs and desires) is to effect it; we do not also need to see her
actions as acquiring an independent status as reasonable by attribut-
ing to her knowledge that governs how to reason reasonably.17
See Davidon’s discussions of interpretation in his Inquiries into Truth
and Interpretation (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984) and the large amount
of literature discussing his interpretation strategy. See also Davidson’s dis-
cussions of irrationality; in particular, ‘Paradoxes of Irrationality’, in R.
Wollheim and J. Hopkins (eds), Philosophical Essays on Freud (Cambridge
University Press, 1982) where he introduces the ‘principle of continence’
as an example of a norm of rationality and Annette Baier’s response in
‘Rhyme and Reason: Reflections on Davidson’s Version of Having
Reasons’, in Lepore and B. McLaughlin (eds) Actions and Events—
Perspectives on the Philosophy of Donald Davidson (Oxford: Blackwell,
1985). For discussions involving knowledge of a theory of mind, see, for
example, M. Davies and T. Stone, (eds) Folk Psychology, op. cit. and M.
Davies and T. Stone, (eds) Mental Simulation (Oxford: Blackwells, 1995).
See ‘De-individualizing norms of rationality’, op. cit.
Julia Tanney
3. The limits of reason-explanation
In response, one might claim that this line of argument shows the
impossibility of giving cognitive explanations for rational abilities
and their kin only if it assumed that cognitive explanations are
exhausted by reason-explanation, and only if it assumed that rea-
son-explanation fits the model just described. On this model, there
is a logical gap between what the agent has reason to do and what
she will do. And, of course, if there is the logical latitude to fail to
act in accordance with one’s reasons, then attributing reasons for
acting reasonably will not work, since this, too, involves a logical
gap. But, so the response continues, this does not mean that we can-
not explain a person’s ability to act rationally on a different model.
We could, for example, make scientific hypotheses concerning the
laws in accordance with which she operates.
Indeed, the response might continue, if reason-explanation were
to be truly explanatory, we would have to extend its domain by
introducing laws or something like them into the picture anyway.
We would have to do this since it has just been shown that reason-
explanation has to make certain presuppositions (that a person acts
rationally) and it has been acknowledged that a person’s rational
abilities might, themselves, go wrong. That they do not go wrong in
a particular case cries out for explanation. It cannot be a kind of
explanation that itself leaves room for error or regress ensues. So
rather than attempt to explain the person’s rational action with
higher-order rules, we might cement the connection between reason
and action with causation. On certain widely accepted assumptions
about the nature of causal explanation, we would thereby obtain
explanation involving nomological subsumption.
Providing this sort of relation between reason and action, how-
ever, destroys the possibility of error, and it was this possibility that
encouraged us to adopt the analogy of a game. Without the analogy
of the game, we have lost the reason for seeking an internal connec-
tion, and with it, we have lost any reason to attribute knowledge of
the reasons.18 To see this, consider that the possibility of psycho-
logical laws (strict or not) depends on the possibility of true, non-
empty sentences expressing generalizations couched in psychologi-
cal terms. Of course, rational people do not always act rationally and
thus any putative psychological law will not always hold. The com-
mon response to this is to argue that irrationality is not a problem.
For just as we attempt to specify natural laws by circumscribing the
In ‘How to resist mental representations’ (a critical notice of Tim
Crane’s The Mechanical Mind), International Journal of Philosophical
Studies vol. 6 (2), (1998) I attempt to develop this argument in a way that
challenges the existence of content-bearing, causally-efficacious states.
Playing the Rule-following Game
set of conditions under which they hold, we might do the same for
psychological laws. Among the conditions to be ruled out are the
circumstances in which a person is irrational. Of course, these con-
ditions would have to be specified independently—or in a way that
does not reintroduce the laws themselves—in order to come up with
truths that are non-empty.
But even if it were possible independently to specify the condi-
tions under which a person is, for example, self-deceived or akratic
so that exceptionless laws or generalizations could be produced, rul-
ing out cases of irrationality would be ruling out too much. For
when a person acts irrationally as opposed to non- or a-rationally,
she is acting in a way that is, at least to some extent, rational. Or,
returning to the analogy of a game, she is making a move in the
‘game’ of action that can be described as recalcitrant (or ‘incorrect’)
in the light of some or other norm of rationality. It is still, howev-
er, a move within the game of action, just as an error is a move with-
in the game of baseball. But if the psychological laws or generaliza-
tions are meant to apply only when someone acts rationally as
opposed to irrationally, or only to the cases in which someone acts
correctly in making moves in the game of action, then a major sub-
set of the moves we consider to be moves made within the game of
action will have been left out of the account. In any case, unless
error of this kind is possible, there is no reason to construe rational
moves as norm-governed as opposed to law-subsumed or pattern-
instantiating and thus no reason to suppose cognitive grasp of the
norms is necessary to explain anything.
The upshot is this. First, a person’s acting rationally cannot be
explained by attributing to her knowledge of higher-order reasons
(norms of rationality) in the service of providing a reason-explana-
tion of her reasonable action. Second, it cannot be explained by
adverting to laws if they are thought to provide a determinate con-
nection between an agent’s reasons and her actions.19 The appeal to
A fortiori it cannot be explained by the obtaining of causal relations
between mental events, if this relation is supposed to cement the logical
gap that exists between an agent’s reasons and her actions. I suggest else-
where that this motivation lies behind Davidson’s claim that something is
missing in reason explanation if we consider only the purely justificatory
relation between reasons and action and that this intuition motivated his
introduction of a ‘causal element’ into his account of reason explanation.
I also argue that his doctrine of anomalous monism—which commits him
to the view that the only way to introduce laws into an account of mental
causation is via a physical description of mental event-particulars—does
not protect him from the charge that in buying into a nomological account
of psychological explanation (however the laws are described) he is not
leaving space for the possibility of error. See ‘Why reasons may not be
Julia Tanney
higher-order reasons leads to a vicious regress and the appeal to laws
that subsume the causal processes leads to the dissolution of the
normative nature of the phenomenon to be explained. These con-
siderations suggest that there is something wrong with the idea that
reason-explanation is deficient unless unless it provides us a way of
securing a law-like connection between what the agent believes,
desires and does (or statements describing this). Reason-explana-
tion was never supposed to provide us with the wherewithal to make
strict predictions about what a person will do, because even if we
know everything there is to know about what she wants and believes
(which certainly is not required for reason-explanation) she still
might act impetuously (non-rationally) or for other reasons she val-
ues less (irrationally). Reason-explanation was meant to provide us
a way of understanding her behaviour by showing how it would
make sense in light of certain facts. But it does not (and should not)
purport to tell us that she will behave in a way that is understand-
able in light of these facts.20
IV. Reconsidering Attributions of Knowledge
I. Baseball again
Perhaps we should reconsider the game of baseball to see why it was
thought that attributing knowledge of the rules was necessary in the
first place.21 Again, we were seeking an internal connection between
I have not distinguished explicitly between different kinds of standards.
Dworkin (in ‘Is law a system of rules?’ in R. M. Dworkin, (ed.), The
Philosophy of Law (London: Oxford University Press, 1977)), makes a logical
distinction between rules and principles. Rules dictate or determine results
even though they admit of exceptions; an accurate statement of the rule would
take these exceptions into account. If a contrary result is reached, then the rule
must have been abandoned or changed. Principles are like reasons: they incline
a decision one way, though not conclusively. They do not necessitate a partic-
ular result, and they survive intact when they do not prevail. The discussion
above, then, might be construed as suggesting that the norms that govern our
broadly rational practices are principles instead of rules.
It has been assumed that the rule-follower (as opposed to the mere
rule-conformist) must grasp the rule, understand the situation in which it
applies and act in the light of her understanding of it. Rather than explor-
ing in more detail what it would take to manifest rule-following behaviour
(a central case of which occurs when one is able to cite a rule in the justi-
fication or correction of a ‘material’ move) the discussion has centred on
causes’, Mind & Language, 10, nos. 1 and 2 (1995), 105–28. Note that noth-
ing is materially changed in the argument if the ‘determinate connection’
is thought to hold between overriding reason and action.
Playing the Rule-following Game
the rules and the person who makes the moves that accord with
them so that we could say that she is making the moves as part of
the game of baseball. This was because it was thought possible for
someone to make the moves of baseball (say, run to first base) even
though she knew nothing about the game and should not be credit-
ed with playing it. We thought that we might be satisfied that the
performance is not accidental if the player has the ability to cite the
rules of baseball, in an attempt to justify or correct her moves. It
was suggested that perhaps there would be nothing objectionable in
describing this internal connection as a type of knowledge: someone
who is able to cite the rules of baseball at the appropriate time might
be said to know the rules. It was then suggested that attributing
knowledge of the rules of baseball to someone might figure in part
of an explanation of that person’s ability to play the game. This
seemed reasonable if the knowledge was to figure as part of a rea-
son-explanation for her making a particular move. All of this
seemed straightforward in the case of baseball, but we ran into trou-
ble when we considered attributing knowledge as part of an expla-
nation of the abilities involved in the game of rule-following itself
because these abilities are presupposed. But this criticism relates
only to the attempt to give a cognitive explanation of the abilities
that are presupposed in rule-following. Where does this leave cog-
nitive explanations in general, and explanations involving implicit,
or tacit knowledge, in particular?
Let us look at baseball one more time. In allowing that someone’s
ability to justify or correct her moves might warrant the attribution
of knowledge, we agreed that all we meant by this is that she knows
how to appeal to the rules to justify or criticize certain moves. So, if
we decide more is needed to establish that a person is playing the
game of baseball than the fact that she acts in accordance with its
rules and if we decide that this ‘something more’ can be supplied by
attributing to her knowledge of the rules, then all we are entitled to
say so far is that such knowledge (knowledge how to appeal to the
rules to justify, etc.) would be part of a description of the full-
fledged ability to play the game.
Someone might argue that such knowledge is not necessary for
playing the game, if what we mean to require is that she be able to
cite the rules and if this requires that she have certain linguistic
abilities. It would be enough, someone might argue, to credit her
with playing by the rules, even if she had no linguistic abilities.
Surely we could imagine a pre-linguistic child playing baseball; or,
the circumstances in which it is necessary to invoke the distinction between
rule-conformity and rule-following in order to credit an individual with
making a legitimate move.
Julia Tanney
better, think of the pre-linguistic children who play chess. It is very
tempting to slide from this to the conclusion that pre-linguistic chil-
dren who play chess have implicit knowledge of the rules of the
But if we acknowledge the propriety of describing pre-linguistic
children as playing baseball or chess, this gives us a reason to retract
the requirement that the child have the ability to cite the rules in
justification, etc., of her moves. Since this is what we meant by
‘knowledge of the rules’, it gives us a reason to retract the require-
ment that she have this knowledge. Perhaps we might still seek to
assure ourselves that it was no accident that the child was playing in
accordance with the rules of baseball or chess. We might rule out
accidental performance if the child is able to repeat her successful
performance. Or we might rule out accidental performance if the
child has been trained by someone who was able to play the
metagame (someone with linguistic abilities who was able to cite the
rules in justification and criticism), or by someone who herself was
trained by such a person. But in imagining this, we have ruled out
accidental rule-conformity without attributing knowledge of the
rules to the individual who makes the moves. Again, the fact that we
do not always require linguistic-dependent justificatory abilities of
someone in order to construe her as a participant in some rule-gov-
erned activity gives us a reason to retract the requirement that she
know the rules—not to attribute the rules to her as the content of
implicit knowledge.
Still, it might be argued that all we mean when we attribute
implicit knowledge of the rules to someone is that she acts in accor-
dance with the rules and this is no accident since she was trained to
act in accordance with them or because she is able to repeat her per-
formance. So far, there is still nothing wrong with describing her as
having implicit knowledge. Note, however, that training is not nec-
essary for someone to be considered a participant in some rule-gov-
erned activity. (In order to bring this point home we will have to
change the example). Somebody might be able to solve Rubik’s
cube, even if she had not been trained by anybody. Indeed, some-
one might be able to solve the puzzle even if she could not repeat
the performance. It is very tempting to slide from this to the con-
clusion that the person has implicit knowledge of the rules for solv-
ing Rubik’s Cube, where ‘implicit knowledge’ cannot simply refer
to an ability that has come about as a result of training or to the fact
that successful performances can be repeated.
But if we agree with the thought that someone might be able to
solve Rubik’s Cube even if she never had been trained by anyone,
then this gives us a reason to reject the idea that there must be an
Playing the Rule-following Game
internal connection between the rules that govern an activity and
the individual who makes the moves. We can say that it is sometimes
enough to credit someone with playing the game if she acts in accor-
dance with the rules. Knowledge (implicit or otherwise) has
dropped out of the picture. To insist that someone cannot solve the
puzzle unless she somehow conceives the rules (even if she cannot
articulate them, even to herself) and acts in the light of her concep-
tion of the rules is simply dogmatic. What would justify such insis-
tence? If this person were suddenly entered in a contest and pro-
duced the cube with the colours in the right places, we would not
withhold the prize because she merely acted in accordance with, but
did not follow, the rules. Acting in accordance with the rules is solv-
ing the puzzle in certain cases. Of course, the story could be filled
in to make it plausible that she was not solving the puzzle at all; say
she was colour blind and had the habit of fidgeting nervously with
objects of any kind. This might give us a reason for requiring of her,
or others like her, more than just the ability to act in accordance
with the rules. Although it would be in order to state what addi-
tional abilities would be required in particular circumstances such
as these, it would not not be in order to import the requirement
under the guise of ‘implicit knowledge of the rules’ to other cir-
cumstances in which the manifestation of such additional abilities
would not be required.
To insist that someone must conceive the rules somehow—even if
what it would be for her to conceive these rules is inaccessible to us
—is misguided; it fails to explain anything. Recall that one reason
for supposing that ‘grasping the rules’ was necessary was to allow us
to rule out the possibility that an individual who acts in accordance
with the rules does so accidentally. But if she conceives them incor-
rectly then she probably will not act in accordance with them. And
yet if she cannot help but conceive and act in accordance with them
correctly, then the possibility of mere accidental rule-conformity
would be blocked from the beginning, and again there would be no
point in attributing to her knowledge of the rules.
Sometimes, in certain circumstances, we might require more than
a mere ability to act in accordance with the rules that govern a prac-
tice in order to rule-out mere accidental conformity. We might be
satisfied if the individual in question is able to play the metagame
and cite the appropriate rule in the appropriate circumstances
(think about exams in school). But this is not always the case.
Somebody could have the ability to cite the rule in the appropriate
circumstances even if she did not have the ability for which citing
the rule was supposed to be evidence (suppose she cheated on an
exam). Sometimes we do not need explicitly to rule out the
Julia Tanney
possibility of accidental conformity. Sometimes the circumstances
in which rule-conformity is in question are those in which it is pre-
supposed that the possibility of accidental conformity is ruled-out
(think about contests involving skill).
These reflections suggest that the conditions under which we
credit an individual with participating in a norm-governed practice
vary. When the practice is thought, action, or language the condi-
tions under which we credit an individual with thinking, intending,
understanding, or meaning vary. The criteria for applying these con-
cepts do not remain fixed when the circumstances surrounding their
application change. Problems arise when this is forgotten. For
instance, if one imagines that in order to be credited with meaning
something by a sign, one must have relevant justificatory abilities,
then in the cases where no obvious examples of this occur in the
normal way through language use, one might be tempted to
describe these as cases where something like language use is going
on prelinguistically none the less. If one imagines that to be credit-
ed with thinking, one must have the kinds of abilities that are
evinced when one deliberates consciously, then one might be tempt-
ed to describe cases in which thinking seems to occur (without
deliberation) as cases of unconscious or tacit deliberation. I have
suggested in part IV that in many cases involving the attribution of
tacit knowledge it will be sufficient to describe the achievement as
one that accords with a rule. It might not be necessary in some of
these cases to suppose that the rule is internalized, conceptualized,
and followed by the one whose behaviour conforms to it. I have
argued in parts II and III that for certain abilities—those that are
presupposed by the kind of explanation on offer—the supposition is
not even coherent. Arguments like this ought to give some support
to the view that epistemic or rational norms are part of the
University of Kent at Canterbury
I have read versions of this paper for the philosophy societies at
King’s College, London; Trinity College, Dublin; University of Bristol;
University of Kent; and University of Sussex. The first half was
presented at the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology in
Barcelona and the University of Hertfordshire. I received many valuable
comments on these occasions. In particular I would like to thank Helene
Buerger, John Flower, Simon Glendinning, David Pears, Tony Skillen,
Helen Steward, Crispin Wright, and the Editor of this journal for their
comments. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude for the research
leave granted to me by AHRB, during which I completed the final version
of this paper.