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1995, AIP Conference Proceedings
6 pages
1 file
We outline the pinch technique for constructing gauge invariant Green's functions in gauge theories and derive the Ward identities that must be satisfied by the gauge invariant three boson vertices of the standard model. They are generalizations of their tree level Ward identities and are shown to be crucial for the delicate gauge cancellations of the S-matrix. 1
Physical Review D, 1995
In the context of the Standard Model we extend the S{matrix pinch technique for non{conserved currents to the case of three boson vertices. We outline in detail how e ective gauge invariant three boson vertices can be constructed, with all three incoming momenta o {shell. Explicit closed expressions for the vertices W W + , ZW W + , and W W + are reported. The three boson vertices so constructed satisfy naive QED{like Ward identities which relate them to the gauge invariant gauge boson self{energies previously constructed by the same method. The derivation of the aforementioned Ward identities relies on the sole requirement of complete gauge invariance of the S{matrix element considered; in particular, no knowledge of the explicit closed form of the three boson vertices involved is necessary. The validity of one of these Ward identities is demonstrated explicitly, through a detailed diagrammatic one-loop analysis, in the context of three di erent gauges.
Zeitschrift f�r Physik C Particles and Fields, 1985
By explicit calculation of radiative corrections to the self-energy and the three-vertex at one-loop level for Yang-Mills theories in the lightcone gauge, it is demonstrated that analytically regulated Feynman integrals defined by the principal value prescription satisfy the one, two, and three-point Ward identities. However, both the calculated selfenergy and three-vertex have anomalous, unrenormalizable infinite parts, thus confirming the belief, based on previous calculations of only the self-energy, that the principal value prescription is seriously flawed in the light-cone gauge. Recently [1] it has been shown that Feynman integrals in the light-cone gauge [2], defined by the constraint* n.A, = 0, where A] are the gauge fields and n, is an arbitrary vector satisfying n z = 0 can be regulated by analytic continuation. The result for a class of Feynman integrals needed to compute general two-point functions
Lettere Al Nuovo Cimento, 1973
In the ftumtional approach to field theories (t) generating functionals are used. There are three types in common use, which arc frequently denoted by Z[J], W[J] and F [J], where J is a c-number source. These arc functionals which generate connected as well as disconnected Grccn's functions, just c01meeted Green's functions and connected one-particle irreducible Green's functions, rcspcctively. Ward-Tak~hashi-Slavnov (WTS) identities (-") h:~ve until recently only been formulated for Z [J] and W[J]. WTS idcntities play a crucial role in the proof of renormalizability of massive gauge theories; herc massive theorics means theories that employ the Higgs-Kibblc mcchanism (3). In the renormaliz~tion programme it is one-particle irreducible vertices that we have to deal with and so it is desirable that WTS identities be expressed in terms of F[JJ. L~:F, (4) has formulated WTS identities recently in terms of F [J] for non-Abelian gauge theori~s. In this note we would lik~ to extend his results to the m()st g,u~cral gauge cortdition. Apart ft'om the d()siro,bility of compieteILess of the treatment of WTS identities the ease, when the gauge~ coi~diti~)n hivo~ves expressions quadratic in the fictds occurs often. Even in quantum electrodynamics the gauge in which A"A, is a constant has been used by DIRAC and ]!'Ir and fro]~, a more specific point of view these gaugcs may bc particularly useful (.5) in studying the effect of Fadd~ev-Popov (") ghosts in theories in which fliggs-Kibble scalpers at'e generated dynamically. We shall adopt a notat~ion very similar to that in (a). The method of quantization will be that of FADD~,eV and Poeov (s). W~ will denote the set of all fields in the theory (e. 9. g~uge fields as well as fermion and IIiggs-Kibble (a) scalar fields). W~ will trans-
We use the S-matrix pinch technique to derive to one loop-order gauge independent γ W^+ W^- and Z W^+ W^- vertices in the context of the Standard Model,with all three incoming momenta off-shell. We show that the γ W^+ W^- vertex so constructed is related to the gauge-independent W self-energy,derived by Degrassi and Sirlin,by a very simple QED-like Ward identity.The same results are obtained by the pinch technique applied directly to the process e^+e^-→ W^+W^-. Explicit calculations give rise to expressions for the static properties of the W gauge bosons like magnetic dipole and electric quadruple moments which being gauge independent satisfy such crucial properties as infrared finiteness and perturbative unitarity.
Starting from the effective action of high energy QCD we derive Ward identities for Green's functions of reggeized gluons. They follow from the gauge invariance of the effective action, and allow to derive new representations of amplitudes containing physical particles as well as reggeized gluons. We explicitly demonstrate their validity for the BFKL kernel, and we present a new derivation of the kernel.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011
We construct a general Ansatz for the three-particle vertex describing the interaction of one background and two quantum gluons, by simultaneously solving the Ward and Slavnov-Taylor identities it satisfies. This vertex is known to be essential for the gauge-invariant truncation of the Schwinger-Dyson equations of QCD, based on the pinch technique and the background field method. A key step in this construction is the formal derivation of a set of crucial constraints (shown to be valid to all orders), relating the various form factors of the ghost Green's functions appearing in the aforementioned Slavnov-Taylor identity. When inserted into the Schwinger-Dyson equation for the gluon propagator, this vertex gives rise to a number of highly non-trivial cancellations, which are absolutely indispensable for the self-consistency of the entire approach.
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2001
In this talk the gauge symmetry for Wilsonian flows in pure Yang-Mills theories is discussed. The background field formalism is used for the construction of a gauge invariant effective action. The symmetries of the effective action under gauge transformations for both the gauge field and the auxiliary background field are separately evaluated. Modified Ward-Takahashi and background field identities are used in my study. Finally it is shown how the symmetry properties of the full theory are restored in the limit where the cut-off is removed.
Physical Review D, 2017
We introduce a new local symmetry into the fermion sector of a gauge invariant Lagrangian which may or may not contain a scalar or spontaneous symmetry breaking. The Standard Model in the unitary gauge and QCD are particular cases where this symmetry may apply. We determine the associated vector and axial vector currents and their conservation laws. We show that a single current conservation law may lead to multiple Ward-Takahashi identities. Our results can potentially have important consequences for effective models of low-energy QCD and hadron structure. As an specific example, we discuss the construction of tetraquark states within a generalized linear sigma model and show that this new symmetry probes the tetraquarks in a manner that is consistent with the large Nc limit of QCD.
Abstract: Today, the design analysis is becoming more and more important due to its new use. Safety and ergonomic comfort in automobiles has increasingly become important. The textile product can be used for this purpose in the form of various safety airbag devices. These textile products could be made of different fibers such as polyester, nylon, pvc, acrylic, viscose/cotton and applied to airbags by nanotechnology. Therefore, the paper will consider the new emerging field called automotive textile and its application onto airbags. Keywords: Ergonomic, Automotive Textile, Smart Airbags, Functional Textiles, Design, Nanotechnology ANALIZA DIZAJNA FUNKCIONALNIH TEKSTILA ZA PAMETNE ERBEGOVE IZRAĐENE POSREDSTVOM NANOTEHNOLOGIJE U AUTOMOBILSKOJ INDUSTRIJI Apstrakt: Danas, analiza dizajna postaje sve značajnija zbog svojih novih dodatnih vrednosti. Bezbednost i ergonomski zahtevi u automobilima su sve značajni. Tekstilni poizvodi se mogu upotrebiti u ovu svrhu primenom na različitim bezbedonosnim propratnim delovima erbega. Ovi tekstilni proizvodi mogu biti izrađeni od različitih vlakana kao što je poliester, najlon, pvc, akril, viskoza/pamuk i posredstvom nanotehnologije primeniti na erbegovima. Stoga, rad će razmatrati novo polje, tkanine za automobile, i njihovu primenu na erbegove. Ključne reči: ergonomski, tkanine za automobile, pametni erbeg, funkcionalni materijali, dizajn, nanotehnologija
Aula de Lletres Valencianes. Revista Valenciana de Filologia, 5, . 143-248, ISSN: 2253-7694., 2015
El treball mostra que els dubtes que tenen les persones formades en l'ús de les formes un i u provenen de dos fets, u lingüístic (les variacions que hi han en la llengua viva) i l'altre extralingüístic (haver regulat les formes un i u d'una manera difuminada i poc coherent amb les estructures de la llengua). L'anàlisi (que es limita a obres de Fabra) indica quins són els conceptes que cal caracteritzar per a interpretar l'objecte d'estudi (modificadors quantitatius, qualificatius, qualificatius locatius, classificació dels quantitatius, pronom, article) i descriu quina estructura hi ha (que és fonètica i sintàctica, {plen > ple}, {bon dia / dia bo, el més bo}). Forma part de l'objecte d'estudi explicar per quin motiu s'han perdut les formes ordinals clàssiques (set taules / taula setena > taula set). El conjunt del treball també és una introducció a l'estructuració de les gramàtiques de Fabra i una aportació per a estudiar la seua actuació com a lingüiste.
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