The ward identities of the gauge invariant three boson vertices

1995, AIP Conference Proceedings

We outline the pinch technique for constructing gauge invariant Green's functions in gauge theories and derive the Ward identities that must be satisfied by the gauge invariant three boson vertices of the standard model. They are generalizations of their tree level Ward identities and are shown to be crucial for the delicate gauge cancellations of the S-matrix. 1

The Ward Identities of the Gauge Invariant Three Boson Vertices Kostas Philippides arXiv:hep-ph/9504383v1 24 Apr 1995 New York University, New York, New York 10003 We outline the pinch technique for constructing gauge invariant Green’s functions in gauge theories and derive the Ward identities that must be satisfied by the gauge invariant three boson vertices of the standard model. They are generalizations of their tree level Ward identities and are shown to be crucial for the delicate gauge cancellations of the S-matrix . 1 THE PINCH TECHNIQUE As is well known, the off-shell Green’s functions of non Abelian gauge theories are in general gauge dependent as a result of the quantization procedure. For example in the t’Hooft covariant class of gauges Rξ , the presence of the gauge fixing term and the Fadeev–Popov ghost term give rise to gauge boson, ghost, and unphysical scalar propagators that depend explicitly on the unphysical gauge parameters ξi , i = g, γ, Z, W . The gauge boson propagators are given by ∆µν i (q, ξi ) = qµqν 1 µν [g − (1 − ξ ) ] , i q 2 − Mi2 q 2 − ξi Mi2 (1) and the Green’s functions of the theory are infected by the unphysical ξi parameters through the bosonic quantum loop corrections. Although gauge invariance has been lost upon quantization, the effective quantum action still exhibits residual symmetries that lead to Ward identities (WI) between the gauge dependent Green’s functions . In particular the BRST symmetry gives rise to complicated Slavnov-Taylor (ST) identities that make explicit reference to the gauge parameters and involve the ghosts’ Green’s functions while the background field gauge symmetry preserves the tree level WI but only for the background Green’s functions . In spite of the fact that the Green’s functions of the theory are gauge dependent , the S-matrix is gauge independent (g.i.) order by order in perturbation theory, as a result of a subtle gauge cancellation between self–energy, vertex, and box graphs. Nevertheless the gauge dependence of the Green’s 1 To appear in the proceedings of the International Symposium on Vector Boson Self Interactions, Feb. 1-3, 1995 UCLA. c 1993 American Institute of Physics 1 2 functions is considered as an unhappy state of affairs for at least two reasons: i) In non–perturbative studies the infinite set of the SD equations is built out of the gauge dependent Green’s functions; when casually truncated residual gauge dependences infest ostensibly g.i. quantities giving rise to meaningless approximations. ii) In perturbative studies form factors extracted from the usual vertices are gauge dependent, and thus void of any physical meaning, which makes the generalization of the familiar classical moments problematic at the quantum level. The pinch technique, originally proposed by Cornwall (1), (2), has successfully addressed these issues. It exploits all the healthy properties of the Smatrix and allows the construction of modified g.i. n-point functions, through the order by order rearrangement of Feynman graphs, contributing to a certain physical and therefore g.i. amplitude. The Green’s functions constructed via the PT satisfy the following properties: i) They are gauge parameter independent and ii) gauge fixing procedure independent as has been shown by explicit calculations in a wide variety of gauges (Rξ , Unitary, Axial, RξQ ) (2), (3), (4), (5). ii) They are process independent (6) iii) Running couplings defined directly from the PT self energies b obey the RG equations (2), (3), and the form factors extracted from the Π, b are well behaved (8), (9) iv) Finally they satisfy naive QED-like PT vertices Γ, WI which are just their respective tree level classical WI (7), (8), (9), (10), (11). Although in principle the PT can be applied to any order, so far explicit results have been obtained only up to one loop. THE WARD IDENTITIES After the PT rearrangement has been completed, the amplitude we consider has been reorganized into individually g.i. loop structures (Green’s functions) connected by gauge dependent tree level propagators. In other words, the PT algorithm only cancels all gauge dependences originating from the treelevel propagators appearing inside the loops, but a residual gauge dependence, stemming from boson propagators outside of loops, survives at the end of the pinching process. When the external currents are conserved any residual gauge dependence will automatically cancel in the Rξ gauges. However this is not the case in the axial gauges and when the currents are not conserved this remaining gauge dependence will persist even in the Rξ gauges. The cancellation of this remaining gauge dependence from the S-matrix becomes possible due to a set of WI satisfied by the g.i. Green’s functions . One can actually derive these WI without any detailed knowledge of the algorithm which gives rise to the g.i. Green’s functions. All one needs to assume is that such an algorithm exists (in our case the PT algorithm), and demand the complete gauge independence of the S-matrix . So, once the g.i. Green’s func- 3 tions have been constructed, one should examine whether or not they actually satisfy the required WI, as a self-consistency check. It is instructive to illustrate the derivation of the WI for the simple case of the g.i. W propagator. We consider the one-loop S-matrix element of the charged current process e− + νe → νe + e− and apply the PT rules in the context of the Rξ gauges. After the application of the PT, the part of the Smatrix Tb1 (q 2 ), which only depends on the momentum transfer q 2 , will consist of four amplitudes each one corresponding to the relevant g.i. 2-point function of the W and its associated unphysical scalar φ. We use the current relation µ β α qµ JW ± = iMW Jφ± in order to pull out a common factor qα JW + qβ JW − from all these amplitudes and then employ the standard identity µν ∆µν W (q, ξW ) = UW (q) − qµqν 2 ∆φ (q, ξW ) , MW (2) in order to isolate all remaining gauge dependences into scalar propagators of the φ, which is given by ∆φ (q, ξW ) = −1 2 . q 2 − ξW MW (3) µν UW (q) is the g.i. propagator of the W at tree level, namely the propagator in the unitary gauge. After this last step one observes that the remaining gauge dependences will arise from terms containing either one or two ∆φ . The requirement that T̂1 (q 2 ) is ξW -independent, gives rise to two independent equations; the first enforces the cancellation of the terms with only one ∆φ factor, whereas the second enforces the cancellation of the terms with a ∆φ ∆φ factor. It then follows that W ± ± φ b (q) = 0 b (q) ∓ iMW Π qµΠ ν µν b (q) = 0 b µ (q) ± iMW Π qµ Π W φ b (q) − M 2 Π b (q) = 0 qµ qν Π µν W (4) (5) (6) Along the same line of reasoning similar WI can be obtained for the Z and χ self energies. For the photon and the gluon, the relevant WI are obtained by repeating the above arguments in an axial gauge. We now turn to our main objective, namely the derivation of the WI for the g.i three boson vertices (TBV). In order to construct a g.i. n-point function in the context of the S-matrix PT one has to employ an n → n procces. We choose to use fermions as external test particles and the process e− (n) + ν(ℓ) + e− (r) → e− (n̂) + e− (ℓ̂) + ν(r̂) where q = n − n̂ , p1 = ℓ − ℓ̂ , p2 = r − r̂ , are the momentum transfers at the corresponding fermion 4 lines; they represent the incoming momenta of each of the bosons, merging in the TBV. Following the PT prescription we identify the pinch parts and allot them to the relevant graphs ending up with g.i. “blobs” (Green’s functions ) connected by gauge dependent tree level bosonic propagators. Concentrating on the amplitudes from which an overall factor containing the three external fermionic currents can be pulled out, we use the identity of Eq.(2) and its Z, χ analogue to isolate all remaining gauge dependences in the form of propagators of the unphysical scalars. In this case there are many gauge dependent terms displaying characteristic structures that depend on the kind and number of scalar propagators they contain, and the momenta carried by these propagators. Clearly if two such terms differ in any of the above three aspects they are linearly independent and the cofactor in front of them must vanish individually. We are thus led to a number of conditions, which enforce the remaining gauge cancellations and give rise to a tower of WI satisfied by the three boson vertices and relating them to the boson self-energies. In particular the final cancellation of the ∆χ (q, ξZ ) terms leads to ZW − W + b qµ Γ µαβ b χW + iMZ Γ αβ − W+ h W i b (p1 ) − Π b W (p2 ) , = gc Π αβ αβ (7) while the cancellation of the ∆φ (p1 , ξW ) and ∆φ (p2 , ξW ) requires respectively   − + W V V φ− W + gV ′ b V V ′ α bV W W b b b (q) , (8) Π = gV Πµβ (p2 ) − Πµβ (q) − + iMW Γµβ p1 Γµαβ gV µβ V W −W + b pβ2 Γ µαβ V W − φ+ b + iMW Γ µα   ′ b V (q) + gV ′ Π b W (p1 ) , (9) b V V (q) − Π = gV Π µα µα gV µα where V = γ, Z, gγ = gs, gZ = gc, and s2 = 1 − c2 is an abbreviation for γW − W + b µαβ vertex we have to sin2 θW . To derive the analogue of Eq.(7) for the Γ work in an axial gauge, in which case we obtain h W i γW − W + b µαβ b αβ (p1 ) − Π bW = gs Π qµ Γ (p ) . (10) 2 αβ Finally WI where the g.i. TBV are contracted with two or three momenta can be easily derived, by demanding the cancellation of gauge dependences stemming from the terms with more than one unphysical scalar propagators e.g. ∆χ (q, ξZ )∆φ (p1 , ξW ) etc. . All of the above WI for the PT Green’s functions have been explicitly proven up to one loop order, for some cases in more than one gauge. We emphasize that they constitute an extension, to higher orders, of the tree level WI stemming from the classical gauge invariance, and in this respect they are QED-like. These same WI also allow a consistent g.i. truncation procedure for the SD equations of the theory. In contrast to the ST identities, they are simple, manifestly g.i. and make no reference to ghost Green’s functions . 5 Since they are just the tree level WI, they coincide with the WI satisfied by the background Green’s functions of the background field method (BFM) but contrary to the latter they are not restricted to background Green’s functions only, they relate g.i. quantities and can be obtained within any gauge fixing procedure. The derivation of the WI presented above, displays in a very transparent way the mechanism responsible for the gauge cancellations of the S-matrix. The amplitudes of an S-matrix reorganize themselves through pinching; this suffices to cancel all gauge dependences inside loops and makes possible the definition of g.i. Green’s functions . The Green’s functions thus constructed satisfy their tree level WI, which enforce the elimination of all remaining gauge dependences that were initially present outside of the loops. This implies that, the gauge dependences originating inside the loops cancel independently from the ones residing outside of loops, which points towards an interesting property of the S-matrix already known to hold true in QED. Namely, one could freely choose two different ξ-parameters ξl and ξt , to gauge fix the bosonic propagators that appear inside and outside of the loops respectively. Although this dual choice of gauges seems quite arbitrary and lacks any field theoretical justification at a formal level, the WI guarantee that the S-matrix will still be gauge invariant and independent of both ξt and ξl . In closing, we point out that the WI of Eqs.(7,10) can find immediate application, in incorporating, the full one loop W -width effects in the tree level cross sections of processes involving the production or decay of on-shell W s, in a way consistent with gauge invariance. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank J. M. Cornwall, and J. Papavassiliou for useful discussions, and E. Karagiannis for his kind hospitality during my visit in Los Angeles. REFERENCES 1. J. M. Cornwall, in Proceedings of the 1981 French-American Seminar on Theoretical Aspects of Quantum Chromodynamics, Marseille, France, 1981, edited by J. W. Dash (Centre de Physique Théorique, Marseille, 1982). 2. J. M. Cornwall, Phys. Rev. D 26 (1982) 1453. 3. G. Degrassi and A. Sirlin , Phys. Rev. D 46 (1992) 3104 4. J. Papavassiliou and A. Sirlin, Phys. Rev. D 50,5951 (1994). 5. J. Papavassiliou, Phys. Rev. D 51 (1995) 856. 6. N. Jay Watson, CPT-94-P-3133, hep-ph/9412319. 7. J. M. Cornwall and J. Papavassiliou , Phys. Rev. D 40 (1989) 3474. 8. J. Papavassiliou, Phys. Rev. D 41 (1990) 3179. 9. J. Papavassiliou and K. Philippides, Phys. Rev. D 48 (1993) 4255. 10. J. Papavassiliou, Phys. Rev. D 50 (1994) 5958. 6 11. J. Papavassiliou and K. Philippides, NYU-TH-95/03/03, hep-ph/9503377.