Papers by Mostafa Alkerdawy
European Management Review
Green human resource management (GHRM) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) have recently ga... more Green human resource management (GHRM) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) have recently gained more attention in the business world. This study aims to investigate the role of corporate support for employee volunteering (CSEV) in strengthening the impact of GHRM on adopting CSR practices of the best 30 firms registered in EGX100 at the Egyptian stock exchange and engaged with CSR activities. Therefore, a conceptual framework was proposed to list theoretical concepts of GHRM, CSEV and CSR to form hypotheses. Data were collected from 326 respondents occupying the highest managerial positions in the studied firms. Using a structural equation model (SEM), the results indicate that both GHRM and CSEV influence positively on adopting CSR activities. Furthermore, CSEV plays a positive moderating role in strengthening the impact of GHRM on adopting CSR in the studied firms. These findings and their managerial implications were discussed in theory and practice.
International Journal of Business and Management
International Journal of Customer Relationship Marketing and Management, 2011
Little literature and research exists on the impact of Green Managerial Practices (GMP’S) on comp... more Little literature and research exists on the impact of Green Managerial Practices (GMP’S) on competitive advantages (CA). This study fills this research gap and is conducted on a sample of 450 workers in 10 fertilizer companies in Egypt. The study identifies the moderating role of environmental innovation strategy (EIS) in reinforcing the impact of green managerial practices on competitive advantages. The empirical results show that three types of green managerial practices – green planning, green managerial concerns, and green entrepreneurship – have positive effects on competitive advantages, which increases in the presence of environmental innovation strategy. Companies that invest resources and efforts in green managerial practices can meet the strict environmental regulations in Egypt and popular environmental consciousness of consumers, as well as obtain corporate competitive advantages. Managerial implications and areas for further research are also discussed.
European Journal of Business and Management, 2015
Many organizations have recognized the significance of having good relationship with their employ... more Many organizations have recognized the significance of having good relationship with their employees, because they believe that service quality is greatly affected by frontline service employees. Therefore, this study aims to identify the role of employee relationship management (ERM) in developing staff word-of-mouth (SWOM) amongst seconded academic staff at Saudi universities through mediating employee dissent (ED). A survey questionnaire was prepared and distributed with a sample of 327-seconded academic staff in 10 Saudi universities. The results point to partial support was found for the mediating effect of ED between ERM and SWOM. Therefore, ERM increasingly contributed in developing SWOM in the existence of articulated dissent. Meanwhile, this contribution decreases in the existence of both latent and displaced dissent. Even more surprisingly, the results showed that although ED is a relatively new concept, but it plays negatively and pivotally partial mediating role in the r...
المجلة العربية للعلوم الإدارية, 2015
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى قياس أثر نرجسية المديرين على مستوى تبني المرؤوسين للسلوكيات المعوِقة للإنتاج... more هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى قياس أثر نرجسية المديرين على مستوى تبني المرؤوسين للسلوكيات المعوِقة للإنتاج؛ مع التركيز على دور بعض المتغيرات الوسيطة- التداخلية والتفاعلية- في تلك العلاقة. اعتمدت الدراسة على أسلوب الحصر الشامل للمديرين؛ وكذا على عينة قوامها 450 مفردة من مرؤوسيهم بقسم المستشفيات بجامعة المنصورة. وقد كشفت النتائج عن ارتفاع مستوى نرجسية المديرين؛ مما كان له تأثيراً معنوياً في ارتفاع مستوى تبني مرؤوسيهم للسلوكيات المعوِقة للإنتاج؛ وسواء كانت تلك السلوكيات تستهدف الإضرار بجهة العمل أو العاملين. كما لعب مستوى شعور المرؤوسين بالنبذ دور الوساطة التداخلية الكاملة في تلك العلاقة؛ بمعنى أن ارتفاع مستوى شعور المرؤوسين بأنهم منبوذين داخل بيئة العمل يسهم في زيادة التأثير السلبي لمستوى نرجسية المديرين على تبني مرؤوسيهم للسلوكيات المعوِقة للإنتاج، وفي الوقت نفسه كان لمستوى التوجه المستقبلي المرتفع لدى المرؤوسين دوراً في التقليل من مشاعرهم بالنبذ بسبب ارتفاع مستوى نرجسية المديرين. كما تسبب ارتفاع مستوى عُصابية المرؤوسين في زيادة التأثير السلبي لشعورهم بالنبذ على مستوى تبنيهم للسلوكيات المعوِقة للإنتاج. وقد أُقترحت مجموعة من التوصيات والتوجهات البحثية المستقبلية في ضوء ما أسفرت عنه الدراسة من نتائج.
The impact of Managers' Narcissism on Counterproductive Work Behaviors of their Subordinates: Examining the role of Mediating and Moderating Variables
This study seeks to examine the impact of managers’ narcissism on their subordinates’ counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs). The study specifically focuses on mediating and moderating variables. Study depends on complete census for managers and random sample from 450 employees in hospital section of Mansoura University. Results revealed to high level of managers’ narcissism; this level of narcissism has positive and significant impact on subordinates’ CWBs (i.e. CWB-O and CWB-I). Workplace ostracism (WO) played a fully mediating role in the relationship between narcissism and CWBs. Moreover, consideration of future concerns (CFC) played a moderating role in decreasing the negative impact of narcissism on WO. At the same time, high neuroticism of subordinates has a moderating role in increasing the negative impact of WO on CWB. The implications of these findings and limitations of the study, and directions for future research are discussed.
المجلة العربية للعلوم الإدارية, 2014
أُجريت الدراسة على عينتين من أعضاء هيئة التدريس المصريين العاملين بالجامعات الحكومية في مصر والمم... more أُجريت الدراسة على عينتين من أعضاء هيئة التدريس المصريين العاملين بالجامعات الحكومية في مصر والمملكة العربية السعودية؛ الأولى قوامها 384 مفردة من القائمين على رأس العمل؛ والثانية قوامها 250 مفردة من المُعَارين بالجامعات السعودية، وقد بلغت نسبة الردود الصحيحة (%77.08) بالنسبة للعينة الأولى؛ و(%70.40) للعينة الثانية. واستهدفت الدراسة قياس أثر عوامل الجذب والطرد للمُعَارين المصريين من أساتذة الجامعات على تنمية رأس المال الفكري بالجامعات المصرية؛ وباستخدام نموذج المعادلة البنائية في تحليل العلاقة بين متغيرات الدراسة اتضح أن عوامل الطرد من الجامعات المصرية كانت أكثر تأثيراً في هجرة الكفاءات العلمية مقارنة بعوامل الجذب من الجامعات السعودية؛ وأن رأس المال المتجدد كان من أكثر أنواع رأس المال الفكري تأثراً بهجرة الكفاءات العلمية للخارج. كما أثبتت نتائج التحليل الإحصائي وجود علاقات تأثير تبادلية بين الأنواع المختلفة من رأس المال الفكري؛ وأن رأس المال المتجدد يؤثر في باقي أنواع رأس المال الفكري؛ وأن رأس المال البشرى يؤثر في كلِ من رأس المال الهيكلي والعلاقاتي؛ وأخيراً يؤثر رأس المال الهيكلي في رأس المال العلاقاتى. كما أوضحت نتائج الدراسة اختلاف درجة تأثير هجرة الكفاءات العلمية على تنمية رأس المال الفكري باختلاف طبيعة الدراسة بكليات الجامعة؛ حيث اتضح أن الكليات العملية أكثر تأثراً بتلك الظاهرة من الكليات النظرية، كما اختلفت درجة تأثير هجرة الكفاءات العلمية باختلاف حالة عضو هيئة التدريس؛ حيث اتضح أن أعضاء هيئة التدريس ممن هم على رأس العمل بالجامعات المصرية يرون أن هجرة الكفاءات تؤثر بالسالب على تنمية رأس المال الفكري؛ في الوقت الذي يرى فيه أعضاء هيئة التدريس المعارون أن هجرة الكفاءات العلمية أقل تأثيراً بالسالب على تنمية رأس المال الفكري ويعتقدون أنها قد تؤثر بالإيجاب على تنمية رأس المال الفكري. وفى ضوء نتائج الدراسة اقترح الباحث مجموعة من التوصيات ووضع آليات لضمان تنفيذها.
"The impact of Pull and Push factors of Brain Drain on the development of Intellectual Capital in Egyptian universities"
This study was conducted on two samples of Egyptian faculty members in public universities in Egypt and kingdom of Saudi Arabia; First sample consists of 384 who were on- the- job members; but the second 250 who were loaned to Saudi universities. The percentage of correct responses for the two samples were (77.08%) and (70.40%) respectively. The study aimed at measuring the impact of pull and push factors of professors loaned on development of intellectual capital in Egyptian' public universities using Structural Equation Model (SEM) to analyze the relationships between the variables of the study. Results showed that push factors from Egyptian universities were more influential in brain drain comparison pull factors of Saudi Universities; and renewal capital was the most common types of intellectual capital affected by brain drain. As demonstrated by the results of statistical analysis, there were interrelationships' effect between different types of intellectual capital. Additionally, renewal capital influences positively on other types of intellectual capital; and human capital influences on both the structural capital and relational capital. Finally, structural capital influences positively on relational capital.
The results also showed a difference in the impact of brain drain on the development of intellectual capital according to the nature of the study in colleges; where the practical colleges are influenced negatively more than theoretical ones, and the level of impact also differed depending on status quo of faculty member; where faculty members who are on- the- job at Egyptian universities believe that the brain drain influences negatively on the development of intellectual capital in Egyptian universities; unlike loaned faculty members believe that brain drain was less negatively impact on the development of intellectual capital and they believe that it may positively influences on the development of intellectual capital. Researcher suggested a set of recommendations and developed mechanisms to ensure its implementation.
دورية الإدارة العامة, 2013
استهدف هذا البحث قياس الدور الوسيط الذي يلعبه الانطمار الوظيفي في العلاقة التي تربط مستو... more استهدف هذا البحث قياس الدور الوسيط الذي يلعبه الانطمار الوظيفي في العلاقة التي تربط مستوى رأس المال النفسي للعاملين بمستوى شعورهم بالاحتقان التنظيمي؛ وذلك من خلال التطبيق على عينة قوامها (384) مفردة من العاملين بالقطاع الحكومي في محافظة الدقهلية زيدت إلى (550) مفردة بهدف زيادة نسبة الاستجابة والتي بلغت (95,60%) بعد الإضافة لإجمالي العينة. وباستخدام نموذج المعادلة البنائية (SEM) في قياس الأثار المباشرة وغير المباشرة لرأس المال النفسي للعاملين على مستوى شعورهم بالاحتقان التنظيمي؛ اتضح أن مستوى الانطمار الوظيفي للعاملين يلعب دور الوساطة الجزئية التداخلية Partially Mediated في علاقة رأس المال النفسي بمستوى شعور العاملين بالاحتقان التنظيمي؛ وأن وجود الانطمار الوظيفي في تلك العلاقة يلطف من التأثير السلبى لمشاعر الاحتقان التنظيمي لدى العاملين؛ حيث يزداد دور رأس المال النفسي في التقليل من مشاعرهم الاحتقانية في ظل وجود الانطمار الوظيفي عنه في ظل غيابه. كما أشارت النتائج إلى وجود علاقة تأثير إيجابية لرأس المال النفسي للعاملين على مستوى الانطمار الوظيفي لهم؛ وكذا وجود علاقة تأثير سلبية مباشرة بين الانطمار الوظيفي للعاملين ومستوى شعورهم بالاحتقان التنظيمي. وفى ضوء ما أسفر عنه البحث من نتائج؛ اقترح الباحث مجموعة من التوصيات التي يمكن أن تسهم في تنمية رأس المال النفسي لدى العاملين؛ وفى نفس الوقت تزيد من مستوى انطمارهم الوظيفي؛ وبما يقلل في النهاية من مستوى شعورهم بالاحتقان التنظيمي.
European Journal of Business and Management, 2015
Many organizations have recognized the significance of having good relationship with their employ... more Many organizations have recognized the significance of having good relationship with their employees, because they believe that service quality is greatly affected by frontline service employees. Therefore, this study aims to identify the role of employee relationship management (ERM) in developing staff word-of-mouth (SWOM) amongst seconded academic staff at Saudi universities through mediating employee dissent (ED). A survey questionnaire was prepared and distributed with a sample of 327-seconded academic staff in 10 Saudi universities. The results point to partial support was found for the mediating effect of ED between ERM and SWOM. Therefore, ERM increasingly contributed in developing SWOM in the existence of articulated dissent. Meanwhile, this contribution decreases in the existence of both latent and displaced dissent. Even more surprisingly, the results showed that although ED is a relatively new concept, but it plays negatively and pivotally partial mediating role in the relationship between ERM and SWOM. These results suggested that managers within Saudi universities urgently need strategies to create an ambiance in which academic staff can feel a sense of voice to diminish negative ED and promote positive SWOM as an effective recruitment strategy. In the light of results, the study discussed number of theoretical and managerial implications.
International Business Research, 2016
This study investigates the moderating role of electronic human resource management (e-HRM) in th... more This study investigates the moderating role of electronic human resource management (e-HRM) in the relationship between human resource management ambidexterity (HRMA) and talent management (TM) using data collected from 430 managers working in 10 international banks in Egypt. e-HRM was found to be an important moderator of the relationship between HRMA and TM. The more dependence on e-HRM in executing human resource policies in banks, the greater influence of HRMA on TM. The results referred also a positive and significant influence of both HRMA and e-HRM on TM. This study concludes by discussing managerial implications and the limitations should be addressed in future research.
استهدفت الدراسة الحالية قياس أثر الذكاء الوجدانى للمديرين على مستوى الشعور بالاغتراب الوظيفى لدى ... more استهدفت الدراسة الحالية قياس أثر الذكاء الوجدانى للمديرين على مستوى الشعور بالاغتراب الوظيفى لدى المرؤوسين داخل محيط العمل ، من خلال التطبيق على عينة قوامها 384 مفردة من المديرين بمديريات الخدمات بمحافظة الدقهلية وكذا عينة قوامها 384 مفردة من العاملين تحت رئاسة هؤلاء المديرين بنفس المديريات .
وقد توصلت الدراسة إلى العديد من النتائج أهمها وجود بعض المتغيرات الشخصية التى تتوسط علاقة الذكاء الوجدانى بمستوى الاغتراب الوظيفى وكان من أهم تلك المتغيرات النوع وعدد سنوات الخبرة ، كما توصلت الدراسة إلى اختلاف مستويات الشعور بالاغتراب الوظيفى بدرجته الكلية وأبعاده الفرعية باختلاف مستويات الذكاء الوجدانى لدى المديرين . وأضافت الدراسة إلى إمكانية التنبؤ بمستويات الاغتراب الوظيفى لدى العاملين بدلالة مستوى الذكاء الوجدانى لدى المديرين .
وأخيراً توصلت الدراسة إلى إمكانية صياغة نموذج عام يوضح التأثيرات المتبادلة بين أبعاد الذكاء الوجدانى للمديرين من ناحية وتأثيراتها المباشرة وغير المباشرة على الأبعاد الفرعية للاغتراب الوظيفى لدى العاملين من ناحية أخرى .
International Journal of Business and Management, 2014
Organizational citizenship behavior is a key aspect of employees' discretionary behavior, and is ... more Organizational citizenship behavior is a key aspect of employees' discretionary behavior, and is very crucial in bank activities. This study aims to examine the impact of perceived organizational support (POS) on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) through mediating duty orientation (DO). Survey data from 403 employees in public banks indicated that DO play partial mediating role in the relationship between POS and OCB. Moreover, POS has positive and significant influence on both DO and OCB; DO also has positively influenced on OCB. In the light of findings, the study discussed number of theoretical and managerial implications.
International Journal of Customer Relationship Marketing and Management, 2013
Little literature and research exists on the impact of Green Managerial Practices (GMP’S) on comp... more Little literature and research exists on the impact of Green Managerial Practices (GMP’S) on competitive advantages (CA). This study fills this research gap and is conducted on a sample of 450 workers in 10
fertilizer companies in Egypt. The study identifies the moderating role of environmental innovation strategy
(EIS) in reinforcing the impact of green managerial practices on competitive advantages. The empirical
results show that three types of green managerial practices – green planning, green managerial concerns,
and green entrepreneurship – have positive effects on competitive advantages, which increases in the presence of environmental innovation strategy. Companies that invest resources and efforts in green managerial
practices can meet the strict environmental regulations in Egypt and popular environmental consciousness
of consumers, as well as obtain corporate competitive advantages. Managerial implications and areas for
further research are also discussed.
European Management Review, 2019
Green human resource management (GHRM) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) have recently ga... more Green human resource management (GHRM) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) have recently gained more attention in the business world. This study aims to investigate the role of corporate support for employee volunteering (CSEV) in strengthening the impact of GHRM on adopting CSR practices of the best 30 firms registered in EGX100 at the Egyptian stock exchange and engaged with CSR activities. Therefore, a conceptual framework was proposed to list theoretical concepts of GHRM, CSEV and CSR to form hypotheses. Data were collected from 326 respondents occupying the highest managerial positions in the studied firms. Using a structural equation model (SEM), the results indicate that both GHRM and CSEV influence positively on adopting CSR activities. Furthermore, CSEV plays a positive moderating role in strengthening the impact of GHRM on adopting CSR in the studied firms. These findings and their managerial implications were discussed in theory and practice.
Papers by Mostafa Alkerdawy
The impact of Managers' Narcissism on Counterproductive Work Behaviors of their Subordinates: Examining the role of Mediating and Moderating Variables
This study seeks to examine the impact of managers’ narcissism on their subordinates’ counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs). The study specifically focuses on mediating and moderating variables. Study depends on complete census for managers and random sample from 450 employees in hospital section of Mansoura University. Results revealed to high level of managers’ narcissism; this level of narcissism has positive and significant impact on subordinates’ CWBs (i.e. CWB-O and CWB-I). Workplace ostracism (WO) played a fully mediating role in the relationship between narcissism and CWBs. Moreover, consideration of future concerns (CFC) played a moderating role in decreasing the negative impact of narcissism on WO. At the same time, high neuroticism of subordinates has a moderating role in increasing the negative impact of WO on CWB. The implications of these findings and limitations of the study, and directions for future research are discussed.
"The impact of Pull and Push factors of Brain Drain on the development of Intellectual Capital in Egyptian universities"
This study was conducted on two samples of Egyptian faculty members in public universities in Egypt and kingdom of Saudi Arabia; First sample consists of 384 who were on- the- job members; but the second 250 who were loaned to Saudi universities. The percentage of correct responses for the two samples were (77.08%) and (70.40%) respectively. The study aimed at measuring the impact of pull and push factors of professors loaned on development of intellectual capital in Egyptian' public universities using Structural Equation Model (SEM) to analyze the relationships between the variables of the study. Results showed that push factors from Egyptian universities were more influential in brain drain comparison pull factors of Saudi Universities; and renewal capital was the most common types of intellectual capital affected by brain drain. As demonstrated by the results of statistical analysis, there were interrelationships' effect between different types of intellectual capital. Additionally, renewal capital influences positively on other types of intellectual capital; and human capital influences on both the structural capital and relational capital. Finally, structural capital influences positively on relational capital.
The results also showed a difference in the impact of brain drain on the development of intellectual capital according to the nature of the study in colleges; where the practical colleges are influenced negatively more than theoretical ones, and the level of impact also differed depending on status quo of faculty member; where faculty members who are on- the- job at Egyptian universities believe that the brain drain influences negatively on the development of intellectual capital in Egyptian universities; unlike loaned faculty members believe that brain drain was less negatively impact on the development of intellectual capital and they believe that it may positively influences on the development of intellectual capital. Researcher suggested a set of recommendations and developed mechanisms to ensure its implementation.
وقد توصلت الدراسة إلى العديد من النتائج أهمها وجود بعض المتغيرات الشخصية التى تتوسط علاقة الذكاء الوجدانى بمستوى الاغتراب الوظيفى وكان من أهم تلك المتغيرات النوع وعدد سنوات الخبرة ، كما توصلت الدراسة إلى اختلاف مستويات الشعور بالاغتراب الوظيفى بدرجته الكلية وأبعاده الفرعية باختلاف مستويات الذكاء الوجدانى لدى المديرين . وأضافت الدراسة إلى إمكانية التنبؤ بمستويات الاغتراب الوظيفى لدى العاملين بدلالة مستوى الذكاء الوجدانى لدى المديرين .
وأخيراً توصلت الدراسة إلى إمكانية صياغة نموذج عام يوضح التأثيرات المتبادلة بين أبعاد الذكاء الوجدانى للمديرين من ناحية وتأثيراتها المباشرة وغير المباشرة على الأبعاد الفرعية للاغتراب الوظيفى لدى العاملين من ناحية أخرى .
fertilizer companies in Egypt. The study identifies the moderating role of environmental innovation strategy
(EIS) in reinforcing the impact of green managerial practices on competitive advantages. The empirical
results show that three types of green managerial practices – green planning, green managerial concerns,
and green entrepreneurship – have positive effects on competitive advantages, which increases in the presence of environmental innovation strategy. Companies that invest resources and efforts in green managerial
practices can meet the strict environmental regulations in Egypt and popular environmental consciousness
of consumers, as well as obtain corporate competitive advantages. Managerial implications and areas for
further research are also discussed.
The impact of Managers' Narcissism on Counterproductive Work Behaviors of their Subordinates: Examining the role of Mediating and Moderating Variables
This study seeks to examine the impact of managers’ narcissism on their subordinates’ counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs). The study specifically focuses on mediating and moderating variables. Study depends on complete census for managers and random sample from 450 employees in hospital section of Mansoura University. Results revealed to high level of managers’ narcissism; this level of narcissism has positive and significant impact on subordinates’ CWBs (i.e. CWB-O and CWB-I). Workplace ostracism (WO) played a fully mediating role in the relationship between narcissism and CWBs. Moreover, consideration of future concerns (CFC) played a moderating role in decreasing the negative impact of narcissism on WO. At the same time, high neuroticism of subordinates has a moderating role in increasing the negative impact of WO on CWB. The implications of these findings and limitations of the study, and directions for future research are discussed.
"The impact of Pull and Push factors of Brain Drain on the development of Intellectual Capital in Egyptian universities"
This study was conducted on two samples of Egyptian faculty members in public universities in Egypt and kingdom of Saudi Arabia; First sample consists of 384 who were on- the- job members; but the second 250 who were loaned to Saudi universities. The percentage of correct responses for the two samples were (77.08%) and (70.40%) respectively. The study aimed at measuring the impact of pull and push factors of professors loaned on development of intellectual capital in Egyptian' public universities using Structural Equation Model (SEM) to analyze the relationships between the variables of the study. Results showed that push factors from Egyptian universities were more influential in brain drain comparison pull factors of Saudi Universities; and renewal capital was the most common types of intellectual capital affected by brain drain. As demonstrated by the results of statistical analysis, there were interrelationships' effect between different types of intellectual capital. Additionally, renewal capital influences positively on other types of intellectual capital; and human capital influences on both the structural capital and relational capital. Finally, structural capital influences positively on relational capital.
The results also showed a difference in the impact of brain drain on the development of intellectual capital according to the nature of the study in colleges; where the practical colleges are influenced negatively more than theoretical ones, and the level of impact also differed depending on status quo of faculty member; where faculty members who are on- the- job at Egyptian universities believe that the brain drain influences negatively on the development of intellectual capital in Egyptian universities; unlike loaned faculty members believe that brain drain was less negatively impact on the development of intellectual capital and they believe that it may positively influences on the development of intellectual capital. Researcher suggested a set of recommendations and developed mechanisms to ensure its implementation.
وقد توصلت الدراسة إلى العديد من النتائج أهمها وجود بعض المتغيرات الشخصية التى تتوسط علاقة الذكاء الوجدانى بمستوى الاغتراب الوظيفى وكان من أهم تلك المتغيرات النوع وعدد سنوات الخبرة ، كما توصلت الدراسة إلى اختلاف مستويات الشعور بالاغتراب الوظيفى بدرجته الكلية وأبعاده الفرعية باختلاف مستويات الذكاء الوجدانى لدى المديرين . وأضافت الدراسة إلى إمكانية التنبؤ بمستويات الاغتراب الوظيفى لدى العاملين بدلالة مستوى الذكاء الوجدانى لدى المديرين .
وأخيراً توصلت الدراسة إلى إمكانية صياغة نموذج عام يوضح التأثيرات المتبادلة بين أبعاد الذكاء الوجدانى للمديرين من ناحية وتأثيراتها المباشرة وغير المباشرة على الأبعاد الفرعية للاغتراب الوظيفى لدى العاملين من ناحية أخرى .
fertilizer companies in Egypt. The study identifies the moderating role of environmental innovation strategy
(EIS) in reinforcing the impact of green managerial practices on competitive advantages. The empirical
results show that three types of green managerial practices – green planning, green managerial concerns,
and green entrepreneurship – have positive effects on competitive advantages, which increases in the presence of environmental innovation strategy. Companies that invest resources and efforts in green managerial
practices can meet the strict environmental regulations in Egypt and popular environmental consciousness
of consumers, as well as obtain corporate competitive advantages. Managerial implications and areas for
further research are also discussed.