The genetic monitoring of natural and agroecosystem

2019, Journal of Biotechnology

S62 Abstracts / Journal of Biotechnology 305S (2019) S33–S88 PP-APR12-039 Design of self-tuning adaptive control system for bioreactor Acknowledgements This work was supported by grant KEGA No. 025SPU4/2018. J. Ritonja Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia PP-APR12-043 During the fermentation process, the biophysical quantities must be precisely controlled to obtain the high-quality product. Available commercial biochemical reactors are equipped with open loop or conventional linear closed loop control system. Due to the outstanding parameters variations and the partial nonlinearity of the biochemical process, the results obtained with these control systems are not satisfactory. To improve the control of the fermentation process, the self-tuning adaptive control system with identification- and tuning module was developed. The recursive least square identification method was used to determine the linearized mathematical model of the fermentation process. Based on the obtained mathematical model the linear quadratic regulator was tuned. The parameters’ identification and the controller’s synthesis are executed on-line. The applicability of the developed control system was tested for the production of kefir grains with traditional milk cultivation in a reaction calorimeter. To control biophysical quantities the bioreactor’s stirring drive was used. From the obtained results it is obvious that the proposed adaptive control system assures much better following of the reference signal as a conventional linear control system with fixed control parameters. Obtained results show that the self-tuning adaptive control presents very effective solution for the improvement of the milk fermentation process. PP-APR12-042 Genetic diversity of rye based on protein and DNA analysis The prophylaxis of major mycosis in bees through microscopic examination of hive products used in 2016–2017 M.G. Florentin 1,∗ , P. Ovidiu 1 , S. Agripina 2 , S. Vasilica 2 , B. Luiza 3 , R. Ion 1 , C. Iuliana 1 , R. Natalia 1 , R. Alexandros 1 1 University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest, Romania 2 Beekeeping Research and Development Institute of Bucharest, Romania 3 Spiru Haret University Bucharest Major mycosis occurs in Romania in all geographical areas in Apis mellifera carpathica bees being represented by chalkbrood, stonebrood and melanosis. In the active-inactive season of 2016 we identified 18 apiaries testing positive for chalkbrood and other mycosis out of which chalkbrood was present in 10 apiaries as unique entity (115 bee colonies), that were monitored including in the bee keeping season of 2017. In the beekeeping year 2016, we examined 344 samples out of which, 83 tested positive of 115 bee colonies (24.12%) (27 samples of honey, 35 samples of pollen, 21 samples of bee bread). After the laboratory diagnosis was done, contaminated food sources were removed, and in the next beekeeping season (2017), by monitoring bee colony health, only 16 samples tested positive (13.91% chalkbrood) in 3 honey samples (18.75%), 4 pollen samples (25%), 9 bee bread samples (56.25%). Comparative analysis of data processing in the 2 beekeeping years shows that the removal of contamination sources triggered a reduction in the risk to develop the disease by over 86%, the main cause of having the disease being represented by bee bread deposits (56.25%). Acknowledgements: Preliminary results of PhD thesis. Z. Balazova ∗ , L. Petrovicova, Z. Galova Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Slovak University of Agriculture, Nitra, Slovak Republic The aim of our work was to analyse DNA and protein polymorphism in the collection of 38 rye cultivars (Secale cereale L.). Proteins of rye were speared by SDS PAGE and into individual fractions of secalins (HMW, ␥-75k, ␻ a ␥-40k secalins) and albumins, globulins. Results showed that analyzed samples were multiline and there were from 4 to 9 lines. The genetic diversity of 38 rye cultivars coming from different European countries (former Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary and former Union of Soviet Nations) using 16 RAPD, 15 SSR and 8 SCoT markers was evaluated. Average values of PIC for each SSR, RAPD and also SCoT marker locus were higher than 0.8 that means high polymorphism detected in the chosen genotypes. Hierarchical cluster analysis using UPGMA algorithm based on all three marker systems was used to construct dendrogram. Thirty-eight rye genotypes were divided into two main clusters. Clustering reflected geographic origin of studied rye genotypes in the dendrogram. Genetically the closest were two Polish varieties and two Czechoslovak varieties. SSR, SCoT and RAPD markers were altogether used as a powerful tool for assessment of genetic diversity in rye cultivars. PP-APR12-044 The genetic monitoring of natural and agroecosystem D. Baratashvili 1 , I. Nakashidze 1 , N. Kedelidze 1,∗ , T. Beccari 2 1 Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences & Health Care, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Batumi, Georgia 2 Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy The result of environmental mutagenic factors on the natural and agroecosystem greatly depends on the organization hierarchy of biota. Pollen methods (ability to sprout and sterility) were used to screen and monitor mutagens. The results obtained from our research confirm that near to Turkey-Georgia central automagistral, the environmental contamination with heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd) is 3–20-times higher than that of the permissible norm. The investigation carried out on five plants (Eucalyptus cinerea, Citrus reticulata, Brassica oleraceae, Lycopersicum esculentum, Cucumis sativum, Phaseolus vulgaris) revealed different Abstracts / Journal of Biotechnology 305S (2019) S33–S88 anomalies (the sterility of pollen tube, branching of the pollen tube, backwardness of sperm and etc.) in male gametophyte. Depending on the species, the Sterility of pollen was increases from 12.3 ± 0.4 to 32.0 ± 0.8%. In the Eucalyptus, the sterility of pollen was 12,12 ± 0.4%, in Citrus reticulata −15, 3 ± 0,3%; in Brassica oleraceae −26,3 ± 0,5%; in Lycopersicum esculentum −20,5 ± 0.4%; in Cucumis sativum −32.0 ± 0.8% and phaseolus vulgaris −24,2 ± 0.8%. Finally, the coefficient of pollen grain sterility was respectively 1,9, 0,9, 0,6, 1,8, 2,4, 1,9, and 2,1. PP-APR12-045 Phenolic compounds and their variation with respect to wine fermentation method in Georgian Autochthonal grape Ojaleshi M. Vanidze 1,∗ , M. Kharadze 1 , I. Djafaridze 1 , G. Kalandia 2 , A. Kalandia 1 S63 Biological particularities, small seeds, susceptibility to diseases and pests and drought from the time of sowing the rapeseed cause an emergence uneven, sometimes delayed, that can to compromising culture. To successfully overcome germination and growing in the early stages of vegetation require the use of seed treatments with fungicidal and insecticidal effects but also biostimulators. The purpose of the research was to evaluate the effect that the products we developed have on germination and growth in the early stages of vegetation. The seed treatments developed consist of mixes with amino acid, keratin hydrolyzate, urea, microelement chelated and microcapsules with volatile oils at various concentrations. After applying the treatments, the germination was monitored by germination rate, average daily germination, and biometric indicators the average length of roots and shoots. All the mixtures tested have determined a significant increase in germination and biometric parameters. The mixes which contain chelated of microelements have improved the characteristics of germination. No phytotoxic effects were observed during experimentation. 1 Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences & Health Care, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Batumi, Georgia 2 San-Diego State University Georgia Using HPLC-UV, UPLC-PDA, and MS methods research was conducted on Georgian Autochthonal grape Ojaleshi’s seeds and wine prepared by European and Kakhetian methods. Several compounds were detected: Anthocyane, Flavan-3-ol, Flavonoids and Stilbenes (Malvinidin-3-Glucoside m/z + 493, Malvinidin-3acetylglucosde m/z + 535, Malvinidin-3-p-coumaroylglucoside m/z + 639, Delphinidin-3- acetylglucosde m/z + 507, Petunidin3-glucoside m/z + 479, Petunidin-3-acetylglucosde m/z + 521, Quercetin m/z + 303, Quercetin-3-Glucoside m/z + 479, Catechin m/z-289, Resveratrol m/z-227, Piceid m/z-389, Chlorogenic acid m/z-353. Their concentration decreases with fermentation. Wine prepared with Kakhetian method contains much more phenols than European. Acknowledgements The above project was fulfilled by financial support of the Georgina National Science Foundation (Grant AP/96/13, Grant 216816). Any idea in this publication is possessed by the authors and may not represent the opinion of the Georgian National Science Foundation. PP-APR12-047 Testing the biostimulatory effect of the new compounds based on amino acid for rape seeds treatment M. Gidea 1,∗ , M. Niculescu 3 , C. Enascuta 2 , B. Marius 4 , C. Gaidau 3 , E. Oprescu 2 PP-APR12-048 Research on the effect of structured water on growth of lettuce plants and rhizosphere microbiota E. Florin 1,∗ , M. Sorin 2 , M. Gabi Mirela 2 , J. Ionut Ovidiu 1 , D. Elena Maria 1 1 Department of Horticulture, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest, Romania 2 National Research-Development Institute for Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Environment, Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania The present research aimed to improve plants growth and to stimulate bacterial and fungal communities in rhizosphere of lettuce plants by watering with structured water AVVA in various dilutions in experiments under controlled conditions. Significantly increased bacterial counts and species number (9 species) were registered under the influence of structured water AVVA integral and AVVA dilution no.10 as compared to control and AVVA dilution no 3. The bacteria communities were dominated by pseudomonads (Pseudomonas fluorescens and nonfluorescent species) accompanied by bacillaceae and Arthrobacter spp. High values of fungal counts (210.228 × 103 ufc × g−1 d.w.) from control and also large fungal community where potential plant pathogen Fusarium developed indicated less favourable conditions in substrate. The dominance of Trichoderma, Penicillium and Paecilomyces (antagonists for Fusarium) and other cellulolytic species active in rhizosphere were stimulated in variants with AVVA integral and AVVA 10 best dilution. Lettuce plants accumulated significantly higher total biomass when irrigated with structured water (AVVA integral and diluted variant AVVA 10) comparatively with control. Results recommend the structured water for improving lettuce growth and reequilibration of rhizosphere microbiota. 1 USAMV, Bucharest, Romania ICECHIM, Bucharest, Romania 3 ICPI, Bucharest, Romania 4 Probstdorfer Saatzucht, Srl, Romania 2 Continued growth in biofuel demand amid rising levels of pollution worldwide, rapeseed crop areas show a growing trend from about 25 milllion ha in 2000 to over 34 million in 2017.