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2019, Journal of Biotechnology
2 pages
1 file
Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 2016
The results of molecular analysis of 45 rye taxa (Secale cereale L.) represented by agricultural varieties originated from Central Europe and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (SUN) are presented. The genetic diversity of rye cultivars by 6 SSR markers was evaluated. Six specific microsatellite primer pairs produced 58 polymorphic alleles with an average of 9.7 alleles per locus. The number of alleles ranged from 6 (SCM2) to 14 (SCM86). Genetic polymorphism was characterized based on diversity index (DI), probability of identity (PI) and polymorphic information content (PIC). The diversity index (DI) of SSR markers ranged from 0.5478 (SCM2) to 0.887 (SCM86) with an average of 0.778. The lowest value of polymorphic information content was recorded for SCM2 (0.484) and the highest value for SCM86 (0.885) of PIC was detected in SCM86 with an average of 0.760.The dendrogram of genetic similarity was constructed, based on UPGMA algorithm. The hierarchical cluster analysis divided r...
Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 2017
Rye (Secale cereale L.) is our traditional cereal used for baking. The genetic variability of grown rye has been reduced by modern agronomic practices, which subsequently prompted the importance of search for species that could be useful as a gene pool for the improving of flour quality for human consumption or for other industrial uses. Therefore, the aim of this study was to detect genetic variability among the set of 45 rye genotypes using 8 SCoT markers. Amplification of genomic DNA of 45 genotypes, using SCoT analysis, yielded 114 fragments, with an average of 14.25 polymorphic fragments per primer. The most polymorphic primer was SCoT 36, where 21 polymorphic amplification products were detected. In contract the lowest polymorphic primer was SCoT 45 with 5 polymorphic products. Genetic polymorphism was characterized based on diversity index (DI), probability of identity (PI) and polymorphic information content (PIC). The hierarchical cluster analysis showed that the rye genoty...
TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2001
Among the cereals, rye (Secale cereale L.) can be grown under extreme climatic and poor soil conditions and, is a major crop in North Europe. In the present paper, we report the development of a genetic linkage map of rye using a pooled F 2 mapping population created from a reciprocal cross of two self-fertile inbred lines. The 183 mapped markers consist 139 RFLPs, 19 isozyme and protein markers, 13 microsatellites, 10 known function sequences and two morphological genes. The markers are randomly distributed on the seven chromosomes with a maximum of 38 on chromosome 5R and a minimum of 19 on chromosome 3R. In addition, 23 gene loci and 25 quantitative trait loci were aligned to chromosome regions. For some of the mapped or aligned genes comparable loci are present in other cereals. The homoeologous relationships of these loci are discussed. The potential of the new map for further genetic studies is outlined.
Journal of Applied Genetics
Common rye (Secale cereale L.) is one of the most important cereals in Europe. Nevertheless, its germplasm collections are among the least numerous compared with cereals. There are only about 27,000 Secale accessions in 70 gene banks around the world. Despite extensive research on the molecular characterization of genetic resources, only a fraction of this collection has been described. The main objective of the presented study was to perform genotypic and phenotypic characterization of an obsolete gene pool represented by 100 accessions originated from 28 countries around the world and preserved in the gene bank of the Polish Academy of Sciences Botanical Garden – Center for Biological Diversity Conservation in Powsin. Genetic analysis using simple sequence repeat markers showed that the obsolete gene pool is relatively large. This indicates that different sources of variability were used in breeding programs. However, the genetic variation is in no way related to the place of orig...
Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters, 2006
The aim of this study was to identify genetic changes in rye seeds induced by natural ageing during long-term storage and consecutive regeneration cycles under gene bank conditions. Genomic DNA from four rye samples varying in their initial viability after one and three cycles of reproduction was analyzed by AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) fingerprinting. Seven EcoRI/MseI primer combinations defined 663 fragments, and seven PstI/MseI primer combinations defined 551 fragments. The variation in the frequency of the seventy-four EcoRI/MseI bands was statistically significant between samples. These changes could be attributed to genetic changes occurring during storage and regeneration. However, the PstI/MseI fragments appeared to be uninfluenced by seed ageing, regeneration and propagation. A combined Principle Coordinate Analysis revealed differences between samples with different initial viability. We showed that materials with low initial viability differ in their response from highly viable ones, and that the changes exhibited in the former case are preserved through regeneration cycles.
Russian Politics & Law, 2009
The Significance of the Rise of Aleksandr Dugin for the Interpretation of Public Life in Contemporary Russia the aggressiveness of neo-Eurasianism expresses itself through, among others, aleksandr dugin's positive references to nazi ideas, the third reich and russian neo-nazism. this review article briefly comments on the current state of, above all, western scholarly, publicistic and journalistic analysis of the nature and rise of dugin's movement. Doctor of Political Science Aleksandr Gel'evich Dugin (born 1962), leader of the International Eurasianist Movement (IEM), is a prolific publicist who in the 1990s had already attracted attention among researchers of the Russian right-wing movement, both in Russia and outside its borders. 1 In 1998 he was appointed official adviser to the then Speaker of the State Duma, Gennadii Seleznev, thereby becoming part of the political establishment of the Russian Federation. In recent years he has won fame not only in the former Soviet Union but also in the West. 2 Today he is known, perhaps, to most people with an interest in Russian politics and to many foreign specialists on Eastern Europe
Revue e-Phaïstos Vol.4.n°1 avril 2015 , 2015
Les dagues, couteaux et autres poignards semblent appartenir à une catégorie en tous points opposée à l’épée. Si cette dernière possède un caractère empreint de noblesse et de justice, la symbolique du poignard est toute autre : c’est celle de la colère et du meurtre. Cette image se retrouve dans les lettres de rémission de la fin du Moyen Âge et de la Renaissance. Ces lettres patentes données par une autorité afin d’absoudre l’auteur d’un crime — appelé le suppliant— avant son jugement montrent que les dagues et les couteaux sont des objets communs portés par toutes les catégories sociales, le plus souvent pour des raisons d’utilité quotidienne (c’est le cas du petit couteau taille pain). Certains ont l’allure d’atour symbolique, à l’exemple des dagues portées entre les jambes aux formes phalliques parfois assez évidentes. Mais les dagues et les couteaux sont également des armes de fortune en cas de rixe ou d’agression, c’est pourquoi les textes normatifs en interdisent le port, ou n’autorisent seulement que des lames d’une certaine longueur ou démunies d’une pointe trop aiguë. Ces interdictions semblent rarement respectées et l’ensemble de la population est susceptible de se servir de ce type d’armes dès que le danger guette. Cette présence quotidienne des dagues conduit à leurs fréquentes utilisations en cas de conflit. Ceci explique sans doute aussi l’enseignement du combat avec cet équipement par les maîtres d’armes, que l’on retrouve dans les livres d’armes ou livres de combat germaniques (Fechtbücher) datant de la même période. Ainsi, cette double représentation, dans des sources pourtant si différentes conduit à nous interroger sur son utilisation technique et à se demander si l’emploi martial d’une dague ou d’un couteau est universel, ou bien en quoi il peut être influencé par la spécificité du contexte, lorsque celui-ci est aussi sérieux qu’une rixe, ou bien au contraire ludique.
Estudios Demográficos y Urbanos, 1989
China Information, 2017
Zootaxa, 2015
Journal of Networking and Network Applications, 2021
Proceedings of EGI Community Forum 2012 / EMI Second Technical Conference — PoS(EGICF12-EMITC2)
Journal of Research in Health Sciences, 2016
Peptides, 2001
Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, 2018
Actas Do Congresso Nacional De Bibliotecarios Arquivistas E Documentalistas, 2012
Contemporary Sociology, 1977