Vol. 263, No. IS,Issue of June 26, pp. 87484763,lSSg
Printed in U.S.A.
0 1988 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.
Role of Lipophorin in Lipid Transportto the Insect Egg*
(Received for publication, September 8, 1987)
John K. Kawooya and JohnH. Law
From the Department of Biochemistry, Biological Sciences West,University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721
Lipid accounts for
40%of the dryweight of a mature phorin (HDLp-A, p = 1.078 g/ml, M , = 7.63 X lo6) (Kawooya
Manduca sexta egg. Less than 1% of the totalegg lipid et al. (1988)). HDLp-A consists of 52% lipid and 48% protein
is derived from de novo synthesis by the follicles. The (Ryan et al., 1986). The protein moiety of HDLp-A is made
remaining egg lipid originates in the fat body and is up of three immunologically distinct apoproteins, apolipotransported to the ovary by lipoproteins. Vitellogenin, phorin I, apolipophorin 11, and apolipophorin 111, that occur
the major egg yolk lipoprotein, accounts for
6%of the in a stoichiometric ratio of 1:1:2 (Kawooyaet al., 1984; Shapiro
95%lipid is attributable et al., 1984). During the conversion of HDLp-A to VHDLp-E
total egg lipid. The remaining
to the hemolymph lipophorins, adult high density liin the egg, 60% of the lipid is stripped from HDLp-A and
low density
(LDLp).When HDLp-A that is dual labeledwith ‘H in 68% of the diacylglycerol fraction is converted to triacylglycerol. In addition, the two apolipophorin I11 molecules of
“S intheprotein
moiety is incubated with follicles in vitro, the ratio of HDLp-A dissociate from the particle, but the two larger
SH:S6Sin the incubation medium does not vary and is apoproteins (apolipophorin I and apolipophorin 11) remain as
integral components of the newly formed VHDLp-E and are
similar to the ratio of the labels that are associated
(Ka- not degraded as a result of the HDLp-A transformation (Kawith the follicles. In anaccompanyingpaper
wooya, J. K., Osir, E. O., and Law, J. H. (1988) J. wooya et al., 1988). Chino et al. (1977) addressed the problem
Biol. Chem. 263,8740-8747), we show that HDLp-A of lipid accumulation in the egg of the silkmoth, Philosamia
is sequestered by the follicles without subsequent hy- Cynthia, and concluded that there was more lipid in the egg
drolysis ofits apoproteins. These results, together
with than could be accounted for by the egg lipophorin and vitelthose presented in this paper, support our conclusion logenin. They proposed that the extraegg lipid was shuttled
that HDLp-A is not recycled back into the hemolymphfrom the fat body to theovary by the hemolymph lipophorin.
after it is internalized by the follicles and, therefore, Although such a process of lipid transport to the egg is
does not function as a reusable lipid shuttle between plausible, it has never been verified. The present study adthe fat body and the ovary. When
follicles are incu- dresses two possible ways by which lipid may find its way to
bated with dual labeled LDLp, the diacylglycerol comthe ovary during egg development. 1)Egg lipid may bederived
ponent of the particle is internalized by the follicles from de mu0 synthesis by the oocyte. Such synthesis hasbeen
without concomitant endocytosis of
its associated apoproteins. This LDLp particle is the major vehicle by reported in isolated oocytes of the annelid, Perinereis cultrifera (Dhainaut and Belhamra, 1986) in those of the amphibwhich lipidis delivered to theovary.
ian, Xenopus Iaevis (Alonso et al., 1987), and in those of
Locusta migratoria (Lubzens et aL, 1981; Ferenz, 1985). 2)
Lipid may be transported from the fat body to the ovary
Vitellogenin, the precursor of the insect egg yolk protein, through the putative recycling process of lipophorin between
and lipophorin, the major insect hemolymph lipid-carrying the fat body and theoocytes, as suggested previously by Chino
protein, accumulate in large amounts in insect eggs during et al. (1977).
oogenesis, These proteins aresynthesized in the fat
body and
are secreted into the hemolymph from which they are specifMaterials-The
animals were raised as described by Prasad et al.
ically internalized by the maturing follicles (Telfer, 1960,
1961; Telfer et al., 1981; Kunkel and Nordin, 1985; Rohrkas- (1986). Hemolymph lipophorins were isolated according to the
method of Shapiro et al. (1984). [2-’H]Glycerol and tritiated water
ten and Ferenz, 1985; Osir and Law, 1986; Kawooya et al., (3H20)were purchased from Amersham Corp.; [%]methionine was
1988).Both proteinscarry lipid and are,therefore, considered from ICN (Irvine, CA); Protosol tissue solubilizer was obtained from
to be the source of the egg lipid (Chino et al., 1977).
Du Pont-New England Nuclear. The BCA protein assay reagent was
In Manduca sexta, egg lipophorin (VHDLp-E)* is a very purchased from Pierce Chemical Co. Triacylglycerol assay reagents
high density lipoprotein ( p = 1.238,g/ml, M , = 4.14 X lo6) were purchased from Sigma. Lipid internal standards for gas-liquid
that is derived from the adult high density hemolymph lipo- chromatography were obtained from Nu-Check Prep, Inc. (Elysian,
* This work was supported by Grant GM 29238 from the National
Institutes of Health. The costs of publication of this article were
defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must
therefore be hereby marked “adoertisement” in accordance with 18
U.S.C. Section 1734 solelyto indicate this fact.
The abbreviations used are: VHDLp-E, very high density lipophorin from the egg; HDLp-A, adult high density lipophorin; LDLp,
low density lipophorin; [3H]DG-[36S]-HDLp-A,dual labeled adult
high density lipophorin; [3H]DG-[36S]LDLp,dual labeled low density
lipophorin; [3H]DG,diacylglycerol of lipophorin labeled with 3H;%protein, protein moiety of lipophorin labeled with 36S;SDS, sodium
dodecyl sulfate.
MN). Antibodies against lipophorin were raised in New Zealand
Whiterabbits according to the method of Shapiro et al. (1984).
Antibodies against vitellogenin were prepared as described by Osir
and Law (1986)and were a gift from Dr. Robert 0. Ryan, Department
of Biochemistry.
Protein Assay-Except where indicated, protein was assayed according to themethod of Smith et a l , 1985.
Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis-Electrophoresis under denaturing conditions (SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) was performed on 4-15% gradient acrylamide gel slabs under the conditions
described by Laemmli (1970).
Properties of the Egg-Eggs were isolated from the abdomens of
moths as described previously (Kawooya et al., 1986). Egg sizes were
This is an Open Access article under the CC BY license.
Lipid in the Insect Egg
measured with a dissecting microscope that was equipped with a
micrometer eyepiece. The average dry weight of the egg was determined on individual lyophilized eggs. Egg wet weight was measured
from eggs within 5 min of isolation from the abdomens.
Lipid Analysis-Lipids were extracted from 5 mgof lyophilized
eggs according to the procedures of Bligh and Dyer (1959) and were
analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography as described by FernandoWarnakulasuriya et al. (1981).
Carbohydrate Analysis-Carbohydrate from 10 mgof lyophilized
mature eggs was extracted and was analyzed as described by Grimes
and Greegor (1976).
Extraction of Protein from the Egg-Ten mature eggs (1.64-mm
size) were homogenized in 500 pl of phosphate-buffered saline (0.1 M
sodium phosphate, 0.15 M NaCl, 0.05 M EDTA, pH 7.0) using a
ground glass tissue homogenizer in the presence of 200 pg of fine
sand. The homogenate was sonicated for 1 min on a Bronson water
bath, centrifuged at 12,000 X g for 10 min, and the supernatant
solution was transferred to a separatevial. Three hundred p1 of buffer
were then added tothe pellet, andthe pellet washomogenized
followed by centrifugation and removal of the supernatant. This
procedure was repeated (3X) in order to extract buffer-soluble protein
from the pellet. The supernatant solutions were pooled and used to
measure the total amount of protein, lipophorin, and vitellogeninl
egg. At the end of extraction the pellet was boiled in 100 pl of 10 mM
Tris-HC1, pH 8.4, containing 1% SDSand centrifuged so asto
measure any residual lipophorin and vitellogenin. Total protein in
the supernatantsolution was assayed as described by Peterson (1983).
Included on the gelwas 10 pgof protein from buffer-soluble egg
protein solution. The separated protein on
the gel slab was transferred
electrophoretically to nitrocellulose paper. The amount of vitellogenin
and lipophorin on the nitrocellulose paper was measured immunologically as described previously for the measurement of microvitellogenin (Kawooya et al., 1986). Antibodies against vitellogenin and
those againstlipophorin were used to probe these lipoproteins on the
nitrocellulose sheet. The amount of lipophorin and vitellogenin in
the pellet was expressed as a percentage of the total SDS-soluble
protein fraction of the pellet.
Measurements of Lipophorin and Vitellin in the Buffer-solubleEgg
Protein Fraction-Single radial immunodiffusion analyses (Oudin,
1980) of vitellin and lipophorin were performed according to the
method of Bailey (1984). A protein standard curve was constructed
from known concentrations of vitellogenin and was used to determine
the amount of protein inthe supernatantsolution of egghomogenates.
Between 1-12 pg of VHDLp-E and 1-16 pg of vitellin were applied
to 1% agar gel plates. Each gel contained the antibodies that were
raised against the respective antigen (vitellogenin and lipophorin).
Also applied to each gel slab were seven samples (4-20 pg) of buffersoluble egg protein. Plots of antigen concentration versus the square
of the diameter of the precipitin reaction were linear and were,
therefore, used to measure the total amount of lipophorin and vitellogenin in the egg.
Preparation of Dual Labeled PH]DG-lj6S]HDLp-A and f'H]DGrj6SILDLp"wo one-day-old male moths were each injected with 20
pCi of [36S]methionine.After 14 h, each animal was injected with 20
pCi of [2-'H]glycerol. Two hours later, both [3H]DG-[SSS]HDLp-A
and ['H]DG-[%3]LDLp were isolated from the hemolymph of these
animals as described in the accompanying paper for the isolation of
the single labeled [%S]HDLp-A(Kawooya et al., 1988).
Specific Activities of PHIDG and 36S-Protein in Dual
Labeled pH]
DG-P'SIHDLp-A and rHlDG-r6S]LDLp-Total
lipid was extracted from 200 pg of each of the dual labeled lipophorins, and its
Components were separated as described previously (Kawooya et aL,
1988). The diacylglycerol fraction was extracted from the silica gel of
the TLCplate according to themethod of Fernando-Warnakulasuriya
et al. (1981). The amount of 'H that was associated with the diacylglycerol fraction was measured by liquid scintillation spectrometry.
The total amount of diacylglycerol was measured colorimetrically as
described by Carlson (1963) for the assay of triacylglycerol. The
delipidated protein pellet was rinsed (5 X) with distilled water and
was dissolved in 200 pl of 20 mM Tris-HC1, pH 8.4, that contained 6
M guanidinium hydrochloride. The total protein in this solution was
assayed. The data collected from the above measurements were used
to calculate the specific activities of [3H]DG and "S-protein in the
labeled lipophorins.
Incubations of Follicles with Dual Labeled Lipophorins-Pairs of
follicles were incubated with dual labeled lipophorins in lepidopteran
saline buffer (Jungreis et al., 1973) (0.005 M K2P0,, 0.1 M KC!, 0.004
M NaC1, 0.015 M MgClZ, 0.002 M CaClZ,pH 6.5) at 27 "C for 4 h. At
selected intervals, the amount of each radiolabel in the incubation
medium was measured. At the same time the follicles were removed
from the incubation medium, rinsed (5 X ) with 10 mM Tris-HC1, pH
8.4 buffer that contained 100 mM NaCl, 5 mM EDTA, and 0.1%
Triton X-100.The radiolabel that was associated with the follicles
was measured. The ['H]DG:%S-protein ratios in the incubation rnedium and in the follicles were calculated from these measurements.
De Novo Lipid Synthesis by the Follicles-Approximately 10 follicles (0.6-0.8 mm) were incubated with 2 pCi of 3H20(specific activity,
5 mCi/ml) in 200 p1 of lepidopteran saline at 27 "C. After 4 h, the
follicles were removed from the medium and were rinsed (5 X) with
distilled HzO. Lipid was extracted from the follicles, and the organic
phase was rinsed (8 X) with distilled HzO to remove free 'HzO. After
the final rinse, 0.5 mg of anhydrous CaCL was added to the organic
phase. The extracted lipid components were separated by TLC, and
the distribution of the 3H label in the various lipid fractions was
analyzed as described in the accompanying paper (Kawooya et al.,
Distribution of 'H from 3H20 in Oleic Acidand Linoleic Acid-Two
mg (wet weight) of fat body and 10 follicles (0.6-0.8-mm size) were
incubated separately a t 27 "C with 500 p1 of lepidopteran saline
After 6 h, the lipid
containing 2 pCi of 3Hz0 and5 r n glutathione.
was extracted from these tissues as described above and was methylated according to the procedure of Fernando-Warnakulasuriyaet
al. (1981). The fatty acid methyl esters were separated by TLC
according to themethod of Shibahara et al. (1986) and were assayed
for 'H by liquid scintillation spectrometry.
During egg maturation, large stores of lipid accumulate in
the insect follicles (Wiemerslage, 1976; Chino et al., 1977).
The results presented below describe how such lipid accumulation is achieved during this process. In addition, the
various components of a mature egg were analyzed.
Properties of the Insect Egg-Table I shows that 70% by
weight of a mature insect egg is water. The remaining 30%is
protein, lipid, and carbohydrate. Glucose accounts for 80% of
the sugars in the M. sextu egg and has been reported as the
major carbohydrate component in other insect eggs, where it
is stored inthe form of glycogen granules (Sander et al.,1985;
Yamashita and Hasegawa, 1985). In addition to glucose, a
small amount of mannose and N-acetylglucosamine is found
in M. seztu egg (Table I). Since these sugars occur in vitellogenin (Osir et ul., 1986a) and lipophorin (Nagao and Chino,
1987), their presence in the egg may be attributable to the
Properties of a mature M. sexta egg
The properties were determined as described under "Experimental
Procedures." Measurements of egg size were taken at themajor axis
of the egg within 5 min of isolation from the abdomen. Average egg
size was 1.64 f 0.46 mm. All values are expressed in pg. The mean
values were calculated from 3 to 15 determinations.
1565 f 50
Fresh weight
Dry weight
470 f 16
Total buffer-soluble protein
148 f 13
86 f 5
20 f 3
182.68 f 3.06
Lipid components
15.89 f 3.46
6.16 f 1.32
7.20 f 0.16
Free fatty acid
21.15 f 4.05
115.02 f 1.82
17.26 f 0.65
10.25 f 2.32
Carbohydrate components
1.20 k 0.31
7.95 f 1.82
0.07 f 0.02
1.03 f 0.12
Buffer-insoluble material
129 F 24
Lipid in the Insect Egg
abundance of these proteins in the eggyolk (Table I). As
shown in Table I, lipid accounts for 40% of the dry weight of
a mature M. sexta egg, and more than half of the total lipid
in the eggs is triacylglycerol. In Hyalophora cecropia, 60% of
the egg lipid, mostly triacylglycerol, is stored as discrete lipid
droplets within the egg, and the remaining 40% lipid is associated with lipoproteins that are found in the yolk spheres
(Wiemerslage, 1976). It is probably that the large amount of
triacylglycerol in M. sexta eggs is also stored in lipid droplets,
while the vitellin- and lipophorin-associated lipid is found in
the yolk spheres. Thus, as in theinsect fat body (Beenakkers
et al., 1986), lipid may be stored in the insect egg, predominantly as triacylglycerol.
Contributions of HDLp-A and Vitellogeninto the Lipid
Stores in the Egg-HDLp-A contains 53% lipid (Ryan et al.,
1986), and 13% by weight of vitellogenin is lipid (Osir et al.,
1986b). Studies on lipophorin presented inthe accompanying
paper (Kawooya et al., 1988) as well as those on vitellogenin
reported by Osir and Law (1986), show that the apoproteins
of these lipoproteins are not degraded when the particles are
internalized by the follicles. Although vitellogenin and lipophorinare major components of the egg (TableI),these
lipoproteins accounted for <2% of the SDS-soluble protein
fraction in the residual pellet. Therefore, the amount of
vitellogenin and lipophorin we measured in the buffer-soluble
fraction of a mature egg homogenate (Table I) is fairly representative of the total sum of these lipoproteins in the egg.
From these values we calculated that the vitellogenin and
lipophorin of the egg account for only 20 pg (-10%) of the
total (182 eg) egg lipid. The metabolic source of the estimated
90% of the egg lipid and how it accumulates in the egg are
described below.
Metabolic Source of the Egg Lipid-The egg lipid may have
been derived from de MUO synthesis by the oocyte. Lubzens
et al. (1981) and Ferenz (1985) reported that isolated follicles
Distance, ( m m )
FIG. 1. De nouo lipid synthesis by the ovary. A, lipid components of follicles that were incubated with 3H20
in vitro. Follicles
were incubated with 3H20
as described under “Experimental Procedures.” The lipid components from the follicles were separated by
TLC in a hexane:ether:acetic acid (60401)solvent system. The plate
was developed with iodine vapor. PL, phospholipid; DG, diacylglycerol; TG,triacylglycerol; HC, hydrocarbon; 0,origin; sf, solvent front.
B, distribution of 3Hlabel in lipid components of the eggs. The
separated lipids on the TLC plate from the above experiment were
measured for the distribution of the 3Hlabel by means of a TLC
isotope analyzer. The plate was scanned at the rateof 1.24 cm/min.
of L. migratoria have the capacity to incorporate the I4Clabeled acetateorpalmitateinto
the egg lipid, butthese
studies did not address the question as to how much of the
total egg lipid is derived from de mu0 synthesis. We addressed
this question by incubating isolated follicles with 3H20
vitro. Tritiated water has been proven to be more reliable
than I4C-labeled substrates for measuring rates of fatty acid
synthesis. Unlike I4C-labeledsubstrates, the incorporation of
the 3H from 3H20into fatty acids is independent of the large
metabolic pools of carbon substrates that are generally associated with tissues (Windmueller and Spaeth, 1966; Jungas,
1968; Lowenstein, 1972). Fig. lA shows triacylglycerol as the
major labeled lipid component of the follicles that were incubated with 3H20.
Analysis of the distribution of 3H in the
lipid (Fig. LA) fractions shows that 48% of the label was
incorporated into phospholipid, 45% was in triacylglycerol,
and 7% was in diacylglycerol (Fig.1B). Although the 3H label
was incorporated into triacylglycerol and phospholipid in the
ratio of 0.9:1, the datapresented in Table I andFig. L4 show
that there is 7-fold more triacylglycerol than phospholipid in
the egg. These results suggest that egg triacylglycerol is derived predominantly from an exogenous source rather than
from de MUO synthesis by the follicles. From the dataof Ryan
et al. (1986) for HDLp-A and that of Osir et al. (1986a) for
vitellogenin, we calculated that there is twice as much sterol
and 10 times more hydrocarbon in the egg than is attributable
to the combined total egg lipophorin and vitellogenin (Table
I). When follicleswere incubated with 3H20, only trace
amounts of 3Hwere measured in sterol and hydrocarbon
fractions. Unlike mammals, insects in general do not have the
capacity to synthesize sterols; instead, they obtain themfrom
the diet (Beenakkers et al., 1986). In M.sexta, active feeding
is confined to the larval stage, and in our laboratory feeding
ends at about 23 days before egg maturation. Therefore, the
lipid that accumulates in the egg could not have been transported directly from the midgut. During insect feeding, dietary
fat that is absorbed at the midgut is transported to the fat
body where most of it is stored in the form of triacylglycerol
(Chino, 1985; Beenakkers et al., 1986). With a few exceptions
(Blomquist et al., 1982;De Renobales et al., 1986)) most
insects, like mammals, do not have the capacity to synthesize
polyunsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid and linolenic
acid, but they synthesize mono-unsaturated fatty acids such
as oleic acid (Beenakkers et al., 1986). When we incubated
thefat body tissue and follicles separately ina medium
containing 3H20
and analyzed the distribution of the label
between oleic acid and linoleic acid, in both cases we found
over 99% of the label in oleic acid and (0.1% in linoleic acid.
Therefore, neither the fat body nor the follicles of M. sexta
have the capacity to synthesize linoleic acid, but both tissues
can synthesize oleic acid.
Prior to the transportof lipid from the fatbody to the sites
of lipid utilization, triacylglycerol is converted to diacylglycerol. The diacylglycerol is then transported
through the hemolymph by lipophorin (Chino, 1985; Beenakkers et al., 1986).
The diacylglycerol that is transported to theegg by lipophorin
is processed and stored as triacylglycerol (Kawooya et al.,
1988). In order to determine just how much of the egg triacylglycerol originates in the fat body, we analyzed the fatty
acid compositions of the triacylglycerol fractions from the egg
and from the fat body, and the diacylglycerol fraction from
the hemolymph. The results are presented in Table 11. In
general, the three components have similar fatty acid composition. Noteworthy are thesimilarities in the ratios of oleic
acid to linoleic acid from the fat body, hemolymph, and the
egg. Such similarities in the ratios could have occurred only
Lipid in the Insect Egg
Fatty acid composition of diacylglycerol andtrhylglycerolfractions
Fatty acids were analyzed as described under "Experimental Procedures." Fatty acidcomposition is expressed as relative percentage.
Values were calculated from averages of three determinations (S.D.
f 0.1-1.5).
Fatty acid
Fat bodp
0.97 ratio0.96
Values were calculated from triacylglycerol fractions.
* Values were calculated from diacylglycerolfractions.
if the hemolymph and egg lipids were derived from the lipid
stores in the fat body. Calculations that were based on the
analyses presented above led us to conclude that 51%of the
total lipid in a mature egg were synthesized by the follicle in
Retention of HDLp-A by the Follicles-From the results
presented above and in theaccompanying paper (Kawooya et
al., 1988), we infer that during egg development, fat body
triacylglycerol is mobilized, transported through the hemolymph as diacylglycerol, and is delivered to thematuring eggs
where it is converted to triacylglycerol. Chino et al. (1977)
proposed that lipophorin was the major vehicle bywhich lipid
was transported from the fat body to the egg and that the
lipophorin particles were continuously exocytosed back into
the hemolymph after they unloaded their lipid cargo into the
oocyte. We examined this proposal by incubating a series of
follicles in a medium that contained biologically dual labeled
high density hemolymph lipophorin, [3H]DG-[35S]HDLp-A.
In thisparticle, the 3H label was in thediacylglycerol fraction
and the 35Slabel was in the protein moiety. The [3H]DG:3sS
protein ratio of this particlewas 0.49. At specific intervals we
measured the total amount of [3H]DG and "S-protein in the
incubation medium and the radiolabels that were associated
with the follicles. As shown in Fig. 2 A , there was a continuous
depletion of both [3H]DGand 35S-proteinfrom the incubation
medium and acorresponding accumulation of the radiolabeled
components in the follicles (Fig. 2B). In an accompanying
paper we have presented evidence that when [=S]HDLp-A is
sequestered by the follicles in vivo or in vitro it ends upin the
egg yolk (Kawooya et al., 1988). Therefore, the depletion of
[3H]DG-[35S]-HDLp-Afrom the incubation medium (Fig. 2 A )
was due to a net uptake and retention of the particle in the
follicles (Fig. 2B). During the 4-h incubation period, a total
of 3.70 pg of [3H]DG and 7.66 pg of 35S-proteinwas sequestered by each pair of follicles. The net accumulation of [3H]
DG-[35S]-HDLp-A by the follicleswas similar to the net
depletion of the particle from the incubation medium (Fig. 2,
A and B ) . Calculations based on the results presented inFig.
2A show that the [3H]DG:35S-proteinratio was 0.48 in the
incubation medium during the course of the experiment. This
ratio was similar to that we calculated from the radiolabels
that were associated with the follicles at specific intervals of
the experiment. Thus, during the 4-h incubation period the
[3H]DG:35S-proteinratio varied neither within the incubation
medium nor within the follicles.We conclude from these
results that there was no recycling of [3H]DG-[35S]-HDLp-A
back into theincubation medium once the particle was internalized by the follicles. If such recycling had occurred, we
would have observed a decrease in 3H:35Sratio in the medium
'1 B
O I L - "
40 80
1 2 0 160
TI me, ( mln)
FIG. 2. Lipid transport to the egg by HDLp-A. A, depletion
of [3H]DG-[35S]-HDLp-A from the incubation medium. Ten pairs
follicles (0.6-0.8 mm) were dissected from animals 12 h after adult
emergence. Each pair was incubated with 100 pg (protein) of ['HI
DG-[36S]-HDLp-A(specific activities are 8.4 X lo5 cpm/mg for [3H]
DG and 1.76 X 10' cpm/mg for 36S-protein)in 200 pl of lepidopteran
saline at 27 "C for 4 h. At selected intervals, the follicleswere removed
from the incubation medium. The amounts of 3H and 35Slabels in
the medium were measured as described under "Experimental Procedures." The values from these measurements, together with the
specific activities presented under "Results and Discussion,"
used to calculate the total amount of [3H]DGand 36S-proteinthat
remained in medium. Each data point
was calculated from values
measured inthree separate experiments. B , accumulation of t3H]DG[%]-HDLp-A in follicles. The follicles from the above experiment
(A) were rinsed and solubilized as described under "Experimental
that was associated with
Procedures" and the amount of 3H and
the follicleswas measured. Each data point represents an averageof
values from these separate experiments.
and a corresponding increase in the ratio of the labels in the
egg yolk. Similar conclusive experiments could not be performed to study the process by which lipid is transported to
the ovary by labeled HDLp-A in uiuo, because Ryan et al.
(1986) have shown that when such a particle is injected into
the hemolymph, its labeled diacylglycerol moiety is rapidly
exchanged with the large pool of the unlabeled diacylglycerol
that is associated with the lipophorin of the hemolymph.
Furthermore, labeled diacylglycerol from HDLp-A may not
only be utilized by the ovary, but itmay also be depleted from
the hemolymph by other peripheral tissues such as muscle
(Chino, 1985; Beenakkers et al., 1986). However,the progressive accumulation of HDLp-A that occurs in the follicles
during egg development as reported in the accompanying
paper (Kawooya et al., 1988) would suggest that lipophorin is
not recycled back into the hemolymph once it is internalized
by the follicles in uiuo. Therefore, lipophorin found in the
mature insect egg (Kawooya et al., 1988) is the result of the
cumulative internalization of HDLp-A without concomitant
exocytosis of the particle after it unloads its lipid in the egg.
Role of LDLp in Lipid Transport to the Egg-Wells et al.
(1987) have shown that 20% of the total hemolymph lipophorin from moths that have not flown or moths not treated
with adipokinetic hormone is LDLp; the remaining 80% is
HDLp-A. In thepresent study we found that thehemolymph
of females at the peak of egg maturation (1 day after emer-
Lipid in the Insect Egg
the delivery of cholesterol esters to mammalian cells by high
density lipoprotein. Like insect LDLp, mammalian high density lipoprotein has been reported by Pittman et aL (1987) to
deliver lipid to adrenal cortical tumor cells without the internalization of its associated apoprotein. Calculations based on
the results presented in Figs. 2B and 3B show that LDLp
delivers 10 times more lipid to the follicles than HDLp-A.
This diacylglycerol-enriched particle accounts for the extra
lipid in the egg that is not attributable to egg lipophorin and
Forty percent of the dry weight of a mature M . sexta egg is
lipid (Table I). The delivery of lipid to the ovary by LDLp
may be of great significance in theproduction of viable mature
insect eggs. Like most other insects, a single M. sexta female
produces large numbers of eggs. Thus, egg production in
insects may impose tremendous energy demands on the lipid
stores in the fat body. Lipid may not only be mobilizedin the
fat body at a fast rate, butmay
it also have to be transported
rapidly in large quantities through the hemolymph to the
ovary in order to support the accelerated egg maturation. The
high lipid carrying capacity of LDLp (Ryan et al., 1986)would
make this lipoprotein a more suitable particle than HDLp-A
to perform this role. The fate of LDLp after it unloads lipid
to the ovary remains to be determined. In M. sexta, the
FIG. 3. Lipid transport to the egg by LDLp. A, depletion of
[3H]DGof [3H]DG-[36S]LDLpfrom the incubation medium. Pairs of formation of LDLp from HDLp-A can be mediated by the
action of the peptide hormone, adipokinetic hormone (Shapfollicles were incubated with 100 pg (protein) of [’HIDG-[”S]LDLp
(specific activities are 9.83 X LO6 cpm/mg for [‘HIDG and 1.07 X lo6 iro and Law, 1983; Beenakkers et aL, 1986),which is secreted
cpm/mg for ’%-protein). The rest of the experiment and calculations from the corpus cardiacum (Beenakkers, 1969; Mayer and
were as described under Fig. 2A and under “Experimental Proce- Candy, 1969). Whether the small amount of LDLp normally
dures.” B , accumulation of [3H]DG from [3H]DG:36S-protein-LDLp present inresting animals is also dependent upon adipokinetic
in the follicles. At the end of each incubation in A, the amount of
[3H]DG and 36S-protein that was associated with the follicles was hormone secretion remains unknown.
determined in the same manner as described in Fig. 2 A .
gence) contained 23% LDLp and 77% HDLp-A.
Since 90% of the lipid that accumulates in theinsect egg is
neither due to de novo synthesis nor to thesequestered HDLpA, we explored the possible role of LDLp asthe carrier of the
extra lipid into the egg. We incubated [3H]DG-[36S]LDLp
with isolated follicles and followed the destinations of its
radiolabeled components. The [3H]DG:36S-proteinratio in the
dual labeled LDLp particle was 1.26. Fig. 3A shows that there
was a progressive decrease in the amount of [3H]DG in the
medium and a corresponding increase of [3H]DGin the follicles (Fig. 3B) during 4 h of incubation. Thus, unlike in the
case of [3H]DG-[36S]-HDLp-A(Fig. 2, A and B ) , incubation
of the follicles with [3H]DG-[36S]LDLpresulted neither in a
decrease in the amount of 35S-proteinwithin the incubation
medium nor an accumulation of the 35S-protein within the
follicles. Calculations based on the results presented in Fig.
3, A and B, show that the (3H]DG:35S-proteinratios within
the follicles increased from 0 to 46 during the course of the
experiment, while those in the incubation medium decreased
from 1.26 to 0.93. We conclude from these resultsthat LDLpassociated [3H]DG is taken up into the follicles without internalization of the LDLp-associated apoprotein moiety.
Significance of LDLp in the Transport of Lipid to the EggSimilarities exist inthe presence by which lipid is transported
to thefollicles byinsect lipophorin and thedelivery of cholesterol esters to cells by mammalian lipoproteins. Mammalian
LDL delivers lipid to cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis
(Brown and Goldstein, 1986). The uptake of HDLp-A into
the insect follicle may involvea similar mechanism. However,
unlike mammalian LDL, the apoprotein moiety of insect
HDLp-A is not hydrolyzed within the egg cell cytoplasm
(Kawooya et al., 1988). On the other hand, the transport of
diacylglycerol to the insect egg by LDLp may be similar to
Acknowledgments-We thank Dr. Robert 0. Ryan for reading the
manuscript and Dr. Norbert Haunerland for analyzing the radiolabeled lipid on the TLCplate.
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