Soft tissue elastography via shearing
Dominic Buchta
Hüseyin Serbes
Daniel Claus
Giancarlo Pedrini
Wolfgang Osten
Dominic Buchta, Hüseyin Serbes, Daniel Claus, Giancarlo Pedrini, Wolfgang Osten, “Soft tissue
elastography via shearing interferometry,” J. Med. Imag. 5(4), 046001 (2018),
doi: 10.1117/1.JMI.5.4.046001.
Journal of Medical Imaging 5(4), 046001 (Oct–Dec 2018)
Soft tissue elastography via shearing interferometry
Dominic Buchta,* Hüseyin Serbes, Daniel Claus, Giancarlo Pedrini, and Wolfgang Osten
University of Stuttgart, Institut für Technische Optik, Stuttgart, Germany
Abstract. Early detection of cancer can significantly increase the survival chances of patients. Palpation is
a traditional method in order to detect cancer; however, in minimally invasive surgery the surgeon is deprived
of the sense of touch. We demonstrate how shearing elastography can recover elastic parameters and furthermore can be used to localize stiffness imhomogenities even if hidden underneath the surface. Furthermore, the
influence of size and depth of the stiffness imhomogenities on the detection accuracy and localization is investigated. © 2018 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) [DOI: 10.1117/1.JMI.5.4.046001]
Keywords: elastography; shearography; interferometry; minimally invasive surgery; cancer detection.
Paper 18163R received Jul. 30, 2018; accepted for publication Oct. 10, 2018; published online Nov. 2, 2018.
1 Introduction
In recent years, the minimally invasive surgery replaced more
and more the classical open surgery. The advantages such as
faster recovery of the patient and aesthetic aspects are responsible for the increased application of this technique.1 In addition
to the aforementioned benefits of minimally invasive surgery
(especially for the patients), the limited access entails some difficulties for the surgeon. Especially, the loss of haptic feedback
is very disadvantageous for tumor localization and removal.
While in open surgery, the tactile sense is used for the discrimination between tumor and healthy tissues based on different
stiffness,2 the localization of a tumor in minimally invasive surgery is not possible, hence there is an intensifying investigation
on different methods to give the surgeon back his sense of
touch.3–7 Most methods such as CT or MRT that allow a detection of tumorous tissue can only be used in a preoperational scenario. Due to the environmental changes during the surgery, the
comparison of the preoperational data and the real situation can
lead to errors in the detection of the tumor. So, it is necessary to
ensure an in situ measurement during the surgery. As a very
promising technique, the elastography is investigated in different research groups.4–9 This method uses the different elastic
properties of healthy and tumor tissues. Usually, it is a double
exposure technique. So, two images of different loading states
are compared. The deformation of the sample due to the loading
depends strongly on its elastic parameters such as elastic modulus for linear elasticity or shear modulus and locking-stretch for
hyperelasticity. Information about these parameters allows conclusions about the type of tissue. To measure the deformation,
different methods were applied.4,5,10–12
As we have shown in an earlier work, digital image correlation (DIC) combined with simulations can be used to measure
elastic properties of soft materials.13 A major disadvantage of
the conventional DIC is its limitation to in-plane deformation.
To obtain access to the out-of-plane component, DIC can be
extended using stereo vision.14,15 To obtain the out-of-plane
information without the need of a second camera, the DIC
has to be combined with another technique. Among others,
holographic approaches such as digital holography and electronic speckle pattern interferometry were successfully tested
*Address all correspondence to: Dominic Buchta, E-mail: buchta@ito.
Journal of Medical Imaging
for an endoscopic use16,17 and are sensitive to the out-ofplane deformation. Holography was also applied for photoacoustic tomography.18 But a disadvantage of conventional
holographic techniques is the reduced stability. Because separate object beam and reference beam, traveling through different
optical paths, are employed, environmental changes such as
temperature drift, air drift, or vibrations can have significant
influence on the measurement result.19 A technique that can
overcome this problem is the so-called shearography.20–22 The
shearography is an interferometric technique, which is based
on the self-interference. The object-reflected light is split into
two arms, whereas the mutual modification is applied before
both beams become interferometrically recombined.
Shearography is a long established interferometric technique
for defect detection on composite structures such as aircrafts and
automobile components23,24 or in the field of conservation.25–27
Recently, the invention of the computational shearing interferometry allows the determination of the full complex wave
field.28,29 Murukeshan and Sujatha30 have also shown an endoscopic shearographic system for the detection of abnormal
growth in the colon path. In their work, they use a biprism
as shearing device, which does not allow the change of the
shearing amount, which is responsible for the sensitivity of a
shearographic system. Furthermore, it is not possible to use
phase-shifting technique in this setup, which leads to a poor contrast of the shearograms and therefore to a reduced detection
In our work, we investigate the application of a Michelsonbased shearography system as a potential technique that can
later be combined with the DIC for an elastographic approach.
It is our goal to measure strain, a representative quantitative elasticity parameter, by which the discrimination among different
types of tissue is enabled. This is accomplished via the comparison of two states (unloaded and loaded), whereas the phase gradient for each of the two states is obtained via shearing
interferometry and the resulting strain via the subtraction of
the two phase gradient maps. Therefore, lateral shearing was
chosen since it delivers a constant (radial and rotational shearing
posses a coordinate-dependent sensitivity), adjustable, and
strain-related phase sensitivity. Due to the self-interference,
an environmentally stable setup can be realized, which performs
2329-4302/2018/$25.00 © 2018 SPIE
Oct–Dec 2018
Vol. 5(4)
Buchta et al.: Soft tissue elastography via shearing interferometry
well under harsh surrounding conditions (operation theater and
work shop area). Furthermore, the imaging of large areas in less
than a second is enabled in a contactless manner. Despite these
advantages, certain issues have to be considered in order to
ensure a good functionality of the shearography within the minimally invasive environment. First, there are different possibilities to apply the loading. The most common excitation of the
object is based on thermal source. For the use in minimal invasive surgery, these methods seem rather unsuitable due to dehydration of the tissue and limited space for thermal sources.
Tactile methods, which are also conceivable, have the disadvantage of an only localized loading and a certain risk of injuring
vessels, nerves, and other important functional tissues. A very
convenient method is however a change of pressure, which represents a parameter that is already existent in minimally invasive
surgery. To increase the space inside the body, a slight over pressure is applied, which can be controlled and hence be used for
the loading. In addition to the loading mechanism, as mentioned, the sensitivity of the system also depends on the lateral
shearing distance. A higher shearing distance leads to a higher
sensitivity but increases the probability of speckle decorrelation.
In this paper, we investigate the influence of shearing distance and amount of loading on the measurement result with
a special focus on the sensitivity and localization.
of the object such as materials with different stiffness, the deformation in this part differs from the one in the homogeneous part.
Due to this deformation, the phase difference between two interfering points in the sensor plane changes. Subtracting the phase
maps before and after loading this change can be calculated, and
information about strain and hence the elasticity distribution of
the object can be obtained.
In contrast to holography, the resulting phase map is not
directly related to the deformation, but the differential quotient
along the shearing direction. In general, if one assumes a shearing direction in x and a shearing distance of δx, the resulting
phase Δϕ consists of three components:22
Δϕ ¼ δx
A typical setup of a shearographic sensor is shown in Fig. 1. It
consists of a laser with an expansion device (in this case, a combination of expansion lens and holographic diffuser is used to
homogenize the initial Gaussian beam distribution), a
Michelson-interferometer with a slightly tilted mirror, a camera,
and an excitation mechanism. If the expanded laser beam illuminates a rough surface, the interference of the scattered waves
leads to the occurrence of speckles.4
This speckle image is superimposed with a sheared version
of itself (due to the tilted mirror M1) on the camera. The phase
difference of the speckles, which overlap on the detector, can
now be determined either by spatial31 or by temporal phaseshifting.32,22 As long as no dynamic effects are of any interest
(as it is in our case), temporal phase-shifting leads in general to
less noisy images. The implementation of temporal phase stepping can be accomplished changing the distance between the
mirror M2 and the beam splitter. After the phase information
is stored, the object is excited (for example, by the application
of an external pressure). This loading results in a deformation of
the object surface. If there are inhomogeneities in the structure
δu ! ! δv ! ! δw ! !
k s · ex þ k s · e y þ
k s · ez ;
where ks is the sensitivity vector (vector along the bisector of
the angle between illumination and detection direction), and
δu δv δw
δx ; δx ; δx are the differential quotients of the displacement
u; v; w in x-direction. Because the displacement is expected
mainly in out-of-plane direction, often illumination and detection-direction is chosen perpendicular to the object surface.
Thus, the y- and x-component of ks is zero and Eq. (1) can
be simplified to
Δϕ ¼ δx
2 Methodology
δw ! !
k s · ez :
ez ¼ 4πλ (λ is the
For a small shearing distance and with ks · !
illumination wavelength), an estimation of the displacement gradient ∂w
∂x is possible:
∂w Δϕ λ
∂x δx 4π
This displacement gradient can be interpreted as a part of the
strain tensor:
6 þ ∂u
¼ 4 12 ∂v
∂x ∂y
1 ∂w
2 ∂x þ ∂z
εxz #
1 ∂w
2 ∂y
þ ∂v
∂y ∂v
1 ∂w
2 ∂y þ ∂z
1 ∂u
2 ∂z þ
1 ∂v
2 ∂z þ
∂w 7
∂y 5:
As mentioned before, different illumination angles and
shearing directions allow the detection of other parts of the tensor. But because shearing in z-direction is not possible, the gradients ∂u∕∂z, ∂v∕∂z, ∂w∕∂z cannot be determined with
shearography and has to be measured with another technique
or obtained via solving an inverse problem using for instance
a realistic finite element model from which other strain tensors
and elastic parameters such as stress tensors and shear modulus
can be obtained.13
3 Sample
Fig. 1 Typical setup of a shearographic sensor.
Journal of Medical Imaging
To simulate an organ affected by a tumor, a silicone sample has
been used. The important parameter for elastography is the shear
modulus. In accordance to the surgical results, two different
types of silicone, exhibiting different stiffness properties, had
Oct–Dec 2018
Vol. 5(4)
Buchta et al.: Soft tissue elastography via shearing interferometry
Fig. 2 (a) Sketch of the silicone sample with dimensions in mm. (b) Photo of the sample with illumination
from the back.
been chosen (tumorous tissue stiffer than soft tissue). According
to Ref. 33, the elastic modulus of cancerous tissue, represented
by hard-silicone spheres, can be up to 14 times larger than
healthy tissue, represented by soft silicone. The hard-silicone
spheres were placed at certain positions within the surrounding
soft silicone. The whole sample consists of six spheres, three
with different sizes but the same depth and three with different
depths but the same sizes. A sketch of the sample can be seen in
Fig. 2. Although the elastic properties of our sample are similar
to those of a real tissue, the optical properties may differ. Due to
different absorption or scattering, the speckle contrast can be
reduced. For obtaining high speckle contrast, the wavelength
should be adapted to the tissue.
4 Experiment
The experimental setup is shown in Fig 3. In detail, it consists of
a Michelson-interferometer, a frequency-doubled Nd-YAG laser
(532 nm, 400 mW), an expansion optic to increase the diameter
of the laser beam and a holographic diffuser, a PCO camera
1200-s CMOS with 1280 × 1024 pixels, and the loading
As mentioned before, tactile and thermal methods seem
rather unsuitable for the use in minimally invasive surgery,
so we investigated only the loading by changing the
pressure. Therefore, the sample is located inside a chamber
(45 × 35 × 15 cm3 ) with a window at the front and the load
is applied uniformly and contactless by changing the air pressure. To avoid reflections from the window into the camera, the
chamber is slightly tilted, but the sample is perpendicular to the
interferometer. The pressure inside the chamber is controlled via
a Vaccubrand 510 NT pump. The pump has a pressure sensor
combined with a control loop, what enables the generation of
stable pressure conditions, with fluctuations of only 0.2 mbar
during the measurement time of 0.5 s. The distance between
Fig. 3 Experimental setup.
Journal of Medical Imaging
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Vol. 5(4)
Buchta et al.: Soft tissue elastography via shearing interferometry
5 Results
measurements of reduced field of view (not entire object is
recorded in a single measurement), as shown in Fig. 4.
Here, we concentrate on the hard-silicone sphere on the
upper-right side (13 mm diameter, 10 mm depth). This image
was acquired with a shearing distance of 15 pixels (x-direction),
which corresponds to 1 mm in the object plane. The pressure
was decreased by 9 mbar between reference and measured
shearograms. The hard-silicone sphere can be detected in
(a) the modulated as well as in (b) the demodulated image.
With Eq. (3), the demodulated phase map can be converted
into a strain map with the real strains ∂w∕∂x [see Fig. 4(c)].
As previously mentioned, the detection efficiency depends
on parameters that cannot be controlled in real life (depth
and the size of tumorous tissue) and adjustable parameters
(shearing distance and amount of pressure change). Therefore,
the influence on the detection sensitivity of the latter two adjustable parameters will be investigated in the following. If the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is larger than three, we assume an
unambiguous detection of the hard-silicone spheres. The signal
min j
, with the maximum of the signal Δmax
is defined as jΔmax jþjΔ
and the minimum of the signal Δmin (demodulated phase map).
The noise is determined using the standard deviation in the
intact part of the sample. The measurements showed that the
standard deviation (in demodulated phase-images) is not
affected by the amount of shearing or the pressure change
applied. The value is around 0.4 rad. Note that due to the symmetry of the silicone spheres, the shearing direction has no significant influence on the signal, so we present here only the
results for a shearing along the x-axis.
the object (chamber) and the camera is roughly 80 cm, which
leads to a 0.06-mm/pixel resolution. For sufficient sampling, the
smallest speckle size results from the interference of light originating from the two most distant points at the exit pupil of diameter D. Hence, the speckle size as varies with the imaging
distance z2 , which can be expressed using the focal length f
and the lens diameter to result in34
as ¼ 1.2 · λ
¼ 1.2 · λ ð1 þ β 0 Þ ¼ 1.2 · λFð1 þ β 0 Þ;
the choice of the F-number has important influence on the
image quality. In our case, we adjust the F-number so the
speckle size matches approximately to the pixel size of 12 μm.
This leads on one hand to a acceptable modulation depth and
ensures on the other hand a high lateral resolution.35
The data are acquired using the in-house developed software
in ITOM,36 which gives also the possibility to control a piezo
(P3-150 piezo Controller). During a measurement, the piezo
performs five equidistant phase steps and with a suitable algorithm the phase image can be obtained.32 Because speckles lead
to very noisy phase maps, filter algorithms such as Gaussian
filter are applied prior to the phase unwrapping algorithm.
The unwrapping is performed with Goldstein algorithm37 to
gain the absolute phase.
The change of pressure, which can be achieved in minimally
invasive surgery, is not unlimited, but the detection efficiency
of the different tumors has to be guaranteed. However, the sensitivity in shearography can further be increased when increasing the shearing distance.
To ensure a good lateral resolution, we investigated the
different foreign bodies in our phantom using individual
Influence of Sphere Size
In Fig. 5, the results for a shearing distance of 20 pixels (1.2 mm
in the object plane) are shown. We investigated three different
pressure changes: 2, 4, and 9 mbar. With smaller changes of
pressure, no signal can be determined and with larger values
speckle decorrelation occurs for the largest sphere, which results
in a blurred signal. As expected, the signal correlates strongly
with the amount of pressure change. Assuming a linear-elastic
Fig. 4 Shearogram of a hard-silicone sphere (a) phase image before demodulation, (b) phase image
after demodulation, and (c) strain map.
Journal of Medical Imaging
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Vol. 5(4)
Buchta et al.: Soft tissue elastography via shearing interferometry
curves, we estimated the necessary shearing distance to gain an
SNR of three. The result varies between 0.1 mm in object plane
for the 13-mm-diameter sphere with a pressure difference of
9 mbar and 1.8 mm (8 mm sphere/2 mbar). Although this is
only a rough estimation, it shows that a relatively small shearing
distance of under 2 mm in most cases is enough to detect the
Fig. 5 SNR for three different sphere sizes dependent on the applied
change of pressure.
Influence of Sample Location
That the depth has an important influence on the signal can be
verified by evaluating the spheres in the other row of the sample.
In Fig. 7, the results are shown for a depth of 6 and 10 mm (both
spheres have a diameter of 10 mm). For a depth of 14 mm, the
signal is in the range of the noise and cannot be evaluated. In
principle, it is possible to detect it by using a higher pressure
modulation than 9 mbar, but we concentrate here on smaller
changes to ensure a suitable implementation in minimally invasive surgery. As expected, the SNR for 10 mm depth indicates
also a nearly linear dependence on the pressure change. For the
sphere positioned in 6 mm depth, the signal (respectively the
SNR) is around four times higher than for the more deeply positioned sphere. Consequently, deeper positioned sample leads to
a reduced sensitivity and hence requires a higher loading, which
is not necessarily available in minimally invasive surgery.
Furthermore, it is noticeable that the linear fit for the sphere
near the surface does not drop to zero and also that the deviation
of the data points is relatively large. So, the assumption of a
linear-elastic behavior is no longer correct. In fact, soft tissue
and silicone likewise are often described using a hyperelastic
model (Arruda Boyce). For a small amount of pressure (in
this case 2 and 4 mbar), it can still be approximated using
Hooke’s law.
behavior, we can fit a linear function. In good approximation,
the fitted graph drops down to zero for small pressure changes. It
can be determined that for an unambiguous detection of all three
spheres a change of only 4 mbar is sufficient (higher SNR than
three). These conditions can easily be implemented during a surgery. Although the three curves show a linear dependence on the
pressure change, a nonlinear dependence on the sphere size was
observed. While the signals for 8 and 10 mm, sphere size exhibits only a small difference, the 13-mm one is about two times
higher for 10 mm. The effect is caused by the different sphere
sizes, which automatically result in a reduced distance to the
surface changes for larger spheres (3.5 mm for the 13-mm
sphere, 5 mm for the 10-mm sphere). As shown in Fig. 2,
the center of all spheres are 10 mm under the surface.
Furthermore, the shearing distance influences the signal and
therefore the SNR. We investigated the SNR for a fixed change
of pressure of 4 mbar, which is shown in Fig. 6. Note that for
fixed pressure changes of 2 or 9 mbar, the SNR is lower respectively higher, but the general behavior is identical to Fig. 6.
Surprisingly, the data points can also be fitted with a linear function, although this would lead to an unphysically large signal for
large shearing distances. Actually, the linear behavior is again
just an approximation for small shearing distances. Because our
maximal shearing distance is only around 1.2 mm in the object
plane, which is relatively small compared to the sphere sizes
employed (and therefore with the deformation), we can use
the linear approximation here. Furthermore, the linear behavior
ensures the validity of Eq. (3) and therefore the calculation of
real strains out of the phase maps. Concerning the sensitivity of
the system in Fig. 6, it can be seen that a shearing distance of 15
pixel (0.9 mm in object plane) allows the detection of all hardsilicone spheres. In summary, with the right combination of
shearing distance and amount of pressure change, an unambiguous detection of most of the spheres is possible. Using our fitted
Having verified that the discrimination of materials exhibiting
different stiffness properties is possible using shearography,
this section deals with the estimation of the physical extent
of these spheres. For the use in minimally invasive surgery, a
reliable localization is important to not damage healthy tissue
or leave tumorous tissue in the body. While the correct center
position can be calculated38 if the shearing distance is known,
the detected size depends not only on the shearing distance but
also on material properties as well as on size and depth of the
spheres. In Fig. 8, the results for the spheres (diameter 10 mm)
with a depth of 10 and 6 mm are shown for a shearing distance
of 20 pixel (1.2 mm) and a loading of 4 mbar. Besides the
Fig. 6 SNR for three different sphere sizes dependent on the applied
shearing distance.
Fig. 7 SNR for two different depth location of a sphere with 10-mm
diameter dependent on the applied change of pressure.
Journal of Medical Imaging
Determination of Lateral Sample Localization
and Its Size
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Vol. 5(4)
Buchta et al.: Soft tissue elastography via shearing interferometry
Fig. 8 Strain map for a pressure change of 4 mbar and a shearing of
1.2 mm.
difference in the maximum strain, which was evaluated in the
previous chapter, it can be assumed that the signal for the deeper
sphere is broader than the other one. For the evaluation of the
signal size, we analyze a line plot through the maximum of the
strain image. Due to the demodulation process, the signal is not
symmetrical around the zero. We therefore defined a center line
in the middle of the maximum and the minimum of the signal.
The size is then the distance between the first intersection points
(starting from the middle of the signal) of the signal and this
center line. In Fig. 9(a), the signal size in dependence of the
sphere size is shown for fixed shearing distance of 1.2 mm
and pressure change of 9 mbar. The measured signal size is
much larger than the real size of the spheres, even if taking
into account the shearing distance. This means that the generated deformation on the surface is more than twice as large as
the sphere diameter, which makes the estimation of the sphere
size difficult. On the other hand, the absolute error seems to be
identical for all of the three spheres. This behavior changes if the
depth of the spheres varies. As can be seen in Fig. 9(b), the depth
influences the detected signal size. If the sphere is closer to the
surface, the estimation of the signal size improves. This ambiguity can be tackled via the application of model-based parameter identification using, for instance, finite element modeling
(FEM) as in Ref. 13. The a priori knowledge of the pressure
and adjustable parameters such as the location, geometry, as
well as elastic properties of surrounding soft tissue and hard tissue are used as an input parameter for the FEM. Either a look-up
table with various possible scenarios or an iterative adjustment
of these parameters is conducted using the FEM with the goal to
obtain a good match of simulated strain map and measured
strain map. In that manner, the inverse problem can be solved
and the important dimensional as well elastic parameters can be
obtained. The proposed procedure will be an important part of
future research content since the emphasis of this paper is to
demonstrate that stiffness inhomogenities can be measured
using the shearography, directly resulting in strain-related
Fig. 9 (a) Size of the signal for a fixed depth of 10 mm and (b) size of
the signal for a fixed sphere size of 10 mm.
For a reliable detection, the reproducibility is of great importance. We used the two spheres of 10 mm diameter of our silicone phantom, which are both positioned at a depth of 10 mm,
see Fig. 2, for evaluating the reproducibility. In Fig. 10, the associated strain maps are shown. Although not all parameters could
Fig. 10 Comparison of the strain maps (1.2-mm shearing and 9-mbar pressure) of a spheres with a
diameter and depth of 10 mm. (a) Sphere in the “diameter-row.” (b) Sphere in the “depth-row.”
(c) Difference of both images.
Journal of Medical Imaging
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Vol. 5(4)
Buchta et al.: Soft tissue elastography via shearing interferometry
be perfectly controlled during the manufacturing process of the
sample, the signals do not show any significant difference in
strain or size. The difference of both images shows a mean
of −28.6 μm∕m and a standard deviation of 46.8 μm∕m.
The difference for two parts of the object without hard
spheres leads to a similar standard deviation of 36.97 μm∕m.
So, most of the signal difference in Fig. 10 is due to speckle
Therefore, it can be assumed that the system shows a very
good reproducibility, which is a requirement for use in minimally invasive surgery.
No conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, are declared by
the authors.
This project was jointly founded by the state of BadenWürttemberg, Aesculap AG, and the Universities of Tübingen
and Stuttgart under the scope of the Industry on Campus initiative IoC105.
6 Conclusion
In this work, we presented a first step toward the application of a
flexible Michelson-based shearography system for the application in a minimally invasive surgery environment. To evaluate
the measurement system, a soft-silicone sample with hard-silicone spheres was manufactured, which exhibits similar elastic
properties of healthy soft tissue in comparison to tumors tissue.
The investigations showed that a detection of different sizes and
depth of the spheres can be ensured using only a small amount
of pressure change between 2 and 9 mbar, which can easily be
provided in the minimally invasive surgery. Furthermore, an
increase in the amount of shear results in an improvement of
the SNR of the system.
The shearography system presented in this paper uses changing pressure, which represents the most prominent excitation
source available in minimally invasive surgery. The pressure is
needed to expand the body’s cavity (e.g., thorax) to provide
the surgeon with sufficient space for carrying out the operation.
Due to the pressure, the shape and location of organs are
deformed in comparison to preoperational data. Moreover, the
patient may also have a different hydration state and body position in comparison to the time when the preoperational data were
taken. Therefore, the preoperational data cannot directly be
applied to the patient. It requires a correction and guiding system.
Shearography system enables the intracorporeal discrimination
between different tissues. It can also reveal information, which
cannot easily be measured via preoperational imaging modalities
such as fat and its thickness, due to its different elasticity parameters. Previously, in open surgery discrimination between different types of tissue based on their elastic properties was available,
known as palpation. Therefore, the pressure excited shearography system represents a very important tool for guidance and discrimination during minimally invasive surgery.
However, the prediction of the size of the spheres cannot be
performed based on shearography only, which is due to the
strong dependence of the accuracy of deformation measurement on parameters such as depth and material properties.
Furthermore, the most suitable shearing distance depends on
the size of the foreign body of increased stiffness properties
(tumor). Therefore, exact evaluation of the shearograms in minimally invasive surgery relies on further knowledge of the
morphology of the sample, which can be obtained using preoperative data in combination with other techniques such as CT
or MRT. For further investigations, the use of simulations and
the combination with DIC can be helpful to solve the problem of
the size estimation and the determination of other elasticity
parameters such as stress and Young’s modulus. The excellent
reproducibility of the shearographic measurement system allows
such a simulation approach using for instance finite-elementmodeling.
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Journal of Medical Imaging
Dominic Buchta received his diploma in physics from the University
of Freiburg in 2013. Currently, he is working on a doctoral degree
at the Institut fuer Technische Optik at the University of Stuttgart in
the field of shearing interferometry. His other research areas include
nondestructive testing, simulations of interferometric setups, and the
investigation of nanostructures.
Hüseyin Serbes received his BSc degree in medical technology from
the University of Stuttgart/Tübingen in 2016. Currently, he is working
in the field of digital holography at the University of Stuttgart to receive
his MSc degree. His field of study includes minimally invasive surgery
techniques in diagnostic, optical processes, and systems and
Daniel Claus received his MSc Eng degree from the Technical
University of Ilmenau in 2006 and his PhD from the University of
Warwick, Great Britain, in 2010. He joined the Institut fuer
Technische Optik at the University of Stuttgart in 2013. His research
areas include digital holography, ptychography, phase retrieval, light
field imaging, shape measurement, optical testing, optical elastography, biomedical imaging, and optomechanical design.
Giancarlo Pedrini received his MS degree in physics from Swiss
Federal Institute of Technology, ETH-Zurich, in 1982, and his PhD
in optical sciences from the University of Neuchatel, Switzerland,
in 1990. He joined the Institut fuer Technische Optik at the
University of Stuttgart in 1991. His research areas include digital
holography, vibration analysis, shape measurement, optical testing,
measurement of the elastic parameters of biological samples, endoscopy, and phase retrieval.
Wolfgang Osten received his MSc degree in physics from
the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena in 1979 and his PhD from the
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg in 1983. Since 2002, he
has been a full professor at the University of Stuttgart. His research
work focuses on new concepts for industrial inspection, combining
modern principles of optical metrology, sensor technology, and
image processing. His special attention is directed to the development
of resolution-enhanced technologies for the investigation of microand nanostructures.
Oct–Dec 2018
Vol. 5(4)