Polyhedral Lyapunov Functions with Fixed Complexity
arXiv:2103.03613v1 [math.OC] 5 Mar 2021
Dimitris Kousoulidis and Fulvio Forni
Abstract— Polyhedral Lyapunov functions can approximate
any norm arbitrarily well. Because of this, they are used to
study the stability of linear time varying and linear parameter
varying systems without being conservative. However, the computational cost associated with using them grows unbounded
as the size of their representation increases. Finding them is
also a hard computational problem.
Here we present an algorithm that attempts to find polyhedral functions while keeping the size of the representation
fixed, to limit computational costs. We do this by measuring the
gap from contraction for a given polyhedral set. The solution
is then used to find perturbations on the polyhedral set that
reduce the contraction gap. The process is repeated until a
valid polyhedral Lyapunov function is obtained.
The approach is rooted in linear programming. This leads
to a flexible method capable of handling additional linear
constraints and objectives, and enables the use of the algorithm
for control synthesis.
set. This is one of the features that distinguish our approach
from others available in the literature [2], [3], [10], [14],
[17]. We provide a comparison in Section VI.
Another relevant feature is that we can easily extend
the framework to include additional constraints and new
variables, which is of practical significance for control synthesis. This allows us to develop most of our discussion for
autonomous linear systems, simplifying the exposition. We
then show how the algorithm is generalized to control design
and nonlinear systems in Section V. We also show how
our algorithm can be used to assess contraction/incremental
stability of a system. The effectiveness of the algorithm is
illustrated on a DC motor example, in Section VII.
We use C to denote a convex set and int C to denote its
interior, which we define as the largest open subset of Rn
in C. Inequalities on vectors and matrices are used in the
element-wise sense. We represent polyhedra in two ways:
V-representation given n × m matrix V ,
In this paper we provide a tool for the analysis and design
of Linear Time Varying (LTV) and Linear Parameter Varying
(LPV) systems. We first focus on verifying the stability
of these systems. Then, we focus on the design of linear
feedback for the stabilization problem.
For the stability problem we adopt the framework of polyhedral Lyapunov functions [3]. Those are asymmetric norms
(finitely valued, satisfy the triangle inequality, positively
homogeneous, and positive definite) whose unit balls are
polyhedra. We provide the necessary background on polyhedra and polyhedral Lyapunov functions in Section II, and
show how to use them for verifying stability in Section III.
The polyhedral Lyapunov framework is less conservative
than standard quadratic Lyapunov functions. But this comes
at a price: whereas finding a quadratic Lyapunov function to
assess stability is a convex problem, efficiently solved using
linear matrix inequalities [4], the same problem is hard to
solve for polyhedral Lyapunov functions. In this paper we
tackle the problem by developing an approach based on a
two step iterated procedure, along the lines of [11]. Each step
is a linear program (LP) and the iterations build a sequence
of polyhedral sets, each reducing the gap to a contractive
set, i.e. to a decaying Lyapunov function. The full algorithm
is presented in Section IV.
A relevant feature of our algorithm is that we fix the
complexity of the polyhedral Lyapunov function, that is, the
number of vertices or constraints that define the polyhedral
D. Kousoulidis is supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences
Research Council (EPSRC) of the United Kingdom.
D. Kousoulidis and F. Forni are with the Department of Engineering,
University of Cambridge, CB2 1PZ, UK
[email protected]
[email protected]
A. Polyhedra
CV (V ) = {x : x = V p, p ≥ 0, 1T p = 1}
H-representation given m × n matrix H,
CH (H) = {x : Hx ≤ 1}
For this paper we exclusively use V-representation polyhedra. All results can be readily extended to H-representation
polyhedra by duality, [3, Proposition 4.35]. Geometrically,
the columns of the V correspond to the vertices of CV (V ),
which is formed by taking their convex hull.
We make the standing assumptions that our polyhedra
• are Bounded
• contain 0 in their interior
Assumption (A1) is always true for V-representation polyhedra. Eq. (A2) requires that there exists a p+ > 0 such
that 0 = V p+ , which we can test using linear programming
B. Polyhedral Lyapunov Functions
Any convex set C defines a non-negative function through
its Minkowski functional. The Minkowski functional of a set
C is given by
ΨC (x) = inf{r ∈ R : r > 0 and x ∈ rC}
For V-representation polyhedra this means
ΨV (x) = min{1T p : x = V p, p ≥ 0}
Using the strong duality of LP problems [5, Section 5.2.1],
this is equivalent to
ΨV (x) = max{hT x : hT V ≤ 1T }
Using LP, (4) and (5) can be evaluated numerically at any
given point. For V-representation polyhedra satisfying (A2),
ΨV is always a real valued function, strictly positive for
all x 6= 0, and radially unbounded. As such they are valid
Lyapunov function candidates.
However, for us to fully establish the link with Lyapunov
theory we also require the notion of a derivative of the candidate function. Unfortunately, the Minkowski functionals of
polyhedra are not everywhere differentiable and we need to
resort to the more general setting of subdifferentials:
∂Ψ(x) = {h : ∀y ∈ Rn , Ψ(y) − Ψ(x) ≥ hT (y − x)} (6)
For differentiable functions the subdifferential at x corresponds to the gradient.
For Minkowski functionals of V-representation polyhedra,
we can obtain an explicit representations of ∂ΨV (x).
Proposition 1 (V-representation Subdifferential): For any
given matrix V , consider the Minkowski functional ΨV .
∂ΨV (x) = {h : hT x = ΨV (x), hT V ≤ 1T }
Proof: (7) ⊆ ∂ΨV (x): We need to show that ΨV (y) ≥
hT y. From (5), this must be true.
∂ΨV (x) ⊆ (7): We prove this in two steps. We first
show that any h ∈ ∂ΨV (x) must satisfy hT V ≤ 1T by
contradiction. If h doesn’t satisfy hT V ≤ 1T , there must
exist a column of V , [V ]i , such that hT [V ]i = c > 1 and
ΨV ([V ]i ) = 1. If we set y = k[V ]i , for h ∈ ∂ΨV (x) we
must then have k − ΨV (x) ≥ kc − hT x for all k > 0.
However, if we set k > max(0, (hT x − ΨV (x))/(c − 1))
the inequality is invalidated, leading to a contradiction. As
such, if h ∈ ∂ΨV (x) then hT V ≤ 1T . If we set y = 0
we get hT x ≥ ΨV (x). But from before hT V ≤ 1T , and
so h must be included in the domain of (5) and therefore
hT x = ΨV (x). Since h satisfies both hT V ≤ 1T and
hT x = ΨV (x), h ∈ (7).
We use subdifferentials to quantify how our candidate
Lyapunov function ΨV changes along system trajectories.
Proposition 2: For any trajectory x(·) of the autonomous
system ẋ = Ax,
Z t
hT Ax(τ )dτ (8)
ΨV (x(t)) − ΨV (x(0)) =
0 h∈∂ΨV (x(τ ))
Proof: See [6] and [3, Sections 2.2].
The integrand is equivalent to max hT Ax subject to
hT x = ΨV (x), hT V ≤ 1T , which is an LP that we can
directly numerically compute.
Convex sets can be used to show stability through the
notion of contraction (also frequently referred to as strict
positive invariance). For continuous time systems, this requires us to first define tangent cones. For a general convex
set C, the interior of the tangent cone at a point x ∈ C is
given by
int KC (x) = {w : λ > 0, x + λw ∈ int C}
We then say that C is a contracting convex set under the
dynamics ẋ = Ax if
∀x ∈ C, Ax ∈ int KC (x)
This can be interpreted in words as saying that the flow
induced by the dynamics maps all points in C to points
in int C for all t > 0. For polyhedra, we can express this
geometric condition in a more convenient form.
Proposition 3 (Contraction in V-representation): For a
polyhedron CV (V ), (10) is equivalent to ∃M ∈ Rm×m and
scalar η > 0 such that
−η1T = 1T M,
AV = V M,
off-diag(M ) ≥ 0 [≡ M is Metzler]
Where we use off-diag(M ) ≥ 0 to denote that all elements of M outside of the main diagonal are non-negative.
We call η the rate of contraction.
Proof: For CV (V ), we use (1) to express (10) as
∀(p ≥ 0, 1T p = 1) :
∃(λ > 0, p̂ ≥ 0, 1T p̂ < 1) : AV p = λ−1 V (p̂ − p)
This is equivalent to
∃(Λ > 0, P̂ ≥ 0, 1T P̂ < 1T ) : AV = V Λ−1 (P̂ − I)
where Λ is a diagonal matrix. Setting M̂ = Λ−1 (P̂ − I), we
rewrite this as:
∃(η > 0, M̂ ) : 1T M̂ ≤ −η1T , AV = V M̂ , off-diag(M̂ ) ≥ 0
From (A2), ∃p+ > 0 such that 0 = V p+ . We can then add
this p+ to each column of M̂ until it satisfies (11a) without
affecting (11b) or (11c).
Testing contraction is thus an LP optimization problem.
max η
s.t.: (11)
The conditions of Proposition 3 are verified if the maximization in (12) is greater than 0.
It is fairly straightforward to show that set contraction
implies stability through the homogeneity of the linear dynamics. However, using (7), we can build a direct connection
to Lyapunov theory.
Proposition 4 (Lyapunov stability): CV (V ) is a contracting set for A with rate η if and only if
∀x ∈ Rn
hT Ax ≤ −ηΨV (x)
h∈∂ΨV (x)
Proof: (11) =⇒ (13): Starting with (7) and (4) we
have that there exists some p such that hT x = 1T p =
ΨV (x), x = V p, p ≥ 0 for the h ∈ ∂ΨV (x) that maximizes
hT Ax. Also note that we can rewrite a matrix M satisfying
(11c) as M = P + δI, where P is an positive matrix.
hT Ax = hT AV p
= hT V M p
= h V (P + δI)p = hT V P p + δhT V p
= hT V P p + δ1T p
[x = V p, 1T p = hT x]
≤ 1T P p + δ1T p = 1T M p
[h ∈ ∂ΨV (x), P p ≥ 0]
≤ −η1T p (11a)
≤ −ηΨV (x)
(13) =⇒ (11): We show this by contradiction. The
optimization problem in (11) can be broken down to multiple
multiple sub-problems, one for each column of V , [V ]i :
∃p ∈ Rm : η = −1T p, A[V ]i = V p, pj6=i ≥ 0
where {j 6= i} is [1, m] \ {i}. If (11) is infeasible for a
given η then (14) must be infeasible for at least one [V ]i .
This is because otherwise a feasible solution for (11) could
be generated by aggregating {p} into a matrix P . As such
we begin by assuming that there exists some [V ]i for which
(14) is infeasible. Then, by Farkas’ Lemma, there exists an
h such that
hT A[V ]i > −η, hT [V ]i = 1, hT V ≤ 1T
This means that h ∈ ∂ΨV ([V ]i ). But, since, ΨV ([V ]i ) = 1,
hT A[V ]i > −ηΨV ([V ]i ), contradicting (13).
From Lyapunov theory, (13) with η > 0 combined to
(8) imply global exponential stability of the system with
convergence rate η. The connection between contraction and
Lyapunov stability is a well-known result in system theory
[3, Thm 4.24, 4.33]. However, we include this proof to show
how we can use (7) to directly proof results about polyhedral
Lyapunov functions. We hope to use this approach to extend
results that have no direct interprettation as set contraction,
such as dissipativity, to polyhedral Lyapunov functions. This
can be particularly useful for control design and for the
analysis of open systems.
A. Overview
Testing if a set is contracting under the linear dynamics
ẋ = Ax is a much easier problem than finding a contractive
set. In fact, treating V as a variable makes (11b) nonconvex
and nonlinear (since M and η are also variables). However,
we can instead try to find such a V iteratively, by decomposing (12) into a pair of LP problems. One considers V
fixed and estimates the contraction gap of V . The other,
introduces variations on V to reduce the contraction gap.
To initialize our algorithm we need to build an initial
candidate polyhedron which satisfies our standing assumptions. A possible construction is suggested in Remark 1.
The number of vertices m of our polyhedron will remain
the same throughout the whole procedure. This means that
we can control the complexity of our Lyapunov function and
treat m as an input parameter.
(i) Estimation of the contraction gap: for any given
candidate polyhedron V , the contraction gap is estimated via
the LP optimization (12) The following Proposition justifies
the use of (12).
Proposition 5: Given a CV (V ) that satisfies (A2), there
exists some finite η (not necessarily > 0) that satisfies (11).
Additionally, if CV (V ) satisfies (11) for some η ∗ , it will also
satisfy (11) for any η < η ∗ .
Proof: Note that (A2) implies that V is full row rank
since otherwise the strict interior of CV (V ) would be empty.
We rewrite p = pb +δi p+ , where pb is a solution to A[V ]i =
V pb (implied to exist because V is full row rank) and p+ > 0
is a positive solution to 0 = V p+ (implied to exist because
of (A2)). There then exists a δi∗ such that A[V ]i = V p and
pi6=j ≥ 0 for all δi ≥ δi∗ . Since 1T p+ > 0, increasing δi
decreases ηi = −1T pb − δi 1T p+ . As such, there exists {δi }
such that for all i ηi∗ = − mini {1T pb + δi∗ p+ }. Aggregating
{p} into a matrix P produces a solution to (11) with η =
ηi∗ . By increasing {δi } further, (11) can be satisfied for any
η < η∗ .
If η > 0 we conclude that our polyhedron is contracting
and we are done.
(ii) Reduction of the contraction gap: if η ≤ 0, the
following LP program searches for variations on V that are
compatible with a reduction of the contraction gap. For a
small ε > 0, solve:
−δη1 = 1T δM,
AδV = δV M + V δM,
0 ≤ off-diag(M + δM )
kδV k1 ≤ ε, kδM k1 ≤ ε
The idea is to look for variations δV in a small neighborhood of V that would improve the gap η < η + δη.
The search space is limited to the tangent space of the
constraints manifold, at the point (η, V, M ). Therefore, for
small enough variations, any solution to the LP above
improves the contraction rate while preserving the integrity
of the constraints. We thus build the new polyhedron as
Vnew := V + δV . A small ε ensures that the Vnew remains
in a small neighborhood of V to be compliant with the
linear approximation above. It also guarantees that CV (Vnew )
satisfies our standing assumption (by continuity argument).
The procedure iterates between these two steps until the
estimation of the contraction gap returns a positive η.
Remark 1: We compute an initial candidate polyhedron
by randomly sampling m−1 points in Rn and rescaling them
to have length 1. We then add an additional vertex equal
to minus their sum and again normalised to have length 1.
This way we obtain a polyhedron CV (V ) with m irreducible
vertices that, as long as m ≥ n + 1, must also satisfy (A2).
B. Fast reduction of the contraction gap
We can speed up (16) by not having δη and δM as
variables in the second optimization problem. We do this
by considering directions in the tangent space that are
compatible with the optimality conditions of (12) around a
fixed previous solution. With these extra restrictions in place,
we can obtain a directional derivative of η with respect to
To estimate this derivative we need to rewrite (12) into
standard LP form
max ĉT x̂
Âx̂ = b̂
x̂ ≥ 0
where  is a k × l matrix. A detailed transformation
procedure is provided in Section IV-C.
Using the standard form, we can then make use of the
notion of Basic Feasible Solutions (BFS): from [15, Section
13.2], a BFS of (17) is a set B ⊂ {1, .., l} and a vector x̂
such that:
• Âx̂ = b̂ and x̂ ≥ 0
• B contains k elements
• i 6∈ B =⇒ x̂i = 0.
• The k × k matrix B̂ defined as
B̂ = [Âi ]i∈B
is non-singular, where Âi is the ith column of Â.
When solving (17) it is sufficient to only consider BFSs
[15, Theorem 13.2]. We can obtain a BFS that is also an
optimal solution of (17) via the Simplex algorithm [7]. Many
commercial interior point solvers also offer the option of
deriving a BFS as a cheap post-processing stage.
With the optimal BFS we can now find the derivative
of η with respect to changes in V . In general, we need to
implicitly differentiate equation (17b) to obtain a derivative
of x̂ (which represents our variables η and M in standard
form) with respect to  and b̂ (which are functions of V ).
However, an explicit solution can only be obtained if  is
invertible [8]. Instead, we restrict ourselves to the BFS and
consider only variables that aren’t constrained to be 0 by
our choice of B. Indeed, given ŷ = {x̂i : i ∈ B}, we can
always obtain the derivative of ŷ with respect to B̂ and b̂.
Because B̂ is invertible (from the properties of the BFS),
this derivative is always well defined.
Using the transformation in Section IV-C, we can map
the LP problem back to its original coordinates and build
an explicit representation of DV η and DV M . We can then
replace (16) with the following LP optimization problem:
(DV η)(δV )
subject to:
kδV k1 ≤ ε
and :
off-diag(M +(DV M )(δV )) ≥ 0
By constraining δV to be small enough we can also ensure
that the new polyhedron CV (V +δV ) satisfies (A1) and (A2).
This can also be enforced directly, as in [11], but keeping
δV small seems to work sufficiently well in practice.
We summarize the full algorithm below:
Algorithm 1 Stability Verification Algorithm
Data: The matrix A, the maximum number of iterations,
and the number of vertices in the matrix m
Result: V satisfying (11) if found, else F alse
V (0) = Initialize(m)
while k ≤ max iter:
η, M, B = Optimal BFS of (12) with V = V (k)
if η > 0:
return V (k)
DV η, DV M = Derivatives of (12) using B and V = V (k)
δV = (18) using M, DV η, and DV M
V (k+1) = V (k) + δV
k := k + 1
return F alse
C. The Derivative Computation in Detail
To go from (12) to (17) we use the vectorization operator
vec(·), which converts a n × m matrix into a column
vector with nm entries by stacking up its columns and the
Kronecker product (⊗):
Im ⊗ V − vec(V ) 0nm 0nm
vec(AV )
b̂ =
Im ⊗ 1Tm
1m −1m
vec(P )
ĉ =
x̂ =
where η+ − η− = η and P + δI = M . We can also rewrite
(17b) as
f = Âx̂ − b̂ = B̂ ŷ − b̂ = Ĝ vec(V ) = 0
Ĝ =
M T ⊗ In − Im ⊗ A
From (20), we use the implicit function theorem to compute
the Jacobian of ŷ with respect to vec(V )
∇vec(V ) ŷ = −(∇ŷ f )−1 ∇vec(V ) f = −B̂ −1 Ĝ
such that (DV ŷ)(δV ) = (∇vec(V ) ŷ) vec(δV ).
For our derivatives of interest
(DV η)(δV ) = (DV η+ )(δV ) − (DV η− )(δV )
and, ∀i 6= j, (DV Mij )(δV ) = (DV Pij )(δV )
Note that all derivatives on the right hand side are of
elements of x̂. To compute each of them we first obtain the
corresponding index i in x̂ from (19). Then, if i 6∈ B, the
derivative is zero. Else, we obtain the corresponding index
j in ŷ so that x̂i = ŷj . To compute the derivative, we then
multiply the j th row of (22) with vec(δV ).
Our derivative calculations can be interpreted as only
considering the effect of changes in V to our variables under
a fixed basis. As long as the solution with the current basis
is feasible for V + δV , this will still be a BFS (although it
might not be the optimal one).
A. Feedback Design
Algorithm 1 can be readily extended for output-feedback
design for systems of the form
ẋ = Ax + Bu
y = Cx.
This includes state feedback as a special case when C = I.
We replace (12) with
(A + BKC)V = V M,
off-diag(M ) ≥ 0 [≡ M is Metzler]
The two step procedure outlined in Section IV reduces the
nonlinear (for non-fixed V ) program (12) into an iteration involving linear programs. A similar reduction can be applied
to (23). Just like (12), (23) is a linear program for fixed V ,
which means that the estimation of the contraction gap is a
straightforward operation. Likewise, for (23), the reduction
of contraction gap step is performed on a larger manifold,
which now also contains K. However, the search procedure
remains essentially the same. This means that the approach
in (IV-B) can also be adapted to control synthesis (it just
requires different transformations to get the constraints into
standard form).
We can also consider scenarios beyond simple stabilization. New formulations may be considered as long as they
are encoded into linear constraints. Natural directions to
explore are testing/enforcing input/output gains, the design
of dynamic output feedback, and the design of nonlinear
state-feedback controllers taking advantage of the Lyapunov
framework. This will be the goal of future research.
B. From Linear Stability to LDIs
The discussion in this paper has been developed for simple
linear systems but, since (12) and (23) are convex, the same
approach can be used for the analysis LTV and LPV systems,
and even for nonlinear systems.
The idea is that systems of the form
ẋ = A(w(t))x + B(w(t))u
satisfy, for all t ≥ 0,
A(w(t)) ∈ ch{Ai }, B(w(t)) ∈ ch{Bi }
ch{Ai } = {A : A =
pi Ai , pi ≥ 0,
−η1T = 1T Mi and Ai V = V Mi .
Indeed, the extension of the constraint set does not change
the structure of the solution. Combined with (23), this allows
us to tackle the design of a stabilizing linear state-feedback
law u = Kx.
A similar approach can be explored to verify contraction
[12], [18], [16], [9] of nonlinear systems of the form
ẋ = f (x). The problem reduces to finding a contracting
polyhedral set V for the linearization
˙ = ∂f (x)δx
∀x .
The solution is obtained as above, by relaxing the problem
to a suitable convex hull ∂f (x) ∈ ch{Ai } for all x.
−η1T = 1T M,
and likewise for ch{Bi }.
Stability is thus verified as in (12) where constraints (11a)
and (11b) are replaced by several constraints of the form
pi = 1};
In systems theory polyhedral Lyapunov functions are
usually constructed using algorithms that progressively add
new vertices or constraints until a contractive set is reached.
Other algorithms exploit optimization based approaches to
directly construct contractive sets.
[3], [10] and [14] provide examples of the iterative
approach. The new vertices are generated by iterating the
update equation of discrete-time linear systems. The main
advantage of these approaches is that in many cases the
sequence of polyhedra produced can be guaranteed to converge to a polyhedral Lyapunov function, if one exists. The
main disadvantage is that not all linear constraints can be
incorporated easily. Additionally, it is difficult to bound the
complexity of the resulting polyhedron.
Examples of optimization-based algorithms can be found
in [2] and [17]. [17] considers positive rescalings of the
vertices of the initial candidate polyhedron. This allows for
fast computation but may lead to high complexity polyhedra
even when a simple contractive polyhedron exists. The
algorithm in [2] makes clever use of both representations of
a polyhedron. However, this is also a limiting factor because
of the possible difference in the number of vertices and
constraints of the two representations. In higher dimensions,
a few vertices/constraints in one representation may lead
to a very large number of constraints/vertices in the other
representation [13], which hinders the use of the algorithm
in high dimensional settings.
The approach proposed in this paper is also optimizationbased. It takes into account explicitly the problem of complexity of the polyhedron by taking the number of vertices
of the polyhedron as a parameter. This comes at the price of
weaker convergence guarantees (if the predefined number
of vertices is too small the problem is unfeasible). Our
algorithm generalizes the approach of [17] by allowing
vertices to move freely, and, in constrast to [2], only uses a
single representation. Our approach also tackles the problem
linear control synthesis which is not considered by any of
the approaches above.
Using our algorithm we find that we simultaneously
stabilise these under a common Lyapunov function using
output feedback law
u = −19.7 −18.7 y
The identified polyhedron is also shown in Fig. 1 and has
only 9 vertices.
−2.0−1.5−1.0−0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Fig. 1: Left: Invariant polyhedron for (25) and (26),
for γs = 10 (η ≥ 0.07). Right: Invariant polyhedron for
(27) and (29), with γp = 4 and u as in (30) (η ≥ 0.004,
0.03 for nominal)
We test our optimization-based approach on the DC motor
speed and position examples from [1]. For the DC motor
speed example, we carry out a stability analysis under
various possible parameter variations. We then solve the
feedback design problem for the DC motor position example
using both static and dynamic state feedback. We use the
parameters given in the website for the speed example as
our nominal values throughout (inertia J0 = .01, viscous
friction constant b0 = .1, emf constant K0 = .01, resistance
R0 = 1, and inductance L0 = .5).
The DC motor speed example is governed by the following dynamics:
d ω
−K/L −R/L i
dt i
In this case, we consider 2 orders of magnitude of parameter
perturbations of the form
J ∈ [J0 /γs , γs J0 ], b ∈ [b0 /γs , γs b0 ], K ∈ [K0 /γs , γs K0 ]
for γs = 10. Using Algorithm 1, we are able to find a
polyhedron satisfying (13) and (26) (with η = .07). It is
shown in Fig. 1 and has only 6 vertices. For comparison,
we are only able to find a common quadratic function using
LMIs up to around γs = 8.7.
We next consider the DC motor position example. The
dynamics are now:
ω = 0 −b/J
K/J ω + 0 u (27)
0 −K/L −R/L
And we assume that we can only measure θ and i:
1 0 0
0 0 1
We also have parameter perturbations of the form
J ∈ [J0 /γp , γp J0 ], K ∈ [K0 /γp , γp K0 ],
with γp = 4.
We presented an algorithm for finding polyhedral Lyapunov functions of fixed complexity for feedback design.
We believe that this can be used to tackle interesting
research directions. We plan to extend the theory to open
systems and interconnections, and apply it to the nonlinear
contraction setting.
[1] University of Michigan control Tutorials for MATLAB and
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[2] R. Ambrosino, M. Ariola, and F. Amato. A Convex Condition
for Robust Stability Analysis via Polyhedral Lyapunov Functions.
[3] F. Blanchini and S. Miani. Set-Theoretic Methods in Control. Systems
& Control: Foundations & Applications. Birkhäuser, 2 edition.
[4] S. Boyd, L. El Ghaoui, E. Feron, and V. Balakrishnan. Linear Matrix
Inequalities in System and Control Theory. Studies in Applied and
Numerical Mathematics. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
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